1161 startTime="false">
1162 <Field type="uint" name="index" label="Index" />
1163 <Field type="ShenandoahHeapRegionState" name="from" label="From" />
1164 <Field type="ShenandoahHeapRegionState" name="to" label="To" />
1165 <Field type="ulong" contentType="address" name="start" label="Start" />
1166 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="used" label="Used" />
1167 </Event>
1169 <Event name="ShenandoahHeapRegionInformation" category="Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed" label="Shenandoah Heap Region Information" description="Information about a specific heap region in the Shenandoah GC"
1170 period="everyChunk">
1171 <Field type="uint" name="index" label="Index" />
1172 <Field type="ShenandoahHeapRegionState" name="state" label="State" />
1173 <Field type="ulong" contentType="address" name="start" label="Start" />
1174 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="used" label="Used" />
1175 </Event>
1177 <Type name="ShenandoahHeapRegionState" label="Shenandoah Heap Region State">
1178 <Field type="string" name="state" label="State" />
1179 </Type>
1181 <Event name="Flush" category="Flight Recorder" label="Flush" thread="false" experimental="true">
1182 <Field type="ulong" name="flushId" label="Flush Identifier" relation="FlushId" />
1183 <Field type="ulong" name="elements" label="Elements Written" />
1184 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="size" label="Size Written" />
1185 </Event>
1187 <Event name="HeapDump" category="Java Virtual Machine, Diagnostics" label="Heap Dump" description="Information about a successfully written Java heap dump"
1188 stackTrace="true" thread="true">
1189 <Field type="string" name="destination" label="Destination Path of the Dump" />
1190 <Field type="long" name="size" label="Size" />
1191 <Field type="boolean" name="gcBeforeDump" label="GC Before Dump" />
1192 <Field type="boolean" name="onOutOfMemoryError" label="Heap Dump on Out of Memory Error" />
1193 <Field type="boolean" name="overwrite" label="Overwrite" description="Heap dump overwrites previous file location if it exists" />
1194 <Field type="int" name="compression" label="Compression Level" description="Compression level of the dump, if larger than 0 we use gzip compression with this level" />
1195 </Event>
1197 <Event name="GCLocker" category="Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed" label="GC Locker" startTime="true" thread="true" stackTrace="true">
1198 <Field type="uint" name="lockCount" label="Lock Count" description="The number of Java threads in a critical section when the GC locker is started" />
1199 <Field type="uint" name="stallCount" label="Stall Count" description="The number of Java threads stalled by the GC locker" />
1200 </Event>
1161 startTime="false">
1162 <Field type="uint" name="index" label="Index" />
1163 <Field type="ShenandoahHeapRegionState" name="from" label="From" />
1164 <Field type="ShenandoahHeapRegionState" name="to" label="To" />
1165 <Field type="ulong" contentType="address" name="start" label="Start" />
1166 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="used" label="Used" />
1167 </Event>
1169 <Event name="ShenandoahHeapRegionInformation" category="Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed" label="Shenandoah Heap Region Information" description="Information about a specific heap region in the Shenandoah GC"
1170 period="everyChunk">
1171 <Field type="uint" name="index" label="Index" />
1172 <Field type="ShenandoahHeapRegionState" name="state" label="State" />
1173 <Field type="ulong" contentType="address" name="start" label="Start" />
1174 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="used" label="Used" />
1175 </Event>
1177 <Type name="ShenandoahHeapRegionState" label="Shenandoah Heap Region State">
1178 <Field type="string" name="state" label="State" />
1179 </Type>
1181 <Event name="ShenandoahEvacInfo" category="Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed" label="Shenandoah Evacuation Information" startTime="false">
1182 <Field type="uint" name="gcId" label="GC Identifier" relation="GcId" />
1183 <Field type="ulong" name="cSetRegions" label="Collection Set Regions" />
1184 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="cSetUsedBefore" label="Collection Set Before" description="Memory usage before GC in the collection set regions" />
1185 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="cSetUsedAfter" label="Collection Set After" description="Memory usage after GC in the collection set regions" />
1186 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="collectedOld" label="Collected Old" description="Memory collected from old generation" />
1187 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="collectedPromoted" label="Collected Promoted" description="Memory collected from generation promotion" />
1188 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="collectedYoung" label="Collection Young" description="Memory collected from young generation" />
1189 <Field type="ulong" name="regionsPromotedHumongous" label="Regions Promoted Humongous" />
1190 <Field type="ulong" name="regionsPromotedRegular" label="Regions Promoted Regular" />
1191 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="regularPromotedGarbage" label="Regular Promoted Garbage" description="Garbage memory of in place promoted regular regions" />
1192 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="regularPromotedFree" label="Regular Promoted Free" description="Free memory of in place promoted regular regions" />
1193 <Field type="ulong" name="regionsFreed" label="Regions Freed" description="Free regions prior to determining collection set" />
1194 <Field type="ulong" name="regionsImmediate" label="Regions Immediate" />
1195 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="immediateBytes" label="Immediate Bytes" />
1196 </Event>
1198 <Event name="Flush" category="Flight Recorder" label="Flush" thread="false" experimental="true">
1199 <Field type="ulong" name="flushId" label="Flush Identifier" relation="FlushId" />
1200 <Field type="ulong" name="elements" label="Elements Written" />
1201 <Field type="ulong" contentType="bytes" name="size" label="Size Written" />
1202 </Event>
1204 <Event name="HeapDump" category="Java Virtual Machine, Diagnostics" label="Heap Dump" description="Information about a successfully written Java heap dump"
1205 stackTrace="true" thread="true">
1206 <Field type="string" name="destination" label="Destination Path of the Dump" />
1207 <Field type="long" name="size" label="Size" />
1208 <Field type="boolean" name="gcBeforeDump" label="GC Before Dump" />
1209 <Field type="boolean" name="onOutOfMemoryError" label="Heap Dump on Out of Memory Error" />
1210 <Field type="boolean" name="overwrite" label="Overwrite" description="Heap dump overwrites previous file location if it exists" />
1211 <Field type="int" name="compression" label="Compression Level" description="Compression level of the dump, if larger than 0 we use gzip compression with this level" />
1212 </Event>
1214 <Event name="GCLocker" category="Java Virtual Machine, GC, Detailed" label="GC Locker" startTime="true" thread="true" stackTrace="true">
1215 <Field type="uint" name="lockCount" label="Lock Count" description="The number of Java threads in a critical section when the GC locker is started" />
1216 <Field type="uint" name="stallCount" label="Stall Count" description="The number of Java threads stalled by the GC locker" />
1217 </Event>