300 EATests(String args[]) {
301 super(args);
302 }
304 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
305 if (EATestCaseBaseShared.RUN_ONLY_TEST_CASE != null) {
306 args = Arrays.copyOf(args, args.length + 1);
307 args[args.length - 1] = "-D" + EATestCaseBaseShared.RUN_ONLY_TEST_CASE_PROPERTY + "=" + EATestCaseBaseShared.RUN_ONLY_TEST_CASE;
308 }
309 new EATests(args).startTests();
310 }
312 public static class TargetVMOptions {
314 public final boolean UseJVMCICompiler;
315 public final boolean EliminateAllocations;
316 public final boolean DeoptimizeObjectsALot;
317 public final boolean DoEscapeAnalysis;
318 public final boolean ZGCIsSelected;
319 public final boolean StressReflectiveCode;
321 public TargetVMOptions(EATests env, ClassType testCaseBaseTargetClass) {
322 Value val;
323 val = testCaseBaseTargetClass.getValue(testCaseBaseTargetClass.fieldByName("DoEscapeAnalysis"));
324 DoEscapeAnalysis = ((PrimitiveValue) val).booleanValue();
325 // Escape analysis is a prerequisite for scalar replacement (EliminateAllocations)
326 val = testCaseBaseTargetClass.getValue(testCaseBaseTargetClass.fieldByName("EliminateAllocations"));
327 EliminateAllocations = DoEscapeAnalysis && ((PrimitiveValue) val).booleanValue();
328 val = testCaseBaseTargetClass.getValue(testCaseBaseTargetClass.fieldByName("DeoptimizeObjectsALot"));
329 DeoptimizeObjectsALot = ((PrimitiveValue) val).booleanValue();
330 val = testCaseBaseTargetClass.getValue(testCaseBaseTargetClass.fieldByName("UseJVMCICompiler"));
331 UseJVMCICompiler = ((PrimitiveValue) val).booleanValue();
332 val = testCaseBaseTargetClass.getValue(testCaseBaseTargetClass.fieldByName("ZGCIsSelected"));
333 ZGCIsSelected = ((PrimitiveValue) val).booleanValue();
334 val = testCaseBaseTargetClass.getValue(testCaseBaseTargetClass.fieldByName("StressReflectiveCode"));
335 StressReflectiveCode = ((PrimitiveValue) val).booleanValue();
336 }
338 }
340 // Execute known test cases
341 protected void runTests() throws Exception {
342 String targetProgName = EATestsTarget.class.getName();
343 msg("starting to main method in class " + targetProgName);
344 startToMain(targetProgName);
345 msg("resuming to EATestCaseBaseTarget.staticSetUpDone()V");
346 targetMainThread = resumeTo("EATestCaseBaseTarget", "staticSetUpDone", "()V").thread();
347 Location loc = targetMainThread.frame(0).location();
348 Asserts.assertEQ("staticSetUpDone", loc.method().name());
350 targetVMOptions = new TargetVMOptions(this, (ClassType) loc.declaringType());
352 // Materializing test cases, i.e. reallocating objects on the heap
353 new EAMaterializeLocalVariableUponGet() .run(this);
803 * Used in {@link EATestCaseBaseDebugger#terminateEndlessLoop()} to signal target to leave the endless loop.
804 */
805 public volatile boolean doLoop;
807 public long checkSum;
809 public static final String TESTMETHOD_DEFAULT_NAME = "dontinline_testMethod";
811 public static final WhiteBox WB = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
813 public static boolean unbox(Boolean value, boolean dflt) {
814 return value == null ? dflt : value;
815 }
817 // Some of the fields are only read by the debugger
818 public static final boolean UseJVMCICompiler = unbox(WB.getBooleanVMFlag("UseJVMCICompiler"), false);
819 public static final boolean DoEscapeAnalysis = unbox(WB.getBooleanVMFlag("DoEscapeAnalysis"), UseJVMCICompiler);
820 public static final boolean EliminateAllocations = unbox(WB.getBooleanVMFlag("EliminateAllocations"), UseJVMCICompiler);
821 public static final boolean DeoptimizeObjectsALot = WB.getBooleanVMFlag("DeoptimizeObjectsALot");
822 public static final boolean ZGCIsSelected = GC.Z.isSelected();
823 public static final boolean StressReflectiveCode = unbox(WB.getBooleanVMFlag("StressReflectiveCode"), false);
825 public String testMethodName;
826 public int testMethodDepth;
828 // Results produced by dontinline_testMethod()
829 public int iResult;
830 public long lResult;
831 public float fResult;
832 public double dResult;
835 public boolean warmupDone;
837 // an object with an inflated monitor
838 public static XYVal inflatedLock;
839 public static Thread inflatorThread;
840 public static boolean inflatedLockIsPermanentlyInflated;
842 public static int NOT_CONST_1I = 1;
2667 thread.popFrames(thread.frame(1));
2668 } catch (VMOutOfMemoryException oom) {
2669 // as expected
2670 msg("cought OOM");
2671 coughtOom = true;
2672 }
2673 freeAllMemory();
2674 // We succeeded to pop just one frame. When we continue, we will call dontinline_brkpt() again.
2675 Asserts.assertTrue(coughtOom, "PopFrame should have triggered an OOM exception in target");
2676 String expectedTopFrame = "dontinline_consume_all_memory_brkpt";
2677 Asserts.assertEQ(expectedTopFrame, thread.frame(0).location().method().name());
2678 printStack(thread);
2679 }
2681 @Override
2682 public boolean shouldSkip() {
2683 // OOMEs because of realloc failures with DeoptimizeObjectsALot are too random.
2684 // And Graal currently doesn't provide all information about non-escaping objects in debug info
2685 return super.shouldSkip() ||
2686 !env.targetVMOptions.EliminateAllocations ||
2687 // With ZGC the OOME is not always thrown as expected
2688 env.targetVMOptions.ZGCIsSelected ||
2689 env.targetVMOptions.DeoptimizeObjectsALot ||
2690 env.targetVMOptions.UseJVMCICompiler;
2691 }
2692 }
2694 class EAPopFrameNotInlinedReallocFailureTarget extends EATestCaseBaseTarget {
2696 public boolean doneAlready;
2698 public void dontinline_testMethod() {
2699 long a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; // scalar replaced
2700 Vector10 v = new Vector10(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); // scalar replaced
2701 dontinline_consume_all_memory_brkpt();
2702 lResult = a[0] + a[1] + a[2] + a[3] + a[4] + a[5] + a[6] + a[7] + a[8] + a[9]
2703 + v.i0 + v.i1 + v.i2 + v.i3 + v.i4 + v.i5 + v.i6 + v.i7 + v.i8 + v.i9;
2704 }
2706 public void dontinline_consume_all_memory_brkpt() {
2707 if (warmupDone && !doneAlready) {
2708 doneAlready = true;
2712 }
2714 @Override
2715 public void setUp() {
2716 super.setUp();
2717 testMethodDepth = 2;
2718 }
2720 @Override
2721 public long getExpectedLResult() {
2722 long n = 10;
2723 return 2*n*(n+1)/2;
2724 }
2726 @Override
2727 public boolean shouldSkip() {
2728 // OOMEs because of realloc failures with DeoptimizeObjectsALot are too random.
2729 // And Graal currently doesn't provide all information about non-escaping objects in debug info
2730 return super.shouldSkip() ||
2731 !EliminateAllocations ||
2732 // With ZGC the OOME is not always thrown as expected
2733 ZGCIsSelected ||
2734 DeoptimizeObjectsALot ||
2735 UseJVMCICompiler;
2736 }
2737 }
2739 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2741 /**
2742 * Pop inlined top frame dropping into method with scalar replaced opjects.
2743 */
2744 class EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailure extends EATestCaseBaseDebugger {
2746 public void runTestCase() throws Exception {
2747 ThreadReference thread = env.targetMainThread;
2748 env.vm().resume();
2749 waitUntilTargetHasEnteredEndlessLoop();
2751 thread.suspend();
2752 printStack(thread);
2753 // frame[0]: EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget.inlinedCallForcedToReturn()
2765 coughtOom = true;
2766 }
2767 printStack(thread);
2768 // frame[0]: EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget.inlinedCallForcedToReturn()
2769 // frame[1]: EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget.dontinline_testMethod()
2770 // frame[2]: EATestCaseBaseTarget.run()
2772 freeAllMemory();
2773 setField(testCase, "loopCount", env.vm().mirrorOf(0)); // terminate loop
2774 Asserts.assertTrue(coughtOom, "PopFrame should have triggered an OOM exception in target");
2775 String expectedTopFrame = "inlinedCallForcedToReturn";
2776 Asserts.assertEQ(expectedTopFrame, thread.frame(0).location().method().name());
2777 }
2779 @Override
2780 public boolean shouldSkip() {
2781 // OOMEs because of realloc failures with DeoptimizeObjectsALot are too random.
2782 // And Graal currently doesn't provide all information about non-escaping objects in debug info
2783 return super.shouldSkip() ||
2784 !env.targetVMOptions.EliminateAllocations ||
2785 // With ZGC the OOME is not always thrown as expected
2786 env.targetVMOptions.ZGCIsSelected ||
2787 env.targetVMOptions.DeoptimizeObjectsALot ||
2788 env.targetVMOptions.UseJVMCICompiler;
2789 }
2790 }
2792 class EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget extends EATestCaseBaseTarget {
2794 public long checkSum;
2796 public void dontinline_testMethod() {
2797 long a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; // scalar replaced
2798 Vector10 v = new Vector10(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); // scalar replaced
2799 long l = inlinedCallForcedToReturn();
2800 lResult = a[0] + a[1] + a[2] + a[3] + a[4] + a[5] + a[6] + a[7] + a[8] + a[9]
2801 + v.i0 + v.i1 + v.i2 + v.i3 + v.i4 + v.i5 + v.i6 + v.i7 + v.i8 + v.i9;
2802 }
2804 public long inlinedCallForcedToReturn() {
2805 long cs = checkSum;
2806 dontinline_consumeAllMemory();
2826 }
2828 @Override
2829 public void setUp() {
2830 super.setUp();
2831 loopCount = 3;
2832 }
2834 public void warmupDone() {
2835 super.warmupDone();
2836 msg("enter 'endless' loop by setting loopCount = Long.MAX_VALUE");
2837 loopCount = Long.MAX_VALUE; // endless loop
2838 }
2840 @Override
2841 public boolean shouldSkip() {
2842 // OOMEs because of realloc failures with DeoptimizeObjectsALot are too random.
2843 // And Graal currently doesn't provide all information about non-escaping objects in debug info
2844 return super.shouldSkip() ||
2845 !EliminateAllocations ||
2846 // With ZGC the OOME is not always thrown as expected
2847 ZGCIsSelected ||
2848 DeoptimizeObjectsALot ||
2849 UseJVMCICompiler;
2850 }
2851 }
2853 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2854 //
2855 // ForceEarlyReturn tests
2856 //
2857 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2859 /**
2860 * ForceEarlyReturn into caller frame with scalar replaced objects.
2861 */
2862 class EAForceEarlyReturnNotInlined extends EATestCaseBaseDebugger {
2864 public void runTestCase() throws Exception {
2865 BreakpointEvent bpe = resumeTo(TARGET_TESTCASE_BASE_NAME, "dontinline_brkpt", "()V");
2866 ThreadReference thread = bpe.thread();
2867 printStack(thread);
3032 msg("cought OOM");
3033 coughtOom = true;
3034 }
3035 freeAllMemory();
3036 Asserts.assertTrue(coughtOom, "ForceEarlyReturn should have triggered an OOM exception in target");
3037 printStack(thread);
3038 msg("ForceEarlyReturn(2)");
3039 thread.forceEarlyReturn(env.vm().mirrorOf(43));
3040 msg("Step over instruction to do the forced return");
3041 env.stepOverInstruction(thread);
3042 printStack(thread);
3043 msg("ForceEarlyReturn DONE");
3044 }
3046 @Override
3047 public boolean shouldSkip() {
3048 // OOMEs because of realloc failures with DeoptimizeObjectsALot are too random.
3049 // And Graal currently doesn't support Force Early Return
3050 return super.shouldSkip() ||
3051 !env.targetVMOptions.EliminateAllocations ||
3052 // With ZGC the OOME is not always thrown as expected
3053 env.targetVMOptions.ZGCIsSelected ||
3054 env.targetVMOptions.DeoptimizeObjectsALot ||
3055 env.targetVMOptions.UseJVMCICompiler;
3056 }
3057 }
3059 class EAForceEarlyReturnOfInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget extends EATestCaseBaseTarget {
3061 public int checkSum;
3063 public void dontinline_testMethod() {
3064 long a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; // scalar replaced
3065 Vector10 v = new Vector10(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); // scalar replaced
3066 long l = inlinedCallForcedToReturn();
3067 lResult = a[0] + a[1] + a[2] + a[3] + a[4] + a[5] + a[6] + a[7] + a[8] + a[9]
3068 + v.i0 + v.i1 + v.i2 + v.i3 + v.i4 + v.i5 + v.i6 + v.i7 + v.i8 + v.i9 + l;
3069 }
3071 public long inlinedCallForcedToReturn() { // forced to return 43
3072 long cs = checkSum;
3073 dontinline_consumeAllMemory();
3095 @Override
3096 public void setUp() {
3097 super.setUp();
3098 testMethodDepth = 2;
3099 loopCount = 3;
3100 }
3102 public void warmupDone() {
3103 super.warmupDone();
3104 msg("enter 'endless' loop by setting loopCount = Long.MAX_VALUE");
3105 loopCount = Long.MAX_VALUE; // endless loop
3106 }
3108 @Override
3109 public boolean shouldSkip() {
3110 // OOMEs because of realloc failures with DeoptimizeObjectsALot are too random.
3111 // And Graal currently doesn't support Force Early Return
3112 return super.shouldSkip() ||
3113 !EliminateAllocations ||
3114 // With ZGC the OOME is not always thrown as expected
3115 ZGCIsSelected ||
3116 DeoptimizeObjectsALot ||
3117 UseJVMCICompiler;
3118 }
3119 }
3121 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3122 //
3123 // Get Instances of ReferenceType
3124 //
3125 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3127 /**
3128 * Check if instances of a type are found even if they are scalar replaced. To stress the
3129 * implementation a little more, the instances should be retrieved while the target is running.
3130 */
3131 class EAGetInstancesOfReferenceType extends EATestCaseBaseDebugger {
3133 public void runTestCase() throws Exception {
3134 printStack(env.targetMainThread);
3135 ReferenceType cls = ((ClassObjectReference)getField(testCase, "cls")).reflectedType();
300 EATests(String args[]) {
301 super(args);
302 }
304 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
305 if (EATestCaseBaseShared.RUN_ONLY_TEST_CASE != null) {
306 args = Arrays.copyOf(args, args.length + 1);
307 args[args.length - 1] = "-D" + EATestCaseBaseShared.RUN_ONLY_TEST_CASE_PROPERTY + "=" + EATestCaseBaseShared.RUN_ONLY_TEST_CASE;
308 }
309 new EATests(args).startTests();
310 }
312 public static class TargetVMOptions {
314 public final boolean UseJVMCICompiler;
315 public final boolean EliminateAllocations;
316 public final boolean DeoptimizeObjectsALot;
317 public final boolean DoEscapeAnalysis;
318 public final boolean ZGCIsSelected;
319 public final boolean ShenandoahGCIsSelected;
320 public final boolean StressReflectiveCode;
322 public TargetVMOptions(EATests env, ClassType testCaseBaseTargetClass) {
323 Value val;
324 val = testCaseBaseTargetClass.getValue(testCaseBaseTargetClass.fieldByName("DoEscapeAnalysis"));
325 DoEscapeAnalysis = ((PrimitiveValue) val).booleanValue();
326 // Escape analysis is a prerequisite for scalar replacement (EliminateAllocations)
327 val = testCaseBaseTargetClass.getValue(testCaseBaseTargetClass.fieldByName("EliminateAllocations"));
328 EliminateAllocations = DoEscapeAnalysis && ((PrimitiveValue) val).booleanValue();
329 val = testCaseBaseTargetClass.getValue(testCaseBaseTargetClass.fieldByName("DeoptimizeObjectsALot"));
330 DeoptimizeObjectsALot = ((PrimitiveValue) val).booleanValue();
331 val = testCaseBaseTargetClass.getValue(testCaseBaseTargetClass.fieldByName("UseJVMCICompiler"));
332 UseJVMCICompiler = ((PrimitiveValue) val).booleanValue();
333 val = testCaseBaseTargetClass.getValue(testCaseBaseTargetClass.fieldByName("ZGCIsSelected"));
334 ZGCIsSelected = ((PrimitiveValue) val).booleanValue();
335 val = testCaseBaseTargetClass.getValue(testCaseBaseTargetClass.fieldByName("ShenandoahGCIsSelected"));
336 ShenandoahGCIsSelected = ((PrimitiveValue) val).booleanValue();
337 val = testCaseBaseTargetClass.getValue(testCaseBaseTargetClass.fieldByName("StressReflectiveCode"));
338 StressReflectiveCode = ((PrimitiveValue) val).booleanValue();
339 }
341 }
343 // Execute known test cases
344 protected void runTests() throws Exception {
345 String targetProgName = EATestsTarget.class.getName();
346 msg("starting to main method in class " + targetProgName);
347 startToMain(targetProgName);
348 msg("resuming to EATestCaseBaseTarget.staticSetUpDone()V");
349 targetMainThread = resumeTo("EATestCaseBaseTarget", "staticSetUpDone", "()V").thread();
350 Location loc = targetMainThread.frame(0).location();
351 Asserts.assertEQ("staticSetUpDone", loc.method().name());
353 targetVMOptions = new TargetVMOptions(this, (ClassType) loc.declaringType());
355 // Materializing test cases, i.e. reallocating objects on the heap
356 new EAMaterializeLocalVariableUponGet() .run(this);
806 * Used in {@link EATestCaseBaseDebugger#terminateEndlessLoop()} to signal target to leave the endless loop.
807 */
808 public volatile boolean doLoop;
810 public long checkSum;
812 public static final String TESTMETHOD_DEFAULT_NAME = "dontinline_testMethod";
814 public static final WhiteBox WB = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
816 public static boolean unbox(Boolean value, boolean dflt) {
817 return value == null ? dflt : value;
818 }
820 // Some of the fields are only read by the debugger
821 public static final boolean UseJVMCICompiler = unbox(WB.getBooleanVMFlag("UseJVMCICompiler"), false);
822 public static final boolean DoEscapeAnalysis = unbox(WB.getBooleanVMFlag("DoEscapeAnalysis"), UseJVMCICompiler);
823 public static final boolean EliminateAllocations = unbox(WB.getBooleanVMFlag("EliminateAllocations"), UseJVMCICompiler);
824 public static final boolean DeoptimizeObjectsALot = WB.getBooleanVMFlag("DeoptimizeObjectsALot");
825 public static final boolean ZGCIsSelected = GC.Z.isSelected();
826 public static final boolean ShenandoahGCIsSelected = GC.Shenandoah.isSelected();
827 public static final boolean StressReflectiveCode = unbox(WB.getBooleanVMFlag("StressReflectiveCode"), false);
829 public String testMethodName;
830 public int testMethodDepth;
832 // Results produced by dontinline_testMethod()
833 public int iResult;
834 public long lResult;
835 public float fResult;
836 public double dResult;
839 public boolean warmupDone;
841 // an object with an inflated monitor
842 public static XYVal inflatedLock;
843 public static Thread inflatorThread;
844 public static boolean inflatedLockIsPermanentlyInflated;
846 public static int NOT_CONST_1I = 1;
2671 thread.popFrames(thread.frame(1));
2672 } catch (VMOutOfMemoryException oom) {
2673 // as expected
2674 msg("cought OOM");
2675 coughtOom = true;
2676 }
2677 freeAllMemory();
2678 // We succeeded to pop just one frame. When we continue, we will call dontinline_brkpt() again.
2679 Asserts.assertTrue(coughtOom, "PopFrame should have triggered an OOM exception in target");
2680 String expectedTopFrame = "dontinline_consume_all_memory_brkpt";
2681 Asserts.assertEQ(expectedTopFrame, thread.frame(0).location().method().name());
2682 printStack(thread);
2683 }
2685 @Override
2686 public boolean shouldSkip() {
2687 // OOMEs because of realloc failures with DeoptimizeObjectsALot are too random.
2688 // And Graal currently doesn't provide all information about non-escaping objects in debug info
2689 return super.shouldSkip() ||
2690 !env.targetVMOptions.EliminateAllocations ||
2691 // With ZGC or Shenandoah the OOME is not always thrown as expected
2692 env.targetVMOptions.ZGCIsSelected ||
2693 env.targetVMOptions.ShenandoahGCIsSelected ||
2694 env.targetVMOptions.DeoptimizeObjectsALot ||
2695 env.targetVMOptions.UseJVMCICompiler;
2696 }
2697 }
2699 class EAPopFrameNotInlinedReallocFailureTarget extends EATestCaseBaseTarget {
2701 public boolean doneAlready;
2703 public void dontinline_testMethod() {
2704 long a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; // scalar replaced
2705 Vector10 v = new Vector10(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); // scalar replaced
2706 dontinline_consume_all_memory_brkpt();
2707 lResult = a[0] + a[1] + a[2] + a[3] + a[4] + a[5] + a[6] + a[7] + a[8] + a[9]
2708 + v.i0 + v.i1 + v.i2 + v.i3 + v.i4 + v.i5 + v.i6 + v.i7 + v.i8 + v.i9;
2709 }
2711 public void dontinline_consume_all_memory_brkpt() {
2712 if (warmupDone && !doneAlready) {
2713 doneAlready = true;
2717 }
2719 @Override
2720 public void setUp() {
2721 super.setUp();
2722 testMethodDepth = 2;
2723 }
2725 @Override
2726 public long getExpectedLResult() {
2727 long n = 10;
2728 return 2*n*(n+1)/2;
2729 }
2731 @Override
2732 public boolean shouldSkip() {
2733 // OOMEs because of realloc failures with DeoptimizeObjectsALot are too random.
2734 // And Graal currently doesn't provide all information about non-escaping objects in debug info
2735 return super.shouldSkip() ||
2736 !EliminateAllocations ||
2737 // With ZGC or Shenandoah the OOME is not always thrown as expected
2738 ZGCIsSelected ||
2739 ShenandoahGCIsSelected ||
2740 DeoptimizeObjectsALot ||
2741 UseJVMCICompiler;
2742 }
2743 }
2745 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2747 /**
2748 * Pop inlined top frame dropping into method with scalar replaced opjects.
2749 */
2750 class EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailure extends EATestCaseBaseDebugger {
2752 public void runTestCase() throws Exception {
2753 ThreadReference thread = env.targetMainThread;
2754 env.vm().resume();
2755 waitUntilTargetHasEnteredEndlessLoop();
2757 thread.suspend();
2758 printStack(thread);
2759 // frame[0]: EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget.inlinedCallForcedToReturn()
2771 coughtOom = true;
2772 }
2773 printStack(thread);
2774 // frame[0]: EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget.inlinedCallForcedToReturn()
2775 // frame[1]: EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget.dontinline_testMethod()
2776 // frame[2]: EATestCaseBaseTarget.run()
2778 freeAllMemory();
2779 setField(testCase, "loopCount", env.vm().mirrorOf(0)); // terminate loop
2780 Asserts.assertTrue(coughtOom, "PopFrame should have triggered an OOM exception in target");
2781 String expectedTopFrame = "inlinedCallForcedToReturn";
2782 Asserts.assertEQ(expectedTopFrame, thread.frame(0).location().method().name());
2783 }
2785 @Override
2786 public boolean shouldSkip() {
2787 // OOMEs because of realloc failures with DeoptimizeObjectsALot are too random.
2788 // And Graal currently doesn't provide all information about non-escaping objects in debug info
2789 return super.shouldSkip() ||
2790 !env.targetVMOptions.EliminateAllocations ||
2791 // With ZGC or Shenandoah the OOME is not always thrown as expected
2792 env.targetVMOptions.ZGCIsSelected ||
2793 env.targetVMOptions.ShenandoahGCIsSelected ||
2794 env.targetVMOptions.DeoptimizeObjectsALot ||
2795 env.targetVMOptions.UseJVMCICompiler;
2796 }
2797 }
2799 class EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget extends EATestCaseBaseTarget {
2801 public long checkSum;
2803 public void dontinline_testMethod() {
2804 long a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; // scalar replaced
2805 Vector10 v = new Vector10(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); // scalar replaced
2806 long l = inlinedCallForcedToReturn();
2807 lResult = a[0] + a[1] + a[2] + a[3] + a[4] + a[5] + a[6] + a[7] + a[8] + a[9]
2808 + v.i0 + v.i1 + v.i2 + v.i3 + v.i4 + v.i5 + v.i6 + v.i7 + v.i8 + v.i9;
2809 }
2811 public long inlinedCallForcedToReturn() {
2812 long cs = checkSum;
2813 dontinline_consumeAllMemory();
2833 }
2835 @Override
2836 public void setUp() {
2837 super.setUp();
2838 loopCount = 3;
2839 }
2841 public void warmupDone() {
2842 super.warmupDone();
2843 msg("enter 'endless' loop by setting loopCount = Long.MAX_VALUE");
2844 loopCount = Long.MAX_VALUE; // endless loop
2845 }
2847 @Override
2848 public boolean shouldSkip() {
2849 // OOMEs because of realloc failures with DeoptimizeObjectsALot are too random.
2850 // And Graal currently doesn't provide all information about non-escaping objects in debug info
2851 return super.shouldSkip() ||
2852 !EliminateAllocations ||
2853 // With ZGC or Shenandoah the OOME is not always thrown as expected
2854 ZGCIsSelected ||
2855 ShenandoahGCIsSelected ||
2856 DeoptimizeObjectsALot ||
2857 UseJVMCICompiler;
2858 }
2859 }
2861 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2862 //
2863 // ForceEarlyReturn tests
2864 //
2865 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2867 /**
2868 * ForceEarlyReturn into caller frame with scalar replaced objects.
2869 */
2870 class EAForceEarlyReturnNotInlined extends EATestCaseBaseDebugger {
2872 public void runTestCase() throws Exception {
2873 BreakpointEvent bpe = resumeTo(TARGET_TESTCASE_BASE_NAME, "dontinline_brkpt", "()V");
2874 ThreadReference thread = bpe.thread();
2875 printStack(thread);
3040 msg("cought OOM");
3041 coughtOom = true;
3042 }
3043 freeAllMemory();
3044 Asserts.assertTrue(coughtOom, "ForceEarlyReturn should have triggered an OOM exception in target");
3045 printStack(thread);
3046 msg("ForceEarlyReturn(2)");
3047 thread.forceEarlyReturn(env.vm().mirrorOf(43));
3048 msg("Step over instruction to do the forced return");
3049 env.stepOverInstruction(thread);
3050 printStack(thread);
3051 msg("ForceEarlyReturn DONE");
3052 }
3054 @Override
3055 public boolean shouldSkip() {
3056 // OOMEs because of realloc failures with DeoptimizeObjectsALot are too random.
3057 // And Graal currently doesn't support Force Early Return
3058 return super.shouldSkip() ||
3059 !env.targetVMOptions.EliminateAllocations ||
3060 // With ZGC or Shenandoah the OOME is not always thrown as expected
3061 env.targetVMOptions.ZGCIsSelected ||
3062 env.targetVMOptions.ShenandoahGCIsSelected ||
3063 env.targetVMOptions.DeoptimizeObjectsALot ||
3064 env.targetVMOptions.UseJVMCICompiler;
3065 }
3066 }
3068 class EAForceEarlyReturnOfInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget extends EATestCaseBaseTarget {
3070 public int checkSum;
3072 public void dontinline_testMethod() {
3073 long a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; // scalar replaced
3074 Vector10 v = new Vector10(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); // scalar replaced
3075 long l = inlinedCallForcedToReturn();
3076 lResult = a[0] + a[1] + a[2] + a[3] + a[4] + a[5] + a[6] + a[7] + a[8] + a[9]
3077 + v.i0 + v.i1 + v.i2 + v.i3 + v.i4 + v.i5 + v.i6 + v.i7 + v.i8 + v.i9 + l;
3078 }
3080 public long inlinedCallForcedToReturn() { // forced to return 43
3081 long cs = checkSum;
3082 dontinline_consumeAllMemory();
3104 @Override
3105 public void setUp() {
3106 super.setUp();
3107 testMethodDepth = 2;
3108 loopCount = 3;
3109 }
3111 public void warmupDone() {
3112 super.warmupDone();
3113 msg("enter 'endless' loop by setting loopCount = Long.MAX_VALUE");
3114 loopCount = Long.MAX_VALUE; // endless loop
3115 }
3117 @Override
3118 public boolean shouldSkip() {
3119 // OOMEs because of realloc failures with DeoptimizeObjectsALot are too random.
3120 // And Graal currently doesn't support Force Early Return
3121 return super.shouldSkip() ||
3122 !EliminateAllocations ||
3123 // With ZGC or Shenandoah the OOME is not always thrown as expected
3124 ZGCIsSelected ||
3125 ShenandoahGCIsSelected ||
3126 DeoptimizeObjectsALot ||
3127 UseJVMCICompiler;
3128 }
3129 }
3131 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3132 //
3133 // Get Instances of ReferenceType
3134 //
3135 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3137 /**
3138 * Check if instances of a type are found even if they are scalar replaced. To stress the
3139 * implementation a little more, the instances should be retrieved while the target is running.
3140 */
3141 class EAGetInstancesOfReferenceType extends EATestCaseBaseDebugger {
3143 public void runTestCase() throws Exception {
3144 printStack(env.targetMainThread);
3145 ReferenceType cls = ((ClassObjectReference)getField(testCase, "cls")).reflectedType();