1 /*
   2  * Copyright Amazon.com Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahCollectorPolicy.hpp"
  27 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahCollectionSetPreselector.hpp"
  28 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahFreeSet.hpp"
  29 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahGeneration.hpp"
  30 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahGenerationalHeap.hpp"
  31 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahMarkClosures.hpp"
  32 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahMonitoringSupport.hpp"
  33 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahOldGeneration.hpp"
  34 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahReferenceProcessor.hpp"
  35 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahScanRemembered.inline.hpp"
  36 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahTaskqueue.inline.hpp"
  37 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahUtils.hpp"
  38 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahVerifier.hpp"
  39 #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahYoungGeneration.hpp"
  40 #include "gc/shenandoah/heuristics/shenandoahHeuristics.hpp"
  42 #include "utilities/quickSort.hpp"
  45 class ShenandoahResetUpdateRegionStateClosure : public ShenandoahHeapRegionClosure {
  46 private:
  47   ShenandoahHeap* _heap;
  48   ShenandoahMarkingContext* const _ctx;
  49 public:
  50   ShenandoahResetUpdateRegionStateClosure() :
  51     _heap(ShenandoahHeap::heap()),
  52     _ctx(_heap->marking_context()) {}
  54   void heap_region_do(ShenandoahHeapRegion* r) override {
  55     if (r->is_active()) {
  56       // Reset live data and set TAMS optimistically. We would recheck these under the pause
  57       // anyway to capture any updates that happened since now.
  58       _ctx->capture_top_at_mark_start(r);
  59       r->clear_live_data();
  60     }
  61   }
  63   bool is_thread_safe() override { return true; }
  64 };
  66 class ShenandoahResetBitmapTask : public WorkerTask {
  67 private:
  68   ShenandoahRegionIterator _regions;
  69   ShenandoahGeneration* _generation;
  71 public:
  72   ShenandoahResetBitmapTask(ShenandoahGeneration* generation) :
  73     WorkerTask("Shenandoah Reset Bitmap"), _generation(generation) {}
  75   void work(uint worker_id) {
  76     ShenandoahHeapRegion* region = _regions.next();
  77     ShenandoahHeap* heap = ShenandoahHeap::heap();
  78     ShenandoahMarkingContext* const ctx = heap->marking_context();
  79     while (region != nullptr) {
  80       auto const affiliation = region->affiliation();
  81       bool needs_reset = affiliation == FREE || _generation->contains(affiliation);
  82       if (needs_reset && heap->is_bitmap_slice_committed(region)) {
  83         ctx->clear_bitmap(region);
  84       }
  85       region = _regions.next();
  86     }
  87   }
  88 };
  90 // Copy the write-version of the card-table into the read-version, clearing the
  91 // write-copy.
  92 class ShenandoahMergeWriteTable: public ShenandoahHeapRegionClosure {
  93 private:
  94   ShenandoahScanRemembered* _scanner;
  95 public:
  96   ShenandoahMergeWriteTable(ShenandoahScanRemembered* scanner) : _scanner(scanner) {}
  98   void heap_region_do(ShenandoahHeapRegion* r) override {
  99     assert(r->is_old(), "Don't waste time doing this for non-old regions");
 100     _scanner->merge_write_table(r->bottom(), ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_words());
 101   }
 103   bool is_thread_safe() override {
 104     return true;
 105   }
 106 };
 108 class ShenandoahCopyWriteCardTableToRead: public ShenandoahHeapRegionClosure {
 109 private:
 110   ShenandoahScanRemembered* _scanner;
 111 public:
 112   ShenandoahCopyWriteCardTableToRead(ShenandoahScanRemembered* scanner) : _scanner(scanner) {}
 114   void heap_region_do(ShenandoahHeapRegion* region) override {
 115     assert(region->is_old(), "Don't waste time doing this for non-old regions");
 116     _scanner->reset_remset(region->bottom(), ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_words());
 117   }
 119   bool is_thread_safe() override { return true; }
 120 };
 122 void ShenandoahGeneration::confirm_heuristics_mode() {
 123   if (_heuristics->is_diagnostic() && !UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions) {
 124     vm_exit_during_initialization(
 125             err_msg("Heuristics \"%s\" is diagnostic, and must be enabled via -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions.",
 126                     _heuristics->name()));
 127   }
 128   if (_heuristics->is_experimental() && !UnlockExperimentalVMOptions) {
 129     vm_exit_during_initialization(
 130             err_msg("Heuristics \"%s\" is experimental, and must be enabled via -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions.",
 131                     _heuristics->name()));
 132   }
 133 }
 135 ShenandoahHeuristics* ShenandoahGeneration::initialize_heuristics(ShenandoahMode* gc_mode) {
 136   _heuristics = gc_mode->initialize_heuristics(this);
 137   _heuristics->set_guaranteed_gc_interval(ShenandoahGuaranteedGCInterval);
 138   confirm_heuristics_mode();
 139   return _heuristics;
 140 }
 142 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::bytes_allocated_since_gc_start() const {
 143   return Atomic::load(&_bytes_allocated_since_gc_start);
 144 }
 146 void ShenandoahGeneration::reset_bytes_allocated_since_gc_start() {
 147   Atomic::store(&_bytes_allocated_since_gc_start, (size_t)0);
 148 }
 150 void ShenandoahGeneration::increase_allocated(size_t bytes) {
 151   Atomic::add(&_bytes_allocated_since_gc_start, bytes, memory_order_relaxed);
 152 }
 154 void ShenandoahGeneration::set_evacuation_reserve(size_t new_val) {
 155   _evacuation_reserve = new_val;
 156 }
 158 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::get_evacuation_reserve() const {
 159   return _evacuation_reserve;
 160 }
 162 void ShenandoahGeneration::augment_evacuation_reserve(size_t increment) {
 163   _evacuation_reserve += increment;
 164 }
 166 void ShenandoahGeneration::log_status(const char *msg) const {
 167   typedef LogTarget(Info, gc, ergo) LogGcInfo;
 169   if (!LogGcInfo::is_enabled()) {
 170     return;
 171   }
 173   // Not under a lock here, so read each of these once to make sure
 174   // byte size in proper unit and proper unit for byte size are consistent.
 175   size_t v_used = used();
 176   size_t v_used_regions = used_regions_size();
 177   size_t v_soft_max_capacity = soft_max_capacity();
 178   size_t v_max_capacity = max_capacity();
 179   size_t v_available = available();
 180   size_t v_humongous_waste = get_humongous_waste();
 181   LogGcInfo::print("%s: %s generation used: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s, used regions: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s, "
 182                    "humongous waste: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s, soft capacity: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s, max capacity: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s, "
 183                    "available: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s", msg, name(),
 184                    byte_size_in_proper_unit(v_used),              proper_unit_for_byte_size(v_used),
 185                    byte_size_in_proper_unit(v_used_regions),      proper_unit_for_byte_size(v_used_regions),
 186                    byte_size_in_proper_unit(v_humongous_waste),   proper_unit_for_byte_size(v_humongous_waste),
 187                    byte_size_in_proper_unit(v_soft_max_capacity), proper_unit_for_byte_size(v_soft_max_capacity),
 188                    byte_size_in_proper_unit(v_max_capacity),      proper_unit_for_byte_size(v_max_capacity),
 189                    byte_size_in_proper_unit(v_available),         proper_unit_for_byte_size(v_available));
 190 }
 192 void ShenandoahGeneration::reset_mark_bitmap() {
 193   ShenandoahHeap* heap = ShenandoahHeap::heap();
 194   heap->assert_gc_workers(heap->workers()->active_workers());
 196   set_mark_incomplete();
 198   ShenandoahResetBitmapTask task(this);
 199   heap->workers()->run_task(&task);
 200 }
 202 // The ideal is to swap the remembered set so the safepoint effort is no more than a few pointer manipulations.
 203 // However, limitations in the implementation of the mutator write-barrier make it difficult to simply change the
 204 // location of the card table.  So the interim implementation of swap_remembered_set will copy the write-table
 205 // onto the read-table and will then clear the write-table.
 206 void ShenandoahGeneration::swap_remembered_set() {
 207   // Must be sure that marking is complete before we swap remembered set.
 208   ShenandoahGenerationalHeap* heap = ShenandoahGenerationalHeap::heap();
 209   heap->assert_gc_workers(heap->workers()->active_workers());
 210   shenandoah_assert_safepoint();
 212   ShenandoahOldGeneration* old_generation = heap->old_generation();
 213   ShenandoahCopyWriteCardTableToRead task(old_generation->card_scan());
 214   old_generation->parallel_heap_region_iterate(&task);
 215 }
 217 // Copy the write-version of the card-table into the read-version, clearing the
 218 // write-version. The work is done at a safepoint and in parallel by the GC
 219 // worker threads.
 220 void ShenandoahGeneration::merge_write_table() {
 221   // This should only happen for degenerated cycles
 222   ShenandoahGenerationalHeap* heap = ShenandoahGenerationalHeap::heap();
 223   heap->assert_gc_workers(heap->workers()->active_workers());
 224   shenandoah_assert_safepoint();
 226   ShenandoahOldGeneration* old_generation = heap->old_generation();
 227   ShenandoahMergeWriteTable task(old_generation->card_scan());
 228   old_generation->parallel_heap_region_iterate(&task);
 229 }
 231 void ShenandoahGeneration::prepare_gc() {
 233   reset_mark_bitmap();
 235   // Capture Top At Mark Start for this generation (typically young) and reset mark bitmap.
 236   ShenandoahResetUpdateRegionStateClosure cl;
 237   parallel_heap_region_iterate_free(&cl);
 238 }
 240 void ShenandoahGeneration::parallel_heap_region_iterate_free(ShenandoahHeapRegionClosure* cl) {
 241   ShenandoahHeap::heap()->parallel_heap_region_iterate(cl);
 242 }
 244 void ShenandoahGeneration::compute_evacuation_budgets(ShenandoahHeap* const heap) {
 245   shenandoah_assert_generational();
 247   ShenandoahOldGeneration* const old_generation = heap->old_generation();
 248   ShenandoahYoungGeneration* const young_generation = heap->young_generation();
 250   // During initialization and phase changes, it is more likely that fewer objects die young and old-gen
 251   // memory is not yet full (or is in the process of being replaced).  During these times especially, it
 252   // is beneficial to loan memory from old-gen to young-gen during the evacuation and update-refs phases
 253   // of execution.
 255   // Calculate EvacuationReserve before PromotionReserve.  Evacuation is more critical than promotion.
 256   // If we cannot evacuate old-gen, we will not be able to reclaim old-gen memory.  Promotions are less
 257   // critical.  If we cannot promote, there may be degradation of young-gen memory because old objects
 258   // accumulate there until they can be promoted.  This increases the young-gen marking and evacuation work.
 260   // First priority is to reclaim the easy garbage out of young-gen.
 262   // maximum_young_evacuation_reserve is upper bound on memory to be evacuated out of young
 263   const size_t maximum_young_evacuation_reserve = (young_generation->max_capacity() * ShenandoahEvacReserve) / 100;
 264   const size_t young_evacuation_reserve = MIN2(maximum_young_evacuation_reserve, young_generation->available_with_reserve());
 266   // maximum_old_evacuation_reserve is an upper bound on memory evacuated from old and evacuated to old (promoted),
 267   // clamped by the old generation space available.
 268   //
 269   // Here's the algebra.
 270   // Let SOEP = ShenandoahOldEvacRatioPercent,
 271   //     OE = old evac,
 272   //     YE = young evac, and
 273   //     TE = total evac = OE + YE
 274   // By definition:
 275   //            SOEP/100 = OE/TE
 276   //                     = OE/(OE+YE)
 277   //  => SOEP/(100-SOEP) = OE/((OE+YE)-OE)         // componendo-dividendo: If a/b = c/d, then a/(b-a) = c/(d-c)
 278   //                     = OE/YE
 279   //  =>              OE = YE*SOEP/(100-SOEP)
 281   // We have to be careful in the event that SOEP is set to 100 by the user.
 282   assert(ShenandoahOldEvacRatioPercent <= 100, "Error");
 283   const size_t old_available = old_generation->available();
 284   const size_t maximum_old_evacuation_reserve = (ShenandoahOldEvacRatioPercent == 100) ?
 285     old_available : MIN2((maximum_young_evacuation_reserve * ShenandoahOldEvacRatioPercent) / (100 - ShenandoahOldEvacRatioPercent),
 286                           old_available);
 289   // Second priority is to reclaim garbage out of old-gen if there are old-gen collection candidates.  Third priority
 290   // is to promote as much as we have room to promote.  However, if old-gen memory is in short supply, this means young
 291   // GC is operating under "duress" and was unable to transfer the memory that we would normally expect.  In this case,
 292   // old-gen will refrain from compacting itself in order to allow a quicker young-gen cycle (by avoiding the update-refs
 293   // through ALL of old-gen).  If there is some memory available in old-gen, we will use this for promotions as promotions
 294   // do not add to the update-refs burden of GC.
 296   size_t old_evacuation_reserve, old_promo_reserve;
 297   if (is_global()) {
 298     // Global GC is typically triggered by user invocation of System.gc(), and typically indicates that there is lots
 299     // of garbage to be reclaimed because we are starting a new phase of execution.  Marking for global GC may take
 300     // significantly longer than typical young marking because we must mark through all old objects.  To expedite
 301     // evacuation and update-refs, we give emphasis to reclaiming garbage first, wherever that garbage is found.
 302     // Global GC will adjust generation sizes to accommodate the collection set it chooses.
 304     // Set old_promo_reserve to enforce that no regions are preselected for promotion.  Such regions typically
 305     // have relatively high memory utilization.  We still call select_aged_regions() because this will prepare for
 306     // promotions in place, if relevant.
 307     old_promo_reserve = 0;
 309     // Dedicate all available old memory to old_evacuation reserve.  This may be small, because old-gen is only
 310     // expanded based on an existing mixed evacuation workload at the end of the previous GC cycle.  We'll expand
 311     // the budget for evacuation of old during GLOBAL cset selection.
 312     old_evacuation_reserve = maximum_old_evacuation_reserve;
 313   } else if (old_generation->has_unprocessed_collection_candidates()) {
 314     // We reserved all old-gen memory at end of previous GC to hold anticipated evacuations to old-gen.  If this is
 315     // mixed evacuation, reserve all of this memory for compaction of old-gen and do not promote.  Prioritize compaction
 316     // over promotion in order to defragment OLD so that it will be better prepared to efficiently receive promoted memory.
 317     old_evacuation_reserve = maximum_old_evacuation_reserve;
 318     old_promo_reserve = 0;
 319   } else {
 320     // Make all old-evacuation memory for promotion, but if we can't use it all for promotion, we'll allow some evacuation.
 321     old_evacuation_reserve = 0;
 322     old_promo_reserve = maximum_old_evacuation_reserve;
 323   }
 324   assert(old_evacuation_reserve <= old_available, "Error");
 326   // We see too many old-evacuation failures if we force ourselves to evacuate into regions that are not initially empty.
 327   // So we limit the old-evacuation reserve to unfragmented memory.  Even so, old-evacuation is free to fill in nooks and
 328   // crannies within existing partially used regions and it generally tries to do so.
 329   const size_t old_free_unfragmented = old_generation->free_unaffiliated_regions() * ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes();
 330   if (old_evacuation_reserve > old_free_unfragmented) {
 331     const size_t delta = old_evacuation_reserve - old_free_unfragmented;
 332     old_evacuation_reserve -= delta;
 333     // Let promo consume fragments of old-gen memory if not global
 334     if (!is_global()) {
 335       old_promo_reserve += delta;
 336     }
 337   }
 339   // Preselect regions for promotion by evacuation (obtaining the live data to seed promoted_reserve),
 340   // and identify regions that will promote in place. These use the tenuring threshold.
 341   const size_t consumed_by_advance_promotion = select_aged_regions(old_promo_reserve);
 342   assert(consumed_by_advance_promotion <= maximum_old_evacuation_reserve, "Cannot promote more than available old-gen memory");
 344   // Note that unused old_promo_reserve might not be entirely consumed_by_advance_promotion.  Do not transfer this
 345   // to old_evacuation_reserve because this memory is likely very fragmented, and we do not want to increase the likelihood
 346   // of old evacuation failure.
 347   young_generation->set_evacuation_reserve(young_evacuation_reserve);
 348   old_generation->set_evacuation_reserve(old_evacuation_reserve);
 349   old_generation->set_promoted_reserve(consumed_by_advance_promotion);
 351   // There is no need to expand OLD because all memory used here was set aside at end of previous GC, except in the
 352   // case of a GLOBAL gc.  During choose_collection_set() of GLOBAL, old will be expanded on demand.
 353 }
 355 // Having chosen the collection set, adjust the budgets for generational mode based on its composition.  Note
 356 // that young_generation->available() now knows about recently discovered immediate garbage.
 357 //
 358 void ShenandoahGeneration::adjust_evacuation_budgets(ShenandoahHeap* const heap, ShenandoahCollectionSet* const collection_set) {
 359   shenandoah_assert_generational();
 360   // We may find that old_evacuation_reserve and/or loaned_for_young_evacuation are not fully consumed, in which case we may
 361   //  be able to increase regions_available_to_loan
 363   // The role of adjust_evacuation_budgets() is to compute the correct value of regions_available_to_loan and to make
 364   // effective use of this memory, including the remnant memory within these regions that may result from rounding loan to
 365   // integral number of regions.  Excess memory that is available to be loaned is applied to an allocation supplement,
 366   // which allows mutators to allocate memory beyond the current capacity of young-gen on the promise that the loan
 367   // will be repaid as soon as we finish updating references for the recently evacuated collection set.
 369   // We cannot recalculate regions_available_to_loan by simply dividing old_generation->available() by region_size_bytes
 370   // because the available memory may be distributed between many partially occupied regions that are already holding old-gen
 371   // objects.  Memory in partially occupied regions is not "available" to be loaned.  Note that an increase in old-gen
 372   // available that results from a decrease in memory consumed by old evacuation is not necessarily available to be loaned
 373   // to young-gen.
 375   size_t region_size_bytes = ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes();
 376   ShenandoahOldGeneration* const old_generation = heap->old_generation();
 377   ShenandoahYoungGeneration* const young_generation = heap->young_generation();
 379   size_t old_evacuated = collection_set->get_old_bytes_reserved_for_evacuation();
 380   size_t old_evacuated_committed = (size_t) (ShenandoahOldEvacWaste * double(old_evacuated));
 381   size_t old_evacuation_reserve = old_generation->get_evacuation_reserve();
 383   if (old_evacuated_committed > old_evacuation_reserve) {
 384     // This should only happen due to round-off errors when enforcing ShenandoahOldEvacWaste
 385     assert(old_evacuated_committed <= (33 * old_evacuation_reserve) / 32,
 386            "Round-off errors should be less than 3.125%%, committed: " SIZE_FORMAT ", reserved: " SIZE_FORMAT,
 387            old_evacuated_committed, old_evacuation_reserve);
 388     old_evacuated_committed = old_evacuation_reserve;
 389     // Leave old_evac_reserve as previously configured
 390   } else if (old_evacuated_committed < old_evacuation_reserve) {
 391     // This happens if the old-gen collection consumes less than full budget.
 392     old_evacuation_reserve = old_evacuated_committed;
 393     old_generation->set_evacuation_reserve(old_evacuation_reserve);
 394   }
 396   size_t young_advance_promoted = collection_set->get_young_bytes_to_be_promoted();
 397   size_t young_advance_promoted_reserve_used = (size_t) (ShenandoahPromoEvacWaste * double(young_advance_promoted));
 399   size_t young_evacuated = collection_set->get_young_bytes_reserved_for_evacuation();
 400   size_t young_evacuated_reserve_used = (size_t) (ShenandoahEvacWaste * double(young_evacuated));
 402   size_t total_young_available = young_generation->available_with_reserve();
 403   assert(young_evacuated_reserve_used <= total_young_available, "Cannot evacuate more than is available in young");
 404   young_generation->set_evacuation_reserve(young_evacuated_reserve_used);
 406   size_t old_available = old_generation->available();
 407   // Now that we've established the collection set, we know how much memory is really required by old-gen for evacuation
 408   // and promotion reserves.  Try shrinking OLD now in case that gives us a bit more runway for mutator allocations during
 409   // evac and update phases.
 410   size_t old_consumed = old_evacuated_committed + young_advance_promoted_reserve_used;
 412   if (old_available < old_consumed) {
 413     // This can happen due to round-off errors when adding the results of truncated integer arithmetic.
 414     // We've already truncated old_evacuated_committed.  Truncate young_advance_promoted_reserve_used here.
 415     assert(young_advance_promoted_reserve_used <= (33 * (old_available - old_evacuated_committed)) / 32,
 416            "Round-off errors should be less than 3.125%%, committed: " SIZE_FORMAT ", reserved: " SIZE_FORMAT,
 417            young_advance_promoted_reserve_used, old_available - old_evacuated_committed);
 418     young_advance_promoted_reserve_used = old_available - old_evacuated_committed;
 419     old_consumed = old_evacuated_committed + young_advance_promoted_reserve_used;
 420   }
 422   assert(old_available >= old_consumed, "Cannot consume (" SIZE_FORMAT ") more than is available (" SIZE_FORMAT ")",
 423          old_consumed, old_available);
 424   size_t excess_old = old_available - old_consumed;
 425   size_t unaffiliated_old_regions = old_generation->free_unaffiliated_regions();
 426   size_t unaffiliated_old = unaffiliated_old_regions * region_size_bytes;
 427   assert(old_available >= unaffiliated_old, "Unaffiliated old is a subset of old available");
 429   // Make sure old_evac_committed is unaffiliated
 430   if (old_evacuated_committed > 0) {
 431     if (unaffiliated_old > old_evacuated_committed) {
 432       size_t giveaway = unaffiliated_old - old_evacuated_committed;
 433       size_t giveaway_regions = giveaway / region_size_bytes;  // round down
 434       if (giveaway_regions > 0) {
 435         excess_old = MIN2(excess_old, giveaway_regions * region_size_bytes);
 436       } else {
 437         excess_old = 0;
 438       }
 439     } else {
 440       excess_old = 0;
 441     }
 442   }
 444   // If we find that OLD has excess regions, give them back to YOUNG now to reduce likelihood we run out of allocation
 445   // runway during evacuation and update-refs.
 446   size_t regions_to_xfer = 0;
 447   if (excess_old > unaffiliated_old) {
 448     // we can give back unaffiliated_old (all of unaffiliated is excess)
 449     if (unaffiliated_old_regions > 0) {
 450       regions_to_xfer = unaffiliated_old_regions;
 451     }
 452   } else if (unaffiliated_old_regions > 0) {
 453     // excess_old < unaffiliated old: we can give back MIN(excess_old/region_size_bytes, unaffiliated_old_regions)
 454     size_t excess_regions = excess_old / region_size_bytes;
 455     regions_to_xfer = MIN2(excess_regions, unaffiliated_old_regions);
 456   }
 458   if (regions_to_xfer > 0) {
 459     bool result = ShenandoahGenerationalHeap::cast(heap)->generation_sizer()->transfer_to_young(regions_to_xfer);
 460     assert(excess_old >= regions_to_xfer * region_size_bytes,
 461            "Cannot transfer (" SIZE_FORMAT ", " SIZE_FORMAT ") more than excess old (" SIZE_FORMAT ")",
 462            regions_to_xfer, region_size_bytes, excess_old);
 463     excess_old -= regions_to_xfer * region_size_bytes;
 464     log_debug(gc, ergo)("%s transferred " SIZE_FORMAT " excess regions to young before start of evacuation",
 465                        result? "Successfully": "Unsuccessfully", regions_to_xfer);
 466   }
 468   // Add in the excess_old memory to hold unanticipated promotions, if any.  If there are more unanticipated
 469   // promotions than fit in reserved memory, they will be deferred until a future GC pass.
 470   size_t total_promotion_reserve = young_advance_promoted_reserve_used + excess_old;
 471   old_generation->set_promoted_reserve(total_promotion_reserve);
 472   old_generation->reset_promoted_expended();
 473 }
 475 typedef struct {
 476   ShenandoahHeapRegion* _region;
 477   size_t _live_data;
 478 } AgedRegionData;
 480 static int compare_by_aged_live(AgedRegionData a, AgedRegionData b) {
 481   if (a._live_data < b._live_data)
 482     return -1;
 483   else if (a._live_data > b._live_data)
 484     return 1;
 485   else return 0;
 486 }
 488 inline void assert_no_in_place_promotions() {
 489 #ifdef ASSERT
 490   class ShenandoahNoInPlacePromotions : public ShenandoahHeapRegionClosure {
 491   public:
 492     void heap_region_do(ShenandoahHeapRegion *r) override {
 493       assert(r->get_top_before_promote() == nullptr,
 494              "Region " SIZE_FORMAT " should not be ready for in-place promotion", r->index());
 495     }
 496   } cl;
 497   ShenandoahHeap::heap()->heap_region_iterate(&cl);
 498 #endif
 499 }
 501 // Preselect for inclusion into the collection set regions whose age is at or above tenure age which contain more than
 502 // ShenandoahOldGarbageThreshold amounts of garbage.  We identify these regions by setting the appropriate entry of
 503 // the collection set's preselected regions array to true.  All entries are initialized to false before calling this
 504 // function.
 505 //
 506 // During the subsequent selection of the collection set, we give priority to these promotion set candidates.
 507 // Without this prioritization, we found that the aged regions tend to be ignored because they typically have
 508 // much less garbage and much more live data than the recently allocated "eden" regions.  When aged regions are
 509 // repeatedly excluded from the collection set, the amount of live memory within the young generation tends to
 510 // accumulate and this has the undesirable side effect of causing young-generation collections to require much more
 511 // CPU and wall-clock time.
 512 //
 513 // A second benefit of treating aged regions differently than other regions during collection set selection is
 514 // that this allows us to more accurately budget memory to hold the results of evacuation.  Memory for evacuation
 515 // of aged regions must be reserved in the old generation.  Memory for evacuation of all other regions must be
 516 // reserved in the young generation.
 517 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::select_aged_regions(size_t old_available) {
 519   // There should be no regions configured for subsequent in-place-promotions carried over from the previous cycle.
 520   assert_no_in_place_promotions();
 522   auto const heap = ShenandoahGenerationalHeap::heap();
 523   bool* const candidate_regions_for_promotion_by_copy = heap->collection_set()->preselected_regions();
 524   ShenandoahMarkingContext* const ctx = heap->marking_context();
 526   const uint tenuring_threshold = heap->age_census()->tenuring_threshold();
 527   const size_t old_garbage_threshold = (ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes() * ShenandoahOldGarbageThreshold) / 100;
 529   size_t old_consumed = 0;
 530   size_t promo_potential = 0;
 531   size_t candidates = 0;
 533   // Tracks the padding of space above top in regions eligible for promotion in place
 534   size_t promote_in_place_pad = 0;
 536   // Sort the promotion-eligible regions in order of increasing live-data-bytes so that we can first reclaim regions that require
 537   // less evacuation effort.  This prioritizes garbage first, expanding the allocation pool early before we reclaim regions that
 538   // have more live data.
 539   const size_t num_regions = heap->num_regions();
 541   ResourceMark rm;
 542   AgedRegionData* sorted_regions = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(AgedRegionData, num_regions);
 544   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_regions; i++) {
 545     ShenandoahHeapRegion* const r = heap->get_region(i);
 546     if (r->is_empty() || !r->has_live() || !r->is_young() || !r->is_regular()) {
 547       // skip over regions that aren't regular young with some live data
 548       continue;
 549     }
 550     if (r->age() >= tenuring_threshold) {
 551       if ((r->garbage() < old_garbage_threshold)) {
 552         // This tenure-worthy region has too little garbage, so we do not want to expend the copying effort to
 553         // reclaim the garbage; instead this region may be eligible for promotion-in-place to the
 554         // old generation.
 555         HeapWord* tams = ctx->top_at_mark_start(r);
 556         HeapWord* original_top = r->top();
 557         if (!heap->is_concurrent_old_mark_in_progress() && tams == original_top) {
 558           // No allocations from this region have been made during concurrent mark. It meets all the criteria
 559           // for in-place-promotion. Though we only need the value of top when we fill the end of the region,
 560           // we use this field to indicate that this region should be promoted in place during the evacuation
 561           // phase.
 562           r->save_top_before_promote();
 564           size_t remnant_size = r->free() / HeapWordSize;
 565           if (remnant_size > ShenandoahHeap::min_fill_size()) {
 566             ShenandoahHeap::fill_with_object(original_top, remnant_size);
 567             // Fill the remnant memory within this region to assure no allocations prior to promote in place.  Otherwise,
 568             // newly allocated objects will not be parsable when promote in place tries to register them.  Furthermore, any
 569             // new allocations would not necessarily be eligible for promotion.  This addresses both issues.
 570             r->set_top(r->end());
 571             promote_in_place_pad += remnant_size * HeapWordSize;
 572           } else {
 573             // Since the remnant is so small that it cannot be filled, we don't have to worry about any accidental
 574             // allocations occurring within this region before the region is promoted in place.
 575           }
 576         }
 577         // Else, we do not promote this region (either in place or by copy) because it has received new allocations.
 579         // During evacuation, we exclude from promotion regions for which age > tenure threshold, garbage < garbage-threshold,
 580         //  and get_top_before_promote() != tams
 581       } else {
 582         // Record this promotion-eligible candidate region. After sorting and selecting the best candidates below,
 583         // we may still decide to exclude this promotion-eligible region from the current collection set.  If this
 584         // happens, we will consider this region as part of the anticipated promotion potential for the next GC
 585         // pass; see further below.
 586         sorted_regions[candidates]._region = r;
 587         sorted_regions[candidates++]._live_data = r->get_live_data_bytes();
 588       }
 589     } else {
 590       // We only evacuate & promote objects from regular regions whose garbage() is above old-garbage-threshold.
 591       // Objects in tenure-worthy regions with less garbage are promoted in place. These take a different path to
 592       // old-gen.  Regions excluded from promotion because their garbage content is too low (causing us to anticipate that
 593       // the region would be promoted in place) may be eligible for evacuation promotion by the time promotion takes
 594       // place during a subsequent GC pass because more garbage is found within the region between now and then.  This
 595       // should not happen if we are properly adapting the tenure age.  The theory behind adaptive tenuring threshold
 596       // is to choose the youngest age that demonstrates no "significant" further loss of population since the previous
 597       // age.  If not this, we expect the tenure age to demonstrate linear population decay for at least two population
 598       // samples, whereas we expect to observe exponential population decay for ages younger than the tenure age.
 599       //
 600       // In the case that certain regions which were anticipated to be promoted in place need to be promoted by
 601       // evacuation, it may be the case that there is not sufficient reserve within old-gen to hold evacuation of
 602       // these regions.  The likely outcome is that these regions will not be selected for evacuation or promotion
 603       // in the current cycle and we will anticipate that they will be promoted in the next cycle.  This will cause
 604       // us to reserve more old-gen memory so that these objects can be promoted in the subsequent cycle.
 605       if (heap->is_aging_cycle() && (r->age() + 1 == tenuring_threshold)) {
 606         if (r->garbage() >= old_garbage_threshold) {
 607           promo_potential += r->get_live_data_bytes();
 608         }
 609       }
 610     }
 611     // Note that we keep going even if one region is excluded from selection.
 612     // Subsequent regions may be selected if they have smaller live data.
 613   }
 614   // Sort in increasing order according to live data bytes.  Note that candidates represents the number of regions
 615   // that qualify to be promoted by evacuation.
 616   if (candidates > 0) {
 617     size_t selected_regions = 0;
 618     size_t selected_live = 0;
 619     QuickSort::sort<AgedRegionData>(sorted_regions, candidates, compare_by_aged_live);
 620     for (size_t i = 0; i < candidates; i++) {
 621       ShenandoahHeapRegion* const region = sorted_regions[i]._region;
 622       size_t region_live_data = sorted_regions[i]._live_data;
 623       size_t promotion_need = (size_t) (region_live_data * ShenandoahPromoEvacWaste);
 624       if (old_consumed + promotion_need <= old_available) {
 625         old_consumed += promotion_need;
 626         candidate_regions_for_promotion_by_copy[region->index()] = true;
 627         selected_regions++;
 628         selected_live += region_live_data;
 629       } else {
 630         // We rejected this promotable region from the collection set because we had no room to hold its copy.
 631         // Add this region to promo potential for next GC.
 632         promo_potential += region_live_data;
 633         assert(!candidate_regions_for_promotion_by_copy[region->index()], "Shouldn't be selected");
 634       }
 635       // We keep going even if one region is excluded from selection because we need to accumulate all eligible
 636       // regions that are not preselected into promo_potential
 637     }
 638     log_debug(gc)("Preselected " SIZE_FORMAT " regions containing " SIZE_FORMAT " live bytes,"
 639                  " consuming: " SIZE_FORMAT " of budgeted: " SIZE_FORMAT,
 640                  selected_regions, selected_live, old_consumed, old_available);
 641   }
 643   heap->old_generation()->set_pad_for_promote_in_place(promote_in_place_pad);
 644   heap->old_generation()->set_promotion_potential(promo_potential);
 645   return old_consumed;
 646 }
 648 void ShenandoahGeneration::prepare_regions_and_collection_set(bool concurrent) {
 649   ShenandoahHeap* heap = ShenandoahHeap::heap();
 650   ShenandoahCollectionSet* collection_set = heap->collection_set();
 651   bool is_generational = heap->mode()->is_generational();
 653   assert(!heap->is_full_gc_in_progress(), "Only for concurrent and degenerated GC");
 654   assert(!is_old(), "Only YOUNG and GLOBAL GC perform evacuations");
 655   {
 656     ShenandoahGCPhase phase(concurrent ? ShenandoahPhaseTimings::final_update_region_states :
 657                             ShenandoahPhaseTimings::degen_gc_final_update_region_states);
 658     ShenandoahFinalMarkUpdateRegionStateClosure cl(complete_marking_context());
 659     parallel_heap_region_iterate(&cl);
 661     if (is_young()) {
 662       // We always need to update the watermark for old regions. If there
 663       // are mixed collections pending, we also need to synchronize the
 664       // pinned status for old regions. Since we are already visiting every
 665       // old region here, go ahead and sync the pin status too.
 666       ShenandoahFinalMarkUpdateRegionStateClosure old_cl(nullptr);
 667       heap->old_generation()->parallel_heap_region_iterate(&old_cl);
 668     }
 669   }
 671   // Tally the census counts and compute the adaptive tenuring threshold
 672   if (is_generational && ShenandoahGenerationalAdaptiveTenuring && !ShenandoahGenerationalCensusAtEvac) {
 673     // Objects above TAMS weren't included in the age census. Since they were all
 674     // allocated in this cycle they belong in the age 0 cohort. We walk over all
 675     // young regions and sum the volume of objects between TAMS and top.
 676     ShenandoahUpdateCensusZeroCohortClosure age0_cl(complete_marking_context());
 677     heap->young_generation()->heap_region_iterate(&age0_cl);
 678     size_t age0_pop = age0_cl.get_age0_population();
 680     // Update the global census, including the missed age 0 cohort above,
 681     // along with the census done during marking, and compute the tenuring threshold.
 682     ShenandoahAgeCensus* census = ShenandoahGenerationalHeap::heap()->age_census();
 683     census->update_census(age0_pop);
 684 #ifndef PRODUCT
 685     size_t total_pop = age0_cl.get_total_population();
 686     size_t total_census = census->get_total();
 687     // Usually total_pop > total_census, but not by too much.
 688     // We use integer division so anything up to just less than 2 is considered
 689     // reasonable, and the "+1" is to avoid divide-by-zero.
 690     assert((total_pop+1)/(total_census+1) ==  1, "Extreme divergence: "
 691            SIZE_FORMAT "/" SIZE_FORMAT, total_pop, total_census);
 692 #endif
 693   }
 695   {
 696     ShenandoahGCPhase phase(concurrent ? ShenandoahPhaseTimings::choose_cset :
 697                             ShenandoahPhaseTimings::degen_gc_choose_cset);
 699     collection_set->clear();
 700     ShenandoahHeapLocker locker(heap->lock());
 701     if (is_generational) {
 702       // Seed the collection set with resource area-allocated
 703       // preselected regions, which are removed when we exit this scope.
 704       ShenandoahCollectionSetPreselector preselector(collection_set, heap->num_regions());
 706       // Find the amount that will be promoted, regions that will be promoted in
 707       // place, and preselect older regions that will be promoted by evacuation.
 708       compute_evacuation_budgets(heap);
 710       // Choose the collection set, including the regions preselected above for
 711       // promotion into the old generation.
 712       _heuristics->choose_collection_set(collection_set);
 713       if (!collection_set->is_empty()) {
 714         // only make use of evacuation budgets when we are evacuating
 715         adjust_evacuation_budgets(heap, collection_set);
 716       }
 718       if (is_global()) {
 719         // We have just chosen a collection set for a global cycle. The mark bitmap covering old regions is complete, so
 720         // the remembered set scan can use that to avoid walking into garbage. When the next old mark begins, we will
 721         // use the mark bitmap to make the old regions parsable by coalescing and filling any unmarked objects. Thus,
 722         // we prepare for old collections by remembering which regions are old at this time. Note that any objects
 723         // promoted into old regions will be above TAMS, and so will be considered marked. However, free regions that
 724         // become old after this point will not be covered correctly by the mark bitmap, so we must be careful not to
 725         // coalesce those regions. Only the old regions which are not part of the collection set at this point are
 726         // eligible for coalescing. As implemented now, this has the side effect of possibly initiating mixed-evacuations
 727         // after a global cycle for old regions that were not included in this collection set.
 728         heap->old_generation()->prepare_for_mixed_collections_after_global_gc();
 729       }
 730     } else {
 731       _heuristics->choose_collection_set(collection_set);
 732     }
 733   }
 736   {
 737     ShenandoahGCPhase phase(concurrent ? ShenandoahPhaseTimings::final_rebuild_freeset :
 738                             ShenandoahPhaseTimings::degen_gc_final_rebuild_freeset);
 739     ShenandoahHeapLocker locker(heap->lock());
 740     size_t young_cset_regions, old_cset_regions;
 742     // We are preparing for evacuation.  At this time, we ignore cset region tallies.
 743     size_t first_old, last_old, num_old;
 744     heap->free_set()->prepare_to_rebuild(young_cset_regions, old_cset_regions, first_old, last_old, num_old);
 745     // Free set construction uses reserve quantities, because they are known to be valid here
 746     heap->free_set()->finish_rebuild(young_cset_regions, old_cset_regions, num_old, true);
 747   }
 748 }
 750 bool ShenandoahGeneration::is_bitmap_clear() {
 751   ShenandoahHeap* heap = ShenandoahHeap::heap();
 752   ShenandoahMarkingContext* context = heap->marking_context();
 753   const size_t num_regions = heap->num_regions();
 754   for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_regions; idx++) {
 755     ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = heap->get_region(idx);
 756     if (contains(r) && r->is_affiliated()) {
 757       if (heap->is_bitmap_slice_committed(r) && (context->top_at_mark_start(r) > r->bottom()) &&
 758           !context->is_bitmap_clear_range(r->bottom(), r->end())) {
 759         return false;
 760       }
 761     }
 762   }
 763   return true;
 764 }
 766 bool ShenandoahGeneration::is_mark_complete() {
 767   return _is_marking_complete.is_set();
 768 }
 770 void ShenandoahGeneration::set_mark_complete() {
 771   _is_marking_complete.set();
 772 }
 774 void ShenandoahGeneration::set_mark_incomplete() {
 775   _is_marking_complete.unset();
 776 }
 778 ShenandoahMarkingContext* ShenandoahGeneration::complete_marking_context() {
 779   assert(is_mark_complete(), "Marking must be completed.");
 780   return ShenandoahHeap::heap()->marking_context();
 781 }
 783 void ShenandoahGeneration::cancel_marking() {
 784   log_info(gc)("Cancel marking: %s", name());
 785   if (is_concurrent_mark_in_progress()) {
 786     set_mark_incomplete();
 787   }
 788   _task_queues->clear();
 789   ref_processor()->abandon_partial_discovery();
 790   set_concurrent_mark_in_progress(false);
 791 }
 793 ShenandoahGeneration::ShenandoahGeneration(ShenandoahGenerationType type,
 794                                            uint max_workers,
 795                                            size_t max_capacity,
 796                                            size_t soft_max_capacity) :
 797   _type(type),
 798   _task_queues(new ShenandoahObjToScanQueueSet(max_workers)),
 799   _ref_processor(new ShenandoahReferenceProcessor(MAX2(max_workers, 1U))),
 800   _affiliated_region_count(0), _humongous_waste(0), _evacuation_reserve(0),
 801   _used(0), _bytes_allocated_since_gc_start(0),
 802   _max_capacity(max_capacity), _soft_max_capacity(soft_max_capacity),
 803   _heuristics(nullptr)
 804 {
 805   _is_marking_complete.set();
 806   assert(max_workers > 0, "At least one queue");
 807   for (uint i = 0; i < max_workers; ++i) {
 808     ShenandoahObjToScanQueue* task_queue = new ShenandoahObjToScanQueue();
 809     _task_queues->register_queue(i, task_queue);
 810   }
 811 }
 813 ShenandoahGeneration::~ShenandoahGeneration() {
 814   for (uint i = 0; i < _task_queues->size(); ++i) {
 815     ShenandoahObjToScanQueue* q = _task_queues->queue(i);
 816     delete q;
 817   }
 818   delete _task_queues;
 819 }
 821 void ShenandoahGeneration::reserve_task_queues(uint workers) {
 822   _task_queues->reserve(workers);
 823 }
 825 ShenandoahObjToScanQueueSet* ShenandoahGeneration::old_gen_task_queues() const {
 826   return nullptr;
 827 }
 829 void ShenandoahGeneration::scan_remembered_set(bool is_concurrent) {
 830   assert(is_young(), "Should only scan remembered set for young generation.");
 832   ShenandoahGenerationalHeap* const heap = ShenandoahGenerationalHeap::heap();
 833   uint nworkers = heap->workers()->active_workers();
 834   reserve_task_queues(nworkers);
 836   ShenandoahReferenceProcessor* rp = ref_processor();
 837   ShenandoahRegionChunkIterator work_list(nworkers);
 838   ShenandoahScanRememberedTask task(task_queues(), old_gen_task_queues(), rp, &work_list, is_concurrent);
 839   heap->assert_gc_workers(nworkers);
 840   heap->workers()->run_task(&task);
 841   if (ShenandoahEnableCardStats) {
 842     ShenandoahScanRemembered* scanner = heap->old_generation()->card_scan();
 843     assert(scanner != nullptr, "Not generational");
 844     scanner->log_card_stats(nworkers, CARD_STAT_SCAN_RS);
 845   }
 846 }
 848 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::increment_affiliated_region_count() {
 849   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked_or_safepoint();
 850   // During full gc, multiple GC worker threads may change region affiliations without a lock.  No lock is enforced
 851   // on read and write of _affiliated_region_count.  At the end of full gc, a single thread overwrites the count with
 852   // a coherent value.
 853   _affiliated_region_count++;
 854   return _affiliated_region_count;
 855 }
 857 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::decrement_affiliated_region_count() {
 858   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked_or_safepoint();
 859   // During full gc, multiple GC worker threads may change region affiliations without a lock.  No lock is enforced
 860   // on read and write of _affiliated_region_count.  At the end of full gc, a single thread overwrites the count with
 861   // a coherent value.
 862   _affiliated_region_count--;
 863   assert(ShenandoahHeap::heap()->is_full_gc_in_progress() ||
 864          (_used + _humongous_waste <= _affiliated_region_count * ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes()),
 865          "used + humongous cannot exceed regions");
 866   return _affiliated_region_count;
 867 }
 869 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::increase_affiliated_region_count(size_t delta) {
 870   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked_or_safepoint();
 871   _affiliated_region_count += delta;
 872   return _affiliated_region_count;
 873 }
 875 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::decrease_affiliated_region_count(size_t delta) {
 876   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked_or_safepoint();
 877   assert(_affiliated_region_count >= delta, "Affiliated region count cannot be negative");
 879   _affiliated_region_count -= delta;
 880   assert(ShenandoahHeap::heap()->is_full_gc_in_progress() ||
 881          (_used + _humongous_waste <= _affiliated_region_count * ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes()),
 882          "used + humongous cannot exceed regions");
 883   return _affiliated_region_count;
 884 }
 886 void ShenandoahGeneration::establish_usage(size_t num_regions, size_t num_bytes, size_t humongous_waste) {
 887   assert(ShenandoahSafepoint::is_at_shenandoah_safepoint(), "must be at a safepoint");
 888   _affiliated_region_count = num_regions;
 889   _used = num_bytes;
 890   _humongous_waste = humongous_waste;
 891 }
 893 void ShenandoahGeneration::increase_used(size_t bytes) {
 894   Atomic::add(&_used, bytes);
 895 }
 897 void ShenandoahGeneration::increase_humongous_waste(size_t bytes) {
 898   if (bytes > 0) {
 899     Atomic::add(&_humongous_waste, bytes);
 900   }
 901 }
 903 void ShenandoahGeneration::decrease_humongous_waste(size_t bytes) {
 904   if (bytes > 0) {
 905     assert(ShenandoahHeap::heap()->is_full_gc_in_progress() || (_humongous_waste >= bytes),
 906            "Waste (" SIZE_FORMAT ") cannot be negative (after subtracting " SIZE_FORMAT ")", _humongous_waste, bytes);
 907     Atomic::sub(&_humongous_waste, bytes);
 908   }
 909 }
 911 void ShenandoahGeneration::decrease_used(size_t bytes) {
 912   assert(ShenandoahHeap::heap()->is_full_gc_in_progress() ||
 913          (_used >= bytes), "cannot reduce bytes used by generation below zero");
 914   Atomic::sub(&_used, bytes);
 915 }
 917 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::used_regions() const {
 918   return _affiliated_region_count;
 919 }
 921 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::free_unaffiliated_regions() const {
 922   size_t result = max_capacity() / ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes();
 923   if (_affiliated_region_count > result) {
 924     result = 0;
 925   } else {
 926     result -= _affiliated_region_count;
 927   }
 928   return result;
 929 }
 931 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::used_regions_size() const {
 932   return _affiliated_region_count * ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes();
 933 }
 935 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::available() const {
 936   return available(max_capacity());
 937 }
 939 // For ShenandoahYoungGeneration, Include the young available that may have been reserved for the Collector.
 940 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::available_with_reserve() const {
 941   return available(max_capacity());
 942 }
 944 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::soft_available() const {
 945   return available(soft_max_capacity());
 946 }
 948 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::available(size_t capacity) const {
 949   size_t in_use = used() + get_humongous_waste();
 950   return in_use > capacity ? 0 : capacity - in_use;
 951 }
 953 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::increase_capacity(size_t increment) {
 954   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked_or_safepoint();
 956   // We do not enforce that new capacity >= heap->max_size_for(this).  The maximum generation size is treated as a rule of thumb
 957   // which may be violated during certain transitions, such as when we are forcing transfers for the purpose of promoting regions
 958   // in place.
 959   assert(ShenandoahHeap::heap()->is_full_gc_in_progress() ||
 960          (_max_capacity + increment <= ShenandoahHeap::heap()->max_capacity()), "Generation cannot be larger than heap size");
 961   assert(increment % ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes() == 0, "Generation capacity must be multiple of region size");
 962   _max_capacity += increment;
 964   // This detects arithmetic wraparound on _used
 965   assert(ShenandoahHeap::heap()->is_full_gc_in_progress() ||
 966          (_affiliated_region_count * ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes() >= _used),
 967          "Affiliated regions must hold more than what is currently used");
 968   return _max_capacity;
 969 }
 971 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::set_capacity(size_t byte_size) {
 972   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked_or_safepoint();
 973   _max_capacity = byte_size;
 974   return _max_capacity;
 975 }
 977 size_t ShenandoahGeneration::decrease_capacity(size_t decrement) {
 978   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked_or_safepoint();
 980   // We do not enforce that new capacity >= heap->min_size_for(this).  The minimum generation size is treated as a rule of thumb
 981   // which may be violated during certain transitions, such as when we are forcing transfers for the purpose of promoting regions
 982   // in place.
 983   assert(decrement % ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes() == 0, "Generation capacity must be multiple of region size");
 984   assert(_max_capacity >= decrement, "Generation capacity cannot be negative");
 986   _max_capacity -= decrement;
 988   // This detects arithmetic wraparound on _used
 989   assert(ShenandoahHeap::heap()->is_full_gc_in_progress() ||
 990          (_affiliated_region_count * ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes() >= _used),
 991          "Affiliated regions must hold more than what is currently used");
 992   assert(ShenandoahHeap::heap()->is_full_gc_in_progress() ||
 993          (_used <= _max_capacity), "Cannot use more than capacity");
 994   assert(ShenandoahHeap::heap()->is_full_gc_in_progress() ||
 995          (_affiliated_region_count * ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes() <= _max_capacity),
 996          "Cannot use more than capacity");
 997   return _max_capacity;
 998 }
1000 void ShenandoahGeneration::record_success_concurrent(bool abbreviated) {
1001   heuristics()->record_success_concurrent();
1002   ShenandoahHeap::heap()->shenandoah_policy()->record_success_concurrent(is_young(), abbreviated);
1003 }