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*** 1,7 ***
--- 1,8 ---
   * Copyright (c) 2017, 2020, Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+  * Copyright Amazon.com Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
   * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   * published by the Free Software Foundation.

*** 30,10 ***
--- 31,11 ---
  #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  #include "oops/oopsHierarchy.hpp"
  #include "utilities/stack.hpp"
  class ShenandoahHeap;
+ class ShenandoahMarkingContext;
  #ifdef _WINDOWS
  #pragma warning( disable : 4522 )

*** 55,10 ***
--- 57,28 ---
  class ShenandoahVerifier : public CHeapObj<mtGC> {
    ShenandoahHeap* _heap;
    MarkBitMap* _verification_bit_map;
+   typedef enum {
+     // Disable remembered set verification.
+     _verify_remembered_disable,
+     // Old objects should be registered and RS cards within *read-only* RS are dirty for all
+     // inter-generational pointers.
+     _verify_remembered_before_marking,
+     // Old objects should be registered and RS cards within *read-write* RS are dirty for all
+     // inter-generational pointers.
+     _verify_remembered_before_updating_references,
+     // Old objects should be registered and RS cards within *read-write* RS are dirty for all
+     // inter-generational pointers. Differs from previous verification modes by using top instead
+     // of update watermark and not using the marking context.
+     _verify_remembered_after_full_gc
+   } VerifyRememberedSet;
    typedef enum {
      // Disable marked objects verification.
      // Objects should be marked in "next" bitmap.

*** 67,11 ***
      // Objects should be marked in "complete" bitmap.
      // Objects should be marked in "complete" bitmap, except j.l.r.Reference referents, which
      // may be dangling after marking but before conc-weakrefs-processing.
!     _verify_marked_complete_except_references
    } VerifyMarked;
    typedef enum {
      // Disable forwarded objects verification.
--- 87,16 ---
      // Objects should be marked in "complete" bitmap.
      // Objects should be marked in "complete" bitmap, except j.l.r.Reference referents, which
      // may be dangling after marking but before conc-weakrefs-processing.
!     _verify_marked_complete_except_references,
+     // Objects should be marked in "complete" bitmap, except j.l.r.Reference referents, which
+     // may be dangling after marking but before conc-weakrefs-processing. All SATB buffers must
+     // be empty.
+     _verify_marked_complete_satb_empty,
    } VerifyMarked;
    typedef enum {
      // Disable forwarded objects verification.

*** 120,10 ***
--- 145,21 ---
      // No trash and no cset regions allowed
    } VerifyRegions;
+   typedef enum {
+     // Disable size verification
+     _verify_size_disable,
+     // Enforce exact consistency
+     _verify_size_exact,
+     // Expect promote-in-place adjustments: padding inserted to temporarily prevent further allocation in regular regions
+     _verify_size_adjusted_for_padding
+   } VerifySize;
    typedef enum {
      // Disable gc-state verification
      // Nothing is in progress, no forwarded objects

*** 134,11 ***
      // Nothing is in progress, some objects are forwarded
      // Evacuation is in progress, some objects are forwarded
!     _verify_gcstate_evacuation
    } VerifyGCState;
    struct VerifyOptions {
      VerifyForwarded     _verify_forwarded;
      VerifyMarked        _verify_marked;
--- 170,14 ---
      // Nothing is in progress, some objects are forwarded
      // Evacuation is in progress, some objects are forwarded
!     _verify_gcstate_evacuation,
+     // Evacuation is done, some objects are forwarded, updating is in progress
+     _verify_gcstate_updating
    } VerifyGCState;
    struct VerifyOptions {
      VerifyForwarded     _verify_forwarded;
      VerifyMarked        _verify_marked;

*** 158,16 ***
              _verify_liveness(verify_liveness), _verify_regions(verify_regions),
              _verify_gcstate(verify_gcstate) {}
!   void verify_at_safepoint(const char *label,
                             VerifyForwarded forwarded,
                             VerifyMarked marked,
                             VerifyCollectionSet cset,
                             VerifyLiveness liveness,
                             VerifyRegions regions,
                             VerifyGCState gcstate);
    ShenandoahVerifier(ShenandoahHeap* heap, MarkBitMap* verification_bitmap) :
            _heap(heap), _verification_bit_map(verification_bitmap) {};
--- 197,18 ---
              _verify_liveness(verify_liveness), _verify_regions(verify_regions),
              _verify_gcstate(verify_gcstate) {}
!   void verify_at_safepoint(const char* label,
+                            VerifyRememberedSet remembered,
                             VerifyForwarded forwarded,
                             VerifyMarked marked,
                             VerifyCollectionSet cset,
                             VerifyLiveness liveness,
                             VerifyRegions regions,
+                            VerifySize sizeness,
                             VerifyGCState gcstate);
    ShenandoahVerifier(ShenandoahHeap* heap, MarkBitMap* verification_bitmap) :
            _heap(heap), _verification_bit_map(verification_bitmap) {};

*** 184,10 ***
    void verify_after_degenerated();
    void verify_generic(VerifyOption option);
    // Roots should only contain to-space oops
    void verify_roots_in_to_space();
    void verify_roots_no_forwarded();
--- 225,22 ---
    void verify_after_degenerated();
    void verify_generic(VerifyOption option);
    // Roots should only contain to-space oops
    void verify_roots_in_to_space();
    void verify_roots_no_forwarded();
+   // Check that generation usages are accurate before rebuilding free set
+   void verify_before_rebuilding_free_set();
+ private:
+   template<typename Scanner>
+   void help_verify_region_rem_set(Scanner* scanner, ShenandoahHeapRegion* r, ShenandoahMarkingContext* ctx,
+                                   HeapWord* update_watermark, const char* message);
+   void verify_rem_set_before_mark();
+   void verify_rem_set_before_update_ref();
+   void verify_rem_set_after_full_gc();
+   ShenandoahMarkingContext* get_marking_context_for_old();
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