< prev index next > make/modules/java.base/gensrc/GensrcVarHandles.gmk
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ifneq ($$(findstring $$($1_Type), Byte Short Char), )
$1_ARGS += -KShorterThanInt
+ ifeq ($$($1_Type), Reference)
+ $1_ARGS += -KReference
+ endif
+ ifeq ($$($1_Type), FlatValue)
+ $1_ARGS += -KFlatValue
+ endif
$$($1_FILENAME): $(VARHANDLES_SRC_DIR)/X-VarHandle.java.template $(BUILD_TOOLS_JDK)
ifeq ($$($1_Type), Reference)
$$(eval $1_type := Object)
+ else ifeq ($$($1_Type), FlatValue)
+ $$(eval $1_type := Object)
$$(eval $1_type := $$$$(shell $(TR) '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<< $$$$($1_Type)))
$$(call MakeDir, $$(@D))
$(RM) $$@
# List the types to generate source for, with capitalized first letter
- VARHANDLES_TYPES := Boolean Byte Short Char Int Long Float Double Reference
+ VARHANDLES_TYPES := Boolean Byte Short Char Int Long Float Double Reference FlatValue
$(foreach t, $(VARHANDLES_TYPES), \
$(eval $(call GenerateVarHandle,VAR_HANDLE_$t,$t)))
# List the types to generate source for, with capitalized first letter
VARHANDLES_BYTE_ARRAY_TYPES := Short Char Int Long Float Double
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