< prev index next > src/hotspot/cpu/aarch64/c1_MacroAssembler_aarch64.cpp
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#include "c1/c1_MacroAssembler.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_Runtime1.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/barrierSetAssembler.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shared/barrierSet.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shared/barrierSetAssembler.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/tlab_globals.hpp"
#include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
#include "oops/arrayOop.hpp"
#include "oops/markWord.hpp"
#include "runtime/basicLock.hpp"
Label done;
// Load object header
ldr(hdr, Address(obj, hdr_offset));
// and mark it as unlocked
orr(hdr, hdr, markWord::unlocked_value);
+ if (EnableValhalla) {
+ // Mask always_locked bit such that we go to the slow path if object is an inline type
+ andr(hdr, hdr, ~markWord::inline_type_bit_in_place);
+ }
// save unlocked object header into the displaced header location on the stack
str(hdr, Address(disp_hdr, 0));
// test if object header is still the same (i.e. unlocked), and if so, store the
// displaced header address in the object header - if it is not the same, get the
// object header instead
void C1_MacroAssembler::initialize_header(Register obj, Register klass, Register len, Register t1, Register t2) {
assert_different_registers(obj, klass, len);
! if (UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
ldr(t1, Address(klass, Klass::prototype_header_offset()));
str(t1, Address(obj, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
} else {
mov(t1, checked_cast<int32_t>(markWord::prototype().value()));
str(t1, Address(obj, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
if (UseCompressedClassPointers) { // Take care not to kill klass
encode_klass_not_null(t1, klass);
strw(t1, Address(obj, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
} else {
str(klass, Address(obj, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
void C1_MacroAssembler::initialize_header(Register obj, Register klass, Register len, Register t1, Register t2) {
assert_different_registers(obj, klass, len);
! if (UseCompactObjectHeaders || EnableValhalla) {
ldr(t1, Address(klass, Klass::prototype_header_offset()));
str(t1, Address(obj, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
} else {
mov(t1, checked_cast<int32_t>(markWord::prototype().value()));
str(t1, Address(obj, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
+ }
+ if (!UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
if (UseCompressedClassPointers) { // Take care not to kill klass
encode_klass_not_null(t1, klass);
strw(t1, Address(obj, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
} else {
str(klass, Address(obj, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()));
! void C1_MacroAssembler::build_frame(int framesize, int bang_size_in_bytes) {
! assert(bang_size_in_bytes >= framesize, "stack bang size incorrect");
// Make sure there is enough stack space for this method's activation.
// Note that we do this before creating a frame.
! MacroAssembler::build_frame(framesize);
// Insert nmethod entry barrier into frame.
BarrierSetAssembler* bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_assembler();
bs->nmethod_entry_barrier(this, nullptr /* slow_path */, nullptr /* continuation */, nullptr /* guard */);
- }
! void C1_MacroAssembler::remove_frame(int framesize) {
! MacroAssembler::remove_frame(framesize);
void C1_MacroAssembler::verified_entry(bool breakAtEntry) {
// If we have to make this method not-entrant we'll overwrite its
// first instruction with a jump. For this action to be legal we
// must ensure that this first instruction is a B, BL, NOP, BKPT,
// SVC, HVC, or SMC. Make it a NOP.
void C1_MacroAssembler::load_parameter(int offset_in_words, Register reg) {
// rfp, + 0: link
// + 1: return address
// + 2: argument with offset 0
// + 3: argument with offset 1
! void C1_MacroAssembler::build_frame_helper(int frame_size_in_bytes, int sp_offset_for_orig_pc, int sp_inc, bool reset_orig_pc, bool needs_stack_repair) {
! MacroAssembler::build_frame(frame_size_in_bytes);
+ if (needs_stack_repair) {
+ save_stack_increment(sp_inc, frame_size_in_bytes);
+ }
+ if (reset_orig_pc) {
+ // Zero orig_pc to detect deoptimization during buffering in the entry points
+ str(zr, Address(sp, sp_offset_for_orig_pc));
+ }
+ }
+ void C1_MacroAssembler::build_frame(int frame_size_in_bytes, int bang_size_in_bytes, int sp_offset_for_orig_pc, bool needs_stack_repair, bool has_scalarized_args, Label* verified_inline_entry_label) {
// Make sure there is enough stack space for this method's activation.
// Note that we do this before creating a frame.
+ assert(bang_size_in_bytes >= frame_size_in_bytes, "stack bang size incorrect");
+ build_frame_helper(frame_size_in_bytes, sp_offset_for_orig_pc, 0, has_scalarized_args, needs_stack_repair);
// Insert nmethod entry barrier into frame.
BarrierSetAssembler* bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_assembler();
bs->nmethod_entry_barrier(this, nullptr /* slow_path */, nullptr /* continuation */, nullptr /* guard */);
! if (verified_inline_entry_label != nullptr) {
! // Jump here from the scalarized entry points that already created the frame.
+ bind(*verified_inline_entry_label);
+ }
void C1_MacroAssembler::verified_entry(bool breakAtEntry) {
// If we have to make this method not-entrant we'll overwrite its
// first instruction with a jump. For this action to be legal we
// must ensure that this first instruction is a B, BL, NOP, BKPT,
// SVC, HVC, or SMC. Make it a NOP.
+ if (C1Breakpoint) brk(1);
+ }
+ int C1_MacroAssembler::scalarized_entry(const CompiledEntrySignature* ces, int frame_size_in_bytes, int bang_size_in_bytes, int sp_offset_for_orig_pc, Label& verified_inline_entry_label, bool is_inline_ro_entry) {
+ assert(InlineTypePassFieldsAsArgs, "sanity");
+ // Make sure there is enough stack space for this method's activation.
+ assert(bang_size_in_bytes >= frame_size_in_bytes, "stack bang size incorrect");
+ generate_stack_overflow_check(bang_size_in_bytes);
+ GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig = ces->sig();
+ GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig_cc = is_inline_ro_entry ? ces->sig_cc_ro() : ces->sig_cc();
+ VMRegPair* regs = ces->regs();
+ VMRegPair* regs_cc = is_inline_ro_entry ? ces->regs_cc_ro() : ces->regs_cc();
+ int args_on_stack = ces->args_on_stack();
+ int args_on_stack_cc = is_inline_ro_entry ? ces->args_on_stack_cc_ro() : ces->args_on_stack_cc();
+ assert(sig->length() <= sig_cc->length(), "Zero-sized inline class not allowed!");
+ BasicType* sig_bt = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, sig_cc->length());
+ int args_passed = sig->length();
+ int args_passed_cc = SigEntry::fill_sig_bt(sig_cc, sig_bt);
+ // Create a temp frame so we can call into the runtime. It must be properly set up to accommodate GC.
+ build_frame_helper(frame_size_in_bytes, sp_offset_for_orig_pc, 0, true, ces->c1_needs_stack_repair());
+ // The runtime call might safepoint, make sure nmethod entry barrier is executed
+ BarrierSetAssembler* bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_assembler();
+ // C1 code is not hot enough to micro optimize the nmethod entry barrier with an out-of-line stub
+ bs->nmethod_entry_barrier(this, nullptr /* slow_path */, nullptr /* continuation */, nullptr /* guard */);
+ // FIXME -- call runtime only if we cannot in-line allocate all the incoming inline type args.
+ mov(r19, (intptr_t) ces->method());
+ if (is_inline_ro_entry) {
+ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(C1StubId::buffer_inline_args_no_receiver_id)));
+ } else {
+ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(C1StubId::buffer_inline_args_id)));
+ }
+ int rt_call_offset = offset();
+ // The runtime call returns the new array in r20 instead of the usual r0
+ // because r0 is also j_rarg7 which may be holding a live argument here.
+ Register val_array = r20;
+ // Remove the temp frame
+ MacroAssembler::remove_frame(frame_size_in_bytes);
+ // Check if we need to extend the stack for packing
+ int sp_inc = 0;
+ if (args_on_stack > args_on_stack_cc) {
+ sp_inc = extend_stack_for_inline_args(args_on_stack);
+ }
+ shuffle_inline_args(true, is_inline_ro_entry, sig_cc,
+ args_passed_cc, args_on_stack_cc, regs_cc, // from
+ args_passed, args_on_stack, regs, // to
+ sp_inc, val_array);
+ // Create the real frame. Below jump will then skip over the stack banging and frame
+ // setup code in the verified_inline_entry (which has a different real_frame_size).
+ build_frame_helper(frame_size_in_bytes, sp_offset_for_orig_pc, sp_inc, false, ces->c1_needs_stack_repair());
+ b(verified_inline_entry_label);
+ return rt_call_offset;
void C1_MacroAssembler::load_parameter(int offset_in_words, Register reg) {
// rfp, + 0: link
// + 1: return address
// + 2: argument with offset 0
// + 3: argument with offset 1
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