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*** 151,18 ***
        sender_sp = _unextended_sp + _cb->frame_size();
        // Is sender_sp safe?
        if (!thread->is_in_full_stack_checked((address)sender_sp)) {
          return false;
-       sender_unextended_sp = sender_sp;
        // Note: frame::sender_sp_offset is only valid for compiled frame
!       saved_fp = (intptr_t*) *(sender_sp - frame::sender_sp_offset);
        // Note: PAC authentication may fail in case broken frame is passed in.
        // Just strip it for now.
        sender_pc = pauth_strip_pointer((address) *(sender_sp - 1));
-     }
      if (Continuation::is_return_barrier_entry(sender_pc)) {
        // sender_pc might be invalid so check that the frame
        // actually belongs to a Continuation.
        if (!Continuation::is_frame_in_continuation(thread, *this)) {
          return false;
--- 151,21 ---
        sender_sp = _unextended_sp + _cb->frame_size();
        // Is sender_sp safe?
        if (!thread->is_in_full_stack_checked((address)sender_sp)) {
          return false;
        // Note: frame::sender_sp_offset is only valid for compiled frame
!       intptr_t **saved_fp_addr = (intptr_t**) (sender_sp - frame::sender_sp_offset);
+       saved_fp = *saved_fp_addr;
        // Note: PAC authentication may fail in case broken frame is passed in.
        // Just strip it for now.
        sender_pc = pauth_strip_pointer((address) *(sender_sp - 1));
+       // Repair the sender sp if this is a method with scalarized inline type args
+       sender_sp = repair_sender_sp(sender_sp, saved_fp_addr);
+       sender_unextended_sp = sender_sp;
+     }
      if (Continuation::is_return_barrier_entry(sender_pc)) {
        // sender_pc might be invalid so check that the frame
        // actually belongs to a Continuation.
        if (!Continuation::is_frame_in_continuation(thread, *this)) {
          return false;

*** 820,10 ***
--- 823,26 ---
    init((intptr_t*)sp, (intptr_t*)fp, (address)pc);
+ // Check for a method with scalarized inline type arguments that needs
+ // a stack repair and return the repaired sender stack pointer.
+ intptr_t* frame::repair_sender_sp(intptr_t* sender_sp, intptr_t** saved_fp_addr) const {
+   nmethod* nm = _cb->as_nmethod_or_null();
+   if (nm != nullptr && nm->needs_stack_repair()) {
+     // The stack increment resides just below the saved FP on the stack and
+     // records the total frame size excluding the two words for saving FP and LR.
+     intptr_t* sp_inc_addr = (intptr_t*) (saved_fp_addr - 1);
+     assert(*sp_inc_addr % StackAlignmentInBytes == 0, "sp_inc not aligned");
+     int real_frame_size = (*sp_inc_addr / wordSize) + 2;
+     assert(real_frame_size >= _cb->frame_size() && real_frame_size <= 1000000, "invalid frame size");
+     sender_sp = unextended_sp() + real_frame_size;
+   }
+   return sender_sp;
+ }
  void JavaFrameAnchor::make_walkable() {
    // last frame set?
    if (last_Java_sp() == nullptr) return;
    // already walkable?
    if (walkable()) return;
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