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*** 68,10 ***
--- 68,11 ---
  class NativeNMethodBarrier {
    address  _instruction_address;
    int*     _guard_addr;
    nmethod* _nm;
+ public:
    address instruction_address() const { return _instruction_address; }
    int *guard_addr() {
      return _guard_addr;

*** 79,25 ***
    int local_guard_offset(nmethod* nm) {
      // It's the last instruction
      return (-entry_barrier_offset(nm)) - 4;
! public:
-   NativeNMethodBarrier(nmethod* nm): _nm(nm) {
      if (nm->is_compiled_by_jvmci()) {
        address pc = nm->code_begin() + nm->jvmci_nmethod_data()->nmethod_entry_patch_offset();
        RelocIterator iter(nm, pc, pc + 4);
        guarantee(iter.next(), "missing relocs");
        guarantee(iter.type() == relocInfo::section_word_type, "unexpected reloc");
        _guard_addr = (int*) iter.section_word_reloc()->target();
        _instruction_address = pc;
      } else
!         _instruction_address = nm->code_begin() + nm->frame_complete_offset() + entry_barrier_offset(nm);
          if (nm->is_compiled_by_c2()) {
            // With c2 compiled code, the guard is out-of-line in a stub
            // We find it using the RelocIterator.
            RelocIterator iter(nm);
            while (iter.next()) {
--- 80,26 ---
    int local_guard_offset(nmethod* nm) {
      // It's the last instruction
      return (-entry_barrier_offset(nm)) - 4;
!   NativeNMethodBarrier(nmethod* nm, address alt_entry_instruction_address = 0): _nm(nm) {
      if (nm->is_compiled_by_jvmci()) {
+       assert(alt_entry_instruction_address == 0, "invariant");
        address pc = nm->code_begin() + nm->jvmci_nmethod_data()->nmethod_entry_patch_offset();
        RelocIterator iter(nm, pc, pc + 4);
        guarantee(iter.next(), "missing relocs");
        guarantee(iter.type() == relocInfo::section_word_type, "unexpected reloc");
        _guard_addr = (int*) iter.section_word_reloc()->target();
        _instruction_address = pc;
      } else
!         _instruction_address = (alt_entry_instruction_address != 0) ? alt_entry_instruction_address :
+           nm->code_begin() + nm->frame_complete_offset() + entry_barrier_offset(nm);
          if (nm->is_compiled_by_c2()) {
            // With c2 compiled code, the guard is out-of-line in a stub
            // We find it using the RelocIterator.
            RelocIterator iter(nm);
            while (iter.next()) {

*** 179,10 ***
--- 181,35 ---
    new_frame->fp = frame.fp();
    new_frame->lr = frame.pc();
    new_frame->pc = SharedRuntime::get_handle_wrong_method_stub();
+ static void set_value(nmethod* nm, jint val) {
+   NativeNMethodBarrier cmp1 = NativeNMethodBarrier(nm);
+   cmp1.set_value(val);
+   if (!nm->is_osr_method() && nm->method()->has_scalarized_args()) {
+     // nmethods with scalarized arguments have multiple entry points that each have an own nmethod entry barrier
+     assert(nm->verified_entry_point() != nm->verified_inline_entry_point(), "scalarized entry point not found");
+     address method_body = nm->is_compiled_by_c1() ? nm->verified_inline_entry_point() : nm->verified_entry_point();
+     address entry_point2 = nm->is_compiled_by_c1() ? nm->verified_entry_point() : nm->verified_inline_entry_point();
+     int barrier_offset = cmp1.instruction_address() - method_body;
+     NativeNMethodBarrier cmp2 = NativeNMethodBarrier(nm, entry_point2 + barrier_offset);
+     assert(cmp1.instruction_address() != cmp2.instruction_address(), "sanity");
+     debug_only(cmp2.verify());
+     cmp2.set_value(val);
+     if (method_body != nm->verified_inline_ro_entry_point() && entry_point2 != nm->verified_inline_ro_entry_point()) {
+       NativeNMethodBarrier cmp3 = NativeNMethodBarrier(nm, nm->verified_inline_ro_entry_point() + barrier_offset);
+       assert(cmp1.instruction_address() != cmp3.instruction_address() && cmp2.instruction_address() != cmp3.instruction_address(), "sanity");
+       debug_only(cmp3.verify());
+       cmp3.set_value(val);
+     }
+   }
+ }
  void BarrierSetNMethod::set_guard_value(nmethod* nm, int value) {
    if (!supports_entry_barrier(nm)) {

*** 195,12 ***
      // further fencing by mutators, before they are allowed to enter.
      BarrierSetAssembler* bs_asm = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_assembler();
!   NativeNMethodBarrier barrier(nm);
-   barrier.set_value(value);
  int BarrierSetNMethod::guard_value(nmethod* nm) {
    if (!supports_entry_barrier(nm)) {
      return disarmed_guard_value();
--- 222,11 ---
      // further fencing by mutators, before they are allowed to enter.
      BarrierSetAssembler* bs_asm = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_assembler();
!   set_value(nm, value);
  int BarrierSetNMethod::guard_value(nmethod* nm) {
    if (!supports_entry_barrier(nm)) {
      return disarmed_guard_value();
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