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*** 535,10 ***
--- 535,19 ---
    return stack;
+ const uint SharedRuntime::java_return_convention_max_int = 1;
+ const uint SharedRuntime::java_return_convention_max_float = 1;
+ int SharedRuntime::java_return_convention(const BasicType *sig_bt,
+                                           VMRegPair *regs,
+                                           int total_args_passed) {
+   Unimplemented();
+   return 0;
+ }
  // Patch the callers callsite with entry to compiled code if it exists.
  static void patch_callers_callsite(MacroAssembler *masm) {
    Label L;
    __ cmpptr(Address(rbx, in_bytes(Method::code_offset())), NULL_WORD);
    __ jcc(Assembler::equal, L);

*** 596,15 ***
    int next_off = st_off - Interpreter::stackElementSize;
    __ movdbl(Address(rsp, next_off), r);
  static void gen_c2i_adapter(MacroAssembler *masm,
!                             int total_args_passed,
-                             int comp_args_on_stack,
-                             const BasicType *sig_bt,
                              const VMRegPair *regs,
!                             Label& skip_fixup) {
    // Before we get into the guts of the C2I adapter, see if we should be here
    // at all.  We've come from compiled code and are attempting to jump to the
    // interpreter, which means the caller made a static call to get here
    // (vcalls always get a compiled target if there is one).  Check for a
    // compiled target.  If there is one, we need to patch the caller's call.
--- 605,17 ---
    int next_off = st_off - Interpreter::stackElementSize;
    __ movdbl(Address(rsp, next_off), r);
  static void gen_c2i_adapter(MacroAssembler *masm,
!                             const GrowableArray<SigEntry>& sig_extended,
                              const VMRegPair *regs,
!                             Label& skip_fixup,
+                             address start,
+                             OopMapSet*& oop_maps,
+                             int& frame_complete,
+                             int& frame_size_in_words) {
    // Before we get into the guts of the C2I adapter, see if we should be here
    // at all.  We've come from compiled code and are attempting to jump to the
    // interpreter, which means the caller made a static call to get here
    // (vcalls always get a compiled target if there is one).  Check for a
    // compiled target.  If there is one, we need to patch the caller's call.

*** 622,29 ***
  #endif /* COMPILER2 */
    // Since all args are passed on the stack, total_args_passed * interpreter_
    // stack_element_size  is the
    // space we need.
!   int extraspace = total_args_passed * Interpreter::stackElementSize;
    // Get return address
    __ pop(rax);
    // set senderSP value
    __ movptr(rsi, rsp);
    __ subptr(rsp, extraspace);
    // Now write the args into the outgoing interpreter space
!   for (int i = 0; i < total_args_passed; i++) {
!     if (sig_bt[i] == T_VOID) {
!       assert(i > 0 && (sig_bt[i-1] == T_LONG || sig_bt[i-1] == T_DOUBLE), "missing half");
      // st_off points to lowest address on stack.
!     int st_off = ((total_args_passed - 1) - i) * Interpreter::stackElementSize;
      int next_off = st_off - Interpreter::stackElementSize;
      // Say 4 args:
      // i   st_off
      // 0   12 T_LONG
--- 633,29 ---
  #endif /* COMPILER2 */
    // Since all args are passed on the stack, total_args_passed * interpreter_
    // stack_element_size  is the
    // space we need.
!   int extraspace = sig_extended.length() * Interpreter::stackElementSize;
    // Get return address
    __ pop(rax);
    // set senderSP value
    __ movptr(rsi, rsp);
    __ subptr(rsp, extraspace);
    // Now write the args into the outgoing interpreter space
!   for (int i = 0; i < sig_extended.length(); i++) {
!     if (sig_extended.at(i)._bt == T_VOID) {
!       assert(i > 0 && (sig_extended.at(i-1)._bt == T_LONG || sig_extended.at(i-1)._bt == T_DOUBLE), "missing half");
      // st_off points to lowest address on stack.
!     int st_off = ((sig_extended.length() - 1) - i) * Interpreter::stackElementSize;
      int next_off = st_off - Interpreter::stackElementSize;
      // Say 4 args:
      // i   st_off
      // 0   12 T_LONG

*** 686,11 ***
      } else {
        assert(r_1->is_XMMRegister(), "");
        if (!r_2->is_valid()) {
          __ movflt(Address(rsp, st_off), r_1->as_XMMRegister());
        } else {
!         assert(sig_bt[i] == T_DOUBLE || sig_bt[i] == T_LONG, "wrong type");
          move_c2i_double(masm, r_1->as_XMMRegister(), st_off);
--- 697,11 ---
      } else {
        assert(r_1->is_XMMRegister(), "");
        if (!r_2->is_valid()) {
          __ movflt(Address(rsp, st_off), r_1->as_XMMRegister());
        } else {
!         assert(sig_extended.at(i)._bt == T_DOUBLE || sig_extended.at(i)._bt == T_LONG, "wrong type");
          move_c2i_double(masm, r_1->as_XMMRegister(), st_off);

*** 719,14 ***
    __ jcc(Assembler::below, L_ok);
    __ bind(L_fail);
  void SharedRuntime::gen_i2c_adapter(MacroAssembler *masm,
-                                     int total_args_passed,
                                      int comp_args_on_stack,
!                                     const BasicType *sig_bt,
                                      const VMRegPair *regs) {
    // Note: rsi contains the senderSP on entry. We must preserve it since
    // we may do a i2c -> c2i transition if we lose a race where compiled
    // code goes non-entrant while we get args ready.
    // Adapters can be frameless because they do not require the caller
--- 730,14 ---
    __ jcc(Assembler::below, L_ok);
    __ bind(L_fail);
  void SharedRuntime::gen_i2c_adapter(MacroAssembler *masm,
                                      int comp_args_on_stack,
!                                     const GrowableArray<SigEntry>& sig_extended,
                                      const VMRegPair *regs) {
    // Note: rsi contains the senderSP on entry. We must preserve it since
    // we may do a i2c -> c2i transition if we lose a race where compiled
    // code goes non-entrant while we get args ready.
    // Adapters can be frameless because they do not require the caller

*** 816,24 ***
    // Pre-load the register-jump target early, to schedule it better.
    __ movptr(rdi, Address(rbx, in_bytes(Method::from_compiled_offset())));
    // Now generate the shuffle code.  Pick up all register args and move the
    // rest through the floating point stack top.
!   for (int i = 0; i < total_args_passed; i++) {
!     if (sig_bt[i] == T_VOID) {
        // Longs and doubles are passed in native word order, but misaligned
        // in the 32-bit build.
!       assert(i > 0 && (sig_bt[i-1] == T_LONG || sig_bt[i-1] == T_DOUBLE), "missing half");
      // Pick up 0, 1 or 2 words from SP+offset.
      assert(!regs[i].second()->is_valid() || regs[i].first()->next() == regs[i].second(),
              "scrambled load targets?");
      // Load in argument order going down.
!     int ld_off = (total_args_passed - i) * Interpreter::stackElementSize;
      // Point to interpreter value (vs. tag)
      int next_off = ld_off - Interpreter::stackElementSize;
--- 827,24 ---
    // Pre-load the register-jump target early, to schedule it better.
    __ movptr(rdi, Address(rbx, in_bytes(Method::from_compiled_offset())));
    // Now generate the shuffle code.  Pick up all register args and move the
    // rest through the floating point stack top.
!   for (int i = 0; i < sig_extended.length(); i++) {
!     if (sig_extended.at(i)._bt == T_VOID) {
        // Longs and doubles are passed in native word order, but misaligned
        // in the 32-bit build.
!       assert(i > 0 && (sig_extended.at(i-1)._bt == T_LONG || sig_extended.at(i-1)._bt == T_DOUBLE), "missing half");
      // Pick up 0, 1 or 2 words from SP+offset.
      assert(!regs[i].second()->is_valid() || regs[i].first()->next() == regs[i].second(),
              "scrambled load targets?");
      // Load in argument order going down.
!     int ld_off = (sig_extended.length() - i) * Interpreter::stackElementSize;
      // Point to interpreter value (vs. tag)
      int next_off = ld_off - Interpreter::stackElementSize;

*** 927,18 ***
    __ jmp(rdi);
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
  AdapterHandlerEntry* SharedRuntime::generate_i2c2i_adapters(MacroAssembler *masm,
-                                                             int total_args_passed,
                                                              int comp_args_on_stack,
!                                                             const BasicType *sig_bt,
                                                              const VMRegPair *regs,
!                                                             AdapterFingerPrint* fingerprint) {
    address i2c_entry = __ pc();
!   gen_i2c_adapter(masm, total_args_passed, comp_args_on_stack, sig_bt, regs);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Generate a C2I adapter.  On entry we know rbx, holds the Method* during calls
    // to the interpreter.  The args start out packed in the compiled layout.  They
    // need to be unpacked into the interpreter layout.  This will almost always
--- 938,18 ---
    __ jmp(rdi);
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
  AdapterHandlerEntry* SharedRuntime::generate_i2c2i_adapters(MacroAssembler *masm,
                                                              int comp_args_on_stack,
!                                                             const GrowableArray<SigEntry>& sig_extended,
                                                              const VMRegPair *regs,
!                                                             AdapterFingerPrint* fingerprint,
+                                                             AdapterBlob*& new_adapter) {
    address i2c_entry = __ pc();
!   gen_i2c_adapter(masm, comp_args_on_stack, sig_extended, regs);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Generate a C2I adapter.  On entry we know rbx, holds the Method* during calls
    // to the interpreter.  The args start out packed in the compiled layout.  They
    // need to be unpacked into the interpreter layout.  This will almost always

*** 967,12 ***
    address c2i_entry = __ pc();
    BarrierSetAssembler* bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_assembler();
!   gen_c2i_adapter(masm, total_args_passed, comp_args_on_stack, sig_bt, regs, skip_fixup);
    return AdapterHandlerLibrary::new_entry(fingerprint, i2c_entry, c2i_entry, c2i_unverified_entry);
  int SharedRuntime::c_calling_convention(const BasicType *sig_bt,
                                           VMRegPair *regs,
--- 978,16 ---
    address c2i_entry = __ pc();
    BarrierSetAssembler* bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_assembler();
!   OopMapSet* oop_maps = nullptr;
+   int frame_complete = CodeOffsets::frame_never_safe;
+   int frame_size_in_words = 0;
+   gen_c2i_adapter(masm, sig_extended, regs, skip_fixup, i2c_entry, oop_maps, frame_complete, frame_size_in_words);
+   new_adapter = AdapterBlob::create(masm->code(), frame_complete, frame_size_in_words, oop_maps);
    return AdapterHandlerLibrary::new_entry(fingerprint, i2c_entry, c2i_entry, c2i_unverified_entry);
  int SharedRuntime::c_calling_convention(const BasicType *sig_bt,
                                           VMRegPair *regs,

*** 2642,10 ***
--- 2657,15 ---
    // return the  blob
    // frame_size_words or bytes??
    return RuntimeStub::new_runtime_stub(name, &buffer, frame_complete, frame_size_words, oop_maps, true);
+ BufferedInlineTypeBlob* SharedRuntime::generate_buffered_inline_type_adapter(const InlineKlass* vk) {
+   Unimplemented();
+   return nullptr;
+ }
    // Continuation point for throwing of implicit exceptions that are not handled in
    // the current activation. Fabricates an exception oop and initiates normal
    // exception dispatching in this frame.
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