< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/c1/c1_GraphBuilder.cpp
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#include "c1/c1_Compilation.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_GraphBuilder.hpp"
#include "c1/c1_InstructionPrinter.hpp"
#include "ci/ciCallSite.hpp"
#include "ci/ciField.hpp"
+ #include "ci/ciFlatArrayKlass.hpp"
+ #include "ci/ciInlineKlass.hpp"
#include "ci/ciKlass.hpp"
#include "ci/ciMemberName.hpp"
#include "ci/ciSymbols.hpp"
#include "ci/ciUtilities.inline.hpp"
#include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
void GraphBuilder::load_indexed(BasicType type) {
// In case of in block code motion in range check elimination
! ValueStack* state_before = copy_state_indexed_access();
Value index = ipop();
Value array = apop();
Value length = nullptr;
if (CSEArrayLength ||
void GraphBuilder::load_indexed(BasicType type) {
// In case of in block code motion in range check elimination
! ValueStack* state_before = nullptr;
+ int array_idx = state()->stack_size() - 2;
+ if (type == T_OBJECT && state()->stack_at(array_idx)->maybe_flat_array()) {
+ // Save the entire state and re-execute on deopt when accessing flat arrays
+ state_before = copy_state_before();
+ state_before->set_should_reexecute(true);
+ } else {
+ state_before = copy_state_indexed_access();
+ }
Value index = ipop();
Value array = apop();
Value length = nullptr;
if (CSEArrayLength ||
(array->as_AccessField() && array->as_AccessField()->field()->is_constant()) ||
(array->as_NewArray() && array->as_NewArray()->length() && array->as_NewArray()->length()->type()->is_constant()) ||
(array->as_NewMultiArray() && array->as_NewMultiArray()->dims()->at(0)->type()->is_constant())) {
length = append(new ArrayLength(array, state_before));
! push(as_ValueType(type), append(new LoadIndexed(array, index, length, type, state_before)));
void GraphBuilder::store_indexed(BasicType type) {
// In case of in block code motion in range check elimination
! ValueStack* state_before = copy_state_indexed_access();
Value value = pop(as_ValueType(type));
Value index = ipop();
Value array = apop();
Value length = nullptr;
(array->as_AccessField() && array->as_AccessField()->field()->is_constant()) ||
(array->as_NewArray() && array->as_NewArray()->length() && array->as_NewArray()->length()->type()->is_constant()) ||
(array->as_NewMultiArray() && array->as_NewMultiArray()->dims()->at(0)->type()->is_constant())) {
length = append(new ArrayLength(array, state_before));
+ bool need_membar = false;
+ LoadIndexed* load_indexed = nullptr;
+ Instruction* result = nullptr;
+ if (array->is_loaded_flat_array()) {
+ ciType* array_type = array->declared_type();
+ ciInlineKlass* elem_klass = array_type->as_flat_array_klass()->element_klass()->as_inline_klass();
+ bool can_delay_access = false;
+ ciBytecodeStream s(method());
+ s.force_bci(bci());
+ s.next();
+ if (s.cur_bc() == Bytecodes::_getfield) {
+ bool will_link;
+ ciField* next_field = s.get_field(will_link);
+ bool next_needs_patching = !next_field->holder()->is_initialized() ||
+ !next_field->will_link(method(), Bytecodes::_getfield) ||
+ PatchALot;
+ can_delay_access = C1UseDelayedFlattenedFieldReads && !next_needs_patching;
+ }
+ if (can_delay_access) {
+ // potentially optimizable array access, storing information for delayed decision
+ LoadIndexed* li = new LoadIndexed(array, index, length, type, state_before);
+ DelayedLoadIndexed* dli = new DelayedLoadIndexed(li, state_before);
+ li->set_delayed(dli);
+ set_pending_load_indexed(dli);
+ return; // Nothing else to do for now
+ } else {
+ if (elem_klass->is_empty()) {
+ // No need to create a new instance, the default instance will be used instead
+ load_indexed = new LoadIndexed(array, index, length, type, state_before);
+ apush(append(load_indexed));
+ } else {
+ NewInstance* new_instance = new NewInstance(elem_klass, state_before, false, true);
+ _memory->new_instance(new_instance);
+ apush(append_split(new_instance));
+ load_indexed = new LoadIndexed(array, index, length, type, state_before);
+ load_indexed->set_vt(new_instance);
+ // The LoadIndexed node will initialise this instance by copying from
+ // the flat field. Ensure these stores are visible before any
+ // subsequent store that publishes this reference.
+ need_membar = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ load_indexed = new LoadIndexed(array, index, length, type, state_before);
+ if (profile_array_accesses() && is_reference_type(type)) {
+ compilation()->set_would_profile(true);
+ load_indexed->set_should_profile(true);
+ load_indexed->set_profiled_method(method());
+ load_indexed->set_profiled_bci(bci());
+ }
+ }
+ result = append(load_indexed);
+ if (need_membar) {
+ append(new MemBar(lir_membar_storestore));
+ }
+ assert(!load_indexed->should_profile() || load_indexed == result, "should not be optimized out");
+ if (!array->is_loaded_flat_array()) {
+ push(as_ValueType(type), result);
+ }
void GraphBuilder::store_indexed(BasicType type) {
// In case of in block code motion in range check elimination
! ValueStack* state_before = nullptr;
+ int array_idx = state()->stack_size() - 3;
+ if (type == T_OBJECT && state()->stack_at(array_idx)->maybe_flat_array()) {
+ // Save the entire state and re-execute on deopt when accessing flat arrays
+ state_before = copy_state_before();
+ state_before->set_should_reexecute(true);
+ } else {
+ state_before = copy_state_indexed_access();
+ }
Value value = pop(as_ValueType(type));
Value index = ipop();
Value array = apop();
Value length = nullptr;
value = append(new LogicOp(Bytecodes::_iand, value, mask));
} else if (type == T_BYTE) {
check_boolean = true;
- StoreIndexed* result = new StoreIndexed(array, index, length, type, value, state_before, check_boolean);
- append(result);
- _memory->store_value(value);
! if (type == T_OBJECT && is_profiling()) {
! // Note that we'd collect profile data in this method if we wanted it.
! if (profile_checkcasts()) {
! result->set_profiled_method(method());
- result->set_profiled_bci(bci());
- result->set_should_profile(true);
- }
void GraphBuilder::stack_op(Bytecodes::Code code) {
switch (code) {
case Bytecodes::_pop:
! { state()->raw_pop();
case Bytecodes::_pop2:
! { state()->raw_pop();
! state()->raw_pop();
case Bytecodes::_dup:
{ Value w = state()->raw_pop();
value = append(new LogicOp(Bytecodes::_iand, value, mask));
} else if (type == T_BYTE) {
check_boolean = true;
! StoreIndexed* store_indexed = new StoreIndexed(array, index, length, type, value, state_before, check_boolean);
! if (profile_array_accesses() && is_reference_type(type) && !array->is_loaded_flat_array()) {
! store_indexed->set_should_profile(true);
! store_indexed->set_profiled_method(method());
! store_indexed->set_profiled_bci(bci());
+ Instruction* result = append(store_indexed);
+ assert(!store_indexed->should_profile() || store_indexed == result, "should not be optimized out");
+ _memory->store_value(value);
void GraphBuilder::stack_op(Bytecodes::Code code) {
switch (code) {
case Bytecodes::_pop:
! { Value w = state()->raw_pop();
case Bytecodes::_pop2:
! { Value w1 = state()->raw_pop();
! Value w2 = state()->raw_pop();
case Bytecodes::_dup:
{ Value w = state()->raw_pop();
void GraphBuilder::if_node(Value x, If::Condition cond, Value y, ValueStack* state_before) {
BlockBegin* tsux = block_at(stream()->get_dest());
BlockBegin* fsux = block_at(stream()->next_bci());
bool is_bb = tsux->bci() < stream()->cur_bci() || fsux->bci() < stream()->cur_bci();
// In case of loop invariant code motion or predicate insertion
// before the body of a loop the state is needed
! Instruction *i = append(new If(x, cond, false, y, tsux, fsux, (is_bb || compilation()->is_optimistic()) ? state_before : nullptr, is_bb));
assert(i->as_Goto() == nullptr ||
(i->as_Goto()->sux_at(0) == tsux && i->as_Goto()->is_safepoint() == (tsux->bci() < stream()->cur_bci())) ||
(i->as_Goto()->sux_at(0) == fsux && i->as_Goto()->is_safepoint() == (fsux->bci() < stream()->cur_bci())),
"safepoint state of Goto returned by canonicalizer incorrect");
void GraphBuilder::if_node(Value x, If::Condition cond, Value y, ValueStack* state_before) {
BlockBegin* tsux = block_at(stream()->get_dest());
BlockBegin* fsux = block_at(stream()->next_bci());
bool is_bb = tsux->bci() < stream()->cur_bci() || fsux->bci() < stream()->cur_bci();
+ bool subst_check = false;
+ if (EnableValhalla && (stream()->cur_bc() == Bytecodes::_if_acmpeq || stream()->cur_bc() == Bytecodes::_if_acmpne)) {
+ ValueType* left_vt = x->type();
+ ValueType* right_vt = y->type();
+ if (left_vt->is_object()) {
+ assert(right_vt->is_object(), "must be");
+ ciKlass* left_klass = x->as_loaded_klass_or_null();
+ ciKlass* right_klass = y->as_loaded_klass_or_null();
+ if (left_klass == nullptr || right_klass == nullptr) {
+ // The klass is still unloaded, or came from a Phi node. Go slow case;
+ subst_check = true;
+ } else if (left_klass->can_be_inline_klass() || right_klass->can_be_inline_klass()) {
+ // Either operand may be a value object, but we're not sure. Go slow case;
+ subst_check = true;
+ } else {
+ // No need to do substitutability check
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((stream()->cur_bc() == Bytecodes::_if_acmpeq || stream()->cur_bc() == Bytecodes::_if_acmpne) &&
+ is_profiling() && profile_branches()) {
+ compilation()->set_would_profile(true);
+ append(new ProfileACmpTypes(method(), bci(), x, y));
+ }
// In case of loop invariant code motion or predicate insertion
// before the body of a loop the state is needed
! Instruction *i = append(new If(x, cond, false, y, tsux, fsux, (is_bb || compilation()->is_optimistic() || subst_check) ? state_before : nullptr, is_bb, subst_check));
assert(i->as_Goto() == nullptr ||
(i->as_Goto()->sux_at(0) == tsux && i->as_Goto()->is_safepoint() == (tsux->bci() < stream()->cur_bci())) ||
(i->as_Goto()->sux_at(0) == fsux && i->as_Goto()->is_safepoint() == (fsux->bci() < stream()->cur_bci())),
"safepoint state of Goto returned by canonicalizer incorrect");
// The conditions for a memory barrier are described in Parse::do_exits().
bool need_mem_bar = false;
! if (method()->name() == ciSymbols::object_initializer_name() &&
(scope()->wrote_final() || scope()->wrote_stable() ||
(AlwaysSafeConstructors && scope()->wrote_fields()) ||
(support_IRIW_for_not_multiple_copy_atomic_cpu && scope()->wrote_volatile()))) {
need_mem_bar = true;
// The conditions for a memory barrier are described in Parse::do_exits().
bool need_mem_bar = false;
! if (method()->is_object_constructor() &&
(scope()->wrote_final() || scope()->wrote_stable() ||
(AlwaysSafeConstructors && scope()->wrote_fields()) ||
(support_IRIW_for_not_multiple_copy_atomic_cpu && scope()->wrote_volatile()))) {
need_mem_bar = true;
return new Constant(value);
void GraphBuilder::access_field(Bytecodes::Code code) {
bool will_link;
ciField* field = stream()->get_field(will_link);
ciInstanceKlass* holder = field->holder();
BasicType field_type = field->type()->basic_type();
ValueType* type = as_ValueType(field_type);
// call will_link again to determine if the field is valid.
const bool needs_patching = !holder->is_loaded() ||
!field->will_link(method(), code) ||
! PatchALot;
ValueStack* state_before = nullptr;
if (!holder->is_initialized() || needs_patching) {
// save state before instruction for debug info when
// deoptimization happens during patching
return new Constant(value);
+ void GraphBuilder::copy_inline_content(ciInlineKlass* vk, Value src, int src_off, Value dest, int dest_off, ValueStack* state_before, ciField* enclosing_field) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < vk->nof_declared_nonstatic_fields(); i++) {
+ ciField* field = vk->declared_nonstatic_field_at(i);
+ int offset = field->offset_in_bytes() - vk->payload_offset();
+ if (field->is_flat()) {
+ bool needs_atomic_access = !field->is_null_free() || field->is_volatile();
+ assert(!needs_atomic_access, "Atomic access in non-atomic container");
+ copy_inline_content(field->type()->as_inline_klass(), src, src_off + offset, dest, dest_off + offset, state_before, enclosing_field);
+ if (!field->is_null_free()) {
+ // Nullable, copy the null marker using Unsafe because null markers are no real fields
+ int null_marker_offset = field->null_marker_offset() - vk->payload_offset();
+ Value offset = append(new Constant(new LongConstant(src_off + null_marker_offset)));
+ Value nm = append(new UnsafeGet(T_BOOLEAN, src, offset, false));
+ offset = append(new Constant(new LongConstant(dest_off + null_marker_offset)));
+ append(new UnsafePut(T_BOOLEAN, dest, offset, nm, false));
+ }
+ } else {
+ Value value = append(new LoadField(src, src_off + offset, field, false, state_before, false));
+ StoreField* store = new StoreField(dest, dest_off + offset, field, value, false, state_before, false);
+ store->set_enclosing_field(enclosing_field);
+ append(store);
+ }
+ }
+ }
void GraphBuilder::access_field(Bytecodes::Code code) {
bool will_link;
ciField* field = stream()->get_field(will_link);
ciInstanceKlass* holder = field->holder();
BasicType field_type = field->type()->basic_type();
ValueType* type = as_ValueType(field_type);
// call will_link again to determine if the field is valid.
const bool needs_patching = !holder->is_loaded() ||
!field->will_link(method(), code) ||
! (!field->is_flat() && PatchALot);
ValueStack* state_before = nullptr;
if (!holder->is_initialized() || needs_patching) {
// save state before instruction for debug info when
// deoptimization happens during patching
if (field->is_stable()) {
! const int offset = !needs_patching ? field->offset_in_bytes() : -1;
switch (code) {
case Bytecodes::_getstatic: {
// check for compile-time constants, i.e., initialized static final fields
Value constant = nullptr;
if (field->is_static_constant() && !PatchALot) {
ciConstant field_value = field->constant_value();
assert(!field->is_stable() || !field_value.is_null_or_zero(),
"stable static w/ default value shouldn't be a constant");
constant = make_constant(field_value, field);
if (constant != nullptr) {
push(type, append(constant));
} else {
if (state_before == nullptr) {
state_before = copy_state_for_exception();
! push(type, append(new LoadField(append(obj), offset, field, true,
! state_before, needs_patching)));
case Bytecodes::_putstatic: {
Value val = pop(type);
if (state_before == nullptr) {
state_before = copy_state_for_exception();
! if (field->type()->basic_type() == T_BOOLEAN) {
Value mask = append(new Constant(new IntConstant(1)));
val = append(new LogicOp(Bytecodes::_iand, val, mask));
append(new StoreField(append(obj), offset, field, val, true, state_before, needs_patching));
case Bytecodes::_getfield: {
// Check for compile-time constants, i.e., trusted final non-static fields.
Value constant = nullptr;
! obj = apop();
! ObjectType* obj_type = obj->type()->as_ObjectType();
! if (field->is_constant() && obj_type->is_constant() && !PatchALot) {
! ciObject* const_oop = obj_type->constant_value();
! if (!const_oop->is_null_object() && const_oop->is_loaded()) {
! ciConstant field_value = field->constant_value_of(const_oop);
! if (field_value.is_valid()) {
! constant = make_constant(field_value, field);
! // For CallSite objects add a dependency for invalidation of the optimization.
! if (field->is_call_site_target()) {
! ciCallSite* call_site = const_oop->as_call_site();
! if (!call_site->is_fully_initialized_constant_call_site()) {
! ciMethodHandle* target = field_value.as_object()->as_method_handle();
! dependency_recorder()->assert_call_site_target_value(call_site, target);
if (field->is_stable()) {
! int offset = !needs_patching ? field->offset_in_bytes() : -1;
switch (code) {
case Bytecodes::_getstatic: {
// check for compile-time constants, i.e., initialized static final fields
Value constant = nullptr;
if (field->is_static_constant() && !PatchALot) {
ciConstant field_value = field->constant_value();
assert(!field->is_stable() || !field_value.is_null_or_zero(),
"stable static w/ default value shouldn't be a constant");
constant = make_constant(field_value, field);
+ } else if (field->is_null_free() && field->type()->as_instance_klass()->is_initialized() &&
+ field->type()->as_inline_klass()->is_empty()) {
+ // Loading from a field of an empty, null-free inline type. Just return the default instance.
+ constant = new Constant(new InstanceConstant(field->type()->as_inline_klass()->default_instance()));
if (constant != nullptr) {
push(type, append(constant));
} else {
if (state_before == nullptr) {
state_before = copy_state_for_exception();
! LoadField* load_field = new LoadField(append(obj), offset, field, true,
! state_before, needs_patching);
+ push(type, append(load_field));
case Bytecodes::_putstatic: {
Value val = pop(type);
if (state_before == nullptr) {
state_before = copy_state_for_exception();
! if (field_type == T_BOOLEAN) {
Value mask = append(new Constant(new IntConstant(1)));
val = append(new LogicOp(Bytecodes::_iand, val, mask));
+ if (field->is_null_free()) {
+ null_check(val);
+ }
+ if (field->is_null_free() && field->type()->is_loaded() && field->type()->as_inline_klass()->is_empty()) {
+ // Storing to a field of an empty, null-free inline type. Ignore.
+ break;
+ }
append(new StoreField(append(obj), offset, field, val, true, state_before, needs_patching));
case Bytecodes::_getfield: {
// Check for compile-time constants, i.e., trusted final non-static fields.
Value constant = nullptr;
! if (state_before == nullptr && field->is_flat()) {
! // Save the entire state and re-execute on deopt when accessing flat fields
! assert(Interpreter::bytecode_should_reexecute(code), "should reexecute");
! state_before = copy_state_before();
! }
! if (!has_pending_field_access() && !has_pending_load_indexed()) {
! obj = apop();
! ObjectType* obj_type = obj->type()->as_ObjectType();
! if (field->is_null_free() && field->type()->as_instance_klass()->is_initialized()
! && field->type()->as_inline_klass()->is_empty()) {
! // Loading from a field of an empty, null-free inline type. Just return the default instance.
! null_check(obj);
! constant = new Constant(new InstanceConstant(field->type()->as_inline_klass()->default_instance()));
! } else if (field->is_constant() && !field->is_flat() && obj_type->is_constant() && !PatchALot) {
+ ciObject* const_oop = obj_type->constant_value();
+ if (!const_oop->is_null_object() && const_oop->is_loaded()) {
+ ciConstant field_value = field->constant_value_of(const_oop);
+ if (field_value.is_valid()) {
+ if (field->is_null_free() && field_value.is_null_or_zero()) {
+ // Non-flat inline type field. Replace null by the default value.
+ constant = new Constant(new InstanceConstant(field->type()->as_inline_klass()->default_instance()));
+ } else {
+ constant = make_constant(field_value, field);
+ }
+ // For CallSite objects add a dependency for invalidation of the optimization.
+ if (field->is_call_site_target()) {
+ ciCallSite* call_site = const_oop->as_call_site();
+ if (!call_site->is_fully_initialized_constant_call_site()) {
+ ciMethodHandle* target = field_value.as_object()->as_method_handle();
+ dependency_recorder()->assert_call_site_target_value(call_site, target);
+ }
push(type, append(constant));
} else {
if (state_before == nullptr) {
state_before = copy_state_for_exception();
! LoadField* load = new LoadField(obj, offset, field, false, state_before, needs_patching);
! Value replacement = !needs_patching ? _memory->load(load) : load;
! if (replacement != load) {
! assert(replacement->is_linked() || !replacement->can_be_linked(), "should already by linked");
! // Writing an (integer) value to a boolean, byte, char or short field includes an implicit narrowing
! // conversion. Emit an explicit conversion here to get the correct field value after the write.
! BasicType bt = field->type()->basic_type();
! switch (bt) {
! case T_BOOLEAN:
! case T_BYTE:
! replacement = append(new Convert(Bytecodes::_i2b, replacement, as_ValueType(bt)));
! break;
! case T_CHAR:
! replacement = append(new Convert(Bytecodes::_i2c, replacement, as_ValueType(bt)));
! break;
- case T_SHORT:
- replacement = append(new Convert(Bytecodes::_i2s, replacement, as_ValueType(bt)));
- break;
- default:
! push(type, replacement);
} else {
! push(type, append(load));
case Bytecodes::_putfield: {
Value val = pop(type);
obj = apop();
if (state_before == nullptr) {
state_before = copy_state_for_exception();
! if (field->type()->basic_type() == T_BOOLEAN) {
Value mask = append(new Constant(new IntConstant(1)));
val = append(new LogicOp(Bytecodes::_iand, val, mask));
! StoreField* store = new StoreField(obj, offset, field, val, false, state_before, needs_patching);
! if (!needs_patching) store = _memory->store(store);
! if (store != nullptr) {
! append(store);
Dependencies* GraphBuilder::dependency_recorder() const {
assert(DeoptC1, "need debug information");
return compilation()->dependency_recorder();
push(type, append(constant));
} else {
if (state_before == nullptr) {
state_before = copy_state_for_exception();
! if (!field->is_flat()) {
! if (has_pending_field_access()) {
! assert(!needs_patching, "Can't patch delayed field access");
! obj = pending_field_access()->obj();
! offset += pending_field_access()->offset() - field->holder()->as_inline_klass()->payload_offset();
! field = pending_field_access()->holder()->get_field_by_offset(offset, false);
! assert(field != nullptr, "field not found");
! set_pending_field_access(nullptr);
! } else if (has_pending_load_indexed()) {
! assert(!needs_patching, "Can't patch delayed field access");
! pending_load_indexed()->update(field, offset - field->holder()->as_inline_klass()->payload_offset());
! LoadIndexed* li = pending_load_indexed()->load_instr();
! li->set_type(type);
! push(type, append(li));
! set_pending_load_indexed(nullptr);
! LoadField* load = new LoadField(obj, offset, field, false, state_before, needs_patching);
+ Value replacement = !needs_patching ? _memory->load(load) : load;
+ if (replacement != load) {
+ assert(replacement->is_linked() || !replacement->can_be_linked(), "should already by linked");
+ // Writing an (integer) value to a boolean, byte, char or short field includes an implicit narrowing
+ // conversion. Emit an explicit conversion here to get the correct field value after the write.
+ switch (field_type) {
+ case T_BOOLEAN:
+ case T_BYTE:
+ replacement = append(new Convert(Bytecodes::_i2b, replacement, type));
+ break;
+ case T_CHAR:
+ replacement = append(new Convert(Bytecodes::_i2c, replacement, type));
+ break;
+ case T_SHORT:
+ replacement = append(new Convert(Bytecodes::_i2s, replacement, type));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ push(type, replacement);
+ } else {
+ push(type, append(load));
+ }
} else {
! // Flat field
+ assert(!needs_patching, "Can't patch flat inline type field access");
+ ciInlineKlass* inline_klass = field->type()->as_inline_klass();
+ bool is_naturally_atomic = inline_klass->nof_declared_nonstatic_fields() <= 1;
+ bool needs_atomic_access = !field->is_null_free() || (field->is_volatile() && !is_naturally_atomic);
+ if (needs_atomic_access) {
+ assert(!has_pending_field_access(), "Pending field accesses are not supported");
+ LoadField* load = new LoadField(obj, offset, field, false, state_before, needs_patching);
+ push(type, append(load));
+ } else {
+ assert(field->is_null_free(), "must be null-free");
+ // Look at the next bytecode to check if we can delay the field access
+ bool can_delay_access = false;
+ ciBytecodeStream s(method());
+ s.force_bci(bci());
+ s.next();
+ if (s.cur_bc() == Bytecodes::_getfield && !needs_patching) {
+ ciField* next_field = s.get_field(will_link);
+ bool next_needs_patching = !next_field->holder()->is_loaded() ||
+ !next_field->will_link(method(), Bytecodes::_getfield) ||
+ PatchALot;
+ // We can't update the offset for atomic accesses
+ bool next_needs_atomic_access = !next_field->is_null_free() || next_field->is_volatile();
+ can_delay_access = C1UseDelayedFlattenedFieldReads && !next_needs_patching && !next_needs_atomic_access;
+ }
+ if (can_delay_access) {
+ if (has_pending_load_indexed()) {
+ pending_load_indexed()->update(field, offset - field->holder()->as_inline_klass()->payload_offset());
+ } else if (has_pending_field_access()) {
+ pending_field_access()->inc_offset(offset - field->holder()->as_inline_klass()->payload_offset());
+ } else {
+ null_check(obj);
+ DelayedFieldAccess* dfa = new DelayedFieldAccess(obj, field->holder(), field->offset_in_bytes(), state_before);
+ set_pending_field_access(dfa);
+ }
+ } else {
+ scope()->set_wrote_final();
+ scope()->set_wrote_fields();
+ bool need_membar = false;
+ if (field->is_null_free() && inline_klass->is_initialized() && inline_klass->is_empty()) {
+ apush(append(new Constant(new InstanceConstant(inline_klass->default_instance()))));
+ if (has_pending_field_access()) {
+ set_pending_field_access(nullptr);
+ } else if (has_pending_load_indexed()) {
+ set_pending_load_indexed(nullptr);
+ }
+ } else if (has_pending_load_indexed()) {
+ assert(!needs_patching, "Can't patch delayed field access");
+ pending_load_indexed()->update(field, offset - field->holder()->as_inline_klass()->payload_offset());
+ NewInstance* vt = new NewInstance(inline_klass, pending_load_indexed()->state_before(), false, true);
+ _memory->new_instance(vt);
+ pending_load_indexed()->load_instr()->set_vt(vt);
+ apush(append_split(vt));
+ append(pending_load_indexed()->load_instr());
+ set_pending_load_indexed(nullptr);
+ need_membar = true;
+ } else {
+ if (has_pending_field_access()) {
+ state_before = pending_field_access()->state_before();
+ }
+ NewInstance* new_instance = new NewInstance(inline_klass, state_before, false, true);
+ _memory->new_instance(new_instance);
+ apush(append_split(new_instance));
+ if (has_pending_field_access()) {
+ copy_inline_content(inline_klass, pending_field_access()->obj(),
+ pending_field_access()->offset() + field->offset_in_bytes() - field->holder()->as_inline_klass()->payload_offset(),
+ new_instance, inline_klass->payload_offset(), state_before);
+ set_pending_field_access(nullptr);
+ } else {
+ copy_inline_content(inline_klass, obj, field->offset_in_bytes(), new_instance, inline_klass->payload_offset(), state_before);
+ }
+ need_membar = true;
+ }
+ if (need_membar) {
+ // If we allocated a new instance ensure the stores to copy the
+ // field contents are visible before any subsequent store that
+ // publishes this reference.
+ append(new MemBar(lir_membar_storestore));
+ }
+ }
+ }
case Bytecodes::_putfield: {
Value val = pop(type);
obj = apop();
if (state_before == nullptr) {
state_before = copy_state_for_exception();
! if (field_type == T_BOOLEAN) {
Value mask = append(new Constant(new IntConstant(1)));
val = append(new LogicOp(Bytecodes::_iand, val, mask));
! if (field->is_null_free() && field->type()->is_loaded() && field->type()->as_inline_klass()->is_empty()) {
! // Storing to a field of an empty, null-free inline type. Ignore.
! null_check(obj);
! null_check(val);
+ } else if (!field->is_flat()) {
+ if (field->is_null_free()) {
+ null_check(val);
+ }
+ StoreField* store = new StoreField(obj, offset, field, val, false, state_before, needs_patching);
+ if (!needs_patching) store = _memory->store(store);
+ if (store != nullptr) {
+ append(store);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Flat field
+ assert(!needs_patching, "Can't patch flat inline type field access");
+ ciInlineKlass* inline_klass = field->type()->as_inline_klass();
+ bool is_naturally_atomic = inline_klass->nof_declared_nonstatic_fields() <= 1;
+ bool needs_atomic_access = !field->is_null_free() || (field->is_volatile() && !is_naturally_atomic);
+ if (needs_atomic_access) {
+ if (field->is_null_free()) {
+ null_check(val);
+ }
+ append(new StoreField(obj, offset, field, val, false, state_before, needs_patching));
+ } else {
+ assert(field->is_null_free(), "must be null-free");
+ copy_inline_content(inline_klass, val, inline_klass->payload_offset(), obj, offset, state_before, field);
+ }
Dependencies* GraphBuilder::dependency_recorder() const {
assert(DeoptC1, "need debug information");
return compilation()->dependency_recorder();
// Additional receiver subtype checks for interface calls via invokespecial or invokeinterface.
ciKlass* receiver_constraint = nullptr;
if (bc_raw == Bytecodes::_invokeinterface) {
receiver_constraint = holder;
! } else if (bc_raw == Bytecodes::_invokespecial && !target->is_object_initializer() && calling_klass->is_interface()) {
receiver_constraint = calling_klass;
if (receiver_constraint != nullptr) {
int index = state()->stack_size() - (target->arg_size_no_receiver() + 1);
// Additional receiver subtype checks for interface calls via invokespecial or invokeinterface.
ciKlass* receiver_constraint = nullptr;
if (bc_raw == Bytecodes::_invokeinterface) {
receiver_constraint = holder;
! } else if (bc_raw == Bytecodes::_invokespecial && !target->is_object_constructor() && calling_klass->is_interface()) {
receiver_constraint = calling_klass;
if (receiver_constraint != nullptr) {
int index = state()->stack_size() - (target->arg_size_no_receiver() + 1);
void GraphBuilder::new_instance(int klass_index) {
ValueStack* state_before = copy_state_exhandling();
ciKlass* klass = stream()->get_klass();
assert(klass->is_instance_klass(), "must be an instance klass");
! NewInstance* new_instance = new NewInstance(klass->as_instance_klass(), state_before, stream()->is_unresolved_klass());
! _memory->new_instance(new_instance);
! apush(append_split(new_instance));
void GraphBuilder::new_type_array() {
ValueStack* state_before = copy_state_exhandling();
apush(append_split(new NewTypeArray(ipop(), (BasicType)stream()->get_index(), state_before, true)));
void GraphBuilder::new_instance(int klass_index) {
ValueStack* state_before = copy_state_exhandling();
ciKlass* klass = stream()->get_klass();
assert(klass->is_instance_klass(), "must be an instance klass");
! if (!stream()->is_unresolved_klass() && klass->is_inlinetype() &&
! klass->as_inline_klass()->is_initialized() && klass->as_inline_klass()->is_empty()) {
! ciInlineKlass* vk = klass->as_inline_klass();
+ apush(append(new Constant(new InstanceConstant(vk->default_instance()))));
+ } else {
+ NewInstance* new_instance = new NewInstance(klass->as_instance_klass(), state_before, stream()->is_unresolved_klass(), false);
+ _memory->new_instance(new_instance);
+ apush(append_split(new_instance));
+ }
void GraphBuilder::new_type_array() {
ValueStack* state_before = copy_state_exhandling();
apush(append_split(new NewTypeArray(ipop(), (BasicType)stream()->get_index(), state_before, true)));
void GraphBuilder::monitorenter(Value x, int bci) {
// save state before locking in case of deoptimization after a NullPointerException
ValueStack* state_before = copy_state_for_exception_with_bci(bci);
! append_with_bci(new MonitorEnter(x, state()->lock(x), state_before), bci);
void GraphBuilder::monitorexit(Value x, int bci) {
void GraphBuilder::monitorenter(Value x, int bci) {
+ bool maybe_inlinetype = false;
+ if (bci == InvocationEntryBci) {
+ // Called by GraphBuilder::inline_sync_entry.
+ #ifdef ASSERT
+ ciType* obj_type = x->declared_type();
+ assert(obj_type == nullptr || !obj_type->is_inlinetype(), "inline types cannot have synchronized methods");
+ #endif
+ } else {
+ // We are compiling a monitorenter bytecode
+ if (EnableValhalla) {
+ ciType* obj_type = x->declared_type();
+ if (obj_type == nullptr || obj_type->as_klass()->can_be_inline_klass()) {
+ // If we're (possibly) locking on an inline type, check for markWord::always_locked_pattern
+ // and throw IMSE. (obj_type is null for Phi nodes, so let's just be conservative).
+ maybe_inlinetype = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
// save state before locking in case of deoptimization after a NullPointerException
ValueStack* state_before = copy_state_for_exception_with_bci(bci);
! append_with_bci(new MonitorEnter(x, state()->lock(x), state_before, maybe_inlinetype), bci);
void GraphBuilder::monitorexit(Value x, int bci) {
if (!oc || !oc->value()->is_null_object()) {
+ if (value->is_null_free()) return;
append(new NullCheck(value, copy_state_for_exception()));
assert(cur_state != nullptr, "state_before must be set");
do {
int cur_bci = cur_state->bci();
assert(cur_scope_data->scope() == cur_state->scope(), "scopes do not match");
! assert(cur_bci == SynchronizationEntryBCI || cur_bci == cur_scope_data->stream()->cur_bci(), "invalid bci");
// join with all potential exception handlers
XHandlers* list = cur_scope_data->xhandlers();
const int n = list->length();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
assert(cur_state != nullptr, "state_before must be set");
do {
int cur_bci = cur_state->bci();
assert(cur_scope_data->scope() == cur_state->scope(), "scopes do not match");
! assert(cur_bci == SynchronizationEntryBCI || cur_bci == cur_scope_data->stream()->cur_bci()
+ || has_pending_field_access() || has_pending_load_indexed(), "invalid bci");
// join with all potential exception handlers
XHandlers* list = cur_scope_data->xhandlers();
const int n = list->length();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Set up locals for receiver
int idx = 0;
if (!method()->is_static()) {
// we should always see the receiver
! state->store_local(idx, new Local(method()->holder(), objectType, idx, true));
idx = 1;
// Set up locals for incoming arguments
ciSignature* sig = method()->signature();
// Set up locals for receiver
int idx = 0;
if (!method()->is_static()) {
// we should always see the receiver
! state->store_local(idx, new Local(method()->holder(), objectType, idx,
+ /*receiver*/ true, /*null_free*/ method()->holder()->is_flat_array_klass()));
idx = 1;
// Set up locals for incoming arguments
ciSignature* sig = method()->signature();
ciType* type = sig->type_at(i);
BasicType basic_type = type->basic_type();
// don't allow T_ARRAY to propagate into locals types
if (is_reference_type(basic_type)) basic_type = T_OBJECT;
ValueType* vt = as_ValueType(basic_type);
! state->store_local(idx, new Local(type, vt, idx, false));
idx += type->size();
// lock synchronized method
if (method()->is_synchronized()) {
ciType* type = sig->type_at(i);
BasicType basic_type = type->basic_type();
// don't allow T_ARRAY to propagate into locals types
if (is_reference_type(basic_type)) basic_type = T_OBJECT;
ValueType* vt = as_ValueType(basic_type);
! state->store_local(idx, new Local(type, vt, idx, false, false));
idx += type->size();
// lock synchronized method
if (method()->is_synchronized()) {
, _compilation(compilation)
, _memory(new MemoryBuffer())
, _inline_bailout_msg(nullptr)
, _instruction_count(0)
, _osr_entry(nullptr)
+ , _pending_field_access(nullptr)
+ , _pending_load_indexed(nullptr)
int osr_bci = compilation->osr_bci();
// determine entry points and bci2block mapping
BlockListBuilder blm(compilation, scope, osr_bci);
< prev index next >