< prev index next >


Print this page
*** 895,14 ***
--- 895,18 ---
  class      LIR_OpRTCall;
  class    LIR_OpArrayCopy;
  class    LIR_OpUpdateCRC32;
  class    LIR_OpLock;
  class    LIR_OpTypeCheck;
+ class    LIR_OpFlattenedArrayCheck;
+ class    LIR_OpNullFreeArrayCheck;
+ class    LIR_OpSubstitutabilityCheck;
  class    LIR_OpCompareAndSwap;
  class    LIR_OpLoadKlass;
  class    LIR_OpProfileCall;
  class    LIR_OpProfileType;
+ class    LIR_OpProfileInlineType;
  #ifdef ASSERT
  class    LIR_OpAssert;
  // LIR operation codes

*** 923,10 ***
--- 927,11 ---
        , lir_membar_storestore
        , lir_membar_loadstore
        , lir_membar_storeload
        , lir_get_thread
        , lir_on_spin_wait
+       , lir_check_orig_pc
    , end_op0
    , begin_op1
        , lir_fxch
        , lir_fld
        , lir_push

*** 1002,18 ***
--- 1007,28 ---
    , begin_opTypeCheck
      , lir_instanceof
      , lir_checkcast
      , lir_store_check
    , end_opTypeCheck
+   , begin_opFlattenedArrayCheck
+     , lir_flat_array_check
+   , end_opFlattenedArrayCheck
+   , begin_opNullFreeArrayCheck
+     , lir_null_free_array_check
+   , end_opNullFreeArrayCheck
+   , begin_opSubstitutabilityCheck
+     , lir_substitutability_check
+   , end_opSubstitutabilityCheck
    , begin_opCompareAndSwap
      , lir_cas_long
      , lir_cas_obj
      , lir_cas_int
    , end_opCompareAndSwap
    , begin_opMDOProfile
      , lir_profile_call
      , lir_profile_type
+     , lir_profile_inline_type
    , end_opMDOProfile
    , begin_opAssert
      , lir_assert
    , end_opAssert

*** 1158,14 ***
--- 1173,18 ---
    virtual LIR_Op3* as_Op3() { return nullptr; }
    virtual LIR_Op4* as_Op4() { return nullptr; }
    virtual LIR_OpArrayCopy* as_OpArrayCopy() { return nullptr; }
    virtual LIR_OpUpdateCRC32* as_OpUpdateCRC32() { return nullptr; }
    virtual LIR_OpTypeCheck* as_OpTypeCheck() { return nullptr; }
+   virtual LIR_OpFlattenedArrayCheck* as_OpFlattenedArrayCheck() { return nullptr; }
+   virtual LIR_OpNullFreeArrayCheck* as_OpNullFreeArrayCheck() { return nullptr; }
+   virtual LIR_OpSubstitutabilityCheck* as_OpSubstitutabilityCheck() { return nullptr; }
    virtual LIR_OpCompareAndSwap* as_OpCompareAndSwap() { return nullptr; }
    virtual LIR_OpLoadKlass* as_OpLoadKlass() { return nullptr; }
    virtual LIR_OpProfileCall* as_OpProfileCall() { return nullptr; }
    virtual LIR_OpProfileType* as_OpProfileType() { return nullptr; }
+   virtual LIR_OpProfileInlineType* as_OpProfileInlineType() { return nullptr; }
  #ifdef ASSERT
    virtual LIR_OpAssert* as_OpAssert() { return nullptr; }
    virtual void verify() const {}

*** 1234,10 ***
--- 1253,12 ---
    virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
    virtual LIR_OpJavaCall* as_OpJavaCall() { return this; }
    virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
+   bool maybe_return_as_fields(ciInlineKlass** vk = nullptr) const;
  // --------------------------------------------------
  // LIR_OpLabel
  // --------------------------------------------------

*** 1285,11 ***
      type_check             = 1 << 7,
      overlapping            = 1 << 8,
      unaligned              = 1 << 9,
      src_objarray           = 1 << 10,
      dst_objarray           = 1 << 11,
!     all_flags              = (1 << 12) - 1
    LIR_OpArrayCopy(LIR_Opr src, LIR_Opr src_pos, LIR_Opr dst, LIR_Opr dst_pos, LIR_Opr length, LIR_Opr tmp,
                    ciArrayKlass* expected_type, int flags, CodeEmitInfo* info);
--- 1306,14 ---
      type_check             = 1 << 7,
      overlapping            = 1 << 8,
      unaligned              = 1 << 9,
      src_objarray           = 1 << 10,
      dst_objarray           = 1 << 11,
!     always_slow_path       = 1 << 12,
+     src_inlinetype_check   = 1 << 13,
+     dst_inlinetype_check   = 1 << 14,
+     all_flags              = (1 << 15) - 1
    LIR_OpArrayCopy(LIR_Opr src, LIR_Opr src_pos, LIR_Opr dst, LIR_Opr dst_pos, LIR_Opr length, LIR_Opr tmp,
                    ciArrayKlass* expected_type, int flags, CodeEmitInfo* info);

*** 1560,15 ***
    CodeStub*     _stub;
    ciMethod*     _profiled_method;
    int           _profiled_bci;
    bool          _should_profile;
    bool          _fast_check;
    LIR_OpTypeCheck(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr result, LIR_Opr object, ciKlass* klass,
                    LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2, LIR_Opr tmp3, bool fast_check,
!                   CodeEmitInfo* info_for_exception, CodeEmitInfo* info_for_patch, CodeStub* stub);
    LIR_OpTypeCheck(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr object, LIR_Opr array,
                    LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2, LIR_Opr tmp3, CodeEmitInfo* info_for_exception);
    LIR_Opr object() const                         { return _object;         }
    LIR_Opr array() const                          { assert(code() == lir_store_check, "not valid"); return _array;         }
--- 1584,16 ---
    CodeStub*     _stub;
    ciMethod*     _profiled_method;
    int           _profiled_bci;
    bool          _should_profile;
    bool          _fast_check;
+   bool          _need_null_check;
    LIR_OpTypeCheck(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr result, LIR_Opr object, ciKlass* klass,
                    LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2, LIR_Opr tmp3, bool fast_check,
!                   CodeEmitInfo* info_for_exception, CodeEmitInfo* info_for_patch, CodeStub* stub, bool need_null_check = true);
    LIR_OpTypeCheck(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr object, LIR_Opr array,
                    LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2, LIR_Opr tmp3, CodeEmitInfo* info_for_exception);
    LIR_Opr object() const                         { return _object;         }
    LIR_Opr array() const                          { assert(code() == lir_store_check, "not valid"); return _array;         }

*** 1586,17 ***
    void set_profiled_bci(int bci)                 { _profiled_bci = bci;       }
    void set_should_profile(bool b)                { _should_profile = b;       }
    ciMethod* profiled_method() const              { return _profiled_method;   }
    int       profiled_bci() const                 { return _profiled_bci;      }
    bool      should_profile() const               { return _should_profile;    }
    virtual bool is_patching() { return _info_for_patch != nullptr; }
    virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
    virtual LIR_OpTypeCheck* as_OpTypeCheck() { return this; }
    void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
  // LIR_Op2
  class LIR_Op2: public LIR_Op {
   friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
--- 1611,93 ---
    void set_profiled_bci(int bci)                 { _profiled_bci = bci;       }
    void set_should_profile(bool b)                { _should_profile = b;       }
    ciMethod* profiled_method() const              { return _profiled_method;   }
    int       profiled_bci() const                 { return _profiled_bci;      }
    bool      should_profile() const               { return _should_profile;    }
!   bool      need_null_check() const              { return _need_null_check;   }
    virtual bool is_patching() { return _info_for_patch != nullptr; }
    virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
    virtual LIR_OpTypeCheck* as_OpTypeCheck() { return this; }
    void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
+ // LIR_OpFlattenedArrayCheck
+ class LIR_OpFlattenedArrayCheck: public LIR_Op {
+  friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
+  private:
+   LIR_Opr       _array;
+   LIR_Opr       _value;
+   LIR_Opr       _tmp;
+   CodeStub*     _stub;
+ public:
+   LIR_OpFlattenedArrayCheck(LIR_Opr array, LIR_Opr value, LIR_Opr tmp, CodeStub* stub);
+   LIR_Opr array() const                          { return _array;         }
+   LIR_Opr value() const                          { return _value;         }
+   LIR_Opr tmp() const                            { return _tmp;           }
+   CodeStub* stub() const                         { return _stub;          }
+   virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
+   virtual LIR_OpFlattenedArrayCheck* as_OpFlattenedArrayCheck() { return this; }
+   virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
+ };
+ // LIR_OpNullFreeArrayCheck
+ class LIR_OpNullFreeArrayCheck: public LIR_Op {
+  friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
+  private:
+   LIR_Opr       _array;
+   LIR_Opr       _tmp;
+ public:
+   LIR_OpNullFreeArrayCheck(LIR_Opr array, LIR_Opr tmp);
+   LIR_Opr array() const                          { return _array;         }
+   LIR_Opr tmp() const                            { return _tmp;           }
+   virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
+   virtual LIR_OpNullFreeArrayCheck* as_OpNullFreeArrayCheck() { return this; }
+   virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
+ };
+ class LIR_OpSubstitutabilityCheck: public LIR_Op {
+  friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
+  private:
+   LIR_Opr       _left;
+   LIR_Opr       _right;
+   LIR_Opr       _equal_result;
+   LIR_Opr       _not_equal_result;
+   LIR_Opr       _tmp1;
+   LIR_Opr       _tmp2;
+   ciKlass*      _left_klass;
+   ciKlass*      _right_klass;
+   LIR_Opr       _left_klass_op;
+   LIR_Opr       _right_klass_op;
+   CodeStub*     _stub;
+ public:
+   LIR_OpSubstitutabilityCheck(LIR_Opr result, LIR_Opr left, LIR_Opr right, LIR_Opr equal_result, LIR_Opr not_equal_result,
+                               LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2,
+                               ciKlass* left_klass, ciKlass* right_klass, LIR_Opr left_klass_op, LIR_Opr right_klass_op,
+                               CodeEmitInfo* info, CodeStub* stub);
+   LIR_Opr left() const             { return _left; }
+   LIR_Opr right() const            { return _right; }
+   LIR_Opr equal_result() const     { return _equal_result; }
+   LIR_Opr not_equal_result() const { return _not_equal_result; }
+   LIR_Opr tmp1() const             { return _tmp1; }
+   LIR_Opr tmp2() const             { return _tmp2; }
+   ciKlass* left_klass() const      { return _left_klass; }
+   ciKlass* right_klass() const     { return _right_klass; }
+   LIR_Opr left_klass_op() const    { return _left_klass_op; }
+   LIR_Opr right_klass_op() const   { return _right_klass_op; }
+   CodeStub* stub() const           { return _stub; }
+   virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
+   virtual LIR_OpSubstitutabilityCheck* as_OpSubstitutabilityCheck() { return this; }
+   virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
+ };
  // LIR_Op2
  class LIR_Op2: public LIR_Op {
   friend class LIR_OpVisitState;

*** 1751,34 ***
    LIR_Opr   _tmp3;
    LIR_Opr   _tmp4;
    CodeStub* _stub;
    BasicType _type;
    bool      _zero_array;
!   LIR_OpAllocArray(LIR_Opr klass, LIR_Opr len, LIR_Opr result, LIR_Opr t1, LIR_Opr t2, LIR_Opr t3, LIR_Opr t4, BasicType type, CodeStub* stub, bool zero_array)
      : LIR_Op(lir_alloc_array, result, nullptr)
      , _klass(klass)
      , _len(len)
      , _tmp1(t1)
      , _tmp2(t2)
      , _tmp3(t3)
      , _tmp4(t4)
      , _stub(stub)
      , _type(type)
!     , _zero_array(zero_array) {}
    LIR_Opr   klass()   const                      { return _klass;       }
    LIR_Opr   len()     const                      { return _len;         }
    LIR_Opr   obj()     const                      { return result_opr(); }
    LIR_Opr   tmp1()    const                      { return _tmp1;        }
    LIR_Opr   tmp2()    const                      { return _tmp2;        }
    LIR_Opr   tmp3()    const                      { return _tmp3;        }
    LIR_Opr   tmp4()    const                      { return _tmp4;        }
    BasicType type()    const                      { return _type;        }
    CodeStub* stub()    const                      { return _stub;        }
!   bool zero_array()   const                      { return _zero_array;  }
    virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
    virtual LIR_OpAllocArray * as_OpAllocArray () { return this; }
    virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
--- 1852,37 ---
    LIR_Opr   _tmp3;
    LIR_Opr   _tmp4;
    CodeStub* _stub;
    BasicType _type;
    bool      _zero_array;
+   bool      _is_null_free;
!   LIR_OpAllocArray(LIR_Opr klass, LIR_Opr len, LIR_Opr result, LIR_Opr t1, LIR_Opr t2, LIR_Opr t3, LIR_Opr t4, BasicType type, CodeStub* stub, bool zero_array, bool is_null_free)
      : LIR_Op(lir_alloc_array, result, nullptr)
      , _klass(klass)
      , _len(len)
      , _tmp1(t1)
      , _tmp2(t2)
      , _tmp3(t3)
      , _tmp4(t4)
      , _stub(stub)
      , _type(type)
!     , _zero_array(zero_array)
+     , _is_null_free(is_null_free) {}
    LIR_Opr   klass()   const                      { return _klass;       }
    LIR_Opr   len()     const                      { return _len;         }
    LIR_Opr   obj()     const                      { return result_opr(); }
    LIR_Opr   tmp1()    const                      { return _tmp1;        }
    LIR_Opr   tmp2()    const                      { return _tmp2;        }
    LIR_Opr   tmp3()    const                      { return _tmp3;        }
    LIR_Opr   tmp4()    const                      { return _tmp4;        }
    BasicType type()    const                      { return _type;        }
    CodeStub* stub()    const                      { return _stub;        }
!   bool      zero_array()   const                 { return _zero_array;  }
+   bool      is_null_free() const                 { return _is_null_free;}
    virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
    virtual LIR_OpAllocArray * as_OpAllocArray () { return this; }
    virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;

*** 1881,24 ***
    LIR_Opr _hdr;
    LIR_Opr _obj;
    LIR_Opr _lock;
    LIR_Opr _scratch;
    CodeStub* _stub;
!   LIR_OpLock(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr hdr, LIR_Opr obj, LIR_Opr lock, LIR_Opr scratch, CodeStub* stub, CodeEmitInfo* info)
      : LIR_Op(code, LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, info)
      , _hdr(hdr)
      , _obj(obj)
      , _lock(lock)
      , _scratch(scratch)
!     , _stub(stub)                      {}
    LIR_Opr hdr_opr() const                        { return _hdr; }
    LIR_Opr obj_opr() const                        { return _obj; }
    LIR_Opr lock_opr() const                       { return _lock; }
    LIR_Opr scratch_opr() const                    { return _scratch; }
    CodeStub* stub() const                         { return _stub; }
    virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
    virtual LIR_OpLock* as_OpLock() { return this; }
    void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
--- 1985,27 ---
    LIR_Opr _hdr;
    LIR_Opr _obj;
    LIR_Opr _lock;
    LIR_Opr _scratch;
    CodeStub* _stub;
+   CodeStub* _throw_ie_stub;
!   LIR_OpLock(LIR_Code code, LIR_Opr hdr, LIR_Opr obj, LIR_Opr lock, LIR_Opr scratch, CodeStub* stub, CodeEmitInfo* info, CodeStub* throw_ie_stub=nullptr)
      : LIR_Op(code, LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, info)
      , _hdr(hdr)
      , _obj(obj)
      , _lock(lock)
      , _scratch(scratch)
!     , _stub(stub)
+     , _throw_ie_stub(throw_ie_stub)                    {}
    LIR_Opr hdr_opr() const                        { return _hdr; }
    LIR_Opr obj_opr() const                        { return _obj; }
    LIR_Opr lock_opr() const                       { return _lock; }
    LIR_Opr scratch_opr() const                    { return _scratch; }
    CodeStub* stub() const                         { return _stub; }
+   CodeStub* throw_ie_stub() const                { return _throw_ie_stub; }
    virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
    virtual LIR_OpLock* as_OpLock() { return this; }
    void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;

*** 2079,10 ***
--- 2186,42 ---
    virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
    virtual LIR_OpProfileType* as_OpProfileType() { return this; }
    virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
+ // LIR_OpProfileInlineType
+ class LIR_OpProfileInlineType : public LIR_Op {
+  friend class LIR_OpVisitState;
+  private:
+   LIR_Opr      _mdp;
+   LIR_Opr      _obj;
+   int          _flag;
+   LIR_Opr      _tmp;
+   bool         _not_null;      // true if we know statically that _obj cannot be null
+  public:
+   // Destroys recv
+   LIR_OpProfileInlineType(LIR_Opr mdp, LIR_Opr obj, int flag, LIR_Opr tmp, bool not_null)
+     : LIR_Op(lir_profile_inline_type, LIR_OprFact::illegalOpr, nullptr)  // no result, no info
+     , _mdp(mdp)
+     , _obj(obj)
+     , _flag(flag)
+     , _tmp(tmp)
+     , _not_null(not_null) { }
+   LIR_Opr      mdp()              const             { return _mdp;              }
+   LIR_Opr      obj()              const             { return _obj;              }
+   int          flag()             const             { return _flag;             }
+   LIR_Opr      tmp()              const             { return _tmp;              }
+   bool         not_null()         const             { return _not_null;         }
+   virtual void emit_code(LIR_Assembler* masm);
+   virtual LIR_OpProfileInlineType* as_OpProfileInlineType() { return this; }
+   virtual void print_instr(outputStream* out) const PRODUCT_RETURN;
+ };
  class LIR_InsertionBuffer;
  // Maintains a list of LIR instructions (one instance of LIR_List per basic block)
  // The LIR instructions are appended by the LIR_List class itself;

*** 2304,11 ***
    void idiv(LIR_Opr left, int   right, LIR_Opr res, LIR_Opr tmp, CodeEmitInfo* info);
    void irem(LIR_Opr left, LIR_Opr right, LIR_Opr res, LIR_Opr tmp, CodeEmitInfo* info);
    void irem(LIR_Opr left, int   right, LIR_Opr res, LIR_Opr tmp, CodeEmitInfo* info);
    void allocate_object(LIR_Opr dst, LIR_Opr t1, LIR_Opr t2, LIR_Opr t3, LIR_Opr t4, int header_size, int object_size, LIR_Opr klass, bool init_check, CodeStub* stub);
!   void allocate_array(LIR_Opr dst, LIR_Opr len, LIR_Opr t1,LIR_Opr t2, LIR_Opr t3,LIR_Opr t4, BasicType type, LIR_Opr klass, CodeStub* stub, bool zero_array = true);
    // jump is an unconditional branch
    void jump(BlockBegin* block) {
      append(new LIR_OpBranch(lir_cond_always, block));
--- 2443,11 ---
    void idiv(LIR_Opr left, int   right, LIR_Opr res, LIR_Opr tmp, CodeEmitInfo* info);
    void irem(LIR_Opr left, LIR_Opr right, LIR_Opr res, LIR_Opr tmp, CodeEmitInfo* info);
    void irem(LIR_Opr left, int   right, LIR_Opr res, LIR_Opr tmp, CodeEmitInfo* info);
    void allocate_object(LIR_Opr dst, LIR_Opr t1, LIR_Opr t2, LIR_Opr t3, LIR_Opr t4, int header_size, int object_size, LIR_Opr klass, bool init_check, CodeStub* stub);
!   void allocate_array(LIR_Opr dst, LIR_Opr len, LIR_Opr t1,LIR_Opr t2, LIR_Opr t3,LIR_Opr t4, BasicType type, LIR_Opr klass, CodeStub* stub, bool zero_array = true, bool is_null_free = false);
    // jump is an unconditional branch
    void jump(BlockBegin* block) {
      append(new LIR_OpBranch(lir_cond_always, block));

*** 2351,32 ***
      append(new LIR_OpRTCall(routine, tmp, result, arguments, info));
    void load_stack_address_monitor(int monitor_ix, LIR_Opr dst)  { append(new LIR_Op1(lir_monaddr, LIR_OprFact::intConst(monitor_ix), dst)); }
    void unlock_object(LIR_Opr hdr, LIR_Opr obj, LIR_Opr lock, LIR_Opr scratch, CodeStub* stub);
!   void lock_object(LIR_Opr hdr, LIR_Opr obj, LIR_Opr lock, LIR_Opr scratch, CodeStub* stub, CodeEmitInfo* info);
    void breakpoint()                                                  { append(new LIR_Op0(lir_breakpoint)); }
    void arraycopy(LIR_Opr src, LIR_Opr src_pos, LIR_Opr dst, LIR_Opr dst_pos, LIR_Opr length, LIR_Opr tmp, ciArrayKlass* expected_type, int flags, CodeEmitInfo* info) { append(new LIR_OpArrayCopy(src, src_pos, dst, dst_pos, length, tmp, expected_type, flags, info)); }
    void update_crc32(LIR_Opr crc, LIR_Opr val, LIR_Opr res)  { append(new LIR_OpUpdateCRC32(crc, val, res)); }
    void instanceof(LIR_Opr result, LIR_Opr object, ciKlass* klass, LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2, LIR_Opr tmp3, bool fast_check, CodeEmitInfo* info_for_patch, ciMethod* profiled_method, int profiled_bci);
    void store_check(LIR_Opr object, LIR_Opr array, LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2, LIR_Opr tmp3, CodeEmitInfo* info_for_exception, ciMethod* profiled_method, int profiled_bci);
    void checkcast (LIR_Opr result, LIR_Opr object, ciKlass* klass,
                    LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2, LIR_Opr tmp3, bool fast_check,
                    CodeEmitInfo* info_for_exception, CodeEmitInfo* info_for_patch, CodeStub* stub,
!                   ciMethod* profiled_method, int profiled_bci);
    // MethodData* profiling
    void profile_call(ciMethod* method, int bci, ciMethod* callee, LIR_Opr mdo, LIR_Opr recv, LIR_Opr t1, ciKlass* cha_klass) {
      append(new LIR_OpProfileCall(method, bci, callee, mdo, recv, t1, cha_klass));
    void profile_type(LIR_Address* mdp, LIR_Opr obj, ciKlass* exact_klass, intptr_t current_klass, LIR_Opr tmp, bool not_null, bool no_conflict) {
      append(new LIR_OpProfileType(LIR_OprFact::address(mdp), obj, exact_klass, current_klass, tmp, not_null, no_conflict));
    void xadd(LIR_Opr src, LIR_Opr add, LIR_Opr res, LIR_Opr tmp) { append(new LIR_Op2(lir_xadd, src, add, res, tmp)); }
    void xchg(LIR_Opr src, LIR_Opr set, LIR_Opr res, LIR_Opr tmp) { append(new LIR_Op2(lir_xchg, src, set, res, tmp)); }
    void load_klass(LIR_Opr obj, LIR_Opr result, CodeEmitInfo* info) { append(new LIR_OpLoadKlass(obj, result, info)); }
--- 2490,41 ---
      append(new LIR_OpRTCall(routine, tmp, result, arguments, info));
    void load_stack_address_monitor(int monitor_ix, LIR_Opr dst)  { append(new LIR_Op1(lir_monaddr, LIR_OprFact::intConst(monitor_ix), dst)); }
    void unlock_object(LIR_Opr hdr, LIR_Opr obj, LIR_Opr lock, LIR_Opr scratch, CodeStub* stub);
!   void lock_object(LIR_Opr hdr, LIR_Opr obj, LIR_Opr lock, LIR_Opr scratch, CodeStub* stub, CodeEmitInfo* info, CodeStub* throw_ie_stub=nullptr);
    void breakpoint()                                                  { append(new LIR_Op0(lir_breakpoint)); }
    void arraycopy(LIR_Opr src, LIR_Opr src_pos, LIR_Opr dst, LIR_Opr dst_pos, LIR_Opr length, LIR_Opr tmp, ciArrayKlass* expected_type, int flags, CodeEmitInfo* info) { append(new LIR_OpArrayCopy(src, src_pos, dst, dst_pos, length, tmp, expected_type, flags, info)); }
    void update_crc32(LIR_Opr crc, LIR_Opr val, LIR_Opr res)  { append(new LIR_OpUpdateCRC32(crc, val, res)); }
    void instanceof(LIR_Opr result, LIR_Opr object, ciKlass* klass, LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2, LIR_Opr tmp3, bool fast_check, CodeEmitInfo* info_for_patch, ciMethod* profiled_method, int profiled_bci);
    void store_check(LIR_Opr object, LIR_Opr array, LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2, LIR_Opr tmp3, CodeEmitInfo* info_for_exception, ciMethod* profiled_method, int profiled_bci);
+   void check_flat_array(LIR_Opr array, LIR_Opr value, LIR_Opr tmp, CodeStub* stub);
+   void check_null_free_array(LIR_Opr array, LIR_Opr tmp);
+   void substitutability_check(LIR_Opr result, LIR_Opr left, LIR_Opr right, LIR_Opr equal_result, LIR_Opr not_equal_result,
+                               LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2,
+                               ciKlass* left_klass, ciKlass* right_klass, LIR_Opr left_klass_op, LIR_Opr right_klass_op,
+                               CodeEmitInfo* info, CodeStub* stub);
    void checkcast (LIR_Opr result, LIR_Opr object, ciKlass* klass,
                    LIR_Opr tmp1, LIR_Opr tmp2, LIR_Opr tmp3, bool fast_check,
                    CodeEmitInfo* info_for_exception, CodeEmitInfo* info_for_patch, CodeStub* stub,
!                   ciMethod* profiled_method, int profiled_bci, bool is_null_free);
    // MethodData* profiling
    void profile_call(ciMethod* method, int bci, ciMethod* callee, LIR_Opr mdo, LIR_Opr recv, LIR_Opr t1, ciKlass* cha_klass) {
      append(new LIR_OpProfileCall(method, bci, callee, mdo, recv, t1, cha_klass));
    void profile_type(LIR_Address* mdp, LIR_Opr obj, ciKlass* exact_klass, intptr_t current_klass, LIR_Opr tmp, bool not_null, bool no_conflict) {
      append(new LIR_OpProfileType(LIR_OprFact::address(mdp), obj, exact_klass, current_klass, tmp, not_null, no_conflict));
+   void profile_inline_type(LIR_Address* mdp, LIR_Opr obj, int flag, LIR_Opr tmp, bool not_null) {
+     append(new LIR_OpProfileInlineType(LIR_OprFact::address(mdp), obj, flag, tmp, not_null));
+   }
    void xadd(LIR_Opr src, LIR_Opr add, LIR_Opr res, LIR_Opr tmp) { append(new LIR_Op2(lir_xadd, src, add, res, tmp)); }
    void xchg(LIR_Opr src, LIR_Opr set, LIR_Opr res, LIR_Opr tmp) { append(new LIR_Op2(lir_xchg, src, set, res, tmp)); }
    void load_klass(LIR_Opr obj, LIR_Opr result, CodeEmitInfo* info) { append(new LIR_OpLoadKlass(obj, result, info)); }
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