< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/cds/archiveHeapWriter.cpp
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// We need to retain the identity_hash, because it may have been used by some hashtables
// in the shared heap. This also has the side effect of pre-initializing the
// identity_hash for all shared objects, so they are less likely to be written
// into during run time, increasing the potential of memory sharing.
! if (src_obj != nullptr) {
intptr_t src_hash = src_obj->identity_hash();
! fake_oop->set_mark(markWord::prototype().copy_set_hash(src_hash));
assert(fake_oop->mark().is_unlocked(), "sanity");
DEBUG_ONLY(intptr_t archived_hash = fake_oop->identity_hash());
assert(src_hash == archived_hash, "Different hash codes: original " INTPTR_FORMAT ", archived " INTPTR_FORMAT, src_hash, archived_hash);
// We need to retain the identity_hash, because it may have been used by some hashtables
// in the shared heap. This also has the side effect of pre-initializing the
// identity_hash for all shared objects, so they are less likely to be written
// into during run time, increasing the potential of memory sharing.
! if (src_obj != nullptr && (!(EnableValhalla && src_obj->mark().is_inline_type()))) {
intptr_t src_hash = src_obj->identity_hash();
! fake_oop->set_mark(src_klass->prototype_header().copy_set_hash(src_hash));
assert(fake_oop->mark().is_unlocked(), "sanity");
DEBUG_ONLY(intptr_t archived_hash = fake_oop->identity_hash());
assert(src_hash == archived_hash, "Different hash codes: original " INTPTR_FORMAT ", archived " INTPTR_FORMAT, src_hash, archived_hash);
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