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  64 #include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
  65 #include "runtime/os.hpp"
  66 #include "runtime/vm_version.hpp"
  67 #include "utilities/align.hpp"
  68 #include "utilities/bitMap.inline.hpp"
  69 #include "utilities/classpathStream.hpp"
  70 #include "utilities/defaultStream.hpp"
  71 #include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
  72 #if INCLUDE_G1GC
  73 #include "gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.hpp"
  74 #include "gc/g1/g1HeapRegion.hpp"
  75 #endif
  77 # include <sys/stat.h>
  78 # include <errno.h>
  80 #ifndef O_BINARY       // if defined (Win32) use binary files.
  81 #define O_BINARY 0     // otherwise do nothing.
  82 #endif

  84 // Fill in the fileMapInfo structure with data about this VM instance.
  86 // This method copies the vm version info into header_version.  If the version is too
  87 // long then a truncated version, which has a hash code appended to it, is copied.
  88 //
  89 // Using a template enables this method to verify that header_version is an array of
  90 // length JVM_IDENT_MAX.  This ensures that the code that writes to the CDS file and
  91 // the code that reads the CDS file will both use the same size buffer.  Hence, will
  92 // use identical truncation.  This is necessary for matching of truncated versions.
  93 template <int N> static void get_header_version(char (&header_version) [N]) {
  94   assert(N == JVM_IDENT_MAX, "Bad header_version size");
  96   const char *vm_version = VM_Version::internal_vm_info_string();
  97   const int version_len = (int)strlen(vm_version);
  99   memset(header_version, 0, JVM_IDENT_MAX);
 101   if (version_len < (JVM_IDENT_MAX-1)) {
 102     strcpy(header_version, vm_version);

 197   set_magic(CDSConfig::is_dumping_dynamic_archive() ? CDS_DYNAMIC_ARCHIVE_MAGIC : CDS_ARCHIVE_MAGIC);
 198   set_version(CURRENT_CDS_ARCHIVE_VERSION);
 200   if (!info->is_static() && base_archive_name_size != 0) {
 201     // copy base archive name
 202     copy_base_archive_name(CDSConfig::static_archive_path());
 203   }
 204   _core_region_alignment = core_region_alignment;
 205   _obj_alignment = ObjectAlignmentInBytes;
 206   _compact_strings = CompactStrings;
 207   if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_heap()) {
 208     _narrow_oop_mode = CompressedOops::mode();
 209     _narrow_oop_base = CompressedOops::base();
 210     _narrow_oop_shift = CompressedOops::shift();
 211   }
 212   _compressed_oops = UseCompressedOops;
 213   _compressed_class_ptrs = UseCompressedClassPointers;
 214   _max_heap_size = MaxHeapSize;
 215   _use_optimized_module_handling = CDSConfig::is_using_optimized_module_handling();
 216   _has_full_module_graph = CDSConfig::is_dumping_full_module_graph();
 218   // The following fields are for sanity checks for whether this archive
 219   // will function correctly with this JVM and the bootclasspath it's
 220   // invoked with.
 222   // JVM version string ... changes on each build.
 223   get_header_version(_jvm_ident);
 225   _app_class_paths_start_index = ClassLoaderExt::app_class_paths_start_index();
 226   _app_module_paths_start_index = ClassLoaderExt::app_module_paths_start_index();
 227   _max_used_path_index = ClassLoaderExt::max_used_path_index();
 228   _num_module_paths = ClassLoader::num_module_path_entries();
 230   _verify_local = BytecodeVerificationLocal;
 231   _verify_remote = BytecodeVerificationRemote;
 232   _has_platform_or_app_classes = ClassLoaderExt::has_platform_or_app_classes();
 233   _has_non_jar_in_classpath = ClassLoaderExt::has_non_jar_in_classpath();
 234   _requested_base_address = (char*)SharedBaseAddress;
 235   _mapped_base_address = (char*)SharedBaseAddress;
 236   _allow_archiving_with_java_agent = AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent;

 238   if (!CDSConfig::is_dumping_dynamic_archive()) {
 239     set_shared_path_table(info->_shared_path_table);
 240   }
 241 }
 243 void FileMapHeader::copy_base_archive_name(const char* archive) {
 244   assert(base_archive_name_size() != 0, "_base_archive_name_size not set");
 245   assert(base_archive_name_offset() != 0, "_base_archive_name_offset not set");
 246   assert(header_size() > sizeof(*this), "_base_archive_name_size not included in header size?");
 247   memcpy((char*)this + base_archive_name_offset(), archive, base_archive_name_size());
 248 }
 250 void FileMapHeader::print(outputStream* st) {
 251   ResourceMark rm;
 253   st->print_cr("- magic:                          0x%08x", magic());
 254   st->print_cr("- crc:                            0x%08x", crc());
 255   st->print_cr("- version:                        0x%x", version());
 256   st->print_cr("- header_size:                    " UINT32_FORMAT, header_size());

 282   st->print_cr("- num_module_paths:               %d", _num_module_paths);
 283   st->print_cr("- max_used_path_index:            %d", _max_used_path_index);
 284   st->print_cr("- verify_local:                   %d", _verify_local);
 285   st->print_cr("- verify_remote:                  %d", _verify_remote);
 286   st->print_cr("- has_platform_or_app_classes:    %d", _has_platform_or_app_classes);
 287   st->print_cr("- has_non_jar_in_classpath:       %d", _has_non_jar_in_classpath);
 288   st->print_cr("- requested_base_address:         " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(_requested_base_address));
 289   st->print_cr("- mapped_base_address:            " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(_mapped_base_address));
 290   st->print_cr("- heap_root_segments.roots_count: %d" , _heap_root_segments.roots_count());
 291   st->print_cr("- heap_root_segments.base_offset: " SIZE_FORMAT_X, _heap_root_segments.base_offset());
 292   st->print_cr("- heap_root_segments.count:       " SIZE_FORMAT, _heap_root_segments.count());
 293   st->print_cr("- heap_root_segments.max_size_elems: %d", _heap_root_segments.max_size_in_elems());
 294   st->print_cr("- heap_root_segments.max_size_bytes: %d", _heap_root_segments.max_size_in_bytes());
 295   st->print_cr("- _heap_oopmap_start_pos:         " SIZE_FORMAT, _heap_oopmap_start_pos);
 296   st->print_cr("- _heap_ptrmap_start_pos:         " SIZE_FORMAT, _heap_ptrmap_start_pos);
 297   st->print_cr("- _rw_ptrmap_start_pos:           " SIZE_FORMAT, _rw_ptrmap_start_pos);
 298   st->print_cr("- _ro_ptrmap_start_pos:           " SIZE_FORMAT, _ro_ptrmap_start_pos);
 299   st->print_cr("- allow_archiving_with_java_agent:%d", _allow_archiving_with_java_agent);
 300   st->print_cr("- use_optimized_module_handling:  %d", _use_optimized_module_handling);
 301   st->print_cr("- has_full_module_graph           %d", _has_full_module_graph);

 302 }
 304 void SharedClassPathEntry::init_as_non_existent(const char* path, TRAPS) {
 305   _type = non_existent_entry;
 306   set_name(path, CHECK);
 307 }
 309 void SharedClassPathEntry::init(bool is_modules_image,
 310                                 bool is_module_path,
 311                                 ClassPathEntry* cpe, TRAPS) {
 312   assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_archive(), "sanity");
 313   _timestamp = 0;
 314   _filesize  = 0;
 315   _from_class_path_attr = false;
 317   struct stat st;
 318   if (os::stat(cpe->name(), &st) == 0) {
 319     if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) {
 320       _type = dir_entry;
 321     } else {

1366   if (strncmp(actual_ident, expected_ident, JVM_IDENT_MAX-1) != 0) {
1367     log_info(cds)("_jvm_ident expected: %s", expected_ident);
1368     log_info(cds)("             actual: %s", actual_ident);
1369     log_warning(cds)("The shared archive file was created by a different"
1370                   " version or build of HotSpot");
1371     return false;
1372   }
1374   _file_offset = header()->header_size(); // accounts for the size of _base_archive_name
1376   size_t len = os::lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
1378   for (int i = 0; i < MetaspaceShared::n_regions; i++) {
1379     FileMapRegion* r = region_at(i);
1380     if (r->file_offset() > len || len - r->file_offset() < r->used()) {
1381       log_warning(cds)("The shared archive file has been truncated.");
1382       return false;
1383     }
1384   }

1386   return true;
1387 }
1389 void FileMapInfo::seek_to_position(size_t pos) {
1390   if (os::lseek(_fd, (long)pos, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
1391     log_error(cds)("Unable to seek to position " SIZE_FORMAT, pos);
1392     MetaspaceShared::unrecoverable_loading_error();
1393   }
1394 }
1396 // Read the FileMapInfo information from the file.
1397 bool FileMapInfo::open_for_read() {
1398   if (_file_open) {
1399     return true;
1400   }
1401   log_info(cds)("trying to map %s", _full_path);
1402   int fd = os::open(_full_path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
1403   if (fd < 0) {
1404     if (errno == ENOENT) {
1405       log_info(cds)("Specified shared archive not found (%s)", _full_path);

2472   // while AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent is set during the current run.
2473   if (_allow_archiving_with_java_agent && !AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent) {
2474     log_warning(cds)("The setting of the AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent is different "
2475                                "from the setting in the shared archive.");
2476     return false;
2477   }
2479   if (_allow_archiving_with_java_agent) {
2480     log_warning(cds)("This archive was created with AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent. It should be used "
2481             "for testing purposes only and should not be used in a production environment");
2482   }
2484   log_info(cds)("Archive was created with UseCompressedOops = %d, UseCompressedClassPointers = %d",
2485                           compressed_oops(), compressed_class_pointers());
2486   if (compressed_oops() != UseCompressedOops || compressed_class_pointers() != UseCompressedClassPointers) {
2487     log_info(cds)("Unable to use shared archive.\nThe saved state of UseCompressedOops and UseCompressedClassPointers is "
2488                                "different from runtime, CDS will be disabled.");
2489     return false;
2490   }

2492   if (!_use_optimized_module_handling) {
2493     CDSConfig::stop_using_optimized_module_handling();
2494     log_info(cds)("optimized module handling: disabled because archive was created without optimized module handling");
2495   }
2497   if (is_static() && !_has_full_module_graph) {
2498     // Only the static archive can contain the full module graph.
2499     CDSConfig::stop_using_full_module_graph("archive was created without full module graph");
2500   }
2502   return true;
2503 }
2505 bool FileMapInfo::validate_header() {
2506   if (!header()->validate()) {
2507     return false;
2508   }
2509   if (_is_static) {
2510     return true;
2511   } else {

  64 #include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
  65 #include "runtime/os.hpp"
  66 #include "runtime/vm_version.hpp"
  67 #include "utilities/align.hpp"
  68 #include "utilities/bitMap.inline.hpp"
  69 #include "utilities/classpathStream.hpp"
  70 #include "utilities/defaultStream.hpp"
  71 #include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
  72 #if INCLUDE_G1GC
  73 #include "gc/g1/g1CollectedHeap.hpp"
  74 #include "gc/g1/g1HeapRegion.hpp"
  75 #endif
  77 # include <sys/stat.h>
  78 # include <errno.h>
  80 #ifndef O_BINARY       // if defined (Win32) use binary files.
  81 #define O_BINARY 0     // otherwise do nothing.
  82 #endif
  84 inline void CDSMustMatchFlags::do_print(outputStream* st, bool v) {
  85   st->print("%s", v ? "true" : "false");
  86 }
  88 inline void CDSMustMatchFlags::do_print(outputStream* st, intx v) {
  89   st->print(INTX_FORMAT, v);
  90 }
  92 inline void CDSMustMatchFlags::do_print(outputStream* st, uintx v) {
  93   st->print(UINTX_FORMAT, v);
  94 }
  96 inline void CDSMustMatchFlags::do_print(outputStream* st, double v) {
  97   st->print("%f", v);
  98 }
 100 void CDSMustMatchFlags::init() {
 101   assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_archive(), "sanity");
 102   _max_name_width = 0;
 104 #define INIT_CDS_MUST_MATCH_FLAG(n) \
 105   _v_##n = n; \
 106   _max_name_width = MAX2(_max_name_width,strlen(#n));
 109 }
 111 bool CDSMustMatchFlags::runtime_check() const {
 112 #define CHECK_CDS_MUST_MATCH_FLAG(n) \
 113   if (_v_##n != n) { \
 114     ResourceMark rm; \
 115     stringStream ss; \
 116     ss.print("VM option %s is different between dumptime (", #n);  \
 117     do_print(&ss, _v_ ## n); \
 118     ss.print(") and runtime ("); \
 119     do_print(&ss, n); \
 120     ss.print(")"); \
 121     log_info(cds)("%s", ss.as_string()); \
 122     return false; \
 123   }
 127   return true;
 128 }
 130 void CDSMustMatchFlags::print_info() const {
 131   LogTarget(Info, cds) lt;
 132   if (lt.is_enabled()) {
 133     LogStream ls(lt);
 134     ls.print_cr("Recorded VM flags during dumptime:");
 135     print(&ls);
 136   }
 137 }
 139 void CDSMustMatchFlags::print(outputStream* st) const {
 140 #define PRINT_CDS_MUST_MATCH_FLAG(n) \
 141   st->print("- %-s ", #n);                   \
 142   st->sp(int(_max_name_width - strlen(#n))); \
 143   do_print(st, _v_##n);                      \
 144   st->cr();
 147 }
 149 // Fill in the fileMapInfo structure with data about this VM instance.
 151 // This method copies the vm version info into header_version.  If the version is too
 152 // long then a truncated version, which has a hash code appended to it, is copied.
 153 //
 154 // Using a template enables this method to verify that header_version is an array of
 155 // length JVM_IDENT_MAX.  This ensures that the code that writes to the CDS file and
 156 // the code that reads the CDS file will both use the same size buffer.  Hence, will
 157 // use identical truncation.  This is necessary for matching of truncated versions.
 158 template <int N> static void get_header_version(char (&header_version) [N]) {
 159   assert(N == JVM_IDENT_MAX, "Bad header_version size");
 161   const char *vm_version = VM_Version::internal_vm_info_string();
 162   const int version_len = (int)strlen(vm_version);
 164   memset(header_version, 0, JVM_IDENT_MAX);
 166   if (version_len < (JVM_IDENT_MAX-1)) {
 167     strcpy(header_version, vm_version);

 262   set_magic(CDSConfig::is_dumping_dynamic_archive() ? CDS_DYNAMIC_ARCHIVE_MAGIC : CDS_ARCHIVE_MAGIC);
 263   set_version(CURRENT_CDS_ARCHIVE_VERSION);
 265   if (!info->is_static() && base_archive_name_size != 0) {
 266     // copy base archive name
 267     copy_base_archive_name(CDSConfig::static_archive_path());
 268   }
 269   _core_region_alignment = core_region_alignment;
 270   _obj_alignment = ObjectAlignmentInBytes;
 271   _compact_strings = CompactStrings;
 272   if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_heap()) {
 273     _narrow_oop_mode = CompressedOops::mode();
 274     _narrow_oop_base = CompressedOops::base();
 275     _narrow_oop_shift = CompressedOops::shift();
 276   }
 277   _compressed_oops = UseCompressedOops;
 278   _compressed_class_ptrs = UseCompressedClassPointers;
 279   _max_heap_size = MaxHeapSize;
 280   _use_optimized_module_handling = CDSConfig::is_using_optimized_module_handling();
 281   _has_full_module_graph = CDSConfig::is_dumping_full_module_graph();
 282   _has_valhalla_patched_classes = CDSConfig::is_valhalla_preview();
 283   // The following fields are for sanity checks for whether this archive
 284   // will function correctly with this JVM and the bootclasspath it's
 285   // invoked with.
 287   // JVM version string ... changes on each build.
 288   get_header_version(_jvm_ident);
 290   _app_class_paths_start_index = ClassLoaderExt::app_class_paths_start_index();
 291   _app_module_paths_start_index = ClassLoaderExt::app_module_paths_start_index();
 292   _max_used_path_index = ClassLoaderExt::max_used_path_index();
 293   _num_module_paths = ClassLoader::num_module_path_entries();
 295   _verify_local = BytecodeVerificationLocal;
 296   _verify_remote = BytecodeVerificationRemote;
 297   _has_platform_or_app_classes = ClassLoaderExt::has_platform_or_app_classes();
 298   _has_non_jar_in_classpath = ClassLoaderExt::has_non_jar_in_classpath();
 299   _requested_base_address = (char*)SharedBaseAddress;
 300   _mapped_base_address = (char*)SharedBaseAddress;
 301   _allow_archiving_with_java_agent = AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent;
 302   _must_match.init();
 304   if (!CDSConfig::is_dumping_dynamic_archive()) {
 305     set_shared_path_table(info->_shared_path_table);
 306   }
 307 }
 309 void FileMapHeader::copy_base_archive_name(const char* archive) {
 310   assert(base_archive_name_size() != 0, "_base_archive_name_size not set");
 311   assert(base_archive_name_offset() != 0, "_base_archive_name_offset not set");
 312   assert(header_size() > sizeof(*this), "_base_archive_name_size not included in header size?");
 313   memcpy((char*)this + base_archive_name_offset(), archive, base_archive_name_size());
 314 }
 316 void FileMapHeader::print(outputStream* st) {
 317   ResourceMark rm;
 319   st->print_cr("- magic:                          0x%08x", magic());
 320   st->print_cr("- crc:                            0x%08x", crc());
 321   st->print_cr("- version:                        0x%x", version());
 322   st->print_cr("- header_size:                    " UINT32_FORMAT, header_size());

 348   st->print_cr("- num_module_paths:               %d", _num_module_paths);
 349   st->print_cr("- max_used_path_index:            %d", _max_used_path_index);
 350   st->print_cr("- verify_local:                   %d", _verify_local);
 351   st->print_cr("- verify_remote:                  %d", _verify_remote);
 352   st->print_cr("- has_platform_or_app_classes:    %d", _has_platform_or_app_classes);
 353   st->print_cr("- has_non_jar_in_classpath:       %d", _has_non_jar_in_classpath);
 354   st->print_cr("- requested_base_address:         " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(_requested_base_address));
 355   st->print_cr("- mapped_base_address:            " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(_mapped_base_address));
 356   st->print_cr("- heap_root_segments.roots_count: %d" , _heap_root_segments.roots_count());
 357   st->print_cr("- heap_root_segments.base_offset: " SIZE_FORMAT_X, _heap_root_segments.base_offset());
 358   st->print_cr("- heap_root_segments.count:       " SIZE_FORMAT, _heap_root_segments.count());
 359   st->print_cr("- heap_root_segments.max_size_elems: %d", _heap_root_segments.max_size_in_elems());
 360   st->print_cr("- heap_root_segments.max_size_bytes: %d", _heap_root_segments.max_size_in_bytes());
 361   st->print_cr("- _heap_oopmap_start_pos:         " SIZE_FORMAT, _heap_oopmap_start_pos);
 362   st->print_cr("- _heap_ptrmap_start_pos:         " SIZE_FORMAT, _heap_ptrmap_start_pos);
 363   st->print_cr("- _rw_ptrmap_start_pos:           " SIZE_FORMAT, _rw_ptrmap_start_pos);
 364   st->print_cr("- _ro_ptrmap_start_pos:           " SIZE_FORMAT, _ro_ptrmap_start_pos);
 365   st->print_cr("- allow_archiving_with_java_agent:%d", _allow_archiving_with_java_agent);
 366   st->print_cr("- use_optimized_module_handling:  %d", _use_optimized_module_handling);
 367   st->print_cr("- has_full_module_graph           %d", _has_full_module_graph);
 368   st->print_cr("- has_valhalla_patched_classes    %d", _has_valhalla_patched_classes);
 369   _must_match.print(st);
 370 }
 372 void SharedClassPathEntry::init_as_non_existent(const char* path, TRAPS) {
 373   _type = non_existent_entry;
 374   set_name(path, CHECK);
 375 }
 377 void SharedClassPathEntry::init(bool is_modules_image,
 378                                 bool is_module_path,
 379                                 ClassPathEntry* cpe, TRAPS) {
 380   assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_archive(), "sanity");
 381   _timestamp = 0;
 382   _filesize  = 0;
 383   _from_class_path_attr = false;
 385   struct stat st;
 386   if (os::stat(cpe->name(), &st) == 0) {
 387     if ((st.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) {
 388       _type = dir_entry;
 389     } else {

1434   if (strncmp(actual_ident, expected_ident, JVM_IDENT_MAX-1) != 0) {
1435     log_info(cds)("_jvm_ident expected: %s", expected_ident);
1436     log_info(cds)("             actual: %s", actual_ident);
1437     log_warning(cds)("The shared archive file was created by a different"
1438                   " version or build of HotSpot");
1439     return false;
1440   }
1442   _file_offset = header()->header_size(); // accounts for the size of _base_archive_name
1444   size_t len = os::lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
1446   for (int i = 0; i < MetaspaceShared::n_regions; i++) {
1447     FileMapRegion* r = region_at(i);
1448     if (r->file_offset() > len || len - r->file_offset() < r->used()) {
1449       log_warning(cds)("The shared archive file has been truncated.");
1450       return false;
1451     }
1452   }
1454   if (!header()->check_must_match_flags()) {
1455     return false;
1456   }
1458   return true;
1459 }
1461 void FileMapInfo::seek_to_position(size_t pos) {
1462   if (os::lseek(_fd, (long)pos, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
1463     log_error(cds)("Unable to seek to position " SIZE_FORMAT, pos);
1464     MetaspaceShared::unrecoverable_loading_error();
1465   }
1466 }
1468 // Read the FileMapInfo information from the file.
1469 bool FileMapInfo::open_for_read() {
1470   if (_file_open) {
1471     return true;
1472   }
1473   log_info(cds)("trying to map %s", _full_path);
1474   int fd = os::open(_full_path, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
1475   if (fd < 0) {
1476     if (errno == ENOENT) {
1477       log_info(cds)("Specified shared archive not found (%s)", _full_path);

2544   // while AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent is set during the current run.
2545   if (_allow_archiving_with_java_agent && !AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent) {
2546     log_warning(cds)("The setting of the AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent is different "
2547                                "from the setting in the shared archive.");
2548     return false;
2549   }
2551   if (_allow_archiving_with_java_agent) {
2552     log_warning(cds)("This archive was created with AllowArchivingWithJavaAgent. It should be used "
2553             "for testing purposes only and should not be used in a production environment");
2554   }
2556   log_info(cds)("Archive was created with UseCompressedOops = %d, UseCompressedClassPointers = %d",
2557                           compressed_oops(), compressed_class_pointers());
2558   if (compressed_oops() != UseCompressedOops || compressed_class_pointers() != UseCompressedClassPointers) {
2559     log_info(cds)("Unable to use shared archive.\nThe saved state of UseCompressedOops and UseCompressedClassPointers is "
2560                                "different from runtime, CDS will be disabled.");
2561     return false;
2562   }
2564   if (is_static()) {
2565     const char* err = nullptr;
2566     if (CDSConfig::is_valhalla_preview()) {
2567       if (!_has_valhalla_patched_classes) {
2568         err = "not created";
2569       }
2570     } else {
2571       if (_has_valhalla_patched_classes) {
2572         err = "created";
2573       }
2574     }
2575     if (err != nullptr) {
2576       log_warning(cds)("This archive was %s with --enable-preview -XX:+EnableValhalla. It is "
2577                          "incompatible with the current JVM setting", err);
2578       return false;
2579     }
2580   }
2582   if (!_use_optimized_module_handling) {
2583     CDSConfig::stop_using_optimized_module_handling();
2584     log_info(cds)("optimized module handling: disabled because archive was created without optimized module handling");
2585   }
2587   if (is_static() && !_has_full_module_graph) {
2588     // Only the static archive can contain the full module graph.
2589     CDSConfig::stop_using_full_module_graph("archive was created without full module graph");
2590   }
2592   return true;
2593 }
2595 bool FileMapInfo::validate_header() {
2596   if (!header()->validate()) {
2597     return false;
2598   }
2599   if (_is_static) {
2600     return true;
2601   } else {
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