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1015 // Called by the boot classloader to load classes
1016 InstanceKlass* ClassLoader::load_class(Symbol* name, PackageEntry* pkg_entry, bool search_append_only, TRAPS) {
1017   assert(name != nullptr, "invariant");
1019   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1020   HandleMark hm(THREAD);
1022   const char* const class_name = name->as_C_string();
1024   EventMarkClassLoading m("Loading class %s", class_name);
1026   const char* const file_name = file_name_for_class_name(class_name,
1027                                                          name->utf8_length());
1028   assert(file_name != nullptr, "invariant");
1030   // Lookup stream for parsing .class file
1031   ClassFileStream* stream = nullptr;
1032   s2 classpath_index = 0;
1033   ClassPathEntry* e = nullptr;

1035   // If search_append_only is true, boot loader visibility boundaries are
1036   // set to be _first_append_entry to the end. This includes:
1037   //   [-Xbootclasspath/a]; [jvmti appended entries]
1038   //
1039   // If search_append_only is false, boot loader visibility boundaries are
1040   // set to be the --patch-module entries plus the base piece. This includes:
1041   //   [--patch-module=<module>=<file>(<pathsep><file>)*]; [jimage | exploded module build]
1042   //
1044   // Load Attempt #1: --patch-module
1045   // Determine the class' defining module.  If it appears in the _patch_mod_entries,
1046   // attempt to load the class from those locations specific to the module.
1047   // Specifications to --patch-module can contain a partial number of classes
1048   // that are part of the overall module definition.  So if a particular class is not
1049   // found within its module specification, the search should continue to Load Attempt #2.
1050   // Note: The --patch-module entries are never searched if the boot loader's
1051   //       visibility boundary is limited to only searching the append entries.
1052   if (_patch_mod_entries != nullptr && !search_append_only) {
1053     assert(!CDSConfig::is_dumping_archive(), "CDS doesn't support --patch-module during dumping");
1054     stream = search_module_entries(THREAD, _patch_mod_entries, pkg_entry, file_name);

1055   }
1057   // Load Attempt #2: [jimage | exploded build]
1058   if (!search_append_only && (nullptr == stream)) {
1059     if (has_jrt_entry()) {
1060       e = _jrt_entry;
1061       stream = _jrt_entry->open_stream(THREAD, file_name);
1062     } else {
1063       // Exploded build - attempt to locate class in its defining module's location.
1064       assert(_exploded_entries != nullptr, "No exploded build entries present");
1065       assert(!CDSConfig::is_dumping_archive(), "CDS dumping doesn't support exploded build");
1066       stream = search_module_entries(THREAD, _exploded_entries, pkg_entry, file_name);
1067     }
1068   }
1070   // Load Attempt #3: [-Xbootclasspath/a]; [jvmti appended entries]
1071   if (search_append_only && (nullptr == stream)) {
1072     // For the boot loader append path search, the starting classpath_index
1073     // for the appended piece is always 1 to account for either the
1074     // _jrt_entry or the _exploded_entries.

1083       }
1084       e = e->next();
1085       ++classpath_index;
1086     }
1087   }
1089   if (nullptr == stream) {
1090     return nullptr;
1091   }
1093   ClassLoaderData* loader_data = ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data();
1094   Handle protection_domain;
1095   ClassLoadInfo cl_info(protection_domain);
1097   InstanceKlass* result = KlassFactory::create_from_stream(stream,
1098                                                            name,
1099                                                            loader_data,
1100                                                            cl_info,
1101                                                            CHECK_NULL);
1102   result->set_classpath_index(classpath_index);

1103   return result;
1104 }
1106 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1107 static const char* skip_uri_protocol(const char* source) {
1108   if (strncmp(source, "file:", 5) == 0) {
1109     // file: protocol path could start with file:/ or file:///
1110     // locate the char after all the forward slashes
1111     int offset = 5;
1112     while (*(source + offset) == '/') {
1113         offset++;
1114     }
1115     source += offset;
1116   // for non-windows platforms, move back one char as the path begins with a '/'
1117 #ifndef _WINDOWS
1118     source -= 1;
1119 #endif
1120   } else if (strncmp(source, "jrt:/", 5) == 0) {
1121     source += 5;
1122   }

1159   for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(uri); ++i) {
1160     char decoded = decode_percent_encoded(uri, i);
1161     path[path_index++] = decoded;
1162   }
1163   path[path_index] = '\0';
1164   return path;
1165 }
1167 // Record the shared classpath index and loader type for classes loaded
1168 // by the builtin loaders at dump time.
1169 void ClassLoader::record_result(JavaThread* current, InstanceKlass* ik,
1170                                 const ClassFileStream* stream, bool redefined) {
1171   assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_archive(), "sanity");
1172   assert(stream != nullptr, "sanity");
1174   if (ik->is_hidden()) {
1175     record_hidden_class(ik);
1176     return;
1177   }

1179   oop loader = ik->class_loader();
1180   char* src = (char*)stream->source();
1181   if (src == nullptr) {
1182     if (loader == nullptr) {
1183       // JFR classes
1184       ik->set_shared_classpath_index(0);
1185       ik->set_shared_class_loader_type(ClassLoader::BOOT_LOADER);
1186     }
1187     return;
1188   }
1190   assert(has_jrt_entry(), "CDS dumping does not support exploded JDK build");
1192   ResourceMark rm(current);
1193   int classpath_index = -1;
1194   PackageEntry* pkg_entry = ik->package();
1196   if (!AOTClassLocationConfig::dumptime_is_ready()) {
1197     // The shared path table is set up after module system initialization.
1198     // The path table contains no entry before that. Any classes loaded prior

1015 // Called by the boot classloader to load classes
1016 InstanceKlass* ClassLoader::load_class(Symbol* name, PackageEntry* pkg_entry, bool search_append_only, TRAPS) {
1017   assert(name != nullptr, "invariant");
1019   ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
1020   HandleMark hm(THREAD);
1022   const char* const class_name = name->as_C_string();
1024   EventMarkClassLoading m("Loading class %s", class_name);
1026   const char* const file_name = file_name_for_class_name(class_name,
1027                                                          name->utf8_length());
1028   assert(file_name != nullptr, "invariant");
1030   // Lookup stream for parsing .class file
1031   ClassFileStream* stream = nullptr;
1032   s2 classpath_index = 0;
1033   ClassPathEntry* e = nullptr;
1034   bool is_patched = false;
1036   // If search_append_only is true, boot loader visibility boundaries are
1037   // set to be _first_append_entry to the end. This includes:
1038   //   [-Xbootclasspath/a]; [jvmti appended entries]
1039   //
1040   // If search_append_only is false, boot loader visibility boundaries are
1041   // set to be the --patch-module entries plus the base piece. This includes:
1042   //   [--patch-module=<module>=<file>(<pathsep><file>)*]; [jimage | exploded module build]
1043   //
1045   // Load Attempt #1: --patch-module
1046   // Determine the class' defining module.  If it appears in the _patch_mod_entries,
1047   // attempt to load the class from those locations specific to the module.
1048   // Specifications to --patch-module can contain a partial number of classes
1049   // that are part of the overall module definition.  So if a particular class is not
1050   // found within its module specification, the search should continue to Load Attempt #2.
1051   // Note: The --patch-module entries are never searched if the boot loader's
1052   //       visibility boundary is limited to only searching the append entries.
1053   if (_patch_mod_entries != nullptr && !search_append_only) {
1054     // At CDS dump time, the --patch-module entries are ignored. That means a
1055     // class is still loaded from the runtime image even if it might
1056     // appear in the _patch_mod_entries. The runtime shared class visibility
1057     // check will determine if a shared class is visible based on the runtime
1058     // environment, including the runtime --patch-module setting.
1059     if (!CDSConfig::is_valhalla_preview()) {
1060       // Dynamic dumping requires UseSharedSpaces to be enabled. Since --patch-module
1061       // is not supported with UseSharedSpaces, we can never come here during dynamic dumping.
1062       assert(!CDSConfig::is_dumping_archive(), "CDS doesn't support --patch-module during dumping");
1063     }
1064     if (CDSConfig::is_valhalla_preview() || !CDSConfig::is_dumping_static_archive()) {
1065       stream = search_module_entries(THREAD, _patch_mod_entries, pkg_entry, file_name);
1066       if (stream != nullptr) {
1067         is_patched = true;
1068       }
1069     }
1070   }
1072   // Load Attempt #2: [jimage | exploded build]
1073   if (!search_append_only && (nullptr == stream)) {
1074     if (has_jrt_entry()) {
1075       e = _jrt_entry;
1076       stream = _jrt_entry->open_stream(THREAD, file_name);
1077     } else {
1078       // Exploded build - attempt to locate class in its defining module's location.
1079       assert(_exploded_entries != nullptr, "No exploded build entries present");
1080       assert(!CDSConfig::is_dumping_archive(), "CDS dumping doesn't support exploded build");
1081       stream = search_module_entries(THREAD, _exploded_entries, pkg_entry, file_name);
1082     }
1083   }
1085   // Load Attempt #3: [-Xbootclasspath/a]; [jvmti appended entries]
1086   if (search_append_only && (nullptr == stream)) {
1087     // For the boot loader append path search, the starting classpath_index
1088     // for the appended piece is always 1 to account for either the
1089     // _jrt_entry or the _exploded_entries.

1098       }
1099       e = e->next();
1100       ++classpath_index;
1101     }
1102   }
1104   if (nullptr == stream) {
1105     return nullptr;
1106   }
1108   ClassLoaderData* loader_data = ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data();
1109   Handle protection_domain;
1110   ClassLoadInfo cl_info(protection_domain);
1112   InstanceKlass* result = KlassFactory::create_from_stream(stream,
1113                                                            name,
1114                                                            loader_data,
1115                                                            cl_info,
1116                                                            CHECK_NULL);
1117   result->set_classpath_index(classpath_index);
1118   if (is_patched) {
1119     result->set_shared_classpath_index(0);
1120     result->set_shared_class_loader_type(ClassLoader::BOOT_LOADER);
1121   }
1122   return result;
1123 }
1125 #if INCLUDE_CDS
1126 static const char* skip_uri_protocol(const char* source) {
1127   if (strncmp(source, "file:", 5) == 0) {
1128     // file: protocol path could start with file:/ or file:///
1129     // locate the char after all the forward slashes
1130     int offset = 5;
1131     while (*(source + offset) == '/') {
1132         offset++;
1133     }
1134     source += offset;
1135   // for non-windows platforms, move back one char as the path begins with a '/'
1136 #ifndef _WINDOWS
1137     source -= 1;
1138 #endif
1139   } else if (strncmp(source, "jrt:/", 5) == 0) {
1140     source += 5;
1141   }

1178   for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(uri); ++i) {
1179     char decoded = decode_percent_encoded(uri, i);
1180     path[path_index++] = decoded;
1181   }
1182   path[path_index] = '\0';
1183   return path;
1184 }
1186 // Record the shared classpath index and loader type for classes loaded
1187 // by the builtin loaders at dump time.
1188 void ClassLoader::record_result(JavaThread* current, InstanceKlass* ik,
1189                                 const ClassFileStream* stream, bool redefined) {
1190   assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_archive(), "sanity");
1191   assert(stream != nullptr, "sanity");
1193   if (ik->is_hidden()) {
1194     record_hidden_class(ik);
1195     return;
1196   }
1198   if (ik->shared_classpath_index() == 0 && ik->is_shared_boot_class()) {
1199     return;
1200   }
1202   oop loader = ik->class_loader();
1203   char* src = (char*)stream->source();
1204   if (src == nullptr) {
1205     if (loader == nullptr) {
1206       // JFR classes
1207       ik->set_shared_classpath_index(0);
1208       ik->set_shared_class_loader_type(ClassLoader::BOOT_LOADER);
1209     }
1210     return;
1211   }
1213   assert(has_jrt_entry(), "CDS dumping does not support exploded JDK build");
1215   ResourceMark rm(current);
1216   int classpath_index = -1;
1217   PackageEntry* pkg_entry = ik->package();
1219   if (!AOTClassLocationConfig::dumptime_is_ready()) {
1220     // The shared path table is set up after module system initialization.
1221     // The path table contains no entry before that. Any classes loaded prior
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