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*** 31,11 ***
  #include "oops/fieldStreams.hpp"
  #include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
  // Classes below are used to compute the field layout of classes.
  // A LayoutRawBlock describes an element of a layout.
  // Each field is represented by a LayoutRawBlock.
  // LayoutRawBlocks can also represent elements injected by the JVM:
  // padding, empty blocks, inherited fields, etc.
  // All LayoutRawBlocks must have a size and an alignment. The size is the
--- 31,10 ---

*** 52,30 ***
  class LayoutRawBlock : public ResourceObj {
    // Some code relies on the order of values below.
    enum Kind {
!     EMPTY,         // empty slot, space is taken from this to allocate fields
!     RESERVED,      // reserved for JVM usage (for instance object header)
!     PADDING,       // padding (because of alignment constraints or @Contended)
!     REGULAR,       // primitive or oop field (including non-flattened inline fields)
!     FLATTENED,     // flattened field
!     INHERITED      // field(s) inherited from super classes
    LayoutRawBlock* _next_block;
    LayoutRawBlock* _prev_block;
    Kind _kind;
    int _offset;
    int _alignment;
    int _size;
    int _field_index;
    bool _is_reference;
    LayoutRawBlock(Kind kind, int size);
    LayoutRawBlock(int index, Kind kind, int size, int alignment, bool is_reference = false);
    LayoutRawBlock* next_block() const { return _next_block; }
    void set_next_block(LayoutRawBlock* next) { _next_block = next; }
    LayoutRawBlock* prev_block() const { return _prev_block; }
    void set_prev_block(LayoutRawBlock* prev) { _prev_block = prev; }
--- 51,36 ---
  class LayoutRawBlock : public ResourceObj {
    // Some code relies on the order of values below.
    enum Kind {
!     EMPTY,                 // empty slot, space is taken from this to allocate fields
!     RESERVED,              // reserved for JVM usage (for instance object header)
!     PADDING,               // padding (because of alignment constraints or @Contended)
!     REGULAR,               // primitive or oop field (including not flat inline type fields)
!     FLAT,                  // flat field
!     INHERITED,             // field(s) inherited from super classes
+     NULL_MARKER,           // stores the null marker for a flat field
+     INHERITED_NULL_MARKER  // a super-class used this slot to store a null marker
    LayoutRawBlock* _next_block;
    LayoutRawBlock* _prev_block;
+   InlineKlass* _inline_klass;
    Kind _kind;
    int _offset;
    int _alignment;
    int _size;
    int _field_index;
+   int _null_marker_offset;
    bool _is_reference;
+   bool _needs_null_marker;
    LayoutRawBlock(Kind kind, int size);
    LayoutRawBlock(int index, Kind kind, int size, int alignment, bool is_reference = false);
    LayoutRawBlock* next_block() const { return _next_block; }
    void set_next_block(LayoutRawBlock* next) { _next_block = next; }
    LayoutRawBlock* prev_block() const { return _prev_block; }
    void set_prev_block(LayoutRawBlock* prev) { _prev_block = prev; }

*** 90,11 ***
--- 95,28 ---
    void set_size(int size) { _size = size; }
    int field_index() const {
      assert(_field_index != -1, "Must be initialized");
      return _field_index;
+   void set_field_index(int field_index) {
+     assert(_field_index == -1, "Must not be initialized");
+     _field_index = field_index;
+   }
    bool is_reference() const { return _is_reference; }
+   InlineKlass* inline_klass() const {
+     assert(_inline_klass != nullptr, "Must be initialized");
+     return _inline_klass;
+   }
+   void set_inline_klass(InlineKlass* inline_klass) { _inline_klass = inline_klass; }
+   void set_needs_null_marker() { _needs_null_marker = true; }
+   bool needs_null_marker() const { return _needs_null_marker; }
+   void set_null_marker_offset(int offset) {
+     assert(_needs_null_marker, "");
+     _null_marker_offset = offset;
+     _needs_null_marker = false;
+   }
+   int null_marker_offset() const { return _null_marker_offset; }
    bool fit(int size, int alignment);
    static int compare_offset(LayoutRawBlock** x, LayoutRawBlock** y)  { return (*x)->offset() - (*y)->offset(); }
    // compare_size_inverted() returns the opposite of a regular compare method in order to

*** 111,41 ***
      return diff;
      return (*y)->size() - (*x)->size();
  #endif // _WINDOWS
  // A Field group represents a set of fields that have to be allocated together,
  // this is the way the @Contended annotation is supported.
  // Inside a FieldGroup, fields are sorted based on their kind: primitive,
! // oop, or flattened.
  class FieldGroup : public ResourceObj {
    FieldGroup* _next;
!   GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* _primitive_fields;
    GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* _oop_fields;
    int _contended_group;
    int _oop_count;
    static const int INITIAL_LIST_SIZE = 16;
    FieldGroup(int contended_group = -1);
    FieldGroup* next() const { return _next; }
    void set_next(FieldGroup* next) { _next = next; }
!   GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* primitive_fields() const { return _primitive_fields; }
    GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* oop_fields() const { return _oop_fields; }
    int contended_group() const { return _contended_group; }
    int oop_count() const { return _oop_count; }
    void add_primitive_field(int idx, BasicType type);
    void add_oop_field(int idx);
    void sort_by_size();
  // The FieldLayout class represents a set of fields organized
  // in a layout.
  // An instance of FieldLayout can either represent the layout
--- 133,48 ---
      return diff;
      return (*y)->size() - (*x)->size();
  #endif // _WINDOWS
  // A Field group represents a set of fields that have to be allocated together,
  // this is the way the @Contended annotation is supported.
  // Inside a FieldGroup, fields are sorted based on their kind: primitive,
! // oop, or flat.
  class FieldGroup : public ResourceObj {
    FieldGroup* _next;
+   GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* _small_primitive_fields;
+   GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* _big_primitive_fields;
    GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* _oop_fields;
    int _contended_group;
    int _oop_count;
    static const int INITIAL_LIST_SIZE = 16;
    FieldGroup(int contended_group = -1);
    FieldGroup* next() const { return _next; }
    void set_next(FieldGroup* next) { _next = next; }
!   GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* small_primitive_fields() const { return _small_primitive_fields; }
+   GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* big_primitive_fields() const { return _big_primitive_fields; }
    GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* oop_fields() const { return _oop_fields; }
    int contended_group() const { return _contended_group; }
    int oop_count() const { return _oop_count; }
    void add_primitive_field(int idx, BasicType type);
    void add_oop_field(int idx);
+   void add_flat_field(int idx, InlineKlass* vk, bool needs_null_marker);
+   void add_block(LayoutRawBlock** list, LayoutRawBlock* block);
    void sort_by_size();
+  private:
+   void add_to_small_primitive_list(LayoutRawBlock* block);
+   void add_to_big_primitive_list(LayoutRawBlock* block);
  // The FieldLayout class represents a set of fields organized
  // in a layout.
  // An instance of FieldLayout can either represent the layout

*** 167,10 ***
--- 196,15 ---
    GrowableArray<FieldInfo>* _field_info;
    ConstantPool* _cp;
    LayoutRawBlock* _blocks;  // the layout being computed
    LayoutRawBlock* _start;   // points to the first block where a field can be inserted
    LayoutRawBlock* _last;    // points to the last block of the layout (big empty block)
+   int _super_first_field_offset;
+   int _super_alignment;
+   int _super_min_align_required;
+   bool _super_has_fields;
+   bool _has_missing_null_markers;
    FieldLayout(GrowableArray<FieldInfo>* field_info, ConstantPool* cp);
    void initialize_static_layout();
    void initialize_instance_layout(const InstanceKlass* ik);

*** 181,33 ***
        block = block->next_block();
      return block;
!   LayoutRawBlock* start() { return _start; }
    void set_start(LayoutRawBlock* start) { _start = start; }
!   LayoutRawBlock* last_block() { return _last; }
    LayoutRawBlock* first_field_block();
    void add(GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* list, LayoutRawBlock* start = nullptr);
    void add_field_at_offset(LayoutRawBlock* blocks, int offset, LayoutRawBlock* start = nullptr);
    void add_contiguously(GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* list, LayoutRawBlock* start = nullptr);
    LayoutRawBlock* insert_field_block(LayoutRawBlock* slot, LayoutRawBlock* block);
    bool reconstruct_layout(const InstanceKlass* ik);
    void fill_holes(const InstanceKlass* ik);
    LayoutRawBlock* insert(LayoutRawBlock* slot, LayoutRawBlock* block);
    void remove(LayoutRawBlock* block);
!   void print(outputStream* output, bool is_static, const InstanceKlass* super);
  // FieldLayoutBuilder is the main entry point for layout computation.
! // This class has three methods to generate layout: one for regular classes
! // and two for classes with hard coded offsets (java,lang.ref.Reference
! // and the boxing classes). The rationale for having multiple methods
! // is that each kind of class has a different set goals regarding
- // its layout, so instead of mixing several layout strategies into a
  // single method, each kind has its own method (see comments below
  // for more details about the allocation strategies).
  // Computing the layout of a class always goes through 4 steps:
  //   1 - Prologue: preparation of data structure and gathering of
--- 215,39 ---
        block = block->next_block();
      return block;
!   LayoutRawBlock* blocks() const { return _blocks; }
+   LayoutRawBlock* start() const { return _start; }
    void set_start(LayoutRawBlock* start) { _start = start; }
!   LayoutRawBlock* last_block() const  { return _last; }
+   int super_first_field_offset() const { return _super_first_field_offset; }
+   int super_alignment() const { return _super_alignment; }
+   int super_min_align_required() const { return _super_min_align_required; }
+   bool super_has_fields() const { return _super_has_fields; }
+   bool has_missing_null_markers() const { return _has_missing_null_markers; }
    LayoutRawBlock* first_field_block();
    void add(GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* list, LayoutRawBlock* start = nullptr);
    void add_field_at_offset(LayoutRawBlock* blocks, int offset, LayoutRawBlock* start = nullptr);
    void add_contiguously(GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* list, LayoutRawBlock* start = nullptr);
    LayoutRawBlock* insert_field_block(LayoutRawBlock* slot, LayoutRawBlock* block);
    bool reconstruct_layout(const InstanceKlass* ik);
    void fill_holes(const InstanceKlass* ik);
    LayoutRawBlock* insert(LayoutRawBlock* slot, LayoutRawBlock* block);
    void remove(LayoutRawBlock* block);
!   void print(outputStream* output, bool is_static, const InstanceKlass* super, Array<InlineKlass*>* inline_fields);
  // FieldLayoutBuilder is the main entry point for layout computation.
! // This class has two methods to generate layout: one for identity classes
! // and one for inline classes. The rational for having two methods
! // is that each kind of classes has a different set goals regarding
! // its layout, so instead of mixing two layout strategies into a
  // single method, each kind has its own method (see comments below
  // for more details about the allocation strategies).
  // Computing the layout of a class always goes through 4 steps:
  //   1 - Prologue: preparation of data structure and gathering of

*** 220,46 ***
  //   4 - Epilogue: oopmaps are generated, layout information is
  //       prepared so other VM components can use it (instance size,
  //       static field size, non-static field size, etc.)
  //  Steps 1 and 4 are common to all layout computations. Step 2 and 3
! //  can vary with the allocation strategy.
  class FieldLayoutBuilder : public ResourceObj {
    const Symbol* _classname;
    const InstanceKlass* _super_klass;
    ConstantPool* _constant_pool;
    GrowableArray<FieldInfo>* _field_info;
    FieldLayoutInfo* _info;
    FieldGroup* _root_group;
    GrowableArray<FieldGroup*> _contended_groups;
    FieldGroup* _static_fields;
    FieldLayout* _layout;
    FieldLayout* _static_layout;
    int _nonstatic_oopmap_count;
    int _alignment;
    bool _has_nonstatic_fields;
!   bool _is_contended; // is a contended class?
!   FieldLayoutBuilder(const Symbol* classname, const InstanceKlass* super_klass, ConstantPool* constant_pool,
!                      GrowableArray<FieldInfo>* field_info, bool is_contended, FieldLayoutInfo* info);
    int get_alignment() {
      assert(_alignment != -1, "Uninitialized");
      return _alignment;
    void build_layout();
    void compute_regular_layout();
    void insert_contended_padding(LayoutRawBlock* slot);
!  private:
    void prologue();
    void epilogue();
    void regular_field_sorting();
!   FieldGroup* get_or_create_contended_group(int g);
--- 260,81 ---
  //   4 - Epilogue: oopmaps are generated, layout information is
  //       prepared so other VM components can use it (instance size,
  //       static field size, non-static field size, etc.)
  //  Steps 1 and 4 are common to all layout computations. Step 2 and 3
! //  differ for inline classes and identity classes.
  class FieldLayoutBuilder : public ResourceObj {
    const Symbol* _classname;
+   ClassLoaderData* _loader_data;
    const InstanceKlass* _super_klass;
    ConstantPool* _constant_pool;
    GrowableArray<FieldInfo>* _field_info;
    FieldLayoutInfo* _info;
+   Array<InlineKlass*>* _inline_type_field_klasses;
    FieldGroup* _root_group;
    GrowableArray<FieldGroup*> _contended_groups;
    FieldGroup* _static_fields;
    FieldLayout* _layout;
    FieldLayout* _static_layout;
    int _nonstatic_oopmap_count;
    int _alignment;
+   int _first_field_offset;
+   int _internal_null_marker_offset; // if any, -1 means no internal null marker
+   int _payload_size_in_bytes;
+   int _atomic_field_count;
+   int _fields_size_sum;
    bool _has_nonstatic_fields;
!   bool _has_inline_type_fields;
+   bool _is_contended;
+   bool _is_inline_type;
+   bool _is_abstract_value;
+   bool _has_flattening_information;
+   bool _has_nonatomic_values;
+   bool _nullable_atomic_flat_candidate;
+   bool _has_null_markers;
+   FieldGroup* get_or_create_contended_group(int g);
!   FieldLayoutBuilder(const Symbol* classname, ClassLoaderData* loader_data, const InstanceKlass* super_klass, ConstantPool* constant_pool,
!                      GrowableArray<FieldInfo>* field_info, bool is_contended, bool is_inline_type, bool is_abstract_value,
+                      FieldLayoutInfo* info, Array<InlineKlass*>* inline_type_field_klasses);
    int get_alignment() {
      assert(_alignment != -1, "Uninitialized");
      return _alignment;
+   int get_first_field_offset() {
+     assert(_first_field_offset != -1, "Uninitialized");
+     return _first_field_offset;
+   }
+   int get_payload_size_in_byte() {
+     assert(_payload_size_in_bytes != -1, "Uninitialized");
+     return _payload_size_in_bytes;
+   }
+   int get_internal_null_marker_offset() {
+     return _internal_null_marker_offset;
+   }
    void build_layout();
    void compute_regular_layout();
+   void compute_inline_class_layout();
    void insert_contended_padding(LayoutRawBlock* slot);
+   void insert_null_markers();
!  protected:
    void prologue();
    void epilogue();
    void regular_field_sorting();
!   void inline_class_field_sorting();
+   void add_flat_field_oopmap(OopMapBlocksBuilder* nonstatic_oop_map, InlineKlass* vk, int offset);
+   void register_embedded_oops_from_list(OopMapBlocksBuilder* nonstatic_oop_maps, GrowableArray<LayoutRawBlock*>* list);
+   void register_embedded_oops(OopMapBlocksBuilder* nonstatic_oop_maps, FieldGroup* group);
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