< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/classfile/javaClasses.hpp
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static int _protection_domain_offset;
static int _signers_offset;
static int _class_loader_offset;
static int _module_offset;
static int _component_mirror_offset;
static int _name_offset;
static int _source_file_offset;
static int _classData_offset;
static int _classRedefinedCount_offset;
static GrowableArray<Klass*>* _fixup_module_field_list;
static void set_protection_domain(oop java_class, oop protection_domain);
static void set_class_loader(oop java_class, oop class_loader);
static void set_component_mirror(oop java_class, oop comp_mirror);
static void initialize_mirror_fields(Klass* k, Handle mirror, Handle protection_domain,
Handle classData, TRAPS);
static void set_mirror_module_field(JavaThread* current, Klass* K, Handle mirror, Handle module);
static void allocate_fixup_lists();
static Klass* array_klass_acquire(oop java_class);
static void release_set_array_klass(oop java_class, Klass* klass);
// compiler support for class operations
static int klass_offset() { CHECK_INIT(_klass_offset); }
static int array_klass_offset() { CHECK_INIT(_array_klass_offset); }
// Support for classRedefinedCount field
static int classRedefinedCount(oop the_class_mirror);
static void set_classRedefinedCount(oop the_class_mirror, int value);
// Support for embedded per-class oops
static oop protection_domain(oop java_class);
static oop component_mirror(oop java_class);
static objArrayOop signers(oop java_class);
static void set_signers(oop java_class, objArrayOop signers);
static oop class_data(oop java_class);
static void set_class_data(oop java_class, oop classData);
- static int component_mirror_offset() { return _component_mirror_offset; }
static oop class_loader(oop java_class);
static void set_module(oop java_class, oop module);
static oop module(oop java_class);
static oop name(Handle java_class, TRAPS);
static Klass* array_klass_acquire(oop java_class);
static void release_set_array_klass(oop java_class, Klass* klass);
// compiler support for class operations
static int klass_offset() { CHECK_INIT(_klass_offset); }
static int array_klass_offset() { CHECK_INIT(_array_klass_offset); }
+ static int component_mirror_offset() { CHECK_INIT(_component_mirror_offset); }
// Support for classRedefinedCount field
static int classRedefinedCount(oop the_class_mirror);
static void set_classRedefinedCount(oop the_class_mirror, int value);
// Support for embedded per-class oops
static oop protection_domain(oop java_class);
static oop component_mirror(oop java_class);
static objArrayOop signers(oop java_class);
static void set_signers(oop java_class, objArrayOop signers);
static oop class_data(oop java_class);
static void set_class_data(oop java_class, oop classData);
static oop class_loader(oop java_class);
static void set_module(oop java_class, oop module);
static oop module(oop java_class);
static oop name(Handle java_class, TRAPS);
static int _clazz_offset;
static int _name_offset;
static int _type_offset;
static int _slot_offset;
static int _modifiers_offset;
! static int _trusted_final_offset;
static int _signature_offset;
static int _annotations_offset;
static void compute_offsets();
static int _clazz_offset;
static int _name_offset;
static int _type_offset;
static int _slot_offset;
static int _modifiers_offset;
! static int _flags_offset;
static int _signature_offset;
static int _annotations_offset;
static void compute_offsets();
static void set_slot(oop reflect, int value);
static int modifiers(oop field);
static void set_modifiers(oop field, int value);
! static void set_trusted_final(oop field);
static void set_signature(oop constructor, oop value);
static void set_annotations(oop constructor, oop value);
// Debugging
static void set_slot(oop reflect, int value);
static int modifiers(oop field);
static void set_modifiers(oop field, int value);
! static void set_flags(oop field, int value);
static void set_signature(oop constructor, oop value);
static void set_annotations(oop constructor, oop value);
// Debugging
static bool is_method(oop obj);
// Relevant integer codes (keep these in synch. with MethodHandleNatives.Constants):
enum {
MN_IS_METHOD = 0x00010000, // method (not constructor)
! MN_IS_CONSTRUCTOR = 0x00020000, // constructor
MN_IS_FIELD = 0x00040000, // field
MN_IS_TYPE = 0x00080000, // nested type
MN_CALLER_SENSITIVE = 0x00100000, // @CallerSensitive annotation detected
MN_TRUSTED_FINAL = 0x00200000, // trusted final field
MN_HIDDEN_MEMBER = 0x00400000, // @Hidden annotation detected
! MN_REFERENCE_KIND_SHIFT = 24, // refKind
MN_NESTMATE_CLASS = 0x00000001,
MN_HIDDEN_CLASS = 0x00000002,
// Lookup modes
static bool is_method(oop obj);
// Relevant integer codes (keep these in synch. with MethodHandleNatives.Constants):
enum {
MN_IS_METHOD = 0x00010000, // method (not constructor)
! MN_IS_OBJECT_CONSTRUCTOR = 0x00020000, // constructor
MN_IS_FIELD = 0x00040000, // field
MN_IS_TYPE = 0x00080000, // nested type
MN_CALLER_SENSITIVE = 0x00100000, // @CallerSensitive annotation detected
MN_TRUSTED_FINAL = 0x00200000, // trusted final field
MN_HIDDEN_MEMBER = 0x00400000, // @Hidden annotation detected
! MN_FLAT_FIELD = 0x00800000, // flat field
! MN_NULL_RESTRICTED_FIELD = 0x01000000, // null-restricted field
+ MN_REFERENCE_KIND_SHIFT = 26, // refKind
MN_NESTMATE_CLASS = 0x00000001,
MN_HIDDEN_CLASS = 0x00000002,
// Lookup modes
static void compute_offsets(InstanceKlass* k);
static objArrayOop cache(InstanceKlass *k);
static void serialize_offsets(SerializeClosure* f) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
// Interface to java.lang.InternalError objects
macro(java_lang_InternalError, during_unsafe_access, bool_signature, false)
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