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@@ -157,10 +157,11 @@
    virtual bool is_vtable_blob() const                 { return false; }
    virtual bool is_method_handles_adapter_blob() const { return false; }
    virtual bool is_upcall_stub() const                 { return false; }
    bool is_compiled() const                            { return _is_compiled; }
    const bool* is_compiled_addr() const                { return &_is_compiled; }
+   virtual bool is_buffered_inline_type_blob() const   { return false; }
    inline bool is_compiled_by_c1() const    { return _type == compiler_c1; };
    inline bool is_compiled_by_c2() const    { return _type == compiler_c2; };
    inline bool is_compiled_by_jvmci() const { return _type == compiler_jvmci; };
    const char* compiler_name() const;

@@ -396,17 +397,19 @@
  class BufferBlob: public RuntimeBlob {
    friend class VMStructs;
    friend class AdapterBlob;
    friend class VtableBlob;
    friend class MethodHandlesAdapterBlob;
+   friend class BufferedInlineTypeBlob;
    friend class UpcallStub;
    friend class WhiteBox;
    // Creation support
    BufferBlob(const char* name, int size);
-   BufferBlob(const char* name, int size, CodeBuffer* cb);
+   BufferBlob(const char* name, int header_size, int size, CodeBuffer* cb);
+   BufferBlob(const char* name, int size, CodeBuffer* cb, int frame_complete, int frame_size, OopMapSet* oop_maps, bool caller_must_gc_arguments = false);
    void* operator new(size_t s, unsigned size) throw();
    // Creation

@@ -430,18 +433,24 @@
  // AdapterBlob: used to hold C2I/I2C adapters
  class AdapterBlob: public BufferBlob {
-   AdapterBlob(int size, CodeBuffer* cb);
+   AdapterBlob(int size, CodeBuffer* cb, int frame_complete, int frame_size, OopMapSet* oop_maps, bool caller_must_gc_arguments = false);
    // Creation
-   static AdapterBlob* create(CodeBuffer* cb);
+   static AdapterBlob* create(CodeBuffer* cb,
+                              int frame_complete,
+                              int frame_size,
+                              OopMapSet* oop_maps,
+                              bool caller_must_gc_arguments = false);
    // Typing
    virtual bool is_adapter_blob() const { return true; }
+   bool caller_must_gc_arguments(JavaThread* thread) const { return true; }
  class VtableBlob: public BufferBlob {

@@ -470,10 +479,32 @@
    // Typing
    virtual bool is_method_handles_adapter_blob() const { return true; }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // BufferedInlineTypeBlob : used for pack/unpack handlers
+ class BufferedInlineTypeBlob: public BufferBlob {
+ private:
+   const int _pack_fields_off;
+   const int _pack_fields_jobject_off;
+   const int _unpack_fields_off;
+   BufferedInlineTypeBlob(int size, CodeBuffer* cb, int pack_fields_off, int pack_fields_jobject_off, int unpack_fields_off);
+ public:
+   // Creation
+   static BufferedInlineTypeBlob* create(CodeBuffer* cb, int pack_fields_off, int pack_fields_jobject_off, int unpack_fields_off);
+   address pack_fields() const { return code_begin() + _pack_fields_off; }
+   address pack_fields_jobject() const { return code_begin() + _pack_fields_jobject_off; }
+   address unpack_fields() const { return code_begin() + _unpack_fields_off; }
+   // Typing
+   virtual bool is_buffered_inline_type_blob() const { return true; }
+ };
  // RuntimeStub: describes stubs used by compiled code to call a (static) C++ runtime routine
  class RuntimeStub: public RuntimeBlob {
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