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*** 107,12 ***
    // CompiledICData wrappers
    void ensure_initialized(CallInfo* call_info, Klass* receiver_klass);
    bool is_speculated_klass(Klass* receiver_klass);
    // Inline cache states
!   void set_to_monomorphic();
!   void set_to_megamorphic(CallInfo* call_info);
    // conversion (machine PC to CompiledIC*)
    friend CompiledIC* CompiledIC_before(nmethod* nm, address return_addr);
    friend CompiledIC* CompiledIC_at(nmethod* nm, address call_site);
--- 107,12 ---
    // CompiledICData wrappers
    void ensure_initialized(CallInfo* call_info, Klass* receiver_klass);
    bool is_speculated_klass(Klass* receiver_klass);
    // Inline cache states
!   void set_to_monomorphic(bool caller_is_c1);
!   void set_to_megamorphic(CallInfo* call_info, bool caller_is_c1);
    // conversion (machine PC to CompiledIC*)
    friend CompiledIC* CompiledIC_before(nmethod* nm, address return_addr);
    friend CompiledIC* CompiledIC_at(nmethod* nm, address call_site);

*** 129,11 ***
    address end_of_call() const { return _call->return_address(); }
    // MT-safe patching of inline caches. Note: Only safe to call is_xxx when holding the CompiledICLocker
    // so you are guaranteed that no patching takes place. The same goes for verify.
    void set_to_clean();
!   void update(CallInfo* call_info, Klass* receiver_klass);
    // GC support
    void clean_metadata();
    void metadata_do(MetadataClosure* cl);
--- 129,11 ---
    address end_of_call() const { return _call->return_address(); }
    // MT-safe patching of inline caches. Note: Only safe to call is_xxx when holding the CompiledICLocker
    // so you are guaranteed that no patching takes place. The same goes for verify.
    void set_to_clean();
!   void update(CallInfo* call_info, Klass* receiver_klass, bool caller_is_c1);
    // GC support
    void clean_metadata();
    void metadata_do(MetadataClosure* cl);

*** 156,11 ***
  //           -----<----- Clean ----->-----
  //          /                             \
  //         /                               \
! //    compilled code <------------> interpreted code
  //  Clean:            Calls directly to runtime method for fixup
  //  Compiled code:    Calls directly to compiled code
  //  Interpreted code: Calls to stub that set Method* reference
--- 156,11 ---
  //           -----<----- Clean ----->-----
  //          /                             \
  //         /                               \
! //    compiled code <------------> interpreted code
  //  Clean:            Calls directly to runtime method for fixup
  //  Compiled code:    Calls directly to compiled code
  //  Interpreted code: Calls to stub that set Method* reference

*** 211,11 ***
    address end_of_call() const { return _call->return_address(); }
    // Clean static call (will force resolving on next use)
    void set_to_clean();
!   void set(const methodHandle& callee_method);
    // State
    bool is_clean() const;
    bool is_call_to_interpreted() const;
    bool is_call_to_compiled() const;
--- 211,11 ---
    address end_of_call() const { return _call->return_address(); }
    // Clean static call (will force resolving on next use)
    void set_to_clean();
!   void set(const methodHandle& callee_method, bool caller_is_c1);
    // State
    bool is_clean() const;
    bool is_call_to_interpreted() const;
    bool is_call_to_compiled() const;
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