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@@ -259,15 +259,15 @@
    bool set_to_monomorphic(CompiledICInfo& info);
    void clear_ic_stub();
    // Returns true if successful and false otherwise. The call can fail if memory
    // allocation in the code cache fails, or ic stub refill is required.
-   bool set_to_megamorphic(CallInfo* call_info, Bytecodes::Code bytecode, bool& needs_ic_stub_refill, TRAPS);
+   bool set_to_megamorphic(CallInfo* call_info, Bytecodes::Code bytecode, bool& needs_ic_stub_refill, bool caller_is_c1, TRAPS);
    static void compute_monomorphic_entry(const methodHandle& method, Klass* receiver_klass,
                                          bool is_optimized, bool static_bound, bool caller_is_nmethod,
-                                         CompiledICInfo& info, TRAPS);
+                                         bool caller_is_c1, CompiledICInfo& info, TRAPS);
    // Location
    address instruction_address() const { return _call->instruction_address(); }
    // Misc

@@ -311,11 +311,11 @@
  //           -----<----- Clean ----->-----
  //          /                             \
  //         /                               \
- //    compilled code <------------> interpreted code
+ //    compiled code <------------> interpreted code
  //  Clean:            Calls directly to runtime method for fixup
  //  Compiled code:    Calls directly to compiled code
  //  Interpreted code: Calls to stub that set Method* reference

@@ -344,11 +344,11 @@
    static int to_interp_stub_size();
    static int to_trampoline_stub_size();
    static int reloc_to_interp_stub();
    // Compute entry point given a method
-   static void compute_entry(const methodHandle& m, bool caller_is_nmethod, StaticCallInfo& info);
+   static void compute_entry(const methodHandle& m, CompiledMethod* caller_nm, StaticCallInfo& info);
    void compute_entry_for_continuation_entry(const methodHandle& m, StaticCallInfo& info);
    // Clean static call (will force resolving on next use)
    virtual address destination() const = 0;
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