708 // handle the case of an anchor explicitly set in continuation code that doesn't have a callee
709 JavaThread* thread = reg_map->thread();
710 if ((thread->has_last_Java_frame() && fr.sp() == thread->last_Java_sp())
711 JVMTI_ONLY(|| (method()->is_continuation_enter_intrinsic() && thread->on_monitor_waited_event()))) {
712 return;
713 }
715 if (!method()->is_native()) {
716 address pc = fr.pc();
717 bool has_receiver, has_appendix;
718 Symbol* signature;
720 // The method attached by JIT-compilers should be used, if present.
721 // Bytecode can be inaccurate in such case.
722 Method* callee = attached_method_before_pc(pc);
723 if (callee != nullptr) {
724 has_receiver = !(callee->access_flags().is_static());
725 has_appendix = false;
726 signature = callee->signature();
727 } else {
728 SimpleScopeDesc ssd(this, pc);
730 Bytecode_invoke call(methodHandle(Thread::current(), ssd.method()), ssd.bci());
731 has_receiver = call.has_receiver();
732 has_appendix = call.has_appendix();
733 signature = call.signature();
734 }
736 fr.oops_compiled_arguments_do(signature, has_receiver, has_appendix, reg_map, f);
737 } else if (method()->is_continuation_enter_intrinsic()) {
738 // This method only calls Continuation.enter()
739 Symbol* signature = vmSymbols::continuationEnter_signature();
740 fr.oops_compiled_arguments_do(signature, false, false, reg_map, f);
741 }
742 }
744 Method* nmethod::attached_method(address call_instr) {
745 assert(code_contains(call_instr), "not part of the nmethod");
746 RelocIterator iter(this, call_instr, call_instr + 1);
1233 _has_unsafe_access = 0;
1234 _has_method_handle_invokes = 0;
1235 _has_wide_vectors = 0;
1236 _has_monitors = 0;
1237 _has_scoped_access = 0;
1238 _has_flushed_dependencies = 0;
1239 _is_unlinked = 0;
1240 _load_reported = 0; // jvmti state
1242 _deoptimization_status = not_marked;
1244 // SECT_CONSTS is first in code buffer so the offset should be 0.
1245 int consts_offset = code_buffer->total_offset_of(code_buffer->consts());
1246 assert(consts_offset == 0, "const_offset: %d", consts_offset);
1248 _stub_offset = content_offset() + code_buffer->total_offset_of(code_buffer->stubs());
1250 CHECKED_CAST(_entry_offset, uint16_t, (offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Entry)));
1251 CHECKED_CAST(_verified_entry_offset, uint16_t, (offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Verified_Entry)));
1253 _skipped_instructions_size = code_buffer->total_skipped_instructions_size();
1254 }
1256 // Post initialization
1257 void nmethod::post_init() {
1258 clear_unloading_state();
1260 finalize_relocations();
1262 Universe::heap()->register_nmethod(this);
1263 debug_only(Universe::heap()->verify_nmethod(this));
1265 CodeCache::commit(this);
1266 }
1268 // For native wrappers
1269 nmethod::nmethod(
1270 Method* method,
1271 CompilerType type,
1272 int nmethod_size,
1273 int compile_id,
1274 CodeOffsets* offsets,
1275 CodeBuffer* code_buffer,
1276 int frame_size,
1277 ByteSize basic_lock_owner_sp_offset,
1278 ByteSize basic_lock_sp_offset,
1279 OopMapSet* oop_maps )
1280 : CodeBlob("native nmethod", CodeBlobKind::Nmethod, code_buffer, nmethod_size, sizeof(nmethod),
1281 offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Frame_Complete), frame_size, oop_maps, false),
1282 _deoptimization_generation(0),
1283 _gc_epoch(CodeCache::gc_epoch()),
1284 _method(method),
1285 _native_receiver_sp_offset(basic_lock_owner_sp_offset),
1286 _native_basic_lock_sp_offset(basic_lock_sp_offset)
1287 {
1288 {
1289 debug_only(NoSafepointVerifier nsv;)
1290 assert_locked_or_safepoint(CodeCache_lock);
1292 init_defaults(code_buffer, offsets);
1294 _osr_entry_point = nullptr;
1295 _pc_desc_container = nullptr;
1296 _entry_bci = InvocationEntryBci;
1297 _compile_id = compile_id;
1298 _comp_level = CompLevel_none;
1299 _compiler_type = type;
1300 _orig_pc_offset = 0;
1301 _num_stack_arg_slots = 0;
1303 if (offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Exceptions) != -1) {
1304 // Continuation enter intrinsic
1305 _exception_offset = code_offset() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Exceptions);
1306 } else {
1307 _exception_offset = 0;
1308 }
1309 // Native wrappers do not have deopt handlers. Make the values
1310 // something that will never match a pc like the nmethod vtable entry
1311 _deopt_handler_offset = 0;
1479 }
1480 if (offsets->value(CodeOffsets::UnwindHandler) != -1) {
1481 // C1 generates UnwindHandler at the end of instructions section.
1482 // Calculate positive offset as distance between the start of stubs section
1483 // (which is also the end of instructions section) and the start of the handler.
1484 int unwind_handler_offset = code_offset() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::UnwindHandler);
1485 CHECKED_CAST(_unwind_handler_offset, int16_t, (_stub_offset - unwind_handler_offset));
1486 } else {
1487 _unwind_handler_offset = -1;
1488 }
1489 CHECKED_CAST(_metadata_offset, uint16_t, (align_up(code_buffer->total_oop_size(), oopSize)));
1490 int metadata_end_offset = _metadata_offset + align_up(code_buffer->total_metadata_size(), wordSize);
1493 CHECKED_CAST(_jvmci_data_offset, uint16_t, metadata_end_offset);
1494 int jvmci_data_size = compiler->is_jvmci() ? jvmci_data->size() : 0;
1495 DEBUG_ONLY( int data_end_offset = _jvmci_data_offset + align_up(jvmci_data_size, oopSize); )
1496 #else
1497 DEBUG_ONLY( int data_end_offset = metadata_end_offset; )
1498 #endif
1499 assert((data_offset() + data_end_offset) <= nmethod_size, "wrong nmethod's size: %d > %d",
1500 (data_offset() + data_end_offset), nmethod_size);
1502 _immutable_data_size = immutable_data_size;
1503 if (immutable_data_size > 0) {
1504 assert(immutable_data != nullptr, "required");
1505 _immutable_data = immutable_data;
1506 } else {
1507 // We need unique not null address
1508 _immutable_data = data_end();
1509 }
1510 CHECKED_CAST(_nul_chk_table_offset, uint16_t, (align_up((int)dependencies->size_in_bytes(), oopSize)));
1511 CHECKED_CAST(_handler_table_offset, uint16_t, (_nul_chk_table_offset + align_up(nul_chk_table->size_in_bytes(), oopSize)));
1512 _scopes_pcs_offset = _handler_table_offset + align_up(handler_table->size_in_bytes(), oopSize);
1513 _scopes_data_offset = _scopes_pcs_offset + adjust_pcs_size(debug_info->pcs_size());
1516 _speculations_offset = _scopes_data_offset + align_up(debug_info->data_size(), oopSize);
1517 DEBUG_ONLY( int immutable_data_end_offset = _speculations_offset + align_up(speculations_len, oopSize); )
1518 #else
3653 return st.as_string();
3654 }
3655 }
3656 }
3657 return have_one ? "other" : nullptr;
3658 }
3660 // Return the last scope in (begin..end]
3661 ScopeDesc* nmethod::scope_desc_in(address begin, address end) {
3662 PcDesc* p = pc_desc_near(begin+1);
3663 if (p != nullptr && p->real_pc(this) <= end) {
3664 return new ScopeDesc(this, p);
3665 }
3666 return nullptr;
3667 }
3669 const char* nmethod::nmethod_section_label(address pos) const {
3670 const char* label = nullptr;
3671 if (pos == code_begin()) label = "[Instructions begin]";
3672 if (pos == entry_point()) label = "[Entry Point]";
3673 if (pos == verified_entry_point()) label = "[Verified Entry Point]";
3674 if (has_method_handle_invokes() && (pos == deopt_mh_handler_begin())) label = "[Deopt MH Handler Code]";
3675 if (pos == consts_begin() && pos != insts_begin()) label = "[Constants]";
3676 // Check stub_code before checking exception_handler or deopt_handler.
3677 if (pos == this->stub_begin()) label = "[Stub Code]";
3678 if (JVMCI_ONLY(_exception_offset >= 0 &&) pos == exception_begin()) label = "[Exception Handler]";
3679 if (JVMCI_ONLY(_deopt_handler_offset != -1 &&) pos == deopt_handler_begin()) label = "[Deopt Handler Code]";
3680 return label;
3681 }
3683 void nmethod::print_nmethod_labels(outputStream* stream, address block_begin, bool print_section_labels) const {
3684 if (print_section_labels) {
3685 const char* label = nmethod_section_label(block_begin);
3686 if (label != nullptr) {
3687 stream->bol();
3688 stream->print_cr("%s", label);
3689 }
3690 }
3692 if (block_begin == entry_point()) {
3693 Method* m = method();
3694 if (m != nullptr) {
3695 stream->print(" # ");
3696 m->print_value_on(stream);
3697 stream->cr();
3698 }
3699 if (m != nullptr && !is_osr_method()) {
3700 ResourceMark rm;
3701 int sizeargs = m->size_of_parameters();
3702 BasicType* sig_bt = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, sizeargs);
3703 VMRegPair* regs = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, sizeargs);
3704 {
3705 int sig_index = 0;
3706 if (!m->is_static())
3707 sig_bt[sig_index++] = T_OBJECT; // 'this'
3708 for (SignatureStream ss(m->signature()); !ss.at_return_type(); ss.next()) {
3709 BasicType t = ss.type();
3710 sig_bt[sig_index++] = t;
3711 if (type2size[t] == 2) {
3712 sig_bt[sig_index++] = T_VOID;
3713 } else {
3714 assert(type2size[t] == 1, "size is 1 or 2");
3715 }
3716 }
3717 assert(sig_index == sizeargs, "");
3718 }
3719 const char* spname = "sp"; // make arch-specific?
3720 SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(sig_bt, regs, sizeargs);
3721 int stack_slot_offset = this->frame_size() * wordSize;
3722 int tab1 = 14, tab2 = 24;
3723 int sig_index = 0;
3724 int arg_index = (m->is_static() ? 0 : -1);
3725 bool did_old_sp = false;
3726 for (SignatureStream ss(m->signature()); !ss.at_return_type(); ) {
3727 bool at_this = (arg_index == -1);
3728 bool at_old_sp = false;
3729 BasicType t = (at_this ? T_OBJECT : ss.type());
3730 assert(t == sig_bt[sig_index], "sigs in sync");
3731 if (at_this)
3732 stream->print(" # this: ");
3733 else
3734 stream->print(" # parm%d: ", arg_index);
3735 stream->move_to(tab1);
3736 VMReg fst = regs[sig_index].first();
3737 VMReg snd = regs[sig_index].second();
3738 if (fst->is_reg()) {
3739 stream->print("%s", fst->name());
3740 if (snd->is_valid()) {
3741 stream->print(":%s", snd->name());
3742 }
3743 } else if (fst->is_stack()) {
3744 int offset = fst->reg2stack() * VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size + stack_slot_offset;
3745 if (offset == stack_slot_offset) at_old_sp = true;
3746 stream->print("[%s+0x%x]", spname, offset);
3747 } else {
3748 stream->print("reg%d:%d??", (int)(intptr_t)fst, (int)(intptr_t)snd);
3749 }
3750 stream->print(" ");
3751 stream->move_to(tab2);
3752 stream->print("= ");
3753 if (at_this) {
3754 m->method_holder()->print_value_on(stream);
3755 } else {
3756 bool did_name = false;
3757 if (!at_this && ss.is_reference()) {
3758 Symbol* name = ss.as_symbol();
3759 name->print_value_on(stream);
3760 did_name = true;
3761 }
3762 if (!did_name)
3763 stream->print("%s", type2name(t));
3764 }
3765 if (at_old_sp) {
3766 stream->print(" (%s of caller)", spname);
3767 did_old_sp = true;
3768 }
3769 stream->cr();
3770 sig_index += type2size[t];
3771 arg_index += 1;
3772 if (!at_this) ss.next();
3773 }
3774 if (!did_old_sp) {
3775 stream->print(" # ");
3776 stream->move_to(tab1);
3777 stream->print("[%s+0x%x]", spname, stack_slot_offset);
3778 stream->print(" (%s of caller)", spname);
3779 stream->cr();
3780 }
3781 }
3782 }
3783 }
3785 // Returns whether this nmethod has code comments.
3786 bool nmethod::has_code_comment(address begin, address end) {
3787 // scopes?
3788 ScopeDesc* sd = scope_desc_in(begin, end);
3789 if (sd != nullptr) return true;
3791 // relocations?
3792 const char* str = reloc_string_for(begin, end);
3793 if (str != nullptr) return true;
3795 // implicit exceptions?
3796 int cont_offset = ImplicitExceptionTable(this).continuation_offset((uint)(begin - code_begin()));
3797 if (cont_offset != 0) return true;
3799 return false;
3800 }
3885 else
3886 st->print("<UNKNOWN>");
3887 break;
3888 }
3889 case Bytecodes::_getfield:
3890 case Bytecodes::_putfield:
3891 case Bytecodes::_getstatic:
3892 case Bytecodes::_putstatic:
3893 {
3894 Bytecode_field field(methodHandle(thread, sd->method()), sd->bci());
3895 st->print(" ");
3896 if (field.name() != nullptr)
3897 field.name()->print_symbol_on(st);
3898 else
3899 st->print("<UNKNOWN>");
3900 }
3901 default:
3902 break;
3903 }
3904 }
3905 st->print(" {reexecute=%d rethrow=%d return_oop=%d}", sd->should_reexecute(), sd->rethrow_exception(), sd->return_oop());
3906 }
3908 // Print all scopes
3909 for (;sd != nullptr; sd = sd->sender()) {
3910 st->move_to(column, 6, 0);
3911 st->print("; -");
3912 if (sd->should_reexecute()) {
3913 st->print(" (reexecute)");
3914 }
3915 if (sd->method() == nullptr) {
3916 st->print("method is nullptr");
3917 } else {
3918 sd->method()->print_short_name(st);
3919 }
3920 int lineno = sd->method()->line_number_from_bci(sd->bci());
3921 if (lineno != -1) {
3922 st->print("@%d (line %d)", sd->bci(), lineno);
3923 } else {
3924 st->print("@%d", sd->bci());
3925 }
708 // handle the case of an anchor explicitly set in continuation code that doesn't have a callee
709 JavaThread* thread = reg_map->thread();
710 if ((thread->has_last_Java_frame() && fr.sp() == thread->last_Java_sp())
711 JVMTI_ONLY(|| (method()->is_continuation_enter_intrinsic() && thread->on_monitor_waited_event()))) {
712 return;
713 }
715 if (!method()->is_native()) {
716 address pc = fr.pc();
717 bool has_receiver, has_appendix;
718 Symbol* signature;
720 // The method attached by JIT-compilers should be used, if present.
721 // Bytecode can be inaccurate in such case.
722 Method* callee = attached_method_before_pc(pc);
723 if (callee != nullptr) {
724 has_receiver = !(callee->access_flags().is_static());
725 has_appendix = false;
726 signature = callee->signature();
728 // If inline types are passed as fields, use the extended signature
729 // which contains the types of all (oop) fields of the inline type.
730 if (is_compiled_by_c2() && callee->has_scalarized_args()) {
731 const GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig = callee->adapter()->get_sig_cc();
732 assert(sig != nullptr, "sig should never be null");
733 TempNewSymbol tmp_sig = SigEntry::create_symbol(sig);
734 has_receiver = false; // The extended signature contains the receiver type
735 fr.oops_compiled_arguments_do(tmp_sig, has_receiver, has_appendix, reg_map, f);
736 return;
737 }
738 } else {
739 SimpleScopeDesc ssd(this, pc);
741 Bytecode_invoke call(methodHandle(Thread::current(), ssd.method()), ssd.bci());
742 has_receiver = call.has_receiver();
743 has_appendix = call.has_appendix();
744 signature = call.signature();
745 }
747 fr.oops_compiled_arguments_do(signature, has_receiver, has_appendix, reg_map, f);
748 } else if (method()->is_continuation_enter_intrinsic()) {
749 // This method only calls Continuation.enter()
750 Symbol* signature = vmSymbols::continuationEnter_signature();
751 fr.oops_compiled_arguments_do(signature, false, false, reg_map, f);
752 }
753 }
755 Method* nmethod::attached_method(address call_instr) {
756 assert(code_contains(call_instr), "not part of the nmethod");
757 RelocIterator iter(this, call_instr, call_instr + 1);
1244 _has_unsafe_access = 0;
1245 _has_method_handle_invokes = 0;
1246 _has_wide_vectors = 0;
1247 _has_monitors = 0;
1248 _has_scoped_access = 0;
1249 _has_flushed_dependencies = 0;
1250 _is_unlinked = 0;
1251 _load_reported = 0; // jvmti state
1253 _deoptimization_status = not_marked;
1255 // SECT_CONSTS is first in code buffer so the offset should be 0.
1256 int consts_offset = code_buffer->total_offset_of(code_buffer->consts());
1257 assert(consts_offset == 0, "const_offset: %d", consts_offset);
1259 _stub_offset = content_offset() + code_buffer->total_offset_of(code_buffer->stubs());
1261 CHECKED_CAST(_entry_offset, uint16_t, (offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Entry)));
1262 CHECKED_CAST(_verified_entry_offset, uint16_t, (offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Verified_Entry)));
1264 _inline_entry_point = entry_point();
1265 _verified_inline_entry_point = verified_entry_point();
1266 _verified_inline_ro_entry_point = verified_entry_point();
1268 _skipped_instructions_size = code_buffer->total_skipped_instructions_size();
1269 }
1271 // Post initialization
1272 void nmethod::post_init() {
1273 clear_unloading_state();
1275 finalize_relocations();
1277 Universe::heap()->register_nmethod(this);
1278 debug_only(Universe::heap()->verify_nmethod(this));
1280 CodeCache::commit(this);
1281 }
1283 // For native wrappers
1284 nmethod::nmethod(
1285 Method* method,
1286 CompilerType type,
1287 int nmethod_size,
1288 int compile_id,
1289 CodeOffsets* offsets,
1290 CodeBuffer* code_buffer,
1291 int frame_size,
1292 ByteSize basic_lock_owner_sp_offset,
1293 ByteSize basic_lock_sp_offset,
1294 OopMapSet* oop_maps )
1295 : CodeBlob("native nmethod", CodeBlobKind::Nmethod, code_buffer, nmethod_size, sizeof(nmethod),
1296 offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Frame_Complete), frame_size, oop_maps, false),
1297 _deoptimization_generation(0),
1298 _gc_epoch(CodeCache::gc_epoch()),
1299 _method(method),
1300 _native_receiver_sp_offset(basic_lock_owner_sp_offset),
1301 _native_basic_lock_sp_offset(basic_lock_sp_offset)
1302 {
1303 {
1304 debug_only(NoSafepointVerifier nsv;)
1305 assert_locked_or_safepoint(CodeCache_lock);
1306 assert(!method->has_scalarized_args(), "scalarized native wrappers not supported yet");
1307 init_defaults(code_buffer, offsets);
1309 _osr_entry_point = nullptr;
1310 _pc_desc_container = nullptr;
1311 _entry_bci = InvocationEntryBci;
1312 _compile_id = compile_id;
1313 _comp_level = CompLevel_none;
1314 _compiler_type = type;
1315 _orig_pc_offset = 0;
1316 _num_stack_arg_slots = 0;
1318 if (offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Exceptions) != -1) {
1319 // Continuation enter intrinsic
1320 _exception_offset = code_offset() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Exceptions);
1321 } else {
1322 _exception_offset = 0;
1323 }
1324 // Native wrappers do not have deopt handlers. Make the values
1325 // something that will never match a pc like the nmethod vtable entry
1326 _deopt_handler_offset = 0;
1494 }
1495 if (offsets->value(CodeOffsets::UnwindHandler) != -1) {
1496 // C1 generates UnwindHandler at the end of instructions section.
1497 // Calculate positive offset as distance between the start of stubs section
1498 // (which is also the end of instructions section) and the start of the handler.
1499 int unwind_handler_offset = code_offset() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::UnwindHandler);
1500 CHECKED_CAST(_unwind_handler_offset, int16_t, (_stub_offset - unwind_handler_offset));
1501 } else {
1502 _unwind_handler_offset = -1;
1503 }
1504 CHECKED_CAST(_metadata_offset, uint16_t, (align_up(code_buffer->total_oop_size(), oopSize)));
1505 int metadata_end_offset = _metadata_offset + align_up(code_buffer->total_metadata_size(), wordSize);
1508 CHECKED_CAST(_jvmci_data_offset, uint16_t, metadata_end_offset);
1509 int jvmci_data_size = compiler->is_jvmci() ? jvmci_data->size() : 0;
1510 DEBUG_ONLY( int data_end_offset = _jvmci_data_offset + align_up(jvmci_data_size, oopSize); )
1511 #else
1512 DEBUG_ONLY( int data_end_offset = metadata_end_offset; )
1513 #endif
1514 _inline_entry_point = code_begin() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Inline_Entry);
1515 _verified_inline_entry_point = code_begin() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Verified_Inline_Entry);
1516 _verified_inline_ro_entry_point = code_begin() + offsets->value(CodeOffsets::Verified_Inline_Entry_RO);
1517 assert((data_offset() + data_end_offset) <= nmethod_size, "wrong nmethod's size: %d > %d",
1518 (data_offset() + data_end_offset), nmethod_size);
1520 _immutable_data_size = immutable_data_size;
1521 if (immutable_data_size > 0) {
1522 assert(immutable_data != nullptr, "required");
1523 _immutable_data = immutable_data;
1524 } else {
1525 // We need unique not null address
1526 _immutable_data = data_end();
1527 }
1528 CHECKED_CAST(_nul_chk_table_offset, uint16_t, (align_up((int)dependencies->size_in_bytes(), oopSize)));
1529 CHECKED_CAST(_handler_table_offset, uint16_t, (_nul_chk_table_offset + align_up(nul_chk_table->size_in_bytes(), oopSize)));
1530 _scopes_pcs_offset = _handler_table_offset + align_up(handler_table->size_in_bytes(), oopSize);
1531 _scopes_data_offset = _scopes_pcs_offset + adjust_pcs_size(debug_info->pcs_size());
1534 _speculations_offset = _scopes_data_offset + align_up(debug_info->data_size(), oopSize);
1535 DEBUG_ONLY( int immutable_data_end_offset = _speculations_offset + align_up(speculations_len, oopSize); )
1536 #else
3671 return st.as_string();
3672 }
3673 }
3674 }
3675 return have_one ? "other" : nullptr;
3676 }
3678 // Return the last scope in (begin..end]
3679 ScopeDesc* nmethod::scope_desc_in(address begin, address end) {
3680 PcDesc* p = pc_desc_near(begin+1);
3681 if (p != nullptr && p->real_pc(this) <= end) {
3682 return new ScopeDesc(this, p);
3683 }
3684 return nullptr;
3685 }
3687 const char* nmethod::nmethod_section_label(address pos) const {
3688 const char* label = nullptr;
3689 if (pos == code_begin()) label = "[Instructions begin]";
3690 if (pos == entry_point()) label = "[Entry Point]";
3691 if (pos == inline_entry_point()) label = "[Inline Entry Point]";
3692 if (pos == verified_entry_point()) label = "[Verified Entry Point]";
3693 if (pos == verified_inline_entry_point()) label = "[Verified Inline Entry Point]";
3694 if (pos == verified_inline_ro_entry_point()) label = "[Verified Inline Entry Point (RO)]";
3695 if (has_method_handle_invokes() && (pos == deopt_mh_handler_begin())) label = "[Deopt MH Handler Code]";
3696 if (pos == consts_begin() && pos != insts_begin()) label = "[Constants]";
3697 // Check stub_code before checking exception_handler or deopt_handler.
3698 if (pos == this->stub_begin()) label = "[Stub Code]";
3699 if (JVMCI_ONLY(_exception_offset >= 0 &&) pos == exception_begin()) label = "[Exception Handler]";
3700 if (JVMCI_ONLY(_deopt_handler_offset != -1 &&) pos == deopt_handler_begin()) label = "[Deopt Handler Code]";
3701 return label;
3702 }
3704 static int maybe_print_entry_label(outputStream* stream, address pos, address entry, const char* label) {
3705 if (pos == entry) {
3706 stream->bol();
3707 stream->print_cr("%s", label);
3708 return 1;
3709 } else {
3710 return 0;
3711 }
3712 }
3714 void nmethod::print_nmethod_labels(outputStream* stream, address block_begin, bool print_section_labels) const {
3715 if (print_section_labels) {
3716 int n = 0;
3717 // Multiple entry points may be at the same position. Print them all.
3718 n += maybe_print_entry_label(stream, block_begin, entry_point(), "[Entry Point]");
3719 n += maybe_print_entry_label(stream, block_begin, inline_entry_point(), "[Inline Entry Point]");
3720 n += maybe_print_entry_label(stream, block_begin, verified_entry_point(), "[Verified Entry Point]");
3721 n += maybe_print_entry_label(stream, block_begin, verified_inline_entry_point(), "[Verified Inline Entry Point]");
3722 n += maybe_print_entry_label(stream, block_begin, verified_inline_ro_entry_point(), "[Verified Inline Entry Point (RO)]");
3723 if (n == 0) {
3724 const char* label = nmethod_section_label(block_begin);
3725 if (label != nullptr) {
3726 stream->bol();
3727 stream->print_cr("%s", label);
3728 }
3729 }
3730 }
3732 Method* m = method();
3733 if (m == nullptr || is_osr_method()) {
3734 return;
3735 }
3737 // Print the name of the method (only once)
3738 address low = MIN4(entry_point(), verified_entry_point(), verified_inline_entry_point(), verified_inline_ro_entry_point());
3739 low = MIN2(low, inline_entry_point());
3740 assert(low != 0, "sanity");
3741 if (block_begin == low) {
3742 stream->print(" # ");
3743 m->print_value_on(stream);
3744 stream->cr();
3745 }
3747 // Print the arguments for the 3 types of verified entry points
3748 CompiledEntrySignature ces(m);
3749 ces.compute_calling_conventions(false);
3750 const GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig_cc;
3751 const VMRegPair* regs;
3752 if (block_begin == verified_entry_point()) {
3753 sig_cc = ces.sig_cc();
3754 regs = ces.regs_cc();
3755 } else if (block_begin == verified_inline_entry_point()) {
3756 sig_cc = ces.sig();
3757 regs = ces.regs();
3758 } else if (block_begin == verified_inline_ro_entry_point()) {
3759 sig_cc = ces.sig_cc_ro();
3760 regs = ces.regs_cc_ro();
3761 } else {
3762 return;
3763 }
3765 bool has_this = !m->is_static();
3766 if (ces.has_inline_recv() && block_begin == verified_entry_point()) {
3767 // <this> argument is scalarized for verified_entry_point()
3768 has_this = false;
3769 }
3770 const char* spname = "sp"; // make arch-specific?
3771 int stack_slot_offset = this->frame_size() * wordSize;
3772 int tab1 = 14, tab2 = 24;
3773 int sig_index = 0;
3774 int arg_index = has_this ? -1 : 0;
3775 bool did_old_sp = false;
3776 for (ExtendedSignature sig = ExtendedSignature(sig_cc, SigEntryFilter()); !sig.at_end(); ++sig) {
3777 bool at_this = (arg_index == -1);
3778 bool at_old_sp = false;
3779 BasicType t = (*sig)._bt;
3780 if (at_this) {
3781 stream->print(" # this: ");
3782 } else {
3783 stream->print(" # parm%d: ", arg_index);
3784 }
3785 stream->move_to(tab1);
3786 VMReg fst = regs[sig_index].first();
3787 VMReg snd = regs[sig_index].second();
3788 if (fst->is_reg()) {
3789 stream->print("%s", fst->name());
3790 if (snd->is_valid()) {
3791 stream->print(":%s", snd->name());
3792 }
3793 } else if (fst->is_stack()) {
3794 int offset = fst->reg2stack() * VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size + stack_slot_offset;
3795 if (offset == stack_slot_offset) at_old_sp = true;
3796 stream->print("[%s+0x%x]", spname, offset);
3797 } else {
3798 stream->print("reg%d:%d??", (int)(intptr_t)fst, (int)(intptr_t)snd);
3799 }
3800 stream->print(" ");
3801 stream->move_to(tab2);
3802 stream->print("= ");
3803 if (at_this) {
3804 m->method_holder()->print_value_on(stream);
3805 } else {
3806 bool did_name = false;
3807 if (is_reference_type(t)) {
3808 Symbol* name = (*sig)._symbol;
3809 name->print_value_on(stream);
3810 did_name = true;
3811 }
3812 if (!did_name)
3813 stream->print("%s", type2name(t));
3814 // If the entry has a non-default sort_offset, it must be a null marker
3815 if ((*sig)._sort_offset != (*sig)._offset) {
3816 stream->print(" (null marker)");
3817 }
3818 }
3819 if (at_old_sp) {
3820 stream->print(" (%s of caller)", spname);
3821 did_old_sp = true;
3822 }
3823 stream->cr();
3824 sig_index += type2size[t];
3825 arg_index += 1;
3826 }
3827 if (!did_old_sp) {
3828 stream->print(" # ");
3829 stream->move_to(tab1);
3830 stream->print("[%s+0x%x]", spname, stack_slot_offset);
3831 stream->print(" (%s of caller)", spname);
3832 stream->cr();
3833 }
3834 }
3836 // Returns whether this nmethod has code comments.
3837 bool nmethod::has_code_comment(address begin, address end) {
3838 // scopes?
3839 ScopeDesc* sd = scope_desc_in(begin, end);
3840 if (sd != nullptr) return true;
3842 // relocations?
3843 const char* str = reloc_string_for(begin, end);
3844 if (str != nullptr) return true;
3846 // implicit exceptions?
3847 int cont_offset = ImplicitExceptionTable(this).continuation_offset((uint)(begin - code_begin()));
3848 if (cont_offset != 0) return true;
3850 return false;
3851 }
3936 else
3937 st->print("<UNKNOWN>");
3938 break;
3939 }
3940 case Bytecodes::_getfield:
3941 case Bytecodes::_putfield:
3942 case Bytecodes::_getstatic:
3943 case Bytecodes::_putstatic:
3944 {
3945 Bytecode_field field(methodHandle(thread, sd->method()), sd->bci());
3946 st->print(" ");
3947 if (field.name() != nullptr)
3948 field.name()->print_symbol_on(st);
3949 else
3950 st->print("<UNKNOWN>");
3951 }
3952 default:
3953 break;
3954 }
3955 }
3956 st->print(" {reexecute=%d rethrow=%d return_oop=%d return_scalarized=%d}", sd->should_reexecute(), sd->rethrow_exception(), sd->return_oop(), sd->return_scalarized());
3957 }
3959 // Print all scopes
3960 for (;sd != nullptr; sd = sd->sender()) {
3961 st->move_to(column, 6, 0);
3962 st->print("; -");
3963 if (sd->should_reexecute()) {
3964 st->print(" (reexecute)");
3965 }
3966 if (sd->method() == nullptr) {
3967 st->print("method is nullptr");
3968 } else {
3969 sd->method()->print_short_name(st);
3970 }
3971 int lineno = sd->method()->line_number_from_bci(sd->bci());
3972 if (lineno != -1) {
3973 st->print("@%d (line %d)", sd->bci(), lineno);
3974 } else {
3975 st->print("@%d", sd->bci());
3976 }