1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 28 #include "asm/macroAssembler.hpp"
 29 #include "code/vmreg.hpp"
 30 #include "memory/allStatic.hpp"
 31 #include "utilities/checkedCast.hpp"
 33 // A VtableStub holds an individual code stub for a pair (vtable index, #args) for either itables or vtables
 34 // There's a one-to-one relationship between a VtableStub and such a pair.
 36 // A word on VtableStub sizing:
 37 //   Such a vtable/itable stub consists of the instance data
 38 //   and an immediately following CodeBuffer.
 39 //   Unfortunately, the required space for the code buffer varies, depending on
 40 //   the setting of compile time macros (PRODUCT, ASSERT, ...) and of command line
 41 //   parameters. Actual data may have an influence on the size as well.
 42 //
 43 //   A simple approximation for the VtableStub size would be to just take a value
 44 //   "large enough" for all circumstances - a worst case estimate.
 45 //   As there can exist many stubs - and they never go away - we certainly don't
 46 //   want to waste more code cache space than absolutely necessary.
 47 //
 48 //   We need a different approach which, as far as possible, should be independent
 49 //   from or adaptive to code size variations. These variations may be caused by
 50 //   changed compile time or run time switches as well as by changed emitter code.
 51 //
 52 //   Here is the idea:
 53 //   For the first stub we generate, we allocate a "large enough" code buffer.
 54 //   Once all instructions are emitted, we know the actual size of the stub.
 55 //   Remembering that size allows us to allocate a tightly matching code buffer
 56 //   for all subsequent stubs. That covers all "static variance", i.e. all variance
 57 //   that is due to compile time macros, command line parameters, machine capabilities,
 58 //   and other influences which are immutable for the life span of the vm.
 59 //
 60 //   Life isn't always that easy. Code size may depend on actual data, "load constant"
 61 //   being an example for that. All code segments with such "dynamic variance" require
 62 //   additional care. We need to know or estimate the worst case code size for each
 63 //   such segment. With that knowledge, we can maintain a "slop counter" in the
 64 //   platform-specific stub emitters. It accumulates the difference between worst-case
 65 //   and actual code size. When the stub is fully generated, the actual stub size is
 66 //   adjusted (increased) by the slop counter value.
 67 //
 68 //   As a result, we allocate all but the first code buffers with the same, tightly matching size.
 69 //
 71 // VtableStubs creates the code stubs for compiled calls through vtables.
 72 // There is one stub per (vtable index, args_size) pair, and the stubs are
 73 // never deallocated. They don't need to be GCed because they contain no oops.
 74 class VtableStub;
 76 class VtableStubs : AllStatic {
 77  public:                                         // N must be public (some compilers need this for _table)
 78   enum {
 79     N    = 256,                                  // size of stub table; must be power of two
 80     mask = N - 1
 81   };
 83   static_assert(is_power_of_2((int)N), "N must be a power of 2");
 85  private:
 86   friend class VtableStub;
 87   static VtableStub* volatile _table[N];                  // table of existing stubs
 88   static int         _vtab_stub_size;            // current size estimate for vtable stub (quasi-constant)
 89   static int         _itab_stub_size;            // current size estimate for itable stub (quasi-constant)
 91   static VtableStub* create_vtable_stub(int vtable_index, bool caller_is_c1);
 92   static VtableStub* create_itable_stub(int vtable_index, bool caller_is_c1);
 93   static VtableStub* lookup            (bool is_vtable_stub, int vtable_index, bool caller_is_c1);
 94   static void        enter             (bool is_vtable_stub, int vtable_index, bool caller_is_c1, VtableStub* s);
 95   static inline uint hash              (bool is_vtable_stub, int vtable_index, bool caller_is_c1);
 96   static address     find_stub         (bool is_vtable_stub, int vtable_index, bool caller_is_c1);
 97   static void        bookkeeping(MacroAssembler* masm, outputStream* out, VtableStub* s,
 98                                  address npe_addr, address ame_addr,   bool is_vtable_stub,
 99                                  int     index,    int     slop_bytes, int  index_dependent_slop);
100   static int         code_size_limit(bool is_vtable_stub);
101   static void        check_and_set_size_limit(bool is_vtable_stub,
102                                               int   code_size,
103                                               int   padding);
105  public:
106   static address     find_vtable_stub(int vtable_index, bool caller_is_c1) { return find_stub(true,  vtable_index, caller_is_c1); }
107   static address     find_itable_stub(int itable_index, bool caller_is_c1) { return find_stub(false, itable_index, caller_is_c1); }
109   static VtableStub* entry_point(address pc);                        // vtable stub entry point for a pc
110   static bool        contains(address pc);                           // is pc within any stub?
111   static VtableStub* stub_containing(address pc);                    // stub containing pc or nullptr
112   static void        initialize();
113   static void        vtable_stub_do(void f(VtableStub*));            // iterates over all vtable stubs
114 };
117 class VtableStub {
118  private:
119   friend class VtableStubs;
121   static address _chunk;             // For allocation
122   static address _chunk_end;         // For allocation
123   static VMReg   _receiver_location; // Where to find receiver
125   VtableStub*    _next;              // Pointer to next entry in hash table
126   const short    _index;             // vtable index
127   short          _ame_offset;        // Where an AbstractMethodError might occur
128   short          _npe_offset;        // Where a NullPointerException might occur
129   bool           _is_vtable_stub;    // True if vtable stub, false, is itable stub
130   bool           _caller_is_c1;      // True if this is for a caller compiled by C1,
131                                      // which doesn't scalarize parameters.
132   /* code follows here */            // The vtableStub code
134   void* operator new(size_t size, int code_size) throw();
136   VtableStub(bool is_vtable_stub, short index, bool caller_is_c1)
137         : _next(nullptr), _index(index), _ame_offset(-1), _npe_offset(-1),
138           _is_vtable_stub(is_vtable_stub), _caller_is_c1(caller_is_c1) {}
139   VtableStub* next() const                       { return _next; }
140   int index() const                              { return _index; }
141   static VMReg receiver_location()               { return _receiver_location; }
142   void set_next(VtableStub* n)                   { _next = n; }
144  public:
145   address code_begin() const                     { return (address)(this + 1); }
146   address code_end() const                       { return code_begin() + VtableStubs::code_size_limit(_is_vtable_stub); }
147   address entry_point() const                    { return code_begin(); }
148   static int entry_offset()                      { return sizeof(class VtableStub); }
150   bool matches(bool is_vtable_stub, int index, bool caller_is_c1) const {
151     return _index == index && _is_vtable_stub == is_vtable_stub && _caller_is_c1 == caller_is_c1;
152   }
153   bool contains(address pc) const                { return code_begin() <= pc && pc < code_end(); }
155  private:
156   void set_exception_points(address npe_addr, address ame_addr) {
157     _npe_offset = checked_cast<short>(npe_addr - code_begin());
158     _ame_offset = checked_cast<short>(ame_addr - code_begin());
159     assert(is_abstract_method_error(ame_addr),   "offset must be correct");
160     assert(is_null_pointer_exception(npe_addr),  "offset must be correct");
161     assert(!is_abstract_method_error(npe_addr),  "offset must be correct");
162     assert(!is_null_pointer_exception(ame_addr), "offset must be correct");
163   }
165   // platform-dependent routines
166   static int  pd_code_alignment();
167   // CNC: Removed because vtable stubs are now made with an ideal graph
168   // static bool pd_disregard_arg_size();
170   static void align_chunk() {
171     uintptr_t off = (uintptr_t)( _chunk + sizeof(VtableStub) ) % pd_code_alignment();
172     if (off != 0)  _chunk += pd_code_alignment() - off;
173   }
175  public:
176   // Query
177   bool is_itable_stub()                          { return !_is_vtable_stub; }
178   bool is_vtable_stub()                          { return  _is_vtable_stub; }
179   bool caller_is_c1()                            { return  _caller_is_c1;   }
180   bool is_abstract_method_error(address epc)     { return epc == code_begin()+_ame_offset; }
181   bool is_null_pointer_exception(address epc)    { return epc == code_begin()+_npe_offset; }
183   void print_on(outputStream* st) const;
184   void print() const;
186 };