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Print this page
*** 999,11 ***
           byte == Bytecodes::_getfield  || byte == Bytecodes::_putfield  ||
           byte == Bytecodes::_nofast_getfield  || byte == Bytecodes::_nofast_putfield  ||
           (byte == Bytecodes::_nop && !link_info.check_access()), "bad field access bytecode");
    bool is_static = (byte == Bytecodes::_getstatic || byte == Bytecodes::_putstatic);
!   bool is_put    = (byte == Bytecodes::_putfield  || byte == Bytecodes::_putstatic || byte == Bytecodes::_nofast_putfield);
    // Check if there's a resolved klass containing the field
    Klass* resolved_klass = link_info.resolved_klass();
    Symbol* field = link_info.name();
    Symbol* sig = link_info.signature();
--- 999,12 ---
           byte == Bytecodes::_getfield  || byte == Bytecodes::_putfield  ||
           byte == Bytecodes::_nofast_getfield  || byte == Bytecodes::_nofast_putfield  ||
           (byte == Bytecodes::_nop && !link_info.check_access()), "bad field access bytecode");
    bool is_static = (byte == Bytecodes::_getstatic || byte == Bytecodes::_putstatic);
!   bool is_put    = (byte == Bytecodes::_putfield  || byte == Bytecodes::_putstatic ||
+                     byte == Bytecodes::_nofast_putfield);
    // Check if there's a resolved klass containing the field
    Klass* resolved_klass = link_info.resolved_klass();
    Symbol* field = link_info.name();
    Symbol* sig = link_info.signature();

*** 1042,24 ***
        if (sel_klass != current_klass) {
          ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
          stringStream ss;
          ss.print("Update to %s final field %s.%s attempted from a different class (%s) than the field's declaring class",
!                  is_static ? "static" : "non-static", resolved_klass->external_name(), fd.name()->as_C_string(),
!                 current_klass->external_name());
          THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalAccessError(), ss.as_string());
        if (fd.constants()->pool_holder()->major_version() >= 53) {
          Method* m = link_info.current_method();
          assert(m != nullptr, "information about the current method must be available for 'put' bytecodes");
          bool is_initialized_static_final_update = (byte == Bytecodes::_putstatic &&
                                                     fd.is_static() &&
!                                                    !m->is_static_initializer());
          bool is_initialized_instance_final_update = ((byte == Bytecodes::_putfield || byte == Bytecodes::_nofast_putfield) &&
                                                       !fd.is_static() &&
!                                                      !m->is_object_initializer());
          if (is_initialized_static_final_update || is_initialized_instance_final_update) {
            ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
            stringStream ss;
            ss.print("Update to %s final field %s.%s attempted from a different method (%s) than the initializer method %s ",
--- 1043,24 ---
        if (sel_klass != current_klass) {
          ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
          stringStream ss;
          ss.print("Update to %s final field %s.%s attempted from a different class (%s) than the field's declaring class",
!                   is_static ? "static" : "non-static", resolved_klass->external_name(), fd.name()->as_C_string(),
!                   current_klass->external_name());
          THROW_MSG(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalAccessError(), ss.as_string());
        if (fd.constants()->pool_holder()->major_version() >= 53) {
          Method* m = link_info.current_method();
          assert(m != nullptr, "information about the current method must be available for 'put' bytecodes");
          bool is_initialized_static_final_update = (byte == Bytecodes::_putstatic &&
                                                     fd.is_static() &&
!                                                    !m->is_class_initializer());
          bool is_initialized_instance_final_update = ((byte == Bytecodes::_putfield || byte == Bytecodes::_nofast_putfield) &&
                                                       !fd.is_static() &&
!                                                      !m->is_object_constructor());
          if (is_initialized_static_final_update || is_initialized_instance_final_update) {
            ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
            stringStream ss;
            ss.print("Update to %s final field %s.%s attempted from a different method (%s) than the initializer method %s ",

*** 1180,10 ***
--- 1181,12 ---
    } else {
      resolved_method = resolve_interface_method(link_info, Bytecodes::_invokespecial, CHECK_NULL);
    // check if method name is <init>, that it is found in same klass as static type
+   // Since this method is never inherited from a super, any appearance here under
+   // the wrong class would be an error.
    if (resolved_method->name() == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name() &&
        resolved_method->method_holder() != resolved_klass) {
      ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
      stringStream ss;
      ss.print("%s: method '", resolved_klass->external_name());

*** 1246,11 ***
    // Invokespecial for a superinterface, resolved method is selected method,
    // no checks for shadowing
    methodHandle sel_method(THREAD, resolved_method());
    if (link_info.check_access() &&
!       // check if the method is not <init>
        resolved_method->name() != vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {
      Klass* current_klass = link_info.current_klass();
      // Check if the class of the resolved_klass is a superclass
--- 1249,11 ---
    // Invokespecial for a superinterface, resolved method is selected method,
    // no checks for shadowing
    methodHandle sel_method(THREAD, resolved_method());
    if (link_info.check_access() &&
!       // check if the method is not <init>, which is never inherited
        resolved_method->name() != vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {
      Klass* current_klass = link_info.current_klass();
      // Check if the class of the resolved_klass is a superclass

*** 1710,24 ***
  void LinkResolver::resolve_invoke(CallInfo& result, Handle& recv,
!                              const methodHandle& attached_method,
!                              Bytecodes::Code byte, TRAPS) {
    Klass* defc = attached_method->method_holder();
    Symbol* name = attached_method->name();
    Symbol* type = attached_method->signature();
    LinkInfo link_info(defc, name, type);
    switch(byte) {
      case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual:
!       resolve_virtual_call(result, recv, recv->klass(), link_info,
!                            /*check_null_and_abstract=*/true, CHECK);
      case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface:
!       resolve_interface_call(result, recv, recv->klass(), link_info,
!                              /*check_null_and_abstract=*/true, CHECK);
      case Bytecodes::_invokestatic:
        resolve_static_call(result, link_info, /*initialize_class=*/false, CHECK);
      case Bytecodes::_invokespecial:
--- 1713,25 ---
  void LinkResolver::resolve_invoke(CallInfo& result, Handle& recv,
!                                   const methodHandle& attached_method,
!                                   Bytecodes::Code byte, bool check_null_and_abstract, TRAPS) {
    Klass* defc = attached_method->method_holder();
    Symbol* name = attached_method->name();
    Symbol* type = attached_method->signature();
    LinkInfo link_info(defc, name, type);
+   Klass* recv_klass = recv.is_null() ? defc : recv->klass();
    switch(byte) {
      case Bytecodes::_invokevirtual:
!       resolve_virtual_call(result, recv, recv_klass, link_info,
!                            check_null_and_abstract, CHECK);
      case Bytecodes::_invokeinterface:
!       resolve_interface_call(result, recv, recv_klass, link_info,
!                              check_null_and_abstract, CHECK);
      case Bytecodes::_invokestatic:
        resolve_static_call(result, link_info, /*initialize_class=*/false, CHECK);
      case Bytecodes::_invokespecial:
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