< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/oops/instanceKlass.cpp
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#include "oops/instanceKlass.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/instanceMirrorKlass.hpp"
#include "oops/instanceOop.hpp"
#include "oops/instanceStackChunkKlass.hpp"
#include "oops/klass.inline.hpp"
+ #include "oops/markWord.hpp"
#include "oops/method.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
#include "oops/recordComponent.hpp"
#include "oops/symbol.hpp"
+ #include "oops/inlineKlass.hpp"
#include "prims/jvmtiExport.hpp"
#include "prims/jvmtiRedefineClasses.hpp"
#include "prims/jvmtiThreadState.hpp"
#include "prims/methodComparator.hpp"
#include "runtime/arguments.hpp"
#define DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE(type, thread_type)
#define DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE_WAIT(type, thread_type, wait)
#endif // ndef DTRACE_ENABLED
+ void InlineLayoutInfo::metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* it) {
+ log_trace(cds)("Iter(InlineFieldInfo): %p", this);
+ it->push(&_klass);
+ }
bool InstanceKlass::_finalization_enabled = true;
static inline bool is_class_loader(const Symbol* class_name,
const ClassFileParser& parser) {
assert(class_name != nullptr, "invariant");
return false;
+ bool InstanceKlass::field_is_null_free_inline_type(int index) const {
+ return field(index).field_flags().is_null_free_inline_type();
+ }
+ bool InstanceKlass::is_class_in_loadable_descriptors_attribute(Symbol* name) const {
+ if (_loadable_descriptors == nullptr) return false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < _loadable_descriptors->length(); i++) {
+ Symbol* class_name = _constants->symbol_at(_loadable_descriptors->at(i));
+ if (class_name == name) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
static inline bool is_stack_chunk_class(const Symbol* class_name,
const ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
return (class_name == vmSymbols::jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk() &&
InstanceKlass* InstanceKlass::allocate_instance_klass(const ClassFileParser& parser, TRAPS) {
const int size = InstanceKlass::size(parser.vtable_size(),
- parser.is_interface());
+ parser.is_interface(),
+ parser.is_inline_type());
const Symbol* const class_name = parser.class_name();
assert(class_name != nullptr, "invariant");
ClassLoaderData* loader_data = parser.loader_data();
assert(loader_data != nullptr, "invariant");
// stack chunk
ik = new (loader_data, size, use_class_space, THREAD) InstanceStackChunkKlass(parser);
} else if (is_class_loader(class_name, parser)) {
// class loader - java.lang.ClassLoader
ik = new (loader_data, size, use_class_space, THREAD) InstanceClassLoaderKlass(parser);
+ } else if (parser.is_inline_type()) {
+ // inline type
+ ik = new (loader_data, size, use_class_space, THREAD) InlineKlass(parser);
} else {
// normal
ik = new (loader_data, size, use_class_space, THREAD) InstanceKlass(parser);
// class count. Can get OOM here.
return nullptr;
+ #ifdef ASSERT
+ ik->bounds_check((address) ik->start_of_vtable(), false, size);
+ ik->bounds_check((address) ik->start_of_itable(), false, size);
+ ik->bounds_check((address) ik->end_of_itable(), true, size);
+ ik->bounds_check((address) ik->end_of_nonstatic_oop_maps(), true, size);
+ #endif //ASSERT
return ik;
+ #ifndef PRODUCT
+ bool InstanceKlass::bounds_check(address addr, bool edge_ok, intptr_t size_in_bytes) const {
+ const char* bad = nullptr;
+ address end = nullptr;
+ if (addr < (address)this) {
+ bad = "before";
+ } else if (addr == (address)this) {
+ if (edge_ok) return true;
+ bad = "just before";
+ } else if (addr == (end = (address)this + sizeof(intptr_t) * (size_in_bytes < 0 ? size() : size_in_bytes))) {
+ if (edge_ok) return true;
+ bad = "just after";
+ } else if (addr > end) {
+ bad = "after";
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ tty->print_cr("%s object bounds: " INTPTR_FORMAT " [" INTPTR_FORMAT ".." INTPTR_FORMAT "]",
+ bad, (intptr_t)addr, (intptr_t)this, (intptr_t)end);
+ Verbose = WizardMode = true; this->print(); //@@
+ return false;
+ }
+ #endif //PRODUCT
// copy method ordering from resource area to Metaspace
void InstanceKlass::copy_method_ordering(const intArray* m, TRAPS) {
if (m != nullptr) {
// allocate a new array and copy contents (memcpy?)
InstanceKlass::InstanceKlass() {
assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_static_archive() || CDSConfig::is_using_archive(), "only for CDS");
- InstanceKlass::InstanceKlass(const ClassFileParser& parser, KlassKind kind, ReferenceType reference_type) :
- Klass(kind),
+ InstanceKlass::InstanceKlass(const ClassFileParser& parser, KlassKind kind, markWord prototype_header, ReferenceType reference_type) :
+ Klass(kind, prototype_header),
- _init_thread(nullptr)
+ _init_thread(nullptr),
+ _inline_layout_info_array(nullptr),
+ _loadable_descriptors(nullptr),
+ _adr_inlineklass_fixed_block(nullptr)
if (parser.is_hidden()) set_is_hidden();
+ if (parser.has_inline_fields()) {
+ set_has_inline_type_fields();
+ }
assert(nullptr == _methods, "underlying memory not zeroed?");
assert(is_instance_klass(), "is layout incorrect?");
assert(size_helper() == parser.layout_size(), "incorrect size_helper?");
if (fields_status() != nullptr && !fields_status()->is_shared()) {
MetadataFactory::free_array<FieldStatus>(loader_data, fields_status());
+ if (inline_layout_info_array() != nullptr) {
+ MetadataFactory::free_array<InlineLayoutInfo>(loader_data, inline_layout_info_array());
+ }
+ set_inline_layout_info_array(nullptr);
// If a method from a redefined class is using this constant pool, don't
// delete it, yet. The new class's previous version will point to this.
if (constants() != nullptr) {
assert (!constants()->on_stack(), "shouldn't be called if anything is onstack");
if (!constants()->is_shared()) {
!permitted_subclasses()->is_shared()) {
MetadataFactory::free_array<jushort>(loader_data, permitted_subclasses());
+ if (loadable_descriptors() != nullptr &&
+ loadable_descriptors() != Universe::the_empty_short_array() &&
+ !loadable_descriptors()->is_shared()) {
+ MetadataFactory::free_array<jushort>(loader_data, loadable_descriptors());
+ }
+ set_loadable_descriptors(nullptr);
// We should deallocate the Annotations instance if it's not in shared spaces.
if (annotations() != nullptr && !annotations()->is_shared()) {
MetadataFactory::free_metadata(loader_data, annotations());
for (int index = 0; index < num_interfaces; index++) {
InstanceKlass* interk = interfaces->at(index);
+ // If a class declares a method that uses an inline class as an argument
+ // type or return inline type, this inline class must be loaded during the
+ // linking of this class because size and properties of the inline class
+ // must be known in order to be able to perform inline type optimizations.
+ // The implementation below is an approximation of this rule, the code
+ // iterates over all methods of the current class (including overridden
+ // methods), not only the methods declared by this class. This
+ // approximation makes the code simpler, and doesn't change the semantic
+ // because classes declaring methods overridden by the current class are
+ // linked (and have performed their own pre-loading) before the linking
+ // of the current class.
+ // Note:
+ // Inline class types are loaded during
+ // the loading phase (see ClassFileParser::post_process_parsed_stream()).
+ // Inline class types used as element types for array creation
+ // are not pre-loaded. Their loading is triggered by either anewarray
+ // or multianewarray bytecodes.
+ // Could it be possible to do the following processing only if the
+ // class uses inline types?
+ if (EnableValhalla) {
+ ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
+ for (AllFieldStream fs(this); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
+ if (fs.is_null_free_inline_type() && fs.access_flags().is_static()) {
+ Symbol* sig = fs.signature();
+ TempNewSymbol s = Signature::strip_envelope(sig);
+ if (s != name()) {
+ log_info(class, preload)("Preloading class %s during linking of class %s. Cause: a null-free static field is declared with this type", s->as_C_string(), name()->as_C_string());
+ Klass* klass = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_fail(s,
+ Handle(THREAD, class_loader()), true,
+ CHECK_false);
+ log_warning(class, preload)("Preloading of class %s during linking of class %s (cause: null-free static field) failed: %s",
+ s->as_C_string(), name()->as_C_string(), PENDING_EXCEPTION->klass()->name()->as_C_string());
+ return false; // Exception is still pending
+ }
+ log_info(class, preload)("Preloading of class %s during linking of class %s (cause: null-free static field) succeeded",
+ s->as_C_string(), name()->as_C_string());
+ assert(klass != nullptr, "Sanity check");
+ if (klass->is_abstract()) {
+ THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_IncompatibleClassChangeError(),
+ err_msg("Class %s expects class %s to be concrete value class, but it is an abstract class",
+ name()->as_C_string(),
+ InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->external_name()), false);
+ }
+ if (!klass->is_inline_klass()) {
+ THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_IncompatibleClassChangeError(),
+ err_msg("class %s expects class %s to be a value class but it is an identity class",
+ name()->as_C_string(), klass->external_name()), false);
+ }
+ InlineKlass* vk = InlineKlass::cast(klass);
+ if (!vk->is_implicitly_constructible()) {
+ THROW_MSG_(vmSymbols::java_lang_IncompatibleClassChangeError(),
+ err_msg("class %s is not implicitly constructible and it is used in a null restricted static field (not supported)",
+ klass->external_name()), false);
+ }
+ // the inline_type_field_klasses_array might have been loaded with CDS, so update only if not already set and check consistency
+ InlineLayoutInfo* li = inline_layout_info_adr(fs.index());
+ if (li->klass() == nullptr) {
+ li->set_klass(InlineKlass::cast(vk));
+ li->set_kind(LayoutKind::REFERENCE);
+ }
+ assert(get_inline_type_field_klass(fs.index()) == vk, "Must match");
+ } else {
+ InlineLayoutInfo* li = inline_layout_info_adr(fs.index());
+ if (li->klass() == nullptr) {
+ li->set_klass(InlineKlass::cast(this));
+ li->set_kind(LayoutKind::REFERENCE);
+ }
+ assert(get_inline_type_field_klass(fs.index()) == this, "Must match");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Aggressively preloading all classes from the LoadableDescriptors attribute
+ if (loadable_descriptors() != nullptr) {
+ HandleMark hm(THREAD);
+ for (int i = 0; i < loadable_descriptors()->length(); i++) {
+ Symbol* sig = constants()->symbol_at(loadable_descriptors()->at(i));
+ if (!Signature::has_envelope(sig)) continue;
+ TempNewSymbol class_name = Signature::strip_envelope(sig);
+ if (class_name == name()) continue;
+ log_info(class, preload)("Preloading class %s during linking of class %s because of the class is listed in the LoadableDescriptors attribute", sig->as_C_string(), name()->as_C_string());
+ oop loader = class_loader();
+ Klass* klass = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_null(class_name,
+ Handle(THREAD, loader), THREAD);
+ }
+ if (klass != nullptr) {
+ log_info(class, preload)("Preloading of class %s during linking of class %s (cause: LoadableDescriptors attribute) succeeded", class_name->as_C_string(), name()->as_C_string());
+ if (!klass->is_inline_klass()) {
+ // Non value class are allowed by the current spec, but it could be an indication of an issue so let's log a warning
+ log_warning(class, preload)("Preloading class %s during linking of class %s (cause: LoadableDescriptors attribute) but loaded class is not a value class", class_name->as_C_string(), name()->as_C_string());
+ }
+ } else {
+ log_warning(class, preload)("Preloading of class %s during linking of class %s (cause: LoadableDescriptors attribute) failed", class_name->as_C_string(), name()->as_C_string());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
// in case the class is linked in the process of linking its superclasses
if (is_linked()) {
return true;
jt->name(), external_name());
+ // Pre-allocating an instance of the default value
+ if (is_inline_klass()) {
+ InlineKlass* vk = InlineKlass::cast(this);
+ oop val = vk->allocate_instance(THREAD);
+ {
+ add_initialization_error(THREAD, e);
+ // Locks object, set state, and notify all waiting threads
+ set_initialization_state_and_notify(initialization_error, THREAD);
+ }
+ THROW_OOP(e());
+ }
+ vk->set_default_value(val);
+ if (vk->has_nullable_atomic_layout()) {
+ val = vk->allocate_instance(THREAD);
+ {
+ add_initialization_error(THREAD, e);
+ // Locks object, set state, and notify all waiting threads
+ set_initialization_state_and_notify(initialization_error, THREAD);
+ }
+ THROW_OOP(e());
+ }
+ vk->set_null_reset_value(val);
+ }
+ }
// Step 7
// Next, if C is a class rather than an interface, initialize it's super class and super
// interfaces.
if (!is_interface()) {
Klass* super_klass = super();
DTRACE_CLASSINIT_PROBE_WAIT(super__failed, -1, wait);
// Step 8
+ // Initialize classes of inline fields
+ if (EnableValhalla) {
+ for (AllFieldStream fs(this); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
+ if (fs.is_null_free_inline_type()) {
+ // inline type field klass array entries must have alreadyt been filed at load time or link time
+ Klass* klass = get_inline_type_field_klass(fs.index());
+ InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->initialize(THREAD);
+ if (fs.access_flags().is_static()) {
+ if (java_mirror()->obj_field(fs.offset()) == nullptr) {
+ java_mirror()->obj_field_put(fs.offset(), InlineKlass::cast(klass)->default_value());
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ add_initialization_error(THREAD, e);
+ // Locks object, set state, and notify all waiting threads
+ set_initialization_state_and_notify(initialization_error, THREAD);
+ }
+ THROW_OOP(e());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Step 9
if (class_initializer() != nullptr) {
// Timer includes any side effects of class initialization (resolution,
// etc), but not recursive entry into call_class_initializer().
- // Step 9
+ // Step 10
set_initialization_state_and_notify(fully_initialized, CHECK);
debug_only(vtable().verify(tty, true);)
else {
- // Step 10 and 11
+ // Step 11 and 12
// JVMTI has already reported the pending exception
// JVMTI internal flag reset is needed in order to report ExceptionInInitializerError
// Recursively lock array allocation
RecursiveLocker rl(MultiArray_lock, THREAD);
// Check if another thread created the array klass while we were waiting for the lock.
if (array_klasses() == nullptr) {
- ObjArrayKlass* k = ObjArrayKlass::allocate_objArray_klass(class_loader_data(), 1, this, CHECK_NULL);
+ ObjArrayKlass* k = ObjArrayKlass::allocate_objArray_klass(class_loader_data(), 1, this, false, CHECK_NULL);
// use 'release' to pair with lock-free load
// array_klasses() will always be set at this point
- ObjArrayKlass* ak = array_klasses();
+ ArrayKlass* ak = array_klasses();
assert(ak != nullptr, "should be set");
return ak->array_klass(n, THREAD);
ArrayKlass* InstanceKlass::array_klass_or_null(int n) {
// Need load-acquire for lock-free read
- ObjArrayKlass* oak = array_klasses_acquire();
- if (oak == nullptr) {
+ ArrayKlass* ak = array_klasses_acquire();
+ if (ak == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
} else {
- return oak->array_klass_or_null(n);
+ return ak->array_klass_or_null(n);
ArrayKlass* InstanceKlass::array_klass(TRAPS) {
return array_klass(1, THREAD);
static int call_class_initializer_counter = 0; // for debugging
Method* InstanceKlass::class_initializer() const {
Method* clinit = find_method(
vmSymbols::class_initializer_name(), vmSymbols::void_method_signature());
- if (clinit != nullptr && clinit->has_valid_initializer_flags()) {
+ if (clinit != nullptr && clinit->is_class_initializer()) {
return clinit;
return nullptr;
// _oop_map_cache is constant after init; lookup below does its own locking.
oop_map_cache->lookup(method, bci, entry_for);
- bool InstanceKlass::contains_field_offset(int offset) {
- fieldDescriptor fd;
- return find_field_from_offset(offset, false, &fd);
- }
FieldInfo InstanceKlass::field(int index) const {
for (AllFieldStream fs(this); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
if (fs.index() == index) {
return fs.to_FieldInfo();
// 4) otherwise field lookup fails
return nullptr;
+ bool InstanceKlass::contains_field_offset(int offset) {
+ if (this->is_inline_klass()) {
+ InlineKlass* vk = InlineKlass::cast(this);
+ return offset >= vk->payload_offset() && offset < (vk->payload_offset() + vk->payload_size_in_bytes());
+ } else {
+ fieldDescriptor fd;
+ return find_field_from_offset(offset, false, &fd);
+ }
+ }
bool InstanceKlass::find_local_field_from_offset(int offset, bool is_static, fieldDescriptor* fd) const {
for (JavaFieldStream fs(this); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
if (fs.offset() == offset) {
fd->reinitialize(const_cast<InstanceKlass*>(this), fs.index());
if (method != nullptr) {
return method;
+ if (name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()) {
+ break; // <init> is never inherited
+ }
klass = klass->super();
overpass_local_mode = OverpassLookupMode::skip; // Always ignore overpass methods in superclasses
return nullptr;
+ it->push(&_loadable_descriptors);
+ it->push(&_inline_layout_info_array, MetaspaceClosure::_writable);
void InstanceKlass::remove_unshareable_info() {
// do array classes also.
if (array_klasses() != nullptr) {
- // These are not allocated from metaspace. They are safe to set to null.
+ // These are not allocated from metaspace. They are safe to set to nullptr.
_source_debug_extension = nullptr;
_dep_context = nullptr;
_osr_nmethods_head = nullptr;
_breakpoints = nullptr;
assert(!is_loaded(), "invalid init state");
assert(!shared_loading_failed(), "Must not try to load failed class again");
set_package(loader_data, pkg_entry, CHECK);
Klass::restore_unshareable_info(loader_data, protection_domain, CHECK);
+ if (is_inline_klass()) {
+ InlineKlass::cast(this)->initialize_calling_convention(CHECK);
+ }
Array<Method*>* methods = this->methods();
int num_methods = methods->length();
for (int index = 0; index < num_methods; ++index) {
if (array_klasses() != nullptr) {
// To get a consistent list of classes we need MultiArray_lock to ensure
// array classes aren't observed while they are being restored.
RecursiveLocker rl(MultiArray_lock, THREAD);
- assert(this == array_klasses()->bottom_klass(), "sanity");
+ assert(this == ObjArrayKlass::cast(array_klasses())->bottom_klass(), "sanity");
// Array classes have null protection domain.
// --> see ArrayKlass::complete_create_array_klass()
array_klasses()->restore_unshareable_info(class_loader_data(), Handle(), CHECK);
Symbol* InstanceKlass::generic_signature() const { return _constants->generic_signature(); }
u2 InstanceKlass::generic_signature_index() const { return _constants->generic_signature_index(); }
void InstanceKlass::set_generic_signature_index(u2 sig_index) { _constants->set_generic_signature_index(sig_index); }
const char* InstanceKlass::signature_name() const {
+ return signature_name_of_carrier(JVM_SIGNATURE_CLASS);
+ }
+ const char* InstanceKlass::signature_name_of_carrier(char c) const {
// Get the internal name as a c string
const char* src = (const char*) (name()->as_C_string());
const int src_length = (int)strlen(src);
char* dest = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, src_length + 3);
- // Add L as type indicator
+ // Add L or Q as type indicator
int dest_index = 0;
- dest[dest_index++] = JVM_SIGNATURE_CLASS;
+ dest[dest_index++] = c;
// Add the actual class name
for (int src_index = 0; src_index < src_length; ) {
dest[dest_index++] = src[src_index++];
// This is really a member class.
access = iter.inner_access_flags();
- // Remember to strip ACC_SUPER bit
- return (access & (~JVM_ACC_SUPER));
+ return access;
jint InstanceKlass::jvmti_class_status() const {
jint result = 0;
static const char* state_names[] = {
"allocated", "loaded", "linked", "being_initialized", "fully_initialized", "initialization_error"
- static void print_vtable(intptr_t* start, int len, outputStream* st) {
+ static void print_vtable(address self, intptr_t* start, int len, outputStream* st) {
+ ResourceMark rm;
+ int* forward_refs = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(int, len);
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) forward_refs[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
intptr_t e = start[i];
st->print("%d : " INTPTR_FORMAT, i, e);
+ if (forward_refs[i] != 0) {
+ int from = forward_refs[i];
+ int off = (int) start[from];
+ st->print(" (offset %d <= [%d])", off, from);
+ }
if (MetaspaceObj::is_valid((Metadata*)e)) {
st->print(" ");
+ } else if (self != nullptr && e > 0 && e < 0x10000) {
+ address location = self + e;
+ int index = (int)((intptr_t*)location - start);
+ st->print(" (offset %d => [%d])", (int)e, index);
+ if (index >= 0 && index < len)
+ forward_refs[index] = i;
static void print_vtable(vtableEntry* start, int len, outputStream* st) {
- return print_vtable(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t*>(start), len, st);
+ return print_vtable(nullptr, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t*>(start), len, st);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ static void print_array_on(outputStream* st, Array<T>* array) {
+ if (array == nullptr) { st->print_cr("nullptr"); return; }
+ array->print_value_on(st); st->cr();
+ if (Verbose || WizardMode) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < array->length(); i++) {
+ st->print("%d : ", i); array->at(i)->print_value_on(st); st->cr();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void print_array_on(outputStream* st, Array<int>* array) {
+ if (array == nullptr) { st->print_cr("nullptr"); return; }
+ array->print_value_on(st); st->cr();
+ if (Verbose || WizardMode) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < array->length(); i++) {
+ st->print("%d : %d", i, array->at(i)); st->cr();
+ }
+ }
const char* InstanceKlass::init_state_name() const {
return state_names[init_state()];
st->print(BULLET"arrays: "); Metadata::print_value_on_maybe_null(st, array_klasses()); st->cr();
- st->print(BULLET"methods: "); methods()->print_value_on(st); st->cr();
- if (Verbose || WizardMode) {
- Array<Method*>* method_array = methods();
- for (int i = 0; i < method_array->length(); i++) {
- st->print("%d : ", i); method_array->at(i)->print_value(); st->cr();
- }
- }
- st->print(BULLET"method ordering: "); method_ordering()->print_value_on(st); st->cr();
+ st->print(BULLET"methods: "); print_array_on(st, methods());
+ st->print(BULLET"method ordering: "); print_array_on(st, method_ordering());
if (default_methods() != nullptr) {
- st->print(BULLET"default_methods: "); default_methods()->print_value_on(st); st->cr();
- if (Verbose) {
- Array<Method*>* method_array = default_methods();
- for (int i = 0; i < method_array->length(); i++) {
- st->print("%d : ", i); method_array->at(i)->print_value(); st->cr();
- }
- }
+ st->print(BULLET"default_methods: "); print_array_on(st, default_methods());
print_on_maybe_null(st, BULLET"default vtable indices: ", default_vtable_indices());
st->print(BULLET"local interfaces: "); local_interfaces()->print_value_on(st); st->cr();
st->print(BULLET"trans. interfaces: "); transitive_interfaces()->print_value_on(st); st->cr();
print_on_maybe_null(st, BULLET"generic signature: ", generic_signature());
st->print(BULLET"inner classes: "); inner_classes()->print_value_on(st); st->cr();
st->print(BULLET"nest members: "); nest_members()->print_value_on(st); st->cr();
print_on_maybe_null(st, BULLET"record components: ", record_components());
st->print(BULLET"permitted subclasses: "); permitted_subclasses()->print_value_on(st); st->cr();
+ st->print(BULLET"loadable descriptors: "); loadable_descriptors()->print_value_on(st); st->cr();
if (java_mirror() != nullptr) {
st->print(BULLET"java mirror: ");
} else {
st->print_cr(BULLET"java mirror: null");
st->print(BULLET"vtable length %d (start addr: " PTR_FORMAT ")", vtable_length(), p2i(start_of_vtable())); st->cr();
if (vtable_length() > 0 && (Verbose || WizardMode)) print_vtable(start_of_vtable(), vtable_length(), st);
st->print(BULLET"itable length %d (start addr: " PTR_FORMAT ")", itable_length(), p2i(start_of_itable())); st->cr();
- if (itable_length() > 0 && (Verbose || WizardMode)) print_vtable(start_of_itable(), itable_length(), st);
+ if (itable_length() > 0 && (Verbose || WizardMode)) print_vtable(nullptr, start_of_itable(), itable_length(), st);
st->print_cr(BULLET"---- static fields (%d words):", static_field_size());
FieldPrinter print_static_field(st);
st->print_cr(BULLET"---- non-static fields (%d words):", nonstatic_field_size());
if (Verbose || WizardMode) access_flags().print_on(st);
void FieldPrinter::do_field(fieldDescriptor* fd) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < _indent; i++) _st->print(" ");
if (_obj == nullptr) {
- fd->print_on(_st);
+ fd->print_on(_st, _base_offset);
} else {
- fd->print_on_for(_st, _obj);
- _st->cr();
+ fd->print_on_for(_st, _obj, _indent, _base_offset);
+ if (!fd->field_flags().is_flat()) _st->cr();
- void InstanceKlass::oop_print_on(oop obj, outputStream* st) {
+ void InstanceKlass::oop_print_on(oop obj, outputStream* st, int indent, int base_offset) {
Klass::oop_print_on(obj, st);
if (this == vmClasses::String_klass()) {
typeArrayOop value = java_lang_String::value(obj);
juint length = java_lang_String::length(obj);
st->print_cr(BULLET"---- fields (total size %zu words):", oop_size(obj));
- FieldPrinter print_field(st, obj);
+ FieldPrinter print_field(st, obj, indent, base_offset);
if (this == vmClasses::Class_klass()) {
st->print(BULLET"signature: ");
java_lang_Class::print_signature(obj, st);
< prev index next >