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*** 69,15 ***
--- 69,17 ---
    friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
    // Klass Kinds for all subclasses of Klass
    enum KlassKind {
+     InlineKlassKind,
+     FlatArrayKlassKind,
    static const uint KLASS_KIND_COUNT = ObjArrayKlassKind + 1;

*** 100,11 ***
    // For arrays, layout helper is a negative number, containing four
    // distinct bytes, as follows:
    //    MSB:[tag, hsz, ebt, log2(esz)]:LSB
    // where:
!   //    tag is 0x80 if the elements are oops, 0xC0 if non-oops
    //    hsz is array header size in bytes (i.e., offset of first element)
    //    ebt is the BasicType of the elements
    //    esz is the element size in bytes
    // This packed word is arranged so as to be quickly unpacked by the
    // various fast paths that use the various subfields.
--- 102,11 ---
    // For arrays, layout helper is a negative number, containing four
    // distinct bytes, as follows:
    //    MSB:[tag, hsz, ebt, log2(esz)]:LSB
    // where:
!   //    tag is 0x80 if the elements are oops, 0xC0 if non-oops, 0xA0 if value types
    //    hsz is array header size in bytes (i.e., offset of first element)
    //    ebt is the BasicType of the elements
    //    esz is the element size in bytes
    // This packed word is arranged so as to be quickly unpacked by the
    // various fast paths that use the various subfields.

*** 169,10 ***
--- 171,11 ---
                                  // Some flags created by the JVM, not in the class file itself,
                                  // are in _misc_flags below.
+   markWord _prototype_header;  // inline type and inline array mark patterns
    // Bitmap and hash code used by hashed secondary supers.
    uintx    _bitmap;
    uint8_t  _hash_slot;

*** 442,15 ***
    static const int _lh_log2_element_size_mask  = BitsPerLong-1;
    static const int _lh_element_type_shift      = BitsPerByte*1;
    static const int _lh_element_type_mask       = right_n_bits(BitsPerByte);  // shifted mask
    static const int _lh_header_size_shift       = BitsPerByte*2;
    static const int _lh_header_size_mask        = right_n_bits(BitsPerByte);  // shifted mask
!   static const int _lh_array_tag_bits          = 2;
    static const int _lh_array_tag_shift         = BitsPerInt - _lh_array_tag_bits;
-   static const int _lh_array_tag_obj_value     = ~0x01;   // 0x80000000 >> 30
!   static const unsigned int _lh_array_tag_type_value = 0Xffffffff; // ~0x00,  // 0xC0000000 >> 30
    static int layout_helper_size_in_bytes(jint lh) {
      assert(lh > (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be instance");
      return (int) lh & ~_lh_instance_slow_path_bit;
--- 445,22 ---
    static const int _lh_log2_element_size_mask  = BitsPerLong-1;
    static const int _lh_element_type_shift      = BitsPerByte*1;
    static const int _lh_element_type_mask       = right_n_bits(BitsPerByte);  // shifted mask
    static const int _lh_header_size_shift       = BitsPerByte*2;
    static const int _lh_header_size_mask        = right_n_bits(BitsPerByte);  // shifted mask
!   static const int _lh_array_tag_bits          = 3;
    static const int _lh_array_tag_shift         = BitsPerInt - _lh_array_tag_bits;
!   static const unsigned int _lh_array_tag_type_value = 0Xfffffffc;
+   static const unsigned int _lh_array_tag_vt_value   = 0Xfffffffd;
+   static const unsigned int _lh_array_tag_obj_value  = 0Xfffffffe;
+   // null-free array flag bit under the array tag bits, shift one more to get array tag value
+   static const int _lh_null_free_shift = _lh_array_tag_shift - 1;
+   static const int _lh_null_free_mask  = 1;
+   static const jint _lh_array_tag_flat_value_bit_inplace = (jint) (1 << _lh_array_tag_shift);
    static int layout_helper_size_in_bytes(jint lh) {
      assert(lh > (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be instance");
      return (int) lh & ~_lh_instance_slow_path_bit;

*** 463,27 ***
    static bool layout_helper_is_array(jint lh) {
      return (jint)lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value;
    static bool layout_helper_is_typeArray(jint lh) {
!     // _lh_array_tag_type_value == (lh >> _lh_array_tag_shift);
-     return (juint)lh >= (juint)(_lh_array_tag_type_value << _lh_array_tag_shift);
    static bool layout_helper_is_objArray(jint lh) {
!     // _lh_array_tag_obj_value == (lh >> _lh_array_tag_shift);
!     return (jint)lh < (jint)(_lh_array_tag_type_value << _lh_array_tag_shift);
    static int layout_helper_header_size(jint lh) {
      assert(lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be array");
      int hsize = (lh >> _lh_header_size_shift) & _lh_header_size_mask;
      assert(hsize > 0 && hsize < (int)sizeof(oopDesc)*3, "sanity");
      return hsize;
    static BasicType layout_helper_element_type(jint lh) {
      assert(lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be array");
      int btvalue = (lh >> _lh_element_type_shift) & _lh_element_type_mask;
!     assert(btvalue >= T_BOOLEAN && btvalue <= T_OBJECT, "sanity");
      return (BasicType) btvalue;
    // Want a pattern to quickly diff against layout header in register
    // find something less clever!
--- 473,37 ---
    static bool layout_helper_is_array(jint lh) {
      return (jint)lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value;
    static bool layout_helper_is_typeArray(jint lh) {
!     return (juint) _lh_array_tag_type_value == (juint)(lh >> _lh_array_tag_shift);
    static bool layout_helper_is_objArray(jint lh) {
!     return (juint)_lh_array_tag_obj_value == (juint)(lh >> _lh_array_tag_shift);
!   }
+   static bool layout_helper_is_flatArray(jint lh) {
+     return (juint)_lh_array_tag_vt_value == (juint)(lh >> _lh_array_tag_shift);
+   }
+   static bool layout_helper_is_null_free(jint lh) {
+     assert(layout_helper_is_flatArray(lh) || layout_helper_is_objArray(lh), "must be array of inline types");
+     return ((lh >> _lh_null_free_shift) & _lh_null_free_mask);
+   }
+   static jint layout_helper_set_null_free(jint lh) {
+     lh |= (_lh_null_free_mask << _lh_null_free_shift);
+     assert(layout_helper_is_null_free(lh), "Bad encoding");
+     return lh;
    static int layout_helper_header_size(jint lh) {
      assert(lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be array");
      int hsize = (lh >> _lh_header_size_shift) & _lh_header_size_mask;
      assert(hsize > 0 && hsize < (int)sizeof(oopDesc)*3, "sanity");
      return hsize;
    static BasicType layout_helper_element_type(jint lh) {
      assert(lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be array");
      int btvalue = (lh >> _lh_element_type_shift) & _lh_element_type_mask;
!     assert((btvalue >= T_BOOLEAN && btvalue <= T_OBJECT) || btvalue == T_PRIMITIVE_OBJECT, "sanity");
      return (BasicType) btvalue;
    // Want a pattern to quickly diff against layout header in register
    // find something less clever!

*** 500,16 ***
    static int layout_helper_log2_element_size(jint lh) {
      assert(lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be array");
      int l2esz = (lh >> _lh_log2_element_size_shift) & _lh_log2_element_size_mask;
!     assert(l2esz <= LogBytesPerLong,
             "sanity. l2esz: 0x%x for lh: 0x%x", (uint)l2esz, (uint)lh);
      return l2esz;
!   static jint array_layout_helper(jint tag, int hsize, BasicType etype, int log2_esize) {
      return (tag        << _lh_array_tag_shift)
        |    (hsize      << _lh_header_size_shift)
        |    ((int)etype << _lh_element_type_shift)
        |    (log2_esize << _lh_log2_element_size_shift);
    static jint instance_layout_helper(jint size, bool slow_path_flag) {
--- 520,17 ---
    static int layout_helper_log2_element_size(jint lh) {
      assert(lh < (jint)_lh_neutral_value, "must be array");
      int l2esz = (lh >> _lh_log2_element_size_shift) & _lh_log2_element_size_mask;
!     assert(layout_helper_element_type(lh) == T_PRIMITIVE_OBJECT || l2esz <= LogBytesPerLong,
             "sanity. l2esz: 0x%x for lh: 0x%x", (uint)l2esz, (uint)lh);
      return l2esz;
!   static jint array_layout_helper(jint tag, bool null_free, int hsize, BasicType etype, int log2_esize) {
      return (tag        << _lh_array_tag_shift)
+       |    ((null_free ? 1 : 0) <<  _lh_null_free_shift)
        |    (hsize      << _lh_header_size_shift)
        |    ((int)etype << _lh_element_type_shift)
        |    (log2_esize << _lh_log2_element_size_shift);
    static jint instance_layout_helper(jint size, bool slow_path_flag) {

*** 658,11 ***
--- 679,14 ---
    virtual bool is_instance_klass_slow()     const { return false; }
    virtual bool is_array_klass_slow()        const { return false; }
    virtual bool is_objArray_klass_slow()     const { return false; }
    virtual bool is_typeArray_klass_slow()    const { return false; }
+   virtual bool is_flatArray_klass_slow()    const { return false; }
  #endif // ASSERT
+   // current implementation uses this method even in non debug builds
+   virtual bool is_inline_klass_slow()       const { return false; }
    // Fast non-virtual versions
    #ifndef ASSERT
    #define assert_same_query(xval, xcheck) xval

*** 674,31 ***
    bool is_instance_klass()              const { return assert_same_query(_kind <= InstanceStackChunkKlassKind, is_instance_klass_slow()); }
!   // Other is anything that is not one of the more specialized kinds of InstanceKlass.
-   bool is_other_instance_klass()        const { return _kind == InstanceKlassKind; }
    bool is_reference_instance_klass()    const { return _kind == InstanceRefKlassKind; }
    bool is_mirror_instance_klass()       const { return _kind == InstanceMirrorKlassKind; }
    bool is_class_loader_instance_klass() const { return _kind == InstanceClassLoaderKlassKind; }
    bool is_array_klass()                 const { return assert_same_query( _kind >= TypeArrayKlassKind, is_array_klass_slow()); }
    bool is_stack_chunk_instance_klass()  const { return _kind == InstanceStackChunkKlassKind; }
    bool is_objArray_klass()              const { return assert_same_query( _kind == ObjArrayKlassKind,  is_objArray_klass_slow()); }
    bool is_typeArray_klass()             const { return assert_same_query( _kind == TypeArrayKlassKind, is_typeArray_klass_slow()); }
    #undef assert_same_query
    // Access flags
    AccessFlags access_flags() const         { return _access_flags;  }
    void set_access_flags(AccessFlags flags) { _access_flags = flags; }
    bool is_public() const                { return _access_flags.is_public(); }
    bool is_final() const                 { return _access_flags.is_final(); }
    bool is_interface() const             { return _access_flags.is_interface(); }
    bool is_abstract() const              { return _access_flags.is_abstract(); }
-   bool is_super() const                 { return _access_flags.is_super(); }
    bool is_synthetic() const             { return _access_flags.is_synthetic(); }
    void set_is_synthetic()               { _access_flags.set_is_synthetic(); }
    bool has_finalizer() const            { return _misc_flags.has_finalizer(); }
    void set_has_finalizer()              { _misc_flags.set_has_finalizer(true); }
    bool is_hidden() const                { return _misc_flags.is_hidden_class(); }
    void set_is_hidden()                  { _misc_flags.set_is_hidden_class(true); }
--- 698,33 ---
    bool is_instance_klass()              const { return assert_same_query(_kind <= InstanceStackChunkKlassKind, is_instance_klass_slow()); }
!   bool is_inline_klass()                const { return assert_same_query(_kind == InlineKlassKind, is_inline_klass_slow()); }
    bool is_reference_instance_klass()    const { return _kind == InstanceRefKlassKind; }
    bool is_mirror_instance_klass()       const { return _kind == InstanceMirrorKlassKind; }
    bool is_class_loader_instance_klass() const { return _kind == InstanceClassLoaderKlassKind; }
    bool is_array_klass()                 const { return assert_same_query( _kind >= TypeArrayKlassKind, is_array_klass_slow()); }
    bool is_stack_chunk_instance_klass()  const { return _kind == InstanceStackChunkKlassKind; }
+   bool is_flatArray_klass()             const { return assert_same_query( _kind == FlatArrayKlassKind, is_flatArray_klass_slow()); }
    bool is_objArray_klass()              const { return assert_same_query( _kind == ObjArrayKlassKind,  is_objArray_klass_slow()); }
    bool is_typeArray_klass()             const { return assert_same_query( _kind == TypeArrayKlassKind, is_typeArray_klass_slow()); }
    #undef assert_same_query
+   inline bool is_null_free_array_klass()      const { return layout_helper_is_null_free(layout_helper()); }
    // Access flags
    AccessFlags access_flags() const         { return _access_flags;  }
    void set_access_flags(AccessFlags flags) { _access_flags = flags; }
    bool is_public() const                { return _access_flags.is_public(); }
    bool is_final() const                 { return _access_flags.is_final(); }
    bool is_interface() const             { return _access_flags.is_interface(); }
    bool is_abstract() const              { return _access_flags.is_abstract(); }
    bool is_synthetic() const             { return _access_flags.is_synthetic(); }
+   bool is_identity_class() const        { return _access_flags.is_identity_class(); }
    void set_is_synthetic()               { _access_flags.set_is_synthetic(); }
    bool has_finalizer() const            { return _misc_flags.has_finalizer(); }
    void set_has_finalizer()              { _misc_flags.set_has_finalizer(true); }
    bool is_hidden() const                { return _misc_flags.is_hidden_class(); }
    void set_is_hidden()                  { _misc_flags.set_is_hidden_class(true); }

*** 710,10 ***
--- 736,21 ---
    inline bool is_non_strong_hidden() const;
    bool is_cloneable() const;
    void set_is_cloneable();
+   // inline types and inline type array patterns
+   markWord prototype_header() const {
+     return _prototype_header;
+   }
+   static inline markWord default_prototype_header(Klass* k) {
+     return (k == nullptr) ? markWord::prototype() : k->prototype_header();
+   }
+   inline void set_prototype_header(markWord header);
+   static ByteSize prototype_header_offset() { return in_ByteSize(offset_of(Klass, _prototype_header)); }
    virtual void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* iter);
    virtual MetaspaceObj::Type type() const { return ClassType; }
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