1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 28 #include "opto/c2_globals_pd.hpp"
 29 #include "runtime/globals_shared.hpp"
 30 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
 32 //
 33 // Defines all globals flags used by the server compiler.
 34 //
 36 #define C2_FLAGS(develop,                                                   \
 37                  develop_pd,                                                \
 38                  product,                                                   \
 39                  product_pd,                                                \
 40                  range,                                                     \
 41                  constraint)                                                \
 42                                                                             \
 43   product(bool, StressLCM, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                               \
 44           "Randomize instruction scheduling in LCM")                        \
 45                                                                             \
 46   product(bool, StressGCM, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                               \
 47           "Randomize instruction scheduling in GCM")                        \
 48                                                                             \
 49   product(bool, StressIGVN, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                              \
 50           "Randomize worklist traversal in IGVN")                           \
 51                                                                             \
 52   product(bool, StressCCP, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                               \
 53           "Randomize worklist traversal in CCP")                            \
 54                                                                             \
 55   product(bool, StressIncrementalInlining, false, DIAGNOSTIC,               \
 56           "Randomize the incremental inlining decision")                    \
 57                                                                             \
 58   product(bool, StressMacroExpansion, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                    \
 59           "Randomize macro node expansion order")                           \
 60                                                                             \
 61   product(bool, StressUnstableIfTraps, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                   \
 62           "Randomly take unstable if traps")                                \
 63                                                                             \
 64   product(uint, StressSeed, 0, DIAGNOSTIC,                                  \
 65           "Seed for randomized stress testing (if unset, a random one is "  \
 66           "generated). The seed is recorded in the compilation log, if "    \
 67           "available.")                                                     \
 68           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
 69                                                                             \
 70   develop(bool, StressMethodHandleLinkerInlining, false,                    \
 71           "Stress inlining through method handle linkers")                  \
 72                                                                             \
 73   develop(bool, StressBailout, false,                                       \
 74           "Perform bailouts randomly at C2 failing() checks")               \
 75                                                                             \
 76   develop(uint, StressBailoutMean, 100000,                                  \
 77           "The expected number of failing() checks made until "             \
 78           "a random bailout.")                                              \
 79           range(1, max_juint)                                               \
 80                                                                             \
 81   develop(intx, OptoPrologueNops, 0,                                        \
 82           "Insert this many extra nop instructions "                        \
 83           "in the prologue of every nmethod")                               \
 84           range(0, 128)                                                     \
 85                                                                             \
 86   product_pd(intx, InteriorEntryAlignment,                                  \
 87           "Code alignment for interior entry points "                       \
 88           "in generated code (in bytes)")                                   \
 89           constraint(InteriorEntryAlignmentConstraintFunc, AfterErgo)       \
 90                                                                             \
 91   product(intx, MaxLoopPad, (OptoLoopAlignment-1),                          \
 92           "Align a loop if padding size in bytes is less or equal to this " \
 93           "value")                                                          \
 94           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
 95                                                                             \
 96   product(intx, MaxVectorSize, 64,                                          \
 97           "Max vector size in bytes, "                                      \
 98           "actual size could be less depending on elements type")           \
 99           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
100                                                                             \
101   product(intx, ArrayOperationPartialInlineSize, 0, DIAGNOSTIC,             \
102           "Partial inline size used for small array operations"             \
103           "(e.g. copy,cmp) acceleration.")                                  \
104           range(0, 256)                                                     \
105                                                                             \
106   product(bool, AlignVector, true,                                          \
107           "Perform vector store/load alignment in loop")                    \
108                                                                             \
109   develop(bool, VerifyAlignVector, false,                                   \
110           "Check that vector stores/loads are aligned if AlignVector"       \
111           "is enabled.")                                                    \
112                                                                             \
113   product(intx, NumberOfLoopInstrToAlign, 4,                                \
114           "Number of first instructions in a loop to align")                \
115           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
116                                                                             \
117   develop(intx, IndexSetWatch, 0,                                           \
118           "Trace all operations on this IndexSet (-1 means all, 0 none)")   \
119           range(-1, max_intx)                                               \
120                                                                             \
121   develop(intx, OptoNodeListSize, 4,                                        \
122           "Starting allocation size of Node_List data structures")          \
123           range(1, max_jint)                                                \
124                                                                             \
125   develop(intx, OptoBlockListSize, 8,                                       \
126           "Starting allocation size of Block_List data structures")         \
127           range(1, max_jint)                                                \
128                                                                             \
129   develop(intx, OptoPeepholeAt, -1,                                         \
130           "Apply peephole optimizations to this peephole rule")             \
131                                                                             \
132   develop(bool, PrintIdeal, false,                                          \
133           "Print ideal graph before code generation")                       \
134                                                                             \
135   develop(bool, PrintOpto, false,                                           \
136           "Print compiler2 attempts")                                       \
137                                                                             \
138   develop(bool, PrintOptoInlining, false,                                   \
139           "Print compiler2 inlining decisions")                             \
140                                                                             \
141   develop(bool, VerifyIdealNodeCount, false,                                \
142           "Verify that tracked dead ideal node count is accurate")          \
143                                                                             \
144   develop(bool, PrintIdealNodeCount, false,                                 \
145           "Print liveness counts of ideal nodes")                           \
146                                                                             \
147   product_pd(bool, IdealizeClearArrayNode, DIAGNOSTIC,                      \
148           "Replace ClearArrayNode by subgraph of basic operations.")        \
149                                                                             \
150   develop(bool, OptoBreakpoint, false,                                      \
151           "insert breakpoint at method entry")                              \
152                                                                             \
153   develop(bool, OptoBreakpointOSR, false,                                   \
154           "insert breakpoint at osr method entry")                          \
155                                                                             \
156   develop(uint64_t, BreakAtNode, 0,                                         \
157           "Break at construction of this Node (either _idx or _debug_idx)") \
158                                                                             \
159   develop(bool, OptoBreakpointC2R, false,                                   \
160           "insert breakpoint at runtime stub entry")                        \
161                                                                             \
162   develop(bool, OptoNoExecute, false,                                       \
163           "Attempt to parse and compile but do not execute generated code") \
164                                                                             \
165   develop(bool, PrintOptoStatistics, false,                                 \
166           "Print New compiler statistics")                                  \
167                                                                             \
168   product(bool, PrintOptoAssembly, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                       \
169           "Print New compiler assembly output")                             \
170                                                                             \
171   develop_pd(bool, OptoPeephole,                                            \
172           "Apply peephole optimizations after register allocation")         \
173                                                                             \
174   develop(bool, PrintFrameConverterAssembly, false,                         \
175           "Print New compiler assembly output for frame converters")        \
176                                                                             \
177   develop(bool, PrintParseStatistics, false,                                \
178           "Print nodes, transforms and new values made per bytecode parsed")\
179                                                                             \
180   develop(bool, PrintOptoPeephole, false,                                   \
181           "Print New compiler peephole replacements")                       \
182                                                                             \
183   develop(bool, PrintCFGBlockFreq, false,                                   \
184           "Print CFG block frequencies")                                    \
185                                                                             \
186   develop(bool, TraceOptoParse, false,                                      \
187           "Trace bytecode parse and control-flow merge")                    \
188                                                                             \
189   product_pd(intx,  LoopUnrollLimit,                                        \
190           "Unroll loop bodies with node count less than this")              \
191           range(0, max_jint / 4)                                            \
192                                                                             \
193   product_pd(intx, LoopPercentProfileLimit,                                 \
194              "Unroll loop bodies with % node count of profile limit")       \
195              range(10, 100)                                                 \
196                                                                             \
197   product(intx,  LoopMaxUnroll, 16,                                         \
198           "Maximum number of unrolls for main loop")                        \
199           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
200                                                                             \
201   product_pd(bool,  SuperWordLoopUnrollAnalysis,                            \
202            "Map number of unrolls for main loop via "                       \
203            "Superword Level Parallelism analysis")                          \
204                                                                             \
205   develop(bool, TraceSuperWordLoopUnrollAnalysis, false,                    \
206           "Trace what Superword Level Parallelism analysis applies")        \
207                                                                             \
208   product(bool, UseVectorMacroLogic, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                      \
209           "Use ternary macro logic instructions")                           \
210                                                                             \
211   product(intx,  LoopUnrollMin, 4,                                          \
212           "Minimum number of unroll loop bodies before checking progress"   \
213           "of rounds of unroll,optimize,..")                                \
214           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
215                                                                             \
216   product(bool, UseSubwordForMaxVector, true,                               \
217           "Use Subword Analysis to set maximum vector size")                \
218                                                                             \
219   product(bool, UseVectorCmov, false,                                       \
220           "Use Vectorized Cmov")                                            \
221                                                                             \
222   develop(intx, UnrollLimitForProfileCheck, 1,                              \
223           "Don't use profile_trip_cnt() to restrict unrolling until "       \
224           "unrolling would push the number of unrolled iterations above "   \
225           "UnrollLimitForProfileCheck. A higher value allows more "         \
226           "unrolling. Zero acts as a very large value." )                   \
227           range(0, max_intx)                                                \
228                                                                             \
229   product(intx, MultiArrayExpandLimit, 6,                                   \
230           "Maximum number of individual allocations in an inline-expanded " \
231           "multianewarray instruction")                                     \
232           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
233                                                                             \
234   develop(bool, TraceProfileTripCount, false,                               \
235           "Trace profile loop trip count information")                      \
236                                                                             \
237   product(bool, UseCountedLoopSafepoints, false,                            \
238           "Force counted loops to keep a safepoint")                        \
239                                                                             \
240   product(bool, UseLoopPredicate, true,                                     \
241           "Generate a predicate to select fast/slow loop versions")         \
242                                                                             \
243   develop(bool, TraceLoopPredicate, false,                                  \
244           "Trace generation of loop predicates")                            \
245                                                                             \
246   develop(bool, TraceLoopOpts, false,                                       \
247           "Trace executed loop optimizations")                              \
248                                                                             \
249   develop(bool, TraceLoopLimitCheck, false,                                 \
250           "Trace generation of loop limits checks")                         \
251                                                                             \
252   develop(bool, TraceRangeLimitCheck, false,                                \
253           "Trace additional overflow checks in RCE")                        \
254                                                                             \
255   /* OptimizeFill not yet supported on PowerPC. */                          \
256   product(bool, OptimizeFill, true PPC64_ONLY(&& false),                    \
257           "convert fill/copy loops into intrinsic")                         \
258                                                                             \
259   develop(bool, TraceOptimizeFill, false,                                   \
260           "print detailed information about fill conversion")               \
261                                                                             \
262   develop(bool, OptoCoalesce, true,                                         \
263           "Use Conservative Copy Coalescing in the Register Allocator")     \
264                                                                             \
265   develop(bool, UseUniqueSubclasses, true,                                  \
266           "Narrow an abstract reference to the unique concrete subclass")   \
267                                                                             \
268   product(intx, TrackedInitializationLimit, 50,                             \
269           "When initializing fields, track up to this many words")          \
270           range(0, 65535)                                                   \
271                                                                             \
272   product(bool, ReduceFieldZeroing, true,                                   \
273           "When initializing fields, try to avoid needless zeroing")        \
274                                                                             \
275   product(bool, ReduceInitialCardMarks, true,                               \
276           "When initializing fields, try to avoid needless card marks")     \
277                                                                             \
278   product(bool, ReduceBulkZeroing, true,                                    \
279           "When bulk-initializing, try to avoid needless zeroing")          \
280                                                                             \
281   product(bool, UseFPUForSpilling, false,                                   \
282           "Spill integer registers to FPU instead of stack when possible")  \
283                                                                             \
284   develop_pd(intx, RegisterCostAreaRatio,                                   \
285           "Spill selection in reg allocator: scale area by (X/64K) before " \
286           "adding cost")                                                    \
287                                                                             \
288   develop_pd(bool, UseCISCSpill,                                            \
289           "Use ADLC supplied cisc instructions during allocation")          \
290                                                                             \
291   develop(bool, VerifyGraphEdges , false,                                   \
292           "Verify Bi-directional Edges")                                    \
293                                                                             \
294   develop(bool, VerifyDUIterators, true,                                    \
295           "Verify the safety of all iterations of Bi-directional Edges")    \
296                                                                             \
297   develop(bool, VerifyHashTableKeys, true,                                  \
298           "Verify the immutability of keys in the VN hash tables")          \
299                                                                             \
300   develop(bool, VerifyRegisterAllocator , false,                            \
301           "Verify Register Allocator")                                      \
302                                                                             \
303   develop(intx, FLOATPRESSURE, -1,                                          \
304           "Number of float LRG's that constitute high register pressure."   \
305           "-1: means the threshold is determined by number of available "   \
306           "float register for allocation")                                  \
307           range(-1, max_jint)                                               \
308                                                                             \
309   develop(intx, INTPRESSURE, -1,                                            \
310           "Number of integer LRG's that constitute high register pressure." \
311           "-1: means the threshold is determined by number of available "   \
312           "integer register for allocation")                                \
313           range(-1, max_jint)                                               \
314                                                                             \
315   develop(bool, TraceOptoPipelining, false,                                 \
316           "Trace pipelining information")                                   \
317                                                                             \
318   develop(bool, TraceOptoOutput, false,                                     \
319           "Trace pipelining information")                                   \
320                                                                             \
321   product_pd(bool, OptoScheduling,                                          \
322           "Instruction Scheduling after register allocation")               \
323                                                                             \
324   product_pd(bool, OptoRegScheduling,                                       \
325           "Instruction Scheduling before register allocation for pressure") \
326                                                                             \
327   product(bool, PartialPeelLoop, true,                                      \
328           "Partial peel (rotate) loops")                                    \
329                                                                             \
330   product(intx, PartialPeelNewPhiDelta, 0,                                  \
331           "Additional phis that can be created by partial peeling")         \
332           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
333                                                                             \
334   develop(bool, TracePartialPeeling, false,                                 \
335           "Trace partial peeling (loop rotation) information")              \
336                                                                             \
337   product(bool, PartialPeelAtUnsignedTests, true,                           \
338           "Partial peel at unsigned tests if no signed test exists")        \
339                                                                             \
340   product(bool, ReassociateInvariants, true,                                \
341           "Enable reassociation of expressions with loop invariants.")      \
342                                                                             \
343   product(bool, LoopUnswitching, true,                                      \
344           "Enable loop unswitching (a form of invariant test hoisting)")    \
345                                                                             \
346   develop(bool, TraceLoopUnswitching, false,                                \
347           "Trace loop unswitching")                                         \
348                                                                             \
349   product(bool, AllowVectorizeOnDemand, true,                               \
350           "Globally suppress vectorization set in VectorizeMethod")         \
351                                                                             \
352   product(bool, UseSuperWord, true,                                         \
353           "Transform scalar operations into superword operations")          \
354                                                                             \
355   product(bool, SuperWordReductions, true,                                  \
356           "Enable reductions support in superword.")                        \
357                                                                             \
358   product(bool, UseCMoveUnconditionally, false,                             \
359           "Use CMove (scalar and vector) ignoring profitability test.")     \
360                                                                             \
361   develop(bool, TraceSuperWord, false,                                      \
362           "Trace superword transforms")                                     \
363                                                                             \
364   develop(bool, TraceNewVectors, false,                                     \
365           "Trace creation of Vector nodes")                                 \
366                                                                             \
367   product(bool, MergeStores, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                              \
368           "Optimize stores by combining values into larger store")          \
369                                                                             \
370   product_pd(bool, OptoBundling,                                            \
371           "Generate nops to fill i-cache lines")                            \
372                                                                             \
373   product_pd(intx, ConditionalMoveLimit,                                    \
374           "Limit of ops to make speculative when using CMOVE")              \
375           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
376                                                                             \
377   develop(bool, PrintIdealGraph, false,                                     \
378           "Print ideal graph to XML file / network interface. "             \
379           "By default attempts to connect to the visualizer on a socket.")  \
380                                                                             \
381   develop(intx, PrintIdealGraphLevel, 0,                                    \
382           "Level of detail of the ideal graph printout. "                   \
383           "System-wide value, -1=printing is disabled, "                    \
384           "0=print nothing except IGVPrintLevel directives, "               \
385           "6=all details printed. "                                         \
386           "Level of detail of printouts can be set on a per-method level "  \
387           "as well by using CompileCommand=option.")                        \
388           range(-1, 6)                                                      \
389                                                                             \
390   develop(intx, PrintIdealGraphPort, 4444,                                  \
391           "Ideal graph printer to network port")                            \
392           range(0, SHRT_MAX)                                                \
393                                                                             \
394   develop(ccstr, PrintIdealGraphAddress, "",                       \
395           "IP address to connect to visualizer")                            \
396                                                                             \
397   develop(ccstr, PrintIdealGraphFile, nullptr,                              \
398           "File to dump ideal graph to.  If set overrides the "             \
399           "use of the network")                                             \
400                                                                             \
401   product(bool, UseBimorphicInlining, true,                                 \
402           "Profiling based inlining for two receivers")                     \
403                                                                             \
404   product(bool, UseOnlyInlinedBimorphic, true,                              \
405           "Don't use BimorphicInlining if can't inline a second method")    \
406                                                                             \
407   develop(bool, SubsumeLoads, true,                                         \
408           "Attempt to compile while subsuming loads into machine "          \
409           "instructions.")                                                  \
410                                                                             \
411   develop(bool, StressRecompilation, false,                                 \
412           "Recompile each compiled method without subsuming loads "         \
413           "or escape analysis.")                                            \
414                                                                             \
415   develop(intx, ImplicitNullCheckThreshold, 3,                              \
416           "Don't do implicit null checks if NPE's in a method exceeds "     \
417           "limit")                                                          \
418           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
419                                                                             \
420   product(intx, LoopOptsCount, 43,                                          \
421           "Set level of loop optimization for tier 1 compiles")             \
422           range(5, 43)                                                      \
423                                                                             \
424   product(bool, OptimizeUnstableIf, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                       \
425           "Optimize UnstableIf traps")                                      \
426                                                                             \
427   /* controls for heat-based inlining */                                    \
428                                                                             \
429   develop(intx, NodeCountInliningCutoff, 18000,                             \
430           "If parser node generation exceeds limit stop inlining")          \
431           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
432                                                                             \
433   product(intx, MaxNodeLimit, 80000,                                        \
434           "Maximum number of nodes")                                        \
435           range(1000, max_jint / 3)                                         \
436                                                                             \
437   product(intx, NodeLimitFudgeFactor, 2000,                                 \
438           "Fudge Factor for certain optimizations")                         \
439           constraint(NodeLimitFudgeFactorConstraintFunc, AfterErgo)         \
440                                                                             \
441   product(bool, UseJumpTables, true,                                        \
442           "Use JumpTables instead of a binary search tree for switches")    \
443                                                                             \
444   product(bool, UseDivMod, true,                                            \
445           "Use combined DivMod instruction if available")                   \
446                                                                             \
447   product_pd(intx, MinJumpTableSize,                                        \
448           "Minimum number of targets in a generated jump table")            \
449           range(0, max_intx)                                                \
450                                                                             \
451   product(intx, MaxJumpTableSize, 65000,                                    \
452           "Maximum number of targets in a generated jump table")            \
453           range(0, max_intx)                                                \
454                                                                             \
455   product(intx, MaxJumpTableSparseness, 5,                                  \
456           "Maximum sparseness for jumptables")                              \
457           range(0, max_intx / 4)                                            \
458                                                                             \
459   product(bool, EliminateLocks, true,                                       \
460           "Coarsen locks when possible")                                    \
461                                                                             \
462   product(bool, EliminateNestedLocks, true,                                 \
463           "Eliminate nested locks of the same object when possible")        \
464                                                                             \
465   develop(bool, PrintLockStatistics, false,                                 \
466           "Print precise statistics on the dynamic lock usage")             \
467                                                                             \
468   develop(bool, PrintEliminateLocks, false,                                 \
469           "Print out when locks are eliminated")                            \
470                                                                             \
471   product(bool, EliminateAutoBox, true,                                     \
472           "Control optimizations for autobox elimination")                  \
473                                                                             \
474   product(intx, AutoBoxCacheMax, 128,                                       \
475           "Sets max value cached by the java.lang.Integer autobox cache")   \
476           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
477                                                                             \
478   product(bool, AggressiveUnboxing, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                       \
479           "Control optimizations for aggressive boxing elimination")        \
480                                                                             \
481   develop(bool, TracePostallocExpand, false, "Trace expanding nodes after"  \
482           " register allocation.")                                          \
483                                                                             \
484   product(bool, ReduceAllocationMerges, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                   \
485           "Try to simplify allocation merges before Scalar Replacement")    \
486                                                                             \
487   develop(bool, TraceReduceAllocationMerges, false,                         \
488              "Trace decision for simplifying allocation merges.")           \
489                                                                             \
490   develop(bool, VerifyReduceAllocationMerges, true,                         \
491           "Verify reduce allocation merges in escape analysis")             \
492                                                                             \
493   product(bool, DoEscapeAnalysis, true,                                     \
494           "Perform escape analysis")                                        \
495                                                                             \
496   product(double, EscapeAnalysisTimeout, 20. DEBUG_ONLY(+40.),              \
497           "Abort EA when it reaches time limit (in sec)")                   \
498           range(0, DBL_MAX)                                                 \
499                                                                             \
500   develop(bool, ExitEscapeAnalysisOnTimeout, true,                          \
501           "Exit or throw assert in EA when it reaches time limit")          \
502                                                                             \
503   develop(bool, PrintEscapeAnalysis, false,                                 \
504           "Print the results of escape analysis")                           \
505                                                                             \
506   product(bool, EliminateAllocations, true,                                 \
507           "Use escape analysis to eliminate allocations")                   \
508                                                                             \
509   develop(bool, PrintEliminateAllocations, false,                           \
510           "Print out when allocations are eliminated")                      \
511                                                                             \
512   product(intx, EliminateAllocationArraySizeLimit, 64,                      \
513           "Array size (number of elements) limit for scalar replacement")   \
514           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
515                                                                             \
516   product(intx, EliminateAllocationFieldsLimit, 512, DIAGNOSTIC,            \
517           "Number of fields in instance limit for scalar replacement")      \
518           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
519                                                                             \
520   product(bool, OptimizePtrCompare, true,                                   \
521           "Use escape analysis to optimize pointers compare")               \
522                                                                             \
523   develop(bool, PrintOptimizePtrCompare, false,                             \
524           "Print information about optimized pointers compare")             \
525                                                                             \
526   develop(bool, VerifyConnectionGraph , true,                               \
527           "Verify Connection Graph construction in Escape Analysis")        \
528                                                                             \
529   product(bool, OptimizeStringConcat, true,                                 \
530           "Optimize the construction of Strings by StringBuilder")          \
531                                                                             \
532   develop(bool, PrintOptimizeStringConcat, false,                           \
533           "Print information about transformations performed on Strings")   \
534                                                                             \
535   product(intx, ValueSearchLimit, 1000,                                     \
536           "Recursion limit in PhaseMacroExpand::value_from_mem_phi")        \
537           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
538                                                                             \
539   product(intx, MaxLabelRootDepth, 1100,                                    \
540           "Maximum times call Label_Root to prevent stack overflow")        \
541           range(100, max_jint)                                              \
542                                                                             \
543   product(intx, DominatorSearchLimit, 1000, DIAGNOSTIC,                     \
544           "Iterations limit in Node::dominates")                            \
545           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
546                                                                             \
547   product(bool, BlockLayoutByFrequency, true,                               \
548           "Use edge frequencies to drive block ordering")                   \
549                                                                             \
550   product(intx, BlockLayoutMinDiamondPercentage, 20,                        \
551           "Minimum %% of a successor (predecessor) for which block "        \
552           "layout a will allow a fork (join) in a single chain")            \
553           range(0, 100)                                                     \
554                                                                             \
555   product(bool, BlockLayoutRotateLoops, true,                               \
556           "Allow back branches to be fall throughs in the block layout")    \
557                                                                             \
558   product(bool, InlineReflectionGetCallerClass, true, DIAGNOSTIC,           \
559           "inline sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass(), known to be "    \
560           "part of base library DLL")                                       \
561                                                                             \
562   product(bool, InlineObjectCopy, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                         \
563           "inline Object.clone and Arrays.copyOf[Range] intrinsics")        \
564                                                                             \
565   product(bool, SpecialStringCompareTo, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                   \
566           "special version of string compareTo")                            \
567                                                                             \
568   product(bool, SpecialStringIndexOf, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                     \
569           "special version of string indexOf")                              \
570                                                                             \
571   product(bool, SpecialStringEquals, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                      \
572           "special version of string equals")                               \
573                                                                             \
574   product(bool, SpecialArraysEquals, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                      \
575           "special version of Arrays.equals(char[],char[])")                \
576                                                                             \
577   product(bool, SpecialEncodeISOArray, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                    \
578           "special version of ISO_8859_1$Encoder.encodeISOArray")           \
579                                                                             \
580   develop(bool, BailoutToInterpreterForThrows, false,                       \
581           "Compiled methods which throws/catches exceptions will be "       \
582           "deopt and intp.")                                                \
583                                                                             \
584   develop(bool, ConvertCmpD2CmpF, true,                                     \
585           "Convert cmpD to cmpF when one input is constant in float range") \
586                                                                             \
587   develop(bool, ConvertFloat2IntClipping, true,                             \
588           "Convert float2int clipping idiom to integer clipping")           \
589                                                                             \
590   develop(bool, MonomorphicArrayCheck, true,                                \
591           "Uncommon-trap array store checks that require full type check")  \
592                                                                             \
593   develop(bool, TracePhaseCCP, false,                                       \
594           "Print progress during Conditional Constant Propagation")         \
595                                                                             \
596   develop(bool, PrintDominators, false,                                     \
597           "Print out dominator trees for GVN")                              \
598                                                                             \
599   product(bool, TraceSpilling, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                           \
600           "Trace spilling")                                                 \
601                                                                             \
602   product(bool, TraceTypeProfile, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                        \
603           "Trace type profile")                                             \
604                                                                             \
605   develop(bool, PoisonOSREntry, true,                                       \
606            "Detect abnormal calls to OSR code")                             \
607                                                                             \
608   develop(bool, SoftMatchFailure, trueInProduct,                            \
609           "If the DFA fails to match a node, print a message and bail out") \
610                                                                             \
611   develop(bool, InlineAccessors, true,                                      \
612           "inline accessor methods (get/set)")                              \
613                                                                             \
614   product(intx, TypeProfileMajorReceiverPercent, 90,                        \
615           "% of major receiver type to all profiled receivers")             \
616           range(0, 100)                                                     \
617                                                                             \
618   product(bool, PrintIntrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                         \
619           "prints attempted and successful inlining of intrinsics")         \
620                                                                             \
621   develop(bool, StressReflectiveCode, false,                                \
622           "Use inexact types at allocations, etc., to test reflection")     \
623                                                                             \
624   product(bool, DebugInlinedCalls, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                        \
625          "If false, restricts profiled locations to the root method only")  \
626                                                                             \
627   develop(bool, VerifyLoopOptimizations, false,                             \
628           "verify major loop optimizations")                                \
629                                                                             \
630   product(bool, ProfileDynamicTypes, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                      \
631           "do extra type profiling and use it more aggressively")           \
632                                                                             \
633   develop(bool, TraceIterativeGVN, false,                                   \
634           "Print progress during Iterative Global Value Numbering")         \
635                                                                             \
636   develop(uint, VerifyIterativeGVN, 0,                                      \
637           "Verify Iterative Global Value Numbering"                         \
638           "=XY, with Y: verify Def-Use modifications during IGVN"           \
639           "          X: verify that type(n) == n->Value() after IGVN"       \
640           "X and Y in 0=off; 1=on")                                         \
641           constraint(VerifyIterativeGVNConstraintFunc, AtParse)             \
642                                                                             \
643   develop(bool, TraceCISCSpill, false,                                      \
644           "Trace allocators use of cisc spillable instructions")            \
645                                                                             \
646   product(bool, SplitIfBlocks, true,                                        \
647           "Clone compares and control flow through merge points to fold "   \
648           "some branches")                                                  \
649                                                                             \
650   develop(intx, FreqCountInvocations,  1,                                   \
651           "Scaling factor for branch frequencies (deprecated)")             \
652           range(1, max_intx)                                                \
653                                                                             \
654   develop(bool, VerifyAliases, false,                                       \
655           "perform extra checks on the results of alias analysis")          \
656                                                                             \
657   product(intx, MaxInlineLevel, 15,                                         \
658           "maximum number of nested calls that are inlined by high tier "   \
659           "compiler")                                                       \
660           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
661                                                                             \
662   product(intx, MaxRecursiveInlineLevel, 1,                                 \
663           "maximum number of nested recursive calls that are inlined by "   \
664           "high tier compiler")                                             \
665           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
666                                                                             \
667   product_pd(intx, InlineSmallCode,                                         \
668           "Only inline already compiled methods if their code size is "     \
669           "less than this")                                                 \
670           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
671                                                                             \
672   product(intx, MaxInlineSize, 35,                                          \
673           "The maximum bytecode size of a method to be inlined by high "    \
674           "tier compiler")                                                  \
675           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
676                                                                             \
677   product_pd(intx, FreqInlineSize,                                          \
678           "The maximum bytecode size of a frequent method to be inlined")   \
679           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
680                                                                             \
681   product(intx, MaxTrivialSize, 6,                                          \
682           "The maximum bytecode size of a trivial method to be inlined by " \
683           "high tier compiler")                                             \
684           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
685                                                                             \
686   product(bool, IncrementalInline, true,                                    \
687           "do post parse inlining")                                         \
688                                                                             \
689   product(bool, IncrementalInlineMH, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                      \
690           "do post parse inlining of method handle calls")                  \
691                                                                             \
692   product(bool, IncrementalInlineVirtual, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                 \
693           "do post parse inlining of virtual calls")                        \
694                                                                             \
695   develop(bool, AlwaysIncrementalInline, false,                             \
696           "do all inlining incrementally")                                  \
697                                                                             \
698   product(bool, IncrementalInlineForceCleanup, false, DIAGNOSTIC,           \
699           "do cleanup after every iteration of incremental inlining")       \
700                                                                             \
701   product(intx, LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff, 40000,                         \
702           "max number of live nodes in a method")                           \
703           range(0, max_juint / 8)                                           \
704                                                                             \
705   product(bool, OptimizeExpensiveOps, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                     \
706           "Find best control for expensive operations")                     \
707                                                                             \
708   product(bool, UseMathExactIntrinsics, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                   \
709           "Enables intrinsification of various java.lang.Math functions")   \
710                                                                             \
711   product(bool, UseCharacterCompareIntrinsics, false, DIAGNOSTIC,           \
712           "Enables intrinsification of java.lang.Character functions")      \
713                                                                             \
714   product(bool, UseMultiplyToLenIntrinsic, false, DIAGNOSTIC,               \
715           "Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.multiplyToLen()")         \
716                                                                             \
717   product(bool, UseSquareToLenIntrinsic, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                 \
718           "Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.squareToLen()")           \
719                                                                             \
720   product(bool, UseMulAddIntrinsic, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                      \
721           "Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.mulAdd()")                \
722                                                                             \
723   product(bool, UseMontgomeryMultiplyIntrinsic, false, DIAGNOSTIC,          \
724           "Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.montgomeryMultiply()")    \
725                                                                             \
726   product(bool, UseMontgomerySquareIntrinsic, false, DIAGNOSTIC,            \
727           "Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.montgomerySquare()")      \
728                                                                             \
729   product(bool, EnableVectorSupport, false, EXPERIMENTAL,                   \
730           "Enables VectorSupport intrinsics")                               \
731                                                                             \
732   product(bool, EnableVectorReboxing, false, EXPERIMENTAL,                  \
733           "Enables reboxing of vectors")                                    \
734                                                                             \
735   product(bool, EnableVectorAggressiveReboxing, false, EXPERIMENTAL,        \
736           "Enables aggressive reboxing of vectors")                         \
737                                                                             \
738   product(bool, UseVectorStubs, false, EXPERIMENTAL,                        \
739           "Use stubs for vector transcendental operations")                 \
740                                                                             \
741   product(bool, UseTypeSpeculation, true,                                   \
742           "Speculatively propagate types from profiles")                    \
743                                                                             \
744   product(bool, UseInlineDepthForSpeculativeTypes, true, DIAGNOSTIC,        \
745           "Carry inline depth of profile point with speculative type "      \
746           "and give priority to profiling from lower inline depth")         \
747                                                                             \
748   product_pd(bool, TrapBasedRangeChecks,                                    \
749           "Generate code for range checks that uses a cmp and trap "        \
750           "instruction raising SIGTRAP. Used on PPC64.")                    \
751                                                                             \
752   product(intx, ArrayCopyLoadStoreMaxElem, 8,                               \
753           "Maximum number of arraycopy elements inlined as a sequence of"   \
754           "loads/stores")                                                   \
755           range(0, max_intx)                                                \
756                                                                             \
757   develop(bool, StressArrayCopyMacroNode, false,                            \
758           "Perform ArrayCopy load/store replacement during IGVN only")      \
759                                                                             \
760   develop(bool, RenumberLiveNodes, true,                                    \
761           "Renumber live nodes")                                            \
762                                                                             \
763   product(uintx, LoopStripMiningIter, 0,                                    \
764           "Number of iterations in strip mined loop")                       \
765           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
766           constraint(LoopStripMiningIterConstraintFunc, AfterErgo)          \
767                                                                             \
768   product(uintx, LoopStripMiningIterShortLoop, 0,                           \
769           "Loop with fewer iterations are not strip mined")                 \
770           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
771                                                                             \
772   product(bool, UseProfiledLoopPredicate, true,                             \
773           "Move predicates out of loops based on profiling data")           \
774                                                                             \
775   product(bool, UseArrayLoadStoreProfile, true,                             \
776           "Take advantage of profiling at array load/store")                \
777                                                                             \
778   product(bool, UseACmpProfile, true,                                       \
779           "Take advantage of profiling at acmp")                            \
780                                                                             \
781   develop(uintx, StressLongCountedLoop, 0,                                  \
782           "if > 0, convert int counted loops to long counted loops"         \
783           "to stress handling of long counted loops: run inner loop"        \
784           "for at most jint_max / StressLongCountedLoop")                   \
785           range(0, max_juint)                                               \
786                                                                             \
787   product(bool, DuplicateBackedge, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                        \
788           "Transform loop with a merge point into 2 loops if inner loop is" \
789           "expected to optimize better")                                    \
790                                                                             \
791   develop(bool, StressDuplicateBackedge, false,                             \
792           "Run DuplicateBackedge whenever possible ignoring benefit"        \
793           "analysis")                                                       \
794                                                                             \
795   product(bool, VerifyReceiverTypes, trueInDebug, DIAGNOSTIC,               \
796           "Verify receiver types at runtime")                               \
797                                                                             \
798   product(intx, TypeProfileSubTypeCheckCommonThreshold, 50,                 \
799           "Use profile data at type check if profiled types account for"    \
800           "more than this threshold")                                       \
801           range(0, 100)                                                     \
802                                                                             \
803   develop(bool, StressPrunedExceptionHandlers, false,                       \
804           "Always prune exception handlers")                                \
805                                                                             \
806   product(bool, InlineSecondarySupersTest, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                \
807           "Inline the secondary supers hash lookup.")                       \
808                                                                             \
809   product(bool, UseStoreStoreForCtor, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                     \
810           "Use StoreStore barrier instead of Release barrier at the end "   \
811           "of constructors")                                                \
813 // end of C2_FLAGS