< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/opto/callGenerator.cpp
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#include "opto/addnode.hpp"
#include "opto/callGenerator.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/castnode.hpp"
#include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
+ #include "opto/inlinetypenode.hpp"
#include "opto/parse.hpp"
#include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
#include "opto/runtime.hpp"
#include "opto/subnode.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.inline.hpp"
// Internal class which handles all out-of-line calls w/o receiver type checks.
class DirectCallGenerator : public CallGenerator {
CallStaticJavaNode* _call_node;
// Force separate memory and I/O projections for the exceptional
! // paths to facilitate late inlinig.
bool _separate_io_proj;
void set_call_node(CallStaticJavaNode* call) { _call_node = call; }
DirectCallGenerator(ciMethod* method, bool separate_io_proj)
: CallGenerator(method),
virtual JVMState* generate(JVMState* jvms);
virtual CallNode* call_node() const { return _call_node; }
virtual CallGenerator* with_call_node(CallNode* call) {
// Internal class which handles all out-of-line calls w/o receiver type checks.
class DirectCallGenerator : public CallGenerator {
CallStaticJavaNode* _call_node;
// Force separate memory and I/O projections for the exceptional
! // paths to facilitate late inlining.
bool _separate_io_proj;
void set_call_node(CallStaticJavaNode* call) { _call_node = call; }
DirectCallGenerator(ciMethod* method, bool separate_io_proj)
: CallGenerator(method),
+ _call_node(nullptr),
+ if (InlineTypeReturnedAsFields && method->is_method_handle_intrinsic()) {
+ // If that call has not been optimized by the time optimizations are over,
+ // we'll need to add a call to create an inline type instance from the klass
+ // returned by the call (see PhaseMacroExpand::expand_mh_intrinsic_return).
+ // Separating memory and I/O projections for exceptions is required to
+ // perform that graph transformation.
+ _separate_io_proj = true;
+ }
virtual JVMState* generate(JVMState* jvms);
virtual CallNode* call_node() const { return _call_node; }
virtual CallGenerator* with_call_node(CallNode* call) {
JVMState* DirectCallGenerator::generate(JVMState* jvms) {
GraphKit kit(jvms);
+ PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn();
bool is_static = method()->is_static();
address target = is_static ? SharedRuntime::get_resolve_static_call_stub()
: SharedRuntime::get_resolve_opt_virtual_call_stub();
if (kit.C->log() != nullptr) {
if (method()->is_method_handle_intrinsic() ||
method()->is_compiled_lambda_form()) {
! kit.set_arguments_for_java_call(call);
kit.set_edges_for_java_call(call, false, _separate_io_proj);
Node* ret = kit.set_results_for_java_call(call, _separate_io_proj);
kit.push_node(method()->return_type()->basic_type(), ret);
return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
if (method()->is_method_handle_intrinsic() ||
method()->is_compiled_lambda_form()) {
! kit.set_arguments_for_java_call(call, is_late_inline());
+ if (kit.stopped()) {
+ return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
+ }
kit.set_edges_for_java_call(call, false, _separate_io_proj);
Node* ret = kit.set_results_for_java_call(call, _separate_io_proj);
kit.push_node(method()->return_type()->basic_type(), ret);
return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
JVMState* VirtualCallGenerator::generate(JVMState* jvms) {
GraphKit kit(jvms);
Node* receiver = kit.argument(0);
if (kit.C->log() != nullptr) {
kit.C->log()->elem("virtual_call bci='%d'", jvms->bci());
// If the receiver is a constant null, do not torture the system
_call_node = call; // Save the call node in case we need it later
+ if (kit.stopped()) {
+ return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
+ }
kit.set_edges_for_java_call(call, false /*must_throw*/, _separate_io_proj);
Node* ret = kit.set_results_for_java_call(call, _separate_io_proj);
kit.push_node(method()->return_type()->basic_type(), ret);
// Represent the effect of an implicit receiver null_check
virtual jlong unique_id() const {
return _unique_id;
+ virtual CallGenerator* inline_cg() {
+ return _inline_cg;
+ }
virtual CallGenerator* with_call_node(CallNode* call) {
LateInlineCallGenerator* cg = new LateInlineCallGenerator(method(), _inline_cg, _is_pure_call);
return cg;
bool input_not_const = true;
CallGenerator* cg = for_method_handle_inline(jvms, _caller, method(), allow_inline, input_not_const);
assert(!input_not_const, "sanity"); // shouldn't have been scheduled for inlining in the first place
if (cg != nullptr) {
+ // AlwaysIncrementalInline causes for_method_handle_inline() to
+ // return a LateInlineCallGenerator. Extract the
+ // InlineCallGenerator from it.
+ if (AlwaysIncrementalInline && cg->is_late_inline() && !cg->is_virtual_late_inline()) {
+ cg = cg->inline_cg();
+ assert(cg != nullptr, "inline call generator expected");
+ }
if (!allow_inline) {
C->inline_printer()->record(cg->method(), call_node()->jvms(), InliningResult::FAILURE,
"late method handle call resolution");
assert(!cg->is_late_inline() || cg->is_mh_late_inline() || AlwaysIncrementalInline || StressIncrementalInlining, "we're doing late inlining");
if (call == nullptr || call->outcnt() == 0 ||
call->in(0) == nullptr || call->in(0)->is_top()) {
! const TypeTuple *r = call->tf()->domain();
! for (int i1 = 0; i1 < method()->arg_size(); i1++) {
! if (call->in(TypeFunc::Parms + i1)->is_top() && r->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms + i1) != Type::HALF) {
assert(Compile::current()->inlining_incrementally(), "shouldn't happen during parsing");
if (call == nullptr || call->outcnt() == 0 ||
call->in(0) == nullptr || call->in(0)->is_top()) {
! const TypeTuple* r = call->tf()->domain_cc();
! for (uint i1 = TypeFunc::Parms; i1 < r->cnt(); i1++) {
! if (call->in(i1)->is_top() && r->field_at(i1) != Type::HALF) {
assert(Compile::current()->inlining_incrementally(), "shouldn't happen during parsing");
return; // dead path
// check for unreachable loop
- CallProjections callprojs;
// Similar to incremental inlining, don't assert that all call
// projections are still there for post-parse call devirtualization.
bool do_asserts = !is_mh_late_inline() && !is_virtual_late_inline();
! call->extract_projections(&callprojs, true, do_asserts);
! if ((callprojs.fallthrough_catchproj == call->in(0)) ||
! (callprojs.catchall_catchproj == call->in(0)) ||
! (callprojs.fallthrough_memproj == call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)) ||
! (callprojs.catchall_memproj == call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)) ||
! (callprojs.fallthrough_ioproj == call->in(TypeFunc::I_O)) ||
! (callprojs.catchall_ioproj == call->in(TypeFunc::I_O)) ||
! (callprojs.resproj != nullptr && call->find_edge(callprojs.resproj) != -1) ||
- (callprojs.exobj != nullptr && call->find_edge(callprojs.exobj) != -1)) {
Compile* C = Compile::current();
// Remove inlined methods from Compiler's lists.
if (call->is_macro()) {
! // The call is marked as pure (no important side effects), but result isn't used.
! // It's safe to remove the call.
! bool result_not_used = (callprojs.resproj == nullptr || callprojs.resproj->outcnt() == 0);
if (is_pure_call() && result_not_used) {
GraphKit kit(call->jvms());
kit.replace_call(call, C->top(), true, do_asserts);
} else {
// Make a clone of the JVMState that appropriate to use for driving a parse
JVMState* old_jvms = call->jvms();
return; // dead path
// check for unreachable loop
// Similar to incremental inlining, don't assert that all call
// projections are still there for post-parse call devirtualization.
bool do_asserts = !is_mh_late_inline() && !is_virtual_late_inline();
! CallProjections* callprojs = call->extract_projections(true, do_asserts);
! if ((callprojs->fallthrough_catchproj == call->in(0)) ||
! (callprojs->catchall_catchproj == call->in(0)) ||
! (callprojs->fallthrough_memproj == call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)) ||
! (callprojs->catchall_memproj == call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)) ||
! (callprojs->fallthrough_ioproj == call->in(TypeFunc::I_O)) ||
! (callprojs->catchall_ioproj == call->in(TypeFunc::I_O)) ||
! (callprojs->exobj != nullptr && call->find_edge(callprojs->exobj) != -1)) {
Compile* C = Compile::current();
// Remove inlined methods from Compiler's lists.
if (call->is_macro()) {
! bool result_not_used = true;
! for (uint i = 0; i < callprojs->nb_resproj; i++) {
+ if (callprojs->resproj[i] != nullptr) {
+ if (callprojs->resproj[i]->outcnt() != 0) {
+ result_not_used = false;
+ }
+ if (call->find_edge(callprojs->resproj[i]) != -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (is_pure_call() && result_not_used) {
+ // The call is marked as pure (no important side effects), but result isn't used.
+ // It's safe to remove the call.
GraphKit kit(call->jvms());
kit.replace_call(call, C->top(), true, do_asserts);
} else {
// Make a clone of the JVMState that appropriate to use for driving a parse
JVMState* old_jvms = call->jvms();
SafePointNode* map = new SafePointNode(size, jvms);
for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < size; i1++) {
map->init_req(i1, call->in(i1));
// Make sure the state is a MergeMem for parsing.
if (!map->in(TypeFunc::Memory)->is_MergeMem()) {
Node* mem = MergeMemNode::make(map->in(TypeFunc::Memory));
! C->initial_gvn()->set_type_bottom(mem);
map->set_req(TypeFunc::Memory, mem);
- uint nargs = method()->arg_size();
// blow away old call arguments
! Node* top = C->top();
! for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < nargs; i1++) {
- map->set_req(TypeFunc::Parms + i1, top);
// Make enough space in the expression stack to transfer
// the incoming arguments and return value.
map->ensure_stack(jvms, jvms->method()->max_stack());
for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < nargs; i1++) {
! map->set_argument(jvms, i1, call->in(TypeFunc::Parms + i1));
// JVMState is ready, so time to perform some checks and prepare for inlining attempt.
if (!do_late_inline_check(C, jvms)) {
// Setup default node notes to be picked up by the inlining
Node_Notes* old_nn = C->node_notes_at(call->_idx);
if (old_nn != nullptr) {
Node_Notes* entry_nn = old_nn->clone(C);
SafePointNode* map = new SafePointNode(size, jvms);
for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < size; i1++) {
map->init_req(i1, call->in(i1));
+ PhaseGVN& gvn = *C->initial_gvn();
// Make sure the state is a MergeMem for parsing.
if (!map->in(TypeFunc::Memory)->is_MergeMem()) {
Node* mem = MergeMemNode::make(map->in(TypeFunc::Memory));
! gvn.set_type_bottom(mem);
map->set_req(TypeFunc::Memory, mem);
// blow away old call arguments
! for (uint i1 = TypeFunc::Parms; i1 < r->cnt(); i1++) {
! map->set_req(i1, C->top());
// Make enough space in the expression stack to transfer
// the incoming arguments and return value.
map->ensure_stack(jvms, jvms->method()->max_stack());
+ const TypeTuple* domain_sig = call->_tf->domain_sig();
+ uint nargs = method()->arg_size();
+ assert(domain_sig->cnt() - TypeFunc::Parms == nargs, "inconsistent signature");
+ uint j = TypeFunc::Parms;
+ int arg_num = 0;
for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < nargs; i1++) {
! const Type* t = domain_sig->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms + i1);
+ if (t->is_inlinetypeptr() && !method()->get_Method()->mismatch() && method()->is_scalarized_arg(arg_num)) {
+ // Inline type arguments are not passed by reference: we get an argument per
+ // field of the inline type. Build InlineTypeNodes from the inline type arguments.
+ GraphKit arg_kit(jvms, &gvn);
+ Node* vt = InlineTypeNode::make_from_multi(&arg_kit, call, t->inline_klass(), j, /* in= */ true, /* null_free= */ !t->maybe_null());
+ map->set_control(arg_kit.control());
+ map->set_argument(jvms, i1, vt);
+ } else {
+ map->set_argument(jvms, i1, call->in(j++));
+ }
+ if (t != Type::HALF) {
+ arg_num++;
+ }
// JVMState is ready, so time to perform some checks and prepare for inlining attempt.
if (!do_late_inline_check(C, jvms)) {
+ // Check if we are late inlining a method handle call that returns an inline type as fields.
+ Node* buffer_oop = nullptr;
+ ciMethod* inline_method = inline_cg()->method();
+ ciType* return_type = inline_method->return_type();
+ if (!call->tf()->returns_inline_type_as_fields() && is_mh_late_inline() &&
+ return_type->is_inlinetype() && return_type->as_inline_klass()->can_be_returned_as_fields()) {
+ // Allocate a buffer for the inline type returned as fields because the caller expects an oop return.
+ // Do this before the method handle call in case the buffer allocation triggers deoptimization and
+ // we need to "re-execute" the call in the interpreter (to make sure the call is only executed once).
+ GraphKit arg_kit(jvms, &gvn);
+ {
+ PreserveReexecuteState preexecs(&arg_kit);
+ arg_kit.jvms()->set_should_reexecute(true);
+ arg_kit.inc_sp(nargs);
+ Node* klass_node = arg_kit.makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(return_type->as_inline_klass()));
+ buffer_oop = arg_kit.new_instance(klass_node, nullptr, nullptr, /* deoptimize_on_exception */ true);
+ }
+ jvms = arg_kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
+ }
// Setup default node notes to be picked up by the inlining
Node_Notes* old_nn = C->node_notes_at(call->_idx);
if (old_nn != nullptr) {
Node_Notes* entry_nn = old_nn->clone(C);
if (call->is_CallStaticJava() && call->as_CallStaticJava()->is_boxing_method()) {
result = kit.must_be_not_null(result, false);
if (inline_cg()->is_inline()) {
! C->set_has_loops(C->has_loops() || inline_cg()->method()->has_loops());
! C->env()->notice_inlined_method(inline_cg()->method());
C->set_do_cleanup(kit.stopped()); // path is dead; needs cleanup
kit.replace_call(call, result, true, do_asserts);
class LateInlineStringCallGenerator : public LateInlineCallGenerator {
if (call->is_CallStaticJava() && call->as_CallStaticJava()->is_boxing_method()) {
result = kit.must_be_not_null(result, false);
if (inline_cg()->is_inline()) {
! C->set_has_loops(C->has_loops() || inline_method->has_loops());
! C->env()->notice_inlined_method(inline_method);
C->set_do_cleanup(kit.stopped()); // path is dead; needs cleanup
+ // Handle inline type returns
+ InlineTypeNode* vt = result->isa_InlineType();
+ if (vt != nullptr) {
+ if (call->tf()->returns_inline_type_as_fields()) {
+ vt->replace_call_results(&kit, call, C);
+ } else if (vt->is_InlineType()) {
+ // Result might still be allocated (for example, if it has been stored to a non-flat field)
+ if (!vt->is_allocated(&kit.gvn())) {
+ assert(buffer_oop != nullptr, "should have allocated a buffer");
+ RegionNode* region = new RegionNode(3);
+ // Check if result is null
+ Node* null_ctl = kit.top();
+ kit.null_check_common(vt->get_is_init(), T_INT, false, &null_ctl);
+ region->init_req(1, null_ctl);
+ PhiNode* oop = PhiNode::make(region, kit.gvn().zerocon(T_OBJECT), TypeInstPtr::make(TypePtr::BotPTR, vt->type()->inline_klass()));
+ Node* init_mem = kit.reset_memory();
+ PhiNode* mem = PhiNode::make(region, init_mem, Type::MEMORY, TypePtr::BOTTOM);
+ // Not null, initialize the buffer
+ kit.set_all_memory(init_mem);
+ vt->store(&kit, buffer_oop, buffer_oop, vt->type()->inline_klass());
+ // Do not let stores that initialize this buffer be reordered with a subsequent
+ // store that would make this buffer accessible by other threads.
+ AllocateNode* alloc = AllocateNode::Ideal_allocation(buffer_oop);
+ assert(alloc != nullptr, "must have an allocation node");
+ kit.insert_mem_bar(Op_MemBarStoreStore, alloc->proj_out_or_null(AllocateNode::RawAddress));
+ region->init_req(2, kit.control());
+ oop->init_req(2, buffer_oop);
+ mem->init_req(2, kit.merged_memory());
+ // Update oop input to buffer
+ kit.gvn().hash_delete(vt);
+ vt->set_oop(kit.gvn(), kit.gvn().transform(oop));
+ vt->set_is_buffered(kit.gvn());
+ vt = kit.gvn().transform(vt)->as_InlineType();
+ kit.set_control(kit.gvn().transform(region));
+ kit.set_all_memory(kit.gvn().transform(mem));
+ kit.record_for_igvn(region);
+ kit.record_for_igvn(oop);
+ kit.record_for_igvn(mem);
+ }
+ result = vt;
+ }
+ DEBUG_ONLY(buffer_oop = nullptr);
+ } else {
+ assert(result->is_top() || !call->tf()->returns_inline_type_as_fields(), "Unexpected return value");
+ }
+ assert(buffer_oop == nullptr, "unused buffer allocation");
kit.replace_call(call, result, true, do_asserts);
class LateInlineStringCallGenerator : public LateInlineCallGenerator {
// Inlined method threw an exception, so it's just the slow path after all.
return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
+ // Allocate inline types if they are merged with objects (similar to Parse::merge_common())
+ uint tos = kit.jvms()->stkoff() + kit.sp();
+ uint limit = slow_map->req();
+ for (uint i = TypeFunc::Parms; i < limit; i++) {
+ Node* m = kit.map()->in(i);
+ Node* n = slow_map->in(i);
+ const Type* t = gvn.type(m)->meet_speculative(gvn.type(n));
+ // TODO 8284443 still needed?
+ if (m->is_InlineType() && !t->is_inlinetypeptr()) {
+ // Allocate inline type in fast path
+ m = m->as_InlineType()->buffer(&kit);
+ kit.map()->set_req(i, m);
+ }
+ if (n->is_InlineType() && !t->is_inlinetypeptr()) {
+ // Allocate inline type in slow path
+ PreserveJVMState pjvms(&kit);
+ kit.set_map(slow_map);
+ n = n->as_InlineType()->buffer(&kit);
+ kit.map()->set_req(i, n);
+ slow_map = kit.stop();
+ }
+ }
// There are 2 branches and the replaced nodes are only valid on
// one: restore the replaced nodes to what they were before the
// branch.
Node* phi = mms.memory();
if (phi->is_Phi() && phi->in(0) == region) {
- uint tos = kit.jvms()->stkoff() + kit.sp();
- uint limit = slow_map->req();
for (uint i = TypeFunc::Parms; i < limit; i++) {
// Skip unused stack slots; fast forward to monoff();
if (i == tos) {
i = kit.jvms()->monoff();
if( i >= limit ) break;
int bci = jvms->bci();
ciCallProfile profile = caller->call_profile_at_bci(bci);
int call_site_count = caller->scale_count(profile.count());
! if (IncrementalInlineMH && call_site_count > 0 &&
! (should_delay || input_not_const || !C->inlining_incrementally() || C->over_inlining_cutoff())) {
return CallGenerator::for_mh_late_inline(caller, callee, input_not_const);
} else {
// Out-of-line call.
return CallGenerator::for_direct_call(callee);
CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_method_handle_inline(JVMState* jvms, ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool allow_inline, bool& input_not_const) {
GraphKit kit(jvms);
PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn();
Compile* C = kit.C;
vmIntrinsics::ID iid = callee->intrinsic_id();
int bci = jvms->bci();
ciCallProfile profile = caller->call_profile_at_bci(bci);
int call_site_count = caller->scale_count(profile.count());
! if (IncrementalInlineMH && (AlwaysIncrementalInline ||
! (call_site_count > 0 && (should_delay || input_not_const || !C->inlining_incrementally() || C->over_inlining_cutoff())))) {
return CallGenerator::for_mh_late_inline(caller, callee, input_not_const);
} else {
// Out-of-line call.
return CallGenerator::for_direct_call(callee);
CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_method_handle_inline(JVMState* jvms, ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool allow_inline, bool& input_not_const) {
GraphKit kit(jvms);
PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn();
Compile* C = kit.C;
vmIntrinsics::ID iid = callee->intrinsic_id();
case vmIntrinsics::_linkToVirtual:
case vmIntrinsics::_linkToStatic:
case vmIntrinsics::_linkToSpecial:
case vmIntrinsics::_linkToInterface:
// Get MemberName argument:
! Node* member_name = kit.argument(callee->arg_size() - 1);
if (member_name->Opcode() == Op_ConP) {
input_not_const = false;
const TypeOopPtr* oop_ptr = member_name->bottom_type()->is_oopptr();
ciMethod* target = oop_ptr->const_oop()->as_member_name()->get_vmtarget();
case vmIntrinsics::_linkToVirtual:
case vmIntrinsics::_linkToStatic:
case vmIntrinsics::_linkToSpecial:
case vmIntrinsics::_linkToInterface:
+ int nargs = callee->arg_size();
// Get MemberName argument:
! Node* member_name = kit.argument(nargs - 1);
if (member_name->Opcode() == Op_ConP) {
input_not_const = false;
const TypeOopPtr* oop_ptr = member_name->bottom_type()->is_oopptr();
ciMethod* target = oop_ptr->const_oop()->as_member_name()->get_vmtarget();
speculative_receiver_type = (receiver_type != nullptr) ? receiver_type->speculative_type() : nullptr;
CallGenerator* cg = C->call_generator(target, vtable_index, call_does_dispatch, jvms,
! speculative_receiver_type);
return cg;
} else {
print_inlining_failure(C, callee, jvms, "member_name not constant");
} break;
speculative_receiver_type = (receiver_type != nullptr) ? receiver_type->speculative_type() : nullptr;
CallGenerator* cg = C->call_generator(target, vtable_index, call_does_dispatch, jvms,
! speculative_receiver_type,
+ true);
return cg;
} else {
print_inlining_failure(C, callee, jvms, "member_name not constant");
} break;
if (!method()->is_static()) {
// We need an explicit receiver null_check before checking its type in predicate.
// We share a map with the caller, so his JVMS gets adjusted.
! Node* receiver = kit.null_check_receiver_before_call(method());
if (kit.stopped()) {
return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
if (!method()->is_static()) {
// We need an explicit receiver null_check before checking its type in predicate.
// We share a map with the caller, so his JVMS gets adjusted.
! kit.null_check_receiver_before_call(method());
if (kit.stopped()) {
return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
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