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  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "ci/bcEscapeAnalyzer.hpp"
  27 #include "ci/ciCallSite.hpp"
  28 #include "ci/ciObjArray.hpp"
  29 #include "ci/ciMemberName.hpp"
  30 #include "ci/ciMethodHandle.hpp"
  31 #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
  32 #include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
  33 #include "opto/addnode.hpp"
  34 #include "opto/callGenerator.hpp"
  35 #include "opto/callnode.hpp"
  36 #include "opto/castnode.hpp"
  37 #include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"

  38 #include "opto/parse.hpp"
  39 #include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
  40 #include "opto/runtime.hpp"
  41 #include "opto/subnode.hpp"
  42 #include "runtime/os.inline.hpp"
  43 #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  44 #include "utilities/debug.hpp"
  46 // Utility function.
  47 const TypeFunc* CallGenerator::tf() const {
  48   return TypeFunc::make(method());
  49 }
  51 bool CallGenerator::is_inlined_method_handle_intrinsic(JVMState* jvms, ciMethod* m) {
  52   return is_inlined_method_handle_intrinsic(jvms->method(), jvms->bci(), m);
  53 }
  55 bool CallGenerator::is_inlined_method_handle_intrinsic(ciMethod* caller, int bci, ciMethod* m) {
  56   ciMethod* symbolic_info = caller->get_method_at_bci(bci);
  57   return is_inlined_method_handle_intrinsic(symbolic_info, m);

 103   GraphKit& exits = parser.exits();
 105   if (C->failing()) {
 106     while (exits.pop_exception_state() != nullptr) ;
 107     return nullptr;
 108   }
 110   assert(exits.jvms()->same_calls_as(jvms), "sanity");
 112   // Simply return the exit state of the parser,
 113   // augmented by any exceptional states.
 114   return exits.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 115 }
 117 //---------------------------DirectCallGenerator------------------------------
 118 // Internal class which handles all out-of-line calls w/o receiver type checks.
 119 class DirectCallGenerator : public CallGenerator {
 120  private:
 121   CallStaticJavaNode* _call_node;
 122   // Force separate memory and I/O projections for the exceptional
 123   // paths to facilitate late inlinig.
 124   bool                _separate_io_proj;
 126 protected:
 127   void set_call_node(CallStaticJavaNode* call) { _call_node = call; }
 129  public:
 130   DirectCallGenerator(ciMethod* method, bool separate_io_proj)
 131     : CallGenerator(method),

 132       _separate_io_proj(separate_io_proj)
 133   {

 134   }
 135   virtual JVMState* generate(JVMState* jvms);
 137   virtual CallNode* call_node() const { return _call_node; }
 138   virtual CallGenerator* with_call_node(CallNode* call) {
 139     DirectCallGenerator* dcg = new DirectCallGenerator(method(), _separate_io_proj);
 140     dcg->set_call_node(call->as_CallStaticJava());
 141     return dcg;
 142   }
 143 };
 145 JVMState* DirectCallGenerator::generate(JVMState* jvms) {
 146   GraphKit kit(jvms);
 147   kit.C->print_inlining_update(this);

 148   bool is_static = method()->is_static();
 149   address target = is_static ? SharedRuntime::get_resolve_static_call_stub()
 150                              : SharedRuntime::get_resolve_opt_virtual_call_stub();
 152   if (kit.C->log() != nullptr) {
 153     kit.C->log()->elem("direct_call bci='%d'", jvms->bci());
 154   }
 156   CallStaticJavaNode* call = new CallStaticJavaNode(kit.C, tf(), target, method());
 157   if (is_inlined_method_handle_intrinsic(jvms, method())) {
 158     // To be able to issue a direct call and skip a call to MH.linkTo*/invokeBasic adapter,
 159     // additional information about the method being invoked should be attached
 160     // to the call site to make resolution logic work
 161     // (see SharedRuntime::resolve_static_call_C).
 162     call->set_override_symbolic_info(true);
 163   }
 164   _call_node = call;  // Save the call node in case we need it later
 165   if (!is_static) {
 166     // Make an explicit receiver null_check as part of this call.
 167     // Since we share a map with the caller, his JVMS gets adjusted.
 168     kit.null_check_receiver_before_call(method());
 169     if (kit.stopped()) {
 170       // And dump it back to the caller, decorated with any exceptions:
 171       return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 172     }
 173     // Mark the call node as virtual, sort of:
 174     call->set_optimized_virtual(true);
 175     if (method()->is_method_handle_intrinsic() ||
 176         method()->is_compiled_lambda_form()) {
 177       call->set_method_handle_invoke(true);
 178     }
 179   }
 180   kit.set_arguments_for_java_call(call);

 181   kit.set_edges_for_java_call(call, false, _separate_io_proj);
 182   Node* ret = kit.set_results_for_java_call(call, _separate_io_proj);
 183   kit.push_node(method()->return_type()->basic_type(), ret);
 184   return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 185 }
 187 //--------------------------VirtualCallGenerator------------------------------
 188 // Internal class which handles all out-of-line calls checking receiver type.
 189 class VirtualCallGenerator : public CallGenerator {
 190 private:
 191   int _vtable_index;
 192   bool _separate_io_proj;
 193   CallDynamicJavaNode* _call_node;
 195 protected:
 196   void set_call_node(CallDynamicJavaNode* call) { _call_node = call; }
 198 public:
 199   VirtualCallGenerator(ciMethod* method, int vtable_index, bool separate_io_proj)
 200     : CallGenerator(method), _vtable_index(vtable_index), _separate_io_proj(separate_io_proj), _call_node(nullptr)
 201   {
 202     assert(vtable_index == Method::invalid_vtable_index ||
 203            vtable_index >= 0, "either invalid or usable");
 204   }
 205   virtual bool      is_virtual() const          { return true; }
 206   virtual JVMState* generate(JVMState* jvms);
 208   virtual CallNode* call_node() const { return _call_node; }
 209   int vtable_index() const { return _vtable_index; }
 211   virtual CallGenerator* with_call_node(CallNode* call) {
 212     VirtualCallGenerator* cg = new VirtualCallGenerator(method(), _vtable_index, _separate_io_proj);
 213     cg->set_call_node(call->as_CallDynamicJava());
 214     return cg;
 215   }
 216 };
 218 JVMState* VirtualCallGenerator::generate(JVMState* jvms) {
 219   GraphKit kit(jvms);
 220   Node* receiver = kit.argument(0);
 222   kit.C->print_inlining_update(this);
 224   if (kit.C->log() != nullptr) {
 225     kit.C->log()->elem("virtual_call bci='%d'", jvms->bci());
 226   }
 228   // If the receiver is a constant null, do not torture the system
 229   // by attempting to call through it.  The compile will proceed
 230   // correctly, but may bail out in final_graph_reshaping, because
 231   // the call instruction will have a seemingly deficient out-count.
 232   // (The bailout says something misleading about an "infinite loop".)
 233   if (kit.gvn().type(receiver)->higher_equal(TypePtr::NULL_PTR)) {
 234     assert(Bytecodes::is_invoke(kit.java_bc()), "%d: %s", kit.java_bc(), Bytecodes::name(kit.java_bc()));
 235     ciMethod* declared_method = kit.method()->get_method_at_bci(kit.bci());
 236     int arg_size = declared_method->signature()->arg_size_for_bc(kit.java_bc());
 237     kit.inc_sp(arg_size);  // restore arguments
 238     kit.uncommon_trap(Deoptimization::Reason_null_check,
 239                       Deoptimization::Action_none,
 240                       nullptr, "null receiver");
 241     return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

 261   }
 263   assert(!method()->is_static(), "virtual call must not be to static");
 264   assert(!method()->is_final(), "virtual call should not be to final");
 265   assert(!method()->is_private(), "virtual call should not be to private");
 266   assert(_vtable_index == Method::invalid_vtable_index || !UseInlineCaches,
 267          "no vtable calls if +UseInlineCaches ");
 268   address target = SharedRuntime::get_resolve_virtual_call_stub();
 269   // Normal inline cache used for call
 270   CallDynamicJavaNode* call = new CallDynamicJavaNode(tf(), target, method(), _vtable_index);
 271   if (is_inlined_method_handle_intrinsic(jvms, method())) {
 272     // To be able to issue a direct call (optimized virtual or virtual)
 273     // and skip a call to MH.linkTo*/invokeBasic adapter, additional information
 274     // about the method being invoked should be attached to the call site to
 275     // make resolution logic work (see SharedRuntime::resolve_{virtual,opt_virtual}_call_C).
 276     call->set_override_symbolic_info(true);
 277   }
 278   _call_node = call;  // Save the call node in case we need it later
 280   kit.set_arguments_for_java_call(call);

 281   kit.set_edges_for_java_call(call, false /*must_throw*/, _separate_io_proj);
 282   Node* ret = kit.set_results_for_java_call(call, _separate_io_proj);
 283   kit.push_node(method()->return_type()->basic_type(), ret);
 285   // Represent the effect of an implicit receiver null_check
 286   // as part of this call.  Since we share a map with the caller,
 287   // his JVMS gets adjusted.
 288   kit.cast_not_null(receiver);
 289   return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 290 }
 292 CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_inline(ciMethod* m, float expected_uses) {
 293   if (InlineTree::check_can_parse(m) != nullptr)  return nullptr;
 294   return new ParseGenerator(m, expected_uses);
 295 }
 297 // As a special case, the JVMS passed to this CallGenerator is
 298 // for the method execution already in progress, not just the JVMS
 299 // of the caller.  Thus, this CallGenerator cannot be mixed with others!
 300 CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_osr(ciMethod* m, int osr_bci) {

 354     return DirectCallGenerator::generate(jvms);
 355   }
 357   virtual void print_inlining_late(InliningResult result, const char* msg) {
 358     CallNode* call = call_node();
 359     Compile* C = Compile::current();
 360     C->print_inlining_assert_ready();
 361     C->print_inlining(method(), call->jvms()->depth()-1, call->jvms()->bci(), result, msg);
 362     C->print_inlining_move_to(this);
 363     C->print_inlining_update_delayed(this);
 364   }
 366   virtual void set_unique_id(jlong id) {
 367     _unique_id = id;
 368   }
 370   virtual jlong unique_id() const {
 371     return _unique_id;
 372   }

 374   virtual CallGenerator* with_call_node(CallNode* call) {
 375     LateInlineCallGenerator* cg = new LateInlineCallGenerator(method(), _inline_cg, _is_pure_call);
 376     cg->set_call_node(call->as_CallStaticJava());
 377     return cg;
 378   }
 379 };
 381 CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_late_inline(ciMethod* method, CallGenerator* inline_cg) {
 382   return new LateInlineCallGenerator(method, inline_cg);
 383 }
 385 class LateInlineMHCallGenerator : public LateInlineCallGenerator {
 386   ciMethod* _caller;
 387   bool _input_not_const;
 389   virtual bool do_late_inline_check(Compile* C, JVMState* jvms);
 391  public:
 392   LateInlineMHCallGenerator(ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool input_not_const) :
 393     LateInlineCallGenerator(callee, nullptr), _caller(caller), _input_not_const(input_not_const) {}

 415     cg->set_call_node(call->as_CallStaticJava());
 416     return cg;
 417   }
 418 };
 420 bool LateInlineMHCallGenerator::do_late_inline_check(Compile* C, JVMState* jvms) {
 421   // When inlining a virtual call, the null check at the call and the call itself can throw. These 2 paths have different
 422   // expression stacks which causes late inlining to break. The MH invoker is not expected to be called from a method with
 423   // exception handlers. When there is no exception handler, GraphKit::builtin_throw() pops the stack which solves the issue
 424   // of late inlining with exceptions.
 425   assert(!jvms->method()->has_exception_handlers() ||
 426          (method()->intrinsic_id() != vmIntrinsics::_linkToVirtual &&
 427           method()->intrinsic_id() != vmIntrinsics::_linkToInterface), "no exception handler expected");
 428   // Even if inlining is not allowed, a virtual call can be strength-reduced to a direct call.
 429   bool allow_inline = C->inlining_incrementally();
 430   bool input_not_const = true;
 431   CallGenerator* cg = for_method_handle_inline(jvms, _caller, method(), allow_inline, input_not_const);
 432   assert(!input_not_const, "sanity"); // shouldn't have been scheduled for inlining in the first place
 434   if (cg != nullptr) {

 435     assert(!cg->is_late_inline() || cg->is_mh_late_inline() || AlwaysIncrementalInline || StressIncrementalInlining, "we're doing late inlining");
 436     _inline_cg = cg;
 437     C->dec_number_of_mh_late_inlines();
 438     return true;
 439   } else {
 440     // Method handle call which has a constant appendix argument should be either inlined or replaced with a direct call
 441     // unless there's a signature mismatch between caller and callee. If the failure occurs, there's not much to be improved later,
 442     // so don't reinstall the generator to avoid pushing the generator between IGVN and incremental inlining indefinitely.
 443     return false;
 444   }
 445 }
 447 CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_mh_late_inline(ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool input_not_const) {
 448   assert(IncrementalInlineMH, "required");
 449   Compile::current()->inc_number_of_mh_late_inlines();
 450   CallGenerator* cg = new LateInlineMHCallGenerator(caller, callee, input_not_const);
 451   return cg;
 452 }
 454 // Allow inlining decisions to be delayed

 578 void LateInlineMHCallGenerator::do_late_inline() {
 579   CallGenerator::do_late_inline_helper();
 580 }
 582 void LateInlineVirtualCallGenerator::do_late_inline() {
 583   assert(_callee != nullptr, "required"); // set up in CallDynamicJavaNode::Ideal
 584   CallGenerator::do_late_inline_helper();
 585 }
 587 void CallGenerator::do_late_inline_helper() {
 588   assert(is_late_inline(), "only late inline allowed");
 590   // Can't inline it
 591   CallNode* call = call_node();
 592   if (call == nullptr || call->outcnt() == 0 ||
 593       call->in(0) == nullptr || call->in(0)->is_top()) {
 594     return;
 595   }
 597   const TypeTuple *r = call->tf()->domain();
 598   for (int i1 = 0; i1 < method()->arg_size(); i1++) {
 599     if (call->in(TypeFunc::Parms + i1)->is_top() && r->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms + i1) != Type::HALF) {
 600       assert(Compile::current()->inlining_incrementally(), "shouldn't happen during parsing");
 601       return;
 602     }
 603   }
 605   if (call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)->is_top()) {
 606     assert(Compile::current()->inlining_incrementally(), "shouldn't happen during parsing");
 607     return;
 608   }
 609   if (call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)->is_MergeMem()) {
 610     MergeMemNode* merge_mem = call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)->as_MergeMem();
 611     if (merge_mem->base_memory() == merge_mem->empty_memory()) {
 612       return; // dead path
 613     }
 614   }
 616   // check for unreachable loop
 617   CallProjections callprojs;
 618   call->extract_projections(&callprojs, true);
 619   if ((callprojs.fallthrough_catchproj == call->in(0)) ||
 620       (callprojs.catchall_catchproj    == call->in(0)) ||
 621       (callprojs.fallthrough_memproj   == call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)) ||
 622       (callprojs.catchall_memproj      == call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)) ||
 623       (callprojs.fallthrough_ioproj    == call->in(TypeFunc::I_O)) ||
 624       (callprojs.catchall_ioproj       == call->in(TypeFunc::I_O)) ||
 625       (callprojs.resproj != nullptr && call->find_edge(callprojs.resproj) != -1) ||
 626       (callprojs.exobj   != nullptr && call->find_edge(callprojs.exobj) != -1)) {
 627     return;
 628   }
 630   Compile* C = Compile::current();
 631   // Remove inlined methods from Compiler's lists.
 632   if (call->is_macro()) {
 633     C->remove_macro_node(call);
 634   }
 636   // The call is marked as pure (no important side effects), but result isn't used.
 637   // It's safe to remove the call.
 638   bool result_not_used = (callprojs.resproj == nullptr || callprojs.resproj->outcnt() == 0);

 640   if (is_pure_call() && result_not_used) {

 641     GraphKit kit(call->jvms());
 642     kit.replace_call(call, C->top(), true);
 643   } else {
 644     // Make a clone of the JVMState that appropriate to use for driving a parse
 645     JVMState* old_jvms = call->jvms();
 646     JVMState* jvms = old_jvms->clone_shallow(C);
 647     uint size = call->req();
 648     SafePointNode* map = new SafePointNode(size, jvms);
 649     for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < size; i1++) {
 650       map->init_req(i1, call->in(i1));
 651     }

 653     // Make sure the state is a MergeMem for parsing.
 654     if (!map->in(TypeFunc::Memory)->is_MergeMem()) {
 655       Node* mem = MergeMemNode::make(map->in(TypeFunc::Memory));
 656       C->initial_gvn()->set_type_bottom(mem);
 657       map->set_req(TypeFunc::Memory, mem);
 658     }
 660     uint nargs = method()->arg_size();
 661     // blow away old call arguments
 662     Node* top = C->top();
 663     for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < nargs; i1++) {
 664       map->set_req(TypeFunc::Parms + i1, top);
 665     }
 666     jvms->set_map(map);
 668     // Make enough space in the expression stack to transfer
 669     // the incoming arguments and return value.
 670     map->ensure_stack(jvms, jvms->method()->max_stack());

 671     for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < nargs; i1++) {
 672       map->set_argument(jvms, i1, call->in(TypeFunc::Parms + i1));

 673     }
 675     C->print_inlining_assert_ready();
 677     C->print_inlining_move_to(this);
 679     C->log_late_inline(this);
 681     // JVMState is ready, so time to perform some checks and prepare for inlining attempt.
 682     if (!do_late_inline_check(C, jvms)) {
 683       map->disconnect_inputs(C);
 684       C->print_inlining_update_delayed(this);
 685       return;
 686     }
 687     if (C->print_inlining() && (is_mh_late_inline() || is_virtual_late_inline())) {
 688       C->print_inlining_update_delayed(this);
 689     }

 691     // Setup default node notes to be picked up by the inlining
 692     Node_Notes* old_nn = C->node_notes_at(call->_idx);
 693     if (old_nn != nullptr) {
 694       Node_Notes* entry_nn = old_nn->clone(C);
 695       entry_nn->set_jvms(jvms);
 696       C->set_default_node_notes(entry_nn);
 697     }
 699     // Now perform the inlining using the synthesized JVMState
 700     JVMState* new_jvms = inline_cg()->generate(jvms);
 701     if (new_jvms == nullptr)  return;  // no change
 702     if (C->failing())      return;
 704     // Capture any exceptional control flow
 705     GraphKit kit(new_jvms);
 707     // Find the result object
 708     Node* result = C->top();
 709     int   result_size = method()->return_type()->size();
 710     if (result_size != 0 && !kit.stopped()) {
 711       result = (result_size == 1) ? kit.pop() : kit.pop_pair();
 712     }
 714     if (call->is_CallStaticJava() && call->as_CallStaticJava()->is_boxing_method()) {
 715       result = kit.must_be_not_null(result, false);
 716     }
 718     if (inline_cg()->is_inline()) {
 719       C->set_has_loops(C->has_loops() || inline_cg()->method()->has_loops());
 720       C->env()->notice_inlined_method(inline_cg()->method());
 721     }
 722     C->set_inlining_progress(true);
 723     C->set_do_cleanup(kit.stopped()); // path is dead; needs cleanup

 724     kit.replace_call(call, result, true);
 725   }
 726 }
 728 class LateInlineStringCallGenerator : public LateInlineCallGenerator {
 730  public:
 731   LateInlineStringCallGenerator(ciMethod* method, CallGenerator* inline_cg) :
 732     LateInlineCallGenerator(method, inline_cg) {}
 734   virtual JVMState* generate(JVMState* jvms) {
 735     Compile *C = Compile::current();
 737     C->log_inline_id(this);
 739     C->add_string_late_inline(this);
 741     JVMState* new_jvms = DirectCallGenerator::generate(jvms);
 742     return new_jvms;
 743   }

 926     // Inline failed, so make a direct call.
 927     assert(_if_hit->is_inline(), "must have been a failed inline");
 928     CallGenerator* cg = CallGenerator::for_direct_call(_if_hit->method());
 929     new_jvms = cg->generate(kit.sync_jvms());
 930   }
 931   kit.add_exception_states_from(new_jvms);
 932   kit.set_jvms(new_jvms);
 934   // Need to merge slow and fast?
 935   if (slow_map == nullptr) {
 936     // The fast path is the only path remaining.
 937     return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 938   }
 940   if (kit.stopped()) {
 941     // Inlined method threw an exception, so it's just the slow path after all.
 942     kit.set_jvms(slow_jvms);
 943     return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 944   }

 946   // There are 2 branches and the replaced nodes are only valid on
 947   // one: restore the replaced nodes to what they were before the
 948   // branch.
 949   kit.map()->set_replaced_nodes(replaced_nodes);
 951   // Finish the diamond.
 952   kit.C->set_has_split_ifs(true); // Has chance for split-if optimization
 953   RegionNode* region = new RegionNode(3);
 954   region->init_req(1, kit.control());
 955   region->init_req(2, slow_map->control());
 956   kit.set_control(gvn.transform(region));
 957   Node* iophi = PhiNode::make(region, kit.i_o(), Type::ABIO);
 958   iophi->set_req(2, slow_map->i_o());
 959   kit.set_i_o(gvn.transform(iophi));
 960   // Merge memory
 961   kit.merge_memory(slow_map->merged_memory(), region, 2);
 962   // Transform new memory Phis.
 963   for (MergeMemStream mms(kit.merged_memory()); mms.next_non_empty();) {
 964     Node* phi = mms.memory();
 965     if (phi->is_Phi() && phi->in(0) == region) {
 966       mms.set_memory(gvn.transform(phi));
 967     }
 968   }
 969   uint tos = kit.jvms()->stkoff() + kit.sp();
 970   uint limit = slow_map->req();
 971   for (uint i = TypeFunc::Parms; i < limit; i++) {
 972     // Skip unused stack slots; fast forward to monoff();
 973     if (i == tos) {
 974       i = kit.jvms()->monoff();
 975       if( i >= limit ) break;
 976     }
 977     Node* m = kit.map()->in(i);
 978     Node* n = slow_map->in(i);
 979     if (m != n) {
 980       const Type* t = gvn.type(m)->meet_speculative(gvn.type(n));
 981       Node* phi = PhiNode::make(region, m, t);
 982       phi->set_req(2, n);
 983       kit.map()->set_req(i, gvn.transform(phi));
 984     }
 985   }
 986   return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 987 }
 990 CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_method_handle_call(JVMState* jvms, ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool allow_inline) {
 991   assert(callee->is_method_handle_intrinsic(), "for_method_handle_call mismatch");
 992   bool input_not_const;
 993   CallGenerator* cg = CallGenerator::for_method_handle_inline(jvms, caller, callee, allow_inline, input_not_const);
 994   Compile* C = Compile::current();
 995   bool should_delay = C->should_delay_inlining();
 996   if (cg != nullptr) {
 997     if (should_delay) {
 998       return CallGenerator::for_late_inline(callee, cg);
 999     } else {
1000       return cg;
1001     }
1002   }
1003   int bci = jvms->bci();
1004   ciCallProfile profile = caller->call_profile_at_bci(bci);
1005   int call_site_count = caller->scale_count(profile.count());
1007   if (IncrementalInlineMH && call_site_count > 0 &&
1008       (should_delay || input_not_const || !C->inlining_incrementally() || C->over_inlining_cutoff())) {
1009     return CallGenerator::for_mh_late_inline(caller, callee, input_not_const);
1010   } else {
1011     // Out-of-line call.
1012     return CallGenerator::for_direct_call(callee);
1013   }
1014 }

1016 CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_method_handle_inline(JVMState* jvms, ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool allow_inline, bool& input_not_const) {
1017   GraphKit kit(jvms);
1018   PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn();
1019   Compile* C = kit.C;
1020   vmIntrinsics::ID iid = callee->intrinsic_id();
1021   input_not_const = true;
1022   if (StressMethodHandleLinkerInlining) {
1023     allow_inline = false;
1024   }
1025   switch (iid) {
1026   case vmIntrinsics::_invokeBasic:
1027     {
1028       // Get MethodHandle receiver:
1029       Node* receiver = kit.argument(0);
1030       if (receiver->Opcode() == Op_ConP) {
1031         input_not_const = false;
1032         const TypeOopPtr* recv_toop = receiver->bottom_type()->isa_oopptr();
1033         if (recv_toop != nullptr) {
1034           ciMethod* target = recv_toop->const_oop()->as_method_handle()->get_vmtarget();
1035           const int vtable_index = Method::invalid_vtable_index;

1047                                                 PROB_ALWAYS);
1048           return cg;
1049         } else {
1050           assert(receiver->bottom_type() == TypePtr::NULL_PTR, "not a null: %s",
1051                  Type::str(receiver->bottom_type()));
1052           print_inlining_failure(C, callee, jvms->depth() - 1, jvms->bci(),
1053                                  "receiver is always null");
1054         }
1055       } else {
1056         print_inlining_failure(C, callee, jvms->depth() - 1, jvms->bci(),
1057                                "receiver not constant");
1058       }
1059     }
1060     break;
1062   case vmIntrinsics::_linkToVirtual:
1063   case vmIntrinsics::_linkToStatic:
1064   case vmIntrinsics::_linkToSpecial:
1065   case vmIntrinsics::_linkToInterface:
1066     {

1067       // Get MemberName argument:
1068       Node* member_name = kit.argument(callee->arg_size() - 1);
1069       if (member_name->Opcode() == Op_ConP) {
1070         input_not_const = false;
1071         const TypeOopPtr* oop_ptr = member_name->bottom_type()->is_oopptr();
1072         ciMethod* target = oop_ptr->const_oop()->as_member_name()->get_vmtarget();
1074         if (!ciMethod::is_consistent_info(callee, target)) {
1075           print_inlining_failure(C, callee, jvms->depth() - 1, jvms->bci(),
1076                                  "signatures mismatch");
1077           return nullptr;
1078         }
1080         // In lambda forms we erase signature types to avoid resolving issues
1081         // involving class loaders.  When we optimize a method handle invoke
1082         // to a direct call we must cast the receiver and arguments to its
1083         // actual types.
1084         ciSignature* signature = target->signature();
1085         const int receiver_skip = target->is_static() ? 0 : 1;
1086         // Cast receiver to its type.
1087         if (!target->is_static()) {
1088           Node* arg = kit.argument(0);
1089           const TypeOopPtr* arg_type = arg->bottom_type()->isa_oopptr();
1090           const Type*       sig_type = TypeOopPtr::make_from_klass(signature->accessing_klass());
1091           if (arg_type != nullptr && !arg_type->higher_equal(sig_type)) {
1092             const Type* recv_type = arg_type->filter_speculative(sig_type); // keep speculative part
1093             Node* cast_obj = gvn.transform(new CheckCastPPNode(kit.control(), arg, recv_type));
1094             kit.set_argument(0, cast_obj);
1095           }
1096         }
1097         // Cast reference arguments to its type.
1098         for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < signature->count(); i++) {
1099           ciType* t = signature->type_at(i);
1100           if (t->is_klass()) {
1101             Node* arg = kit.argument(receiver_skip + j);
1102             const TypeOopPtr* arg_type = arg->bottom_type()->isa_oopptr();
1103             const Type*       sig_type = TypeOopPtr::make_from_klass(t->as_klass());
1104             if (arg_type != nullptr && !arg_type->higher_equal(sig_type)) {
1105               const Type* narrowed_arg_type = arg_type->filter_speculative(sig_type); // keep speculative part
1106               Node* cast_obj = gvn.transform(new CheckCastPPNode(kit.control(), arg, narrowed_arg_type));
1107               kit.set_argument(receiver_skip + j, cast_obj);
1108             }
1109           }
1110           j += t->size();  // long and double take two slots
1111         }
1113         // Try to get the most accurate receiver type
1114         const bool is_virtual              = (iid == vmIntrinsics::_linkToVirtual);
1115         const bool is_virtual_or_interface = (is_virtual || iid == vmIntrinsics::_linkToInterface);
1116         int  vtable_index       = Method::invalid_vtable_index;
1117         bool call_does_dispatch = false;
1119         ciKlass* speculative_receiver_type = nullptr;
1120         if (is_virtual_or_interface) {
1121           ciInstanceKlass* klass = target->holder();
1122           Node*             receiver_node = kit.argument(0);
1123           const TypeOopPtr* receiver_type = gvn.type(receiver_node)->isa_oopptr();
1124           // call_does_dispatch and vtable_index are out-parameters.  They might be changed.
1125           // optimize_virtual_call() takes 2 different holder
1126           // arguments for a corner case that doesn't apply here (see
1127           // Parse::do_call())
1128           target = C->optimize_virtual_call(caller, klass, klass,
1129                                             target, receiver_type, is_virtual,
1130                                             call_does_dispatch, vtable_index, // out-parameters
1131                                             false /* check_access */);
1132           // We lack profiling at this call but type speculation may
1133           // provide us with a type
1134           speculative_receiver_type = (receiver_type != nullptr) ? receiver_type->speculative_type() : nullptr;
1135         }
1136         CallGenerator* cg = C->call_generator(target, vtable_index, call_does_dispatch, jvms,
1137                                               allow_inline,
1138                                               PROB_ALWAYS,
1139                                               speculative_receiver_type);

1140         return cg;
1141       } else {
1142         print_inlining_failure(C, callee, jvms->depth() - 1, jvms->bci(),
1143                                "member_name not constant");
1144       }
1145     }
1146     break;
1148     case vmIntrinsics::_linkToNative:
1149     print_inlining_failure(C, callee, jvms->depth() - 1, jvms->bci(),
1150                            "native call");
1151     break;
1153   default:
1154     fatal("unexpected intrinsic %d: %s", vmIntrinsics::as_int(iid), vmIntrinsics::name_at(iid));
1155     break;
1156   }
1157   return nullptr;
1158 }

1194   //        do_intrinsic(0)
1195   //    else
1196   //    if (predicate(1))
1197   //        do_intrinsic(1)
1198   //    ...
1199   //    else
1200   //        do_java_comp
1202   GraphKit kit(jvms);
1203   PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn();
1205   CompileLog* log = kit.C->log();
1206   if (log != nullptr) {
1207     log->elem("predicated_intrinsic bci='%d' method='%d'",
1208               jvms->bci(), log->identify(method()));
1209   }
1211   if (!method()->is_static()) {
1212     // We need an explicit receiver null_check before checking its type in predicate.
1213     // We share a map with the caller, so his JVMS gets adjusted.
1214     Node* receiver = kit.null_check_receiver_before_call(method());
1215     if (kit.stopped()) {
1216       return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
1217     }
1218   }
1220   int n_predicates = _intrinsic->predicates_count();
1221   assert(n_predicates > 0, "sanity");
1223   JVMState** result_jvms = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(JVMState*, (n_predicates+1));
1225   // Region for normal compilation code if intrinsic failed.
1226   Node* slow_region = new RegionNode(1);
1228   int results = 0;
1229   for (int predicate = 0; (predicate < n_predicates) && !kit.stopped(); predicate++) {
1230 #ifdef ASSERT
1231     JVMState* old_jvms = kit.jvms();
1232     SafePointNode* old_map = kit.map();
1233     Node* old_io  = old_map->i_o();
1234     Node* old_mem = old_map->memory();

  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
  26 #include "ci/bcEscapeAnalyzer.hpp"
  27 #include "ci/ciCallSite.hpp"
  28 #include "ci/ciObjArray.hpp"
  29 #include "ci/ciMemberName.hpp"
  30 #include "ci/ciMethodHandle.hpp"
  31 #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
  32 #include "compiler/compileLog.hpp"
  33 #include "opto/addnode.hpp"
  34 #include "opto/callGenerator.hpp"
  35 #include "opto/callnode.hpp"
  36 #include "opto/castnode.hpp"
  37 #include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
  38 #include "opto/inlinetypenode.hpp"
  39 #include "opto/parse.hpp"
  40 #include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
  41 #include "opto/runtime.hpp"
  42 #include "opto/subnode.hpp"
  43 #include "runtime/os.inline.hpp"
  44 #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  45 #include "utilities/debug.hpp"
  47 // Utility function.
  48 const TypeFunc* CallGenerator::tf() const {
  49   return TypeFunc::make(method());
  50 }
  52 bool CallGenerator::is_inlined_method_handle_intrinsic(JVMState* jvms, ciMethod* m) {
  53   return is_inlined_method_handle_intrinsic(jvms->method(), jvms->bci(), m);
  54 }
  56 bool CallGenerator::is_inlined_method_handle_intrinsic(ciMethod* caller, int bci, ciMethod* m) {
  57   ciMethod* symbolic_info = caller->get_method_at_bci(bci);
  58   return is_inlined_method_handle_intrinsic(symbolic_info, m);

 104   GraphKit& exits = parser.exits();
 106   if (C->failing()) {
 107     while (exits.pop_exception_state() != nullptr) ;
 108     return nullptr;
 109   }
 111   assert(exits.jvms()->same_calls_as(jvms), "sanity");
 113   // Simply return the exit state of the parser,
 114   // augmented by any exceptional states.
 115   return exits.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 116 }
 118 //---------------------------DirectCallGenerator------------------------------
 119 // Internal class which handles all out-of-line calls w/o receiver type checks.
 120 class DirectCallGenerator : public CallGenerator {
 121  private:
 122   CallStaticJavaNode* _call_node;
 123   // Force separate memory and I/O projections for the exceptional
 124   // paths to facilitate late inlining.
 125   bool                _separate_io_proj;
 127 protected:
 128   void set_call_node(CallStaticJavaNode* call) { _call_node = call; }
 130  public:
 131   DirectCallGenerator(ciMethod* method, bool separate_io_proj)
 132     : CallGenerator(method),
 133       _call_node(nullptr),
 134       _separate_io_proj(separate_io_proj)
 135   {
 136     if (InlineTypeReturnedAsFields && method->is_method_handle_intrinsic()) {
 137       // If that call has not been optimized by the time optimizations are over,
 138       // we'll need to add a call to create an inline type instance from the klass
 139       // returned by the call (see PhaseMacroExpand::expand_mh_intrinsic_return).
 140       // Separating memory and I/O projections for exceptions is required to
 141       // perform that graph transformation.
 142       _separate_io_proj = true;
 143     }
 144   }
 145   virtual JVMState* generate(JVMState* jvms);
 147   virtual CallNode* call_node() const { return _call_node; }
 148   virtual CallGenerator* with_call_node(CallNode* call) {
 149     DirectCallGenerator* dcg = new DirectCallGenerator(method(), _separate_io_proj);
 150     dcg->set_call_node(call->as_CallStaticJava());
 151     return dcg;
 152   }
 153 };
 155 JVMState* DirectCallGenerator::generate(JVMState* jvms) {
 156   GraphKit kit(jvms);
 157   kit.C->print_inlining_update(this);
 158   PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn();
 159   bool is_static = method()->is_static();
 160   address target = is_static ? SharedRuntime::get_resolve_static_call_stub()
 161                              : SharedRuntime::get_resolve_opt_virtual_call_stub();
 163   if (kit.C->log() != nullptr) {
 164     kit.C->log()->elem("direct_call bci='%d'", jvms->bci());
 165   }
 167   CallStaticJavaNode* call = new CallStaticJavaNode(kit.C, tf(), target, method());
 168   if (is_inlined_method_handle_intrinsic(jvms, method())) {
 169     // To be able to issue a direct call and skip a call to MH.linkTo*/invokeBasic adapter,
 170     // additional information about the method being invoked should be attached
 171     // to the call site to make resolution logic work
 172     // (see SharedRuntime::resolve_static_call_C).
 173     call->set_override_symbolic_info(true);
 174   }
 175   _call_node = call;  // Save the call node in case we need it later
 176   if (!is_static) {
 177     // Make an explicit receiver null_check as part of this call.
 178     // Since we share a map with the caller, his JVMS gets adjusted.
 179     kit.null_check_receiver_before_call(method());
 180     if (kit.stopped()) {
 181       // And dump it back to the caller, decorated with any exceptions:
 182       return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 183     }
 184     // Mark the call node as virtual, sort of:
 185     call->set_optimized_virtual(true);
 186     if (method()->is_method_handle_intrinsic() ||
 187         method()->is_compiled_lambda_form()) {
 188       call->set_method_handle_invoke(true);
 189     }
 190   }
 191   kit.set_arguments_for_java_call(call, is_late_inline());
 192   if (kit.stopped()) {
 193     return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 194   }
 195   kit.set_edges_for_java_call(call, false, _separate_io_proj);
 196   Node* ret = kit.set_results_for_java_call(call, _separate_io_proj);
 197   kit.push_node(method()->return_type()->basic_type(), ret);
 198   return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 199 }
 201 //--------------------------VirtualCallGenerator------------------------------
 202 // Internal class which handles all out-of-line calls checking receiver type.
 203 class VirtualCallGenerator : public CallGenerator {
 204 private:
 205   int _vtable_index;
 206   bool _separate_io_proj;
 207   CallDynamicJavaNode* _call_node;
 209 protected:
 210   void set_call_node(CallDynamicJavaNode* call) { _call_node = call; }
 212 public:
 213   VirtualCallGenerator(ciMethod* method, int vtable_index, bool separate_io_proj)
 214     : CallGenerator(method), _vtable_index(vtable_index), _separate_io_proj(separate_io_proj), _call_node(nullptr)
 215   {
 216     assert(vtable_index == Method::invalid_vtable_index ||
 217            vtable_index >= 0, "either invalid or usable");
 218   }
 219   virtual bool      is_virtual() const          { return true; }
 220   virtual JVMState* generate(JVMState* jvms);
 222   virtual CallNode* call_node() const { return _call_node; }
 223   int vtable_index() const { return _vtable_index; }
 225   virtual CallGenerator* with_call_node(CallNode* call) {
 226     VirtualCallGenerator* cg = new VirtualCallGenerator(method(), _vtable_index, _separate_io_proj);
 227     cg->set_call_node(call->as_CallDynamicJava());
 228     return cg;
 229   }
 230 };
 232 JVMState* VirtualCallGenerator::generate(JVMState* jvms) {
 233   GraphKit kit(jvms);
 234   Node* receiver = kit.argument(0);

 235   kit.C->print_inlining_update(this);
 237   if (kit.C->log() != nullptr) {
 238     kit.C->log()->elem("virtual_call bci='%d'", jvms->bci());
 239   }
 241   // If the receiver is a constant null, do not torture the system
 242   // by attempting to call through it.  The compile will proceed
 243   // correctly, but may bail out in final_graph_reshaping, because
 244   // the call instruction will have a seemingly deficient out-count.
 245   // (The bailout says something misleading about an "infinite loop".)
 246   if (kit.gvn().type(receiver)->higher_equal(TypePtr::NULL_PTR)) {
 247     assert(Bytecodes::is_invoke(kit.java_bc()), "%d: %s", kit.java_bc(), Bytecodes::name(kit.java_bc()));
 248     ciMethod* declared_method = kit.method()->get_method_at_bci(kit.bci());
 249     int arg_size = declared_method->signature()->arg_size_for_bc(kit.java_bc());
 250     kit.inc_sp(arg_size);  // restore arguments
 251     kit.uncommon_trap(Deoptimization::Reason_null_check,
 252                       Deoptimization::Action_none,
 253                       nullptr, "null receiver");
 254     return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();

 274   }
 276   assert(!method()->is_static(), "virtual call must not be to static");
 277   assert(!method()->is_final(), "virtual call should not be to final");
 278   assert(!method()->is_private(), "virtual call should not be to private");
 279   assert(_vtable_index == Method::invalid_vtable_index || !UseInlineCaches,
 280          "no vtable calls if +UseInlineCaches ");
 281   address target = SharedRuntime::get_resolve_virtual_call_stub();
 282   // Normal inline cache used for call
 283   CallDynamicJavaNode* call = new CallDynamicJavaNode(tf(), target, method(), _vtable_index);
 284   if (is_inlined_method_handle_intrinsic(jvms, method())) {
 285     // To be able to issue a direct call (optimized virtual or virtual)
 286     // and skip a call to MH.linkTo*/invokeBasic adapter, additional information
 287     // about the method being invoked should be attached to the call site to
 288     // make resolution logic work (see SharedRuntime::resolve_{virtual,opt_virtual}_call_C).
 289     call->set_override_symbolic_info(true);
 290   }
 291   _call_node = call;  // Save the call node in case we need it later
 293   kit.set_arguments_for_java_call(call);
 294   if (kit.stopped()) {
 295     return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 296   }
 297   kit.set_edges_for_java_call(call, false /*must_throw*/, _separate_io_proj);
 298   Node* ret = kit.set_results_for_java_call(call, _separate_io_proj);
 299   kit.push_node(method()->return_type()->basic_type(), ret);
 301   // Represent the effect of an implicit receiver null_check
 302   // as part of this call.  Since we share a map with the caller,
 303   // his JVMS gets adjusted.
 304   kit.cast_not_null(receiver);
 305   return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 306 }
 308 CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_inline(ciMethod* m, float expected_uses) {
 309   if (InlineTree::check_can_parse(m) != nullptr)  return nullptr;
 310   return new ParseGenerator(m, expected_uses);
 311 }
 313 // As a special case, the JVMS passed to this CallGenerator is
 314 // for the method execution already in progress, not just the JVMS
 315 // of the caller.  Thus, this CallGenerator cannot be mixed with others!
 316 CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_osr(ciMethod* m, int osr_bci) {

 370     return DirectCallGenerator::generate(jvms);
 371   }
 373   virtual void print_inlining_late(InliningResult result, const char* msg) {
 374     CallNode* call = call_node();
 375     Compile* C = Compile::current();
 376     C->print_inlining_assert_ready();
 377     C->print_inlining(method(), call->jvms()->depth()-1, call->jvms()->bci(), result, msg);
 378     C->print_inlining_move_to(this);
 379     C->print_inlining_update_delayed(this);
 380   }
 382   virtual void set_unique_id(jlong id) {
 383     _unique_id = id;
 384   }
 386   virtual jlong unique_id() const {
 387     return _unique_id;
 388   }
 390   virtual CallGenerator* inline_cg() {
 391     return _inline_cg;
 392   }
 394   virtual CallGenerator* with_call_node(CallNode* call) {
 395     LateInlineCallGenerator* cg = new LateInlineCallGenerator(method(), _inline_cg, _is_pure_call);
 396     cg->set_call_node(call->as_CallStaticJava());
 397     return cg;
 398   }
 399 };
 401 CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_late_inline(ciMethod* method, CallGenerator* inline_cg) {
 402   return new LateInlineCallGenerator(method, inline_cg);
 403 }
 405 class LateInlineMHCallGenerator : public LateInlineCallGenerator {
 406   ciMethod* _caller;
 407   bool _input_not_const;
 409   virtual bool do_late_inline_check(Compile* C, JVMState* jvms);
 411  public:
 412   LateInlineMHCallGenerator(ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool input_not_const) :
 413     LateInlineCallGenerator(callee, nullptr), _caller(caller), _input_not_const(input_not_const) {}

 435     cg->set_call_node(call->as_CallStaticJava());
 436     return cg;
 437   }
 438 };
 440 bool LateInlineMHCallGenerator::do_late_inline_check(Compile* C, JVMState* jvms) {
 441   // When inlining a virtual call, the null check at the call and the call itself can throw. These 2 paths have different
 442   // expression stacks which causes late inlining to break. The MH invoker is not expected to be called from a method with
 443   // exception handlers. When there is no exception handler, GraphKit::builtin_throw() pops the stack which solves the issue
 444   // of late inlining with exceptions.
 445   assert(!jvms->method()->has_exception_handlers() ||
 446          (method()->intrinsic_id() != vmIntrinsics::_linkToVirtual &&
 447           method()->intrinsic_id() != vmIntrinsics::_linkToInterface), "no exception handler expected");
 448   // Even if inlining is not allowed, a virtual call can be strength-reduced to a direct call.
 449   bool allow_inline = C->inlining_incrementally();
 450   bool input_not_const = true;
 451   CallGenerator* cg = for_method_handle_inline(jvms, _caller, method(), allow_inline, input_not_const);
 452   assert(!input_not_const, "sanity"); // shouldn't have been scheduled for inlining in the first place
 454   if (cg != nullptr) {
 455     // AlwaysIncrementalInline causes for_method_handle_inline() to
 456     // return a LateInlineCallGenerator. Extract the
 457     // InlineCallGenerator from it.
 458     if (AlwaysIncrementalInline && cg->is_late_inline() && !cg->is_virtual_late_inline()) {
 459       cg = cg->inline_cg();
 460       assert(cg != nullptr, "inline call generator expected");
 461     }
 463     assert(!cg->is_late_inline() || cg->is_mh_late_inline() || AlwaysIncrementalInline || StressIncrementalInlining, "we're doing late inlining");
 464     _inline_cg = cg;
 465     C->dec_number_of_mh_late_inlines();
 466     return true;
 467   } else {
 468     // Method handle call which has a constant appendix argument should be either inlined or replaced with a direct call
 469     // unless there's a signature mismatch between caller and callee. If the failure occurs, there's not much to be improved later,
 470     // so don't reinstall the generator to avoid pushing the generator between IGVN and incremental inlining indefinitely.
 471     return false;
 472   }
 473 }
 475 CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_mh_late_inline(ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool input_not_const) {
 476   assert(IncrementalInlineMH, "required");
 477   Compile::current()->inc_number_of_mh_late_inlines();
 478   CallGenerator* cg = new LateInlineMHCallGenerator(caller, callee, input_not_const);
 479   return cg;
 480 }
 482 // Allow inlining decisions to be delayed

 606 void LateInlineMHCallGenerator::do_late_inline() {
 607   CallGenerator::do_late_inline_helper();
 608 }
 610 void LateInlineVirtualCallGenerator::do_late_inline() {
 611   assert(_callee != nullptr, "required"); // set up in CallDynamicJavaNode::Ideal
 612   CallGenerator::do_late_inline_helper();
 613 }
 615 void CallGenerator::do_late_inline_helper() {
 616   assert(is_late_inline(), "only late inline allowed");
 618   // Can't inline it
 619   CallNode* call = call_node();
 620   if (call == nullptr || call->outcnt() == 0 ||
 621       call->in(0) == nullptr || call->in(0)->is_top()) {
 622     return;
 623   }
 625   const TypeTuple* r = call->tf()->domain_cc();
 626   for (uint i1 = TypeFunc::Parms; i1 < r->cnt(); i1++) {
 627     if (call->in(i1)->is_top() && r->field_at(i1) != Type::HALF) {
 628       assert(Compile::current()->inlining_incrementally(), "shouldn't happen during parsing");
 629       return;
 630     }
 631   }
 633   if (call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)->is_top()) {
 634     assert(Compile::current()->inlining_incrementally(), "shouldn't happen during parsing");
 635     return;
 636   }
 637   if (call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)->is_MergeMem()) {
 638     MergeMemNode* merge_mem = call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)->as_MergeMem();
 639     if (merge_mem->base_memory() == merge_mem->empty_memory()) {
 640       return; // dead path
 641     }
 642   }
 644   // check for unreachable loop
 645   CallProjections* callprojs = call->extract_projections(true);
 646   if ((callprojs->fallthrough_catchproj == call->in(0)) ||
 647       (callprojs->catchall_catchproj    == call->in(0)) ||
 648       (callprojs->fallthrough_memproj   == call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)) ||
 649       (callprojs->catchall_memproj      == call->in(TypeFunc::Memory)) ||
 650       (callprojs->fallthrough_ioproj    == call->in(TypeFunc::I_O)) ||
 651       (callprojs->catchall_ioproj       == call->in(TypeFunc::I_O)) ||
 652       (callprojs->exobj != nullptr && call->find_edge(callprojs->exobj) != -1)) {

 653     return;
 654   }
 656   Compile* C = Compile::current();
 657   // Remove inlined methods from Compiler's lists.
 658   if (call->is_macro()) {
 659     C->remove_macro_node(call);
 660   }
 663   bool result_not_used = true;
 664   for (uint i = 0; i < callprojs->nb_resproj; i++) {
 665     if (callprojs->resproj[i] != nullptr) {
 666       if (callprojs->resproj[i]->outcnt() != 0) {
 667         result_not_used = false;
 668       }
 669       if (call->find_edge(callprojs->resproj[i]) != -1) {
 670         return;
 671       }
 672     }
 673   }
 675   if (is_pure_call() && result_not_used) {
 676     // The call is marked as pure (no important side effects), but result isn't used.
 677     // It's safe to remove the call.
 678     GraphKit kit(call->jvms());
 679     kit.replace_call(call, C->top(), true);
 680   } else {
 681     // Make a clone of the JVMState that appropriate to use for driving a parse
 682     JVMState* old_jvms = call->jvms();
 683     JVMState* jvms = old_jvms->clone_shallow(C);
 684     uint size = call->req();
 685     SafePointNode* map = new SafePointNode(size, jvms);
 686     for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < size; i1++) {
 687       map->init_req(i1, call->in(i1));
 688     }
 690     PhaseGVN& gvn = *C->initial_gvn();
 691     // Make sure the state is a MergeMem for parsing.
 692     if (!map->in(TypeFunc::Memory)->is_MergeMem()) {
 693       Node* mem = MergeMemNode::make(map->in(TypeFunc::Memory));
 694       gvn.set_type_bottom(mem);
 695       map->set_req(TypeFunc::Memory, mem);
 696     }

 698     // blow away old call arguments
 699     for (uint i1 = TypeFunc::Parms; i1 < r->cnt(); i1++) {
 700       map->set_req(i1, C->top());

 701     }
 702     jvms->set_map(map);
 704     // Make enough space in the expression stack to transfer
 705     // the incoming arguments and return value.
 706     map->ensure_stack(jvms, jvms->method()->max_stack());
 707     const TypeTuple* domain_sig = call->_tf->domain_sig();
 708     uint nargs = method()->arg_size();
 709     assert(domain_sig->cnt() - TypeFunc::Parms == nargs, "inconsistent signature");
 711     uint j = TypeFunc::Parms;
 712     int arg_num = 0;
 713     for (uint i1 = 0; i1 < nargs; i1++) {
 714       const Type* t = domain_sig->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms + i1);
 715       if (t->is_inlinetypeptr() && !method()->get_Method()->mismatch() && method()->is_scalarized_arg(arg_num)) {
 716         // Inline type arguments are not passed by reference: we get an argument per
 717         // field of the inline type. Build InlineTypeNodes from the inline type arguments.
 718         GraphKit arg_kit(jvms, &gvn);
 719         Node* vt = InlineTypeNode::make_from_multi(&arg_kit, call, t->inline_klass(), j, /* in= */ true, /* null_free= */ !t->maybe_null());
 720         map->set_control(arg_kit.control());
 721         map->set_argument(jvms, i1, vt);
 722       } else {
 723         map->set_argument(jvms, i1, call->in(j++));
 724       }
 725       if (t != Type::HALF) {
 726         arg_num++;
 727       }
 728     }
 730     C->print_inlining_assert_ready();
 732     C->print_inlining_move_to(this);
 734     C->log_late_inline(this);
 736     // JVMState is ready, so time to perform some checks and prepare for inlining attempt.
 737     if (!do_late_inline_check(C, jvms)) {
 738       map->disconnect_inputs(C);
 739       C->print_inlining_update_delayed(this);
 740       return;
 741     }
 742     if (C->print_inlining() && (is_mh_late_inline() || is_virtual_late_inline())) {
 743       C->print_inlining_update_delayed(this);
 744     }
 746     // Check if we are late inlining a method handle call that returns an inline type as fields.
 747     Node* buffer_oop = nullptr;
 748     ciMethod* inline_method = inline_cg()->method();
 749     ciType* return_type = inline_method->return_type();
 750     if (!call->tf()->returns_inline_type_as_fields() && is_mh_late_inline() &&
 751         return_type->is_inlinetype() && return_type->as_inline_klass()->can_be_returned_as_fields()) {
 752       // Allocate a buffer for the inline type returned as fields because the caller expects an oop return.
 753       // Do this before the method handle call in case the buffer allocation triggers deoptimization and
 754       // we need to "re-execute" the call in the interpreter (to make sure the call is only executed once).
 755       GraphKit arg_kit(jvms, &gvn);
 756       {
 757         PreserveReexecuteState preexecs(&arg_kit);
 758         arg_kit.jvms()->set_should_reexecute(true);
 759         arg_kit.inc_sp(nargs);
 760         Node* klass_node = arg_kit.makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(return_type->as_inline_klass()));
 761         buffer_oop = arg_kit.new_instance(klass_node, nullptr, nullptr, /* deoptimize_on_exception */ true);
 762       }
 763       jvms = arg_kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
 764     }
 766     // Setup default node notes to be picked up by the inlining
 767     Node_Notes* old_nn = C->node_notes_at(call->_idx);
 768     if (old_nn != nullptr) {
 769       Node_Notes* entry_nn = old_nn->clone(C);
 770       entry_nn->set_jvms(jvms);
 771       C->set_default_node_notes(entry_nn);
 772     }
 774     // Now perform the inlining using the synthesized JVMState
 775     JVMState* new_jvms = inline_cg()->generate(jvms);
 776     if (new_jvms == nullptr)  return;  // no change
 777     if (C->failing())      return;
 779     // Capture any exceptional control flow
 780     GraphKit kit(new_jvms);
 782     // Find the result object
 783     Node* result = C->top();
 784     int   result_size = method()->return_type()->size();
 785     if (result_size != 0 && !kit.stopped()) {
 786       result = (result_size == 1) ? kit.pop() : kit.pop_pair();
 787     }
 789     if (call->is_CallStaticJava() && call->as_CallStaticJava()->is_boxing_method()) {
 790       result = kit.must_be_not_null(result, false);
 791     }
 793     if (inline_cg()->is_inline()) {
 794       C->set_has_loops(C->has_loops() || inline_method->has_loops());
 795       C->env()->notice_inlined_method(inline_method);
 796     }
 797     C->set_inlining_progress(true);
 798     C->set_do_cleanup(kit.stopped()); // path is dead; needs cleanup
 800     // Handle inline type returns
 801     InlineTypeNode* vt = result->isa_InlineType();
 802     if (vt != nullptr) {
 803       if (call->tf()->returns_inline_type_as_fields()) {
 804         vt->replace_call_results(&kit, call, C);
 805       } else if (vt->is_InlineType()) {
 806         // Result might still be allocated (for example, if it has been stored to a non-flat field)
 807         if (!vt->is_allocated(&kit.gvn())) {
 808           assert(buffer_oop != nullptr, "should have allocated a buffer");
 809           RegionNode* region = new RegionNode(3);
 811           // Check if result is null
 812           Node* null_ctl = kit.top();
 813           kit.null_check_common(vt->get_is_init(), T_INT, false, &null_ctl);
 814           region->init_req(1, null_ctl);
 815           PhiNode* oop = PhiNode::make(region, kit.gvn().zerocon(T_OBJECT), TypeInstPtr::make(TypePtr::BotPTR, vt->type()->inline_klass()));
 816           Node* init_mem = kit.reset_memory();
 817           PhiNode* mem = PhiNode::make(region, init_mem, Type::MEMORY, TypePtr::BOTTOM);
 819           // Not null, initialize the buffer
 820           kit.set_all_memory(init_mem);
 821           vt->store(&kit, buffer_oop, buffer_oop, vt->type()->inline_klass());
 822           // Do not let stores that initialize this buffer be reordered with a subsequent
 823           // store that would make this buffer accessible by other threads.
 824           AllocateNode* alloc = AllocateNode::Ideal_allocation(buffer_oop);
 825           assert(alloc != nullptr, "must have an allocation node");
 826           kit.insert_mem_bar(Op_MemBarStoreStore, alloc->proj_out_or_null(AllocateNode::RawAddress));
 827           region->init_req(2, kit.control());
 828           oop->init_req(2, buffer_oop);
 829           mem->init_req(2, kit.merged_memory());
 831           // Update oop input to buffer
 832           kit.gvn().hash_delete(vt);
 833           vt->set_oop(kit.gvn(), kit.gvn().transform(oop));
 834           vt->set_is_buffered(kit.gvn());
 835           vt = kit.gvn().transform(vt)->as_InlineType();
 837           kit.set_control(kit.gvn().transform(region));
 838           kit.set_all_memory(kit.gvn().transform(mem));
 839           kit.record_for_igvn(region);
 840           kit.record_for_igvn(oop);
 841           kit.record_for_igvn(mem);
 842         }
 843         result = vt;
 844       }
 845       DEBUG_ONLY(buffer_oop = nullptr);
 846     } else {
 847       assert(result->is_top() || !call->tf()->returns_inline_type_as_fields(), "Unexpected return value");
 848     }
 849     assert(buffer_oop == nullptr, "unused buffer allocation");
 851     kit.replace_call(call, result, true);
 852   }
 853 }
 855 class LateInlineStringCallGenerator : public LateInlineCallGenerator {
 857  public:
 858   LateInlineStringCallGenerator(ciMethod* method, CallGenerator* inline_cg) :
 859     LateInlineCallGenerator(method, inline_cg) {}
 861   virtual JVMState* generate(JVMState* jvms) {
 862     Compile *C = Compile::current();
 864     C->log_inline_id(this);
 866     C->add_string_late_inline(this);
 868     JVMState* new_jvms = DirectCallGenerator::generate(jvms);
 869     return new_jvms;
 870   }

1053     // Inline failed, so make a direct call.
1054     assert(_if_hit->is_inline(), "must have been a failed inline");
1055     CallGenerator* cg = CallGenerator::for_direct_call(_if_hit->method());
1056     new_jvms = cg->generate(kit.sync_jvms());
1057   }
1058   kit.add_exception_states_from(new_jvms);
1059   kit.set_jvms(new_jvms);
1061   // Need to merge slow and fast?
1062   if (slow_map == nullptr) {
1063     // The fast path is the only path remaining.
1064     return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
1065   }
1067   if (kit.stopped()) {
1068     // Inlined method threw an exception, so it's just the slow path after all.
1069     kit.set_jvms(slow_jvms);
1070     return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
1071   }
1073   // Allocate inline types if they are merged with objects (similar to Parse::merge_common())
1074   uint tos = kit.jvms()->stkoff() + kit.sp();
1075   uint limit = slow_map->req();
1076   for (uint i = TypeFunc::Parms; i < limit; i++) {
1077     Node* m = kit.map()->in(i);
1078     Node* n = slow_map->in(i);
1079     const Type* t = gvn.type(m)->meet_speculative(gvn.type(n));
1080     // TODO 8284443 still needed?
1081     if (m->is_InlineType() && !t->is_inlinetypeptr()) {
1082       // Allocate inline type in fast path
1083       m = m->as_InlineType()->buffer(&kit);
1084       kit.map()->set_req(i, m);
1085     }
1086     if (n->is_InlineType() && !t->is_inlinetypeptr()) {
1087       // Allocate inline type in slow path
1088       PreserveJVMState pjvms(&kit);
1089       kit.set_map(slow_map);
1090       n = n->as_InlineType()->buffer(&kit);
1091       kit.map()->set_req(i, n);
1092       slow_map = kit.stop();
1093     }
1094   }
1096   // There are 2 branches and the replaced nodes are only valid on
1097   // one: restore the replaced nodes to what they were before the
1098   // branch.
1099   kit.map()->set_replaced_nodes(replaced_nodes);
1101   // Finish the diamond.
1102   kit.C->set_has_split_ifs(true); // Has chance for split-if optimization
1103   RegionNode* region = new RegionNode(3);
1104   region->init_req(1, kit.control());
1105   region->init_req(2, slow_map->control());
1106   kit.set_control(gvn.transform(region));
1107   Node* iophi = PhiNode::make(region, kit.i_o(), Type::ABIO);
1108   iophi->set_req(2, slow_map->i_o());
1109   kit.set_i_o(gvn.transform(iophi));
1110   // Merge memory
1111   kit.merge_memory(slow_map->merged_memory(), region, 2);
1112   // Transform new memory Phis.
1113   for (MergeMemStream mms(kit.merged_memory()); mms.next_non_empty();) {
1114     Node* phi = mms.memory();
1115     if (phi->is_Phi() && phi->in(0) == region) {
1116       mms.set_memory(gvn.transform(phi));
1117     }
1118   }

1119   for (uint i = TypeFunc::Parms; i < limit; i++) {
1120     // Skip unused stack slots; fast forward to monoff();
1121     if (i == tos) {
1122       i = kit.jvms()->monoff();
1123       if( i >= limit ) break;
1124     }
1125     Node* m = kit.map()->in(i);
1126     Node* n = slow_map->in(i);
1127     if (m != n) {
1128       const Type* t = gvn.type(m)->meet_speculative(gvn.type(n));
1129       Node* phi = PhiNode::make(region, m, t);
1130       phi->set_req(2, n);
1131       kit.map()->set_req(i, gvn.transform(phi));
1132     }
1133   }
1134   return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
1135 }
1138 CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_method_handle_call(JVMState* jvms, ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool allow_inline) {
1139   assert(callee->is_method_handle_intrinsic(), "for_method_handle_call mismatch");
1140   bool input_not_const;
1141   CallGenerator* cg = CallGenerator::for_method_handle_inline(jvms, caller, callee, allow_inline, input_not_const);
1142   Compile* C = Compile::current();
1143   bool should_delay = C->should_delay_inlining();
1144   if (cg != nullptr) {
1145     if (should_delay) {
1146       return CallGenerator::for_late_inline(callee, cg);
1147     } else {
1148       return cg;
1149     }
1150   }
1151   int bci = jvms->bci();
1152   ciCallProfile profile = caller->call_profile_at_bci(bci);
1153   int call_site_count = caller->scale_count(profile.count());
1155   if (IncrementalInlineMH && (AlwaysIncrementalInline ||
1156                             (call_site_count > 0 && (should_delay || input_not_const || !C->inlining_incrementally() || C->over_inlining_cutoff())))) {
1157     return CallGenerator::for_mh_late_inline(caller, callee, input_not_const);
1158   } else {
1159     // Out-of-line call.
1160     return CallGenerator::for_direct_call(callee);
1161   }
1162 }
1164 static void cast_argument(int nargs, int arg_nb, ciType* t, GraphKit& kit) {
1165   PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn();
1166   Node* arg = kit.argument(arg_nb);
1167   const Type* arg_type = arg->bottom_type();
1168   const Type* sig_type = TypeOopPtr::make_from_klass(t->as_klass());
1169   if (arg_type->isa_oopptr() && !arg_type->higher_equal(sig_type)) {
1170     const Type* narrowed_arg_type = arg_type->filter_speculative(sig_type); // keep speculative part
1171     arg = gvn.transform(new CheckCastPPNode(kit.control(), arg, narrowed_arg_type));
1172     kit.set_argument(arg_nb, arg);
1173   }
1174   if (sig_type->is_inlinetypeptr()) {
1175     arg = InlineTypeNode::make_from_oop(&kit, arg, sig_type->inline_klass(), !kit.gvn().type(arg)->maybe_null());
1176     kit.set_argument(arg_nb, arg);
1177   }
1178 }
1180 CallGenerator* CallGenerator::for_method_handle_inline(JVMState* jvms, ciMethod* caller, ciMethod* callee, bool allow_inline, bool& input_not_const) {
1181   GraphKit kit(jvms);
1182   PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn();
1183   Compile* C = kit.C;
1184   vmIntrinsics::ID iid = callee->intrinsic_id();
1185   input_not_const = true;
1186   if (StressMethodHandleLinkerInlining) {
1187     allow_inline = false;
1188   }
1189   switch (iid) {
1190   case vmIntrinsics::_invokeBasic:
1191     {
1192       // Get MethodHandle receiver:
1193       Node* receiver = kit.argument(0);
1194       if (receiver->Opcode() == Op_ConP) {
1195         input_not_const = false;
1196         const TypeOopPtr* recv_toop = receiver->bottom_type()->isa_oopptr();
1197         if (recv_toop != nullptr) {
1198           ciMethod* target = recv_toop->const_oop()->as_method_handle()->get_vmtarget();
1199           const int vtable_index = Method::invalid_vtable_index;

1211                                                 PROB_ALWAYS);
1212           return cg;
1213         } else {
1214           assert(receiver->bottom_type() == TypePtr::NULL_PTR, "not a null: %s",
1215                  Type::str(receiver->bottom_type()));
1216           print_inlining_failure(C, callee, jvms->depth() - 1, jvms->bci(),
1217                                  "receiver is always null");
1218         }
1219       } else {
1220         print_inlining_failure(C, callee, jvms->depth() - 1, jvms->bci(),
1221                                "receiver not constant");
1222       }
1223     }
1224     break;
1226   case vmIntrinsics::_linkToVirtual:
1227   case vmIntrinsics::_linkToStatic:
1228   case vmIntrinsics::_linkToSpecial:
1229   case vmIntrinsics::_linkToInterface:
1230     {
1231       int nargs = callee->arg_size();
1232       // Get MemberName argument:
1233       Node* member_name = kit.argument(nargs - 1);
1234       if (member_name->Opcode() == Op_ConP) {
1235         input_not_const = false;
1236         const TypeOopPtr* oop_ptr = member_name->bottom_type()->is_oopptr();
1237         ciMethod* target = oop_ptr->const_oop()->as_member_name()->get_vmtarget();
1239         if (!ciMethod::is_consistent_info(callee, target)) {
1240           print_inlining_failure(C, callee, jvms->depth() - 1, jvms->bci(),
1241                                  "signatures mismatch");
1242           return nullptr;
1243         }
1245         // In lambda forms we erase signature types to avoid resolving issues
1246         // involving class loaders.  When we optimize a method handle invoke
1247         // to a direct call we must cast the receiver and arguments to its
1248         // actual types.
1249         ciSignature* signature = target->signature();
1250         const int receiver_skip = target->is_static() ? 0 : 1;
1251         // Cast receiver to its type.
1252         if (!target->is_static()) {
1253           cast_argument(nargs, 0, signature->accessing_klass(), kit);

1254         }
1255         // Cast reference arguments to its type.
1256         for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < signature->count(); i++) {
1257           ciType* t = signature->type_at(i);
1258           if (t->is_klass()) {
1259             cast_argument(nargs, receiver_skip + j, t, kit);

1260           }
1261           j += t->size();  // long and double take two slots
1262         }
1264         // Try to get the most accurate receiver type
1265         const bool is_virtual              = (iid == vmIntrinsics::_linkToVirtual);
1266         const bool is_virtual_or_interface = (is_virtual || iid == vmIntrinsics::_linkToInterface);
1267         int  vtable_index       = Method::invalid_vtable_index;
1268         bool call_does_dispatch = false;
1270         ciKlass* speculative_receiver_type = nullptr;
1271         if (is_virtual_or_interface) {
1272           ciInstanceKlass* klass = target->holder();
1273           Node*             receiver_node = kit.argument(0);
1274           const TypeOopPtr* receiver_type = gvn.type(receiver_node)->isa_oopptr();
1275           // call_does_dispatch and vtable_index are out-parameters.  They might be changed.
1276           // optimize_virtual_call() takes 2 different holder
1277           // arguments for a corner case that doesn't apply here (see
1278           // Parse::do_call())
1279           target = C->optimize_virtual_call(caller, klass, klass,
1280                                             target, receiver_type, is_virtual,
1281                                             call_does_dispatch, vtable_index, // out-parameters
1282                                             false /* check_access */);
1283           // We lack profiling at this call but type speculation may
1284           // provide us with a type
1285           speculative_receiver_type = (receiver_type != nullptr) ? receiver_type->speculative_type() : nullptr;
1286         }
1287         CallGenerator* cg = C->call_generator(target, vtable_index, call_does_dispatch, jvms,
1288                                               allow_inline,
1289                                               PROB_ALWAYS,
1290                                               speculative_receiver_type,
1291                                               true);
1292         return cg;
1293       } else {
1294         print_inlining_failure(C, callee, jvms->depth() - 1, jvms->bci(),
1295                                "member_name not constant");
1296       }
1297     }
1298     break;
1300     case vmIntrinsics::_linkToNative:
1301     print_inlining_failure(C, callee, jvms->depth() - 1, jvms->bci(),
1302                            "native call");
1303     break;
1305   default:
1306     fatal("unexpected intrinsic %d: %s", vmIntrinsics::as_int(iid), vmIntrinsics::name_at(iid));
1307     break;
1308   }
1309   return nullptr;
1310 }

1346   //        do_intrinsic(0)
1347   //    else
1348   //    if (predicate(1))
1349   //        do_intrinsic(1)
1350   //    ...
1351   //    else
1352   //        do_java_comp
1354   GraphKit kit(jvms);
1355   PhaseGVN& gvn = kit.gvn();
1357   CompileLog* log = kit.C->log();
1358   if (log != nullptr) {
1359     log->elem("predicated_intrinsic bci='%d' method='%d'",
1360               jvms->bci(), log->identify(method()));
1361   }
1363   if (!method()->is_static()) {
1364     // We need an explicit receiver null_check before checking its type in predicate.
1365     // We share a map with the caller, so his JVMS gets adjusted.
1366     kit.null_check_receiver_before_call(method());
1367     if (kit.stopped()) {
1368       return kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
1369     }
1370   }
1372   int n_predicates = _intrinsic->predicates_count();
1373   assert(n_predicates > 0, "sanity");
1375   JVMState** result_jvms = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(JVMState*, (n_predicates+1));
1377   // Region for normal compilation code if intrinsic failed.
1378   Node* slow_region = new RegionNode(1);
1380   int results = 0;
1381   for (int predicate = 0; (predicate < n_predicates) && !kit.stopped(); predicate++) {
1382 #ifdef ASSERT
1383     JVMState* old_jvms = kit.jvms();
1384     SafePointNode* old_map = kit.map();
1385     Node* old_io  = old_map->i_o();
1386     Node* old_mem = old_map->memory();
< prev index next >