< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/opto/loopopts.cpp
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#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/castnode.hpp"
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
#include "opto/castnode.hpp"
#include "opto/divnode.hpp"
+ #include "opto/inlinetypenode.hpp"
#include "opto/loopnode.hpp"
#include "opto/matcher.hpp"
#include "opto/mulnode.hpp"
#include "opto/movenode.hpp"
#include "opto/opaquenode.hpp"
if (n->Opcode() == Op_CastII && region->is_CountedLoop() &&
n->in(1) == region->as_CountedLoop()->phi()) {
return nullptr;
+ // Inline types should not be split through Phis because they cannot be merged
+ // through Phi nodes but each value input needs to be merged individually.
+ if (n->is_InlineType()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
if (cannot_split_division(n, region)) {
return nullptr;
int wins = 0;
// Add in cost any speculative ops
for (uint j = 1; j < region->req(); j++) {
Node *proj = region->in(j);
Node *inp = phi->in(j);
+ if (inp->isa_InlineType()) {
+ // TODO 8302217 This prevents PhiNode::push_inline_types_through
+ return nullptr;
+ }
if (get_ctrl(inp) == proj) { // Found local op
// Check for a chain of dependent ops; these will all become
// speculative in a CMOV.
for (uint k = 1; k < inp->req(); k++)
+ // We can't use immutable memory for the flat array check because we are loading the mark word which is
+ // mutable. Although the bits we are interested in are immutable (we check for markWord::unlocked_value),
+ // we need to use raw memory to not break anti dependency analysis. Below code will attempt to still move
+ // flat array checks out of loops, mainly to enable loop unswitching.
+ void PhaseIdealLoop::move_flat_array_check_out_of_loop(Node* n) {
+ // Skip checks for more than one array
+ if (n->req() > 3) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Node* mem = n->in(FlatArrayCheckNode::Memory);
+ Node* array = n->in(FlatArrayCheckNode::ArrayOrKlass)->uncast();
+ IdealLoopTree* check_loop = get_loop(get_ctrl(n));
+ IdealLoopTree* ary_loop = get_loop(get_ctrl(array));
+ // Check if array is loop invariant
+ if (!check_loop->is_member(ary_loop)) {
+ // Walk up memory graph from the check until we leave the loop
+ VectorSet wq;
+ wq.set(mem->_idx);
+ while (check_loop->is_member(get_loop(ctrl_or_self(mem)))) {
+ if (mem->is_Phi()) {
+ mem = mem->in(1);
+ } else if (mem->is_MergeMem()) {
+ mem = mem->as_MergeMem()->memory_at(Compile::AliasIdxRaw);
+ } else if (mem->is_Proj()) {
+ mem = mem->in(0);
+ } else if (mem->is_MemBar() || mem->is_SafePoint()) {
+ mem = mem->in(TypeFunc::Memory);
+ } else if (mem->is_Store() || mem->is_LoadStore() || mem->is_ClearArray()) {
+ mem = mem->in(MemNode::Memory);
+ } else {
+ #ifdef ASSERT
+ mem->dump();
+ #endif
+ ShouldNotReachHere();
+ }
+ if (wq.test_set(mem->_idx)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Replace memory input and re-compute ctrl to move the check out of the loop
+ _igvn.replace_input_of(n, 1, mem);
+ set_ctrl_and_loop(n, get_early_ctrl(n));
+ Node* bol = n->unique_out();
+ set_ctrl_and_loop(bol, get_early_ctrl(bol));
+ }
+ }
// Split some nodes that take a counted loop phi as input at a counted
// loop can cause vectorization of some expressions to fail
bool PhaseIdealLoop::split_thru_phi_could_prevent_vectorization(Node* n, Node* n_blk) {
if (!n_blk->is_CountedLoop()) {
return false;
return n;
if (n->is_Proj()) {
return n;
+ if (n->isa_FlatArrayCheck()) {
+ move_flat_array_check_out_of_loop(n);
+ return n;
+ }
// Do not clone-up CmpFXXX variations, as these are always
// followed by a CmpI
if (n->is_Cmp()) {
return n;
return out_le;
+ bool PhaseIdealLoop::flat_array_element_type_check(Node *n) {
+ // If the CmpP is a subtype check for a value that has just been
+ // loaded from an array, the subtype check guarantees the value
+ // can't be stored in a flat array and the load of the value
+ // happens with a flat array check then: push the type check
+ // through the phi of the flat array check. This needs special
+ // logic because the subtype check's input is not a phi but a
+ // LoadKlass that must first be cloned through the phi.
+ if (n->Opcode() != Op_CmpP) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Node* klassptr = n->in(1);
+ Node* klasscon = n->in(2);
+ if (klassptr->is_DecodeNarrowPtr()) {
+ klassptr = klassptr->in(1);
+ }
+ if (klassptr->Opcode() != Op_LoadKlass && klassptr->Opcode() != Op_LoadNKlass) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!klasscon->is_Con()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Node* addr = klassptr->in(MemNode::Address);
+ if (!addr->is_AddP()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ intptr_t offset;
+ Node* obj = AddPNode::Ideal_base_and_offset(addr, &_igvn, offset);
+ if (obj == nullptr) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ assert(obj != nullptr && addr->in(AddPNode::Base) == addr->in(AddPNode::Address), "malformed AddP?");
+ if (obj->Opcode() == Op_CastPP) {
+ obj = obj->in(1);
+ }
+ if (!obj->is_Phi()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Node* region = obj->in(0);
+ Node* phi = PhiNode::make_blank(region, n->in(1));
+ for (uint i = 1; i < region->req(); i++) {
+ Node* in = obj->in(i);
+ Node* ctrl = region->in(i);
+ if (addr->in(AddPNode::Base) != obj) {
+ Node* cast = addr->in(AddPNode::Base);
+ assert(cast->Opcode() == Op_CastPP && cast->in(0) != nullptr, "inconsistent subgraph");
+ Node* cast_clone = cast->clone();
+ cast_clone->set_req(0, ctrl);
+ cast_clone->set_req(1, in);
+ register_new_node(cast_clone, ctrl);
+ const Type* tcast = cast_clone->Value(&_igvn);
+ _igvn.set_type(cast_clone, tcast);
+ cast_clone->as_Type()->set_type(tcast);
+ in = cast_clone;
+ }
+ Node* addr_clone = addr->clone();
+ addr_clone->set_req(AddPNode::Base, in);
+ addr_clone->set_req(AddPNode::Address, in);
+ register_new_node(addr_clone, ctrl);
+ _igvn.set_type(addr_clone, addr_clone->Value(&_igvn));
+ Node* klassptr_clone = klassptr->clone();
+ klassptr_clone->set_req(2, addr_clone);
+ register_new_node(klassptr_clone, ctrl);
+ _igvn.set_type(klassptr_clone, klassptr_clone->Value(&_igvn));
+ if (klassptr != n->in(1)) {
+ Node* decode = n->in(1);
+ assert(decode->is_DecodeNarrowPtr(), "inconsistent subgraph");
+ Node* decode_clone = decode->clone();
+ decode_clone->set_req(1, klassptr_clone);
+ register_new_node(decode_clone, ctrl);
+ _igvn.set_type(decode_clone, decode_clone->Value(&_igvn));
+ klassptr_clone = decode_clone;
+ }
+ phi->set_req(i, klassptr_clone);
+ }
+ register_new_node(phi, region);
+ Node* orig = n->in(1);
+ _igvn.replace_input_of(n, 1, phi);
+ split_if_with_blocks_post(n);
+ if (n->outcnt() != 0) {
+ _igvn.replace_input_of(n, 1, orig);
+ _igvn.remove_dead_node(phi);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
// Do the real work in a non-recursive function. CFG hackery wants to be
// in the post-order, so it can dirty the I-DOM info and not use the dirtied
// info.
void PhaseIdealLoop::split_if_with_blocks_post(Node *n) {
+ if (flat_array_element_type_check(n)) {
+ return;
+ }
// Cloning Cmp through Phi's involves the split-if transform.
// FastLock is not used by an If
if (n->is_Cmp() && !n->is_FastLock()) {
Node *n_ctrl = get_ctrl(n);
// Determine if the Node has inputs from some local Phi.
if (C->failing()) {
+ // Remove multiple allocations of the same inline type
+ if (n->is_InlineType()) {
+ n->as_InlineType()->remove_redundant_allocations(this);
+ }
// Transform:
// if (some_condition) {
sample_bool = n->in(1);
assert(sample_bool->is_Bool(), "wrong type");
} else {
sample_bool = n;
! Node *sample_cmp = sample_bool->in(1);
// Make Phis to merge the Cmp's inputs.
! PhiNode *phi1 = new PhiNode(phi->in(0), Type::TOP);
PhiNode *phi2 = new PhiNode(phi->in(0), Type::TOP);
for (i = 1; i < phi->req(); i++) {
Node *n1 = sample_opaque == nullptr ? phi->in(i)->in(1)->in(1) : phi->in(i)->in(1)->in(1)->in(1);
Node *n2 = sample_opaque == nullptr ? phi->in(i)->in(1)->in(2) : phi->in(i)->in(1)->in(1)->in(2);
phi1->set_req(i, n1);
sample_bool = n->in(1);
assert(sample_bool->is_Bool(), "wrong type");
} else {
sample_bool = n;
! Node* sample_cmp = sample_bool->in(1);
+ const Type* t = Type::TOP;
+ const TypePtr* at = nullptr;
+ if (sample_cmp->is_FlatArrayCheck()) {
+ // Left input of a FlatArrayCheckNode is memory, set the (adr) type of the phi accordingly
+ assert(sample_cmp->in(1)->bottom_type() == Type::MEMORY, "unexpected input type");
+ t = Type::MEMORY;
+ at = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM;
+ }
// Make Phis to merge the Cmp's inputs.
! PhiNode *phi1 = new PhiNode(phi->in(0), t, at);
PhiNode *phi2 = new PhiNode(phi->in(0), Type::TOP);
for (i = 1; i < phi->req(); i++) {
Node *n1 = sample_opaque == nullptr ? phi->in(i)->in(1)->in(1) : phi->in(i)->in(1)->in(1)->in(1);
Node *n2 = sample_opaque == nullptr ? phi->in(i)->in(1)->in(2) : phi->in(i)->in(1)->in(1)->in(2);
phi1->set_req(i, n1);
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