< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/opto/parse1.cpp
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#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "oops/method.hpp"
#include "opto/addnode.hpp"
#include "opto/c2compiler.hpp"
#include "opto/castnode.hpp"
+ #include "opto/convertnode.hpp"
#include "opto/idealGraphPrinter.hpp"
+ #include "opto/inlinetypenode.hpp"
#include "opto/locknode.hpp"
#include "opto/memnode.hpp"
#include "opto/opaquenode.hpp"
#include "opto/parse.hpp"
#include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
//------------------------------ON STACK REPLACEMENT---------------------------
// Construct a node which can be used to get incoming state for
// on stack replacement.
- Node *Parse::fetch_interpreter_state(int index,
- BasicType bt,
- Node *local_addrs,
- Node *local_addrs_base) {
+ Node* Parse::fetch_interpreter_state(int index,
+ const Type* type,
+ Node* local_addrs,
+ Node* local_addrs_base) {
+ BasicType bt = type->basic_type();
+ if (type == TypePtr::NULL_PTR) {
+ // Ptr types are mixed together with T_ADDRESS but nullptr is
+ // really for T_OBJECT types so correct it.
+ bt = T_OBJECT;
+ }
Node *mem = memory(Compile::AliasIdxRaw);
Node *adr = basic_plus_adr( local_addrs_base, local_addrs, -index*wordSize );
Node *ctl = control();
// Very similar to LoadNode::make, except we handle un-aligned longs and
// The type is the type predicted by ciTypeFlow. Note that it is
// not a general type, but can only come from Type::get_typeflow_type.
// The safepoint is a map which will feed an uncommon trap.
Node* Parse::check_interpreter_type(Node* l, const Type* type,
SafePointNode* &bad_type_exit) {
const TypeOopPtr* tp = type->isa_oopptr();
// TypeFlow may assert null-ness if a type appears unloaded.
if (type == TypePtr::NULL_PTR ||
(tp != nullptr && !tp->is_loaded())) {
// toward more specific classes. Make sure these specific classes
// are still in effect.
if (tp != nullptr && !tp->is_same_java_type_as(TypeInstPtr::BOTTOM)) {
// TypeFlow asserted a specific object type. Value must have that type.
Node* bad_type_ctrl = nullptr;
+ if (tp->is_inlinetypeptr() && !tp->maybe_null()) {
+ // Check inline types for null here to prevent checkcast from adding an
+ // exception state before the bytecode entry (use 'bad_type_ctrl' instead).
+ l = null_check_oop(l, &bad_type_ctrl);
+ bad_type_exit->control()->add_req(bad_type_ctrl);
+ }
l = gen_checkcast(l, makecon(tp->as_klass_type()->cast_to_exactness(true)), &bad_type_ctrl);
assert(_gvn.type(l)->higher_equal(type), "must constrain OSR typestate");
void Parse::load_interpreter_state(Node* osr_buf) {
int index;
int max_locals = jvms()->loc_size();
int max_stack = jvms()->stk_size();
// Mismatch between method and jvms can occur since map briefly held
// an OSR entry state (which takes up one RawPtr word).
assert(max_locals == method()->max_locals(), "sanity");
assert(max_stack >= method()->max_stack(), "sanity");
assert((int)jvms()->endoff() == TypeFunc::Parms + max_locals + max_stack, "sanity");
Node* box = _gvn.transform(osr_box);
// Displaced headers and locked objects are interleaved in the
// temp OSR buffer. We only copy the locked objects out here.
// Fetch the locked object from the OSR temp buffer and copy to our fastlock node.
- Node *lock_object = fetch_interpreter_state(index*2, T_OBJECT, monitors_addr, osr_buf);
+ Node* lock_object = fetch_interpreter_state(index*2, Type::get_const_basic_type(T_OBJECT), monitors_addr, osr_buf);
// Try and copy the displaced header to the BoxNode
- Node *displaced_hdr = fetch_interpreter_state((index*2) + 1, T_ADDRESS, monitors_addr, osr_buf);
+ Node* displaced_hdr = fetch_interpreter_state((index*2) + 1, Type::get_const_basic_type(T_ADDRESS), monitors_addr, osr_buf);
store_to_memory(control(), box, displaced_hdr, T_ADDRESS, MemNode::unordered);
// Build a bogus FastLockNode (no code will be generated) and push the
// monitor into our debug info.
// makes it go dead.
if (type == Type::BOTTOM) {
// Construct code to access the appropriate local.
- BasicType bt = type->basic_type();
- if (type == TypePtr::NULL_PTR) {
- // Ptr types are mixed together with T_ADDRESS but null is
- // really for T_OBJECT types so correct it.
- bt = T_OBJECT;
- }
- Node *value = fetch_interpreter_state(index, bt, locals_addr, osr_buf);
+ Node* value = fetch_interpreter_state(index, type, locals_addr, osr_buf);
set_local(index, value);
// Extract the needed stack entries from the interpreter frame.
for (index = 0; index < sp(); index++) {
_entry_bci = InvocationEntryBci;
_flow = method()->get_flow_analysis();
if (_flow->failing()) {
- assert(false, "type flow analysis failed during parsing");
+ // TODO Adding a trap due to an unloaded return type in ciTypeFlow::StateVector::do_invoke
+ // can lead to this. Re-enable once 8284443 is fixed.
+ //assert(false, "type flow analysis failed during parsing");
#ifndef PRODUCT
if (PrintOpto && (Verbose || WizardMode)) {
if (is_osr_parse()) {
tty->print_cr("OSR @%d type flow bailout: %s", _entry_bci, _flow->failure_reason());
if (log) log->done("parse");
+ // Handle inline type arguments
+ int arg_size = method()->arg_size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < arg_size; i++) {
+ Node* parm = local(i);
+ const Type* t = _gvn.type(parm);
+ if (t->is_inlinetypeptr()) {
+ // Create InlineTypeNode from the oop and replace the parameter
+ bool is_larval = (i == 0) && method()->is_object_constructor() && !method()->holder()->is_java_lang_Object();
+ Node* vt = InlineTypeNode::make_from_oop(this, parm, t->inline_klass(), !t->maybe_null(), is_larval);
+ replace_in_map(parm, vt);
+ } else if (UseTypeSpeculation && (i == (arg_size - 1)) && !is_osr_parse() && method()->has_vararg() &&
+ t->isa_aryptr() != nullptr && !t->is_aryptr()->is_null_free() && !t->is_aryptr()->is_not_null_free()) {
+ // Speculate on varargs Object array being not null-free (and therefore also not flat)
+ const TypePtr* spec_type = t->speculative();
+ spec_type = (spec_type != nullptr && spec_type->isa_aryptr() != nullptr) ? spec_type : t->is_aryptr();
+ spec_type = spec_type->remove_speculative()->is_aryptr()->cast_to_not_null_free();
+ spec_type = TypeOopPtr::make(TypePtr::BotPTR, Type::Offset::bottom, TypeOopPtr::InstanceBot, spec_type);
+ Node* cast = _gvn.transform(new CheckCastPPNode(control(), parm, t->join_speculative(spec_type)));
+ replace_in_map(parm, cast);
+ }
+ }
entry_map = map(); // capture any changes performed by method setup code
assert(jvms()->endoff() == map()->req(), "map matches JVMS layout");
// We begin parsing as if we have just encountered a jump to the
// method entry.
// Add a return value to the exit state. (Do not push it yet.)
- if (tf()->range()->cnt() > TypeFunc::Parms) {
- const Type* ret_type = tf()->range()->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms);
+ if (tf()->range_sig()->cnt() > TypeFunc::Parms) {
+ const Type* ret_type = tf()->range_sig()->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms);
if (ret_type->isa_int()) {
BasicType ret_bt = method()->return_type()->basic_type();
if (ret_bt == T_BOOLEAN ||
ret_bt == T_CHAR ||
ret_bt == T_BYTE ||
int ret_size = type2size[ret_type->basic_type()];
Node* ret_phi = new PhiNode(region, ret_type);
- assert((int)(tf()->range()->cnt() - TypeFunc::Parms) == ret_size, "good tf range");
+ assert((int)(tf()->range_sig()->cnt() - TypeFunc::Parms) == ret_size, "good tf range");
assert(method()->return_type()->size() == ret_size, "tf agrees w/ method");
_exits.set_argument(0, ret_phi); // here is where the parser finds it
// Note: ret_phi is not yet pushed, until do_exits.
// Construct a state which contains only the incoming arguments from an
// unknown caller. The method & bci will be null & InvocationEntryBci.
JVMState* Compile::build_start_state(StartNode* start, const TypeFunc* tf) {
- int arg_size = tf->domain()->cnt();
- int max_size = MAX2(arg_size, (int)tf->range()->cnt());
+ int arg_size = tf->domain_sig()->cnt();
+ int max_size = MAX2(arg_size, (int)tf->range_cc()->cnt());
JVMState* jvms = new (this) JVMState(max_size - TypeFunc::Parms);
SafePointNode* map = new SafePointNode(max_size, jvms);
+ jvms->set_map(map);
assert(arg_size == TypeFunc::Parms + (is_osr_compilation() ? 1 : method()->arg_size()), "correct arg_size");
Node_Notes* old_nn = default_node_notes();
if (old_nn != nullptr && has_method()) {
Node_Notes* entry_nn = old_nn->clone(this);
- uint i;
- for (i = 0; i < (uint)arg_size; i++) {
- Node* parm = initial_gvn()->transform(new ParmNode(start, i));
+ PhaseGVN& gvn = *initial_gvn();
+ uint i = 0;
+ int arg_num = 0;
+ for (uint j = 0; i < (uint)arg_size; i++) {
+ const Type* t = tf->domain_sig()->field_at(i);
+ Node* parm = nullptr;
+ if (t->is_inlinetypeptr() && method()->is_scalarized_arg(arg_num)) {
+ // Inline type arguments are not passed by reference: we get an argument per
+ // field of the inline type. Build InlineTypeNodes from the inline type arguments.
+ GraphKit kit(jvms, &gvn);
+ kit.set_control(map->control());
+ Node* old_mem = map->memory();
+ // Use immutable memory for inline type loads and restore it below
+ kit.set_all_memory(C->immutable_memory());
+ parm = InlineTypeNode::make_from_multi(&kit, start, t->inline_klass(), j, /* in= */ true, /* null_free= */ !t->maybe_null());
+ map->set_control(kit.control());
+ map->set_memory(old_mem);
+ } else {
+ parm = gvn.transform(new ParmNode(start, j++));
+ }
map->init_req(i, parm);
// Record all these guys for later GVN.
+ if (i >= TypeFunc::Parms && t != Type::HALF) {
+ arg_num++;
+ }
for (; i < map->req(); i++) {
map->init_req(i, top());
assert(jvms->argoff() == TypeFunc::Parms, "parser gets arguments here");
- jvms->set_map(map);
return jvms;
Node_Notes* Parse::make_node_notes(Node_Notes* caller_nn) {
// Add zero or 1 return values
- int ret_size = tf()->range()->cnt() - TypeFunc::Parms;
+ int ret_size = tf()->range_sig()->cnt() - TypeFunc::Parms;
if (ret_size > 0) {
kit.inc_sp(-ret_size); // pop the return value(s)
- ret->add_req(kit.argument(0));
- // Note: The second dummy edge is not needed by a ReturnNode.
+ Node* res = kit.argument(0);
+ if (tf()->returns_inline_type_as_fields()) {
+ // Multiple return values (inline type fields): add as many edges
+ // to the Return node as returned values.
+ InlineTypeNode* vt = res->as_InlineType();
+ ret->add_req_batch(nullptr, tf()->range_cc()->cnt() - TypeFunc::Parms);
+ if (vt->is_allocated(&kit.gvn()) && !StressCallingConvention) {
+ ret->init_req(TypeFunc::Parms, vt);
+ } else {
+ // Return the tagged klass pointer to signal scalarization to the caller
+ Node* tagged_klass = vt->tagged_klass(kit.gvn());
+ // Return null if the inline type is null (IsInit field is not set)
+ Node* conv = kit.gvn().transform(new ConvI2LNode(vt->get_is_init()));
+ Node* shl = kit.gvn().transform(new LShiftLNode(conv, kit.intcon(63)));
+ Node* shr = kit.gvn().transform(new RShiftLNode(shl, kit.intcon(63)));
+ tagged_klass = kit.gvn().transform(new AndLNode(tagged_klass, shr));
+ ret->init_req(TypeFunc::Parms, tagged_klass);
+ }
+ uint idx = TypeFunc::Parms + 1;
+ vt->pass_fields(&kit, ret, idx, false, false);
+ } else {
+ ret->add_req(res);
+ // Note: The second dummy edge is not needed by a ReturnNode.
+ }
// bind it to root
// "All bets are off" unless the first publication occurs after a
// normal return from the constructor. We do not attempt to detect
// such unusual early publications. But no barrier is needed on
// exceptional returns, since they cannot publish normally.
- if (method()->is_object_initializer() &&
+ if ((method()->is_object_constructor() || method()->is_class_initializer()) &&
(wrote_final() || wrote_stable() ||
(AlwaysSafeConstructors && wrote_fields()) ||
(support_IRIW_for_not_multiple_copy_atomic_cpu && wrote_volatile()))) {
Node* recorded_alloc = alloc_with_final_or_stable();
_exits.insert_mem_bar(UseStoreStoreForCtor ? Op_MemBarStoreStore : Op_MemBarRelease,
// Clean up input MergeMems created by transforming the slices
- if (tf()->range()->cnt() > TypeFunc::Parms) {
- const Type* ret_type = tf()->range()->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms);
+ if (tf()->range_sig()->cnt() > TypeFunc::Parms) {
+ const Type* ret_type = tf()->range_sig()->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms);
Node* ret_phi = _gvn.transform( _exits.argument(0) );
if (!_exits.control()->is_top() && _gvn.type(ret_phi)->empty()) {
// If the type we set for the ret_phi in build_exits() is too optimistic and
// the ret_phi is top now, there's an extremely small chance that it may be due to class
// loading. It could also be due to an error, so mark this method as not compilable because
// If this is an inlined method, we may have to do a receiver null check.
if (_caller->has_method() && is_normal_parse() && !method()->is_static()) {
GraphKit kit(_caller);
- kit.null_check_receiver_before_call(method());
+ Node* receiver = kit.argument(0);
+ Node* null_free = kit.null_check_receiver_before_call(method());
_caller = kit.transfer_exceptions_into_jvms();
+ if (receiver->is_InlineType() && receiver->as_InlineType()->is_larval()) {
+ // Replace the larval inline type receiver in the exit map as well to make sure that
+ // we can find and update it in Parse::do_call when we are done with the initialization.
+ _exits.map()->replace_edge(receiver, null_free);
+ }
if (kit.stopped()) {
return nullptr;
assert(merged_memory(), "");
// Now add the locals which are initially bound to arguments:
- uint arg_size = tf()->domain()->cnt();
+ uint arg_size = tf()->domain_sig()->cnt();
ensure_stack(arg_size - TypeFunc::Parms); // OSR methods have funny args
for (i = TypeFunc::Parms; i < arg_size; i++) {
map()->init_req(i, inmap->argument(_caller, i - TypeFunc::Parms));
ciInstance* mirror = _method->holder()->java_mirror();
const TypeInstPtr *t_lock = TypeInstPtr::make(mirror);
lock_obj = makecon(t_lock);
} else { // Else pass the "this" pointer,
lock_obj = local(0); // which is Parm0 from StartNode
+ assert(!_gvn.type(lock_obj)->make_oopptr()->can_be_inline_type(), "can't be an inline type");
// Clear out dead values from the debug info.
// Build the FastLockNode
_synch_lock = shared_lock(lock_obj);
// Zap extra stack slots to top
assert(sp() == target->start_sp(), "");
+ // Check for merge conflicts involving inline types
+ JVMState* old_jvms = map()->jvms();
+ int old_bci = bci();
+ JVMState* tmp_jvms = old_jvms->clone_shallow(C);
+ tmp_jvms->set_should_reexecute(true);
+ tmp_jvms->bind_map(map());
+ // Execution needs to restart a the next bytecode (entry of next
+ // block)
+ if (target->is_merged() ||
+ pnum > PhiNode::Input ||
+ target->is_handler() ||
+ target->is_loop_head()) {
+ set_parse_bci(target->start());
+ for (uint j = TypeFunc::Parms; j < map()->req(); j++) {
+ Node* n = map()->in(j); // Incoming change to target state.
+ const Type* t = nullptr;
+ if (tmp_jvms->is_loc(j)) {
+ t = target->local_type_at(j - tmp_jvms->locoff());
+ } else if (tmp_jvms->is_stk(j) && j < (uint)sp() + tmp_jvms->stkoff()) {
+ t = target->stack_type_at(j - tmp_jvms->stkoff());
+ }
+ if (t != nullptr && t != Type::BOTTOM) {
+ if (n->is_InlineType() && !t->is_inlinetypeptr()) {
+ // Allocate inline type in src block to be able to merge it with oop in target block
+ map()->set_req(j, n->as_InlineType()->buffer(this));
+ } else if (!n->is_InlineType() && t->is_inlinetypeptr()) {
+ // Scalarize null in src block to be able to merge it with inline type in target block
+ assert(gvn().type(n)->is_zero_type(), "Should have been scalarized");
+ map()->set_req(j, InlineTypeNode::make_null(gvn(), t->inline_klass()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ old_jvms->bind_map(map());
+ set_parse_bci(old_bci);
if (!target->is_merged()) { // No prior mapping at this bci
if (TraceOptoParse) { tty->print(" with empty state"); }
// If this path is dead, do not bother capturing it as a merge.
// It is "as if" we had 1 fewer predecessors from the beginning.
#ifdef ASSERT
if (target->is_SEL_head()) {
// We must not manufacture more phis if the target is already parsed.
bool nophi = target->is_parsed();
SafePointNode* newin = map();// Hang on to incoming mapping
Block* save_block = block(); // Hang on to incoming block;
// Update all the non-control inputs to map:
assert(TypeFunc::Parms == newin->jvms()->locoff(), "parser map should contain only youngest jvms");
bool check_elide_phi = target->is_SEL_backedge(save_block);
+ bool last_merge = (pnum == PhiNode::Input);
for (uint j = 1; j < newin->req(); j++) {
Node* m = map()->in(j); // Current state of target.
Node* n = newin->in(j); // Incoming change to target state.
PhiNode* phi;
- if (m->is_Phi() && m->as_Phi()->region() == r)
+ if (m->is_Phi() && m->as_Phi()->region() == r) {
phi = m->as_Phi();
- else
+ } else if (m->is_InlineType() && m->as_InlineType()->has_phi_inputs(r)) {
+ phi = m->as_InlineType()->get_oop()->as_Phi();
+ } else {
phi = nullptr;
+ }
if (m != n) { // Different; must merge
switch (j) {
// Frame pointer and Return Address never changes
case TypeFunc::FramePtr:// Drop m, use the original value
case TypeFunc::ReturnAdr:
// At this point, n might be top if:
// - there is no phi (because TypeFlow detected a conflict), or
// - the corresponding control edges is top (a dead incoming path)
// It is a bug if we create a phi which sees a garbage value on a live path.
- if (phi != nullptr) {
+ // Merging two inline types?
+ if (phi != nullptr && phi->bottom_type()->is_inlinetypeptr()) {
+ // Reload current state because it may have been updated by ensure_phi
+ m = map()->in(j);
+ InlineTypeNode* vtm = m->as_InlineType(); // Current inline type
+ InlineTypeNode* vtn = n->as_InlineType(); // Incoming inline type
+ assert(vtm->get_oop() == phi, "Inline type should have Phi input");
+ if (TraceOptoParse) {
+ #ifdef ASSERT
+ tty->print_cr("\nMerging inline types");
+ tty->print_cr("Current:");
+ vtm->dump(2);
+ tty->print_cr("Incoming:");
+ vtn->dump(2);
+ tty->cr();
+ #endif
+ }
+ // Do the merge
+ vtm->merge_with(&_gvn, vtn, pnum, last_merge);
+ if (last_merge) {
+ map()->set_req(j, _gvn.transform(vtm));
+ record_for_igvn(vtm);
+ }
+ } else if (phi != nullptr) {
assert(n != top() || r->in(pnum) == top(), "live value must not be garbage");
assert(phi->region() == r, "");
phi->set_req(pnum, n); // Then add 'n' to the merge
- if (pnum == PhiNode::Input) {
+ if (last_merge) {
// Last merge for this Phi.
// So far, Phis have had a reasonable type from ciTypeFlow.
// Now _gvn will join that with the meet of current inputs.
// BOTTOM is never permissible here, 'cause pessimistically
// Phis of pointers cannot lose the basic pointer type.
} // End of for all values to be merged
- if (pnum == PhiNode::Input &&
- !r->in(0)) { // The occasional useless Region
+ if (last_merge && !r->in(0)) { // The occasional useless Region
assert(control() == r, "");
} else {
if (n->is_Phi() && n->as_Phi()->region() == r) {
assert(n->req() == pnum, "must be same size as region");
+ } else if (n->is_InlineType() && n->as_InlineType()->has_phi_inputs(r)) {
+ n->as_InlineType()->add_new_path(r);
return pnum;
if (o == top()) return nullptr; // TOP always merges into TOP
if (o->is_Phi() && o->as_Phi()->region() == region) {
return o->as_Phi();
+ InlineTypeNode* vt = o->isa_InlineType();
+ if (vt != nullptr && vt->has_phi_inputs(region)) {
+ return vt->get_oop()->as_Phi();
+ }
// Now use a Phi here for merging
assert(!nocreate, "Cannot build a phi for a block already parsed.");
const JVMState* jvms = map->jvms();
const Type* t = nullptr;
} else {
assert(false, "no type information for this phi");
// If the type falls to bottom, then this must be a local that
- // is mixing ints and oops or some such. Forcing it to top
- // makes it go dead.
+ // is already dead or is mixing ints and oops or some such.
+ // Forcing it to top makes it go dead.
if (t == Type::BOTTOM) {
map->set_req(idx, top());
return nullptr;
if (t == Type::TOP || t == Type::HALF) {
map->set_req(idx, top());
return nullptr;
- PhiNode* phi = PhiNode::make(region, o, t);
- gvn().set_type(phi, t);
- if (C->do_escape_analysis()) record_for_igvn(phi);
- map->set_req(idx, phi);
- return phi;
+ if (vt != nullptr && t->is_inlinetypeptr()) {
+ // Inline types are merged by merging their field values.
+ // Create a cloned InlineTypeNode with phi inputs that
+ // represents the merged inline type and update the map.
+ vt = vt->clone_with_phis(&_gvn, region);
+ map->set_req(idx, vt);
+ return vt->get_oop()->as_Phi();
+ } else {
+ PhiNode* phi = PhiNode::make(region, o, t);
+ gvn().set_type(phi, t);
+ if (C->do_escape_analysis()) record_for_igvn(phi);
+ map->set_req(idx, phi);
+ return phi;
+ }
// Turn the idx'th slice of the current memory into a Phi
PhiNode *Parse::ensure_memory_phi(int idx, bool nocreate) {
void Parse::return_current(Node* value) {
if (method()->intrinsic_id() == vmIntrinsics::_Object_init) {
+ // frame pointer is always same, already captured
+ if (value != nullptr) {
+ Node* phi = _exits.argument(0);
+ const Type* return_type = phi->bottom_type();
+ const TypeInstPtr* tr = return_type->isa_instptr();
+ assert(!value->is_InlineType() || !value->as_InlineType()->is_larval(), "returning a larval");
+ if ((tf()->returns_inline_type_as_fields() || (_caller->has_method() && !Compile::current()->inlining_incrementally())) &&
+ return_type->is_inlinetypeptr()) {
+ // Inline type is returned as fields, make sure it is scalarized
+ if (!value->is_InlineType()) {
+ value = InlineTypeNode::make_from_oop(this, value, return_type->inline_klass(), false);
+ }
+ if (!_caller->has_method() || Compile::current()->inlining_incrementally()) {
+ // Returning from root or an incrementally inlined method. Make sure all non-flat
+ // fields are buffered and re-execute if allocation triggers deoptimization.
+ PreserveReexecuteState preexecs(this);
+ assert(tf()->returns_inline_type_as_fields(), "must be returned as fields");
+ jvms()->set_should_reexecute(true);
+ inc_sp(1);
+ value = value->as_InlineType()->allocate_fields(this);
+ }
+ } else if (value->is_InlineType()) {
+ // Inline type is returned as oop, make sure it is buffered and re-execute
+ // if allocation triggers deoptimization.
+ PreserveReexecuteState preexecs(this);
+ jvms()->set_should_reexecute(true);
+ inc_sp(1);
+ value = value->as_InlineType()->buffer(this);
+ }
+ // ...else
+ // If returning oops to an interface-return, there is a silent free
+ // cast from oop to interface allowed by the Verifier. Make it explicit here.
+ phi->add_req(value);
+ }
// Do not set_parse_bci, so that return goo is credited to the return insn.
if (method()->is_synchronized() && GenerateSynchronizationCode) {
shared_unlock(_synch_lock->box_node(), _synch_lock->obj_node());
if (C->env()->dtrace_method_probes()) {
SafePointNode* exit_return = _exits.map();
exit_return->in( TypeFunc::Control )->add_req( control() );
exit_return->in( TypeFunc::I_O )->add_req( i_o () );
Node *mem = exit_return->in( TypeFunc::Memory );
for (MergeMemStream mms(mem->as_MergeMem(), merged_memory()); mms.next_non_empty2(); ) {
- // frame pointer is always same, already captured
- if (value != nullptr) {
- // If returning oops to an interface-return, there is a silent free
- // cast from oop to interface allowed by the Verifier. Make it explicit
- // here.
- Node* phi = _exits.argument(0);
- phi->add_req(value);
- }
if (_first_return) {
_exits.map()->transfer_replaced_nodes_from(map(), _new_idx);
_first_return = false;
} else {
< prev index next >