< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/opto/type.hpp
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+ #include "ci/ciInlineKlass.hpp"
#include "opto/adlcVMDeps.hpp"
#include "runtime/handles.hpp"
+ #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
// Portions of code courtesy of Clifford Click
// Optimization - Graph Style
OffsetTop = -2000000000, // undefined offset
OffsetBot = -2000000001 // any possible offset
+ class Offset {
+ private:
+ int _offset;
+ public:
+ explicit Offset(int offset) : _offset(offset) {}
+ const Offset meet(const Offset other) const;
+ const Offset dual() const;
+ const Offset add(intptr_t offset) const;
+ bool operator==(const Offset& other) const {
+ return _offset == other._offset;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Offset& other) const {
+ return _offset != other._offset;
+ }
+ int get() const { return _offset; }
+ void dump2(outputStream *st) const;
+ static const Offset top;
+ static const Offset bottom;
+ };
// Min and max WIDEN values.
enum WIDEN {
WidenMin = 0,
WidenMax = 3
const TypeAryKlassPtr *is_aryklassptr() const; // assert if not AryKlassPtr
virtual bool is_finite() const; // Has a finite value
virtual bool is_nan() const; // Is not a number (NaN)
+ bool is_inlinetypeptr() const;
+ virtual ciInlineKlass* inline_klass() const;
// Returns this ptr type or the equivalent ptr type for this compressed pointer.
const TypePtr* make_ptr() const;
// Returns this oopptr type or the equivalent oopptr type for this compressed pointer.
// Asserts if the underlying type is not an oopptr or narrowoop.
assert(i < _cnt, "oob");
_fields[i] = t;
static const TypeTuple *make( uint cnt, const Type **fields );
! static const TypeTuple *make_range(ciSignature *sig, InterfaceHandling interface_handling = ignore_interfaces);
! static const TypeTuple *make_domain(ciInstanceKlass* recv, ciSignature *sig, InterfaceHandling interface_handling);
// Subroutine call type with space allocated for argument types
// Memory for Control, I_O, Memory, FramePtr, and ReturnAdr is allocated implicitly
static const Type **fields( uint arg_cnt );
assert(i < _cnt, "oob");
_fields[i] = t;
static const TypeTuple *make( uint cnt, const Type **fields );
! static const TypeTuple *make_range(ciSignature* sig, InterfaceHandling interface_handling = ignore_interfaces, bool ret_vt_fields = false);
! static const TypeTuple *make_domain(ciMethod* method, InterfaceHandling interface_handling, bool vt_fields_as_args = false);
// Subroutine call type with space allocated for argument types
// Memory for Control, I_O, Memory, FramePtr, and ReturnAdr is allocated implicitly
static const Type **fields( uint arg_cnt );
// Class of Array Types
class TypeAry : public Type {
! TypeAry(const Type* elem, const TypeInt* size, bool stable) : Type(Array),
! _elem(elem), _size(size), _stable(stable) {}
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
virtual bool singleton(void) const; // TRUE if type is a singleton
virtual bool empty(void) const; // TRUE if type is vacuous
const Type *_elem; // Element type of array
const TypeInt *_size; // Elements in array
const bool _stable; // Are elements @Stable?
friend class TypeAryPtr;
! static const TypeAry* make(const Type* elem, const TypeInt* size, bool stable = false);
virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
virtual const Type *xdual() const; // Compute dual right now.
bool ary_must_be_exact() const; // true if arrays of such are never generic
virtual const TypeAry* remove_speculative() const;
// Class of Array Types
class TypeAry : public Type {
! TypeAry(const Type* elem, const TypeInt* size, bool stable, bool flat, bool not_flat, bool not_null_free) : Type(Array),
! _elem(elem), _size(size), _stable(stable), _flat(flat), _not_flat(not_flat), _not_null_free(not_null_free) {}
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
virtual bool singleton(void) const; // TRUE if type is a singleton
virtual bool empty(void) const; // TRUE if type is vacuous
const Type *_elem; // Element type of array
const TypeInt *_size; // Elements in array
const bool _stable; // Are elements @Stable?
+ // Inline type array properties
+ const bool _flat; // Array is flat
+ const bool _not_flat; // Array is never flat
+ const bool _not_null_free; // Array is never null-free
friend class TypeAryPtr;
! static const TypeAry* make(const Type* elem, const TypeInt* size, bool stable = false,
+ bool flat = false, bool not_flat = false, bool not_null_free = false);
virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
virtual const Type *xdual() const; // Compute dual right now.
bool ary_must_be_exact() const; // true if arrays of such are never generic
virtual const TypeAry* remove_speculative() const;
static const TypeInterfaces* interfaces(ciKlass*& k, bool klass, bool interface, bool array, InterfaceHandling interface_handling);
enum PTR { TopPTR, AnyNull, Constant, Null, NotNull, BotPTR, lastPTR };
! TypePtr(TYPES t, PTR ptr, int offset,
const TypePtr* speculative = nullptr,
int inline_depth = InlineDepthBottom) :
Type(t), _speculative(speculative), _inline_depth(inline_depth), _offset(offset),
_ptr(ptr) {}
static const PTR ptr_meet[lastPTR][lastPTR];
static const TypeInterfaces* interfaces(ciKlass*& k, bool klass, bool interface, bool array, InterfaceHandling interface_handling);
enum PTR { TopPTR, AnyNull, Constant, Null, NotNull, BotPTR, lastPTR };
! TypePtr(TYPES t, PTR ptr, Offset offset,
const TypePtr* speculative = nullptr,
int inline_depth = InlineDepthBottom) :
Type(t), _speculative(speculative), _inline_depth(inline_depth), _offset(offset),
_ptr(ptr) {}
static const PTR ptr_meet[lastPTR][lastPTR];
template<class T> static TypePtr::MeetResult meet_instptr(PTR& ptr, const TypeInterfaces*& interfaces, const T* this_type,
! const T* other_type, ciKlass*& res_klass, bool& res_xk);
template<class T> static MeetResult meet_aryptr(PTR& ptr, const Type*& elem, const T* this_ary, const T* other_ary,
! ciKlass*& res_klass, bool& res_xk);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool is_java_subtype_of_helper_for_instance(const T1* this_one, const T2* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool is_same_java_type_as_helper_for_instance(const T1* this_one, const T2* other);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool maybe_java_subtype_of_helper_for_instance(const T1* this_one, const T2* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool is_java_subtype_of_helper_for_array(const T1* this_one, const T2* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool is_same_java_type_as_helper_for_array(const T1* this_one, const T2* other);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool maybe_java_subtype_of_helper_for_array(const T1* this_one, const T2* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool is_meet_subtype_of_helper_for_instance(const T1* this_one, const T2* other, bool this_xk, bool other_xk);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool is_meet_subtype_of_helper_for_array(const T1* this_one, const T2* other, bool this_xk, bool other_xk);
! const int _offset; // Offset into oop, with TOP & BOT
const PTR _ptr; // Pointer equivalence class
! int offset() const { return _offset; }
PTR ptr() const { return _ptr; }
! static const TypePtr *make(TYPES t, PTR ptr, int offset,
const TypePtr* speculative = nullptr,
int inline_depth = InlineDepthBottom);
// Return a 'ptr' version of this type
virtual const TypePtr* cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
virtual intptr_t get_con() const;
! int xadd_offset( intptr_t offset ) const;
virtual const TypePtr* add_offset(intptr_t offset) const;
virtual const TypePtr* with_offset(intptr_t offset) const;
virtual bool eq(const Type *t) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
virtual bool singleton(void) const; // TRUE if type is a singleton
virtual bool empty(void) const; // TRUE if type is vacuous
virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
virtual const Type *xmeet_helper( const Type *t ) const;
! int meet_offset( int offset ) const;
! int dual_offset( ) const;
virtual const Type *xdual() const; // Compute dual right now.
// meet, dual and join over pointer equivalence sets
PTR meet_ptr( const PTR in_ptr ) const { return ptr_meet[in_ptr][ptr()]; }
PTR dual_ptr() const { return ptr_dual[ptr()]; }
template<class T> static TypePtr::MeetResult meet_instptr(PTR& ptr, const TypeInterfaces*& interfaces, const T* this_type,
! const T* other_type, ciKlass*& res_klass, bool& res_xk, bool& res_flat_array);
+ private:
+ template<class T> static bool is_meet_subtype_of(const T* sub_type, const T* super_type);
+ protected:
template<class T> static MeetResult meet_aryptr(PTR& ptr, const Type*& elem, const T* this_ary, const T* other_ary,
! ciKlass*& res_klass, bool& res_xk, bool &res_flat, bool &res_not_flat, bool &res_not_null_free);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool is_java_subtype_of_helper_for_instance(const T1* this_one, const T2* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool is_same_java_type_as_helper_for_instance(const T1* this_one, const T2* other);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool maybe_java_subtype_of_helper_for_instance(const T1* this_one, const T2* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool is_java_subtype_of_helper_for_array(const T1* this_one, const T2* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool is_same_java_type_as_helper_for_array(const T1* this_one, const T2* other);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool maybe_java_subtype_of_helper_for_array(const T1* this_one, const T2* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool is_meet_subtype_of_helper_for_instance(const T1* this_one, const T2* other, bool this_xk, bool other_xk);
template <class T1, class T2> static bool is_meet_subtype_of_helper_for_array(const T1* this_one, const T2* other, bool this_xk, bool other_xk);
! const Offset _offset; // Offset into oop, with TOP & BOT
const PTR _ptr; // Pointer equivalence class
! int offset() const { return _offset.get(); }
PTR ptr() const { return _ptr; }
! static const TypePtr* make(TYPES t, PTR ptr, Offset offset,
const TypePtr* speculative = nullptr,
int inline_depth = InlineDepthBottom);
// Return a 'ptr' version of this type
virtual const TypePtr* cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
virtual intptr_t get_con() const;
! Type::Offset xadd_offset(intptr_t offset) const;
virtual const TypePtr* add_offset(intptr_t offset) const;
virtual const TypePtr* with_offset(intptr_t offset) const;
+ virtual int flat_offset() const { return offset(); }
virtual bool eq(const Type *t) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
virtual bool singleton(void) const; // TRUE if type is a singleton
virtual bool empty(void) const; // TRUE if type is vacuous
virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
virtual const Type *xmeet_helper( const Type *t ) const;
! Offset meet_offset(int offset) const;
! Offset dual_offset() const;
virtual const Type *xdual() const; // Compute dual right now.
// meet, dual and join over pointer equivalence sets
PTR meet_ptr( const PTR in_ptr ) const { return ptr_meet[in_ptr][ptr()]; }
PTR dual_ptr() const { return ptr_dual[ptr()]; }
virtual bool would_improve_ptr(ProfilePtrKind maybe_null) const;
virtual const TypePtr* with_inline_depth(int depth) const;
virtual bool maybe_null() const { return meet_ptr(Null) == ptr(); }
+ virtual bool can_be_inline_type() const { return false; }
+ virtual bool flat_in_array() const { return false; }
+ virtual bool not_flat_in_array() const { return true; }
+ virtual bool is_flat() const { return false; }
+ virtual bool is_not_flat() const { return false; }
+ virtual bool is_null_free() const { return false; }
+ virtual bool is_not_null_free() const { return false; }
// Tests for relation to centerline of type lattice:
static bool above_centerline(PTR ptr) { return (ptr <= AnyNull); }
static bool below_centerline(PTR ptr) { return (ptr >= NotNull); }
// Convenience common pre-built types.
static const TypePtr *NULL_PTR;
// Class of raw pointers, pointers to things other than Oops. Examples
// include the stack pointer, top of heap, card-marking area, handles, etc.
class TypeRawPtr : public TypePtr {
! TypeRawPtr( PTR ptr, address bits ) : TypePtr(RawPtr,ptr,0), _bits(bits){}
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
const address _bits; // Constant value, if applicable
// Class of raw pointers, pointers to things other than Oops. Examples
// include the stack pointer, top of heap, card-marking area, handles, etc.
class TypeRawPtr : public TypePtr {
! TypeRawPtr(PTR ptr, address bits) : TypePtr(RawPtr,ptr,Offset(0)), _bits(bits){}
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
const address _bits; // Constant value, if applicable
friend class TypeAry;
friend class TypePtr;
friend class TypeInstPtr;
friend class TypeAryPtr;
! TypeOopPtr(TYPES t, PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, const TypeInterfaces* interfaces, bool xk, ciObject* o, int offset, int instance_id,
const TypePtr* speculative, int inline_depth);
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
virtual bool singleton(void) const; // TRUE if type is a singleton
friend class TypeAry;
friend class TypePtr;
friend class TypeInstPtr;
friend class TypeAryPtr;
! TypeOopPtr(TYPES t, PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, const TypeInterfaces* interfaces, bool xk, ciObject* o, Offset offset, Offset field_offset, int instance_id,
const TypePtr* speculative, int inline_depth);
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
virtual bool singleton(void) const; // TRUE if type is a singleton
// Do not allow interface-vs.-noninterface joins to collapse to top.
virtual const Type *filter_helper(const Type *kills, bool include_speculative) const;
virtual ciKlass* exact_klass_helper() const { return nullptr; }
! virtual ciKlass* klass() const { return _klass; }
bool is_java_subtype_of(const TypeOopPtr* other) const {
return is_java_subtype_of_helper(other, klass_is_exact(), other->klass_is_exact());
// Do not allow interface-vs.-noninterface joins to collapse to top.
virtual const Type *filter_helper(const Type *kills, bool include_speculative) const;
virtual ciKlass* exact_klass_helper() const { return nullptr; }
! virtual ciKlass* klass() const { return _klass; }
bool is_java_subtype_of(const TypeOopPtr* other) const {
return is_java_subtype_of_helper(other, klass_is_exact(), other->klass_is_exact());
// If require_constant, produce a null if a singleton is not possible.
static const TypeOopPtr* make_from_constant(ciObject* o,
bool require_constant = false);
// Make a generic (unclassed) pointer to an oop.
! static const TypeOopPtr* make(PTR ptr, int offset, int instance_id,
const TypePtr* speculative = nullptr,
int inline_depth = InlineDepthBottom);
ciObject* const_oop() const { return _const_oop; }
// Exact klass, possibly an interface or an array of interface
// If require_constant, produce a null if a singleton is not possible.
static const TypeOopPtr* make_from_constant(ciObject* o,
bool require_constant = false);
// Make a generic (unclassed) pointer to an oop.
! static const TypeOopPtr* make(PTR ptr, Offset offset, int instance_id,
const TypePtr* speculative = nullptr,
int inline_depth = InlineDepthBottom);
ciObject* const_oop() const { return _const_oop; }
// Exact klass, possibly an interface or an array of interface
bool is_ptr_to_narrowoop_nv() const { return _is_ptr_to_narrowoop; }
bool is_ptr_to_narrowklass_nv() const { return _is_ptr_to_narrowklass; }
bool is_ptr_to_boxed_value() const { return _is_ptr_to_boxed_value; }
bool is_known_instance() const { return _instance_id > 0; }
int instance_id() const { return _instance_id; }
! bool is_known_instance_field() const { return is_known_instance() && _offset >= 0; }
virtual intptr_t get_con() const;
virtual const TypeOopPtr* cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
bool is_ptr_to_narrowoop_nv() const { return _is_ptr_to_narrowoop; }
bool is_ptr_to_narrowklass_nv() const { return _is_ptr_to_narrowklass; }
bool is_ptr_to_boxed_value() const { return _is_ptr_to_boxed_value; }
bool is_known_instance() const { return _instance_id > 0; }
int instance_id() const { return _instance_id; }
! bool is_known_instance_field() const { return is_known_instance() && _offset.get() >= 0; }
+ virtual bool can_be_inline_type() const { return (_klass == nullptr || _klass->can_be_inline_klass(_klass_is_exact)); }
+ virtual bool can_be_inline_array() const { ShouldNotReachHere(); return false; }
virtual intptr_t get_con() const;
virtual const TypeOopPtr* cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
// Class of Java object pointers, pointing either to non-array Java instances
// or to a Klass* (including array klasses).
class TypeInstPtr : public TypeOopPtr {
! TypeInstPtr(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, const TypeInterfaces* interfaces, bool xk, ciObject* o, int off, int instance_id,
! const TypePtr* speculative, int inline_depth);
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
ciKlass* exact_klass_helper() const;
// Instance klass, ignoring any interface
// Class of Java object pointers, pointing either to non-array Java instances
// or to a Klass* (including array klasses).
class TypeInstPtr : public TypeOopPtr {
! TypeInstPtr(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, const TypeInterfaces* interfaces, bool xk, ciObject* o, Offset offset,
! bool flat_in_array, int instance_id, const TypePtr* speculative,
+ int inline_depth);
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
! bool _flat_in_array; // Type is flat in arrays
ciKlass* exact_klass_helper() const;
// Instance klass, ignoring any interface
// Make a pointer to a constant oop.
static const TypeInstPtr *make(ciObject* o) {
ciKlass* k = o->klass();
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(k, true, false, false, ignore_interfaces);
! return make(TypePtr::Constant, k, interfaces, true, o, 0, InstanceBot);
// Make a pointer to a constant oop with offset.
! static const TypeInstPtr *make(ciObject* o, int offset) {
ciKlass* k = o->klass();
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(k, true, false, false, ignore_interfaces);
! return make(TypePtr::Constant, k, interfaces, true, o, offset, InstanceBot);
// Make a pointer to some value of type klass.
static const TypeInstPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass, InterfaceHandling interface_handling = ignore_interfaces) {
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(klass, true, true, false, interface_handling);
! return make(ptr, klass, interfaces, false, nullptr, 0, InstanceBot);
// Make a pointer to some non-polymorphic value of exactly type klass.
static const TypeInstPtr *make_exact(PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass) {
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(klass, true, false, false, ignore_interfaces);
! return make(ptr, klass, interfaces, true, nullptr, 0, InstanceBot);
// Make a pointer to some value of type klass with offset.
! static const TypeInstPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass, int offset) {
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(klass, true, false, false, ignore_interfaces);
! return make(ptr, klass, interfaces, false, nullptr, offset, InstanceBot);
! static const TypeInstPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, const TypeInterfaces* interfaces, bool xk, ciObject* o, int offset,
int instance_id = InstanceBot,
const TypePtr* speculative = nullptr,
int inline_depth = InlineDepthBottom);
! static const TypeInstPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, bool xk, ciObject* o, int offset, int instance_id = InstanceBot) {
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(k, true, false, false, ignore_interfaces);
! return make(ptr, k, interfaces, xk, o, offset, instance_id);
/** Create constant type for a constant boxed value */
const Type* get_const_boxed_value() const;
// If this is a java.lang.Class constant, return the type for it or null.
// Pass to Type::get_const_type to turn it to a type, which will usually
// be a TypeInstPtr, but may also be a TypeInt::INT for int.class, etc.
! ciType* java_mirror_type() const;
virtual const TypeInstPtr* cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
virtual const TypeInstPtr* cast_to_exactness(bool klass_is_exact) const;
// Make a pointer to a constant oop.
static const TypeInstPtr *make(ciObject* o) {
ciKlass* k = o->klass();
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(k, true, false, false, ignore_interfaces);
! return make(TypePtr::Constant, k, interfaces, true, o, Offset(0));
// Make a pointer to a constant oop with offset.
! static const TypeInstPtr *make(ciObject* o, Offset offset) {
ciKlass* k = o->klass();
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(k, true, false, false, ignore_interfaces);
! return make(TypePtr::Constant, k, interfaces, true, o, offset);
// Make a pointer to some value of type klass.
static const TypeInstPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass, InterfaceHandling interface_handling = ignore_interfaces) {
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(klass, true, true, false, interface_handling);
! return make(ptr, klass, interfaces, false, nullptr, Offset(0));
// Make a pointer to some non-polymorphic value of exactly type klass.
static const TypeInstPtr *make_exact(PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass) {
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(klass, true, false, false, ignore_interfaces);
! return make(ptr, klass, interfaces, true, nullptr, Offset(0));
// Make a pointer to some value of type klass with offset.
! static const TypeInstPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass, Offset offset) {
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(klass, true, false, false, ignore_interfaces);
! return make(ptr, klass, interfaces, false, nullptr, offset);
! // Make a pointer to an oop.
+ static const TypeInstPtr* make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, const TypeInterfaces* interfaces, bool xk, ciObject* o, Offset offset,
+ bool flat_in_array = false,
int instance_id = InstanceBot,
const TypePtr* speculative = nullptr,
int inline_depth = InlineDepthBottom);
! static const TypeInstPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, bool xk, ciObject* o, Offset offset, int instance_id = InstanceBot) {
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(k, true, false, false, ignore_interfaces);
! return make(ptr, k, interfaces, xk, o, offset, false, instance_id);
/** Create constant type for a constant boxed value */
const Type* get_const_boxed_value() const;
// If this is a java.lang.Class constant, return the type for it or null.
// Pass to Type::get_const_type to turn it to a type, which will usually
// be a TypeInstPtr, but may also be a TypeInt::INT for int.class, etc.
! ciType* java_mirror_type(bool* is_null_free_array = nullptr) const;
virtual const TypeInstPtr* cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
virtual const TypeInstPtr* cast_to_exactness(bool klass_is_exact) const;
virtual const TypeInstPtr* remove_speculative() const;
const TypeInstPtr* with_speculative(const TypePtr* speculative) const;
virtual const TypePtr* with_inline_depth(int depth) const;
virtual const TypePtr* with_instance_id(int instance_id) const;
+ virtual const TypeInstPtr* cast_to_flat_in_array() const;
+ virtual bool flat_in_array() const { return _flat_in_array; }
+ virtual bool not_flat_in_array() const { return !can_be_inline_type() || (_klass->is_inlinetype() && !flat_in_array()); }
// the core of the computation of the meet of 2 types
virtual const Type *xmeet_helper(const Type *t) const;
virtual const TypeInstPtr *xmeet_unloaded(const TypeInstPtr *tinst, const TypeInterfaces* interfaces) const;
virtual const Type *xdual() const; // Compute dual right now.
const TypeKlassPtr* as_klass_type(bool try_for_exact = false) const;
+ virtual bool can_be_inline_array() const;
// Convenience common pre-built types.
static const TypeInstPtr *NOTNULL;
static const TypeInstPtr *BOTTOM;
static const TypeInstPtr *MIRROR;
static const TypeInstPtr *MARK;
// Class of Java array pointers
class TypeAryPtr : public TypeOopPtr {
friend class Type;
friend class TypePtr;
! TypeAryPtr( PTR ptr, ciObject* o, const TypeAry *ary, ciKlass* k, bool xk,
! int offset, int instance_id, bool is_autobox_cache,
! const TypePtr* speculative, int inline_depth)
! : TypeOopPtr(AryPtr,ptr,k,_array_interfaces,xk,o,offset, instance_id, speculative, inline_depth),
! _is_autobox_cache(is_autobox_cache)
int dummy;
bool top_or_bottom = (base_element_type(dummy) == Type::TOP || base_element_type(dummy) == Type::BOTTOM);
if (UseCompressedOops && (elem()->make_oopptr() != nullptr && !top_or_bottom) &&
! _offset != 0 && _offset != arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() &&
! _offset != arrayOopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()) {
_is_ptr_to_narrowoop = true;
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
const TypeAry *_ary; // Array we point into
const bool _is_autobox_cache;
ciKlass* compute_klass() const;
// A pointer to delay allocation to Type::Initialize_shared()
// Class of Java array pointers
class TypeAryPtr : public TypeOopPtr {
friend class Type;
friend class TypePtr;
+ friend class TypeInstPtr;
! TypeAryPtr(PTR ptr, ciObject* o, const TypeAry *ary, ciKlass* k, bool xk,
! Offset offset, Offset field_offset, int instance_id, bool is_autobox_cache,
! const TypePtr* speculative, int inline_depth)
! : TypeOopPtr(AryPtr, ptr, k, _array_interfaces, xk, o, offset, field_offset, instance_id, speculative, inline_depth),
! _is_autobox_cache(is_autobox_cache),
+ _field_offset(field_offset)
int dummy;
bool top_or_bottom = (base_element_type(dummy) == Type::TOP || base_element_type(dummy) == Type::BOTTOM);
if (UseCompressedOops && (elem()->make_oopptr() != nullptr && !top_or_bottom) &&
! _offset.get() != 0 && _offset.get() != arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() &&
! _offset.get() != arrayOopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()) {
_is_ptr_to_narrowoop = true;
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
const TypeAry *_ary; // Array we point into
const bool _is_autobox_cache;
+ // For flat inline type arrays, each field of the inline type in
+ // the array has its own memory slice so we need to keep track of
+ // which field is accessed
+ const Offset _field_offset;
+ Offset meet_field_offset(const Type::Offset offset) const;
+ Offset dual_field_offset() const;
ciKlass* compute_klass() const;
// A pointer to delay allocation to Type::Initialize_shared()
const TypeAry* ary() const { return _ary; }
const Type* elem() const { return _ary->_elem; }
const TypeInt* size() const { return _ary->_size; }
bool is_stable() const { return _ary->_stable; }
bool is_autobox_cache() const { return _is_autobox_cache; }
! static const TypeAryPtr *make(PTR ptr, const TypeAry *ary, ciKlass* k, bool xk, int offset,
int instance_id = InstanceBot,
const TypePtr* speculative = nullptr,
int inline_depth = InlineDepthBottom);
// Constant pointer to array
! static const TypeAryPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciObject* o, const TypeAry *ary, ciKlass* k, bool xk, int offset,
int instance_id = InstanceBot,
const TypePtr* speculative = nullptr,
! int inline_depth = InlineDepthBottom, bool is_autobox_cache = false);
// Return a 'ptr' version of this type
virtual const TypeAryPtr* cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
virtual const TypeAryPtr* cast_to_exactness(bool klass_is_exact) const;
const TypeAry* ary() const { return _ary; }
const Type* elem() const { return _ary->_elem; }
const TypeInt* size() const { return _ary->_size; }
bool is_stable() const { return _ary->_stable; }
+ // Inline type array properties
+ bool is_flat() const { return _ary->_flat; }
+ bool is_not_flat() const { return _ary->_not_flat; }
+ bool is_null_free() const { return is_flat() || (_ary->_elem->make_ptr() != nullptr && _ary->_elem->make_ptr()->is_inlinetypeptr() && (_ary->_elem->make_ptr()->ptr() == NotNull || _ary->_elem->make_ptr()->ptr() == AnyNull)); }
+ bool is_not_null_free() const { return _ary->_not_null_free; }
bool is_autobox_cache() const { return _is_autobox_cache; }
! static const TypeAryPtr* make(PTR ptr, const TypeAry *ary, ciKlass* k, bool xk, Offset offset,
+ Offset field_offset = Offset::bottom,
int instance_id = InstanceBot,
const TypePtr* speculative = nullptr,
int inline_depth = InlineDepthBottom);
// Constant pointer to array
! static const TypeAryPtr* make(PTR ptr, ciObject* o, const TypeAry *ary, ciKlass* k, bool xk, Offset offset,
+ Offset field_offset = Offset::bottom,
int instance_id = InstanceBot,
const TypePtr* speculative = nullptr,
! int inline_depth = InlineDepthBottom,
+ bool is_autobox_cache = false);
// Return a 'ptr' version of this type
virtual const TypeAryPtr* cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
virtual const TypeAryPtr* cast_to_exactness(bool klass_is_exact) const;
virtual const TypeAryPtr *with_offset( intptr_t offset ) const;
const TypeAryPtr* with_ary(const TypeAry* ary) const;
// Speculative type helper methods.
virtual const TypeAryPtr* remove_speculative() const;
virtual const TypePtr* with_inline_depth(int depth) const;
virtual const TypePtr* with_instance_id(int instance_id) const;
// the core of the computation of the meet of 2 types
virtual const Type *xmeet_helper(const Type *t) const;
virtual const Type *xdual() const; // Compute dual right now.
const TypeAryPtr* cast_to_stable(bool stable, int stable_dimension = 1) const;
int stable_dimension() const;
const TypeAryPtr* cast_to_autobox_cache() const;
! static jint max_array_length(BasicType etype) ;
virtual const TypeKlassPtr* as_klass_type(bool try_for_exact = false) const;
// Convenience common pre-built types.
static const TypeAryPtr* BOTTOM;
! static const TypeAryPtr* RANGE;
! static const TypeAryPtr* OOPS;
! static const TypeAryPtr* NARROWOOPS;
! static const TypeAryPtr* BYTES;
! static const TypeAryPtr* SHORTS;
! static const TypeAryPtr* CHARS;
! static const TypeAryPtr* INTS;
! static const TypeAryPtr* LONGS;
! static const TypeAryPtr* FLOATS;
! static const TypeAryPtr* DOUBLES;
// selects one of the above:
static const TypeAryPtr *get_array_body_type(BasicType elem) {
assert((uint)elem <= T_CONFLICT && _array_body_type[elem] != nullptr, "bad elem type");
return _array_body_type[elem];
virtual const TypeAryPtr *with_offset( intptr_t offset ) const;
const TypeAryPtr* with_ary(const TypeAry* ary) const;
// Speculative type helper methods.
virtual const TypeAryPtr* remove_speculative() const;
+ virtual const Type* cleanup_speculative() const;
virtual const TypePtr* with_inline_depth(int depth) const;
virtual const TypePtr* with_instance_id(int instance_id) const;
// the core of the computation of the meet of 2 types
virtual const Type *xmeet_helper(const Type *t) const;
virtual const Type *xdual() const; // Compute dual right now.
+ // Inline type array properties
+ const TypeAryPtr* cast_to_not_flat(bool not_flat = true) const;
+ const TypeAryPtr* cast_to_not_null_free(bool not_null_free = true) const;
+ const TypeAryPtr* update_properties(const TypeAryPtr* new_type) const;
+ jint flat_layout_helper() const;
+ int flat_elem_size() const;
+ int flat_log_elem_size() const;
const TypeAryPtr* cast_to_stable(bool stable, int stable_dimension = 1) const;
int stable_dimension() const;
const TypeAryPtr* cast_to_autobox_cache() const;
! static jint max_array_length(BasicType etype);
+ int flat_offset() const;
+ const Offset field_offset() const { return _field_offset; }
+ const TypeAryPtr* with_field_offset(int offset) const;
+ const TypePtr* add_field_offset_and_offset(intptr_t offset) const;
+ virtual bool can_be_inline_type() const { return false; }
virtual const TypeKlassPtr* as_klass_type(bool try_for_exact = false) const;
+ virtual bool can_be_inline_array() const;
// Convenience common pre-built types.
static const TypeAryPtr* BOTTOM;
! static const TypeAryPtr *RANGE;
! static const TypeAryPtr *OOPS;
! static const TypeAryPtr *NARROWOOPS;
! static const TypeAryPtr *BYTES;
! static const TypeAryPtr *SHORTS;
! static const TypeAryPtr *CHARS;
! static const TypeAryPtr *INTS;
! static const TypeAryPtr *LONGS;
! static const TypeAryPtr *FLOATS;
! static const TypeAryPtr *DOUBLES;
+ static const TypeAryPtr *INLINES;
// selects one of the above:
static const TypeAryPtr *get_array_body_type(BasicType elem) {
assert((uint)elem <= T_CONFLICT && _array_body_type[elem] != nullptr, "bad elem type");
return _array_body_type[elem];
// Some kind of metadata, either Method*, MethodData* or CPCacheOop
class TypeMetadataPtr : public TypePtr {
! TypeMetadataPtr(PTR ptr, ciMetadata* metadata, int offset);
// Do not allow interface-vs.-noninterface joins to collapse to top.
virtual const Type *filter_helper(const Type *kills, bool include_speculative) const;
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
// Some kind of metadata, either Method*, MethodData* or CPCacheOop
class TypeMetadataPtr : public TypePtr {
! TypeMetadataPtr(PTR ptr, ciMetadata* metadata, Offset offset);
// Do not allow interface-vs.-noninterface joins to collapse to top.
virtual const Type *filter_helper(const Type *kills, bool include_speculative) const;
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
ciMetadata* _metadata;
! static const TypeMetadataPtr* make(PTR ptr, ciMetadata* m, int offset);
static const TypeMetadataPtr* make(ciMethod* m);
static const TypeMetadataPtr* make(ciMethodData* m);
ciMetadata* metadata() const { return _metadata; }
ciMetadata* _metadata;
! static const TypeMetadataPtr* make(PTR ptr, ciMetadata* m, Offset offset);
static const TypeMetadataPtr* make(ciMethod* m);
static const TypeMetadataPtr* make(ciMethodData* m);
ciMetadata* metadata() const { return _metadata; }
class TypeKlassPtr : public TypePtr {
friend class TypeInstKlassPtr;
friend class TypeAryKlassPtr;
friend class TypePtr;
! TypeKlassPtr(TYPES t, PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass, const TypeInterfaces* interfaces, int offset);
virtual const Type *filter_helper(const Type *kills, bool include_speculative) const;
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
class TypeKlassPtr : public TypePtr {
friend class TypeInstKlassPtr;
friend class TypeAryKlassPtr;
friend class TypePtr;
! TypeKlassPtr(TYPES t, PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass, const TypeInterfaces* interfaces, Offset offset);
virtual const Type *filter_helper(const Type *kills, bool include_speculative) const;
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
// Exact klass, possibly an interface or an array of interface
ciKlass* exact_klass(bool maybe_null = false) const { assert(klass_is_exact(), ""); ciKlass* k = exact_klass_helper(); assert(k != nullptr || maybe_null, ""); return k; }
virtual bool klass_is_exact() const { return _ptr == Constant; }
static const TypeKlassPtr* make(ciKlass* klass, InterfaceHandling interface_handling = ignore_interfaces);
! static const TypeKlassPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass, int offset, InterfaceHandling interface_handling = ignore_interfaces);
virtual bool is_loaded() const { return _klass->is_loaded(); }
virtual const TypeKlassPtr* cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const { ShouldNotReachHere(); return nullptr; }
// Exact klass, possibly an interface or an array of interface
ciKlass* exact_klass(bool maybe_null = false) const { assert(klass_is_exact(), ""); ciKlass* k = exact_klass_helper(); assert(k != nullptr || maybe_null, ""); return k; }
virtual bool klass_is_exact() const { return _ptr == Constant; }
static const TypeKlassPtr* make(ciKlass* klass, InterfaceHandling interface_handling = ignore_interfaces);
! static const TypeKlassPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass, Offset offset, InterfaceHandling interface_handling = ignore_interfaces);
virtual bool is_loaded() const { return _klass->is_loaded(); }
virtual const TypeKlassPtr* cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const { ShouldNotReachHere(); return nullptr; }
virtual intptr_t get_con() const;
virtual const TypeKlassPtr* with_offset(intptr_t offset) const { ShouldNotReachHere(); return nullptr; }
+ virtual bool can_be_inline_array() const { ShouldNotReachHere(); return false; }
+ virtual bool not_flat_in_array_inexact() const {
+ return true;
+ }
virtual const TypeKlassPtr* try_improve() const { return this; }
#ifndef PRODUCT
virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const; // Specialized per-Type dumping
// Instance klass pointer, mirrors TypeInstPtr
class TypeInstKlassPtr : public TypeKlassPtr {
! TypeInstKlassPtr(PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass, const TypeInterfaces* interfaces, int offset)
! : TypeKlassPtr(InstKlassPtr, ptr, klass, interfaces, offset) {
assert(klass->is_instance_klass() && (!klass->is_loaded() || !klass->is_interface()), "");
virtual bool must_be_exact() const;
// Instance klass ignoring any interface
ciInstanceKlass* instance_klass() const {
assert(!klass()->is_interface(), "");
return klass()->as_instance_klass();
// Instance klass pointer, mirrors TypeInstPtr
class TypeInstKlassPtr : public TypeKlassPtr {
! TypeInstKlassPtr(PTR ptr, ciKlass* klass, const TypeInterfaces* interfaces, Offset offset, bool flat_in_array)
! : TypeKlassPtr(InstKlassPtr, ptr, klass, interfaces, offset), _flat_in_array(flat_in_array) {
assert(klass->is_instance_klass() && (!klass->is_loaded() || !klass->is_interface()), "");
virtual bool must_be_exact() const;
+ const bool _flat_in_array; // Type is flat in arrays
// Instance klass ignoring any interface
ciInstanceKlass* instance_klass() const {
assert(!klass()->is_interface(), "");
return klass()->as_instance_klass();
bool is_same_java_type_as_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other) const;
bool is_java_subtype_of_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact) const;
bool maybe_java_subtype_of_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact) const;
static const TypeInstKlassPtr *make(ciKlass* k, InterfaceHandling interface_handling) {
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(k, true, true, false, interface_handling);
! return make(TypePtr::Constant, k, interfaces, 0);
! static const TypeInstKlassPtr* make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, const TypeInterfaces* interfaces, int offset);
! static const TypeInstKlassPtr* make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, int offset) {
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(k, true, false, false, ignore_interfaces);
return make(ptr, k, interfaces, offset);
virtual const TypeInstKlassPtr* cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
bool is_same_java_type_as_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other) const;
bool is_java_subtype_of_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact) const;
bool maybe_java_subtype_of_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact) const;
+ virtual bool can_be_inline_type() const { return (_klass == nullptr || _klass->can_be_inline_klass(klass_is_exact())); }
static const TypeInstKlassPtr *make(ciKlass* k, InterfaceHandling interface_handling) {
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(k, true, true, false, interface_handling);
! return make(TypePtr::Constant, k, interfaces, Offset(0));
! static const TypeInstKlassPtr* make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, const TypeInterfaces* interfaces, Offset offset, bool flat_in_array = false);
! static const TypeInstKlassPtr* make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, Offset offset) {
const TypeInterfaces* interfaces = TypePtr::interfaces(k, true, false, false, ignore_interfaces);
return make(ptr, k, interfaces, offset);
virtual const TypeInstKlassPtr* cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
virtual const Type *xdual() const;
virtual const TypeInstKlassPtr* with_offset(intptr_t offset) const;
virtual const TypeKlassPtr* try_improve() const;
+ virtual bool flat_in_array() const { return _flat_in_array; }
+ // Checks if this klass pointer is not flat in array by also considering exactness information.
+ virtual bool not_flat_in_array() const {
+ return !_klass->can_be_inline_klass(klass_is_exact()) || (_klass->is_inlinetype() && !flat_in_array());
+ }
+ // not_flat_in_array() version that assumes that the klass is inexact. This is used for sub type checks where the
+ // super klass is always an exact klass constant (and thus possibly known to be not flat in array), while a sub
+ // klass could very well be flat in array:
+ //
+ // MyValue <: Object
+ // flat in array not flat in array
+ //
+ // Thus, this version checks if we know that the klass is not flat in array even if it's not exact.
+ virtual bool not_flat_in_array_inexact() const {
+ return !_klass->can_be_inline_klass() || (_klass->is_inlinetype() && !flat_in_array());
+ }
+ virtual bool can_be_inline_array() const;
// Convenience common pre-built types.
static const TypeInstKlassPtr* OBJECT; // Not-null object klass or below
static const TypeInstKlassPtr* OBJECT_OR_NULL; // Maybe-null version of same
virtual bool is_meet_subtype_of_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other, bool this_xk, bool other_xk) const;
friend class TypeInstKlassPtr;
friend class Type;
friend class TypePtr;
const Type *_elem;
static const TypeInterfaces* _array_interfaces;
! TypeAryKlassPtr(PTR ptr, const Type *elem, ciKlass* klass, int offset)
! : TypeKlassPtr(AryKlassPtr, ptr, klass, _array_interfaces, offset), _elem(elem) {
! assert(klass == nullptr || klass->is_type_array_klass() || !klass->as_obj_array_klass()->base_element_klass()->is_interface(), "");
virtual ciKlass* exact_klass_helper() const;
// Only guaranteed non null for array of basic types
virtual ciKlass* klass() const;
virtual bool must_be_exact() const;
// returns base element type, an instance klass (and not interface) for object arrays
const Type* base_element_type(int& dims) const;
! static const TypeAryKlassPtr *make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, int offset, InterfaceHandling interface_handling);
bool is_same_java_type_as_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other) const;
bool is_java_subtype_of_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact) const;
bool maybe_java_subtype_of_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact) const;
bool is_loaded() const { return (_elem->isa_klassptr() ? _elem->is_klassptr()->is_loaded() : true); }
! static const TypeAryKlassPtr *make(PTR ptr, const Type *elem, ciKlass* k, int offset);
static const TypeAryKlassPtr* make(ciKlass* klass, InterfaceHandling interface_handling);
const Type *elem() const { return _elem; }
virtual bool eq(const Type *t) const;
friend class TypeInstKlassPtr;
friend class Type;
friend class TypePtr;
const Type *_elem;
+ const bool _not_flat; // Array is never flat
+ const bool _not_null_free; // Array is never null-free
+ const bool _null_free;
static const TypeInterfaces* _array_interfaces;
! TypeAryKlassPtr(PTR ptr, const Type *elem, ciKlass* klass, Offset offset, bool not_flat, int not_null_free, bool null_free)
! : TypeKlassPtr(AryKlassPtr, ptr, klass, _array_interfaces, offset), _elem(elem), _not_flat(not_flat), _not_null_free(not_null_free), _null_free(null_free) {
! assert(klass == nullptr || klass->is_type_array_klass() || klass->is_flat_array_klass() || !klass->as_obj_array_klass()->base_element_klass()->is_interface(), "");
virtual ciKlass* exact_klass_helper() const;
// Only guaranteed non null for array of basic types
virtual ciKlass* klass() const;
virtual bool must_be_exact() const;
+ bool dual_null_free() const {
+ return _null_free;
+ }
+ bool meet_null_free(bool other) const {
+ return _null_free && other;
+ }
// returns base element type, an instance klass (and not interface) for object arrays
const Type* base_element_type(int& dims) const;
! static const TypeAryKlassPtr* make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, Offset offset, InterfaceHandling interface_handling, bool not_flat, bool not_null_free, bool null_free);
bool is_same_java_type_as_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other) const;
bool is_java_subtype_of_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact) const;
bool maybe_java_subtype_of_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact) const;
bool is_loaded() const { return (_elem->isa_klassptr() ? _elem->is_klassptr()->is_loaded() : true); }
! static const TypeAryKlassPtr* make(PTR ptr, const Type* elem, ciKlass* k, Offset offset, bool not_flat, bool not_null_free, bool null_free);
+ static const TypeAryKlassPtr* make(PTR ptr, ciKlass* k, Offset offset, InterfaceHandling interface_handling);
static const TypeAryKlassPtr* make(ciKlass* klass, InterfaceHandling interface_handling);
const Type *elem() const { return _elem; }
virtual bool eq(const Type *t) const;
virtual const TypeAryKlassPtr* cast_to_ptr_type(PTR ptr) const;
virtual const TypeKlassPtr *cast_to_exactness(bool klass_is_exact) const;
+ const TypeAryKlassPtr* cast_to_null_free() const;
// corresponding pointer to instance, for a given class
virtual const TypeOopPtr* as_instance_type(bool klass_change = true) const;
virtual const TypePtr *add_offset( intptr_t offset ) const;
virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
virtual bool empty(void) const {
return TypeKlassPtr::empty() || _elem->empty();
+ bool is_flat() const { return klass() != nullptr && klass()->is_flat_array_klass(); }
+ bool is_not_flat() const { return _not_flat; }
+ bool is_null_free() const { return _null_free; }
+ bool is_not_null_free() const { return _not_null_free; }
+ virtual bool can_be_inline_array() const;
#ifndef PRODUCT
virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const; // Specialized per-Type dumping
virtual bool is_meet_subtype_of_helper(const TypeKlassPtr* other, bool this_xk, bool other_xk) const;
// Class of Array Types
class TypeFunc : public Type {
! TypeFunc( const TypeTuple *domain, const TypeTuple *range ) : Type(Function), _domain(domain), _range(range) {}
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
virtual bool singleton(void) const; // TRUE if type is a singleton
virtual bool empty(void) const; // TRUE if type is vacuous
! const TypeTuple* const _domain; // Domain of inputs
! const TypeTuple* const _range; // Range of results
// Constants are shared among ADLC and VM
enum { Control = AdlcVMDeps::Control,
I_O = AdlcVMDeps::I_O,
// Class of Array Types
class TypeFunc : public Type {
! TypeFunc(const TypeTuple *domain_sig, const TypeTuple *domain_cc, const TypeTuple *range_sig, const TypeTuple *range_cc)
+ : Type(Function), _domain_sig(domain_sig), _domain_cc(domain_cc), _range_sig(range_sig), _range_cc(range_cc) {}
virtual bool eq( const Type *t ) const;
virtual uint hash() const; // Type specific hashing
virtual bool singleton(void) const; // TRUE if type is a singleton
virtual bool empty(void) const; // TRUE if type is vacuous
! // Domains of inputs: inline type arguments are not passed by
! // reference, instead each field of the inline type is passed as an
+ // argument. We maintain 2 views of the argument list here: one
+ // based on the signature (with an inline type argument as a single
+ // slot), one based on the actual calling convention (with a value
+ // type argument as a list of its fields).
+ const TypeTuple* const _domain_sig;
+ const TypeTuple* const _domain_cc;
+ // Range of results. Similar to domains: an inline type result can be
+ // returned in registers in which case range_cc lists all fields and
+ // is the actual calling convention.
+ const TypeTuple* const _range_sig;
+ const TypeTuple* const _range_cc;
// Constants are shared among ADLC and VM
enum { Control = AdlcVMDeps::Control,
I_O = AdlcVMDeps::I_O,
Parms = AdlcVMDeps::Parms
// Accessors:
! const TypeTuple* domain() const { return _domain; }
! const TypeTuple* range() const { return _range; }
! static const TypeFunc *make(ciMethod* method);
! static const TypeFunc *make(ciSignature signature, const Type* extra);
static const TypeFunc *make(const TypeTuple* domain, const TypeTuple* range);
virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
virtual const Type *xdual() const; // Compute dual right now.
BasicType return_type() const;
#ifndef PRODUCT
virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const; // Specialized per-Type dumping
// Convenience common pre-built types.
Parms = AdlcVMDeps::Parms
// Accessors:
! const TypeTuple* domain_sig() const { return _domain_sig; }
! const TypeTuple* domain_cc() const { return _domain_cc; }
! const TypeTuple* range_sig() const { return _range_sig; }
! const TypeTuple* range_cc() const { return _range_cc; }
+ static const TypeFunc* make(ciMethod* method, bool is_osr_compilation = false);
+ static const TypeFunc *make(const TypeTuple* domain_sig, const TypeTuple* domain_cc,
+ const TypeTuple* range_sig, const TypeTuple* range_cc);
static const TypeFunc *make(const TypeTuple* domain, const TypeTuple* range);
virtual const Type *xmeet( const Type *t ) const;
virtual const Type *xdual() const; // Compute dual right now.
BasicType return_type() const;
+ bool returns_inline_type_as_fields() const { return range_sig() != range_cc(); }
#ifndef PRODUCT
virtual void dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const; // Specialized per-Type dumping
// Convenience common pre-built types.
(_base == DoubleCon) || (_base == DoubleBot) )
return true;
return false;
+ inline bool Type::is_inlinetypeptr() const {
+ return isa_instptr() != nullptr && is_instptr()->instance_klass()->is_inlinetype();
+ }
+ inline ciInlineKlass* Type::inline_klass() const {
+ return make_ptr()->is_instptr()->instance_klass()->as_inline_klass();
+ }
template <>
inline const TypeInt* Type::cast<TypeInt>() const {
return is_int();
// For array index arithmetic
#define MulXNode MulLNode
#define AndXNode AndLNode
#define OrXNode OrLNode
#define CmpXNode CmpLNode
+ #define CmpUXNode CmpULNode
#define SubXNode SubLNode
#define LShiftXNode LShiftLNode
// For object size computation:
#define AddXNode AddLNode
#define RShiftXNode RShiftLNode
#define Op_AddX Op_AddL
#define Op_SubX Op_SubL
#define Op_XorX Op_XorL
#define Op_URShiftX Op_URShiftL
#define Op_LoadX Op_LoadL
+ #define Op_StoreX Op_StoreL
// conversions
#define ConvI2X(x) ConvI2L(x)
#define ConvL2X(x) (x)
#define ConvX2I(x) ConvL2I(x)
#define ConvX2L(x) (x)
// For array index arithmetic
#define MulXNode MulINode
#define AndXNode AndINode
#define OrXNode OrINode
#define CmpXNode CmpINode
+ #define CmpUXNode CmpUNode
#define SubXNode SubINode
#define LShiftXNode LShiftINode
// For object size computation:
#define AddXNode AddINode
#define RShiftXNode RShiftINode
#define Op_AddX Op_AddI
#define Op_SubX Op_SubI
#define Op_XorX Op_XorI
#define Op_URShiftX Op_URShiftI
#define Op_LoadX Op_LoadI
+ #define Op_StoreX Op_StoreI
// conversions
#define ConvI2X(x) (x)
#define ConvL2X(x) ConvL2I(x)
#define ConvX2I(x) (x)
#define ConvX2L(x) ConvI2L(x)
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