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 788           "Maximum allowable local JNI handle capacity to "                 \
 789           "EnsureLocalCapacity() and PushLocalFrame(), "                    \
 790           "where <= 0 is unlimited, default: 65536")                        \
 791           range(min_intx, max_intx)                                         \
 792                                                                             \
 793   product(bool, EagerXrunInit, false,                                       \
 794           "Eagerly initialize -Xrun libraries; allows startup profiling, "  \
 795           "but not all -Xrun libraries may support the state of the VM "    \
 796           "at this time")                                                   \
 797                                                                             \
 798   product(bool, PreserveAllAnnotations, false,                              \
 799           "(Deprecated) Preserve RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations as well "      \
 800           "as RuntimeVisibleAnnotations")                                   \
 801                                                                             \
 802   develop(uintx, PreallocatedOutOfMemoryErrorCount, 4,                      \
 803           "Number of OutOfMemoryErrors preallocated with backtrace")        \
 804                                                                             \
 805   product(bool, UseXMMForArrayCopy, false,                                  \
 806           "Use SSE2 MOVQ instruction for Arraycopy")                        \
 807                                                                             \
 808   develop(bool, PrintFieldLayout, false,                                    \
 809           "Print field layout for each class")                              \
 810                                                                             \

 811   /* Need to limit the extent of the padding to reasonable size.          */\
 812   /* 8K is well beyond the reasonable HW cache line size, even with       */\
 813   /* aggressive prefetching, while still leaving the room for segregating */\
 814   /* among the distinct pages.                                            */\
 815   product(int, ContendedPaddingWidth, 128,                                  \
 816           "How many bytes to pad the fields/classes marked @Contended with")\
 817           range(0, 8192)                                                    \
 818           constraint(ContendedPaddingWidthConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)         \
 819                                                                             \
 820   product(bool, EnableContended, true,                                      \
 821           "Enable @Contended annotation support")                           \
 822                                                                             \
 823   product(bool, RestrictContended, true,                                    \
 824           "Restrict @Contended to trusted classes")                         \
 825                                                                             \
 826   product(int, DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses, 0, DIAGNOSTIC,              \
 827              "Detect and take action upon identifying synchronization on "  \
 828              "value based classes. Modes: "                                 \
 829              "0: off; "                                                     \
 830              "1: exit with fatal error; "                                   \

1931           "On internal errors, include registers in error report.")         \
1932                                                                             \
1933   product(bool, UseSwitchProfiling, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                       \
1934           "leverage profiling for table/lookup switch")                     \
1935                                                                             \
1936   develop(bool, TraceMemoryWriteback, false,                                \
1937           "Trace memory writeback operations")                              \
1938                                                                             \
1939   JFR_ONLY(product(bool, FlightRecorder, false,                             \
1940           "(Deprecated) Enable Flight Recorder"))                           \
1941                                                                             \
1942   JFR_ONLY(product(ccstr, FlightRecorderOptions, nullptr,                   \
1943           "Flight Recorder options"))                                       \
1944                                                                             \
1945   JFR_ONLY(product(ccstr, StartFlightRecording, nullptr,                    \
1946           "Start flight recording with options"))                           \
1947                                                                             \
1948   product(bool, UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps, false, EXPERIMENTAL,            \
1949           "Use platform unstable time where supported for timestamps only") \
1950                                                                             \

1951   product(bool, UseEmptySlotsInSupers, true,                                \
1952           "(Deprecated) Allow allocating fields in empty slots of "         \
1953           "super-classes")                                                  \
1954                                                                             \
1955   product(bool, DeoptimizeNMethodBarriersALot, false, DIAGNOSTIC,           \
1956                 "Make nmethod barriers deoptimise a lot.")                  \
1957                                                                             \
1958   develop(bool, VerifyCrossModifyFence,                                     \
1959           false AARCH64_ONLY(DEBUG_ONLY(||true)),                           \
1960              "Mark all threads after a safepoint, and clear on a modify "   \
1961              "fence. Add cleanliness checks.")                              \
1962                                                                             \
1963   product(int, LockingMode, LM_LIGHTWEIGHT,                                 \
1964           "Select locking mode: "                                           \
1965           "0: monitors only (LM_MONITOR), "                                 \
1966           "1: monitors & legacy stack-locking (LM_LEGACY), "                \
1967           "2: monitors & new lightweight locking (LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, default)") \
1968           range(0, 2)                                                       \
1969                                                                             \
1970   product(uint, TrimNativeHeapInterval, 0,                                  \

 788           "Maximum allowable local JNI handle capacity to "                 \
 789           "EnsureLocalCapacity() and PushLocalFrame(), "                    \
 790           "where <= 0 is unlimited, default: 65536")                        \
 791           range(min_intx, max_intx)                                         \
 792                                                                             \
 793   product(bool, EagerXrunInit, false,                                       \
 794           "Eagerly initialize -Xrun libraries; allows startup profiling, "  \
 795           "but not all -Xrun libraries may support the state of the VM "    \
 796           "at this time")                                                   \
 797                                                                             \
 798   product(bool, PreserveAllAnnotations, false,                              \
 799           "(Deprecated) Preserve RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations as well "      \
 800           "as RuntimeVisibleAnnotations")                                   \
 801                                                                             \
 802   develop(uintx, PreallocatedOutOfMemoryErrorCount, 4,                      \
 803           "Number of OutOfMemoryErrors preallocated with backtrace")        \
 804                                                                             \
 805   product(bool, UseXMMForArrayCopy, false,                                  \
 806           "Use SSE2 MOVQ instruction for Arraycopy")                        \
 807                                                                             \
 808   product(bool, PrintFieldLayout, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                        \
 809           "Print field layout for each class")                              \
 810                                                                             \
 811   product(bool, PrintInlineLayout, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                       \
 812           "Print field layout for each inline type or class with inline fields") \
 813                                                                             \
 814   product(bool, PrintFlatArrayLayout, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                    \
 815           "Print array layout for each inline type array")                  \
 816                                                                             \
 817   product(intx, FlatArrayElementMaxSize, -1,                                \
 818           "Max size for flattening inline array elements, <0 no limit")     \
 819                                                                             \
 820   product(intx, InlineFieldMaxFlatSize, 128,                                \
 821           "Max size for flattening inline type fields, <0 no limit")        \
 822                                                                             \
 823   develop(bool, EnableNullableFieldFlattening, false,                       \
 824           "Allow the JVM to flatten some nullable fields")                  \
 825                                                                             \
 826   product(intx, FlatArrayElementMaxOops, 4,                                 \
 827           "Max nof embedded object references in an inline type to flatten, <0 no limit")  \
 828                                                                             \
 829   product(bool, InlineArrayAtomicAccess, false,                             \
 830           "Atomic inline array accesses by-default, for all inline arrays") \
 831                                                                             \
 832   /* Need to limit the extent of the padding to reasonable size.          */\
 833   /* 8K is well beyond the reasonable HW cache line size, even with       */\
 834   /* aggressive prefetching, while still leaving the room for segregating */\
 835   /* among the distinct pages.                                            */\
 836   product(int, ContendedPaddingWidth, 128,                                  \
 837           "How many bytes to pad the fields/classes marked @Contended with")\
 838           range(0, 8192)                                                    \
 839           constraint(ContendedPaddingWidthConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)         \
 840                                                                             \
 841   product(bool, EnableContended, true,                                      \
 842           "Enable @Contended annotation support")                           \
 843                                                                             \
 844   product(bool, RestrictContended, true,                                    \
 845           "Restrict @Contended to trusted classes")                         \
 846                                                                             \
 847   product(int, DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses, 0, DIAGNOSTIC,              \
 848              "Detect and take action upon identifying synchronization on "  \
 849              "value based classes. Modes: "                                 \
 850              "0: off; "                                                     \
 851              "1: exit with fatal error; "                                   \

1952           "On internal errors, include registers in error report.")         \
1953                                                                             \
1954   product(bool, UseSwitchProfiling, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                       \
1955           "leverage profiling for table/lookup switch")                     \
1956                                                                             \
1957   develop(bool, TraceMemoryWriteback, false,                                \
1958           "Trace memory writeback operations")                              \
1959                                                                             \
1960   JFR_ONLY(product(bool, FlightRecorder, false,                             \
1961           "(Deprecated) Enable Flight Recorder"))                           \
1962                                                                             \
1963   JFR_ONLY(product(ccstr, FlightRecorderOptions, nullptr,                   \
1964           "Flight Recorder options"))                                       \
1965                                                                             \
1966   JFR_ONLY(product(ccstr, StartFlightRecording, nullptr,                    \
1967           "Start flight recording with options"))                           \
1968                                                                             \
1969   product(bool, UseFastUnorderedTimeStamps, false, EXPERIMENTAL,            \
1970           "Use platform unstable time where supported for timestamps only") \
1971                                                                             \
1972   product(bool, EnableValhalla, true,                                       \
1973           "Enable experimental Valhalla features")                          \
1974                                                                             \
1975   product_pd(bool, InlineTypePassFieldsAsArgs,                              \
1976           "Pass each inline type field as an argument at calls")            \
1977                                                                             \
1978   product_pd(bool, InlineTypeReturnedAsFields,                              \
1979           "Return fields instead of an inline type reference")              \
1980                                                                             \
1981   develop(bool, StressCallingConvention, false,                             \
1982           "Stress the scalarized calling convention.")                      \
1983                                                                             \
1984   product(ccstrlist, ForceNonTearable, "", DIAGNOSTIC,                      \
1985           "List of inline classes which are forced to be atomic "           \
1986           "(whitespace and commas separate names, "                         \
1987           "and leading and trailing stars '*' are wildcards)")              \
1988                                                                             \
1989   product(bool, UseEmptySlotsInSupers, true,                                \
1990           "(Deprecated) Allow allocating fields in empty slots of "         \
1991           "super-classes")                                                  \
1992                                                                             \
1993   product(bool, DeoptimizeNMethodBarriersALot, false, DIAGNOSTIC,           \
1994                 "Make nmethod barriers deoptimise a lot.")                  \
1995                                                                             \
1996   develop(bool, VerifyCrossModifyFence,                                     \
1997           false AARCH64_ONLY(DEBUG_ONLY(||true)),                           \
1998              "Mark all threads after a safepoint, and clear on a modify "   \
1999              "fence. Add cleanliness checks.")                              \
2000                                                                             \
2001   product(int, LockingMode, LM_LIGHTWEIGHT,                                 \
2002           "Select locking mode: "                                           \
2003           "0: monitors only (LM_MONITOR), "                                 \
2004           "1: monitors & legacy stack-locking (LM_LEGACY), "                \
2005           "2: monitors & new lightweight locking (LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, default)") \
2006           range(0, 2)                                                       \
2007                                                                             \
2008   product(uint, TrimNativeHeapInterval, 0,                                  \
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