< prev index next >


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*** 42,17 ***
--- 42,22 ---
  #include "interpreter/interpreter.hpp"
  #include "interpreter/interpreterRuntime.hpp"
  #include "jvm.h"
  #include "jfr/jfrEvents.hpp"
  #include "logging/log.hpp"
+ #include "memory/oopFactory.hpp"
  #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  #include "memory/universe.hpp"
+ #include "oops/access.hpp"
+ #include "oops/fieldStreams.inline.hpp"
  #include "metaprogramming/primitiveConversions.hpp"
  #include "oops/klass.hpp"
  #include "oops/method.inline.hpp"
  #include "oops/objArrayKlass.hpp"
+ #include "oops/objArrayOop.inline.hpp"
  #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
+ #include "oops/inlineKlass.inline.hpp"
  #include "prims/forte.hpp"
  #include "prims/jvmtiExport.hpp"
  #include "prims/jvmtiThreadState.hpp"
  #include "prims/methodHandles.hpp"
  #include "prims/nativeLookup.hpp"

*** 1179,10 ***
--- 1184,25 ---
      bc = Bytecodes::_invokestatic;
      LinkResolver::resolve_continuation_enter(callinfo, CHECK_NH);
      return receiver;
+   // Substitutability test implementation piggy backs on static call resolution
+   Bytecodes::Code code = caller->java_code_at(bci);
+   if (code == Bytecodes::_if_acmpeq || code == Bytecodes::_if_acmpne) {
+     bc = Bytecodes::_invokestatic;
+     methodHandle attached_method(THREAD, extract_attached_method(vfst));
+     assert(attached_method.not_null(), "must have attached method");
+     vmClasses::ValueObjectMethods_klass()->initialize(CHECK_NH);
+     LinkResolver::resolve_invoke(callinfo, receiver, attached_method, bc, false, CHECK_NH);
+ #ifdef ASSERT
+     Method* is_subst = vmClasses::ValueObjectMethods_klass()->find_method(vmSymbols::isSubstitutable_name(), vmSymbols::object_object_boolean_signature());
+     assert(callinfo.selected_method() == is_subst, "must be isSubstitutable method");
+ #endif
+     return receiver;
+   }
    Bytecode_invoke bytecode(caller, bci);
    int bytecode_index = bytecode.index();
    bc = bytecode.invoke_code();
    methodHandle attached_method(current, extract_attached_method(vfst));

*** 1214,18 ***
--- 1234,25 ---
+     } else {
+       assert(attached_method->has_scalarized_args(), "invalid use of attached method");
+       if (!attached_method->method_holder()->is_inline_klass()) {
+         // Ignore the attached method in this case to not confuse below code
+         attached_method = methodHandle(current, nullptr);
+       }
    assert(bc != Bytecodes::_illegal, "not initialized");
    bool has_receiver = bc != Bytecodes::_invokestatic &&
                        bc != Bytecodes::_invokedynamic &&
                        bc != Bytecodes::_invokehandle;
+   bool check_null_and_abstract = true;
    // Find receiver for non-static call
    if (has_receiver) {
      // This register map must be update since we need to find the receiver for
      // compiled frames. The receiver might be in a register.

*** 1235,39 ***
      frame stubFrame   = current->last_frame();
      // Caller-frame is a compiled frame
      frame callerFrame = stubFrame.sender(&reg_map2);
!     if (attached_method.is_null()) {
!       Method* callee = bytecode.static_target(CHECK_NH);
        if (callee == nullptr) {
          THROW_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NoSuchMethodException(), nullHandle);
!     // Retrieve from a compiled argument list
!     receiver = Handle(current, callerFrame.retrieve_receiver(&reg_map2));
!     assert(oopDesc::is_oop_or_null(receiver()), "");
!     if (receiver.is_null()) {
!       THROW_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(), nullHandle);
    // Resolve method
    if (attached_method.not_null()) {
      // Parameterized by attached method.
!     LinkResolver::resolve_invoke(callinfo, receiver, attached_method, bc, CHECK_NH);
    } else {
      // Parameterized by bytecode.
      constantPoolHandle constants(current, caller->constants());
      LinkResolver::resolve_invoke(callinfo, receiver, constants, bytecode_index, bc, CHECK_NH);
  #ifdef ASSERT
    // Check that the receiver klass is of the right subtype and that it is initialized for virtual calls
!   if (has_receiver) {
      assert(receiver.not_null(), "should have thrown exception");
      Klass* receiver_klass = receiver->klass();
      Klass* rk = nullptr;
      if (attached_method.not_null()) {
        // In case there's resolved method attached, use its holder during the check.
--- 1262,50 ---
      frame stubFrame   = current->last_frame();
      // Caller-frame is a compiled frame
      frame callerFrame = stubFrame.sender(&reg_map2);
!     Method* callee = attached_method();
!     if (callee == nullptr) {
+       callee = bytecode.static_target(CHECK_NH);
        if (callee == nullptr) {
          THROW_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NoSuchMethodException(), nullHandle);
!     bool caller_is_c1 = callerFrame.is_compiled_frame() && callerFrame.cb()->as_nmethod()->is_compiled_by_c1();
!     if (!caller_is_c1 && callee->is_scalarized_arg(0)) {
!       // If the receiver is an inline type that is passed as fields, no oop is available
!       // Resolve the call without receiver null checking.
!       assert(!callee->mismatch(), "calls with inline type receivers should never mismatch");
!       assert(attached_method.not_null() && !attached_method->is_abstract(), "must have non-abstract attached method");
!       if (bc == Bytecodes::_invokeinterface) {
+         bc = Bytecodes::_invokevirtual; // C2 optimistically replaces interface calls by virtual calls
+       }
+       check_null_and_abstract = false;
+     } else {
+       // Retrieve from a compiled argument list
+       receiver = Handle(current, callerFrame.retrieve_receiver(&reg_map2));
+       assert(oopDesc::is_oop_or_null(receiver()), "");
+       if (receiver.is_null()) {
+         THROW_(vmSymbols::java_lang_NullPointerException(), nullHandle);
+       }
    // Resolve method
    if (attached_method.not_null()) {
      // Parameterized by attached method.
!     LinkResolver::resolve_invoke(callinfo, receiver, attached_method, bc, check_null_and_abstract, CHECK_NH);
    } else {
      // Parameterized by bytecode.
      constantPoolHandle constants(current, caller->constants());
      LinkResolver::resolve_invoke(callinfo, receiver, constants, bytecode_index, bc, CHECK_NH);
  #ifdef ASSERT
    // Check that the receiver klass is of the right subtype and that it is initialized for virtual calls
!   if (has_receiver && check_null_and_abstract) {
      assert(receiver.not_null(), "should have thrown exception");
      Klass* receiver_klass = receiver->klass();
      Klass* rk = nullptr;
      if (attached_method.not_null()) {
        // In case there's resolved method attached, use its holder during the check.

*** 1291,11 ***
    return receiver;
! methodHandle SharedRuntime::find_callee_method(TRAPS) {
    JavaThread* current = THREAD;
    ResourceMark rm(current);
    // We need first to check if any Java activations (compiled, interpreted)
    // exist on the stack since last JavaCall.  If not, we need
    // to get the target method from the JavaCall wrapper.
--- 1329,11 ---
    return receiver;
! methodHandle SharedRuntime::find_callee_method(bool is_optimized, bool& caller_is_c1, TRAPS) {
    JavaThread* current = THREAD;
    ResourceMark rm(current);
    // We need first to check if any Java activations (compiled, interpreted)
    // exist on the stack since last JavaCall.  If not, we need
    // to get the target method from the JavaCall wrapper.

*** 1317,18 ***
      callee_method = methodHandle(current, fr.entry_frame_call_wrapper()->callee_method());
    } else {
      Bytecodes::Code bc;
      CallInfo callinfo;
      find_callee_info_helper(vfst, bc, callinfo, CHECK_(methodHandle()));
      callee_method = methodHandle(current, callinfo.selected_method());
    assert(callee_method()->is_method(), "must be");
    return callee_method;
  // Resolves a call.
! methodHandle SharedRuntime::resolve_helper(bool is_virtual, bool is_optimized, TRAPS) {
    JavaThread* current = THREAD;
    ResourceMark rm(current);
    RegisterMap cbl_map(current,
--- 1355,22 ---
      callee_method = methodHandle(current, fr.entry_frame_call_wrapper()->callee_method());
    } else {
      Bytecodes::Code bc;
      CallInfo callinfo;
      find_callee_info_helper(vfst, bc, callinfo, CHECK_(methodHandle()));
+     // Calls via mismatching methods are always non-scalarized
+     if (callinfo.resolved_method()->mismatch() && !is_optimized) {
+       caller_is_c1 = true;
+     }
      callee_method = methodHandle(current, callinfo.selected_method());
    assert(callee_method()->is_method(), "must be");
    return callee_method;
  // Resolves a call.
! methodHandle SharedRuntime::resolve_helper(bool is_virtual, bool is_optimized, bool& caller_is_c1, TRAPS) {
    JavaThread* current = THREAD;
    ResourceMark rm(current);
    RegisterMap cbl_map(current,

*** 1347,10 ***
--- 1389,14 ---
    Handle receiver = find_callee_info(invoke_code, call_info, CHECK_(methodHandle()));
    NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
    methodHandle callee_method(current, call_info.selected_method());
+   // Calls via mismatching methods are always non-scalarized
+   if (caller_nm->is_compiled_by_c1() || (call_info.resolved_method()->mismatch() && !is_optimized)) {
+     caller_is_c1 = true;
+   }
    assert((!is_virtual && invoke_code == Bytecodes::_invokestatic ) ||
           (!is_virtual && invoke_code == Bytecodes::_invokespecial) ||
           (!is_virtual && invoke_code == Bytecodes::_invokehandle ) ||
           (!is_virtual && invoke_code == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic) ||

*** 1365,13 ***
    if (TraceCallFixup) {
      ResourceMark rm(current);
!     tty->print("resolving %s%s (%s) call to",
                 (is_optimized) ? "optimized " : "", (is_virtual) ? "virtual" : "static",
!                Bytecodes::name(invoke_code));
      tty->print_cr(" at pc: " INTPTR_FORMAT " to code: " INTPTR_FORMAT,
                    p2i(caller_frame.pc()), p2i(callee_method->code()));
--- 1411,13 ---
    if (TraceCallFixup) {
      ResourceMark rm(current);
!     tty->print("resolving %s%s (%s) call%s to",
                 (is_optimized) ? "optimized " : "", (is_virtual) ? "virtual" : "static",
!                Bytecodes::name(invoke_code), (caller_is_c1) ? " from C1" : "");
      tty->print_cr(" at pc: " INTPTR_FORMAT " to code: " INTPTR_FORMAT,
                    p2i(caller_frame.pc()), p2i(callee_method->code()));

*** 1406,15 ***
    CompiledICLocker ml(caller_nm);
    if (is_virtual && !is_optimized) {
      CompiledIC* inline_cache = CompiledIC_before(caller_nm, caller_frame.pc());
!     inline_cache->update(&call_info, receiver->klass());
    } else {
      // Callsite is a direct call - set it to the destination method
      CompiledDirectCall* callsite = CompiledDirectCall::before(caller_frame.pc());
!     callsite->set(callee_method);
    return callee_method;
--- 1452,15 ---
    CompiledICLocker ml(caller_nm);
    if (is_virtual && !is_optimized) {
      CompiledIC* inline_cache = CompiledIC_before(caller_nm, caller_frame.pc());
!     inline_cache->update(&call_info, receiver->klass(), caller_is_c1);
    } else {
      // Callsite is a direct call - set it to the destination method
      CompiledDirectCall* callsite = CompiledDirectCall::before(caller_frame.pc());
!     callsite->set(callee_method, caller_is_c1);
    return callee_method;

*** 1430,17 ***
    frame caller_frame = stub_frame.sender(&reg_map);
    assert(!caller_frame.is_interpreted_frame() && !caller_frame.is_entry_frame() && !caller_frame.is_upcall_stub_frame(), "unexpected frame");
  #endif /* ASSERT */
    methodHandle callee_method;
!     callee_method = SharedRuntime::handle_ic_miss_helper(CHECK_NULL);
      // Return Method* through TLS
    // return compiled code entry point after potential safepoints
!   return get_resolved_entry(current, callee_method);
  // Handle call site that has been made non-entrant
  JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(address, SharedRuntime::handle_wrong_method(JavaThread* current))
--- 1476,19 ---
    frame caller_frame = stub_frame.sender(&reg_map);
    assert(!caller_frame.is_interpreted_frame() && !caller_frame.is_entry_frame() && !caller_frame.is_upcall_stub_frame(), "unexpected frame");
  #endif /* ASSERT */
    methodHandle callee_method;
+   bool is_optimized = false;
+   bool caller_is_c1 = false;
!     callee_method = SharedRuntime::handle_ic_miss_helper(is_optimized, caller_is_c1, CHECK_NULL);
      // Return Method* through TLS
    // return compiled code entry point after potential safepoints
!   return get_resolved_entry(current, callee_method, false, is_optimized, caller_is_c1);
  // Handle call site that has been made non-entrant
  JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(address, SharedRuntime::handle_wrong_method(JavaThread* current))

*** 1477,23 ***
        // JVM upcalls may land here as well, but there's a proper check present in
        // LinkResolver::resolve_static_call (called from JavaCalls::call_static),
        // so bypassing it in c2i adapter is benign.
        return callee->get_c2i_no_clinit_check_entry();
      } else {
!       return callee->get_c2i_entry();
    // Must be compiled to compiled path which is safe to stackwalk
    methodHandle callee_method;
      // Force resolving of caller (if we called from compiled frame)
!     callee_method = SharedRuntime::reresolve_call_site(CHECK_NULL);
    // return compiled code entry point after potential safepoints
!   return get_resolved_entry(current, callee_method);
  // Handle abstract method call
  JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(address, SharedRuntime::handle_wrong_method_abstract(JavaThread* current))
    // Verbose error message for AbstractMethodError.
--- 1525,30 ---
        // JVM upcalls may land here as well, but there's a proper check present in
        // LinkResolver::resolve_static_call (called from JavaCalls::call_static),
        // so bypassing it in c2i adapter is benign.
        return callee->get_c2i_no_clinit_check_entry();
      } else {
!       if (caller_frame.is_interpreted_frame()) {
+         return callee->get_c2i_inline_entry();
+       } else {
+         return callee->get_c2i_entry();
+       }
    // Must be compiled to compiled path which is safe to stackwalk
    methodHandle callee_method;
+   bool is_static_call = false;
+   bool is_optimized = false;
+   bool caller_is_c1 = false;
      // Force resolving of caller (if we called from compiled frame)
!     callee_method = SharedRuntime::reresolve_call_site(is_static_call, is_optimized, caller_is_c1, CHECK_NULL);
    // return compiled code entry point after potential safepoints
!   return get_resolved_entry(current, callee_method, is_static_call, is_optimized, caller_is_c1);
  // Handle abstract method call
  JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(address, SharedRuntime::handle_wrong_method_abstract(JavaThread* current))
    // Verbose error message for AbstractMethodError.

*** 1528,57 ***
    return res;
  // return verified_code_entry if interp_only_mode is not set for the current thread;
  // otherwise return c2i entry.
! address SharedRuntime::get_resolved_entry(JavaThread* current, methodHandle callee_method) {
    if (current->is_interp_only_mode() && !callee_method->is_special_native_intrinsic()) {
      // In interp_only_mode we need to go to the interpreted entry
      // The c2i won't patch in this mode -- see fixup_callers_callsite
      return callee_method->get_c2i_entry();
!   assert(callee_method->verified_code_entry() != nullptr, " Jump to zero!");
!   return callee_method->verified_code_entry();
  // resolve a static call and patch code
  JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(address, SharedRuntime::resolve_static_call_C(JavaThread* current ))
    methodHandle callee_method;
    bool enter_special = false;
!     callee_method = SharedRuntime::resolve_helper(false, false, CHECK_NULL);
    // return compiled code entry point after potential safepoints
!   return get_resolved_entry(current, callee_method);
  // resolve virtual call and update inline cache to monomorphic
  JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(address, SharedRuntime::resolve_virtual_call_C(JavaThread* current))
    methodHandle callee_method;
!     callee_method = SharedRuntime::resolve_helper(true, false, CHECK_NULL);
    // return compiled code entry point after potential safepoints
!   return get_resolved_entry(current, callee_method);
  // Resolve a virtual call that can be statically bound (e.g., always
  // monomorphic, so it has no inline cache).  Patch code to resolved target.
  JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(address, SharedRuntime::resolve_opt_virtual_call_C(JavaThread* current))
    methodHandle callee_method;
!     callee_method = SharedRuntime::resolve_helper(true, true, CHECK_NULL);
    // return compiled code entry point after potential safepoints
!   return get_resolved_entry(current, callee_method);
! methodHandle SharedRuntime::handle_ic_miss_helper(TRAPS) {
    JavaThread* current = THREAD;
    ResourceMark rm(current);
    CallInfo call_info;
    Bytecodes::Code bc;
--- 1583,72 ---
    return res;
  // return verified_code_entry if interp_only_mode is not set for the current thread;
  // otherwise return c2i entry.
! address SharedRuntime::get_resolved_entry(JavaThread* current, methodHandle callee_method,
+                                           bool is_static_call, bool is_optimized, bool caller_is_c1) {
    if (current->is_interp_only_mode() && !callee_method->is_special_native_intrinsic()) {
      // In interp_only_mode we need to go to the interpreted entry
      // The c2i won't patch in this mode -- see fixup_callers_callsite
      return callee_method->get_c2i_entry();
!   if (caller_is_c1) {
+     assert(callee_method->verified_inline_code_entry() != nullptr, "Jump to zero!");
+     return callee_method->verified_inline_code_entry();
+   } else if (is_static_call || is_optimized) {
+     assert(callee_method->verified_code_entry() != nullptr, "Jump to zero!");
+     return callee_method->verified_code_entry();
+   } else {
+     assert(callee_method->verified_inline_ro_code_entry() != nullptr, "Jump to zero!");
+     return callee_method->verified_inline_ro_code_entry();
+   }
  // resolve a static call and patch code
  JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(address, SharedRuntime::resolve_static_call_C(JavaThread* current ))
    methodHandle callee_method;
+   bool caller_is_c1 = false;
    bool enter_special = false;
!     callee_method = SharedRuntime::resolve_helper(false, false, caller_is_c1, CHECK_NULL);
    // return compiled code entry point after potential safepoints
!   return get_resolved_entry(current, callee_method, true, false, caller_is_c1);
  // resolve virtual call and update inline cache to monomorphic
  JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(address, SharedRuntime::resolve_virtual_call_C(JavaThread* current))
    methodHandle callee_method;
+   bool caller_is_c1 = false;
!     callee_method = SharedRuntime::resolve_helper(true, false, caller_is_c1, CHECK_NULL);
    // return compiled code entry point after potential safepoints
!   return get_resolved_entry(current, callee_method, false, false, caller_is_c1);
  // Resolve a virtual call that can be statically bound (e.g., always
  // monomorphic, so it has no inline cache).  Patch code to resolved target.
  JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(address, SharedRuntime::resolve_opt_virtual_call_C(JavaThread* current))
    methodHandle callee_method;
+   bool caller_is_c1 = false;
!     callee_method = SharedRuntime::resolve_helper(true, true, caller_is_c1, CHECK_NULL);
    // return compiled code entry point after potential safepoints
!   return get_resolved_entry(current, callee_method, false, true, caller_is_c1);
+ methodHandle SharedRuntime::handle_ic_miss_helper(bool& is_optimized, bool& caller_is_c1, TRAPS) {
    JavaThread* current = THREAD;
    ResourceMark rm(current);
    CallInfo call_info;
    Bytecodes::Code bc;

*** 1592,11 ***
    // Statistics & Tracing
    if (TraceCallFixup) {
      ResourceMark rm(current);
!     tty->print("IC miss (%s) call to", Bytecodes::name(bc));
      tty->print_cr(" code: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(callee_method->code()));
    if (ICMissHistogram) {
--- 1662,11 ---
    // Statistics & Tracing
    if (TraceCallFixup) {
      ResourceMark rm(current);
!     tty->print("IC miss (%s) call%s to", Bytecodes::name(bc), (caller_is_c1) ? " from C1" : "");
      tty->print_cr(" code: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(callee_method->code()));
    if (ICMissHistogram) {

*** 1624,34 ***
    frame caller_frame = current->last_frame().sender(&reg_map);
    CodeBlob* cb = caller_frame.cb();
    nmethod* caller_nm = cb->as_nmethod();
    CompiledICLocker ml(caller_nm);
    CompiledIC* inline_cache = CompiledIC_before(caller_nm, caller_frame.pc());
!   inline_cache->update(&call_info, receiver()->klass());
    return callee_method;
  // Resets a call-site in compiled code so it will get resolved again.
  // This routines handles both virtual call sites, optimized virtual call
  // sites, and static call sites. Typically used to change a call sites
  // destination from compiled to interpreted.
! methodHandle SharedRuntime::reresolve_call_site(TRAPS) {
    JavaThread* current = THREAD;
    ResourceMark rm(current);
    RegisterMap reg_map(current,
    frame stub_frame = current->last_frame();
    assert(stub_frame.is_runtime_frame(), "must be a runtimeStub");
    frame caller = stub_frame.sender(&reg_map);
    // Do nothing if the frame isn't a live compiled frame.
    // nmethod could be deoptimized by the time we get here
    // so no update to the caller is needed.
--- 1694,41 ---
    frame caller_frame = current->last_frame().sender(&reg_map);
    CodeBlob* cb = caller_frame.cb();
    nmethod* caller_nm = cb->as_nmethod();
+   // Calls via mismatching methods are always non-scalarized
+   if (caller_nm->is_compiled_by_c1() || call_info.resolved_method()->mismatch()) {
+     caller_is_c1 = true;
+   }
    CompiledICLocker ml(caller_nm);
    CompiledIC* inline_cache = CompiledIC_before(caller_nm, caller_frame.pc());
!   inline_cache->update(&call_info, receiver()->klass(), caller_is_c1);
    return callee_method;
  // Resets a call-site in compiled code so it will get resolved again.
  // This routines handles both virtual call sites, optimized virtual call
  // sites, and static call sites. Typically used to change a call sites
  // destination from compiled to interpreted.
! methodHandle SharedRuntime::reresolve_call_site(bool& is_static_call, bool& is_optimized, bool& caller_is_c1, TRAPS) {
    JavaThread* current = THREAD;
    ResourceMark rm(current);
    RegisterMap reg_map(current,
    frame stub_frame = current->last_frame();
    assert(stub_frame.is_runtime_frame(), "must be a runtimeStub");
    frame caller = stub_frame.sender(&reg_map);
+   if (caller.is_compiled_frame()) {
+     caller_is_c1 = caller.cb()->as_nmethod()->is_compiled_by_c1();
+   }
    // Do nothing if the frame isn't a live compiled frame.
    // nmethod could be deoptimized by the time we get here
    // so no update to the caller is needed.

*** 1688,18 ***
        // On x86 the logic for finding a call instruction is blindly checking for a call opcode 5
        // bytes back in the instruction stream so we must also check for reloc info.
        RelocIterator iter(caller_nm, call_addr, call_addr+1);
        bool ret = iter.next(); // Get item
        if (ret) {
          switch (iter.type()) {
            case relocInfo::static_call_type:
            case relocInfo::opt_virtual_call_type: {
              CompiledDirectCall* cdc = CompiledDirectCall::at(call_addr);
            case relocInfo::virtual_call_type: {
              // compiled, dispatched call (which used to call an interpreted method)
              CompiledIC* inline_cache = CompiledIC_at(caller_nm, call_addr);
--- 1765,21 ---
        // On x86 the logic for finding a call instruction is blindly checking for a call opcode 5
        // bytes back in the instruction stream so we must also check for reloc info.
        RelocIterator iter(caller_nm, call_addr, call_addr+1);
        bool ret = iter.next(); // Get item
        if (ret) {
+         is_static_call = false;
+         is_optimized = false;
          switch (iter.type()) {
            case relocInfo::static_call_type:
+             is_static_call = true;
            case relocInfo::opt_virtual_call_type: {
+             is_optimized = (iter.type() == relocInfo::opt_virtual_call_type);
              CompiledDirectCall* cdc = CompiledDirectCall::at(call_addr);
            case relocInfo::virtual_call_type: {
              // compiled, dispatched call (which used to call an interpreted method)
              CompiledIC* inline_cache = CompiledIC_at(caller_nm, call_addr);

*** 1709,19 ***
!   methodHandle callee_method = find_callee_method(CHECK_(methodHandle()));
  #ifndef PRODUCT
    if (TraceCallFixup) {
      ResourceMark rm(current);
!     tty->print("handle_wrong_method reresolving call to");
      tty->print_cr(" code: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(callee_method->code()));
--- 1789,18 ---
!   methodHandle callee_method = find_callee_method(is_optimized, caller_is_c1, CHECK_(methodHandle()));
  #ifndef PRODUCT
    if (TraceCallFixup) {
      ResourceMark rm(current);
!     tty->print("handle_wrong_method reresolving call%s to", (caller_is_c1) ? " from C1" : "");
      tty->print_cr(" code: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(callee_method->code()));

*** 1923,10 ***
--- 2002,25 ---
    return message;
+ char* SharedRuntime::generate_identity_exception_message(JavaThread* current, Klass* klass) {
+   assert(klass->is_inline_klass(), "Must be a concrete value class");
+   const char* desc = "Cannot synchronize on an instance of value class ";
+   const char* className = klass->external_name();
+   size_t msglen = strlen(desc) + strlen(className) + 1;
+   char* message = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(char, msglen);
+   if (nullptr == message) {
+     // Out of memory: can't create detailed error message
+     message = const_cast<char*>(klass->external_name());
+   } else {
+     jio_snprintf(message, msglen, "%s%s", desc, className);
+   }
+   return message;
+ }
  JRT_LEAF(void, SharedRuntime::reguard_yellow_pages())
    (void) JavaThread::current()->stack_overflow_state()->reguard_stack();
  void SharedRuntime::monitor_enter_helper(oopDesc* obj, BasicLock* lock, JavaThread* current) {

*** 2153,11 ***
  // A simple wrapper class around the calling convention information
  // that allows sharing of adapters for the same calling convention.
  class AdapterFingerPrint : public CHeapObj<mtCode> {
    enum {
!     _basic_type_bits = 4,
      _basic_type_mask = right_n_bits(_basic_type_bits),
      _basic_types_per_int = BitsPerInt / _basic_type_bits,
      _compact_int_count = 3
    // TO DO:  Consider integrating this with a more global scheme for compressing signatures.
--- 2247,11 ---
  // A simple wrapper class around the calling convention information
  // that allows sharing of adapters for the same calling convention.
  class AdapterFingerPrint : public CHeapObj<mtCode> {
    enum {
!     _basic_type_bits = 5,
      _basic_type_mask = right_n_bits(_basic_type_bits),
      _basic_types_per_int = BitsPerInt / _basic_type_bits,
      _compact_int_count = 3
    // TO DO:  Consider integrating this with a more global scheme for compressing signatures.

*** 2171,17 ***
                 // Otherwise _value._fingerprint is the array.
    // Remap BasicTypes that are handled equivalently by the adapters.
    // These are correct for the current system but someday it might be
    // necessary to make this mapping platform dependent.
!   static int adapter_encoding(BasicType in) {
      switch (in) {
        case T_BOOLEAN:
        case T_BYTE:
        case T_SHORT:
        case T_CHAR:
!         // There are all promoted to T_INT in the calling convention
          return T_INT;
        case T_OBJECT:
        case T_ARRAY:
          // In other words, we assume that any register good enough for
--- 2265,17 ---
                 // Otherwise _value._fingerprint is the array.
    // Remap BasicTypes that are handled equivalently by the adapters.
    // These are correct for the current system but someday it might be
    // necessary to make this mapping platform dependent.
!   static BasicType adapter_encoding(BasicType in) {
      switch (in) {
        case T_BOOLEAN:
        case T_BYTE:
        case T_SHORT:
        case T_CHAR:
!         // They are all promoted to T_INT in the calling convention
          return T_INT;
        case T_OBJECT:
        case T_ARRAY:
          // In other words, we assume that any register good enough for

*** 2204,13 ***
          return T_CONFLICT;
!   AdapterFingerPrint(int total_args_passed, BasicType* sig_bt) {
      // The fingerprint is based on the BasicType signature encoded
      // into an array of ints with eight entries per int.
      int* ptr;
      int len = (total_args_passed + (_basic_types_per_int-1)) / _basic_types_per_int;
      if (len <= _compact_int_count) {
        assert(_compact_int_count == 3, "else change next line");
        _value._compact[0] = _value._compact[1] = _value._compact[2] = 0;
--- 2298,14 ---
          return T_CONFLICT;
!   AdapterFingerPrint(const GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig, bool has_ro_adapter = false) {
      // The fingerprint is based on the BasicType signature encoded
      // into an array of ints with eight entries per int.
+     int total_args_passed = (sig != nullptr) ? sig->length() : 0;
      int* ptr;
      int len = (total_args_passed + (_basic_types_per_int-1)) / _basic_types_per_int;
      if (len <= _compact_int_count) {
        assert(_compact_int_count == 3, "else change next line");
        _value._compact[0] = _value._compact[1] = _value._compact[2] = 0;

*** 2224,19 ***
        ptr = _value._fingerprint;
      // Now pack the BasicTypes with 8 per int
      int sig_index = 0;
      for (int index = 0; index < len; index++) {
        int value = 0;
!       for (int byte = 0; sig_index < total_args_passed && byte < _basic_types_per_int; byte++) {
!         int bt = adapter_encoding(sig_bt[sig_index++]);
!         assert((bt & _basic_type_mask) == bt, "must fit in 4 bits");
!         value = (value << _basic_type_bits) | bt;
        ptr[index] = value;
    ~AdapterFingerPrint() {
      if (_length > 0) {
        FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(int, _value._fingerprint);
--- 2319,45 ---
        ptr = _value._fingerprint;
      // Now pack the BasicTypes with 8 per int
      int sig_index = 0;
+     BasicType prev_bt = T_ILLEGAL;
+     int vt_count = 0;
      for (int index = 0; index < len; index++) {
        int value = 0;
!       for (int byte = 0; byte < _basic_types_per_int; byte++) {
!         BasicType bt = T_ILLEGAL;
!         if (sig_index < total_args_passed) {
!           bt = sig->at(sig_index++)._bt;
+           if (bt == T_METADATA) {
+             // Found start of inline type in signature
+             assert(InlineTypePassFieldsAsArgs, "unexpected start of inline type");
+             if (sig_index == 1 && has_ro_adapter) {
+               // With a ro_adapter, replace receiver inline type delimiter by T_VOID to prevent matching
+               // with other adapters that have the same inline type as first argument and no receiver.
+               bt = T_VOID;
+             }
+             vt_count++;
+           } else if (bt == T_VOID && prev_bt != T_LONG && prev_bt != T_DOUBLE) {
+             // Found end of inline type in signature
+             assert(InlineTypePassFieldsAsArgs, "unexpected end of inline type");
+             vt_count--;
+             assert(vt_count >= 0, "invalid vt_count");
+           } else if (vt_count == 0) {
+             // Widen fields that are not part of a scalarized inline type argument
+             bt = adapter_encoding(bt);
+           }
+           prev_bt = bt;
+         }
+         int bt_val = (bt == T_ILLEGAL) ? 0 : bt;
+         assert((bt_val & _basic_type_mask) == bt_val, "must fit in 4 bits");
+         value = (value << _basic_type_bits) | bt_val;
        ptr[index] = value;
+     assert(vt_count == 0, "invalid vt_count");
    ~AdapterFingerPrint() {
      if (_length > 0) {
        FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(int, _value._fingerprint);

*** 2297,18 ***
            if (v == T_VOID) {
            } else {
!         }
!         switch (v) {
!           case T_INT:    st.print("I");    break;
!           case T_LONG:   long_prev = true; break;
-           case T_FLOAT:  st.print("F");    break;
-           case T_DOUBLE: st.print("D");    break;
-           case T_VOID:   break;
-           default: ShouldNotReachHere();
      if (long_prev) {
--- 2418,14 ---
            if (v == T_VOID) {
            } else {
!         } else if (v == T_LONG) {
!           long_prev = true;
!         } else if (v != T_VOID){
!           st.print("%c", type2char((BasicType)v));
      if (long_prev) {

*** 2352,14 ***
  static AdapterHandlerTable* _adapter_handler_table;
  // Find a entry with the same fingerprint if it exists
! static AdapterHandlerEntry* lookup(int total_args_passed, BasicType* sig_bt) {
!   AdapterFingerPrint fp(total_args_passed, sig_bt);
    AdapterHandlerEntry** entry = _adapter_handler_table->get(&fp);
    if (entry != nullptr) {
  #ifndef PRODUCT
      if (fp.is_compact()) _compact++;
--- 2469,14 ---
  static AdapterHandlerTable* _adapter_handler_table;
  // Find a entry with the same fingerprint if it exists
! static AdapterHandlerEntry* lookup(const GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig, bool has_ro_adapter = false) {
!   AdapterFingerPrint fp(sig, has_ro_adapter);
    AdapterHandlerEntry** entry = _adapter_handler_table->get(&fp);
    if (entry != nullptr) {
  #ifndef PRODUCT
      if (fp.is_compact()) _compact++;

*** 2389,11 ***
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::_no_arg_handler = nullptr;
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::_int_arg_handler = nullptr;
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::_obj_arg_handler = nullptr;
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::_obj_int_arg_handler = nullptr;
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::_obj_obj_arg_handler = nullptr;
! const int AdapterHandlerLibrary_size = 16*K;
  BufferBlob* AdapterHandlerLibrary::_buffer = nullptr;
  BufferBlob* AdapterHandlerLibrary::buffer_blob() {
    return _buffer;
--- 2506,11 ---
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::_no_arg_handler = nullptr;
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::_int_arg_handler = nullptr;
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::_obj_arg_handler = nullptr;
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::_obj_int_arg_handler = nullptr;
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::_obj_obj_arg_handler = nullptr;
! const int AdapterHandlerLibrary_size = 48*K;
  BufferBlob* AdapterHandlerLibrary::_buffer = nullptr;
  BufferBlob* AdapterHandlerLibrary::buffer_blob() {
    return _buffer;

*** 2432,35 ***
      // are never compiled so an i2c entry is somewhat meaningless, but
      // throw AbstractMethodError just in case.
      // Pass wrong_method_abstract for the c2i transitions to return
      // AbstractMethodError for invalid invocations.
      address wrong_method_abstract = SharedRuntime::get_handle_wrong_method_abstract_stub();
!     _abstract_method_handler = AdapterHandlerLibrary::new_entry(new AdapterFingerPrint(0, nullptr),
                                                                  wrong_method_abstract, wrong_method_abstract);
      _buffer = BufferBlob::create("adapters", AdapterHandlerLibrary_size);
-     _no_arg_handler = create_adapter(no_arg_blob, 0, nullptr, true);
!     BasicType obj_args[] = { T_OBJECT };
!     _obj_arg_handler = create_adapter(obj_arg_blob, 1, obj_args, true);
!     BasicType int_args[] = { T_INT };
!     _int_arg_handler = create_adapter(int_arg_blob, 1, int_args, true);
!     BasicType obj_int_args[] = { T_OBJECT, T_INT };
!     _obj_int_arg_handler = create_adapter(obj_int_arg_blob, 2, obj_int_args, true);
!     BasicType obj_obj_args[] = { T_OBJECT, T_OBJECT };
!     _obj_obj_arg_handler = create_adapter(obj_obj_arg_blob, 2, obj_obj_args, true);
      assert(no_arg_blob != nullptr &&
            obj_arg_blob != nullptr &&
            int_arg_blob != nullptr &&
            obj_int_arg_blob != nullptr &&
            obj_obj_arg_blob != nullptr, "Initial adapters must be properly created");
    // Outside of the lock
    post_adapter_creation(no_arg_blob, _no_arg_handler);
    post_adapter_creation(obj_arg_blob, _obj_arg_handler);
    post_adapter_creation(int_arg_blob, _int_arg_handler);
--- 2549,49 ---
      // are never compiled so an i2c entry is somewhat meaningless, but
      // throw AbstractMethodError just in case.
      // Pass wrong_method_abstract for the c2i transitions to return
      // AbstractMethodError for invalid invocations.
      address wrong_method_abstract = SharedRuntime::get_handle_wrong_method_abstract_stub();
!     _abstract_method_handler = AdapterHandlerLibrary::new_entry(new AdapterFingerPrint(nullptr),
+                                                                 wrong_method_abstract, wrong_method_abstract, wrong_method_abstract,
                                                                  wrong_method_abstract, wrong_method_abstract);
      _buffer = BufferBlob::create("adapters", AdapterHandlerLibrary_size);
!     CompiledEntrySignature no_args;
!     no_args.compute_calling_conventions();
+     _no_arg_handler = create_adapter(no_arg_blob, no_args, true);
+     CompiledEntrySignature obj_args;
+     SigEntry::add_entry(obj_args.sig(), T_OBJECT, nullptr);
+     obj_args.compute_calling_conventions();
+     _obj_arg_handler = create_adapter(obj_arg_blob, obj_args, true);
!     CompiledEntrySignature int_args;
!     SigEntry::add_entry(int_args.sig(), T_INT, nullptr);
+     int_args.compute_calling_conventions();
+     _int_arg_handler = create_adapter(int_arg_blob, int_args, true);
!     CompiledEntrySignature obj_int_args;
!     SigEntry::add_entry(obj_int_args.sig(), T_OBJECT, nullptr);
+     SigEntry::add_entry(obj_int_args.sig(), T_INT, nullptr);
+     obj_int_args.compute_calling_conventions();
+     _obj_int_arg_handler = create_adapter(obj_int_arg_blob, obj_int_args, true);
!     CompiledEntrySignature obj_obj_args;
!     SigEntry::add_entry(obj_obj_args.sig(), T_OBJECT, nullptr);
+     SigEntry::add_entry(obj_obj_args.sig(), T_OBJECT, nullptr);
+     obj_obj_args.compute_calling_conventions();
+     _obj_obj_arg_handler = create_adapter(obj_obj_arg_blob, obj_obj_args, true);
      assert(no_arg_blob != nullptr &&
            obj_arg_blob != nullptr &&
            int_arg_blob != nullptr &&
            obj_int_arg_blob != nullptr &&
            obj_obj_arg_blob != nullptr, "Initial adapters must be properly created");
+   return;
    // Outside of the lock
    post_adapter_creation(no_arg_blob, _no_arg_handler);
    post_adapter_creation(obj_arg_blob, _obj_arg_handler);
    post_adapter_creation(int_arg_blob, _int_arg_handler);

*** 2469,43 ***
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::new_entry(AdapterFingerPrint* fingerprint,
                                                        address i2c_entry,
                                                        address c2i_entry,
                                                        address c2i_unverified_entry,
                                                        address c2i_no_clinit_check_entry) {
!   // Insert an entry into the table
!   return new AdapterHandlerEntry(fingerprint, i2c_entry, c2i_entry, c2i_unverified_entry,
-                                  c2i_no_clinit_check_entry);
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::get_simple_adapter(const methodHandle& method) {
    if (method->is_abstract()) {
!     return _abstract_method_handler;
    int total_args_passed = method->size_of_parameters(); // All args on stack
    if (total_args_passed == 0) {
      return _no_arg_handler;
    } else if (total_args_passed == 1) {
      if (!method->is_static()) {
        return _obj_arg_handler;
      switch (method->signature()->char_at(1)) {
          return _obj_arg_handler;
        case JVM_SIGNATURE_INT:
        case JVM_SIGNATURE_CHAR:
        case JVM_SIGNATURE_BYTE:
          return _int_arg_handler;
    } else if (total_args_passed == 2 &&
!              !method->is_static()) {
      switch (method->signature()->char_at(1)) {
          return _obj_obj_arg_handler;
        case JVM_SIGNATURE_INT:
        case JVM_SIGNATURE_CHAR:
--- 2600,66 ---
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::new_entry(AdapterFingerPrint* fingerprint,
                                                        address i2c_entry,
                                                        address c2i_entry,
+                                                       address c2i_inline_entry,
+                                                       address c2i_inline_ro_entry,
                                                        address c2i_unverified_entry,
+                                                       address c2i_unverified_inline_entry,
                                                        address c2i_no_clinit_check_entry) {
!   return new AdapterHandlerEntry(fingerprint, i2c_entry, c2i_entry, c2i_inline_entry, c2i_inline_ro_entry, c2i_unverified_entry,
!                               c2i_unverified_inline_entry, c2i_no_clinit_check_entry);
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::get_simple_adapter(const methodHandle& method) {
    if (method->is_abstract()) {
!     return nullptr;
    int total_args_passed = method->size_of_parameters(); // All args on stack
    if (total_args_passed == 0) {
      return _no_arg_handler;
    } else if (total_args_passed == 1) {
      if (!method->is_static()) {
+       if (InlineTypePassFieldsAsArgs && method->method_holder()->is_inline_klass()) {
+         return nullptr;
+       }
        return _obj_arg_handler;
      switch (method->signature()->char_at(1)) {
!       case JVM_SIGNATURE_CLASS: {
+         if (InlineTypePassFieldsAsArgs) {
+           SignatureStream ss(method->signature());
+           InlineKlass* vk = ss.as_inline_klass(method->method_holder());
+           if (vk != nullptr) {
+             return nullptr;
+           }
+         }
+         return _obj_arg_handler;
+       }
          return _obj_arg_handler;
        case JVM_SIGNATURE_INT:
        case JVM_SIGNATURE_CHAR:
        case JVM_SIGNATURE_BYTE:
          return _int_arg_handler;
    } else if (total_args_passed == 2 &&
!              !method->is_static() && (!InlineTypePassFieldsAsArgs || !method->method_holder()->is_inline_klass())) {
      switch (method->signature()->char_at(1)) {
!       case JVM_SIGNATURE_CLASS: {
+         if (InlineTypePassFieldsAsArgs) {
+           SignatureStream ss(method->signature());
+           InlineKlass* vk = ss.as_inline_klass(method->method_holder());
+           if (vk != nullptr) {
+             return nullptr;
+           }
+         }
+         return _obj_obj_arg_handler;
+       }
          return _obj_obj_arg_handler;
        case JVM_SIGNATURE_INT:
        case JVM_SIGNATURE_CHAR:

*** 2515,51 ***
    return nullptr;
! class AdapterSignatureIterator : public SignatureIterator {
!  private:
!   BasicType stack_sig_bt[16];
!   BasicType* sig_bt;
!   int index;
!  public:
!   AdapterSignatureIterator(Symbol* signature,
!                            fingerprint_t fingerprint,
!                            bool is_static,
!                            int total_args_passed) :
!     SignatureIterator(signature, fingerprint),
!     index(0)
!   {
!     sig_bt = (total_args_passed <= 16) ? stack_sig_bt : NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, total_args_passed);
!     if (!is_static) { // Pass in receiver first
!       sig_bt[index++] = T_OBJECT;
-     do_parameters_on(this);
!   BasicType* basic_types() {
!     return sig_bt;
! #ifdef ASSERT
!   int slots() {
!     return index;
!  private:
!   friend class SignatureIterator;  // so do_parameters_on can call do_type
!   void do_type(BasicType type) {
!     sig_bt[index++] = type;
!     if (type == T_LONG || type == T_DOUBLE) {
!       sig_bt[index++] = T_VOID; // Longs & doubles take 2 Java slots
! };
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::get_adapter(const methodHandle& method) {
    // Use customized signature handler.  Need to lock around updates to
    // the _adapter_handler_table (it is not safe for concurrent readers
    // and a single writer: this could be fixed if it becomes a
--- 2669,233 ---
    return nullptr;
! CompiledEntrySignature::CompiledEntrySignature(Method* method) :
!   _method(method), _num_inline_args(0), _has_inline_recv(false),
!   _regs(nullptr), _regs_cc(nullptr), _regs_cc_ro(nullptr),
!   _args_on_stack(0), _args_on_stack_cc(0), _args_on_stack_cc_ro(0),
!   _c1_needs_stack_repair(false), _c2_needs_stack_repair(false), _supers(nullptr) {
+   _sig = new GrowableArray<SigEntry>((method != nullptr) ? method->size_of_parameters() : 1);
+   _sig_cc = new GrowableArray<SigEntry>((method != nullptr) ? method->size_of_parameters() : 1);
+   _sig_cc_ro = new GrowableArray<SigEntry>((method != nullptr) ? method->size_of_parameters() : 1);
+ }
! // See if we can save space by sharing the same entry for VIEP and VIEP(RO),
! // or the same entry for VEP and VIEP(RO).
! CodeOffsets::Entries CompiledEntrySignature::c1_inline_ro_entry_type() const {
!   if (!has_scalarized_args()) {
!     // VEP/VIEP/VIEP(RO) all share the same entry. There's no packing.
!     return CodeOffsets::Verified_Entry;
!   }
!   if (_method->is_static()) {
!     // Static methods don't need VIEP(RO)
!     return CodeOffsets::Verified_Entry;
!   }
+   if (has_inline_recv()) {
+     if (num_inline_args() == 1) {
+       // Share same entry for VIEP and VIEP(RO).
+       // This is quite common: we have an instance method in an InlineKlass that has
+       // no inline type args other than <this>.
+       return CodeOffsets::Verified_Inline_Entry;
+     } else {
+       assert(num_inline_args() > 1, "must be");
+       // No sharing:
+       //   VIEP(RO) -- <this> is passed as object
+       //   VEP      -- <this> is passed as fields
+       return CodeOffsets::Verified_Inline_Entry_RO;
!   // Either a static method, or <this> is not an inline type
!   if (args_on_stack_cc() != args_on_stack_cc_ro()) {
+     // No sharing:
+     // Some arguments are passed on the stack, and we have inserted reserved entries
+     // into the VEP, but we never insert reserved entries into the VIEP(RO).
+     return CodeOffsets::Verified_Inline_Entry_RO;
+   } else {
+     // Share same entry for VEP and VIEP(RO).
+     return CodeOffsets::Verified_Entry;
+ }
! // Returns all super methods (transitive) in classes and interfaces that are overridden by the current method.
! GrowableArray<Method*>* CompiledEntrySignature::get_supers() {
!   if (_supers != nullptr) {
+     return _supers;
+   }
+   _supers = new GrowableArray<Method*>();
+   // Skip private, static, and <init> methods
+   if (_method->is_private() || _method->is_static() || _method->is_object_constructor()) {
+     return _supers;
+   }
+   Symbol* name = _method->name();
+   Symbol* signature = _method->signature();
+   const Klass* holder = _method->method_holder()->super();
+   Symbol* holder_name = holder->name();
+   ThreadInVMfromUnknown tiv;
+   JavaThread* current = JavaThread::current();
+   HandleMark hm(current);
+   Handle loader(current, _method->method_holder()->class_loader());
+   // Walk up the class hierarchy and search for super methods
+   while (holder != nullptr) {
+     Method* super_method = holder->lookup_method(name, signature);
+     if (super_method == nullptr) {
+       break;
+     }
+     if (!super_method->is_static() && !super_method->is_private() &&
+         (!super_method->is_package_private() ||
+          super_method->method_holder()->is_same_class_package(loader(), holder_name))) {
+       _supers->push(super_method);
+     }
+     holder = super_method->method_holder()->super();
+   }
+   // Search interfaces for super methods
+   Array<InstanceKlass*>* interfaces = _method->method_holder()->transitive_interfaces();
+   for (int i = 0; i < interfaces->length(); ++i) {
+     Method* m = interfaces->at(i)->lookup_method(name, signature);
+     if (m != nullptr && !m->is_static() && m->is_public()) {
+       _supers->push(m);
+     }
+   return _supers;
+ }
+ // Iterate over arguments and compute scalarized and non-scalarized signatures
+ void CompiledEntrySignature::compute_calling_conventions(bool init) {
+   bool has_scalarized = false;
+   if (_method != nullptr) {
+     InstanceKlass* holder = _method->method_holder();
+     int arg_num = 0;
+     if (!_method->is_static()) {
+       // We shouldn't scalarize 'this' in a value class constructor
+       if (holder->is_inline_klass() && InlineKlass::cast(holder)->can_be_passed_as_fields() && !_method->is_object_constructor() &&
+           (init || _method->is_scalarized_arg(arg_num))) {
+         _sig_cc->appendAll(InlineKlass::cast(holder)->extended_sig());
+         has_scalarized = true;
+         _has_inline_recv = true;
+         _num_inline_args++;
+       } else {
+         SigEntry::add_entry(_sig_cc, T_OBJECT, holder->name());
+       }
+       SigEntry::add_entry(_sig, T_OBJECT, holder->name());
+       SigEntry::add_entry(_sig_cc_ro, T_OBJECT, holder->name());
+       arg_num++;
+     }
+     for (SignatureStream ss(_method->signature()); !ss.at_return_type(); ss.next()) {
+       BasicType bt = ss.type();
+       if (bt == T_OBJECT) {
+         InlineKlass* vk = ss.as_inline_klass(holder);
+         if (vk != nullptr && vk->can_be_passed_as_fields() && (init || _method->is_scalarized_arg(arg_num))) {
+           // Check for a calling convention mismatch with super method(s)
+           bool scalar_super = false;
+           bool non_scalar_super = false;
+           GrowableArray<Method*>* supers = get_supers();
+           for (int i = 0; i < supers->length(); ++i) {
+             Method* super_method = supers->at(i);
+             if (super_method->is_scalarized_arg(arg_num)) {
+               scalar_super = true;
+             } else {
+               non_scalar_super = true;
+             }
+           }
+ #ifdef ASSERT
+           // Randomly enable below code paths for stress testing
+           bool stress = init && StressCallingConvention;
+           if (stress && (os::random() & 1) == 1) {
+             non_scalar_super = true;
+             if ((os::random() & 1) == 1) {
+               scalar_super = true;
+             }
+           }
+           if (non_scalar_super) {
+             // Found a super method with a non-scalarized argument. Fall back to the non-scalarized calling convention.
+             if (scalar_super) {
+               // Found non-scalar *and* scalar super methods. We can't handle both.
+               // Mark the scalar method as mismatch and re-compile call sites to use non-scalarized calling convention.
+               for (int i = 0; i < supers->length(); ++i) {
+                 Method* super_method = supers->at(i);
+                 if (super_method->is_scalarized_arg(arg_num) debug_only(|| (stress && (os::random() & 1) == 1))) {
+                   super_method->set_mismatch();
+                   MutexLocker ml(Compile_lock, Mutex::_safepoint_check_flag);
+                   JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
+                   HandleMark hm(thread);
+                   methodHandle mh(thread, super_method);
+                   DeoptimizationScope deopt_scope;
+                   CodeCache::mark_for_deoptimization(&deopt_scope, mh());
+                   deopt_scope.deoptimize_marked();
+                 }
+               }
+             }
+             // Fall back to non-scalarized calling convention
+             SigEntry::add_entry(_sig_cc, T_OBJECT, ss.as_symbol());
+             SigEntry::add_entry(_sig_cc_ro, T_OBJECT, ss.as_symbol());
+           } else {
+             _num_inline_args++;
+             has_scalarized = true;
+             int last = _sig_cc->length();
+             int last_ro = _sig_cc_ro->length();
+             _sig_cc->appendAll(vk->extended_sig());
+             _sig_cc_ro->appendAll(vk->extended_sig());
+             if (bt == T_OBJECT) {
+               // Nullable inline type argument, insert InlineTypeNode::IsInit field right after T_METADATA delimiter
+               _sig_cc->insert_before(last+1, SigEntry(T_BOOLEAN, -1, nullptr));
+               _sig_cc_ro->insert_before(last_ro+1, SigEntry(T_BOOLEAN, -1, nullptr));
+             }
+           }
+         } else {
+           SigEntry::add_entry(_sig_cc, T_OBJECT, ss.as_symbol());
+           SigEntry::add_entry(_sig_cc_ro, T_OBJECT, ss.as_symbol());
+         }
+         bt = T_OBJECT;
+       } else {
+         SigEntry::add_entry(_sig_cc, ss.type(), ss.as_symbol());
+         SigEntry::add_entry(_sig_cc_ro, ss.type(), ss.as_symbol());
+       }
+       SigEntry::add_entry(_sig, bt, ss.as_symbol());
+       if (bt != T_VOID) {
+         arg_num++;
+       }
+     }
+   }
!   // Compute the non-scalarized calling convention
+   _regs = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, _sig->length());
+   _args_on_stack = SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(_sig, _regs);
+   // Compute the scalarized calling conventions if there are scalarized inline types in the signature
+   if (has_scalarized && !_method->is_native()) {
+     _regs_cc = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, _sig_cc->length());
+     _args_on_stack_cc = SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(_sig_cc, _regs_cc);
+     _regs_cc_ro = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, _sig_cc_ro->length());
+     _args_on_stack_cc_ro = SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(_sig_cc_ro, _regs_cc_ro);
!     _c1_needs_stack_repair = (_args_on_stack_cc < _args_on_stack) || (_args_on_stack_cc_ro < _args_on_stack);
!     _c2_needs_stack_repair = (_args_on_stack_cc > _args_on_stack) || (_args_on_stack_cc > _args_on_stack_cc_ro);
!     // Upper bound on stack arguments to avoid hitting the argument limit and
!     // bailing out of compilation ("unsupported incoming calling sequence").
+     // TODO we need a reasonable limit (flag?) here
+     if (MAX2(_args_on_stack_cc, _args_on_stack_cc_ro) <= 60) {
+       return; // Success
+   // No scalarized args
+   _sig_cc = _sig;
+   _regs_cc = _regs;
+   _args_on_stack_cc = _args_on_stack;
+   _sig_cc_ro = _sig;
+   _regs_cc_ro = _regs;
+   _args_on_stack_cc_ro = _args_on_stack;
+ }
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::get_adapter(const methodHandle& method) {
    // Use customized signature handler.  Need to lock around updates to
    // the _adapter_handler_table (it is not safe for concurrent readers
    // and a single writer: this could be fixed if it becomes a

*** 2572,50 ***
    ResourceMark rm;
    AdapterBlob* new_adapter = nullptr;
!   // Fill in the signature array, for the calling-convention call.
!   int total_args_passed = method->size_of_parameters(); // All args on stack
-   AdapterSignatureIterator si(method->signature(), method->constMethod()->fingerprint(),
-                               method->is_static(), total_args_passed);
-   assert(si.slots() == total_args_passed, "");
-   BasicType* sig_bt = si.basic_types();
      MutexLocker mu(AdapterHandlerLibrary_lock);
      // Lookup method signature's fingerprint
!     entry = lookup(total_args_passed, sig_bt);
      if (entry != nullptr) {
  #ifdef ASSERT
        if (VerifyAdapterSharing) {
          AdapterBlob* comparison_blob = nullptr;
!         AdapterHandlerEntry* comparison_entry = create_adapter(comparison_blob, total_args_passed, sig_bt, false);
          assert(comparison_blob == nullptr, "no blob should be created when creating an adapter for comparison");
          assert(comparison_entry->compare_code(entry), "code must match");
          // Release the one just created and return the original
          delete comparison_entry;
        return entry;
!     entry = create_adapter(new_adapter, total_args_passed, sig_bt, /* allocate_code_blob */ true);
    // Outside of the lock
    if (new_adapter != nullptr) {
      post_adapter_creation(new_adapter, entry);
    return entry;
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::create_adapter(AdapterBlob*& new_adapter,
!                                                            int total_args_passed,
-                                                            BasicType* sig_bt,
                                                             bool allocate_code_blob) {
    if (log_is_enabled(Info, perf, class, link)) {
--- 2908,71 ---
    ResourceMark rm;
    AdapterBlob* new_adapter = nullptr;
!   CompiledEntrySignature ces(method());
!   ces.compute_calling_conventions();
+   if (ces.has_scalarized_args()) {
+     if (!method->has_scalarized_args()) {
+       method->set_has_scalarized_args();
+     }
+     if (ces.c1_needs_stack_repair()) {
+       method->set_c1_needs_stack_repair();
+     }
+     if (ces.c2_needs_stack_repair() && !method->c2_needs_stack_repair()) {
+       method->set_c2_needs_stack_repair();
+     }
+   } else if (method->is_abstract()) {
+     return _abstract_method_handler;
+   }
      MutexLocker mu(AdapterHandlerLibrary_lock);
+     if (ces.has_scalarized_args() && method->is_abstract()) {
+       // Save a C heap allocated version of the signature for abstract methods with scalarized inline type arguments
+       address wrong_method_abstract = SharedRuntime::get_handle_wrong_method_abstract_stub();
+       entry = AdapterHandlerLibrary::new_entry(new AdapterFingerPrint(nullptr),
+                                                SharedRuntime::throw_AbstractMethodError_entry(),
+                                                wrong_method_abstract, wrong_method_abstract, wrong_method_abstract,
+                                                wrong_method_abstract, wrong_method_abstract);
+       GrowableArray<SigEntry>* heap_sig = new (mtInternal) GrowableArray<SigEntry>(ces.sig_cc_ro()->length(), mtInternal);
+       heap_sig->appendAll(ces.sig_cc_ro());
+       entry->set_sig_cc(heap_sig);
+       return entry;
+     }
      // Lookup method signature's fingerprint
!     entry = lookup(ces.sig_cc(), ces.has_inline_recv());
      if (entry != nullptr) {
  #ifdef ASSERT
        if (VerifyAdapterSharing) {
          AdapterBlob* comparison_blob = nullptr;
!         AdapterHandlerEntry* comparison_entry = create_adapter(comparison_blob, ces, false);
          assert(comparison_blob == nullptr, "no blob should be created when creating an adapter for comparison");
          assert(comparison_entry->compare_code(entry), "code must match");
          // Release the one just created and return the original
          delete comparison_entry;
        return entry;
!     entry = create_adapter(new_adapter, ces, /* allocate_code_blob */ true);
    // Outside of the lock
    if (new_adapter != nullptr) {
      post_adapter_creation(new_adapter, entry);
    return entry;
  AdapterHandlerEntry* AdapterHandlerLibrary::create_adapter(AdapterBlob*& new_adapter,
!                                                            CompiledEntrySignature& ces,
                                                             bool allocate_code_blob) {
    if (log_is_enabled(Info, perf, class, link)) {

*** 2623,41 ***
    // VerifyAdapterCalls and VerifyAdapterSharing can fail if we re-use code that generated prior
    // to all StubRoutines::_final_stubs_code being set. Checks refer to runtime range checks generated
    // in an I2C stub that ensure that an I2C stub is called from an interpreter frame or stubs.
    bool contains_all_checks = StubRoutines::final_stubs_code() != nullptr;
-   VMRegPair stack_regs[16];
-   VMRegPair* regs = (total_args_passed <= 16) ? stack_regs : NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, total_args_passed);
-   // Get a description of the compiled java calling convention and the largest used (VMReg) stack slot usage
-   int comp_args_on_stack = SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(sig_bt, regs, total_args_passed);
    BufferBlob* buf = buffer_blob(); // the temporary code buffer in CodeCache
    CodeBuffer buffer(buf);
    short buffer_locs[20];
    // Make a C heap allocated version of the fingerprint to store in the adapter
!   AdapterFingerPrint* fingerprint = new AdapterFingerPrint(total_args_passed, sig_bt);
    MacroAssembler _masm(&buffer);
    AdapterHandlerEntry* entry = SharedRuntime::generate_i2c2i_adapters(&_masm,
!                                                 total_args_passed,
!                                                 comp_args_on_stack,
!                                                 sig_bt,
!                                                 regs,
!                                                 fingerprint);
  #ifdef ASSERT
    if (VerifyAdapterSharing) {
      entry->save_code(buf->code_begin(), buffer.insts_size());
      if (!allocate_code_blob) {
        return entry;
-   new_adapter = AdapterBlob::create(&buffer);
    NOT_PRODUCT(int insts_size = buffer.insts_size());
    if (new_adapter == nullptr) {
      // CodeCache is full, disable compilation
      // Ought to log this but compile log is only per compile thread
      // and we're some non descript Java thread.
--- 2980,47 ---
    // VerifyAdapterCalls and VerifyAdapterSharing can fail if we re-use code that generated prior
    // to all StubRoutines::_final_stubs_code being set. Checks refer to runtime range checks generated
    // in an I2C stub that ensure that an I2C stub is called from an interpreter frame or stubs.
    bool contains_all_checks = StubRoutines::final_stubs_code() != nullptr;
    BufferBlob* buf = buffer_blob(); // the temporary code buffer in CodeCache
    CodeBuffer buffer(buf);
    short buffer_locs[20];
    // Make a C heap allocated version of the fingerprint to store in the adapter
!   AdapterFingerPrint* fingerprint = new AdapterFingerPrint(ces.sig_cc(), ces.has_inline_recv());
    MacroAssembler _masm(&buffer);
    AdapterHandlerEntry* entry = SharedRuntime::generate_i2c2i_adapters(&_masm,
!                                                 ces.args_on_stack(),
!                                                 ces.sig(),
!                                                 ces.regs(),
!                                                 ces.sig_cc(),
!                                                 ces.regs_cc(),
+                                                 ces.sig_cc_ro(),
+                                                 ces.regs_cc_ro(),
+                                                 fingerprint,
+                                                 new_adapter,
+                                                 allocate_code_blob);
+   if (ces.has_scalarized_args()) {
+     // Save a C heap allocated version of the scalarized signature and store it in the adapter
+     GrowableArray<SigEntry>* heap_sig = new (mtInternal) GrowableArray<SigEntry>(ces.sig_cc()->length(), mtInternal);
+     heap_sig->appendAll(ces.sig_cc());
+     entry->set_sig_cc(heap_sig);
+   }
  #ifdef ASSERT
    if (VerifyAdapterSharing) {
      entry->save_code(buf->code_begin(), buffer.insts_size());
      if (!allocate_code_blob) {
        return entry;
    NOT_PRODUCT(int insts_size = buffer.insts_size());
    if (new_adapter == nullptr) {
      // CodeCache is full, disable compilation
      // Ought to log this but compile log is only per compile thread
      // and we're some non descript Java thread.

*** 2695,11 ***
--- 3058,14 ---
  address AdapterHandlerEntry::base_address() {
    address base = _i2c_entry;
    if (base == nullptr)  base = _c2i_entry;
    assert(base <= _c2i_entry || _c2i_entry == nullptr, "");
+   assert(base <= _c2i_inline_entry || _c2i_inline_entry == nullptr, "");
+   assert(base <= _c2i_inline_ro_entry || _c2i_inline_ro_entry == nullptr, "");
    assert(base <= _c2i_unverified_entry || _c2i_unverified_entry == nullptr, "");
+   assert(base <= _c2i_unverified_inline_entry || _c2i_unverified_inline_entry == nullptr, "");
    assert(base <= _c2i_no_clinit_check_entry || _c2i_no_clinit_check_entry == nullptr, "");
    return base;
  void AdapterHandlerEntry::relocate(address new_base) {

*** 2708,20 ***
--- 3074,29 ---
    ptrdiff_t delta = new_base - old_base;
    if (_i2c_entry != nullptr)
      _i2c_entry += delta;
    if (_c2i_entry != nullptr)
      _c2i_entry += delta;
+   if (_c2i_inline_entry != nullptr)
+     _c2i_inline_entry += delta;
+   if (_c2i_inline_ro_entry != nullptr)
+     _c2i_inline_ro_entry += delta;
    if (_c2i_unverified_entry != nullptr)
      _c2i_unverified_entry += delta;
+   if (_c2i_unverified_inline_entry != nullptr)
+     _c2i_unverified_inline_entry += delta;
    if (_c2i_no_clinit_check_entry != nullptr)
      _c2i_no_clinit_check_entry += delta;
    assert(base_address() == new_base, "");
  AdapterHandlerEntry::~AdapterHandlerEntry() {
    delete _fingerprint;
+   if (_sig_cc != nullptr) {
+     delete _sig_cc;
+   }
  #ifdef ASSERT
    FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(unsigned char, _saved_code);

*** 2804,18 ***
        MacroAssembler _masm(&buffer);
        // Fill in the signature array, for the calling-convention call.
        const int total_args_passed = method->size_of_parameters();
        VMRegPair stack_regs[16];
        VMRegPair* regs = (total_args_passed <= 16) ? stack_regs : NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, total_args_passed);
!       AdapterSignatureIterator si(method->signature(), method->constMethod()->fingerprint(),
!                               method->is_static(), total_args_passed);
!       BasicType* sig_bt = si.basic_types();
!       assert(si.slots() == total_args_passed, "");
!       BasicType ret_type = si.return_type();
        // Now get the compiled-Java arguments layout.
        SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(sig_bt, regs, total_args_passed);
        // Generate the compiled-to-native wrapper code
--- 3179,28 ---
        MacroAssembler _masm(&buffer);
        // Fill in the signature array, for the calling-convention call.
        const int total_args_passed = method->size_of_parameters();
+       BasicType stack_sig_bt[16];
        VMRegPair stack_regs[16];
+       BasicType* sig_bt = (total_args_passed <= 16) ? stack_sig_bt : NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, total_args_passed);
        VMRegPair* regs = (total_args_passed <= 16) ? stack_regs : NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, total_args_passed);
!       int i = 0;
!       if (!method->is_static()) {  // Pass in receiver first
!         sig_bt[i++] = T_OBJECT;
!       }
!       SignatureStream ss(method->signature());
+       for (; !ss.at_return_type(); ss.next()) {
+         sig_bt[i++] = ss.type();  // Collect remaining bits of signature
+         if (ss.type() == T_LONG || ss.type() == T_DOUBLE) {
+           sig_bt[i++] = T_VOID;   // Longs & doubles take 2 Java slots
+         }
+       }
+       assert(i == total_args_passed, "");
+       BasicType ret_type = ss.type();
        // Now get the compiled-Java arguments layout.
        SharedRuntime::java_calling_convention(sig_bt, regs, total_args_passed);
        // Generate the compiled-to-native wrapper code

*** 3058,12 ***
      st->print(" i2c: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(get_i2c_entry()));
    if (get_c2i_entry() != nullptr) {
      st->print(" c2i: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(get_c2i_entry()));
    if (get_c2i_unverified_entry() != nullptr) {
!     st->print(" c2iUV: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(get_c2i_unverified_entry()));
    if (get_c2i_no_clinit_check_entry() != nullptr) {
      st->print(" c2iNCI: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(get_c2i_no_clinit_check_entry()));
--- 3443,21 ---
      st->print(" i2c: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(get_i2c_entry()));
    if (get_c2i_entry() != nullptr) {
      st->print(" c2i: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(get_c2i_entry()));
+   if (get_c2i_entry() != nullptr) {
+     st->print(" c2iVE: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(get_c2i_inline_entry()));
+   }
+   if (get_c2i_entry() != nullptr) {
+     st->print(" c2iVROE: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(get_c2i_inline_ro_entry()));
+   }
    if (get_c2i_unverified_entry() != nullptr) {
!     st->print(" c2iUE: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(get_c2i_unverified_entry()));
+   }
+   if (get_c2i_unverified_entry() != nullptr) {
+     st->print(" c2iUVE: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(get_c2i_unverified_inline_entry()));
    if (get_c2i_no_clinit_check_entry() != nullptr) {
      st->print(" c2iNCI: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(get_c2i_no_clinit_check_entry()));

*** 3148,5 ***
--- 3542,200 ---
    if (new_obj == nullptr) return;
    BarrierSet *bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set();
    bs->on_slowpath_allocation_exit(current, new_obj);
+ // We are at a compiled code to interpreter call. We need backing
+ // buffers for all inline type arguments. Allocate an object array to
+ // hold them (convenient because once we're done with it we don't have
+ // to worry about freeing it).
+ oop SharedRuntime::allocate_inline_types_impl(JavaThread* current, methodHandle callee, bool allocate_receiver, TRAPS) {
+   assert(InlineTypePassFieldsAsArgs, "no reason to call this");
+   ResourceMark rm;
+   int nb_slots = 0;
+   InstanceKlass* holder = callee->method_holder();
+   allocate_receiver &= !callee->is_static() && holder->is_inline_klass() && callee->is_scalarized_arg(0);
+   if (allocate_receiver) {
+     nb_slots++;
+   }
+   int arg_num = callee->is_static() ? 0 : 1;
+   for (SignatureStream ss(callee->signature()); !ss.at_return_type(); ss.next()) {
+     BasicType bt = ss.type();
+     if (bt == T_OBJECT && callee->is_scalarized_arg(arg_num)) {
+       nb_slots++;
+     }
+     if (bt != T_VOID) {
+       arg_num++;
+     }
+   }
+   objArrayOop array_oop = oopFactory::new_objectArray(nb_slots, CHECK_NULL);
+   objArrayHandle array(THREAD, array_oop);
+   arg_num = callee->is_static() ? 0 : 1;
+   int i = 0;
+   if (allocate_receiver) {
+     InlineKlass* vk = InlineKlass::cast(holder);
+     oop res = vk->allocate_instance(CHECK_NULL);
+     array->obj_at_put(i++, res);
+   }
+   for (SignatureStream ss(callee->signature()); !ss.at_return_type(); ss.next()) {
+     BasicType bt = ss.type();
+     if (bt == T_OBJECT && callee->is_scalarized_arg(arg_num)) {
+       InlineKlass* vk = ss.as_inline_klass(holder);
+       assert(vk != nullptr, "Unexpected klass");
+       oop res = vk->allocate_instance(CHECK_NULL);
+       array->obj_at_put(i++, res);
+     }
+     if (bt != T_VOID) {
+       arg_num++;
+     }
+   }
+   return array();
+ }
+ JRT_ENTRY(void, SharedRuntime::allocate_inline_types(JavaThread* current, Method* callee_method, bool allocate_receiver))
+   methodHandle callee(current, callee_method);
+   oop array = SharedRuntime::allocate_inline_types_impl(current, callee, allocate_receiver, CHECK);
+   current->set_vm_result(array);
+   current->set_vm_result_2(callee()); // TODO: required to keep callee live?
+ // We're returning from an interpreted method: load each field into a
+ // register following the calling convention
+ JRT_LEAF(void, SharedRuntime::load_inline_type_fields_in_regs(JavaThread* current, oopDesc* res))
+ {
+   assert(res->klass()->is_inline_klass(), "only inline types here");
+   ResourceMark rm;
+   RegisterMap reg_map(current,
+                       RegisterMap::UpdateMap::include,
+                       RegisterMap::ProcessFrames::include,
+                       RegisterMap::WalkContinuation::skip);
+   frame stubFrame = current->last_frame();
+   frame callerFrame = stubFrame.sender(&reg_map);
+   assert(callerFrame.is_interpreted_frame(), "should be coming from interpreter");
+   InlineKlass* vk = InlineKlass::cast(res->klass());
+   const Array<SigEntry>* sig_vk = vk->extended_sig();
+   const Array<VMRegPair>* regs = vk->return_regs();
+   if (regs == nullptr) {
+     // The fields of the inline klass don't fit in registers, bail out
+     return;
+   }
+   int j = 1;
+   for (int i = 0; i < sig_vk->length(); i++) {
+     BasicType bt = sig_vk->at(i)._bt;
+     if (bt == T_METADATA) {
+       continue;
+     }
+     if (bt == T_VOID) {
+       if (sig_vk->at(i-1)._bt == T_LONG ||
+           sig_vk->at(i-1)._bt == T_DOUBLE) {
+         j++;
+       }
+       continue;
+     }
+     int off = sig_vk->at(i)._offset;
+     assert(off > 0, "offset in object should be positive");
+     VMRegPair pair = regs->at(j);
+     address loc = reg_map.location(pair.first(), nullptr);
+     switch(bt) {
+     case T_BOOLEAN:
+       *(jboolean*)loc = res->bool_field(off);
+       break;
+     case T_CHAR:
+       *(jchar*)loc = res->char_field(off);
+       break;
+     case T_BYTE:
+       *(jbyte*)loc = res->byte_field(off);
+       break;
+     case T_SHORT:
+       *(jshort*)loc = res->short_field(off);
+       break;
+     case T_INT: {
+       *(jint*)loc = res->int_field(off);
+       break;
+     }
+     case T_LONG:
+ #ifdef _LP64
+       *(intptr_t*)loc = res->long_field(off);
+ #else
+       Unimplemented();
+ #endif
+       break;
+     case T_OBJECT:
+     case T_ARRAY: {
+       *(oop*)loc = res->obj_field(off);
+       break;
+     }
+     case T_FLOAT:
+       *(jfloat*)loc = res->float_field(off);
+       break;
+     case T_DOUBLE:
+       *(jdouble*)loc = res->double_field(off);
+       break;
+     default:
+       ShouldNotReachHere();
+     }
+     j++;
+   }
+   assert(j == regs->length(), "missed a field?");
+ #ifdef ASSERT
+   VMRegPair pair = regs->at(0);
+   address loc = reg_map.location(pair.first(), nullptr);
+   assert(*(oopDesc**)loc == res, "overwritten object");
+ #endif
+   current->set_vm_result(res);
+ }
+ // We've returned to an interpreted method, the interpreter needs a
+ // reference to an inline type instance. Allocate it and initialize it
+ // from field's values in registers.
+ JRT_BLOCK_ENTRY(void, SharedRuntime::store_inline_type_fields_to_buf(JavaThread* current, intptr_t res))
+ {
+   ResourceMark rm;
+   RegisterMap reg_map(current,
+                       RegisterMap::UpdateMap::include,
+                       RegisterMap::ProcessFrames::include,
+                       RegisterMap::WalkContinuation::skip);
+   frame stubFrame = current->last_frame();
+   frame callerFrame = stubFrame.sender(&reg_map);
+ #ifdef ASSERT
+   InlineKlass* verif_vk = InlineKlass::returned_inline_klass(reg_map);
+ #endif
+   if (!is_set_nth_bit(res, 0)) {
+     // We're not returning with inline type fields in registers (the
+     // calling convention didn't allow it for this inline klass)
+     assert(!Metaspace::contains((void*)res), "should be oop or pointer in buffer area");
+     current->set_vm_result((oopDesc*)res);
+     assert(verif_vk == nullptr, "broken calling convention");
+     return;
+   }
+   clear_nth_bit(res, 0);
+   InlineKlass* vk = (InlineKlass*)res;
+   assert(verif_vk == vk, "broken calling convention");
+   assert(Metaspace::contains((void*)res), "should be klass");
+   // Allocate handles for every oop field so they are safe in case of
+   // a safepoint when allocating
+   GrowableArray<Handle> handles;
+   vk->save_oop_fields(reg_map, handles);
+   // It's unsafe to safepoint until we are here
+   {
+     JavaThread* THREAD = current;
+     oop vt = vk->realloc_result(reg_map, handles, CHECK);
+     current->set_vm_result(vt);
+   }
+ }
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