1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  3  * Copyright (c) 2021, Azul Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  5  *
  6  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  7  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  8  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  9  *
 10  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 11  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 12  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 13  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 14  * accompanied this code).
 15  *
 16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 17  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 18  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 19  *
 20  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 21  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 22  * questions.
 23  *
 24  */
 29 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
 30 #include "oops/method.hpp"
 33 // Static routines and parsing loops for processing field and method
 34 // descriptors.  In the HotSpot sources we call them "signatures".
 35 //
 36 // A SignatureStream iterates over a Java descriptor (or parts of it).
 37 // The syntax is documented in the Java Virtual Machine Specification,
 38 // section 4.3.
 39 //
 40 // The syntax may be summarized as follows:
 41 //
 42 //     MethodType: '(' {FieldType}* ')' (FieldType | 'V')
 43 //     FieldType: PrimitiveType | ObjectType | ArrayType
 44 //     PrimitiveType: 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'F' | 'I' | 'J' | 'S' | 'Z'
 45 //     ObjectType: 'L' ClassName ';' | ArrayType
 46 //     ArrayType: '[' FieldType
 47 //     ClassName: {UnqualifiedName '/'}* UnqualifiedName
 48 //     UnqualifiedName: NameChar {NameChar}*
 49 //     NameChar: ANY_CHAR_EXCEPT('/' | '.' | ';' | '[')
 50 //
 51 // All of the concrete characters in the above grammar are given
 52 // standard manifest constant names of the form JVM_SIGNATURE_x.
 53 // Executable code uses these constant names in preference to raw
 54 // character constants.  Comments and assertion code sometimes use
 55 // the raw character constants for brevity.
 56 //
 57 // The primitive field types (like 'I') correspond 1-1 with type codes
 58 // (like T_INT) which form part of the specification of the 'newarray'
 59 // instruction (JVMS 6.5, section on newarray).  These type codes are
 60 // widely used in the HotSpot code.  They are joined by ad hoc codes
 61 // like T_OBJECT and T_ARRAY (defined in HotSpot but not in the JVMS)
 62 // so that each "basic type" of field descriptor (or void return type)
 63 // has a corresponding T_x code.  Thus, while T_x codes play a very
 64 // minor role in the JVMS, they play a major role in the HotSpot
 65 // sources.  There are fewer than 16 such "basic types", so they fit
 66 // nicely into bitfields.
 67 //
 68 // The syntax of ClassName overlaps slightly with the descriptor
 69 // syntaxes.  The strings "I" and "(I)V" are both class names
 70 // *and* descriptors.  If a class name contains any character other
 71 // than "BCDFIJSZ()V" it cannot be confused with a descriptor.
 72 // Class names inside of descriptors are always contained in an
 73 // "envelope" syntax which starts with 'L' and ends with ';'.
 74 //
 75 // As a confounding factor, array types report their type name strings
 76 // in descriptor format.  These name strings are easy to recognize,
 77 // since they begin with '['.  For this reason some API points on
 78 // HotSpot look for array descriptors as well as proper class names.
 79 //
 80 // For historical reasons some API points that accept class names and
 81 // array names also look for class names wrapped inside an envelope
 82 // (like "LFoo;") and unwrap them on the fly (to a name like "Foo").
 84 class Signature : AllStatic {
 85  private:
 86   static bool is_valid_array_signature(const Symbol* sig);
 88  public:
 90   // Returns the basic type of a field signature (or T_VOID for "V").
 91   // Assumes the signature is a valid field descriptor.
 92   // Do not apply this function to class names or method signatures.
 93   static BasicType basic_type(const Symbol* signature) {
 94     return basic_type(signature->char_at(0));
 95   }
 97   // Returns T_ILLEGAL for an illegal signature char.
 98   static BasicType basic_type(int ch);
100   // Assuming it is either a class name or signature,
101   // determine if it in fact is an array descriptor.
102   static bool is_array(const Symbol* signature) {
103     return (signature->utf8_length() > 1 &&
104             signature->char_at(0) == JVM_SIGNATURE_ARRAY &&
105             is_valid_array_signature(signature));
106   }
108   // Assuming it is either a class name or signature,
109   // determine if it contains a class name plus ';'.
110   static bool has_envelope(const Symbol* signature) {
111     return ((signature->utf8_length() > 0) &&
112             signature->ends_with(JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDCLASS) &&
113             has_envelope(signature->char_at(0)));
114   }
116   // Determine if this signature char introduces an
117   // envelope, which is a class name plus ';'.
118   static bool has_envelope(char signature_char) {
119     return (signature_char == JVM_SIGNATURE_CLASS);
120   }
122   // Assuming has_envelope is true, return the symbol
123   // inside the envelope, by stripping 'L' and ';'.
124   // Caller is responsible for decrementing the newly created
125   // Symbol's refcount, use TempNewSymbol.
126   static Symbol* strip_envelope(const Symbol* signature);
128   // Assuming it's either a field or method descriptor, determine
129   // whether it is in fact a method descriptor:
130   static bool is_method(const Symbol* signature) {
131     return signature->starts_with(JVM_SIGNATURE_FUNC);
132   }
134   // Assuming it's a method signature, determine if it must
135   // return void.
136   static bool is_void_method(const Symbol* signature) {
137     assert(is_method(signature), "signature is not for a method");
138     return signature->ends_with(JVM_SIGNATURE_VOID);
139   }
140 };
142 // A SignatureIterator uses a SignatureStream to produce BasicType
143 // results, discarding class names.  This means it can be accelerated
144 // using a fingerprint mechanism, in many cases, without loss of type
145 // information.  The FingerPrinter class computes and caches this
146 // reduced information for faster iteration.
148 class SignatureIterator: public ResourceObj {
149  public:
150   typedef uint64_t fingerprint_t;
152  protected:
153   Symbol*      _signature;             // the signature to iterate over
154   BasicType    _return_type;
155   fingerprint_t _fingerprint;
157  public:
158   // Definitions used in generating and iterating the
159   // bit field form of the signature generated by the
160   // Fingerprinter.
161   enum {
162     fp_static_feature_size    = 1,
163     fp_is_static_bit          = 1,
165     fp_result_feature_size    = 4,
166     fp_result_feature_mask    = right_n_bits(fp_result_feature_size),
167     fp_parameter_feature_size = 4,
168     fp_parameter_feature_mask = right_n_bits(fp_parameter_feature_size),
170     fp_parameters_done        = 0,  // marker for end of parameters (must be zero)
172     // Parameters take up full wordsize, minus the result and static bit fields.
173     // Since fp_parameters_done is zero, termination field arises from shifting
174     // in zero bits, and therefore occupies no extra space.
175     // The sentinel value is all-zero-bits, which is impossible for a true
176     // fingerprint, since at least the result field will be non-zero.
177     fp_max_size_of_parameters = ((BitsPerLong
178                                   - (fp_result_feature_size + fp_static_feature_size))
179                                  / fp_parameter_feature_size)
180   };
182   static bool fp_is_valid_type(BasicType type, bool for_return_type = false);
184   // Sentinel values are zero and not-zero (-1).
185   // No need to protect the sign bit, since every valid return type is non-zero
186   // (even T_VOID), and there are no valid parameter fields which are 0xF (T_VOID).
187   static fingerprint_t zero_fingerprint() { return (fingerprint_t)0; }
188   static fingerprint_t overflow_fingerprint() { return ~(fingerprint_t)0; }
189   static bool fp_is_valid(fingerprint_t fingerprint) {
190     return (fingerprint != zero_fingerprint()) && (fingerprint != overflow_fingerprint());
191   }
193   // Constructors
194   SignatureIterator(Symbol* signature, fingerprint_t fingerprint = zero_fingerprint()) {
195     _signature   = signature;
196     _return_type = T_ILLEGAL;  // sentinel value for uninitialized
197     _fingerprint = zero_fingerprint();
198     if (fingerprint != _fingerprint) {
199       set_fingerprint(fingerprint);
200     }
201   }
203   // If the fingerprint is present, we can use an accelerated loop.
204   void set_fingerprint(fingerprint_t fingerprint);
206   // Returns the set fingerprint, or zero_fingerprint()
207   // if none has been set already.
208   fingerprint_t fingerprint() const { return _fingerprint; }
210   // Iteration
211   // Hey look:  There are no virtual methods in this class.
212   // So how is it customized?  By calling do_parameters_on
213   // an object which answers to "do_type(BasicType)".
214   // By convention, this object is in the subclass
215   // itself, so the call is "do_parameters_on(this)".
216   // The effect of this is to inline the parsing loop
217   // everywhere "do_parameters_on" is called.
218   // If there is a valid fingerprint in the object,
219   // an improved loop is called which just unpacks the
220   // bitfields from the fingerprint.  Otherwise, the
221   // symbol is parsed.
222   template<typename T> inline void do_parameters_on(T* callback); // iterates over parameters only
223   BasicType return_type();  // computes the value on the fly if necessary
225   static BasicType fp_return_type(fingerprint_t fingerprint) {
226     assert(fp_is_valid(fingerprint), "invalid fingerprint");
227     return (BasicType) ((fingerprint >> fp_static_feature_size) & fp_result_feature_mask);
228   }
229   static fingerprint_t fp_start_parameters(fingerprint_t fingerprint) {
230     assert(fp_is_valid(fingerprint), "invalid fingerprint");
231     return fingerprint >> (fp_static_feature_size + fp_result_feature_size);
232   }
233   static BasicType fp_next_parameter(fingerprint_t& mask) {
234     int result = (mask & fp_parameter_feature_mask);
235     mask >>= fp_parameter_feature_size;
236     return (BasicType) result;
237   }
238 };
241 // Specialized SignatureIterators: Used to compute signature specific values.
243 class SignatureTypeNames : public SignatureIterator {
244  protected:
245   virtual void type_name(const char* name)   = 0;
247   friend class SignatureIterator;  // so do_parameters_on can call do_type
248   void do_type(BasicType type) {
249     switch (type) {
250     case T_BOOLEAN: type_name("jboolean"); break;
251     case T_CHAR:    type_name("jchar"   ); break;
252     case T_FLOAT:   type_name("jfloat"  ); break;
253     case T_DOUBLE:  type_name("jdouble" ); break;
254     case T_BYTE:    type_name("jbyte"   ); break;
255     case T_SHORT:   type_name("jshort"  ); break;
256     case T_INT:     type_name("jint"    ); break;
257     case T_LONG:    type_name("jlong"   ); break;
258     case T_VOID:    type_name("void"    ); break;
259     case T_ARRAY:
260     case T_OBJECT:  type_name("jobject" ); break;
261     default: ShouldNotReachHere();
262     }
263   }
265  public:
266   SignatureTypeNames(Symbol* signature) : SignatureIterator(signature) {}
267 };
270 // Specialized SignatureIterator: Used to compute the argument size.
272 class ArgumentSizeComputer: public SignatureIterator {
273  private:
274   int _size;
275   friend class SignatureIterator;  // so do_parameters_on can call do_type
276   void do_type(BasicType type) { _size += parameter_type_word_count(type); }
277  public:
278   ArgumentSizeComputer(Symbol* signature);
279   int size() { return _size; }
280 };
283 class ArgumentCount: public SignatureIterator {
284  private:
285   int _size;
286   friend class SignatureIterator;  // so do_parameters_on can call do_type
287   void do_type(BasicType type) { _size++; }
288  public:
289   ArgumentCount(Symbol* signature);
290   int size() { return _size; }
291 };
294 class ReferenceArgumentCount: public SignatureIterator {
295  private:
296   int _refs;
297   friend class SignatureIterator;  // so do_parameters_on can call do_type
298   void do_type(BasicType type) { if (is_reference_type(type)) _refs++; }
299  public:
300   ReferenceArgumentCount(Symbol* signature);
301   int count() { return _refs; }
302 };
305 // Specialized SignatureIterator: Used to compute the result type.
307 class ResultTypeFinder: public SignatureIterator {
308  public:
309   BasicType type() { return return_type(); }
310   ResultTypeFinder(Symbol* signature) : SignatureIterator(signature) { }
311 };
314 // Fingerprinter computes a unique ID for a given method. The ID
315 // is a bitvector characterizing the methods signature (incl. the receiver).
316 class Fingerprinter: public SignatureIterator {
317  private:
318   fingerprint_t _accumulator;
319   int _param_size;
320   int _stack_arg_slots;
321   int _shift_count;
322   const Method* _method;
324   uint _int_args;
325   uint _fp_args;
327   void initialize_accumulator() {
328     _accumulator = 0;
329     _shift_count = fp_result_feature_size + fp_static_feature_size;
330     _param_size = 0;
331     _stack_arg_slots = 0;
332   }
334   // Out-of-line method does it all in constructor:
335   void compute_fingerprint_and_return_type(bool static_flag = false);
337   void initialize_calling_convention(bool static_flag);
338   void do_type_calling_convention(BasicType type);
340   friend class SignatureIterator;  // so do_parameters_on can call do_type
341   void do_type(BasicType type) {
342     assert(fp_is_valid_type(type), "bad parameter type");
343     _accumulator |= ((fingerprint_t)type << _shift_count);
344     _shift_count += fp_parameter_feature_size;
345     _param_size += (is_double_word_type(type) ? 2 : 1);
346     do_type_calling_convention(type);
347   }
349  public:
350   int size_of_parameters() const { return _param_size; }
351   int num_stack_arg_slots() const { return _stack_arg_slots; }
353   // fingerprint() and return_type() are in super class
355   Fingerprinter(const methodHandle& method)
356     : SignatureIterator(method->signature()),
357       _method(method()) {
358     compute_fingerprint_and_return_type();
359   }
360   Fingerprinter(Symbol* signature, bool is_static)
361     : SignatureIterator(signature),
362       _method(nullptr) {
363     compute_fingerprint_and_return_type(is_static);
364   }
365 };
368 // Specialized SignatureIterator: Used for native call purposes
370 class NativeSignatureIterator: public SignatureIterator {
371  private:
372   methodHandle _method;
373 // We need separate JNI and Java offset values because in 64 bit mode,
374 // the argument offsets are not in sync with the Java stack.
375 // For example a long takes up 1 "C" stack entry but 2 Java stack entries.
376   int          _offset;                // The java stack offset
377   int          _prepended;             // number of prepended JNI parameters (1 JNIEnv, plus 1 mirror if static)
378   int          _jni_offset;            // the current parameter offset, starting with 0
380   friend class SignatureIterator;  // so do_parameters_on can call do_type
381   void do_type(BasicType type) {
382     switch (type) {
383     case T_BYTE:
384     case T_BOOLEAN:
385       pass_byte();  _jni_offset++; _offset++;
386       break;
387     case T_CHAR:
388     case T_SHORT:
389       pass_short();  _jni_offset++; _offset++;
390       break;
391     case T_INT:
392       pass_int();    _jni_offset++; _offset++;
393       break;
394     case T_FLOAT:
395       pass_float();  _jni_offset++; _offset++;
396       break;
397     case T_DOUBLE: {
398       int jni_offset = LP64_ONLY(1) NOT_LP64(2);
399       pass_double(); _jni_offset += jni_offset; _offset += 2;
400       break;
401     }
402     case T_LONG: {
403       int jni_offset = LP64_ONLY(1) NOT_LP64(2);
404       pass_long();   _jni_offset += jni_offset; _offset += 2;
405       break;
406     }
407     case T_ARRAY:
408     case T_OBJECT:
409       pass_object(); _jni_offset++; _offset++;
410       break;
411     default:
412       ShouldNotReachHere();
413     }
414   }
416  public:
417   methodHandle method() const          { return _method; }
418   int          offset() const          { return _offset; }
419   int      jni_offset() const          { return _jni_offset + _prepended; }
420   bool      is_static() const          { return method()->is_static(); }
421   virtual void pass_int()              = 0;
422   virtual void pass_long()             = 0;
423   virtual void pass_object()           = 0;  // objects, arrays, inlines
424   virtual void pass_float()            = 0;
425   virtual void pass_byte()             { pass_int(); };
426   virtual void pass_short()            { pass_int(); };
427 #ifdef _LP64
428   virtual void pass_double()           = 0;
429 #else
430   virtual void pass_double()           { pass_long(); }  // may be same as long
431 #endif
433   NativeSignatureIterator(const methodHandle& method) : SignatureIterator(method->signature()) {
434     _method = method;
435     _offset = 0;
436     _jni_offset = 0;
438     const int JNIEnv_words = 1;
439     const int mirror_words = 1;
440     _prepended = !is_static() ? JNIEnv_words : JNIEnv_words + mirror_words;
441   }
443   void iterate() { iterate(Fingerprinter(method()).fingerprint()); }
445   // iterate() calls the 3 virtual methods according to the following invocation syntax:
446   //
447   // {pass_int | pass_long | pass_object}
448   //
449   // Arguments are handled from left to right (receiver first, if any).
450   // The offset() values refer to the Java stack offsets but are 0 based and increasing.
451   // The java_offset() values count down to 0, and refer to the Java TOS.
452   // The jni_offset() values increase from 1 or 2, and refer to C arguments.
453   // The method's return type is ignored.
455   void iterate(fingerprint_t fingerprint) {
456     set_fingerprint(fingerprint);
457     if (!is_static()) {
458       // handle receiver (not handled by iterate because not in signature)
459       pass_object(); _jni_offset++; _offset++;
460     }
461     do_parameters_on(this);
462   }
463 };
466 // This is the core parsing logic for iterating over signatures.
467 // All of the previous classes use this for doing their work.
469 class SignatureStream : public StackObj {
470  private:
471   const Symbol* _signature;
472   int          _begin;
473   int          _end;
474   int          _limit;
475   int          _array_prefix;  // count of '[' before the array element descr
476   BasicType    _type;
477   int          _state;
478   Symbol*      _previous_name;    // cache the previously looked up symbol to avoid lookups
479   GrowableArray<Symbol*>* _names; // symbols created while parsing that need to be dereferenced
481   Symbol* find_symbol();
483   enum { _s_field = 0, _s_method = 1, _s_method_return = 3 };
484   void set_done() {
485     _state |= -2;   // preserve s_method bit
486     assert(is_done(), "Unable to set state to done");
487   }
488   int scan_type(BasicType bt);
490  public:
491   bool at_return_type() const                    { return _state == (int)_s_method_return; }
492   bool is_done() const                           { return _state < 0; }
493   void next();
495   SignatureStream(const Symbol* signature, bool is_method = true);
496   ~SignatureStream();
498   bool is_reference() const { return is_reference_type(_type); }
499   bool is_array() const     { return _type == T_ARRAY; }
500   BasicType type() const    { return _type; }
502   const u1* raw_bytes() const  { return _signature->bytes() + _begin; }
503   int       raw_length() const { return _end - _begin; }
504   int raw_symbol_begin() const { return _begin + (has_envelope() ? 1 : 0); }
505   int raw_symbol_end() const   { return _end  -  (has_envelope() ? 1 : 0); }
506   char raw_char_at(int i) const {
507     assert(i < _limit, "index for raw_char_at is over the limit");
508     return _signature->char_at(i);
509   }
511   // True if there is an embedded class name in this type,
512   // followed by ';'.
513   bool has_envelope() const {
514     if (!Signature::has_envelope(_signature->char_at(_begin)))
515       return false;
516     // this should always be true, but let's test it:
517     assert(_signature->char_at(_end-1) == JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDCLASS, "signature envelope has no semi-colon at end");
518     return true;
519   }
521   // return the symbol for chars in symbol_begin()..symbol_end()
522   Symbol* as_symbol() {
523     return find_symbol();
524   }
526   // in case you want only the return type:
527   void skip_to_return_type();
529   // number of '[' in array prefix
530   int array_prefix_length() {
531     return _type == T_ARRAY ? _array_prefix : 0;
532   }
534   // In case you want only the array base type,
535   // reset the stream after skipping some brackets '['.
536   // (The argument is clipped to array_prefix_length(),
537   // and if it ends up as zero this call is a nop.
538   // The default is value skips all brackets '['.)
539  private:
540   int skip_whole_array_prefix();
541  public:
542   int skip_array_prefix(int max_skip_length) {
543     if (_type != T_ARRAY) {
544       return 0;
545     }
546      if (_array_prefix > max_skip_length) {
547       // strip some but not all levels of T_ARRAY
548       _array_prefix -= max_skip_length;
549       _begin += max_skip_length;
550       return max_skip_length;
551     }
552     return skip_whole_array_prefix();
553   }
554   int skip_array_prefix() {
555     if (_type != T_ARRAY) {
556       return 0;
557     }
558     return skip_whole_array_prefix();
559   }
561   // free-standing lookups (bring your own CL/PD pair)
562   enum FailureMode { ReturnNull, NCDFError, CachedOrNull };
563   Klass* as_klass(Handle class_loader, Handle protection_domain, FailureMode failure_mode, TRAPS);
564   oop as_java_mirror(Handle class_loader, Handle protection_domain, FailureMode failure_mode, TRAPS);
565 };
567 // Specialized SignatureStream: used for invoking SystemDictionary to either find
568 //                              or resolve the underlying type when iterating over a
569 //                              Java descriptor (or parts of it).
570 class ResolvingSignatureStream : public SignatureStream {
571   Klass*       _load_origin;
572   bool         _handles_cached;
573   Handle       _class_loader;       // cached when needed
574   Handle       _protection_domain;  // cached when needed
576   void initialize_load_origin(Klass* load_origin) {
577     _load_origin = load_origin;
578     _handles_cached = (load_origin == nullptr);
579   }
580   void need_handles() {
581     if (!_handles_cached) {
582       cache_handles();
583       _handles_cached = true;
584     }
585   }
586   void cache_handles();
588  public:
589   ResolvingSignatureStream(Symbol* signature, Klass* load_origin, bool is_method = true);
590   ResolvingSignatureStream(Symbol* signature, Handle class_loader, Handle protection_domain, bool is_method = true);
591   ResolvingSignatureStream(const Method* method);
593   Klass* as_klass(FailureMode failure_mode, TRAPS) {
594     need_handles();
595     return SignatureStream::as_klass(_class_loader, _protection_domain,
596                                      failure_mode, THREAD);
597   }
598   oop as_java_mirror(FailureMode failure_mode, TRAPS) {
599     if (is_reference()) {
600       need_handles();
601     }
602     return SignatureStream::as_java_mirror(_class_loader, _protection_domain,
603                                            failure_mode, THREAD);
604   }
605 };
607 // Here is how all the SignatureIterator classes invoke the
608 // SignatureStream engine to do their parsing.
609 template<typename T> inline
610 void SignatureIterator::do_parameters_on(T* callback) {
611   fingerprint_t unaccumulator = _fingerprint;
613   // Check for too many arguments, or missing fingerprint:
614   if (!fp_is_valid(unaccumulator)) {
615     SignatureStream ss(_signature);
616     for (; !ss.at_return_type(); ss.next()) {
617       callback->do_type(ss.type());
618     }
619     // while we are here, capture the return type
620     _return_type = ss.type();
621   } else {
622     // Optimized version of do_parameters when fingerprint is known
623     assert(_return_type != T_ILLEGAL, "return type already captured from fp");
624     unaccumulator = fp_start_parameters(unaccumulator);
625     for (BasicType type; (type = fp_next_parameter(unaccumulator)) != (BasicType)fp_parameters_done; ) {
626       assert(fp_is_valid_type(type), "garbled fingerprint");
627       callback->do_type(type);
628     }
629   }
630 }
632  #ifdef ASSERT
633  class SignatureVerifier : public StackObj {
634   public:
635     static bool is_valid_method_signature(Symbol* sig);
636     static bool is_valid_type_signature(Symbol* sig);
637   private:
638     static ssize_t is_valid_type(const char*, ssize_t);
639 };
640 #endif