< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/runtime/signature.hpp
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+ #include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "oops/method.hpp"
#include "sanitizers/ub.hpp"
return skip_whole_array_prefix();
// free-standing lookups (bring your own CL/PD pair)
enum FailureMode { ReturnNull, NCDFError, CachedOrNull };
Klass* as_klass(Handle class_loader, FailureMode failure_mode, TRAPS);
+ InlineKlass* as_inline_klass(InstanceKlass* holder);
oop as_java_mirror(Handle class_loader, FailureMode failure_mode, TRAPS);
+ class SigEntryFilter;
+ typedef GrowableArrayFilterIterator<SigEntry, SigEntryFilter> ExtendedSignature;
+ // Used for adapter generation. One SigEntry is used per element of
+ // the signature of the method. Inline type arguments are treated
+ // specially. See comment for InlineKlass::collect_fields().
+ class SigEntry {
+ public:
+ BasicType _bt; // Basic type of the argument
+ int _offset; // Offset of the field in its value class holder for scalarized arguments (-1 otherwise). Used for packing and unpacking.
+ float _sort_offset; // Offset used for sorting
+ Symbol* _symbol; // Symbol for printing
+ SigEntry()
+ : _bt(T_ILLEGAL), _offset(-1), _sort_offset(-1), _symbol(nullptr) {}
+ SigEntry(BasicType bt, int offset = -1, float sort_offset = -1, Symbol* symbol = nullptr)
+ : _bt(bt), _offset(offset), _sort_offset(sort_offset), _symbol(symbol) {}
+ static int compare(SigEntry* e1, SigEntry* e2) {
+ if (e1->_sort_offset != e2->_sort_offset) {
+ return e1->_sort_offset - e2->_sort_offset;
+ }
+ if (e1->_offset != e2->_offset) {
+ return e1->_offset - e2->_offset;
+ }
+ assert((e1->_bt == T_LONG && (e2->_bt == T_LONG || e2->_bt == T_VOID)) ||
+ (e1->_bt == T_DOUBLE && (e2->_bt == T_DOUBLE || e2->_bt == T_VOID)) ||
+ e1->_bt == T_METADATA || e2->_bt == T_METADATA || e1->_bt == T_VOID || e2->_bt == T_VOID, "bad bt");
+ if (e1->_bt == e2->_bt) {
+ assert(e1->_bt == T_METADATA || e1->_bt == T_VOID, "only ones with duplicate offsets");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (e1->_bt == T_VOID ||
+ e2->_bt == T_METADATA) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (e1->_bt == T_METADATA ||
+ e2->_bt == T_VOID) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ ShouldNotReachHere();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static void add_entry(GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig, BasicType bt, Symbol* symbol = nullptr, int offset = -1, float sort_offset = -1);
+ static bool skip_value_delimiters(const GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig, int i);
+ static int fill_sig_bt(const GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig, BasicType* sig_bt);
+ static TempNewSymbol create_symbol(const GrowableArray<SigEntry>* sig);
+ };
+ class SigEntryFilter {
+ public:
+ bool operator()(const SigEntry& entry) { return entry._bt != T_METADATA && entry._bt != T_VOID; }
+ };
// Specialized SignatureStream: used for invoking SystemDictionary to either find
// or resolve the underlying type when iterating over a
// Java descriptor (or parts of it).
class ResolvingSignatureStream : public SignatureStream {
Klass* _load_origin;
- #ifdef ASSERT
+ #ifdef ASSERT
class SignatureVerifier : public StackObj {
- static bool is_valid_method_signature(Symbol* sig);
- static bool is_valid_type_signature(Symbol* sig);
+ static bool is_valid_method_signature(const Symbol* sig);
+ static bool is_valid_type_signature(const Symbol* sig);
static ssize_t is_valid_type(const char*, ssize_t);
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