< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/runtime/stubDeclarations.hpp
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do_blob(new_instance) \
do_blob(fast_new_instance) \
do_blob(fast_new_instance_init_check) \
do_blob(new_type_array) \
do_blob(new_object_array) \
+ do_blob(new_null_free_array) \
do_blob(new_multi_array) \
+ do_blob(load_flat_array) \
+ do_blob(store_flat_array) \
+ do_blob(substitutability_check) \
+ do_blob(buffer_inline_args) \
+ do_blob(buffer_inline_args_no_receiver) \
do_blob(handle_exception_nofpu) /* optimized version that does not preserve fpu registers */ \
do_blob(handle_exception) \
do_blob(handle_exception_from_callee) \
do_blob(throw_array_store_exception) \
do_blob(throw_class_cast_exception) \
do_blob(throw_incompatible_class_change_error) \
+ do_blob(throw_illegal_monitor_state_exception) \
+ do_blob(throw_identity_exception) \
do_blob(slow_subtype_check) \
do_blob(is_instance_of) \
do_blob(monitorenter) \
do_blob(monitorenter_nofpu) /* optimized version that does not preserve fpu registers */ \
do_blob(monitorexit) \
do_stub(monitor_notify, 0, false, false) \
do_stub(monitor_notifyAll, 0, false, false) \
do_stub(rethrow, 2, true, true) \
do_stub(slow_arraycopy, 0, false, false) \
do_stub(register_finalizer, 0, false, false) \
+ do_stub(load_unknown_inline, 0, true, false) \
+ do_stub(store_unknown_inline, 0, true, false) \
#define C2_STUBS_DO(do_blob, do_stub, do_jvmti_stub)
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