< prev index next > src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ProcessHandleImpl.java
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* The thread pool of "process reaper" daemon threads.
private static final Executor processReaperExecutor = initReaper();
private static Executor initReaper() {
- // Initialize ThreadLocalRandom now to avoid using the smaller stack
+ // Initialize ThreadLocalRandom and ValueObjectMethods now to avoid using the smaller stack
// of the processReaper threads.
+ try {
+ Class.forName("java.lang.runtime.ValueObjectMethods$MethodHandleBuilder", true, null);
+ } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
+ throw new InternalError("unable to initialize ValueObjectMethodds", cnfe);
+ }
// For a debug build, the stack shadow zone is larger;
// Increase the total stack size to avoid potential stack overflow.
- int debugDelta = "release".equals(System.getProperty("jdk.debug")) ? 0 : (4 * 4096);
+ int debugDelta = "release".equals(System.getProperty("jdk.debug")) ? 0 : (4*4096);
final long stackSize = Boolean.getBoolean("jdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize")
ThreadFactory threadFactory = grimReaper -> {
Thread t = InnocuousThread.newSystemThread("process reaper", grimReaper,
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