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 55     private ObjectMethods() { }
 57     private static final int MAX_STRING_CONCAT_SLOTS = 20;
 59     private static final MethodType DESCRIPTOR_MT = MethodType.methodType(MethodType.class);
 60     private static final MethodType NAMES_MT = MethodType.methodType(List.class);
 61     private static final MethodHandle FALSE = MethodHandles.constant(boolean.class, false);
 62     private static final MethodHandle TRUE = MethodHandles.constant(boolean.class, true);
 63     private static final MethodHandle ZERO = MethodHandles.constant(int.class, 0);
 64     private static final MethodHandle CLASS_IS_INSTANCE;
 65     private static final MethodHandle OBJECT_EQUALS;
 66     private static final MethodHandle OBJECTS_EQUALS;
 67     private static final MethodHandle OBJECTS_HASHCODE;
 68     private static final MethodHandle OBJECTS_TOSTRING;
 69     private static final MethodHandle OBJECT_EQ;
 70     private static final MethodHandle OBJECT_HASHCODE;
 71     private static final MethodHandle OBJECT_TO_STRING;
 72     private static final MethodHandle STRING_FORMAT;
 73     private static final MethodHandle HASH_COMBINER;
 75     private static final HashMap<Class<?>, MethodHandle> primitiveEquals = new HashMap<>();

 76     private static final HashMap<Class<?>, MethodHandle> primitiveHashers = new HashMap<>();
 77     private static final HashMap<Class<?>, MethodHandle> primitiveToString = new HashMap<>();
 79     static {
 80         try {
 81             Class<ObjectMethods> OBJECT_METHODS_CLASS = ObjectMethods.class;
 82             MethodHandles.Lookup publicLookup = MethodHandles.publicLookup();
 83             MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup();
 85             @SuppressWarnings("removal")
 86             ClassLoader loader = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader>() {
 87                 @Override public ClassLoader run() { return ClassLoader.getPlatformClassLoader(); }
 88             });
 90             CLASS_IS_INSTANCE = publicLookup.findVirtual(Class.class, "isInstance",
 91                                                          MethodType.methodType(boolean.class, Object.class));
 92             OBJECT_EQUALS = publicLookup.findVirtual(Object.class, "equals",
 93                                                      MethodType.methodType(boolean.class, Object.class));
 94             OBJECT_HASHCODE = publicLookup.findVirtual(Object.class, "hashCode",
 95                                                        MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString("()I", loader));

395      * @return             a call site if invoked by indy, or a method handle
396      *                     if invoked by a condy
397      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the bootstrap arguments are invalid
398      *                                  or inconsistent
399      * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null} or if any element
400      *                              in the {@code getters} array is {@code null}
401      * @throws Throwable if any exception is thrown during call site construction
402      */
403     public static Object bootstrap(MethodHandles.Lookup lookup, String methodName, TypeDescriptor type,
404                                    Class<?> recordClass,
405                                    String names,
406                                    MethodHandle... getters) throws Throwable {
407         requireNonNull(lookup);
408         requireNonNull(methodName);
409         requireNonNull(type);
410         requireNonNull(recordClass);
411         requireNonNull(names);
412         requireNonNull(getters);
413         Arrays.stream(getters).forEach(Objects::requireNonNull);
414         MethodType methodType;
415         if (type instanceof MethodType mt)
416             methodType = mt;
417         else {

418             methodType = null;
419             if (!MethodHandle.class.equals(type))
420                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(type.toString());
421         }
422         List<MethodHandle> getterList = List.of(getters);

423         MethodHandle handle = switch (methodName) {
424             case "equals"   -> {
425                 if (methodType != null && !methodType.equals(MethodType.methodType(boolean.class, recordClass, Object.class)))
426                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad method type: " + methodType);
427                 yield makeEquals(recordClass, getterList);
428             }
429             case "hashCode" -> {
430                 if (methodType != null && !methodType.equals(MethodType.methodType(int.class, recordClass)))
431                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad method type: " + methodType);
432                 yield makeHashCode(recordClass, getterList);
433             }
434             case "toString" -> {
435                 if (methodType != null && !methodType.equals(MethodType.methodType(String.class, recordClass)))
436                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad method type: " + methodType);
437                 List<String> nameList = "".equals(names) ? List.of() : List.of(names.split(";"));
438                 if (nameList.size() != getterList.size())
439                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name list and accessor list do not match");
440                 yield makeToString(lookup, recordClass, getters, nameList);
441             }
442             default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException(methodName);

 55     private ObjectMethods() { }
 57     private static final int MAX_STRING_CONCAT_SLOTS = 20;
 59     private static final MethodType DESCRIPTOR_MT = MethodType.methodType(MethodType.class);
 60     private static final MethodType NAMES_MT = MethodType.methodType(List.class);
 61     private static final MethodHandle FALSE = MethodHandles.constant(boolean.class, false);
 62     private static final MethodHandle TRUE = MethodHandles.constant(boolean.class, true);
 63     private static final MethodHandle ZERO = MethodHandles.constant(int.class, 0);
 64     private static final MethodHandle CLASS_IS_INSTANCE;
 65     private static final MethodHandle OBJECT_EQUALS;
 66     private static final MethodHandle OBJECTS_EQUALS;
 67     private static final MethodHandle OBJECTS_HASHCODE;
 68     private static final MethodHandle OBJECTS_TOSTRING;
 69     private static final MethodHandle OBJECT_EQ;
 70     private static final MethodHandle OBJECT_HASHCODE;
 71     private static final MethodHandle OBJECT_TO_STRING;
 72     private static final MethodHandle STRING_FORMAT;
 73     private static final MethodHandle HASH_COMBINER;
 75     /* package-private */
 76     static final HashMap<Class<?>, MethodHandle> primitiveEquals = new HashMap<>();
 78     private static final HashMap<Class<?>, MethodHandle> primitiveHashers = new HashMap<>();
 79     private static final HashMap<Class<?>, MethodHandle> primitiveToString = new HashMap<>();
 81     static {
 82         try {
 83             Class<ObjectMethods> OBJECT_METHODS_CLASS = ObjectMethods.class;
 84             MethodHandles.Lookup publicLookup = MethodHandles.publicLookup();
 85             MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup();
 87             @SuppressWarnings("removal")
 88             ClassLoader loader = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader>() {
 89                 @Override public ClassLoader run() { return ClassLoader.getPlatformClassLoader(); }
 90             });
 92             CLASS_IS_INSTANCE = publicLookup.findVirtual(Class.class, "isInstance",
 93                                                          MethodType.methodType(boolean.class, Object.class));
 94             OBJECT_EQUALS = publicLookup.findVirtual(Object.class, "equals",
 95                                                      MethodType.methodType(boolean.class, Object.class));
 96             OBJECT_HASHCODE = publicLookup.findVirtual(Object.class, "hashCode",
 97                                                        MethodType.fromMethodDescriptorString("()I", loader));

397      * @return             a call site if invoked by indy, or a method handle
398      *                     if invoked by a condy
399      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the bootstrap arguments are invalid
400      *                                  or inconsistent
401      * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null} or if any element
402      *                              in the {@code getters} array is {@code null}
403      * @throws Throwable if any exception is thrown during call site construction
404      */
405     public static Object bootstrap(MethodHandles.Lookup lookup, String methodName, TypeDescriptor type,
406                                    Class<?> recordClass,
407                                    String names,
408                                    MethodHandle... getters) throws Throwable {
409         requireNonNull(lookup);
410         requireNonNull(methodName);
411         requireNonNull(type);
412         requireNonNull(recordClass);
413         requireNonNull(names);
414         requireNonNull(getters);
415         Arrays.stream(getters).forEach(Objects::requireNonNull);
416         MethodType methodType;
417         if (type instanceof MethodType mt) {
418             methodType = mt;
419             if (mt.parameterType(0) != recordClass) {
420                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad method type: " + mt);
421             }
422         } else {
423             methodType = null;
424             if (!MethodHandle.class.equals(type))
425                 throw new IllegalArgumentException(type.toString());
426         }
427         List<MethodHandle> getterList = List.of(getters);
428         for (MethodHandle getter : getterList) {
429             if (getter.type().parameterType(0) != recordClass) {
430                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad receiver type: " + getter);
431             }
432         }
433         MethodHandle handle = switch (methodName) {
434             case "equals"   -> {
435                 if (methodType != null && !methodType.equals(MethodType.methodType(boolean.class, recordClass, Object.class)))
436                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad method type: " + methodType);
437                 yield makeEquals(recordClass, getterList);
438             }
439             case "hashCode" -> {
440                 if (methodType != null && !methodType.equals(MethodType.methodType(int.class, recordClass)))
441                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad method type: " + methodType);
442                 yield makeHashCode(recordClass, getterList);
443             }
444             case "toString" -> {
445                 if (methodType != null && !methodType.equals(MethodType.methodType(String.class, recordClass)))
446                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad method type: " + methodType);
447                 List<String> nameList = "".equals(names) ? List.of() : List.of(names.split(";"));
448                 if (nameList.size() != getterList.size())
449                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name list and accessor list do not match");
450                 yield makeToString(lookup, recordClass, getters, nameList);
451             }
452             default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException(methodName);
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