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*** 175,19 ***
--- 175,72 ---
       *         {@link NullPointerException}
      public native void putInt(Object o, long offset, int x);
+     /**
+      * Returns true if the given field is flattened.
+      */
+     public boolean isFlatField(Field f) {
+         if (f == null) {
+             throw new NullPointerException();
+         }
+         return isFlatField0(f);
+     }
+     private native boolean isFlatField0(Object o);
+     /* Returns true if the given field has a null marker
+      * <p>
+      * Nullable flat fields are stored in a flattened representation
+      * and have an associated null marker to indicate if the the field value is
+      * null or the one stored with the flat representation
+      */
+      public boolean hasNullMarker(Field f) {
+         if (f == null) {
+             throw new NullPointerException();
+         }
+         return hasNullMarker0(f);
+      }
+      private native boolean hasNullMarker0(Object o);
+      /* Returns the offset of the null marker of the field,
+       * or -1 if the field doesn't have a null marker
+       */
+      public int nullMarkerOffset(Field f) {
+         if (f == null) {
+             throw new NullPointerException();
+         }
+         return nullMarkerOffset0(f);
+      }
+      private native int nullMarkerOffset0(Object o);
+     /**
+      * Returns true if the given class is a flattened array.
+      */
+     @IntrinsicCandidate
+     public native boolean isFlatArray(Class<?> arrayClass);
       * Fetches a reference value from a given Java variable.
+      * This method can return a reference to either an object or value
+      * or a null reference.
+      *
       * @see #getInt(Object, long)
      public native Object getReference(Object o, long offset);
       * Stores a reference value into a given Java variable.
+      * This method can store a reference to either an object or value
+      * or a null reference.
       * <p>
       * Unless the reference {@code x} being stored is either null
       * or matches the field type, the results are undefined.
       * If the reference {@code o} is non-null, card marks or
       * other store barriers for that object (if the VM requires them)

*** 195,10 ***
--- 248,83 ---
       * @see #putInt(Object, long, int)
      public native void putReference(Object o, long offset, Object x);
+     /**
+      * Fetches a value of type {@code <V>} from a given Java variable.
+      * More specifically, fetches a field or array element within the given
+      * {@code o} object at the given offset, or (if {@code o} is null)
+      * from the memory address whose numerical value is the given offset.
+      *
+      * @param o Java heap object in which the variable resides, if any, else
+      *        null
+      * @param offset indication of where the variable resides in a Java heap
+      *        object, if any, else a memory address locating the variable
+      *        statically
+      * @param valueType value type
+      * @param <V> the type of a value
+      * @return the value fetched from the indicated Java variable
+      * @throws RuntimeException No defined exceptions are thrown, not even
+      *         {@link NullPointerException}
+      */
+     @IntrinsicCandidate
+     public native <V> V getValue(Object o, long offset, Class<?> valueType);
+     /**
+      * Stores the given value into a given Java variable.
+      *
+      * Unless the reference {@code o} being stored is either null
+      * or matches the field type, the results are undefined.
+      *
+      * @param o Java heap object in which the variable resides, if any, else
+      *        null
+      * @param offset indication of where the variable resides in a Java heap
+      *        object, if any, else a memory address locating the variable
+      *        statically
+      * @param valueType value type
+      * @param v the value to store into the indicated Java variable
+      * @param <V> the type of a value
+      * @throws RuntimeException No defined exceptions are thrown, not even
+      *         {@link NullPointerException}
+      */
+     @IntrinsicCandidate
+     public native <V> void putValue(Object o, long offset, Class<?> valueType, V v);
+     /**
+      * Returns an uninitialized default instance of the given value class.
+      */
+     public native <V> V uninitializedDefaultValue(Class<?> type);
+     /**
+      * Returns an object instance with a private buffered value whose layout
+      * and contents is exactly the given value instance.  The return object
+      * is in the larval state that can be updated using the unsafe put operation.
+      *
+      * @param value a value instance
+      * @param <V> the type of the given value instance
+      */
+     @IntrinsicCandidate
+     public native <V> V makePrivateBuffer(V value);
+     /**
+      * Exits the larval state and returns a value instance.
+      *
+      * @param value a value instance
+      * @param <V> the type of the given value instance
+      */
+     @IntrinsicCandidate
+     public native <V> V finishPrivateBuffer(V value);
+     /**
+      * Returns the header size of the given value type.
+      *
+      * @param valueType value type
+      * @return the header size of the value type
+      */
+     public native <V> long valueHeaderSize(Class<V> valueType);
      /** @see #getInt(Object, long) */
      public native boolean getBoolean(Object o, long offset);
      /** @see #putInt(Object, long, int) */

*** 1233,10 ***
--- 1359,21 ---
          return arrayIndexScale0(arrayClass);
+     /**
+      * Return the size of the object in the heap.
+      * @param o an object
+      * @return the objects's size
+      * @since Valhalla
+      */
+     public long getObjectSize(Object o) {
+         if (o == null)
+             throw new NullPointerException();
+         return getObjectSize0(o);
+     }
      /** The value of {@code arrayIndexScale(boolean[].class)} */
      public static final int ARRAY_BOOLEAN_INDEX_SCALE
              = theUnsafe.arrayIndexScale(boolean[].class);

*** 1411,57 ***
--- 1548,241 ---
      public final native boolean compareAndSetReference(Object o, long offset,
                                                         Object expected,
                                                         Object x);
+     private final boolean isValueObject(Object o) {
+         return o != null && o.getClass().isValue();
+     }
+     /*
+      * For value type, CAS should do substitutability test as opposed
+      * to two pointers comparison.
+      *
+      * TODO: replace global lock workaround with the proper support for
+      * atomic access to value objects and loosely consistent values.
+      */
+     public final <V> boolean compareAndSetReference(Object o, long offset,
+                                                     Class<?> type,
+                                                     V expected,
+                                                     V x) {
+         if (type.isValue() || isValueObject(expected)) {
+             synchronized (valueLock) {
+                 Object witness = getReference(o, offset);
+                 if (witness == expected) {
+                     putReference(o, offset, x);
+                     return true;
+                 } else {
+                     return false;
+                 }
+             }
+         } else {
+             return compareAndSetReference(o, offset, expected, x);
+         }
+     }
+     @ForceInline
+     public final <V> boolean compareAndSetValue(Object o, long offset,
+                                                 Class<?> valueType,
+                                                 V expected,
+                                                 V x) {
+         synchronized (valueLock) {
+             Object witness = getValue(o, offset, valueType);
+             if (witness == expected) {
+                 putValue(o, offset, valueType, x);
+                 return true;
+             }
+             else {
+                 return false;
+             }
+         }
+     }
      public final native Object compareAndExchangeReference(Object o, long offset,
                                                             Object expected,
                                                             Object x);
+     public final <V> Object compareAndExchangeReference(Object o, long offset,
+                                                         Class<?> valueType,
+                                                         V expected,
+                                                         V x) {
+         if (valueType.isValue() || isValueObject(expected)) {
+             synchronized (valueLock) {
+                 Object witness = getReference(o, offset);
+                 if (witness == expected) {
+                     putReference(o, offset, x);
+                 }
+                 return witness;
+             }
+         } else {
+             return compareAndExchangeReference(o, offset, expected, x);
+         }
+     }
+     @ForceInline
+     public final <V> Object compareAndExchangeValue(Object o, long offset,
+                                                     Class<?> valueType,
+                                                     V expected,
+                                                     V x) {
+         synchronized (valueLock) {
+             Object witness = getValue(o, offset, valueType);
+             if (witness == expected) {
+                 putValue(o, offset, valueType, x);
+             }
+             return witness;
+         }
+     }
      public final Object compareAndExchangeReferenceAcquire(Object o, long offset,
                                                             Object expected,
                                                             Object x) {
          return compareAndExchangeReference(o, offset, expected, x);
+     public final <V> Object compareAndExchangeReferenceAcquire(Object o, long offset,
+                                                                Class<?> valueType,
+                                                                V expected,
+                                                                V x) {
+         return compareAndExchangeReference(o, offset, valueType, expected, x);
+     }
+     @ForceInline
+     public final <V> Object compareAndExchangeValueAcquire(Object o, long offset,
+                                                            Class<?> valueType,
+                                                            V expected,
+                                                            V x) {
+         return compareAndExchangeValue(o, offset, valueType, expected, x);
+     }
      public final Object compareAndExchangeReferenceRelease(Object o, long offset,
                                                             Object expected,
                                                             Object x) {
          return compareAndExchangeReference(o, offset, expected, x);
+     public final <V> Object compareAndExchangeReferenceRelease(Object o, long offset,
+                                                                Class<?> valueType,
+                                                                V expected,
+                                                                V x) {
+         return compareAndExchangeReference(o, offset, valueType, expected, x);
+     }
+     @ForceInline
+     public final <V> Object compareAndExchangeValueRelease(Object o, long offset,
+                                                            Class<?> valueType,
+                                                            V expected,
+                                                            V x) {
+         return compareAndExchangeValue(o, offset, valueType, expected, x);
+     }
      public final boolean weakCompareAndSetReferencePlain(Object o, long offset,
                                                           Object expected,
                                                           Object x) {
          return compareAndSetReference(o, offset, expected, x);
+     public final <V> boolean weakCompareAndSetReferencePlain(Object o, long offset,
+                                                              Class<?> valueType,
+                                                              V expected,
+                                                              V x) {
+         if (valueType.isValue() || isValueObject(expected)) {
+             return compareAndSetReference(o, offset, valueType, expected, x);
+         } else {
+             return weakCompareAndSetReferencePlain(o, offset, expected, x);
+         }
+     }
+     @ForceInline
+     public final <V> boolean weakCompareAndSetValuePlain(Object o, long offset,
+                                                          Class<?> valueType,
+                                                          V expected,
+                                                          V x) {
+         return compareAndSetValue(o, offset, valueType, expected, x);
+     }
      public final boolean weakCompareAndSetReferenceAcquire(Object o, long offset,
                                                             Object expected,
                                                             Object x) {
          return compareAndSetReference(o, offset, expected, x);
+     public final <V> boolean weakCompareAndSetReferenceAcquire(Object o, long offset,
+                                                                Class<?> valueType,
+                                                                V expected,
+                                                                V x) {
+         if (valueType.isValue() || isValueObject(expected)) {
+             return compareAndSetReference(o, offset, valueType, expected, x);
+         } else {
+             return weakCompareAndSetReferencePlain(o, offset, expected, x);
+         }
+     }
+     @ForceInline
+     public final <V> boolean weakCompareAndSetValueAcquire(Object o, long offset,
+                                                            Class<?> valueType,
+                                                            V expected,
+                                                            V x) {
+         return compareAndSetValue(o, offset, valueType, expected, x);
+     }
      public final boolean weakCompareAndSetReferenceRelease(Object o, long offset,
                                                             Object expected,
                                                             Object x) {
          return compareAndSetReference(o, offset, expected, x);
+     public final <V> boolean weakCompareAndSetReferenceRelease(Object o, long offset,
+                                                                Class<?> valueType,
+                                                                V expected,
+                                                                V x) {
+         if (valueType.isValue() || isValueObject(expected)) {
+             return compareAndSetReference(o, offset, valueType, expected, x);
+         } else {
+             return weakCompareAndSetReferencePlain(o, offset, expected, x);
+         }
+     }
+     @ForceInline
+     public final <V> boolean weakCompareAndSetValueRelease(Object o, long offset,
+                                                            Class<?> valueType,
+                                                            V expected,
+                                                            V x) {
+         return compareAndSetValue(o, offset, valueType, expected, x);
+     }
      public final boolean weakCompareAndSetReference(Object o, long offset,
                                                      Object expected,
                                                      Object x) {
          return compareAndSetReference(o, offset, expected, x);
+     public final <V> boolean weakCompareAndSetReference(Object o, long offset,
+                                                         Class<?> valueType,
+                                                         V expected,
+                                                         V x) {
+         if (valueType.isValue() || isValueObject(expected)) {
+             return compareAndSetReference(o, offset, valueType, expected, x);
+         } else {
+             return weakCompareAndSetReferencePlain(o, offset, expected, x);
+         }
+     }
+     @ForceInline
+     public final <V> boolean weakCompareAndSetValue(Object o, long offset,
+                                                     Class<?> valueType,
+                                                     V expected,
+                                                     V x) {
+         return compareAndSetValue(o, offset, valueType, expected, x);
+     }
       * Atomically updates Java variable to {@code x} if it is currently
       * holding {@code expected}.
       * <p>This operation has memory semantics of a {@code volatile} read

*** 2073,17 ***
--- 2394,36 ---
       * load semantics. Otherwise identical to {@link #getReference(Object, long)}
      public native Object getReferenceVolatile(Object o, long offset);
+     /**
+      * Global lock for atomic and volatile strength access to any value of
+      * a value type.  This is a temporary workaround until better localized
+      * atomic access mechanisms are supported for value class and primitive class.
+      */
+     private static final Object valueLock = new Object();
+     public final <V> Object getValueVolatile(Object base, long offset, Class<?> valueType) {
+         synchronized (valueLock) {
+             return getValue(base, offset, valueType);
+         }
+     }
       * Stores a reference value into a given Java variable, with
       * volatile store semantics. Otherwise identical to {@link #putReference(Object, long, Object)}
      public native void putReferenceVolatile(Object o, long offset, Object x);
+     public final <V> void putValueVolatile(Object o, long offset, Class<?> valueType, V x) {
+         synchronized (valueLock) {
+             putValue(o, offset, valueType, x);
+         }
+     }
      /** Volatile version of {@link #getInt(Object, long)}  */
      public native int     getIntVolatile(Object o, long offset);
      /** Volatile version of {@link #putInt(Object, long, int)}  */

*** 2152,10 ***
--- 2492,14 ---
      public final Object getReferenceAcquire(Object o, long offset) {
          return getReferenceVolatile(o, offset);
+     public final <V> Object getValueAcquire(Object base, long offset, Class<?> valueType) {
+         return getValueVolatile(base, offset, valueType);
+     }
      /** Acquire version of {@link #getBooleanVolatile(Object, long)} */
      public final boolean getBooleanAcquire(Object o, long offset) {
          return getBooleanVolatile(o, offset);

*** 2216,10 ***
--- 2560,14 ---
      public final void putReferenceRelease(Object o, long offset, Object x) {
          putReferenceVolatile(o, offset, x);
+     public final <V> void putValueRelease(Object o, long offset, Class<?> valueType, V x) {
+         putValueVolatile(o, offset, valueType, x);
+     }
      /** Release version of {@link #putBooleanVolatile(Object, long, boolean)} */
      public final void putBooleanRelease(Object o, long offset, boolean x) {
          putBooleanVolatile(o, offset, x);

*** 2272,10 ***
--- 2620,14 ---
      public final Object getReferenceOpaque(Object o, long offset) {
          return getReferenceVolatile(o, offset);
+     public final <V> Object getValueOpaque(Object base, long offset, Class<?> valueType) {
+         return getValueVolatile(base, offset, valueType);
+     }
      /** Opaque version of {@link #getBooleanVolatile(Object, long)} */
      public final boolean getBooleanOpaque(Object o, long offset) {
          return getBooleanVolatile(o, offset);

*** 2326,10 ***
--- 2678,14 ---
      public final void putReferenceOpaque(Object o, long offset, Object x) {
          putReferenceVolatile(o, offset, x);
+     public final <V> void putValueOpaque(Object o, long offset, Class<?> valueType, V x) {
+         putValueVolatile(o, offset, valueType, x);
+     }
      /** Opaque version of {@link #putBooleanVolatile(Object, long, boolean)} */
      public final void putBooleanOpaque(Object o, long offset, boolean x) {
          putBooleanVolatile(o, offset, x);

*** 2760,28 ***
--- 3116,47 ---
              v = getReferenceVolatile(o, offset);
          } while (!weakCompareAndSetReference(o, offset, v, newValue));
          return v;
+     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+     public final <V> Object getAndSetValue(Object o, long offset, Class<?> valueType, V newValue) {
+         synchronized (valueLock) {
+             Object oldValue = getValue(o, offset, valueType);
+             putValue(o, offset, valueType, newValue);
+             return oldValue;
+         }
+     }
      public final Object getAndSetReferenceRelease(Object o, long offset, Object newValue) {
          Object v;
          do {
              v = getReference(o, offset);
          } while (!weakCompareAndSetReferenceRelease(o, offset, v, newValue));
          return v;
+     @ForceInline
+     public final <V> Object getAndSetValueRelease(Object o, long offset, Class<?> valueType, V newValue) {
+         return getAndSetValue(o, offset, valueType, newValue);
+     }
      public final Object getAndSetReferenceAcquire(Object o, long offset, Object newValue) {
          Object v;
          do {
              v = getReferenceAcquire(o, offset);
          } while (!weakCompareAndSetReferenceAcquire(o, offset, v, newValue));
          return v;
+     @ForceInline
+     public final <V> Object getAndSetValueAcquire(Object o, long offset, Class<?> valueType, V newValue) {
+         return getAndSetValue(o, offset, valueType, newValue);
+     }
      public final byte getAndSetByte(Object o, long offset, byte newValue) {
          byte v;
          do {
              v = getByteVolatile(o, offset);

*** 3834,10 ***
--- 4209,11 ---
      private native Object staticFieldBase0(Field f);
      private native boolean shouldBeInitialized0(Class<?> c);
      private native void ensureClassInitialized0(Class<?> c);
      private native int arrayBaseOffset0(Class<?> arrayClass);
      private native int arrayIndexScale0(Class<?> arrayClass);
+     private native long getObjectSize0(Object o);
      private native int getLoadAverage0(double[] loadavg, int nelems);
       * Invokes the given direct byte buffer's cleaner, if any.
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