1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2005, 2025, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
  8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
  9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 10  *
 11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 15  * accompanied this code).
 16  *
 17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 20  *
 21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 23  * questions.
 24  */
 26 package com.sun.tools.javac.code;
 28 import java.util.Arrays;
 29 import java.util.EnumSet;
 30 import java.util.Map;
 31 import java.util.Optional;
 32 import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
 33 import java.util.stream.Stream;
 35 import com.sun.tools.javac.main.Option;
 36 import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.*;
 37 import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Assert;
 38 import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Context;
 39 import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticPosition;
 40 import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.LintWarning;
 41 import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Log;
 42 import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Names;
 43 import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Options;
 45 /**
 46  * A class for handling -Xlint suboptions and @SuppressWarnings.
 47  *
 48  *  <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API.
 49  *  If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk.
 50  *  This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or
 51  *  deletion without notice.</b>
 52  */
 53 public class Lint {
 55     /** The context key for the root Lint object. */
 56     protected static final Context.Key<Lint> lintKey = new Context.Key<>();
 58     /** Get the root Lint instance. */
 59     public static Lint instance(Context context) {
 60         Lint instance = context.get(lintKey);
 61         if (instance == null)
 62             instance = new Lint(context);
 63         return instance;
 64     }
 66     /**
 67      * Obtain an instance with additional warning supression applied from any
 68      * @SuppressWarnings and/or @Deprecated annotations on the given symbol.
 69      *
 70      * <p>
 71      * The returned instance will be different from this instance if and only if
 72      * {@link #suppressionsFrom} returns a non-empty set.
 73      *
 74      * @param sym symbol
 75      * @return lint instance with new warning suppressions applied, or this instance if none
 76      */
 77     public Lint augment(Symbol sym) {
 78         EnumSet<LintCategory> suppressions = suppressionsFrom(sym);
 79         if (!suppressions.isEmpty()) {
 80             Lint lint = new Lint(this);
 81             lint.values.removeAll(suppressions);
 82             lint.suppressedValues.addAll(suppressions);
 83             return lint;
 84         }
 85         return this;
 86     }
 88     /**
 89      * Returns a new Lint that has the given LintCategorys enabled.
 90      * @param lc one or more categories to be enabled
 91      */
 92     public Lint enable(LintCategory... lc) {
 93         Lint l = new Lint(this);
 94         l.values.addAll(Arrays.asList(lc));
 95         l.suppressedValues.removeAll(Arrays.asList(lc));
 96         return l;
 97     }
 99     /**
100      * Returns a new Lint that has the given LintCategorys suppressed.
101      * @param lc one or more categories to be suppressed
102      */
103     public Lint suppress(LintCategory... lc) {
104         Lint l = new Lint(this);
105         l.values.removeAll(Arrays.asList(lc));
106         l.suppressedValues.addAll(Arrays.asList(lc));
107         return l;
108     }
110     private final Context context;
111     private final Options options;
113     // These are initialized lazily to avoid dependency loops
114     private Symtab syms;
115     private Names names;
117     // Invariant: it's never the case that a category is in both "values" and "suppressedValues"
118     private EnumSet<LintCategory> values;
119     private EnumSet<LintCategory> suppressedValues;
121     private static final Map<String, LintCategory> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(20);
123     @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
124     protected Lint(Context context) {
125         this.context = context;
126         context.put(lintKey, this);
127         options = Options.instance(context);
128     }
130     // Instantiate a non-root ("symbol scoped") instance
131     protected Lint(Lint other) {
132         other.initializeRootIfNeeded();
133         this.context = other.context;
134         this.options = other.options;
135         this.syms = other.syms;
136         this.names = other.names;
137         this.values = other.values.clone();
138         this.suppressedValues = other.suppressedValues.clone();
139     }
141     // Process command line options on demand to allow use of root Lint early during startup
142     private void initializeRootIfNeeded() {
144         // Already initialized?
145         if (values != null)
146             return;
148         // Initialize enabled categories based on "-Xlint" flags
149         if (options.isSet(Option.XLINT) || options.isSet(Option.XLINT_CUSTOM, "all")) {
150             // If -Xlint or -Xlint:all is given, enable all categories by default
151             values = EnumSet.allOf(LintCategory.class);
152         } else if (options.isSet(Option.XLINT_CUSTOM, "none")) {
153             // if -Xlint:none is given, disable all categories by default
154             values = LintCategory.newEmptySet();
155         } else {
156             // otherwise, enable on-by-default categories
157             values = LintCategory.newEmptySet();
159             Source source = Source.instance(context);
160             if (source.compareTo(Source.JDK9) >= 0) {
161                 values.add(LintCategory.DEP_ANN);
162             }
163             if (Source.Feature.REDUNDANT_STRICTFP.allowedInSource(source)) {
164                 values.add(LintCategory.STRICTFP);
165             }
166             values.add(LintCategory.REQUIRES_TRANSITIVE_AUTOMATIC);
167             values.add(LintCategory.OPENS);
168             values.add(LintCategory.MODULE);
169             values.add(LintCategory.REMOVAL);
170             if (!options.isSet(Option.PREVIEW)) {
171                 values.add(LintCategory.PREVIEW);
172             }
173             values.add(LintCategory.SYNCHRONIZATION);
174             values.add(LintCategory.INCUBATING);
175         }
177         // Look for specific overrides
178         for (LintCategory lc : LintCategory.values()) {
179             if (options.isSet(Option.XLINT_CUSTOM, lc.option)) {
180                 values.add(lc);
181             } else if (options.isSet(Option.XLINT_CUSTOM, "-" + lc.option)) {
182                 values.remove(lc);
183             }
184         }
186         suppressedValues = LintCategory.newEmptySet();
187     }
189     @Override
190     public String toString() {
191         initializeRootIfNeeded();
192         return "Lint:[enable" + values + ",suppress" + suppressedValues + "]";
193     }
195     /**
196      * Categories of warnings that can be generated by the compiler.
197      */
198     public enum LintCategory {
199         /**
200          * Warn when code refers to a auxiliary class that is hidden in a source file (ie source file name is
201          * different from the class name, and the type is not properly nested) and the referring code
202          * is not located in the same source file.
203          */
204         AUXILIARYCLASS("auxiliaryclass"),
206         /**
207          * Warn about use of unnecessary casts.
208          */
209         CAST("cast"),
211         /**
212          * Warn about issues related to classfile contents
213          */
214         CLASSFILE("classfile"),
216         /**
217          * Warn about "dangling" documentation comments,
218          * not attached to any declaration.
219          */
220         DANGLING_DOC_COMMENTS("dangling-doc-comments"),
222         /**
223          * Warn about use of deprecated items.
224          */
225         DEPRECATION("deprecation"),
227         /**
228          * Warn about items which are documented with an {@code @deprecated} JavaDoc
229          * comment, but which do not have {@code @Deprecated} annotation.
230          */
231         DEP_ANN("dep-ann"),
233         /**
234          * Warn about division by constant integer 0.
235          */
236         DIVZERO("divzero"),
238         /**
239          * Warn about empty statement after if.
240          */
241         EMPTY("empty"),
243         /**
244          * Warn about issues regarding module exports.
245          */
246         EXPORTS("exports"),
248         /**
249          * Warn about falling through from one case of a switch statement to the next.
250          */
251         FALLTHROUGH("fallthrough"),
253         /**
254          * Warn about finally clauses that do not terminate normally.
255          */
256         FINALLY("finally"),
258         /**
259          * Warn about use of incubating modules.
260          */
261         INCUBATING("incubating"),
263         /**
264           * Warn about compiler possible lossy conversions.
265           */
266         LOSSY_CONVERSIONS("lossy-conversions"),
268         /**
269           * Warn about compiler generation of a default constructor.
270           */
271         MISSING_EXPLICIT_CTOR("missing-explicit-ctor"),
273         /**
274          * Warn about module system related issues.
275          */
276         MODULE("module"),

278         /**
279          * Warn about issues regarding module opens.
280          */
281         OPENS("opens"),
283         /**
284          * Warn about issues relating to use of command line options
285          */
286         OPTIONS("options"),
288         /**
289          * Warn when any output file is written to more than once.
290          */
291         OUTPUT_FILE_CLASH("output-file-clash"),
293         /**
294          * Warn about issues regarding method overloads.
295          */
296         OVERLOADS("overloads"),
298         /**
299          * Warn about issues regarding method overrides.
300          */
301         OVERRIDES("overrides"),
303         /**
304          * Warn about invalid path elements on the command line.
305          * Such warnings cannot be suppressed with the SuppressWarnings
306          * annotation.
307          */
308         PATH("path"),
310         /**
311          * Warn about issues regarding annotation processing.
312          */
313         PROCESSING("processing"),
315         /**
316          * Warn about unchecked operations on raw types.
317          */
318         RAW("rawtypes"),
320         /**
321          * Warn about use of deprecated-for-removal items.
322          */
323         REMOVAL("removal"),
325         /**
326          * Warn about use of automatic modules in the requires clauses.
327          */
328         REQUIRES_AUTOMATIC("requires-automatic"),
330         /**
331          * Warn about automatic modules in requires transitive.
332          */
333         REQUIRES_TRANSITIVE_AUTOMATIC("requires-transitive-automatic"),
335         /**
336          * Warn about Serializable classes that do not provide a serial version ID.
337          */
338         SERIAL("serial"),
340         /**
341          * Warn about issues relating to use of statics
342          */
343         STATIC("static"),
345         /**
346          * Warn about unnecessary uses of the strictfp modifier
347          */
348         STRICTFP("strictfp"),
350         /**
351          * Warn about synchronization attempts on instances of @ValueBased classes.
352          */
353         SYNCHRONIZATION("synchronization"),
355         /**
356          * Warn about issues relating to use of text blocks
357          */
358         TEXT_BLOCKS("text-blocks"),
360         /**
361          * Warn about possible 'this' escapes before subclass instance is fully initialized.
362          */
363         THIS_ESCAPE("this-escape"),
365         /**
366          * Warn about issues relating to use of try blocks (i.e. try-with-resources)
367          */
368         TRY("try"),
370         /**
371          * Warn about unchecked operations on raw types.
372          */
373         UNCHECKED("unchecked"),
375         /**
376          * Warn about potentially unsafe vararg methods
377          */
378         VARARGS("varargs"),
380         /**
381          * Warn about use of preview features.
382          */
383         PREVIEW("preview"),
385         /**
386          * Warn about use of restricted methods.
387          */
388         RESTRICTED("restricted");
390         LintCategory(String option) {
391             this.option = option;
392             map.put(option, this);
393         }
395         /**
396          * Get the {@link LintCategory} having the given command line option.
397          *
398          * @param option lint category option string
399          * @return corresponding {@link LintCategory}, or empty if none exists
400          */
401         public static Optional<LintCategory> get(String option) {
402             return Optional.ofNullable(map.get(option));
403         }
405         public static EnumSet<LintCategory> newEmptySet() {
406             return EnumSet.noneOf(LintCategory.class);
407         }
409         /** Get the string representing this category in @SuppressAnnotations and -Xlint options. */
410         public final String option;
411     }
413     /**
414      * Checks if a warning category is enabled. A warning category may be enabled
415      * on the command line, or by default, and can be temporarily disabled with
416      * the SuppressWarnings annotation.
417      */
418     public boolean isEnabled(LintCategory lc) {
419         initializeRootIfNeeded();
420         return values.contains(lc);
421     }
423     /**
424      * Checks is a warning category has been specifically suppressed, by means
425      * of the SuppressWarnings annotation, or, in the case of the deprecated
426      * category, whether it has been implicitly suppressed by virtue of the
427      * current entity being itself deprecated.
428      */
429     public boolean isSuppressed(LintCategory lc) {
430         initializeRootIfNeeded();
431         return suppressedValues.contains(lc);
432     }
434     /**
435      * Helper method. Log a lint warning if its lint category is enabled.
436      *
437      * @param log warning destination
438      * @param warning key for the localized warning message
439      */
440     public void logIfEnabled(Log log, LintWarning warning) {
441         logIfEnabled(log, null, warning);
442     }
444     /**
445      * Helper method. Log a lint warning if its lint category is enabled.
446      *
447      * @param log warning destination
448      * @param pos source position at which to report the warning
449      * @param warning key for the localized warning message
450      */
451     public void logIfEnabled(Log log, DiagnosticPosition pos, LintWarning warning) {
452         if (isEnabled(warning.getLintCategory())) {
453             log.warning(pos, warning);
454         }
455     }
457     /**
458      * Obtain the set of recognized lint warning categories suppressed at the given symbol's declaration.
459      *
460      * <p>
461      * This set can be non-empty only if the symbol is annotated with either
462      * @SuppressWarnings or @Deprecated.
463      *
464      * @param symbol symbol corresponding to a possibly-annotated declaration
465      * @return new warning suppressions applied to sym
466      */
467     public EnumSet<LintCategory> suppressionsFrom(Symbol symbol) {
468         EnumSet<LintCategory> suppressions = suppressionsFrom(symbol.getDeclarationAttributes().stream());
469         if (symbol.isDeprecated() && symbol.isDeprecatableViaAnnotation())
470             suppressions.add(LintCategory.DEPRECATION);
471         return suppressions;
472     }
474     /**
475      * Retrieve the recognized lint categories suppressed by the given @SuppressWarnings annotation.
476      *
477      * @param annotation @SuppressWarnings annotation, or null
478      * @return set of lint categories, possibly empty but never null
479      */
480     private EnumSet<LintCategory> suppressionsFrom(JCAnnotation annotation) {
481         initializeSymbolsIfNeeded();
482         if (annotation == null)
483             return LintCategory.newEmptySet();
484         Assert.check(annotation.attribute.type.tsym == syms.suppressWarningsType.tsym);
485         return suppressionsFrom(Stream.of(annotation).map(anno -> anno.attribute));
486     }
488     // Find the @SuppressWarnings annotation in the given stream and extract the recognized suppressions
489     private EnumSet<LintCategory> suppressionsFrom(Stream<Attribute.Compound> attributes) {
490         initializeSymbolsIfNeeded();
491         EnumSet<LintCategory> result = LintCategory.newEmptySet();
492         attributes
493           .filter(attribute -> attribute.type.tsym == syms.suppressWarningsType.tsym)
494           .map(this::suppressionsFrom)
495           .forEach(result::addAll);
496         return result;
497     }
499     // Given a @SuppressWarnings annotation, extract the recognized suppressions
500     private EnumSet<LintCategory> suppressionsFrom(Attribute.Compound suppressWarnings) {
501         EnumSet<LintCategory> result = LintCategory.newEmptySet();
502         Attribute.Array values = (Attribute.Array)suppressWarnings.member(names.value);
503         for (Attribute value : values.values) {
504             Optional.of((String)((Attribute.Constant)value).value)
505               .flatMap(LintCategory::get)
506               .ifPresent(result::add);
507         }
508         return result;
509     }
511     private void initializeSymbolsIfNeeded() {
512         if (syms == null) {
513             syms = Symtab.instance(context);
514             names = Names.instance(context);
515         }
516     }
517 }
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