1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2021, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  */
 24 package compiler.lib.ir_framework;
 26 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.FlagVMProcess;
 27 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.TestVMException;
 28 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.TestVMProcess;
 29 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRMatcher;
 30 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.IRViolationException;
 31 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.Matchable;
 32 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.driver.irmatching.parser.TestClassParser;
 33 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.shared.*;
 34 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.test.TestVM;
 35 import jdk.test.lib.Platform;
 36 import jdk.test.lib.Utils;
 37 import jdk.test.lib.helpers.ClassFileInstaller;
 38 import jdk.test.whitebox.WhiteBox;
 40 import java.io.PrintWriter;
 41 import java.io.StringWriter;
 42 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 43 import java.net.MalformedURLException;
 44 import java.net.URL;
 45 import java.net.URLClassLoader;
 46 import java.nio.file.Path;
 47 import java.util.*;
 48 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
 50 /**
 51  * This class represents the main entry point to the test framework whose main purpose is to perform regex-based checks on
 52  * the C2 IR shape emitted by the VM flags {@code -XX:+PrintIdeal} and {@code -XX:+PrintOptoAssembly}. The framework can
 53  * also be used for other non-IR matching (and non-compiler) tests by providing easy to use annotations for commonly used
 54  * testing patterns and compiler control flags.
 55  * <p>
 56  * The framework offers various annotations to control how your test code should be invoked and being checked. There are
 57  * three kinds of tests depending on how much control is needed over the test invocation:
 58  * <b>Base tests</b> (see {@link Test}), <b>checked tests</b> (see {@link Check}), and <b>custom run tests</b>
 59  * (see {@link Run}). Each type of test needs to define a unique <i>test method</i> that specifies a {@link Test @Test}
 60  * annotation which represents the test code that is eventually executed by the test framework. More information about
 61  * the usage and how to write different tests can be found in {@link Test}, {@link Check}, and {@link Run}.
 62  * <p>
 63  * Each test method can specify an arbitrary number of IR rules. This is done by using {@link IR @IR} annotations which
 64  * can define regex strings that are matched on the output of {@code -XX:+PrintIdeal} and {@code -XX:+PrintOptoAssembly}.
 65  * The matching is done after the test method was (optionally) warmed up and compiled. More information about the usage
 66  * and how to write different IR rules can be found at {@link IR}.
 67  * <p>
 68  * This framework should be used with the following JTreg setup in your Test.java file in package <i>some.package</i>:
 69  * <pre>
 70  * {@literal @}library /test/lib
 71  * {@literal @}run driver some.package.Test
 72  * </pre>
 73  * Note that even though the framework uses the Whitebox API internally, it is not required to build and enabel it in the
 74  * JTreg test if the test itself is not utilizing any Whitebox features directly.
 75  * <p>
 76  * To specify additional flags, use {@link #runWithFlags(String...)}, {@link #addFlags(String...)}, or
 77  * {@link #addScenarios(Scenario...)} where the scenarios can also be used to run different flag combinations
 78  * (instead of specifying multiple JTreg {@code @run} entries).
 79  * <p>
 80  * After annotating your test code with the framework specific annotations, the framework needs to be invoked from the
 81  * {@code main()} method of your JTreg test. There are two ways to do so. The first way is by calling the various
 82  * {@code runXX()} methods of {@link TestFramework}. The second way, which gives more control, is to create a new
 83  * {@code TestFramework} builder object on which {@link #start()} needs to be eventually called to start the testing.
 84  * <p>
 85  * The framework is called from the <i>driver VM</i> in which the JTreg test is initially run by specifying {@code
 86  * @run driver} in the JTreg header. This strips all additionally specified JTreg VM and Javaoptions.
 87  * The framework creates a new <i>flag VM</i> with all these flags added again in order to figure out which flags are
 88  * required to run the tests specified in the test class (e.g. {@code -XX:+PrintIdeal} and {@code -XX:+PrintOptoAssembly}
 89  * for IR matching).
 90  * <p>
 91  * After the flag VM terminates, it starts a new <i>test VM</i> which performs the execution of the specified
 92  * tests in the test class as described in {@link Test}, {@link Check}, and {@link Run}.
 93  * <p>
 94  * In a last step, once the test VM has terminated without exceptions, IR matching is performed if there are any IR
 95  * rules and if no VM flags disable it (e.g. not running with {@code -Xint}, see {@link IR} for more details).
 96  * The IR regex matching is done on the output of {@code -XX:+PrintIdeal} and {@code -XX:+PrintOptoAssembly} by parsing
 97  * the hotspot_pid file of the test VM. Failing IR rules are reported by throwing a {@link IRViolationException}.
 98  *
 99  * @see Test
100  * @see Check
101  * @see Run
102  * @see IR
103  */
104 public class TestFramework {
105     /**
106      * JTreg can define additional VM (-Dtest.vm.opts) and Javaoptions (-Dtest.java.opts) flags. IR verification is only
107      * performed when all these additional JTreg flags (does not include additionally added framework and scenario flags
108      * by user code) are whitelisted.
109      *
110      * <p>
111      * A flag is whitelisted if it is a property flag (starting with -D), -ea, -esa, or if the flag name contains any of
112      * the entries of this list as a substring (partial match).
113      */
114     public static final Set<String> JTREG_WHITELIST_FLAGS = new HashSet<>(
115             Arrays.asList(
116                     // The following substrings are part of more than one VM flag
117                     "RAM",
118                     "Heap",
119                     "Trace",
120                     "Print",
121                     "Verify",
122                     "UseNewCode",
123                     "Xmn",
124                     "Xms",
125                     "Xmx",
126                     "Xss",
127                     // The following substrings are only part of one VM flag (=exact match)
128                     "CreateCoredumpOnCrash",
129                     "IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions",
130                     "UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions",
131                     "UnlockExperimentalVMOptions",
132                     "BackgroundCompilation",
133                     "Xbatch",
134                     "TieredCompilation",
135                     "CompileThreshold",
136                     "Xmixed",
137                     "server",
138                     "UseAVX",
139                     "UseSSE",
140                     "UseSVE",
141                     "UseZbb",
142                     "UseRVV",
143                     "Xlog",
144                     "LogCompilation"
145             )
146     );
148     public static final boolean VERBOSE = Boolean.getBoolean("Verbose");
149     public static final boolean TESTLIST = !System.getProperty("Test", "").isEmpty();
150     public static final boolean EXCLUDELIST = !System.getProperty("Exclude", "").isEmpty();
151     private static final boolean REPORT_STDOUT = Boolean.getBoolean("ReportStdout");
152     // Only used for internal testing and should not be used for normal user testing.
154     private static final String RERUN_HINT = """
155                                                #############################################################
156                                                 - To only run the failed tests use -DTest, -DExclude,
157                                                   and/or -DScenarios.
158                                                 - To also get the standard output of the test VM run with
159                                                   -DReportStdout=true or for even more fine-grained logging
160                                                   use -DVerbose=true.
161                                                #############################################################
162                                              """ + System.lineSeparator();
164     private boolean irVerificationPossible = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("VerifyIR", "true"));
165     private boolean shouldVerifyIR; // Should we perform IR matching?
166     private static boolean toggleBool;
168     private final Class<?> testClass;
169     private Set<Class<?>> helperClasses;
170     private List<Scenario> scenarios;
171     private Set<Integer> scenarioIndices;
172     private List<String> flags;
173     private int defaultWarmup = -1;
175     /*
176      * Public interface methods
177      */
179     /**
180      * Creates an instance acting as a builder to test the class from which this constructor was invoked from.
181      * Use this constructor if you want to use multiple run options (flags, helper classes, scenarios).
182      * Use the associated add methods ({@link #addFlags(String...)}, {@link #addScenarios(Scenario...)},
183      * {@link #addHelperClasses(Class...)}) to set up everything and then start the testing by invoking {@link #start()}.
184      */
185     public TestFramework() {
186         this(StackWalker.getInstance(StackWalker.Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE).getCallerClass());
187     }
189     /**
190      * Creates an instance acting as a builder to test {@code testClass}.
191      * Use this constructor if you want to use multiple run options (flags, helper classes, scenarios).
192      * Use the associated add methods ({@link #addFlags(String...)}, {@link #addScenarios(Scenario...)},
193      * {@link #addHelperClasses(Class...)}) to set up everything and then start the testing by invoking {@link #start()}.
194      *
195      * @param testClass the class to be tested by the framework.
196      * @see #TestFramework()
197      */
198     public TestFramework(Class<?> testClass) {
199         TestRun.check(testClass != null, "Test class cannot be null");
200         this.testClass = testClass;
201         if (VERBOSE) {
202             System.out.println("Test class: " + testClass);
203         }
204     }
206     /**
207      * Tests the class from which this method was invoked from.
208      */
209     public static void run() {
210         StackWalker walker = StackWalker.getInstance(StackWalker.Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE);
211         run(walker.getCallerClass());
212     }
214     /**
215      * Tests {@code testClass}.
216      *
217      * @param testClass the class to be tested by the framework.
218      * @see #run()
219      */
220     public static void run(Class<?> testClass) {
221         TestFramework framework = new TestFramework(testClass);
222         framework.start();
223     }
225     /**
226      * Tests the class from which this method was invoked from. The test VM is called with the specified {@code flags}.
227      * <ul>
228      *     <li><p>The {@code flags} override any set VM or Javaoptions flags by JTreg by default.<p>
229      *            Use {@code -DPreferCommandLineFlags=true} if you want to prefer the JTreg VM and  Javaoptions flags over
230      *            the specified {@code flags} of this method.</li>
231      *     <li><p>If you want to run your entire JTreg test with additional flags, use this method.</li>
232      *     <li><p>If you want to run your entire JTreg test with additional flags but for another test class then the one
233      *            from which this method was called from, use {@link #addFlags(String...)}, use this method.</li>
234      *     <li><p>If you want to run your JTreg test with multiple flag combinations, use
235      *            {@link #addScenarios(Scenario...)}</li>
236      * </ul>
237      *
238      * @param flags VM flags to be used for the test VM.
239      */
240     public static void runWithFlags(String... flags) {
241         StackWalker walker = StackWalker.getInstance(StackWalker.Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE);
242         TestFramework framework = new TestFramework(walker.getCallerClass());
243         framework.addFlags(flags);
244         framework.start();
245     }
247     /**
248      * Add VM flags to be used for the test VM. These flags override any VM or Javaoptions set by JTreg by default.<p>
249      * Use {@code -DPreferCommandLineFlags=true} if you want to prefer the VM or Javaoptions over the scenario flags.
250      *
251      * <p>
252      * The testing can be started by invoking {@link #start()}
253      *
254      * @param flags VM options to be applied to the test VM.
255      * @return the same framework instance.
256      */
257     public TestFramework addFlags(String... flags) {
258         TestRun.check(flags != null && Arrays.stream(flags).noneMatch(Objects::isNull), "A flag cannot be null");
259         if (this.flags == null) {
260             this.flags = new ArrayList<>();
261         }
262         this.flags.addAll(Arrays.asList(flags));
263         return this;
264     }
266     /**
267      * Add helper classes that can specify additional compile command annotations ({@link ForceCompile @ForceCompile},
268      * {@link DontCompile @DontCompile}, {@link ForceInline @ForceInline}, {@link DontInline @DontInline}) to be applied
269      * while testing {@code testClass} (also see description of {@link TestFramework}).
270      *
271      * <p>
272      * Duplicates in {@code helperClasses} are ignored. If a class is used by the test class that does not specify any
273      * compile command annotations, you do not need to include it with this method. If no helper class specifies any
274      * compile commands, you do not need to call this method at all.
275      *
276      * <p>
277      * The testing can be started by invoking {@link #start()}.
278      *
279      * @param helperClasses helper classes containing compile command annotations ({@link ForceCompile},
280      *                      {@link DontCompile}, {@link ForceInline}, {@link DontInline}) to be applied
281      *                      while testing {@code testClass} (also see description of {@link TestFramework}).
282      * @return the same framework instance.
283      */
284     public TestFramework addHelperClasses(Class<?>... helperClasses) {
285         TestRun.check(helperClasses != null && Arrays.stream(helperClasses).noneMatch(Objects::isNull),
286                       "A Helper class cannot be null");
287         if (this.helperClasses == null) {
288             this.helperClasses = new HashSet<>();
289         }
291         this.helperClasses.addAll(Arrays.asList(helperClasses));
292         return this;
293     }
295     /**
296      * Add scenarios to be used for the test VM. A test VM is called for each scenario in {@code scenarios} by using the
297      * specified VM flags in the scenario. The scenario flags override any flags set by {@link #addFlags(String...)}
298      * and thus also override any VM or Javaoptions set by JTreg by default.<p>
299      * Use {@code -DPreferCommandLineFlags=true} if you want to prefer the VM and Javaoptions over the scenario flags.
300      *
301      * <p>
302      * The testing can be started by invoking {@link #start()}
303      *
304      * @param scenarios scenarios which specify specific flags for the test VM.
305      * @return the same framework instance.
306      */
307     public TestFramework addScenarios(Scenario... scenarios) {
308         TestFormat.checkAndReport(scenarios != null && Arrays.stream(scenarios).noneMatch(Objects::isNull),
309                                   "A scenario cannot be null");
310         if (this.scenarios == null) {
311             this.scenarios = new ArrayList<>();
312             this.scenarioIndices = new HashSet<>();
313         }
315         for (Scenario scenario : scenarios) {
316             int scenarioIndex = scenario.getIndex();
317             TestFormat.checkNoThrow(scenarioIndices.add(scenarioIndex),
318                              "Cannot define two scenarios with the same index " + scenarioIndex);
319             this.scenarios.add(scenario);
320         }
321         TestFormat.throwIfAnyFailures();
322         return this;
323     }
325     /**
326      * Start the testing of the implicitly (by {@link #TestFramework()}) or explicitly (by {@link #TestFramework(Class)})
327      * set test class.
328      */
329     public void start() {
330         if (shouldInstallWhiteBox()) {
331             installWhiteBox();
332         }
333         checkIRRuleCompilePhasesFormat();
334         disableIRVerificationIfNotFeasible();
336         if (scenarios == null) {
337             try {
338                 start(null);
339             } catch (TestVMException e) {
340                 System.err.println(System.lineSeparator() + e.getExceptionInfo() + RERUN_HINT);
341                 throw e;
342             } catch (IRViolationException e) {
343                 System.out.println(e.getCompilations());
344                 System.err.println(System.lineSeparator() + e.getExceptionInfo() + System.lineSeparator() + RERUN_HINT);
345                 throw e;
346             }
347         } else {
348             startWithScenarios();
349         }
350     }
352     private void checkIRRuleCompilePhasesFormat() {
353         for (Method method : testClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
354             for (IR irAnno : method.getAnnotationsByType(IR.class)) {
355                 TestFormat.checkNoThrow(irAnno.phase().length > 0,
356                                         "@IR rule " + irAnno + " must specify a non-empty list of compile " +
357                                         "phases \"phase\" at " + method);
358             }
359         }
360         TestFormat.throwIfAnyFailures();
361     }
363     /**
364      * Try to load the Whitebox class from the user directory with a custom class loader. If the user has already built the
365      * Whitebox, we can load it. Otherwise, the framework needs to install it.
366      *
367      * @return true if the framework needs to install the Whitebox
368      */
369     private boolean shouldInstallWhiteBox() {
370         try {
371             URL url = Path.of(System.getProperty("user.dir")).toUri().toURL();
372             URLClassLoader userDirClassLoader =
373                     URLClassLoader.newInstance(new URL[] {url}, TestFramework.class.getClassLoader().getParent());
374             Class.forName(WhiteBox.class.getName(), false, userDirClassLoader);
375         } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
376             throw new TestFrameworkException("corrupted user.dir property", e);
377         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
378             // We need to manually install the WhiteBox if we cannot load the WhiteBox class from the user directory.
379             // This happens when the user test does not explicitly install the WhiteBox as part of the test.
380             return true;
381         }
382         return false;
383     }
385     /**
386      * Set a new default warm-up (overriding the framework default of 2000 at
387      * {@link TestVM#WARMUP_ITERATIONS}) to be applied for all tests that do not specify an explicit
388      * warm-up with {@link Warmup @Warmup}.
389      *
390      * @param defaultWarmup a new non-negative default warm-up.
391      * @return the same framework instance.
392      */
393     public TestFramework setDefaultWarmup(int defaultWarmup) {
394         TestFormat.checkAndReport(defaultWarmup >= 0, "Cannot specify a negative default warm-up");
395         this.defaultWarmup = defaultWarmup;
396         return this;
397     }
399     /**
400      * Get the VM output of the test VM. Use {@code -DVerbose=true} to enable more debug information. If scenarios
401      * were run, use {@link Scenario#getTestVMOutput()}.
402      *
403      * @return the last test VM output.
404      */
405     public static String getLastTestVMOutput() {
406         return TestVMProcess.getLastTestVMOutput();
407     }
409     /*
410      * The following methods are only intended to be called from actual @Test methods and not from the main() method of
411      * a JTreg test. Calling these methods from main() results in a linking exception (Whitebox not yet loaded and enabled).
412      */
414     /**
415      * Compile {@code m} at compilation level {@code compLevel}. {@code m} is first enqueued and might not be compiled,
416      * yet, upon returning from this method.
417      *
418      * @param m the method to be compiled.
419      * @param compLevel the (valid) compilation level at which the method should be compiled.
420      * @throws TestRunException if compilation level is {@link CompLevel#SKIP} or {@link CompLevel#WAIT_FOR_COMPILATION}.
421      */
422     public static void compile(Method m, CompLevel compLevel) {
423         TestVM.compile(m, compLevel);
424     }
426     /**
427      * Deoptimize {@code m}.
428      *
429      * @param m the method to be deoptimized.
430      */
431     public static void deoptimize(Method m) {
432         TestVM.deoptimize(m);
433     }
435     /**
436      * Returns a boolean indicating if {@code m} is compiled at any level.
437      *
438      * @param m the method to be checked.
439      * @return {@code true} if {@code m} is compiled at any level;
440      *         {@code false} otherwise.
441      */
442     public static boolean isCompiled(Method m) {
443         return TestVM.isCompiled(m);
444     }
446     /**
447      * Returns a boolean indicating if {@code m} is compiled with C1.
448      *
449      * @param m the method to be checked.
450      * @return {@code true} if {@code m} is compiled with C1;
451      *         {@code false} otherwise.
452      */
453     public static boolean isC1Compiled(Method m) {
454         return TestVM.isC1Compiled(m);
455     }
457     /**
458      * Returns a boolean indicating if {@code m} is compiled with C2.
459      *
460      * @param m the method to be checked.
461      * @return {@code true} if {@code m} is compiled with C2;
462      *         {@code false} otherwise.
463      */
464     public static boolean isC2Compiled(Method m) {
465         return TestVM.isC2Compiled(m);
466     }
468     /**
469      * Returns a boolean indicating if {@code m} is compiled at the specified {@code compLevel}.
470      *
471      * @param m the method to be checked.
472      * @param compLevel the compilation level.
473      * @return {@code true} if {@code m} is compiled at {@code compLevel};
474      *         {@code false} otherwise.
475      */
476     public static boolean isCompiledAtLevel(Method m, CompLevel compLevel) {
477         return TestVM.isCompiledAtLevel(m, compLevel);
478     }
480     /**
481      * Checks if {@code m} is compiled at any level.
482      *
483      * @param m the method to be checked.
484      * @throws TestRunException if {@code m} is not compiled at any level.
485      */
486     public static void assertCompiled(Method m) {
487         TestVM.assertCompiled(m);
488     }
490     /**
491      * Checks if {@code m} is not compiled at any level.
492      *
493      * @param m the method to be checked.
494      * @throws TestRunException if {@code m} is compiled at any level.
495      */
496     public static void assertNotCompiled(Method m) {
497         TestVM.assertNotCompiled(m);
498     }
500     /**
501      * Verifies that {@code m} is compiled with C1.
502      *
503      * @param m the method to be verified.
504      * @throws TestRunException if {@code m} is not compiled with C1.
505      */
506     public static void assertCompiledByC1(Method m) {
507         TestVM.assertCompiledByC1(m);
508     }
510     /**
511      * Verifies that {@code m} is compiled with C2.
512      *
513      * @param m the method to be checked.
514      * @throws TestRunException if {@code m} is not compiled with C2.
515      */
516     public static void assertCompiledByC2(Method m) {
517         TestVM.assertCompiledByC2(m);
518     }
520     /**
521      * Verifies that {@code m} is compiled at the specified {@code compLevel}.
522      *
523      * @param m the method to be checked.
524      * @param compLevel the compilation level.
525      * @throws TestRunException if {@code m} is not compiled at {@code compLevel}.
526      */
527     public static void assertCompiledAtLevel(Method m, CompLevel compLevel) {
528         TestVM.assertCompiledAtLevel(m, compLevel);
529     }
531     /**
532      * Verifies that {@code m} was deoptimized after being C1 compiled.
533      *
534      * @param m the method to be checked.
535      * @throws TestRunException if {@code m} is was not deoptimized after being C1 compiled.
536      */
537     public static void assertDeoptimizedByC1(Method m) {
538         TestVM.assertDeoptimizedByC1(m);
539     }
541     /**
542      * Verifies that {@code m} was deoptimized after being C2 compiled.
543      *
544      * @param m the method to be checked.
545      * @throws TestRunException if {@code m} is was not deoptimized after being C2 compiled.
546      */
547     public static void assertDeoptimizedByC2(Method m) {
548         TestVM.assertDeoptimizedByC2(m);
549     }
551     /**
552      * Checks if deopt of {@code m} is stable at the specified {@code compLevel}.
553      *
554      * @param m the method to be checked.
555      * @param compLevel the compilation level.
556      * @return {@code true} if deopt of {@code m} is stable at {@code compLevel};
557      *         {@code false} otherwise.
558      */
559     public static boolean isStableDeopt(Method m, CompLevel compLevel) {
560         return TestVM.isStableDeopt(m, compLevel);
561     }
563     /**
564      * Returns a different boolean each time this method is invoked (switching between {@code false} and {@code true}).
565      * The very first invocation returns {@code false}. Note that this method could be used by different tests and
566      * thus the first invocation for a test could be {@code true} or {@code false} depending on how many times
567      * other tests have already invoked this method.
568      *
569      * @return an inverted boolean of the result of the last invocation of this method.
570      */
571     public static boolean toggleBoolean() {
572         toggleBool = !toggleBool;
573         return toggleBool;
574     }
576     /*
577      * End of public interface methods
578      */
580     /**
581      * Used to move Whitebox class to the right folder in the JTreg test
582      */
583     private void installWhiteBox() {
584         try {
585             ClassFileInstaller.main(WhiteBox.class.getName());
586         } catch (Exception e) {
587             throw new Error("failed to install whitebox classes", e);
588         }
589     }
591     /**
592      * Disable IR verification completely in certain cases.
593      */
594     private void disableIRVerificationIfNotFeasible() {
595         if (irVerificationPossible) {
596             irVerificationPossible = Platform.isDebugBuild() && !Platform.isInt() && !Platform.isComp();
597             if (!irVerificationPossible) {
598                 System.out.println("IR verification disabled due to not running a debug build (required for PrintIdeal" +
599                                    "and PrintOptoAssembly), running with -Xint, or -Xcomp (use warm-up of 0 instead)");
600                 return;
601             }
603             irVerificationPossible = hasIRAnnotations();
604             if (!irVerificationPossible) {
605                 System.out.println("IR verification disabled due to test " + testClass + " not specifying any @IR annotations");
606                 return;
607             }
609             // No IR verification is done if additional non-whitelisted JTreg VM or Javaoptions flag is specified.
610             irVerificationPossible = onlyWhitelistedJTregVMAndJavaOptsFlags();
611             if (!irVerificationPossible) {
612                 System.out.println("IR verification disabled due to using non-whitelisted JTreg VM or Javaoptions flag(s)."
613                                    + System.lineSeparator());
614             }
615         }
616     }
618     /**
619      * For scenarios: Run the tests with the scenario settings and collect all exceptions to be able to run all
620      * scenarios without prematurely throwing an exception. Format violations, however, are wrong for all scenarios
621      * and thus is reported immediately on the first scenario execution.
622      */
623     private void startWithScenarios() {
624         Map<Scenario, Exception> exceptionMap = new TreeMap<>(Comparator.comparingInt(Scenario::getIndex));
625         for (Scenario scenario : scenarios) {
626             try {
627                 start(scenario);
628             } catch (TestFormatException e) {
629                 // Test format violation is wrong for all the scenarios. Only report once.
630                 throw e;
631             } catch (Exception e) {
632                 exceptionMap.put(scenario, e);
633             }
634         }
635         if (!exceptionMap.isEmpty()) {
636             reportScenarioFailures(exceptionMap);
637         }
638     }
640     private void reportScenarioFailures(Map<Scenario, Exception> exceptionMap) {
641         String failedScenarios = "The following scenarios have failed: #"
642                                  + exceptionMap.keySet().stream()
643                                                .map(s -> String.valueOf(s.getIndex()))
644                                                .collect(Collectors.joining(", #"));
645         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(failedScenarios);
646         builder.append(System.lineSeparator()).append(System.lineSeparator());
647         for (Map.Entry<Scenario, Exception> entry : exceptionMap.entrySet()) {
648             Exception e = entry.getValue();
649             Scenario scenario = entry.getKey();
650             String errorMsg = "";
651             if (scenario != null) {
652                 errorMsg = getScenarioTitleAndFlags(scenario);
653             }
654             if (e instanceof IRViolationException irException) {
655                 // For IR violations, only show the actual violations and not the (uninteresting) stack trace.
656                 if (scenario != null) {
657                     System.out.println("Scenario #" + scenario.getIndex());
658                 }
659                 System.out.println(irException.getCompilations());
660                 builder.append(errorMsg).append(System.lineSeparator()).append(irException.getExceptionInfo());
661             } else if (e instanceof TestVMException testVMException) {
662                 builder.append(errorMsg).append(System.lineSeparator()).append(testVMException.getExceptionInfo());
663             } else {
664                 // Print stack trace otherwise
665                 StringWriter errors = new StringWriter();
666                 e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errors));
667                 builder.append(errors);
668             }
669             builder.append(System.lineSeparator());
670         }
671         System.err.println(builder);
673             // Provide a hint to the user how to get additional output/debugging information.
674             System.err.println(RERUN_HINT);
675         }
676         throw new TestRunException(failedScenarios + ". Please check stderr for more information.");
677     }
679     private static String getScenarioTitleAndFlags(Scenario scenario) {
680         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
681         String title = "Scenario #" + scenario.getIndex();
682         builder.append(title).append(System.lineSeparator()).append("=".repeat(title.length()))
683                .append(System.lineSeparator());
684         builder.append("Scenario flags: [").append(String.join(", ", scenario.getFlags())).append("]")
685                .append(System.lineSeparator());
686         return builder.toString();
687     }
689     /**
690      * Execute a separate "flag" VM with White Box access to determine all test VM flags. The flag VM sends an encoding of
691      * all required flags for the test VM to the driver VM over a socket. Once the flag VM exits, this driver VM parses the
692      * test VM flags, which also determine if IR matching should be done, and then starts the test VM to execute all tests.
693      */
694     private void start(Scenario scenario) {
695         if (scenario != null && !scenario.isEnabled()) {
696             System.out.println("Disabled scenario #" + scenario.getIndex() + "! This scenario is not present in set flag " +
697                                "-DScenarios and is therefore not executed.");
698             return;
699         }
700         shouldVerifyIR = irVerificationPossible;
701         try {
702             // Use TestFramework flags and scenario flags for new VMs.
703             List<String> additionalFlags = new ArrayList<>();
704             if (flags != null) {
705                 additionalFlags.addAll(flags);
706             }
707             if (scenario != null) {
708                 List<String> scenarioFlags = scenario.getFlags();
709                 String scenarioFlagsString = scenarioFlags.isEmpty() ? "" : " - [" + String.join(", ", scenarioFlags) + "]";
710                 System.out.println("Scenario #" + scenario.getIndex() + scenarioFlagsString + ":");
711                 additionalFlags.addAll(scenarioFlags);
712             }
713             String frameworkAndScenarioFlags = additionalFlags.isEmpty() ?
714                     "" : " - [" + String.join(", ", additionalFlags) + "]";
716             if (shouldVerifyIR) {
717                 // Only need to use flag VM if an IR verification is possibly done.
718                 System.out.println("Run Flag VM:");
719                 FlagVMProcess flagVMProcess = new FlagVMProcess(testClass, additionalFlags);
720                 shouldVerifyIR = flagVMProcess.shouldVerifyIR();
721                 if (shouldVerifyIR) {
722                     // Add more flags for the test VM which are required to do IR verification.
723                     additionalFlags.addAll(flagVMProcess.getTestVMFlags());
724                 } // else: Flag VM found a reason to not do IR verification.
725             } else {
726                 System.out.println("Skip Flag VM due to not performing IR verification.");
727             }
729             System.out.println("Run Test VM" + frameworkAndScenarioFlags + ":");
730             runTestVM(additionalFlags);
731         } finally {
732             if (scenario != null) {
733                 scenario.setTestVMOutput(TestVMProcess.getLastTestVMOutput());
734             }
735             System.out.println();
736         }
737     }
739     private boolean hasIRAnnotations() {
740         return Arrays.stream(testClass.getDeclaredMethods()).anyMatch(m -> m.getAnnotationsByType(IR.class).length > 0);
741     }
743     private boolean onlyWhitelistedJTregVMAndJavaOptsFlags() {
744         List<String> flags = Arrays.stream(Utils.getTestJavaOpts())
745                                    .map(s -> s.replaceFirst("-XX:[+|-]?|-(?=[^D|^e])", ""))
746                                    .collect(Collectors.toList());
747         for (String flag : flags) {
748             // Property flags (prefix -D), -ea and -esa are whitelisted.
749             if (!flag.startsWith("-D") && !flag.startsWith("-e") && JTREG_WHITELIST_FLAGS.stream().noneMatch(flag::contains)) {
750                 // Found VM flag that is not whitelisted
751                 return false;
752             }
753         }
754         return true;
755     }
757     private void runTestVM(List<String> additionalFlags) {
758         TestVMProcess testVMProcess = new TestVMProcess(additionalFlags, testClass, helperClasses, defaultWarmup);
759         if (shouldVerifyIR) {
760             try {
761                 TestClassParser testClassParser = new TestClassParser(testClass);
762                 Matchable testClassMatchable = testClassParser.parse(testVMProcess.getHotspotPidFileName(),
763                                                                      testVMProcess.getIrEncoding());
764                 IRMatcher matcher = new IRMatcher(testClassMatchable);
765                 matcher.match();
766             } catch (IRViolationException e) {
767                 e.addCommandLine(testVMProcess.getCommandLine());
768                 throw e;
769             }
770         } else {
771             System.out.println("IR verification disabled either due to no @IR annotations, through explicitly setting " +
772                                "-DVerify=false, due to not running a debug build, using a non-whitelisted JTreg VM or " +
773                                "Javaopts flag like -Xint, or running the test VM with other VM flags added by user code " +
774                                "that make the IR verification impossible (e.g. -XX:-UseCompile, " +
775                                "-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=[1,2,3], etc.).");
776         }
777     }
779     public static void check(boolean test, String failureMessage) {
780         if (!test) {
781             throw new TestFrameworkException(failureMessage);
782         }
783     }
784 }