1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   8  *
   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  */
  24 package compiler.lib.ir_framework.test;
  26 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.*;
  27 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.Compiler;
  28 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.shared.*;
  29 import jdk.test.lib.Platform;
  30 import jdk.test.lib.Utils;
  31 import jdk.test.whitebox.WhiteBox;
  33 import java.io.PrintWriter;
  34 import java.io.StringWriter;
  35 import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
  36 import java.lang.reflect.*;
  37 import java.util.*;
  38 import java.util.stream.Collectors;
  39 import java.util.stream.Stream;
  41 /**
  42  * This class' main method is called from {@link TestFramework} and represents the so-called "test VM". The class is
  43  * the heart of the framework and is responsible for executing all the specified tests in the test class. It uses the
  44  * Whitebox API and reflection to achieve this task.
  45  */
  46 public class TestVM {
  47     private static final WhiteBox WHITE_BOX;
  49     static {
  50         try {
  51             WHITE_BOX = WhiteBox.getWhiteBox();
  52         } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
  53             System.err.println(System.lineSeparator() + """
  54                                ##########################################################
  55                                 - Did you call a test-related interface method from
  56                                   TestFramework in main() of your test? Make sure to
  57                                   only call setup/run methods and no checks or
  58                                   assertions from main() of your test!
  59                                 - Are you rerunning the test VM (TestVM class)
  60                                   directly after a JTreg run? Make sure to start it
  61                                   from within JTwork/scratch and with the flag
  62                                   -DReproduce=true!
  63                                ##########################################################
  64                                """);
  65             throw e;
  66         }
  67     }
  69     /**
  70      * The default number of warm-up iterations used to warm up a {@link Test} annotated test method.
  71      * Use {@code -DWarmup=XY} to specify a different default value. An individual warm-up can also be
  72      * set by specifying a {@link Warmup} iteration for a test.
  73      */
  74     public static final int WARMUP_ITERATIONS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("Warmup", "2000"));
  76     private static final boolean TIERED_COMPILATION = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("TieredCompilation");
  77     private static final CompLevel TIERED_COMPILATION_STOP_AT_LEVEL;
  78     private static final boolean CLIENT_VM = Platform.isClient();
  80     static {
  81         CompLevel level = CompLevel.forValue(((Long)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("TieredStopAtLevel")).intValue());
  82         if (CLIENT_VM && level == CompLevel.C2) {
  83             // No C2 available, use C1 level without profiling.
  84             level = CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE;
  85         }
  87     }
  88     public static final boolean TEST_C1 = (TIERED_COMPILATION && TIERED_COMPILATION_STOP_AT_LEVEL.getValue() < CompLevel.C2.getValue()) || CLIENT_VM;
  90     static final boolean XCOMP = Platform.isComp();
  91     static final boolean VERBOSE = Boolean.getBoolean("Verbose");
  92     private static final boolean PRINT_TIMES = Boolean.getBoolean("PrintTimes");
  93     public static final boolean USE_COMPILER = WHITE_BOX.getBooleanVMFlag("UseCompiler");
  94     static final boolean EXCLUDE_RANDOM = Boolean.getBoolean("ExcludeRandom");
  95     private static final String TESTLIST = System.getProperty("Test", "");
  96     private static final String EXCLUDELIST = System.getProperty("Exclude", "");
  97     private static final boolean DUMP_REPLAY = Boolean.getBoolean("DumpReplay");
  98     private static final boolean GC_AFTER = Boolean.getBoolean("GCAfter");
  99     private static final boolean SHUFFLE_TESTS = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("ShuffleTests", "true"));
 100     // Use separate flag as VERIFY_IR could have been set by user but due to other flags it was disabled by flag VM.
 101     private static final boolean PRINT_VALID_IR_RULES = Boolean.getBoolean("ShouldDoIRVerification");
 102     protected static final long PER_METHOD_TRAP_LIMIT = (Long)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("PerMethodTrapLimit");
 103     protected static final boolean PROFILE_INTERPRETER = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("ProfileInterpreter");
 104     protected static final boolean DEOPT_BARRIERS_ALOT = (Boolean)WHITE_BOX.getVMFlag("DeoptimizeNMethodBarriersALot");
 105     private static final boolean FLIP_C1_C2 = Boolean.getBoolean("FlipC1C2");
 106     private static final boolean IGNORE_COMPILER_CONTROLS = Boolean.getBoolean("IgnoreCompilerControls");
 108     private final HashMap<Method, DeclaredTest> declaredTests = new HashMap<>();
 109     private final List<AbstractTest> allTests = new ArrayList<>();
 110     private final HashMap<String, Method> testMethodMap = new HashMap<>();
 111     private final HashMap<String, Method> setupMethodMap = new HashMap<>();
 112     private final List<String> excludeList;
 113     private final List<String> testList;
 114     private Set<Class<?>> helperClasses = null; // Helper classes that contain framework annotations to be processed.
 115     private final IREncodingPrinter irMatchRulePrinter;
 116     private final Class<?> testClass;
 117     private final Map<Executable, CompLevel> forceCompileMap = new HashMap<>();
 119     private TestVM(Class<?> testClass) {
 120         TestRun.check(testClass != null, "Test class cannot be null");
 121         this.testClass = testClass;
 122         this.testList = createTestFilterList(TESTLIST, testClass);
 123         this.excludeList = createTestFilterList(EXCLUDELIST, testClass);
 125         if (PRINT_VALID_IR_RULES) {
 126             irMatchRulePrinter = new IREncodingPrinter();
 127         } else {
 128             irMatchRulePrinter = null;
 129         }
 130     }
 132     /**
 133      * Parse "test1,test2,test3" into a list.
 134      */
 135     private static List<String> createTestFilterList(String list, Class<?> testClass) {
 136         List<String> filterList = null;
 137         if (!list.isEmpty()) {
 138             String classPrefix = testClass.getSimpleName() + ".";
 139             filterList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(list.split(",")));
 140             for (int i = filterList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 141                 String test = filterList.get(i);
 142                 if (test.indexOf(".") > 0) {
 143                     if (test.startsWith(classPrefix)) {
 144                         test = test.substring(classPrefix.length());
 145                         filterList.set(i, test);
 146                     } else {
 147                         filterList.remove(i);
 148                     }
 149                 }
 150             }
 151         }
 152         return filterList;
 153     }
 155     /**
 156      * Main entry point of the test VM.
 157      */
 158     public static void main(String[] args) {
 159         try {
 160             String testClassName = args[0];
 161             System.out.println("TestVM main() called - about to run tests in class " + testClassName);
 162             Class<?> testClass = getClassObject(testClassName, "test");
 164             TestVM framework = new TestVM(testClass);
 165             framework.addHelperClasses(args);
 166             framework.start();
 167         } finally {
 168             TestFrameworkSocket.closeClientSocket();
 169         }
 170     }
 172     protected static Class<?> getClassObject(String className, String classType) {
 173         try {
 174             return Class.forName(className);
 175         } catch (Exception e) {
 176             throw new TestRunException("Could not find " + classType + " class", e);
 177         }
 178     }
 180     /**
 181      * Set up all helper classes and verify they are specified correctly.
 182      */
 183     private void addHelperClasses(String[] args) {
 184         Class<?>[] helperClassesList = getHelperClasses(args);
 185         if (helperClassesList != null) {
 186             TestRun.check(Arrays.stream(helperClassesList).noneMatch(Objects::isNull), "A Helper class cannot be null");
 187             this.helperClasses = new HashSet<>();
 189             for (Class<?> helperClass : helperClassesList) {
 190                 if (Arrays.stream(testClass.getDeclaredClasses()).anyMatch(c -> c == helperClass)) {
 191                     // Nested class of test class is automatically treated as helper class
 192                     TestFormat.failNoThrow("Nested " + helperClass + " inside test " + testClass + " is implicitly"
 193                                            + " treated as helper class and does not need to be specified as such.");
 194                     continue;
 195                 }
 196                 TestRun.check(!this.helperClasses.contains(helperClass), "Cannot add the same class twice: " + helperClass);
 197                 this.helperClasses.add(helperClass);
 198             }
 199         }
 200     }
 202     private static Class<?>[] getHelperClasses(String[] args) {
 203         if (args.length == 1) {
 204             return null;
 205         }
 206         Class<?>[] helperClasses = new Class<?>[args.length - 1]; // First argument is test class
 207         for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
 208             String helperClassName = args[i];
 209             helperClasses[i - 1] = getClassObject(helperClassName, "helper");
 210         }
 211         return helperClasses;
 212     }
 214     private void checkHelperClass(Class<?> clazz) {
 215         checkAnnotationsInClass(clazz, "helper");
 216         for (Class<?> c : clazz.getDeclaredClasses()) {
 217             checkAnnotationsInClass(c, "nested (and helper)");
 218         }
 219     }
 221     private void checkAnnotationsInClass(Class<?> c, String clazzType) {
 222         Method[] methods = c.getDeclaredMethods();
 223         for (Method m : methods) {
 224             TestFormat.checkNoThrow(getAnnotation(m, Test.class) == null,
 225                                     "Cannot use @Test annotation in " + clazzType + " " + c + " at " + m);
 226             TestFormat.checkNoThrow(getAnnotation(m, Run.class) == null,
 227                                     "Cannot use @Run annotation in " + clazzType + " " + c + " at " + m);
 228             TestFormat.checkNoThrow(getAnnotation(m, Check.class) == null,
 229                                     "Cannot use @Check annotation in " + clazzType + " " + c + " at " + m);
 230             TestFormat.checkNoThrow(getAnnotation(m, Setup.class) == null,
 231                                     "Cannot use @Setup annotation in " + clazzType + " " + c + " at " + m);
 232         }
 233     }
 235     /**
 236      * Only called by internal tests testing the framework itself. Accessed by reflection. Not exposed to normal users.
 237      */
 238     private static void runTestsOnSameVM(Class<?> testClass) {
 239         if (testClass == null) {
 240             StackWalker walker = StackWalker.getInstance(StackWalker.Option.RETAIN_CLASS_REFERENCE);
 241             testClass = walker.getCallerClass();
 242         }
 243         TestVM framework = new TestVM(testClass);
 244         framework.start();
 245     }
 247     /**
 248      * Once everything is initialized and set up, start collecting tests and executing them afterwards.
 249      */
 250     private void start() {
 251         setupTests();
 252         checkForcedCompilationsCompleted();
 253         runTests();
 254     }
 256     private void setupTests() {
 257         // TODO remove this once JDK-8273591 is fixed
 258         if (!IGNORE_COMPILER_CONTROLS) {
 259             for (Class<?> clazz : testClass.getDeclaredClasses()) {
 260                 checkAnnotationsInClass(clazz, "inner");
 261             }
 262         }
 263         if (DUMP_REPLAY) {
 264             addReplay();
 265         }
 267         // Collect the @Setup methods so we can reference them
 268         // from the test methods
 269         collectSetupMethods();
 271         // Make sure to first setup test methods and make them non-inlineable and only then process compile commands.
 272         setupDeclaredTests();
 273         processControlAnnotations(testClass);
 274         processHelperClasses();
 275         setupCheckedAndCustomRunTests();
 277         // All remaining tests are simple base tests without check or specific way to run them.
 278         addBaseTests();
 279         if (PRINT_VALID_IR_RULES) {
 280             irMatchRulePrinter.emit();
 281             VMInfoPrinter.emit();
 282         }
 283         TestFormat.throwIfAnyFailures();
 284         declaredTests.clear();
 285         testMethodMap.clear();
 286     }
 288     private void addBaseTests() {
 289         declaredTests.forEach((m, test) -> {
 290             if (test.getAttachedMethod() == null) {
 291                 try {
 292                     Arguments argumentsAnno = getAnnotation(m, Arguments.class);
 293                     TestFormat.check(argumentsAnno != null || m.getParameterCount() == 0, "Missing @Arguments annotation to define arguments of " + m);
 294                     BaseTest baseTest = new BaseTest(test, shouldExcludeTest(m.getName()));
 295                     allTests.add(baseTest);
 296                     if (PRINT_VALID_IR_RULES) {
 297                         irMatchRulePrinter.emitRuleEncoding(m, baseTest.isSkipped());
 298                     }
 299                 } catch (TestFormatException e) {
 300                     // Failure logged. Continue and report later.
 301                 }
 302             }
 303         });
 304     }
 306     /**
 307      * Check if user wants to exclude this test by checking the -DTest and -DExclude lists.
 308      */
 309     private boolean shouldExcludeTest(String testName) {
 310         boolean hasTestList = testList != null;
 311         boolean hasExcludeList = excludeList != null;
 312         if (hasTestList) {
 313             return !testList.contains(testName) || (hasExcludeList && excludeList.contains(testName));
 314         } else if (hasExcludeList) {
 315             return excludeList.contains(testName);
 316         }
 317         return false;
 318     }
 320     /**
 321      * Generate replay compilation files.
 322      */
 323     private void addReplay() {
 324         String directive = "[{ match: \"*.*\", DumpReplay: true }]";
 325         TestFramework.check(WHITE_BOX.addCompilerDirective(directive) == 1, "Failed to add DUMP_REPLAY directive");
 326     }
 328     private void processControlAnnotations(Class<?> clazz) {
 329         if (IGNORE_COMPILER_CONTROLS) {
 330             return;
 331         }
 332         // Also apply compile commands to all inner classes of 'clazz'.
 333         ArrayList<Class<?>> classes = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(clazz.getDeclaredClasses()));
 334         classes.add(clazz);
 335         for (Class<?> c : classes) {
 336             applyClassAnnotations(c);
 337             List<Executable> executables = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(c.getDeclaredMethods()));
 338             Collections.addAll(executables, c.getDeclaredConstructors());
 339             for (Executable ex : executables) {
 340                 checkClassAnnotations(ex);
 341                 try {
 342                     applyIndependentCompilationCommands(ex);
 343                 } catch (TestFormatException e) {
 344                     // Failure logged. Continue and report later.
 345                 }
 346             }
 348             // Only force compilation now because above annotations affect inlining
 349             for (Executable ex : executables) {
 350                 try {
 351                     applyForceCompileCommand(ex);
 352                 } catch (TestFormatException e) {
 353                     // Failure logged. Continue and report later.
 354                 }
 355             }
 356         }
 357     }
 359     private void applyClassAnnotations(Class<?> c) {
 360         ForceCompileClassInitializer anno = getAnnotation(c, ForceCompileClassInitializer.class);
 361         if (anno == null) {
 362             return;
 363         }
 365         // Compile class initializer
 366         CompLevel level = anno.value();
 367         if (level == CompLevel.SKIP || level == CompLevel.WAIT_FOR_COMPILATION) {
 368             TestFormat.failNoThrow("Cannot define compilation level SKIP or WAIT_FOR_COMPILATION in " +
 369                                    "@ForceCompileClassInitializer at " + c);
 370             return;
 371         }
 372         level = restrictCompLevel(anno.value());
 373         if (level != CompLevel.SKIP) {
 374             // Make sure class is initialized to avoid compilation bailout of <clinit>
 375             getClassObject(c.getName(), "nested"); // calls Class.forName() to initialize 'c'
 376             TestFormat.checkNoThrow(WHITE_BOX.enqueueInitializerForCompilation(c, level.getValue()),
 377                                     "Failed to enqueue <clinit> of " + c + " for compilation. Did you specify "
 378                                     + "@ForceCompileClassInitializer without providing a static class initialization? "
 379                                     + "Make sure to provide any form of static initialization or remove the annotation. "
 380                                     + "For debugging purposes, -DIgnoreCompilerControls=true can be used to temporarly "
 381                                     + "ignore @ForceCompileClassInitializer annotations.");
 382         }
 383     }
 385     private void checkClassAnnotations(Executable ex) {
 386         TestFormat.checkNoThrow(getAnnotation(ex, ForceCompileClassInitializer.class) == null,
 387                                 "@ForceCompileClassInitializer only allowed at classes but not at method " + ex);
 388     }
 390     /**
 391      * Exclude a method from compilation with a compiler randomly. Return the compiler for which the method was made
 392      * not compilable.
 393      */
 394     public static Compiler excludeRandomly(Executable ex) {
 395         Compiler compiler = switch (Utils.getRandomInstance().nextInt() % 3) {
 396             case 1 -> Compiler.C1;
 397             case 2 -> Compiler.C2;
 398             default -> Compiler.ANY;
 399         };
 400         WHITE_BOX.makeMethodNotCompilable(ex, compiler.getValue(), false);
 401         WHITE_BOX.makeMethodNotCompilable(ex, compiler.getValue(), true);
 402         System.out.println("Excluding from " + compiler.name() + " compilation: " + ex);
 403         return compiler;
 404     }
 406     private void applyIndependentCompilationCommands(Executable ex) {
 407         ForceInline forceInlineAnno = getAnnotation(ex, ForceInline.class);
 408         DontInline dontInlineAnno = getAnnotation(ex, DontInline.class);
 409         ForceCompile forceCompileAnno = getAnnotation(ex, ForceCompile.class);
 410         DontCompile dontCompileAnno = getAnnotation(ex, DontCompile.class);
 411         checkCompilationCommandAnnotations(ex, forceInlineAnno, dontInlineAnno, forceCompileAnno, dontCompileAnno);
 412         // First handle inline annotations
 413         if (dontInlineAnno != null) {
 414             WHITE_BOX.testSetDontInlineMethod(ex, true);
 415         } else if (forceInlineAnno != null) {
 416             WHITE_BOX.testSetForceInlineMethod(ex, true);
 417         }
 418         if (dontCompileAnno != null) {
 419             dontCompileWithCompiler(ex, dontCompileAnno.value());
 420         }
 421         if (EXCLUDE_RANDOM && getAnnotation(ex, Test.class) == null && forceCompileAnno == null && dontCompileAnno == null) {
 422             // Randomly exclude helper methods from compilation
 423             if (Utils.getRandomInstance().nextBoolean()) {
 424                 excludeRandomly(ex);
 425             }
 426         }
 427     }
 429     private void checkCompilationCommandAnnotations(Executable ex, ForceInline forceInlineAnno, DontInline dontInlineAnno, ForceCompile forceCompileAnno, DontCompile dontCompileAnno) {
 430         Test testAnno = getAnnotation(ex, Test.class);
 431         Run runAnno = getAnnotation(ex, Run.class);
 432         Check checkAnno = getAnnotation(ex, Check.class);
 433         TestFormat.check((testAnno == null && runAnno == null && checkAnno == null) || Stream.of(forceCompileAnno, dontCompileAnno, forceInlineAnno, dontInlineAnno).noneMatch(Objects::nonNull),
 434                          "Cannot use explicit compile command annotations (@ForceInline, @DontInline, " +
 435                          "@ForceCompile or @DontCompile) together with @Test, @Check or @Run: " + ex + ". Use compLevel in @Test for fine tuning.");
 436         if (Stream.of(forceInlineAnno, dontCompileAnno, dontInlineAnno).filter(Objects::nonNull).count() > 1) {
 437             // Failure
 438             TestFormat.check(dontCompileAnno == null || dontInlineAnno == null,
 439                              "@DontInline is implicitely done with @DontCompile annotation at " + ex);
 440             TestFormat.fail("Cannot mix @ForceInline, @DontInline and @DontCompile at the same time at " + ex);
 441         }
 442         TestFormat.check(forceInlineAnno == null || dontInlineAnno == null, "Cannot have @ForceInline and @DontInline at the same time at " + ex);
 443         if (forceCompileAnno != null && dontCompileAnno != null) {
 444             CompLevel forceCompileLevel = forceCompileAnno.value();
 445             Compiler dontCompileCompiler = dontCompileAnno.value();
 446             TestFormat.check(dontCompileCompiler != Compiler.ANY,
 447                              "Cannot have @DontCompile(Compiler.ANY) and @ForceCompile at the same time at " + ex);
 448             TestFormat.check(forceCompileLevel != CompLevel.ANY,
 449                              "Cannot have @ForceCompile(CompLevel.ANY) and @DontCompile at the same time at " + ex);
 450             TestFormat.check(forceCompileLevel.isNotCompilationLevelOfCompiler(dontCompileCompiler),
 451                              "Overlapping compilation level and compiler with @ForceCompile and @DontCompile at " + ex);
 452         }
 453     }
 455     /**
 456      * Exlude the method from compilation and make sure it is not inlined.
 457      */
 458     private void dontCompileAndDontInlineMethod(Method m) {
 459         if (!IGNORE_COMPILER_CONTROLS) {
 460             WHITE_BOX.makeMethodNotCompilable(m, CompLevel.ANY.getValue(), true);
 461             WHITE_BOX.makeMethodNotCompilable(m, CompLevel.ANY.getValue(), false);
 462             WHITE_BOX.testSetDontInlineMethod(m, true);
 463         }
 464     }
 466     private void dontCompileWithCompiler(Executable ex, Compiler compiler) {
 467         if (VERBOSE) {
 468             System.out.println("dontCompileWithCompiler " + ex + " , compiler = " + compiler.name());
 469         }
 470         WHITE_BOX.makeMethodNotCompilable(ex, compiler.getValue(), true);
 471         WHITE_BOX.makeMethodNotCompilable(ex, compiler.getValue(), false);
 472         if (compiler == Compiler.ANY) {
 473             WHITE_BOX.testSetDontInlineMethod(ex, true);
 474         }
 475     }
 477     private void applyForceCompileCommand(Executable ex) {
 478         ForceCompile forceCompileAnno = getAnnotation(ex, ForceCompile.class);
 479         if (forceCompileAnno != null) {
 480             CompLevel compLevel = forceCompileAnno.value();
 481             TestFormat.check(compLevel != CompLevel.SKIP && compLevel != CompLevel.WAIT_FOR_COMPILATION,
 482                              "Cannot define compilation level SKIP or WAIT_FOR_COMPILATION in @ForceCompile at " + ex);
 483             compLevel = restrictCompLevel(forceCompileAnno.value());
 484             if (FLIP_C1_C2) {
 485                 compLevel = compLevel.flipCompLevel();
 486                 compLevel = restrictCompLevel(compLevel.flipCompLevel());
 487             }
 488             if (EXCLUDE_RANDOM) {
 489                 compLevel = compLevel.excludeCompilationRandomly(ex);
 490             }
 491             if (compLevel != CompLevel.SKIP) {
 492                 enqueueForCompilation(ex, compLevel);
 493                 forceCompileMap.put(ex, compLevel);
 494             }
 495         }
 496     }
 498     static void enqueueForCompilation(Executable ex, CompLevel requestedCompLevel) {
 499         if (TestVM.VERBOSE) {
 500             System.out.println("enqueueForCompilation " + ex + ", level = " + requestedCompLevel);
 501         }
 502         CompLevel compLevel = restrictCompLevel(requestedCompLevel);
 503         if (compLevel != CompLevel.SKIP) {
 504             WHITE_BOX.enqueueMethodForCompilation(ex, compLevel.getValue());
 505         } else {
 506             System.out.println("Skipped compilation on level " + requestedCompLevel + " due to VM flags not allowing it.");
 507         }
 508     }
 511     /**
 512      *  Collect all @Setup annotated methods and add them to setupMethodMap, for convenience to reference later from
 513      *  tests with @Arguments(setup = "setupMethodName").
 514      */
 515     private void collectSetupMethods() {
 516         for (Method m : testClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
 517             Setup setupAnnotation = getAnnotation(m, Setup.class);
 518             if (setupAnnotation != null) {
 519                 addSetupMethod(m);
 520             }
 521         }
 522     }
 524     private void addSetupMethod(Method m) {
 525         TestFormat.checkNoThrow(getAnnotation(m, Test.class) == null,
 526                                 "@Setup method cannot have @Test annotation: " + m);
 527         TestFormat.checkNoThrow(getAnnotation(m, Check.class) == null,
 528                                 "@Setup method cannot have @Check annotation: " + m);
 529         TestFormat.checkNoThrow(getAnnotation(m, Arguments.class) == null,
 530                                 "@Setup method cannot have @Arguments annotation: " + m);
 531         TestFormat.checkNoThrow(getAnnotation(m, Run.class) == null,
 532                                 "@Setup method cannot have @Run annotation: " + m);
 533         Method mOverloaded = setupMethodMap.put(m.getName(), m);
 534         TestFormat.checkNoThrow(mOverloaded == null,
 535                                 "@Setup method cannot be overloaded: " + mOverloaded + " with " + m);
 536         m.setAccessible(true);
 537     }
 539     /**
 540      * Setup @Test annotated method an add them to the declaredTests map to have a convenient way of accessing them
 541      * once setting up a framework test (base  checked, or custom run test).
 542      */
 543     private void setupDeclaredTests() {
 544         for (Method m : testClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
 545             Test testAnno = getAnnotation(m, Test.class);
 546             try {
 547                 if (testAnno != null) {
 548                     addDeclaredTest(m);
 549                 } else {
 550                     TestFormat.checkNoThrow(!m.isAnnotationPresent(IR.class) && !m.isAnnotationPresent(IRs.class),
 551                                             "Found @IR annotation on non-@Test method " + m);
 552                     TestFormat.checkNoThrow(!m.isAnnotationPresent(Warmup.class) || getAnnotation(m, Run.class) != null,
 553                                             "Found @Warmup annotation on non-@Test or non-@Run method " + m);
 554                 }
 555             } catch (TestFormatException e) {
 556                 // Failure logged. Continue and report later.
 557             }
 558         }
 559         TestFormat.checkNoThrow(!declaredTests.isEmpty(), "Did not specify any @Test methods in " + testClass);
 560     }
 562     private void addDeclaredTest(Method m) {
 563         Test testAnno = getAnnotation(m, Test.class);
 564         checkTestAnnotations(m, testAnno);
 565         Warmup warmup = getAnnotation(m, Warmup.class);
 566         int warmupIterations = WARMUP_ITERATIONS;
 567         if (warmup != null) {
 568             warmupIterations = warmup.value();
 569             TestFormat.checkNoThrow(warmupIterations >= 0, "Cannot have negative value for @Warmup at " + m);
 570         }
 572         if (!IGNORE_COMPILER_CONTROLS) {
 573             // Don't inline test methods by default. Do not apply this when -DIgnoreCompilerControls=true is set.
 574             WHITE_BOX.testSetDontInlineMethod(m, true);
 575         }
 576         CompLevel compLevel = restrictCompLevel(testAnno.compLevel());
 577         if (FLIP_C1_C2) {
 578             compLevel = compLevel.flipCompLevel();
 579             compLevel = restrictCompLevel(compLevel.flipCompLevel());
 580         }
 581         if (EXCLUDE_RANDOM) {
 582             compLevel = compLevel.excludeCompilationRandomly(m);
 583         }
 584         ArgumentsProvider argumentsProvider = ArgumentsProviderBuilder.build(m, setupMethodMap);
 585         DeclaredTest test = new DeclaredTest(m, argumentsProvider, compLevel, warmupIterations);
 586         declaredTests.put(m, test);
 587         testMethodMap.put(m.getName(), m);
 588     }
 590     private void checkTestAnnotations(Method m, Test testAnno) {
 591         TestFormat.check(!testMethodMap.containsKey(m.getName()),
 592                          "Cannot overload two @Test methods: " + m + ", " + testMethodMap.get(m.getName()));
 593         TestFormat.check(testAnno != null, m + " must be a method with a @Test annotation");
 595         Check checkAnno = getAnnotation(m, Check.class);
 596         Run runAnno = getAnnotation(m, Run.class);
 597         TestFormat.check(checkAnno == null && runAnno == null,
 598                          m + " has invalid @Check or @Run annotation while @Test annotation is present.");
 600         TestFormat.checkNoThrow(Arrays.stream(m.getParameterTypes()).noneMatch(AbstractInfo.class::isAssignableFrom),
 601                                 "Cannot " + AbstractInfo.class + " or any of its subclasses as parameter type at " +
 602                                 "@Test method " + m);
 604         TestFormat.checkNoThrow(!AbstractInfo.class.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType()),
 605                                 "Cannot " + AbstractInfo.class + " or any of its subclasses as return type at " +
 606                                 "@Test method " + m);
 607     }
 610     /**
 611      * Get the appropriate level as permitted by the test scenario and VM flags.
 612      */
 613     private static CompLevel restrictCompLevel(CompLevel compLevel) {
 614         if (!USE_COMPILER) {
 615             return CompLevel.SKIP;
 616         }
 617         if (compLevel == CompLevel.ANY) {
 618             // Use highest available compilation level by default (usually C2).
 619             compLevel = TIERED_COMPILATION_STOP_AT_LEVEL;
 620         }
 621         if (TEST_C1 && compLevel == CompLevel.C2) {
 622             return CompLevel.SKIP;
 623         }
 624         if ((!TIERED_COMPILATION && !CLIENT_VM) && compLevel.getValue() < CompLevel.C2.getValue()) {
 625             return CompLevel.SKIP;
 626         }
 627         if ((TIERED_COMPILATION || CLIENT_VM) && compLevel.getValue() > TIERED_COMPILATION_STOP_AT_LEVEL.getValue()) {
 628             return CompLevel.SKIP;
 629         }
 630         return compLevel;
 631     }
 633     /**
 634      * Verify that the helper classes do not contain illegal framework annotations and then apply the actions as
 635      * specified by the different helper class annotations.
 636      */
 637     private void processHelperClasses() {
 638         if (helperClasses != null) {
 639             for (Class<?> helperClass : helperClasses) {
 640                 // Process the helper classes and apply the explicit compile commands
 641                 TestFormat.checkNoThrow(helperClass != testClass,
 642                                         "Cannot specify test " + testClass + " as helper class, too.");
 643                 checkHelperClass(helperClass);
 644                 processControlAnnotations(helperClass);
 645             }
 646         }
 647     }
 649     /**
 650      * First set up checked (with @Check) and custom run tests (with @Run). All remaining unmatched/unused @Test methods
 651      * are treated as base tests and set up as such later.
 652      */
 653     private void setupCheckedAndCustomRunTests() {
 654         for (Method m : testClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
 655             Check checkAnno = getAnnotation(m, Check.class);
 656             Run runAnno = getAnnotation(m, Run.class);
 657             Arguments argumentsAnno = getAnnotation(m, Arguments.class);
 658             try {
 659                 TestFormat.check(argumentsAnno == null || (checkAnno == null && runAnno == null),
 660                                  "Cannot have @Argument annotation in combination with @Run or @Check at " + m);
 661                 if (checkAnno != null) {
 662                     addCheckedTest(m, checkAnno, runAnno);
 663                 } else if (runAnno != null) {
 664                     addCustomRunTest(m, runAnno);
 665                 }
 666             } catch (TestFormatException e) {
 667                 // Failure logged. Continue and report later.
 668             }
 669         }
 670     }
 672     /**
 673      * Set up a checked test by first verifying the correct format of the @Test and @Check method and then adding it
 674      * to the allTests list which keeps track of all framework tests that are eventually executed.
 675      */
 676     private void addCheckedTest(Method m, Check checkAnno, Run runAnno) {
 677         Method testMethod = testMethodMap.get(checkAnno.test());
 678         DeclaredTest test = declaredTests.get(testMethod);
 679         checkCheckedTest(m, checkAnno, runAnno, testMethod, test);
 680         test.setAttachedMethod(m);
 681         TestFormat.check(getAnnotation(testMethod, Arguments.class) != null || testMethod.getParameterCount() == 0,
 682                          "Missing @Arguments annotation to define arguments of " + testMethod + " required by "
 683                          + "checked test " + m);
 684         CheckedTest.Parameter parameter = getCheckedTestParameter(m, testMethod);
 685         dontCompileAndDontInlineMethod(m);
 686         CheckedTest checkedTest = new CheckedTest(test, m, checkAnno, parameter, shouldExcludeTest(testMethod.getName()));
 687         allTests.add(checkedTest);
 688         if (PRINT_VALID_IR_RULES) {
 689             // Only need to emit IR verification information if IR verification is actually performed.
 690             irMatchRulePrinter.emitRuleEncoding(testMethod, checkedTest.isSkipped());
 691         }
 692     }
 694     private void checkCheckedTest(Method m, Check checkAnno, Run runAnno, Method testMethod, DeclaredTest test) {
 695         TestFormat.check(runAnno == null, m + " has invalid @Run annotation while @Check annotation is present.");
 696         TestFormat.check(testMethod != null, "Did not find associated test method \"" + m.getDeclaringClass().getName()
 697                                              + "." + checkAnno.test() + "\" for @Check at " + m);
 698         TestFormat.check(test != null, "Missing @Test annotation for associated test method " + testMethod + " for @Check at " + m);
 699         Method attachedMethod = test.getAttachedMethod();
 700         TestFormat.check(attachedMethod == null,
 701                          "Cannot use @Test " + testMethod + " for more than one @Run or one @Check method. Found: " + m + ", " + attachedMethod);
 702     }
 704     /**
 705      * Only allow parameters as specified in {@link Check}.
 706      */
 707     private CheckedTest.Parameter getCheckedTestParameter(Method m, Method testMethod) {
 708         boolean firstParameterTestInfo = m.getParameterCount() > 0 && m.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(TestInfo.class);
 709         boolean secondParameterTestInfo = m.getParameterCount() > 1 && m.getParameterTypes()[1].equals(TestInfo.class);
 710         CheckedTest.Parameter parameter = null;
 711         Class<?> testReturnType = testMethod.getReturnType();
 712         switch (m.getParameterCount()) {
 713             case 0 -> parameter = CheckedTest.Parameter.NONE;
 714             case 1 -> {
 715                 TestFormat.checkNoThrow(firstParameterTestInfo || m.getParameterTypes()[0] == testReturnType,
 716                                         "Single-parameter version of @Check method " + m + " must match return type of @Test " + testMethod);
 717                 parameter = firstParameterTestInfo ? CheckedTest.Parameter.TEST_INFO_ONLY : CheckedTest.Parameter.RETURN_ONLY;
 718             }
 719             case 2 -> {
 720                 TestFormat.checkNoThrow(m.getParameterTypes()[0] == testReturnType && secondParameterTestInfo,
 721                                         "Two-parameter version of @Check method " + m + " must provide as first parameter the same"
 722                                         + " return type as @Test method " + testMethod + " and as second parameter an object of " + TestInfo.class);
 723                 parameter = CheckedTest.Parameter.BOTH;
 724             }
 725             default -> TestFormat.failNoThrow("@Check method " + m + " must provide either a none, single or two-parameter variant.");
 726         }
 727         return parameter;
 728     }
 730     /**
 731      * Set up a custom run test by first verifying the correct format of the @Test and @Run method and then adding it
 732      * to the allTests list which keeps track of all framework tests that are eventually executed.
 733      */
 734     private void addCustomRunTest(Method m, Run runAnno) {
 735         checkRunMethod(m, runAnno);
 736         List<DeclaredTest> tests = new ArrayList<>();
 737         boolean shouldExcludeTest = true;
 738         for (String testName : runAnno.test()) {
 739             try {
 740                 Method testMethod = testMethodMap.get(testName);
 741                 DeclaredTest test = declaredTests.get(testMethod);
 742                 checkCustomRunTest(m, testName, testMethod, test, runAnno.mode());
 743                 test.setAttachedMethod(m);
 744                 tests.add(test);
 745                 // Only exclude custom run test if all test methods excluded
 746                 shouldExcludeTest &= shouldExcludeTest(testMethod.getName());
 747             } catch (TestFormatException e) {
 748                 // Logged, continue.
 749             }
 750         }
 751         if (tests.isEmpty()) {
 752             return; // There was a format violation. Return.
 753         }
 754         dontCompileAndDontInlineMethod(m);
 755         CustomRunTest customRunTest = new CustomRunTest(m, getAnnotation(m, Warmup.class), runAnno, tests, shouldExcludeTest);
 756         allTests.add(customRunTest);
 757         if (PRINT_VALID_IR_RULES) {
 758             tests.forEach(test -> irMatchRulePrinter.emitRuleEncoding(test.getTestMethod(), customRunTest.isSkipped()));
 759         }
 760     }
 762     /**
 763      * Only allow parameters as specified in {@link Run}.
 764      */
 765     private void checkCustomRunTest(Method m, String testName, Method testMethod, DeclaredTest test, RunMode runMode) {
 766         TestFormat.check(testMethod != null, "Did not find associated @Test method \""  + m.getDeclaringClass().getName()
 767                                              + "." + testName + "\" specified in @Run at " + m);
 768         TestFormat.check(test != null,
 769                          "Missing @Test annotation for associated test method " + testName + " for @Run at " + m);
 770         Method attachedMethod = test.getAttachedMethod();
 771         TestFormat.check(attachedMethod == null,
 772                          "Cannot use @Test " + testMethod + " for more than one @Run/@Check method. Found: "
 773                          + m + ", " + attachedMethod);
 774         Arguments argumentsAnno = getAnnotation(testMethod, Arguments.class);
 775         TestFormat.check(argumentsAnno == null,
 776                          "Cannot use @Arguments at test method " + testMethod + " in combination with @Run method " + m);
 777         Warmup warmupAnno = getAnnotation(testMethod, Warmup.class);
 778         TestFormat.checkNoThrow(warmupAnno == null,
 779                                 "Cannot set @Warmup at @Test method " + testMethod + " when used with its @Run method "
 780                                 + m + ". Use @Warmup at @Run method instead.");
 781         Test testAnno = getAnnotation(testMethod, Test.class);
 782         TestFormat.checkNoThrow(runMode != RunMode.STANDALONE || testAnno.compLevel() == CompLevel.ANY,
 783                                 "Setting explicit compilation level for @Test method " + testMethod + " has no effect "
 784                                 + "when used with STANDALONE @Run method " + m);
 785     }
 787     private void checkRunMethod(Method m, Run runAnno) {
 788         TestFormat.check(runAnno.test().length > 0, "@Run method " + m + " must specify at least one test method");
 789         TestFormat.checkNoThrow(m.getParameterCount() == 0 || (m.getParameterCount() == 1 && m.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(RunInfo.class)),
 790                                 "@Run method " + m + " must specify either no parameter or exactly one " + RunInfo.class + " parameter.");
 791         Warmup warmupAnno = getAnnotation(m, Warmup.class);
 792         TestFormat.checkNoThrow(warmupAnno == null || runAnno.mode() != RunMode.STANDALONE,
 793                                 "Cannot set @Warmup at @Run method " + m + " when used with RunMode.STANDALONE. The @Run method is only invoked once.");
 794     }
 796     private static <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(AnnotatedElement element, Class<T> c) {
 797         T[] annos =  element.getAnnotationsByType(c);
 798         TestFormat.check(annos.length < 2, element + " has duplicated annotations");
 799         return Arrays.stream(annos).findFirst().orElse(null);
 800     }
 802     /**
 803      * Ensure that all compilations that were enforced (added to compilation queue) by framework annotations are
 804      * completed. Wait if necessary for a short amount of time for their completion.
 805      */
 806     private void checkForcedCompilationsCompleted() {
 807         if (forceCompileMap.isEmpty()) {
 808             return;
 809         }
 810         final long started = System.currentTimeMillis();
 811         long elapsed;
 812         do {
 813             forceCompileMap.entrySet().removeIf(entry -> WHITE_BOX.getMethodCompilationLevel(entry.getKey()) == entry.getValue().getValue());
 814             if (forceCompileMap.isEmpty()) {
 815                 // All @ForceCompile methods are compiled at the requested level.
 816                 return;
 817             }
 818             // Retry again if not yet compiled.
 819             forceCompileMap.forEach(TestVM::enqueueForCompilation);
 820             elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - started;
 821         } while (elapsed < 5000);
 822         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
 823         forceCompileMap.forEach((key, value) -> builder.append("- ").append(key).append(" at CompLevel.").append(value)
 824                                                        .append(System.lineSeparator()));
 825         throw new TestRunException("Could not force compile the following @ForceCompile methods:"
 826                                    + System.lineSeparator() + builder.toString());
 827     }
 829     /**
 830      * Once all framework tests are collected, they are run in this method.
 831      */
 832     private void runTests() {
 833         TreeMap<Long, String> durations = (PRINT_TIMES || VERBOSE) ? new TreeMap<>() : null;
 834         long startTime = System.nanoTime();
 835         List<AbstractTest> testList;
 836         boolean testFilterPresent = testFilterPresent();
 837         if (testFilterPresent) {
 838             // Only run the specified tests by the user filters -DTest and/or -DExclude.
 839             testList = allTests.stream().filter(test -> !test.isSkipped()).collect(Collectors.toList());
 840             if (testList.isEmpty()) {
 841                 // Throw an exception to inform the user about an empty specified test set with -DTest and/or -DExclude
 842                 throw new NoTestsRunException();
 843             }
 844         } else {
 845             testList = allTests;
 846         }
 848         if (SHUFFLE_TESTS) {
 849             // Execute tests in random order (execution sequence affects profiling). This is done by default.
 850             Collections.shuffle(testList, Utils.getRandomInstance());
 851         }
 852         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
 853         int failures = 0;
 855         // Execute all tests and keep track of each exception that is thrown. These are then reported once all tests
 856         // are executing. This prevents a premature exit without running all tests.
 857         for (AbstractTest test : testList) {
 858             if (VERBOSE) {
 859                 System.out.println("Run " + test.toString());
 860             }
 861             if (testFilterPresent) {
 862                 TestFrameworkSocket.write("Run " + test.toString(), TestFrameworkSocket.TESTLIST_TAG, true);
 863             }
 864             try {
 865                 test.run();
 866             } catch (TestRunException e) {
 867                 StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
 868                 PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
 869                 e.printStackTrace(pw);
 870                 builder.append(test.toString()).append(":").append(System.lineSeparator()).append(sw.toString())
 871                        .append(System.lineSeparator()).append(System.lineSeparator());
 872                 failures++;
 873             }
 874             if (PRINT_TIMES || VERBOSE) {
 875                 long endTime = System.nanoTime();
 876                 long duration = (endTime - startTime);
 877                 durations.put(duration, test.getName());
 878                 if (VERBOSE) {
 879                     System.out.println("Done " + test.getName() + ": " + duration + " ns = " + (duration / 1000000) + " ms");
 880                 }
 881             }
 882             if (GC_AFTER) {
 883                 System.out.println("doing GC");
 884                 WHITE_BOX.fullGC();
 885             }
 886         }
 888         // Print execution times
 889         if (VERBOSE || PRINT_TIMES) {
 890             System.out.println(System.lineSeparator() + System.lineSeparator() + "Test execution times:");
 891             for (Map.Entry<Long, String> entry : durations.entrySet()) {
 892                 System.out.format("%-10s%15d ns%n", entry.getValue() + ":", entry.getKey());
 893             }
 894         }
 896         if (failures > 0) {
 897             // Finally, report all occurred exceptions in a nice format.
 898             String msg = System.lineSeparator() + System.lineSeparator() + "Test Failures (" + failures + ")"
 899                          + System.lineSeparator() + "----------------" + "-".repeat(String.valueOf(failures).length());
 900             throw new TestRunException(msg + System.lineSeparator() + builder.toString());
 901         }
 902     }
 904     private boolean testFilterPresent() {
 905         return testList != null || excludeList != null;
 906     }
 908     enum TriState {
 909         Maybe,
 910         Yes,
 911         No
 912     }
 914     public static void compile(Method m, CompLevel compLevel) {
 915         TestRun.check(compLevel != CompLevel.SKIP && compLevel != CompLevel.WAIT_FOR_COMPILATION,
 916                       "Invalid compilation request with level " + compLevel);
 917         enqueueForCompilation(m, compLevel);
 918     }
 920     public static void deoptimize(Method m) {
 921         WHITE_BOX.deoptimizeMethod(m);
 922     }
 924     public static boolean isCompiled(Method m) {
 925         return compiledAtLevel(m, CompLevel.ANY) == TriState.Yes;
 926     }
 928     public static boolean isC1Compiled(Method m) {
 929         return compiledByC1(m) == TriState.Yes;
 930     }
 932     public static boolean isC2Compiled(Method m) {
 933         return compiledByC2(m) == TriState.Yes;
 934     }
 936     public static boolean isCompiledAtLevel(Method m, CompLevel compLevel) {
 937         return compiledAtLevel(m, compLevel) == TriState.Yes;
 938     }
 940     public static void assertDeoptimizedByC1(Method m) {
 941         if (isStableDeopt(m, CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE)) {
 942             TestRun.check(compiledByC1(m) != TriState.Yes, m + " should have been deoptimized by C1");
 943         }
 944     }
 946     public static void assertDeoptimizedByC2(Method m) {
 947         if (isStableDeopt(m, CompLevel.C2)) {
 948             TestRun.check(compiledByC2(m) != TriState.Yes, m + " should have been deoptimized by C2");
 949         }
 950     }
 952     /**
 953      * Some VM flags could make the deopt assertions unstable.
 954      */
 955     public static boolean isStableDeopt(Method m, CompLevel level) {
 956         return (USE_COMPILER && !XCOMP && !IGNORE_COMPILER_CONTROLS && !TEST_C1 &&
 958                 (!EXCLUDE_RANDOM || WHITE_BOX.isMethodCompilable(m, level.getValue(), false)));
 959     }
 961     public static void assertCompiledByC1(Method m) {
 962         TestRun.check(compiledByC1(m) != TriState.No, m + " should have been C1 compiled");
 963     }
 965     public static void assertCompiledByC2(Method m) {
 966         TestRun.check(compiledByC2(m) != TriState.No, m + " should have been C2 compiled");
 967     }
 969     public static void assertCompiledAtLevel(Method m, CompLevel level) {
 970         TestRun.check(compiledAtLevel(m, level) != TriState.No, m + " should have been compiled at level " + level.name());
 971     }
 973     public static void assertNotCompiled(Method m) {
 974         TestRun.check(!isC1Compiled(m), m + " should not have been compiled by C1");
 975         TestRun.check(!isC2Compiled(m), m + " should not have been compiled by C2");
 976     }
 978     public static void assertCompiled(Method m) {
 979         TestRun.check(compiledByC1(m) != TriState.No || compiledByC2(m) != TriState.No, m + " should have been compiled");
 980     }
 982     private static TriState compiledByC1(Method m) {
 983         TriState triState = compiledAtLevel(m, CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE);
 984         if (triState != TriState.No) {
 985             return triState;
 986         }
 987         triState = compiledAtLevel(m, CompLevel.C1_LIMITED_PROFILE);
 988         if (triState != TriState.No) {
 989             return triState;
 990         }
 991         triState = compiledAtLevel(m, CompLevel.C1_FULL_PROFILE);
 992         return triState;
 993     }
 995     private static TriState compiledByC2(Method m) {
 996         return compiledAtLevel(m, CompLevel.C2);
 997     }
 999     private static TriState compiledAtLevel(Method m, CompLevel level) {
1000         if (WHITE_BOX.isMethodCompiled(m, false)) {
1001             switch (level) {
1002                 case C1_SIMPLE, C1_LIMITED_PROFILE, C1_FULL_PROFILE, C2 -> {
1003                     if (WHITE_BOX.getMethodCompilationLevel(m, false) == level.getValue()) {
1004                         return TriState.Yes;
1005                     }
1006                 }
1007                 case ANY -> {
1008                     return TriState.Yes;
1009                 }
1010                 default -> throw new TestRunException("compiledAtLevel() should not be called with " + level);
1011             }
1012         }
1014             (EXCLUDE_RANDOM && !WHITE_BOX.isMethodCompilable(m, level.getValue(), false))) {
1015             return TriState.Maybe;
1016         }
1017         return TriState.No;
1018     }
1019 }