1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2019, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  */
 24 package compiler.valhalla.inlinetypes;
 26 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.CompLevel;
 27 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.Run;
 28 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.Scenario;
 29 import compiler.lib.ir_framework.Test;
 30 import jdk.test.lib.Asserts;
 32 import jdk.internal.value.ValueClass;
 33 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ImplicitlyConstructible;
 34 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.LooselyConsistentValue;
 35 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.NullRestricted;
 37 import static compiler.valhalla.inlinetypes.InlineTypes.rI;
 38 import static compiler.valhalla.inlinetypes.InlineTypes.rL;
 40 /*
 41  * @test
 42  * @key randomness
 43  * @summary Various tests that are specific to C1.
 44  * @library /test/lib /
 45  * @requires (os.simpleArch == "x64" | os.simpleArch == "aarch64")
 46  * @enablePreview
 47  * @modules java.base/jdk.internal.value
 48  *          java.base/jdk.internal.vm.annotation
 49  * @run main/othervm/timeout=300 compiler.valhalla.inlinetypes.TestC1
 50  */
 52 public class TestC1 {
 53     public static void main(String[] args) {
 54         final Scenario[] scenarios = {
 55                 // C1 only
 56                 new Scenario(0, "-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1", "-XX:+TieredCompilation"),
 57                 // C2 only. (Make sure the tests are correctly written)
 58                 new Scenario(1, "-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=4", "-XX:-TieredCompilation"),
 59                 // interpreter only
 60                 new Scenario(2, "-Xint"),
 61                 // Xcomp Only C1.
 62                 new Scenario(3, "-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1", "-XX:+TieredCompilation", "-Xcomp"),
 63                 // Xcomp Only C2.
 64                 new Scenario(4, "-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=4", "-XX:-TieredCompilation", "-Xcomp")
 65         };
 67         InlineTypes.getFramework()
 68                    .addScenarios(scenarios)
 69                    .addFlags("--enable-preview",
 70                              "--add-exports", "java.base/jdk.internal.vm.annotation=ALL-UNNAMED",
 71                              "--add-exports", "java.base/jdk.internal.value=ALL-UNNAMED")
 72                    .addHelperClasses(MyValue1.class,
 73                                      MyValue2.class,
 74                                      MyValue2Inline.class,
 75                                      MyValue3.class,
 76                                      MyValue3Inline.class)
 77                    .start();
 78     }
 80     // JDK-8229799
 81     @Test(compLevel = CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE)
 82     public long test1(Object a, Object b, long n) {
 83         long r;
 84         n += (a == b) ? 0x5678123456781234L : 0x1234567812345678L;
 85         n -= 1;
 86         return n;
 87     }
 89     @Run(test = "test1")
 90     public void test1_verifier() {
 91         MyValue1 v1 = MyValue1.createWithFieldsInline(rI, rL);
 92         MyValue1 v2 = MyValue1.createWithFieldsInline(rI, rL+1);
 93         long r1 = test1(v1, v1, 1);
 94         long r2 = test1(v1, v2, 1);
 95         Asserts.assertEQ(r1, 0x5678123456781234L);
 96         Asserts.assertEQ(r2, 0x1234567812345678L);
 97     }
 99     @ImplicitlyConstructible
100     @LooselyConsistentValue
101     static value class SimpleValue2 {
102         int value;
104         SimpleValue2(int value) {
105             this.value = value;
106         }
107     }
109     // JDK-8231961
110     // Test that the value numbering optimization does not remove
111     // the second load from the buffered array element.
112     @Test(compLevel = CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE)
113     public int test2(SimpleValue2[] array) {
114         return array[0].value + array[0].value;
115     }
117     @Run(test = "test2")
118     public void test2_verifier() {
119         SimpleValue2[] array = (SimpleValue2[])ValueClass.newNullRestrictedArray(SimpleValue2.class, 1);
120         array[0] = new SimpleValue2(rI);
121         int result = test2(array);
122         Asserts.assertEQ(result, 2*rI);
123     }
126     // Tests below (3 to 8) check the behavior of the C1 optimization to access
127     // sub-elements of a flattened array without copying the element first
129     // Test access to a null array
130     @Test(compLevel = CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE)
131     public int test3(MyValue2[] array, int index) {
132         return array[index].x;
133     }
135     @Run(test = "test3")
136     public void test3_verifier() {
137         NullPointerException npe = null;
138         try {
139             test3(null, 0);
140         } catch(NullPointerException e) {
141             npe = e;
142         }
143         Asserts.assertNE(npe, null);
144     }
146     // Test out of bound accesses
147     @Test(compLevel = CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE)
148     public int test4(MyValue2[] array, int index) {
149         return array[index].x;
150     }
152     @Run(test = "test4")
153     public void test4_verifier() {
154         MyValue2[] array = new MyValue2[2];
155         ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioob = null;
156         try {
157             test3(array, -1);
158         } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
159             aioob = e;
160         }
161         Asserts.assertNE(aioob, null);
162         aioob = null;
163         try {
164             test3(array, 2);
165         } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
166             aioob = e;
167         }
168         Asserts.assertNE(aioob, null);
169     }
171     // Test 1st level sub-element access to primitive field
172     @Test(compLevel = CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE)
173     public int test5(MyValue2[] array, int index) {
174         return array[index].x;
175     }
177     @Run(test = "test5")
178     public void test5_verifier() {
179         MyValue2[] array = new MyValue2[2];
180         MyValue2 v = new MyValue2(1,(byte)2, new MyValue2Inline(5.0d, 345L));
181         array[1] = v;
182         int x = test5(array, 1);
183         Asserts.assertEQ(x, 1);
184     }
186     // Test 1st level sub-element access to flattened field
187     @Test(compLevel = CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE)
188     public MyValue2Inline test6(MyValue2[] array, int index) {
189         return array[index].v;
190     }
192     @Run(test = "test6")
193     public void test6_verifier() {
194         MyValue2[] array = new MyValue2[2];
195         MyValue2Inline vi = new MyValue2Inline(3.5d, 678L);
196         MyValue2 v = new MyValue2(1,(byte)2, vi);
197         array[0] = v;
198         MyValue2Inline vi2 = test6(array, 0);
199         Asserts.assertEQ(vi, vi2);
200     }
202     // Test 1st level sub-element access to non-flattened field
203     @ImplicitlyConstructible
204     @LooselyConsistentValue
205     static value class Big {
206         long l0,l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,l8,l9,l10,l11,l12,l13,l14,l15,l16,l17,l18,l19 ;
208         Big(long n) {
209             l0 = n++; l1 = n++; l2 = n++; l3 = n++; l4 = n++; l5 = n++; l6 = n++; l7 = n++; l8 = n++;
210             l9 = n++; l10 = n++; l11 = n++; l12 = n++; l13 = n++; l14 = n++; l15 = n++; l16= n++;
211             l17 = n++; l18 = n++; l19 = n++;
212         }
214         void check(long n, int i) {
215             Asserts.assertEQ(l0, n); n += i;
216             Asserts.assertEQ(l1, n); n += i;
217             Asserts.assertEQ(l2, n); n += i;
218             Asserts.assertEQ(l3, n); n += i;
219             Asserts.assertEQ(l4, n); n += i;
220             Asserts.assertEQ(l5, n); n += i;
221             Asserts.assertEQ(l6, n); n += i;
222             Asserts.assertEQ(l7, n); n += i;
223             Asserts.assertEQ(l8, n); n += i;
224             Asserts.assertEQ(l9, n); n += i;
225             Asserts.assertEQ(l10, n); n += i;
226             Asserts.assertEQ(l11, n); n += i;
227             Asserts.assertEQ(l12, n); n += i;
228             Asserts.assertEQ(l13, n); n += i;
229             Asserts.assertEQ(l14, n); n += i;
230             Asserts.assertEQ(l15, n); n += i;
231             Asserts.assertEQ(l16, n); n += i;
232             Asserts.assertEQ(l17, n); n += i;
233             Asserts.assertEQ(l18, n); n += i;
234             Asserts.assertEQ(l19, n);
235         }
236     }
238     @ImplicitlyConstructible
239     @LooselyConsistentValue
240     static value class TestValue {
241         int i;
242         @NullRestricted
243         Big big;
245         TestValue(int n) {
246             i = n;
247             big = new Big(n);
248         }
249     }
251     @Test(compLevel = CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE)
252     public Big test7(TestValue[] array, int index) {
253         return array[index].big;
254     }
256     @Run(test = "test7")
257     public void test7_verifier() {
258         TestValue[] array = (TestValue[])ValueClass.newNullRestrictedArray(TestValue.class, 7);
259         Big b0 = test7(array, 3);
260         b0.check(0, 0);
261         TestValue tv = new TestValue(9);
262         array[5] = tv;
263         Big b1 = test7(array, 5);
264         b1.check(9, 1);
265     }
267     // Test 2nd level sub-element access to primitive field
268     @Test(compLevel = CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE)
269     public byte test8(MyValue1[] array, int index) {
270         return array[index].v2.y;
271     }
273     @Run(test = "test8")
274     public void test8_verifier() {
275         MyValue1[] array = new MyValue1[23];
276         MyValue2 mv2a = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(7, 63L, 8.9d);
277         MyValue2 mv2b = MyValue2.createWithFieldsInline(11, 69L, 17.3d);
278         MyValue1 mv1 = new MyValue1(1, 2L, (short)3, 4, null, mv2a, mv2b, mv2a, mv2b, 'z');
279         array[19] = mv1;
280         byte b = test8(array, 19);
281         Asserts.assertEQ(b, (byte)11);
282     }
285     // Test optimizations for arrays of empty types
286     // (read/write are not performed, pre-allocated instance is used for reads)
287     // Most tests check that error conditions are still correctly handled
288     // (OOB, null pointer)
289     @ImplicitlyConstructible
290     @LooselyConsistentValue
291     static value class EmptyType {}
293     @Test(compLevel = CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE)
294     public EmptyType test9() {
295         EmptyType[] array = (EmptyType[])ValueClass.newNullRestrictedArray(EmptyType.class, 10);
296         return array[4];
297     }
299     @Run(test = "test9")
300     public void test9_verifier() {
301         EmptyType et = test9();
302         Asserts.assertEQ(et, new EmptyType());
303     }
305     @Test(compLevel = CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE)
306     public EmptyType test10(EmptyType[] array) {
307         return array[0];
308     }
310     @Run(test = "test10")
311     public void test10_verifier() {
312         EmptyType[] array = (EmptyType[])ValueClass.newNullRestrictedArray(EmptyType.class, 16);
313         EmptyType et = test10(array);
314         Asserts.assertEQ(et, new EmptyType());
315     }
317     @Test(compLevel = CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE)
318     public EmptyType test11(EmptyType[] array, int index) {
319         return array[index];
320     }
322     @Run(test = "test11")
323     public void test11_verifier() {
324         Exception e = null;
325         EmptyType[] array = (EmptyType[])ValueClass.newNullRestrictedArray(EmptyType.class, 10);
326         try {
327             EmptyType et = test11(array, 11);
328         } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
329             e = ex;
330         }
331         Asserts.assertNotNull(e);
332         e = null;
333         try {
334             EmptyType et = test11(array, -1);
335         } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
336             e = ex;
337         }
338         Asserts.assertNotNull(e);
339         e = null;
340         try {
341             EmptyType et = test11(null, 1);
342         } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
343             e = ex;
344         }
345         Asserts.assertNotNull(e);
346     }
348     @Test(compLevel = CompLevel.C1_SIMPLE)
349     public void test12(EmptyType[] array, int index, EmptyType value) {
350         array[index] = value;
351     }
353     @Run(test = "test12")
354     public void test12_verifier() {
355         EmptyType empty = new EmptyType();
356         EmptyType[] array = (EmptyType[])ValueClass.newNullRestrictedArray(EmptyType.class, 16);
357         test12(array, 2, empty);
358         Exception e = null;
359         try {
360             test12(null, 2, empty);
361         } catch(NullPointerException ex) {
362             e = ex;
363         }
364         Asserts.assertNotNull(e);
365         e = null;
366         try {
367             test12(array, 17, empty);
368         } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
369             e = ex;
370         }
371         Asserts.assertNotNull(e);
372         e = null;
373         try {
374             test12(array, -8, empty);
375         } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
376             e = ex;
377         }
378         Asserts.assertNotNull(e);
379     }
380 }