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 70             File classFile = new File(APP_SLASH_CLASSNAME + ".class");
 71             if (!classFile.exists()) {
 72                 throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: Cannot find dumped .class file");
 73             }
 75             // Run javap on the generated class file to make sure it's valid.
 76             JDKToolLauncher launcher = JDKToolLauncher.createUsingTestJDK("javap");
 77             launcher.addVMArgs(Utils.getTestJavaOpts());
 78             // Let javap print additional info, e.g., StackMapTable
 79             launcher.addToolArg("-verbose");
 80             launcher.addToolArg(classFile.toString());
 81             System.out.println("> javap " + classFile.toString());
 82             List<String> cmdStringList = Arrays.asList(launcher.getCommand());
 83             ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmdStringList);
 84             Process javap = pb.start();
 85             OutputAnalyzer out = new OutputAnalyzer(javap);
 86             javap.waitFor();
 87             System.out.println(out.getStdout());
 88             System.err.println(out.getStderr());
 89             out.shouldHaveExitValue(0);
 90             out.shouldMatch("public class " + APP_DOT_CLASSNAME);
 91             // StackMapTable might not be generated for a class
 92             // containing only methods with sequential control flows.
 93             // But the class used here (LingeredApp) is not such a case.
 94             out.shouldContain("StackMapTable:");
 95             out.shouldContain("BootstrapMethods:");
 96             out.shouldNotContain("Error:");
 97         } catch (SkippedException se) {
 98             throw se;
 99         } catch (Exception ex) {
100             throw new RuntimeException("Test ERROR " + ex, ex);
101         } finally {
102             LingeredApp.stopApp(theApp);
103         }
104         System.out.println("Test PASSED");
105     }
106 }

 70             File classFile = new File(APP_SLASH_CLASSNAME + ".class");
 71             if (!classFile.exists()) {
 72                 throw new RuntimeException("FAILED: Cannot find dumped .class file");
 73             }
 75             // Run javap on the generated class file to make sure it's valid.
 76             JDKToolLauncher launcher = JDKToolLauncher.createUsingTestJDK("javap");
 77             launcher.addVMArgs(Utils.getTestJavaOpts());
 78             // Let javap print additional info, e.g., StackMapTable
 79             launcher.addToolArg("-verbose");
 80             launcher.addToolArg(classFile.toString());
 81             System.out.println("> javap " + classFile.toString());
 82             List<String> cmdStringList = Arrays.asList(launcher.getCommand());
 83             ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmdStringList);
 84             Process javap = pb.start();
 85             OutputAnalyzer out = new OutputAnalyzer(javap);
 86             javap.waitFor();
 87             System.out.println(out.getStdout());
 88             System.err.println(out.getStderr());
 89             out.shouldHaveExitValue(0);
 90             out.shouldMatch("public identity class " + APP_DOT_CLASSNAME);
 91             // StackMapTable might not be generated for a class
 92             // containing only methods with sequential control flows.
 93             // But the class used here (LingeredApp) is not such a case.
 94             out.shouldContain("StackMapTable:");
 95             out.shouldContain("BootstrapMethods:");
 96             out.shouldNotContain("Error:");
 97         } catch (SkippedException se) {
 98             throw se;
 99         } catch (Exception ex) {
100             throw new RuntimeException("Test ERROR " + ex, ex);
101         } finally {
102             LingeredApp.stopApp(theApp);
103         }
104         System.out.println("Test PASSED");
105     }
106 }
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