< prev index next > test/jdk/java/util/ServiceLoader/BadProvidersTest.java
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* questions.
* @test
+ * @enablePreview
* @library /test/lib
* @modules jdk.compiler
* @build jdk.test.lib.compiler.CompilerUtils
* @run testng/othervm BadProvidersTest
* @summary Basic test of ServiceLoader with bad provider and bad provider
public void testWithTwoFactoryMethods() throws Exception {
Path mods = compileTest(TEST1_MODULE);
var bytes = ClassFile.of().build(ClassDesc.of("p", "ProviderFactory"), clb -> {
- clb.withFlags(AccessFlag.PUBLIC, AccessFlag.SUPER);
+ clb.withFlags(AccessFlag.PUBLIC, AccessFlag.IDENTITY);
var providerFactory$1 = ClassDesc.of("p", "ProviderFactory$1");
// public static p.Service provider()
clb.withMethodBody("provider", MethodTypeDesc.of(ClassDesc.of("p", "Service")),
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