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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-  * Copyright (c) 2012, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+  * Copyright (c) 2012, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   * published by the Free Software Foundation.

@@ -26,93 +26,100 @@
  import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
  import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque;
  import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
  import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;
  import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet;
- import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
- import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
  import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
  import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
  import java.util.concurrent.LinkedTransferQueue;
  import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue;
  import java.util.function.Supplier;
- import java.util.stream.LambdaTestHelpers;
+ import java.util.stream.IntStream;
  import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
  import org.testng.annotations.Test;
  import java.util.*;
  import java.util.stream.Stream;
  import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
  import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
+ /*
+  * @test
+  * @summary Tests laziness of stream operations
+  * @bug 8336672
+  */
   * Tests laziness of stream operations -- mutations to the source after the stream() but prior to terminal operations
   * are reflected in the stream contents.
  public class CollectionAndMapModifyStreamTest {
+     // Well known Identity instances; needed for IdentityHashMap
+     static List<String> CONTENT = IntStream.range(0, 10).mapToObj(i -> "BASE-" + i).toList();
      @DataProvider(name = "collections")
      public Object[][] createCollections() {
-         List<Integer> content = LambdaTestHelpers.countTo(10);
-         List<Collection<Integer>> collections = new ArrayList<>();
-         collections.add(new ArrayList<>(content));
-         collections.add(new LinkedList<>(content));
-         collections.add(new Vector<>(content));
+         List<Collection<String>> collections = new ArrayList<>();
+         collections.add(new ArrayList<>(CONTENT));
+         collections.add(new LinkedList<>(CONTENT));
+         collections.add(new Vector<>(CONTENT));
-         collections.add(new HashSet<>(content));
-         collections.add(new LinkedHashSet<>(content));
-         collections.add(new TreeSet<>(content));
+         collections.add(new HashSet<>(CONTENT));
+         collections.add(new LinkedHashSet<>(CONTENT));
+         collections.add(new TreeSet<>(CONTENT));
-         Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
-         stack.addAll(content);
+         Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
+         stack.addAll(CONTENT);
-         collections.add(new PriorityQueue<>(content));
-         collections.add(new ArrayDeque<>(content));
+         collections.add(new PriorityQueue<>(CONTENT));
+         collections.add(new ArrayDeque<>(CONTENT));
          // Concurrent collections
-         collections.add(new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(content));
+         collections.add(new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(CONTENT));
-         ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer> arrayBlockingQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(content.size());
-         for (Integer i : content)
+         ArrayBlockingQueue<String> arrayBlockingQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(CONTENT.size());
+         for (String i : CONTENT)
-         collections.add(new PriorityBlockingQueue<>(content));
-         collections.add(new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(content));
-         collections.add(new LinkedTransferQueue<>(content));
-         collections.add(new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(content));
-         collections.add(new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(content));
-         collections.add(new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>(content));
+         collections.add(new PriorityBlockingQueue<>(CONTENT));
+         collections.add(new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(CONTENT));
+         collections.add(new LinkedTransferQueue<>(CONTENT));
+         collections.add(new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(CONTENT));
+         collections.add(new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(CONTENT));
+         collections.add(new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>(CONTENT));
          Object[][] params = new Object[collections.size()][];
          for (int i = 0; i < collections.size(); i++) {
              params[i] = new Object[]{collections.get(i).getClass().getName(), collections.get(i)};
          return params;
      @Test(dataProvider = "collections")
-     public void testCollectionSizeRemove(String name, Collection<Integer> c) {
-         assertTrue(c.remove(1));
-         Stream<Integer> s = c.stream();
-         assertTrue(c.remove(2));
+     public void testCollectionSizeRemove(String name, Collection<String> c) {
+         assertTrue(c.remove(CONTENT.get(0)));
+         Stream<String> s = c.stream();
+         assertTrue(c.remove(CONTENT.get(1)));
          Object[] result = s.toArray();
          assertEquals(result.length, c.size());
      @DataProvider(name = "maps")
      public Object[][] createMaps() {
-         Map<Integer, Integer> content = new HashMap<>();
+         Map<String, String> content = new HashMap<>();
          for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-             content.put(i, i);
+             var ix = CONTENT.get(i);
+             content.put(ix, ix);
-         Map<String, Supplier<Map<Integer, Integer>>> maps = new HashMap<>();
+         Map<String, Supplier<Map<String, String>>> maps = new HashMap<>();
          maps.put(HashMap.class.getName(), () -> new HashMap<>(content));
          maps.put(LinkedHashMap.class.getName(), () -> new LinkedHashMap<>(content));
          maps.put(IdentityHashMap.class.getName(), () -> new IdentityHashMap<>(content));
          maps.put(WeakHashMap.class.getName(), () -> new WeakHashMap<>(content));

@@ -130,38 +137,37 @@
          maps.put(ConcurrentHashMap.class.getName(), () -> new ConcurrentHashMap<>(content));
          maps.put(ConcurrentSkipListMap.class.getName(), () -> new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>(content));
          Object[][] params = new Object[maps.size()][];
          int i = 0;
-         for (Map.Entry<String, Supplier<Map<Integer, Integer>>> e : maps.entrySet()) {
+         for (Map.Entry<String, Supplier<Map<String, String>>> e : maps.entrySet()) {
              params[i++] = new Object[]{e.getKey(), e.getValue()};
          return params;
      @Test(dataProvider = "maps", groups = { "serialization-hostile" })
-     public void testMapKeysSizeRemove(String name, Supplier<Map<Integer, Integer>> c) {
+     public void testMapKeysSizeRemove(String name, Supplier<Map<String, String>> c) {
          testCollectionSizeRemove(name + " key set", c.get().keySet());
      @Test(dataProvider = "maps", groups = { "serialization-hostile" })
-     public void testMapValuesSizeRemove(String name, Supplier<Map<Integer, Integer>> c) {
+     public void testMapValuesSizeRemove(String name, Supplier<Map<String, String>> c) {
          testCollectionSizeRemove(name + " value set", c.get().values());
      @Test(dataProvider = "maps")
-     public void testMapEntriesSizeRemove(String name, Supplier<Map<Integer, Integer>> c) {
+     public void testMapEntriesSizeRemove(String name, Supplier<Map<String, String>> c) {
          testEntrySetSizeRemove(name + " entry set", c.get().entrySet());
-     private void testEntrySetSizeRemove(String name, Set<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> c) {
-         Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> first = c.iterator().next();
+     private void testEntrySetSizeRemove(String name, Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> c) {
+         Map.Entry<String, String> first = c.iterator().next();
-         Stream<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> s = c.stream();
-         Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> second = c.iterator().next();
+         Stream<Map.Entry<String, String>> s = c.stream();
+         Map.Entry<String, String> second = c.iterator().next();
          Object[] result = s.toArray();
          assertEquals(result.length, c.size());
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