< prev index next > test/jdk/tools/sincechecker/SinceChecker.java
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note: The `<unique-Element-ID>` for methods looks like
`method: <erased-return-descriptor> <binary-name-of-enclosing-class>.<method-name>(<ParameterDescriptor>)`.
it is somewhat inspired from the VM Method Descriptors. But we use the erased return so that methods
that were later generified remain the same.
+ To help projects still in development, unsure of actual `@since` tag value, one may want to use token name instead of continuely
+ updating the current version since tags. For example, `@since LongRunningProjectName`. The option `--ignoreSince` maybe used to
+ ignore these tags (`--ignoreSince LongRunningProjectName`). Maybe be specified multiple times.
usage: the checker is run from a module specific test
- `@run main SinceChecker <moduleName> [--exclude package1,package2 | --exclude package1 package2]`
+ `@run main SinceChecker <moduleName> [--ignoreSince <string>] [--exclude package1,package2 | --exclude package1 package2]`
public class SinceChecker {
private final Map<String, Set<String>> LEGACY_PREVIEW_METHODS = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, IntroducedIn> classDictionary = new HashMap<>();
private final JavaCompiler tool;
private int errorCount = 0;
+ // Ignored since tags
+ private static final Set<String> IGNORE_SINCE = new HashSet<>();
+ // Simply replace ignored since tags with the latest version
+ private static final Version IGNORE_VERSION = Version.parse(Integer.toString(Runtime.version().major()));
// packages to skip during the test
private static final Set<String> EXCLUDE_LIST = new HashSet<>();
public static class IntroducedIn {
public String introducedPreview;
String moduleName = args[0];
boolean excludeFlag = false;
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
- if ("--exclude".equals(args[i])) {
+ if ("--ignoreSince".equals(args[i])) {
+ i++;
+ IGNORE_SINCE.add("@since " + args[i]);
+ }
+ else if ("--exclude".equals(args[i])) {
excludeFlag = true;
if (excludeFlag) {
String position = javadocHelper.getElementPosition(uniqueId);
checkEquals(position, sinceVersion, realMappedVersion, uniqueId);
private Version extractSinceVersionFromText(String documentation) {
+ for (String ignoreSince : IGNORE_SINCE) {
+ if (documentation.contains(ignoreSince)) {
+ }
+ }
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("@since\\s+(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(documentation);
if (matcher.find()) {
String versionString = matcher.group(1);
try {
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