1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2011, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  */
 24 /*
 25  * @test
 26  * @bug 7042566 8006694 8129962
 27  * @summary Unambiguous varargs method calls flagged as ambiguous
 28  *  temporarily workaround combo tests are causing time out in several platforms
 29  * @enablePreview
 30  * @library /tools/javac/lib
 31  * @modules java.base/jdk.internal.classfile.impl
 32  *          jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api
 33  *          jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.file
 34  *          jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.util
 35  * @build combo.ComboTestHelper
 36  * @run main T7042566
 37  */
 39 import java.io.IOException;
 40 import java.io.InputStream;
 41 import javax.tools.JavaFileObject;
 43 import java.lang.classfile.*;
 44 import java.lang.classfile.attribute.CodeAttribute;
 45 import java.lang.classfile.constantpool.MemberRefEntry;
 46 import java.lang.classfile.constantpool.MethodRefEntry;
 47 import java.lang.classfile.instruction.InvokeInstruction;
 48 import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List;
 50 import combo.ComboInstance;
 51 import combo.ComboParameter;
 52 import combo.ComboTask.Result;
 53 import combo.ComboTestHelper;
 55 public class T7042566 extends ComboInstance<T7042566> {
 57     enum TypeKind {
 58         OBJECT("Object", "(Object)null", "Ljava/lang/Object;"),
 59         STRING("String", "(String)null", "Ljava/lang/String;");
 61         String typeString;
 62         String valueString;
 63         String bytecodeString;
 65         TypeKind(String typeString, String valueString, String bytecodeString) {
 66             this.typeString = typeString;
 67             this.valueString = valueString;
 68             this.bytecodeString = bytecodeString;
 69         }
 71         boolean isSubtypeOf(TypeKind that) {
 72             return that == OBJECT ||
 73                     (that == STRING && this == STRING);
 74         }
 75     }
 77     enum TypeConfiguration implements ComboParameter {
 78         A(TypeKind.OBJECT),
 79         B(TypeKind.STRING),
 80         AA(TypeKind.OBJECT, TypeKind.OBJECT),
 81         AB(TypeKind.OBJECT, TypeKind.STRING),
 82         BA(TypeKind.STRING, TypeKind.OBJECT),
 83         BB(TypeKind.STRING, TypeKind.STRING),
 84         AAA(TypeKind.OBJECT, TypeKind.OBJECT, TypeKind.OBJECT),
 85         AAB(TypeKind.OBJECT, TypeKind.OBJECT, TypeKind.STRING),
 86         ABA(TypeKind.OBJECT, TypeKind.STRING, TypeKind.OBJECT),
 87         ABB(TypeKind.OBJECT, TypeKind.STRING, TypeKind.STRING),
 88         BAA(TypeKind.STRING, TypeKind.OBJECT, TypeKind.OBJECT),
 89         BAB(TypeKind.STRING, TypeKind.OBJECT, TypeKind.STRING),
 90         BBA(TypeKind.STRING, TypeKind.STRING, TypeKind.OBJECT),
 91         BBB(TypeKind.STRING, TypeKind.STRING, TypeKind.STRING);
 93         List<TypeKind> typeKindList;
 94         String expressionListStr;
 95         String parameterListStr;
 96         String bytecodeSigStr;
 98         TypeConfiguration(TypeKind... typeKindList) {
 99             this.typeKindList = List.from(typeKindList);
100             expressionListStr = asExpressionList();
101             parameterListStr = asParameterList();
102             bytecodeSigStr = asBytecodeString();
103         }
105         private String asExpressionList() {
106             StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
107             String sep = "";
108             for (TypeKind tk : typeKindList) {
109                 buf.append(sep);
110                 buf.append(tk.valueString);
111                 sep = ",";
112             }
113             return buf.toString();
114         }
116         private String asParameterList() {
117             StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
118             String sep = "";
119             int count = 0;
120             for (TypeKind arg : typeKindList) {
121                 buf.append(sep);
122                 buf.append(arg.typeString);
123                 if (count == (typeKindList.size() - 1)) {
124                     buf.append("...");
125                 }
126                 buf.append(" ");
127                 buf.append("arg" + count++);
128                 sep = ",";
129             }
130             return buf.toString();
131         }
133         private String asBytecodeString() {
134             StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
135             int count = 0;
136             for (TypeKind arg : typeKindList) {
137                 if (count == (typeKindList.size() - 1)) {
138                     buf.append("[");
139                 }
140                 buf.append(arg.bytecodeString);
141                 count++;
142             }
143             return buf.toString();
144         }
146         @Override
147         public String expand(String optParameter) {
148             return expressionListStr;
149         }
150     }
152     static class VarargsMethod {
153         TypeConfiguration parameterTypes;
155         public VarargsMethod(TypeConfiguration parameterTypes) {
156             this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes;
157         }
159         @Override
160         public String toString() {
161             return "void m( " + parameterTypes.parameterListStr + ") {}";
162         }
164         boolean isApplicable(TypeConfiguration that) {
165             List<TypeKind> actuals = that.typeKindList;
166             List<TypeKind> formals = parameterTypes.typeKindList;
167             if ((actuals.size() - formals.size()) < -1)
168                 return false; //not enough args
169             for (TypeKind actual : actuals) {
170                 if (!actual.isSubtypeOf(formals.head))
171                     return false; //type mismatch
172                 formals = formals.tail.isEmpty() ?
173                     formals :
174                     formals.tail;
175             }
176             return true;
177         }
179         boolean isMoreSpecificThan(VarargsMethod that) {
180             List<TypeKind> actuals = parameterTypes.typeKindList;
181             List<TypeKind> formals = that.parameterTypes.typeKindList;
182             int checks = 0;
183             int expectedCheck = Math.max(actuals.size(), formals.size());
184             while (checks < expectedCheck) {
185                 if (!actuals.head.isSubtypeOf(formals.head))
186                     return false; //type mismatch
187                 formals = formals.tail.isEmpty() ?
188                     formals :
189                     formals.tail;
190                 actuals = actuals.tail.isEmpty() ?
191                     actuals :
192                     actuals.tail;
193                 checks++;
194             }
195             return true;
196         }
197     }
199     public static void main(String[] args) {
200         new ComboTestHelper<T7042566>()
201                 .withArrayDimension("SIG", (x, sig, idx) -> x.methodSignatures[idx] = sig, 2, TypeConfiguration.values())
202                 .withDimension("ACTUALS", (x, actuals) -> x.actuals = actuals, TypeConfiguration.values())
203                 .run(T7042566::new, T7042566::setup);
204     }
206     VarargsMethod m1;
207     VarargsMethod m2;
208     TypeConfiguration[] methodSignatures = new TypeConfiguration[2];
209     TypeConfiguration actuals;
211     void setup() {
212         this.m1 = new VarargsMethod(methodSignatures[0]);
213         this.m2 = new VarargsMethod(methodSignatures[1]);
214     }
216     final String source_template = "class Test {\n" +
217                 "   #{METH.1}\n" +
218                 "   #{METH.2}\n" +
219                 "   void test() { m(#{ACTUALS}); }\n" +
220                 "}";
222     @Override
223     public void doWork() throws IOException {
224         newCompilationTask()
225                 .withSourceFromTemplate(source_template, this::getMethodDecl)
226                 .generate(this::check);
227     }
229     ComboParameter getMethodDecl(String parameterName) {
230         switch (parameterName) {
231             case "METH": return optParameter -> {
232                 return optParameter.equals("1") ?
233                         m1.toString() : m2.toString();
234             };
235             default:
236                 return null;
237         }
238     }
240     void check(Result<Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject>> res) {
241         boolean resolutionError = false;
242         VarargsMethod selectedMethod = null;
244         boolean m1_applicable = m1.isApplicable(actuals);
245         boolean m2_applicable = m2.isApplicable(actuals);
247         if (!m1_applicable && !m2_applicable) {
248             resolutionError = true;
249         } else if (m1_applicable && m2_applicable) {
250             //most specific
251             boolean m1_moreSpecific = m1.isMoreSpecificThan(m2);
252             boolean m2_moreSpecific = m2.isMoreSpecificThan(m1);
254             resolutionError = m1_moreSpecific == m2_moreSpecific;
255             selectedMethod = m1_moreSpecific ? m1 : m2;
256         } else {
257             selectedMethod = m1_applicable ?
258                 m1 : m2;
259         }
261         if (res.hasErrors() != resolutionError) {
262             fail("invalid diagnostics for source:\n" +
263                     res.compilationInfo() +
264                     "\nExpected resolution error: " + resolutionError +
265                     "\nFound error: " + res.hasErrors());
266         } else if (!resolutionError) {
267             verifyBytecode(res, selectedMethod);
268         }
269     }
271     void verifyBytecode(Result<Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject>> res, VarargsMethod selected) {
272         try (InputStream is = res.get().iterator().next().openInputStream()) {
273             ClassModel cf = ClassFile.of().parse(is.readAllBytes());
274             MethodModel testMethod = null;
275             for (MethodModel m : cf.methods()) {
276                 if (m.methodName().equalsString("test")) {
277                     testMethod = m;
278                     break;
279                 }
280             }
281             if (testMethod == null) {
282                 fail("Test method not found");
283                 return;
284             }
285             CodeAttribute ea = testMethod.findAttribute(Attributes.CODE).orElse(null);
286             if (ea == null) {
287                 fail("Code attribute for test() method not found");
288                 return;
289             }
290             for (CodeElement i : ea.elementList()) {
291                 if (i instanceof InvokeInstruction ins && ins.opcode() == Opcode.INVOKEVIRTUAL) {
292                     MemberRefEntry methRef = ins.method();
293                     String type = methRef.type().stringValue();
294                     String sig = selected.parameterTypes.bytecodeSigStr;
295                     if (!type.contains(sig)) {
296                         fail("Unexpected type method call: " +
297                                         type + "" +
298                                         "\nfound: " + sig +
299                                         "\n" + res.compilationInfo());
300                         return;
301                     }
302                     break;
303                 }
304             }
305         } catch (Exception e) {
306             e.printStackTrace();
307             fail("error reading classfile; " + res.compilationInfo() +": " + e);
308         }
309     }
310 }