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*** 31,16 ***
--- 31,18 ---
  #include "c1/c1_ValueStack.hpp"
  #include "ci/ciArrayKlass.hpp"
  #include "ci/ciInstance.hpp"
  #include "ci/ciObjArray.hpp"
  #include "ci/ciUtilities.hpp"
+ #include "code/SCCache.hpp"
  #include "compiler/compilerDefinitions.inline.hpp"
  #include "compiler/compilerOracle.hpp"
  #include "gc/shared/barrierSet.hpp"
  #include "gc/shared/c1/barrierSetC1.hpp"
  #include "oops/klass.inline.hpp"
  #include "oops/methodCounters.hpp"
+ #include "runtime/runtimeUpcalls.hpp"
  #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
  #include "runtime/vm_version.hpp"
  #include "utilities/bitMap.inline.hpp"
  #include "utilities/macros.hpp"

*** 2611,10 ***
--- 2613,21 ---
      __ metadata2reg(method()->constant_encoding(), meth);
      call_runtime(&signature, args, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::dtrace_method_entry), voidType, nullptr);
+   MethodDetails method_details(method());
+   RuntimeUpcallInfo* upcall = RuntimeUpcalls::get_first_upcall(RuntimeUpcallType::onMethodEntry, method_details);
+   while (upcall != nullptr) {
+     BasicTypeList signature;
+     signature.append(LP64_ONLY(T_LONG) NOT_LP64(T_INT));    // thread
+     LIR_OprList* args = new LIR_OprList();
+     args->append(getThreadPointer());
+     call_runtime(&signature, args, upcall->upcall_address(), voidType, nullptr);
+     upcall = RuntimeUpcalls::get_next_upcall(RuntimeUpcallType::onMethodEntry, method_details, upcall);
+   }
    if (method()->is_synchronized()) {
      LIR_Opr obj;
      if (method()->is_static()) {
        obj = new_register(T_OBJECT);
        __ oop2reg(method()->holder()->java_mirror()->constant_encoding(), obj);

*** 3202,10 ***
--- 3215,14 ---
  void LIRGenerator::increment_event_counter_impl(CodeEmitInfo* info,
                                                  ciMethod *method, LIR_Opr step, int frequency,
                                                  int bci, bool backedge, bool notify) {
+   if (PreloadOnly) {
+     // Nothing to do if we only use preload code.
+     return;
+   }
    assert(frequency == 0 || is_power_of_2(frequency + 1), "Frequency must be x^2 - 1 or 0");
    int level = _compilation->env()->comp_level();
    assert(level > CompLevel_simple, "Shouldn't be here");
    int offset = -1;

*** 3214,12 ***
--- 3231,17 ---
      MethodCounters* counters_adr = method->ensure_method_counters();
      if (counters_adr == nullptr) {
        bailout("method counters allocation failed");
+ if (SCCache::is_on()) {
+     counter_holder = new_register(T_METADATA);
+     __ metadata2reg(counters_adr, counter_holder);
+ } else {
      counter_holder = new_pointer_register();
      __ move(LIR_OprFact::intptrConst(counters_adr), counter_holder);
+ }
      offset = in_bytes(backedge ? MethodCounters::backedge_counter_offset() :
    } else if (level == CompLevel_full_profile) {
      counter_holder = new_register(T_METADATA);
      offset = in_bytes(backedge ? MethodData::backedge_counter_offset() :
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