< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/compiler/compilationPolicy.hpp
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#include "code/nmethod.hpp"
#include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
#include "oops/methodData.hpp"
+ #include "oops/trainingData.hpp"
#include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
+ namespace CompilationPolicyUtils {
+ template<typename T>
+ class Queue {
+ class QueueNode : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
+ T* _value;
+ QueueNode* _next;
+ public:
+ QueueNode(T* value, QueueNode* next) : _value(value), _next(next) { }
+ T* value() const { return _value; }
+ void set_next(QueueNode* next) { _next = next; }
+ QueueNode* next() const { return _next; }
+ };
+ QueueNode* _head;
+ QueueNode* _tail;
+ void push_unlocked(T* value) {
+ QueueNode* n = new QueueNode(value, nullptr);
+ if (_tail != nullptr) {
+ _tail->set_next(n);
+ }
+ _tail = n;
+ if (_head == nullptr) {
+ _head = _tail;
+ }
+ }
+ T* pop_unlocked() {
+ QueueNode* n = _head;
+ if (_head != nullptr) {
+ _head = _head->next();
+ }
+ if (_head == nullptr) {
+ _tail = _head;
+ }
+ T* value = nullptr;
+ if (n != nullptr) {
+ value = n->value();
+ delete n;
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ public:
+ Queue() : _head(nullptr), _tail(nullptr) { }
+ void push(T* value, Monitor* lock, TRAPS) {
+ MonitorLocker locker(THREAD, lock);
+ push_unlocked(value);
+ locker.notify_all();
+ }
+ bool is_empty_unlocked() const { return _head == nullptr; }
+ T* pop(Monitor* lock, TRAPS) {
+ MonitorLocker locker(THREAD, lock);
+ while(is_empty_unlocked() && !CompileBroker::is_compilation_disabled_forever()) {
+ locker.notify_all(); // notify that queue is empty
+ locker.wait();
+ }
+ T* value = pop_unlocked();
+ return value;
+ }
+ T* try_pop(Monitor* lock, TRAPS) {
+ MonitorLocker locker(THREAD, lock);
+ T* value = nullptr;
+ if (!is_empty_unlocked()) {
+ value = pop_unlocked();
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ void print_on(outputStream* st);
+ };
+ } // namespace CompilationPolicyUtils
class CompileTask;
class CompileQueue;
* The system supports 5 execution levels:
* * level 0 - interpreter (Profiling is tracked by a MethodData object, or MDO in short)
class CompilationPolicy : AllStatic {
friend class CallPredicate;
friend class LoopPredicate;
! static jlong _start_time;
! static int _c1_count, _c2_count;
static double _increase_threshold_at_ratio;
// Set carry flags in the counters (in Method* and MDO).
inline static void handle_counter_overflow(const methodHandle& method);
#ifdef ASSERT
// Verify that a level is consistent with the compilation mode
class CompilationPolicy : AllStatic {
friend class CallPredicate;
friend class LoopPredicate;
+ friend class RecompilationPolicy;
! typedef CompilationPolicyUtils::Queue<InstanceKlass> TrainingReplayQueue;
+ static int64_t _start_time;
+ static int _c1_count, _c2_count, _c3_count, _sc_count;
static double _increase_threshold_at_ratio;
+ static TrainingReplayQueue _training_replay_queue;
// Set carry flags in the counters (in Method* and MDO).
inline static void handle_counter_overflow(const methodHandle& method);
#ifdef ASSERT
// Verify that a level is consistent with the compilation mode
// Clamp the request level according to various constraints.
inline static CompLevel limit_level(CompLevel level);
// Common transition function. Given a predicate determines if a method should transition to another level.
template<typename Predicate>
! static CompLevel common(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, bool disable_feedback = false);
// Transition functions.
// call_event determines if a method should be compiled at a different
// level with a regular invocation entry.
! static CompLevel call_event(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, Thread* thread);
// loop_event checks if a method should be OSR compiled at a different
// level.
! static CompLevel loop_event(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, Thread* thread);
! static void print_counters(const char* prefix, const Method* m);
// Has a method been long around?
// We don't remove old methods from the compile queue even if they have
// very low activity (see select_task()).
inline static bool is_old(const methodHandle& method);
// Was a given method inactive for a given number of milliseconds.
// If it is, we would remove it from the queue (see select_task()).
! inline static bool is_stale(jlong t, jlong timeout, const methodHandle& method);
// Compute the weight of the method for the compilation scheduling
inline static double weight(Method* method);
// Apply heuristics and return true if x should be compiled before y
inline static bool compare_methods(Method* x, Method* y);
// Compute event rate for a given method. The rate is the number of event (invocations + backedges)
// per millisecond.
! inline static void update_rate(jlong t, const methodHandle& method);
// Compute threshold scaling coefficient
inline static double threshold_scale(CompLevel level, int feedback_k);
// If a method is old enough and is still in the interpreter we would want to
// start profiling without waiting for the compiled method to arrive. This function
// determines whether we should do that.
// Clamp the request level according to various constraints.
inline static CompLevel limit_level(CompLevel level);
// Common transition function. Given a predicate determines if a method should transition to another level.
template<typename Predicate>
! static CompLevel common(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, JavaThread* THREAD, bool disable_feedback = false);
+ template<typename Predicate>
+ static CompLevel transition_from_none(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, bool delay_profiling, bool disable_feedback);
+ template<typename Predicate>
+ static CompLevel transition_from_limited_profile(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, bool delay_profiling, bool disable_feedback);
+ template<typename Predicate>
+ static CompLevel transition_from_full_profile(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level);
+ template<typename Predicate>
+ static CompLevel standard_transition(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, bool delayprof, bool disable_feedback);
+ static CompLevel trained_transition_from_none(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, MethodTrainingData* mtd, JavaThread* THREAD);
+ static CompLevel trained_transition_from_limited_profile(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, MethodTrainingData* mtd, JavaThread* THREAD);
+ static CompLevel trained_transition_from_full_profile(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, MethodTrainingData* mtd, JavaThread* THREAD);
+ static CompLevel trained_transition(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, MethodTrainingData* mtd, JavaThread* THREAD);
// Transition functions.
// call_event determines if a method should be compiled at a different
// level with a regular invocation entry.
! static CompLevel call_event(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, JavaThread* THREAD);
// loop_event checks if a method should be OSR compiled at a different
// level.
! static CompLevel loop_event(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, JavaThread* THREAD);
! static void print_counters(const char* prefix, Method* m);
+ static void print_training_data(const char* prefix, Method* method);
// Has a method been long around?
// We don't remove old methods from the compile queue even if they have
// very low activity (see select_task()).
inline static bool is_old(const methodHandle& method);
// Was a given method inactive for a given number of milliseconds.
// If it is, we would remove it from the queue (see select_task()).
! inline static bool is_stale(int64_t t, int64_t timeout, const methodHandle& method);
// Compute the weight of the method for the compilation scheduling
inline static double weight(Method* method);
// Apply heuristics and return true if x should be compiled before y
inline static bool compare_methods(Method* x, Method* y);
+ inline static bool compare_tasks(CompileTask* x, CompileTask* y);
// Compute event rate for a given method. The rate is the number of event (invocations + backedges)
// per millisecond.
! inline static void update_rate(int64_t t, const methodHandle& method);
// Compute threshold scaling coefficient
inline static double threshold_scale(CompLevel level, int feedback_k);
// If a method is old enough and is still in the interpreter we would want to
// start profiling without waiting for the compiled method to arrive. This function
// determines whether we should do that.
// Is method profiled enough?
static bool is_method_profiled(const methodHandle& method);
static void set_c1_count(int x) { _c1_count = x; }
static void set_c2_count(int x) { _c2_count = x; }
! static void print_event(EventType type, const Method* m, const Method* im, int bci, CompLevel level);
// Check if the method can be compiled, change level if necessary
static void compile(const methodHandle& mh, int bci, CompLevel level, TRAPS);
// Simple methods are as good being compiled with C1 as C2.
// This function tells if it's such a function.
inline static bool is_trivial(const methodHandle& method);
// Is method profiled enough?
static bool is_method_profiled(const methodHandle& method);
static void set_c1_count(int x) { _c1_count = x; }
static void set_c2_count(int x) { _c2_count = x; }
+ static void set_c3_count(int x) { _c3_count = x; }
+ static void set_sc_count(int x) { _sc_count = x; }
! static void print_event(EventType type, Method* m, Method* im, int bci, CompLevel level);
// Check if the method can be compiled, change level if necessary
static void compile(const methodHandle& mh, int bci, CompLevel level, TRAPS);
// Simple methods are as good being compiled with C1 as C2.
// This function tells if it's such a function.
inline static bool is_trivial(const methodHandle& method);
CompLevel level, nmethod* nm, TRAPS);
static void method_back_branch_event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
int bci, CompLevel level, nmethod* nm, TRAPS);
static void set_increase_threshold_at_ratio() { _increase_threshold_at_ratio = 100 / (100 - (double)IncreaseFirstTierCompileThresholdAt); }
! static void set_start_time(jlong t) { _start_time = t; }
! static jlong start_time() { return _start_time; }
// m must be compiled before executing it
static bool must_be_compiled(const methodHandle& m, int comp_level = CompLevel_any);
! public:
static int min_invocations() { return Tier4MinInvocationThreshold; }
static int c1_count() { return _c1_count; }
static int c2_count() { return _c2_count; }
static int compiler_count(CompLevel comp_level);
// If m must_be_compiled then request a compilation from the CompileBroker.
// This supports the -Xcomp option.
static void compile_if_required(const methodHandle& m, TRAPS);
// m is allowed to be compiled
static bool can_be_compiled(const methodHandle& m, int comp_level = CompLevel_any);
// m is allowed to be osr compiled
static bool can_be_osr_compiled(const methodHandle& m, int comp_level = CompLevel_any);
static bool is_compilation_enabled();
CompLevel level, nmethod* nm, TRAPS);
static void method_back_branch_event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
int bci, CompLevel level, nmethod* nm, TRAPS);
static void set_increase_threshold_at_ratio() { _increase_threshold_at_ratio = 100 / (100 - (double)IncreaseFirstTierCompileThresholdAt); }
! static void set_start_time(int64_t t) { _start_time = t; }
! static int64_t start_time() { return _start_time; }
// m must be compiled before executing it
static bool must_be_compiled(const methodHandle& m, int comp_level = CompLevel_any);
! static void maybe_compile_early(const methodHandle& m, TRAPS);
+ static void maybe_compile_early_after_init(const methodHandle& m, TRAPS);
+ static void replay_training_at_init_impl(InstanceKlass* klass, TRAPS);
+ public:
static int min_invocations() { return Tier4MinInvocationThreshold; }
static int c1_count() { return _c1_count; }
static int c2_count() { return _c2_count; }
+ static int c3_count() { return _c3_count; }
+ static int sc_count() { return _sc_count; }
static int compiler_count(CompLevel comp_level);
// If m must_be_compiled then request a compilation from the CompileBroker.
// This supports the -Xcomp option.
static void compile_if_required(const methodHandle& m, TRAPS);
+ static void flush_replay_training_at_init(TRAPS);
+ static void replay_training_at_init(InstanceKlass* klass, TRAPS);
+ static void replay_training_at_init_loop(TRAPS);
// m is allowed to be compiled
static bool can_be_compiled(const methodHandle& m, int comp_level = CompLevel_any);
// m is allowed to be osr compiled
static bool can_be_osr_compiled(const methodHandle& m, int comp_level = CompLevel_any);
static bool is_compilation_enabled();
// Return initial compile level to use with Xcomp (depends on compilation mode).
static void reprofile(ScopeDesc* trap_scope, bool is_osr);
static nmethod* event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
int branch_bci, int bci, CompLevel comp_level, nmethod* nm, TRAPS);
// Select task is called by CompileBroker. We should return a task or nullptr.
! static CompileTask* select_task(CompileQueue* compile_queue);
// Tell the runtime if we think a given method is adequately profiled.
! static bool is_mature(Method* method);
// Initialize: set compiler thread count
static void initialize();
static bool should_not_inline(ciEnv* env, ciMethod* callee);
// Return desired initial compilation level for Xcomp
static CompLevel initial_compile_level(const methodHandle& method);
// Return highest level possible
static CompLevel highest_compile_level();
// Return initial compile level to use with Xcomp (depends on compilation mode).
static void reprofile(ScopeDesc* trap_scope, bool is_osr);
static nmethod* event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
int branch_bci, int bci, CompLevel comp_level, nmethod* nm, TRAPS);
// Select task is called by CompileBroker. We should return a task or nullptr.
! static CompileTask* select_task(CompileQueue* compile_queue, JavaThread* THREAD);
// Tell the runtime if we think a given method is adequately profiled.
! static bool is_mature(MethodData* mdo);
// Initialize: set compiler thread count
static void initialize();
static bool should_not_inline(ciEnv* env, ciMethod* callee);
// Return desired initial compilation level for Xcomp
static CompLevel initial_compile_level(const methodHandle& method);
// Return highest level possible
static CompLevel highest_compile_level();
+ static void dump();
+ static void sample_load_average();
+ static bool have_recompilation_work();
+ static bool recompilation_step(int step, TRAPS);
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