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*** 29,11 ***
--- 29,13 ---
  #include "compiler/abstractCompiler.hpp"
  #include "compiler/compileTask.hpp"
  #include "compiler/compilerDirectives.hpp"
  #include "compiler/compilerThread.hpp"
  #include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
+ #include "runtime/javaThread.hpp"
  #include "runtime/perfDataTypes.hpp"
+ #include "utilities/nonblockingQueue.inline.hpp"
  #include "utilities/stack.hpp"
  #include "jvmci/jvmciCompiler.hpp"

*** 80,24 ***
  // A list of CompileTasks.
  class CompileQueue : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
    const char* _name;
    CompileTask* _first;
    CompileTask* _last;
    CompileTask* _first_stale;
    volatile int _size;
    int _peak_size;
    uint _total_added;
    uint _total_removed;
    void purge_stale_tasks();
!   CompileQueue(const char* name) {
      _name = name;
      _first = nullptr;
      _last = nullptr;
      _size = 0;
      _total_added = 0;
      _total_removed = 0;
--- 82,29 ---
  // A list of CompileTasks.
  class CompileQueue : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
    const char* _name;
+   NonblockingQueue<CompileTask, &CompileTask::next_ptr> _queue;
    CompileTask* _first;
    CompileTask* _last;
    CompileTask* _first_stale;
+   Monitor* _lock;
    volatile int _size;
    int _peak_size;
    uint _total_added;
    uint _total_removed;
    void purge_stale_tasks();
!   CompileQueue(const char* name, Monitor* lock) {
      _name = name;
+     _lock = lock;
      _first = nullptr;
      _last = nullptr;
      _size = 0;
      _total_added = 0;
      _total_removed = 0;

*** 105,10 ***
--- 112,13 ---
      _first_stale = nullptr;
    const char*  name() const                      { return _name; }
+   void         add_pending(CompileTask* task);
+   void         transfer_pending();
    void         add(CompileTask* task);
    void         remove(CompileTask* task);
    void         remove_and_mark_stale(CompileTask* task);
    CompileTask* first()                           { return _first; }
    CompileTask* last()                            { return _last;  }

*** 116,10 ***
--- 126,12 ---
    CompileTask* get(CompilerThread* thread);
    bool         is_empty() const                  { return _first == nullptr; }
    int          size()     const                  { return _size;          }
+   Monitor* lock() const { return _lock; }
    int         get_peak_size()     const          { return _peak_size; }
    uint        get_total_added()   const          { return _total_added; }
    uint        get_total_removed() const          { return _total_removed; }
    // Redefine Classes support

*** 160,34 ***
    static int assign_compile_id (const methodHandle& method, int osr_bci);
    static bool _initialized;
    static volatile bool _should_block;
    // This flag can be used to stop compilation or turn it back on
    static volatile jint _should_compile_new_jobs;
    // The installed compiler(s)
!   static AbstractCompiler* _compilers[2];
    // The maximum numbers of compiler threads to be determined during startup.
!   static int _c1_count, _c2_count;
    // An array of compiler thread Java objects
!   static jobject *_compiler1_objects, *_compiler2_objects;
    // An array of compiler logs
!   static CompileLog **_compiler1_logs, **_compiler2_logs;
    // These counters are used for assigning id's to each compilation
    static volatile jint _compilation_id;
    static volatile jint _osr_compilation_id;
    static volatile jint _native_compilation_id;
    static CompileQueue* _c2_compile_queue;
    static CompileQueue* _c1_compile_queue;
    // performance counters
    static PerfCounter* _perf_total_compilation;
    static PerfCounter* _perf_osr_compilation;
    static PerfCounter* _perf_standard_compilation;
--- 172,38 ---
    static int assign_compile_id (const methodHandle& method, int osr_bci);
    static bool _initialized;
+   static bool _replay_initialized;
    static volatile bool _should_block;
    // This flag can be used to stop compilation or turn it back on
    static volatile jint _should_compile_new_jobs;
    // The installed compiler(s)
!   static AbstractCompiler* _compilers[3];
    // The maximum numbers of compiler threads to be determined during startup.
!   static int _c1_count, _c2_count, _c3_count, _sc_count;
    // An array of compiler thread Java objects
!   static jobject *_compiler1_objects, *_compiler2_objects, *_compiler3_objects, *_sc_objects;
    // An array of compiler logs
!   static CompileLog **_compiler1_logs, **_compiler2_logs, **_compiler3_logs, **_sc_logs;
    // These counters are used for assigning id's to each compilation
    static volatile jint _compilation_id;
    static volatile jint _osr_compilation_id;
    static volatile jint _native_compilation_id;
+   static CompileQueue* _c3_compile_queue;
    static CompileQueue* _c2_compile_queue;
    static CompileQueue* _c1_compile_queue;
+   static CompileQueue* _sc1_compile_queue;
+   static CompileQueue* _sc2_compile_queue;
    // performance counters
    static PerfCounter* _perf_total_compilation;
    static PerfCounter* _perf_osr_compilation;
    static PerfCounter* _perf_standard_compilation;

*** 219,10 ***
--- 235,11 ---
    static elapsedTimer _t_bailedout_compilation;
    static uint _total_compile_count;
    static uint _total_bailout_count;
    static uint _total_invalidated_count;
+   static uint _total_not_entrant_count;
    static uint _total_native_compile_count;
    static uint _total_osr_compile_count;
    static uint _total_standard_compile_count;
    static uint _total_compiler_stopped_count;
    static uint _total_compiler_restarted_count;

*** 231,31 ***
    static uint _sum_nmethod_size;
    static uint _sum_nmethod_code_size;
    static jlong _peak_compilation_time;
    static CompilerStatistics _stats_per_level[];
    static volatile int _print_compilation_warning;
    enum ThreadType {
!     deoptimizer_t
    static JavaThread* make_thread(ThreadType type, jobject thread_oop, CompileQueue* queue, AbstractCompiler* comp, JavaThread* THREAD);
    static void init_compiler_threads();
    static void possibly_add_compiler_threads(JavaThread* THREAD);
    static bool compilation_is_prohibited(const methodHandle& method, int osr_bci, int comp_level, bool excluded);
    static CompileTask* create_compile_task(CompileQueue*       queue,
                                            int                 compile_id,
                                            const methodHandle& method,
                                            int                 osr_bci,
                                            int                 comp_level,
                                            const methodHandle& hot_method,
                                            int                 hot_count,
                                            CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason,
                                            bool                blocking);
    static void wait_for_completion(CompileTask* task);
    static bool wait_for_jvmci_completion(JVMCICompiler* comp, CompileTask* task, JavaThread* thread);
--- 248,38 ---
    static uint _sum_nmethod_size;
    static uint _sum_nmethod_code_size;
    static jlong _peak_compilation_time;
    static CompilerStatistics _stats_per_level[];
+   static CompilerStatistics _scc_stats;
+   static CompilerStatistics _scc_stats_per_level[];
    static volatile int _print_compilation_warning;
    enum ThreadType {
!     deoptimizer_t,
+     training_replay_t
+   static Handle create_thread_oop(const char* name, TRAPS);
    static JavaThread* make_thread(ThreadType type, jobject thread_oop, CompileQueue* queue, AbstractCompiler* comp, JavaThread* THREAD);
    static void init_compiler_threads();
+   static void init_training_replay();
    static void possibly_add_compiler_threads(JavaThread* THREAD);
    static bool compilation_is_prohibited(const methodHandle& method, int osr_bci, int comp_level, bool excluded);
    static CompileTask* create_compile_task(CompileQueue*       queue,
                                            int                 compile_id,
                                            const methodHandle& method,
                                            int                 osr_bci,
                                            int                 comp_level,
                                            const methodHandle& hot_method,
                                            int                 hot_count,
+                                           SCCEntry*           scc_entry,
                                            CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason,
+                                           bool                requires_online_compilation,
                                            bool                blocking);
    static void wait_for_completion(CompileTask* task);
    static bool wait_for_jvmci_completion(JVMCICompiler* comp, CompileTask* task, JavaThread* thread);

*** 273,17 ***
                                    int osr_bci,
                                    int comp_level,
                                    const methodHandle& hot_method,
                                    int hot_count,
                                    CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason,
                                    bool blocking,
                                    Thread* thread);
!   static CompileQueue* compile_queue(int comp_level);
    static bool init_compiler_runtime();
    static void shutdown_compiler_runtime(AbstractCompiler* comp, CompilerThread* thread);
    enum {
      // The entry bci used for non-OSR compilations.
      standard_entry_bci = InvocationEntryBci
--- 297,22 ---
                                    int osr_bci,
                                    int comp_level,
                                    const methodHandle& hot_method,
                                    int hot_count,
                                    CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason,
+                                   bool requires_online_compilation,
                                    bool blocking,
                                    Thread* thread);
!   static CompileQueue* compile_queue(int comp_level, bool is_scc);
    static bool init_compiler_runtime();
    static void shutdown_compiler_runtime(AbstractCompiler* comp, CompilerThread* thread);
+   static SCCEntry* find_scc_entry(const methodHandle& method, int osr_bci, int comp_level,
+                                   CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason,
+                                   bool requires_online_compilation);
    enum {
      // The entry bci used for non-OSR compilations.
      standard_entry_bci = InvocationEntryBci

*** 292,24 ***
      if (is_c2_compile(comp_level)) return _compilers[1]; // C2
      if (is_c1_compile(comp_level)) return _compilers[0]; // C1
      return nullptr;
!   static bool compilation_is_complete(const methodHandle& method, int osr_bci, int comp_level);
    static bool compilation_is_in_queue(const methodHandle& method);
    static void print_compile_queues(outputStream* st);
!   static int queue_size(int comp_level) {
!     CompileQueue *q = compile_queue(comp_level);
      return q != nullptr ? q->size() : 0;
    static void compilation_init(JavaThread* THREAD);
    static void init_compiler_thread_log();
    static nmethod* compile_method(const methodHandle& method,
                                   int osr_bci,
                                   int comp_level,
                                   const methodHandle& hot_method,
                                   int hot_count,
                                   CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason,
    static CompileQueue* c1_compile_queue();
    static CompileQueue* c2_compile_queue();
--- 321,28 ---
      if (is_c2_compile(comp_level)) return _compilers[1]; // C2
      if (is_c1_compile(comp_level)) return _compilers[0]; // C1
      return nullptr;
!   static bool initialized() { return _initialized; }
+   static bool replay_initialized() { return _replay_initialized; }
+   static bool compilation_is_complete(Method* method, int osr_bci, int comp_level, bool online_only,
+                                       CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason);
    static bool compilation_is_in_queue(const methodHandle& method);
    static void print_compile_queues(outputStream* st);
!   static int queue_size(int comp_level, bool is_scc = false) {
!     CompileQueue *q = compile_queue(comp_level, is_scc);
      return q != nullptr ? q->size() : 0;
    static void compilation_init(JavaThread* THREAD);
    static void init_compiler_thread_log();
    static nmethod* compile_method(const methodHandle& method,
                                   int osr_bci,
                                   int comp_level,
                                   const methodHandle& hot_method,
                                   int hot_count,
+                                  bool requires_online_compilation,
                                   CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason,
    static CompileQueue* c1_compile_queue();
    static CompileQueue* c2_compile_queue();

*** 317,10 ***
--- 350,11 ---
    static nmethod* compile_method(const methodHandle& method,
                                     int osr_bci,
                                     int comp_level,
                                     const methodHandle& hot_method,
                                     int hot_count,
+                                    bool requires_online_compilation,
                                     CompileTask::CompileReason compile_reason,
                                     DirectiveSet* directive,

*** 401,12 ***
--- 435,25 ---
      assert(_compiler2_objects != nullptr, "must be initialized");
      assert(idx < _c2_count, "oob");
      return _compiler2_objects[idx];
+   static jobject compiler3_object(int idx) {
+     assert(_compiler3_objects != nullptr, "must be initialized");
+     assert(idx < _c3_count, "oob");
+     return _compiler3_objects[idx];
+   }
+   static jobject sc_object(int idx) {
+     assert(_sc_objects != nullptr, "must be initialized");
+     assert(idx < _sc_count, "oob");
+     return _sc_objects[idx];
+   }
    static AbstractCompiler* compiler1() { return _compilers[0]; }
    static AbstractCompiler* compiler2() { return _compilers[1]; }
+   static AbstractCompiler* compiler3() { return _compilers[2]; }
    static bool can_remove(CompilerThread *ct, bool do_it);
    static CompileLog* get_log(CompilerThread* ct);

*** 425,14 ***
--- 472,26 ---
    static int get_sum_nmethod_size() {               return _sum_nmethod_size;}
    static int get_sum_nmethod_code_size() {          return _sum_nmethod_code_size; }
    static jlong get_peak_compilation_time() {        return _peak_compilation_time; }
    static jlong get_total_compilation_time() {       return _t_total_compilation.milliseconds(); }
+   static void log_not_entrant(nmethod* nm);
    // Log that compilation profiling is skipped because metaspace is full.
    static void log_metaspace_failure();
+   static void print_statistics_on(outputStream* st);
    // CodeHeap State Analytics.
    static void print_info(outputStream *out);
    static void print_heapinfo(outputStream *out, const char* function, size_t granularity);
+ class TrainingReplayThread : public JavaThread {
+   static void training_replay_thread_entry(JavaThread* thread, TRAPS);
+ public:
+   TrainingReplayThread() : JavaThread(&training_replay_thread_entry) { }
+   bool is_hidden_from_external_view() const      { return true; }
+ };
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